1976 West German federal election

Federal elections were held in West Germany on 3 October 1976 to elect the members of the 8th Bundestag. Although the CDU/CSU alliance became the largest faction in parliament, Helmut Schmidt of the Social Democratic Party remained Chancellor.


The coalition of the SPD and the FDP wanted to be re-elected, with the SPD, since 1974 led by Helmut Schmidt, the party's candidate for Chancellor. The CDU and the CSU tried to achieve an absolute majority of the votes to make CDU chairman Helmut Kohl Chancellor.

Opinion polls


Results by state

Constituency seats

List seats


The coalition between the SPD and the FDP remained in government, with Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor. Between the "sister parties" of CDU and Bavarian CSU there emerged a critical conflict, as the CSU leader Franz Josef Strauß wanted to break both the united Bundestag group of the parties and the agreement not to compete against each other in any Land. Later, this attack was withdrawn, while Strauß became candidate for chancellor for the 1980 elections.


  1. ^ As well as the 22 non-voting delegates representing West Berlin, elected by the West Berlin Legislature.
  2. ^ As well as 11 non-voting delegates for West Berlin.
  3. ^ As well as 10 non-voting delegates for West Berlin.
  4. ^ As well as 1 non-voting delegate for West Berlin.


External links