Local invariant cycle theorem

In mathematics, the local invariant cycle theorem was originally a conjecture of Griffiths [1][2] which states that, given a surjective proper map from a Kähler manifold to the unit disk that has maximal rank everywhere except over 0, each cohomology class on is the restriction of some cohomology class on the entire if the cohomology class is invariant under a circle action (monodromy action); in short,

is surjective. The conjecture was first proved by Clemens. The theorem is also a consequence of the BBD decomposition.[3]

Deligne also proved the following.[4][5] Given a proper morphism over the spectrum of the henselization of , an algebraically closed field, if is essentially smooth over and smooth over , then the homomorphism on -cohomology:

is surjective, where are the special and generic points and the homomorphism is the composition

See also


  1. ^ Clemens 1977, Introduction
  2. ^ Griffiths 1970, Conjecture 8.1.
  3. ^ Beilinson, Bernstein & Deligne 1982, Corollaire 6.2.9.
  4. ^ Deligne 1980, Théorème 3.6.1.
  5. ^ Deligne 1980, (3.6.4.)
