Estrogen conjugate

Estrone sulfate, the 3-sulfate conjugate of estrone.
Estriol glucuronide, the 16α-glucuronide conjugate of estriol.

An estrogen conjugate is a conjugate of an endogenous estrogen. They occur naturally in the body as metabolites of estrogens and can be reconverted back into estrogens. They serve as a circulating reservoir for estrogen, particularly in the case of orally administered pharmaceutical estradiol. Estrogen conjugates include sulfate and/or glucuronide conjugates of estradiol, estrone, and estriol:

Estrogen conjugates are conjugated at the C3, C16α, and/or C17β positions, where hydroxyl groups are available.[1]

Estrogen conjugates have been used as pharmaceutical estrogens, as in estrone sulfate as estropipate (piperazine estrone sulfate) and in conjugated estrogens (Premarin) and conjugated estriol (Progynon, Emmenin).

See also


  1. ^ Bhavnani, BR (January 1998). "Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of conjugated equine estrogens: chemistry and metabolism". Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 217 (1): 6–16. doi:10.3181/00379727-217-44199. PMID 9421201. S2CID 45177839.