Council of Ministers (Belgium)

The Council of Ministers (French: Conseil des ministres; Dutch: Ministerraad) is the supreme executive organ of the Federal Government of the Kingdom of Belgium. It is a cabinet composed of the Prime Minister, who leads it, and up to fourteen senior ministers.[1] Federal secretaries of state (junior ministers) are members of the government, but not part of the Council.[2] The King of the Belgians historically presided over the Council, but this has not happened since 1957.[3] The Council of Ministers formally became a permanent policy structure with the constitutional revision of 1970.[4]

List Council of Belgium

The De Croo Government is the incumbent Federal Government of Belgium, to be led by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo from 1 October 2020.[5]

Changes in composition


  1. ^ Article 99 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Belgium
  2. ^ Article 104 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Belgium
  3. ^ "Ministerraad" (in Dutch). FOD Kanselarij van de Eerste Minister. Retrieved 23 December 2018.
  4. ^ Guy Coppieters (2008). "Voorbereidend studiedossier van de archiefselectielijst" (PDF) (in Dutch). Archief van de FOD Kanselarij van de Eerste Minister. p. 143. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 June 2021. Retrieved 23 December 2018.
  5. ^ "7 partijen hebben een inhoudelijk akkoord om samen te regeren: dit weten we daar al over". VRT (in Dutch). 2020-09-30. Retrieved 3 October 2020.
  6. ^ (21 April 2022). "Sophie Wilmès (MR) stopt voorlopig als minister door ziekte man, premier De Croo neemt Buitenlandse Zaken over" [Sophie Wilmès (MR) temporarily quits as Minister due to husband's illness, Prime Minister De Croo takes over Foreign Affairs].
  7. ^ "Sophie Wilmès (MR) stopt definitief als minister van Buitenlandse Zaken door ziekte echtgenoot". VRT (in Dutch). 2022-07-14.
  8. ^ (27 June 2022). "CD&V verrast met nieuwe staatssecretaris voor Asiel en Migratie: wie is Nicole de Moor?" [CD&V surprises with choice for new Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration: who is Nicole de Moor?].
  9. ^ (18 November 2022). "Staatssecretaris Eva De Bleeker (Open VLD) neemt ontslag na nieuwe fouten in begroting, opvolger Alexia Bertrand stapt over van MR naar Open VLD" [Secretary of State Eva De Bleeker (Open VLD) resigns after new errors in budget, successor Alexia Bertrand comes over from MR to Open VLD].
  10. ^ (17 December 2022). "Caroline Gennez (Vooruit) vervangt Meryame Kitir als minister van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking" [Caroline Gennez (Vooruit) replaces Meryame Kitir as minister of Development Cooperation].
  11. ^ (26 April 2023). ""The situation is untenable": State Secretary Sarah Schlitz (Ecolo) resigns after fuss over use of personal logo" ["De situatie is onhoudbaar": Staatssecretaris Sarah Schlitz (Ecolo) neemt ontslag na heisa over gebruik persoonlijk logo] (in Dutch).
  12. ^ (2 May 2023). "Marie-Colline Leroy (Ecolo) legt eed af als staatssecretaris voor Gelijke Kansen" [Marie-Colline Leroy (Ecolo) sworn in as State Secretary of Equal Opportunities] (in Dutch).
  13. ^ (20 October 2023). "Minister van Justitie Vincent Van Quickenborne neemt ontslag in nasleep van aanslag in Brussel" [Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne resigns in aftermath of attack in Brussels] (in Dutch).
  14. ^ (22 October 2023). "Voormalig OCAD-topman Paul Van Tigchelt wordt de nieuwe minister van Justitie" [Former Threat Analysis Coordinating Body-head Paul Van Tigchelt becomes new Minister of Justice] (in Dutch).
  15. ^ (22 October 2023). "Oud-partijvoorzitter Gwendolyn Rutten (Open VLD) stopt met nationale politiek: "Respectloze behandeling door partijtop"" [Former party president Gwendolyn Rutten (Open VLD) stops with national politics: "Respectless treatment by head of party"] (in Dutch).