Empress Xiaoyichun

Empress Xiaoyichun (23 October 1727 – 28 February 1775), of the Manchu Bordered Yellow Banner Weigiya clan, was a consort of the Qianlong Emperor. Her eldest surviving son became the Jiaqing Emperor.


Family background

Empress Xiaoyichun's personal name was not recorded in history. She was a Han Chinese Booi Aha of the Bordered Yellow Banner by birth.

Yongzheng era

Lady Wei was born on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month in the fifth year of the reign of the Yongzheng Emperor, which translates to 23 October 1727 in the Gregorian calendar.

Qianlong era

It is not known when Lady Wei entered the Forbidden City. In 1745, she was granted the title "Noble Lady". She was elevated on 9 December 1745 to "Concubine Ling", with "Ling" () meaning "clever and pleasant". On 20 May 1749 she was promoted to "Consort Ling", and although at this point she still had no children, the Qianlong Emperor adored her, describing her as gentle and beautiful. On 10 August 1756, when she was almost twenty-nine years old, she gave birth to the Emperor's seventh daughter, Princess Hejing. On 31 August 1757, she gave birth to the 14th son, Yonglu, who would die prematurely on 3 May 1760, and on 17 August 1758 to the ninth daughter, Princess Heke. On 3 February 1760, Consort Ling was elevated to "Noble Consort Ling". On 13 November 1760, she gave birth to the Emperor's 15th son, Yongyan, and on 13 January 1763 to his 16th son, who would die prematurely on 6 May 1765.

In 1765, while on a tour to Hangzhou, Empress Nara fell out of favor and was sent back to the Forbidden City to be confined. The real reason behind the Empress's downfall remains the subject of debate. Whatever happened, when they returned to the Forbidden City the Emperor stripped the Empress of her powers and on 28 July he promoted Noble Consort Ling to "Imperial Noble Consort". On 17 June 1766, she gave birth to the 17th son, Yonglin.

Empress Nara died on 19 August 1766 and the Emperor did not designate a new empress. However, the Imperial Noble Consort, who held the highest rank among all of the imperial consorts, was placed in charge of the imperial harem. She was thrifty in managing the funds and guided the Confucian rituals. She also accompanied the Qianlong Emperor on his excursions to Mount Tai, Jehol and the areas south of the Yangtze River.

In the thirty-eight year of his reign, the Emperor decided to secretly select an heir. Seven of his sons were living at the time, but he decided to choose Yongyan, who was not outstanding, but was hardworking and humble.

As time passed, the Imperial Noble Consort became increasingly ill. On 9 February 1775 her elder daughter, Princess Hejing, died and the news worsened her condition. She succumbed to her illness on 28 February 1775 at the age of 47. On 12 March 1775, she was posthumously granted the title "Imperial Noble Consort Lingyi", and on 19 November, she was interred in the Yu Mausoleum of the Eastern Qing tombs after a grand funeral far more regal than that of an Imperial Noble Consort. She was buried on the right side of the Emperor's burial place, while his first wife, Empress Xiaoxianchun, was buried on the left side. After the Yu Mausoleum grave robbery occurred in 1928, it was revealed that her remains were well-preserved during inspection.

Jiaqing era

On 9 February 1796, the Qianlong Emperor abdicated and became a retired emperor. Yongyan was enthroned as the Jiaqing Emperor. When Qianlong announced his successor he also posthumously elevated Imperial Noble Consort Lingyi to "Empress Xiaoyi". After the Qianlong Emperor died on 7 February 1799, the Jiaqing Emperor honoured his mother with the posthumous title "Empress Xiaoyichun".




In fiction and popular culture

See also


  1. ^ 乾隆十年 十一月 十七日
  2. ^ 乾隆十四年 四月 五日
  3. ^ 乾隆二十四年 十二月 十七日
  4. ^ 乾隆三十年 六月 十一日
  5. ^ 乾隆四十年 二月 十一日
