
I'm here basically to add information to musicians' websites and make some of the pages on gear and sound recording at least minimally intelligible to civilians. Cheers.

Encyclopedia vs textbook

Ok, so encyclopedia vs textbook. Hard concept, right? One is a collection of concise, introductory articles on noteworthy subjects. The other is 4000 word chapters on the acoustics of rotary speakers and lots of funky-looking equations. Folks, if you want to write the latter, swell. But please do it here:

Some of us are just looking for some quick answers! I don't want anyone to have to take a course in audio engineering just to get the gist of the article on EQ.

Some things about me


Pages I've got my eye on

Pages I've contributed to

Here are some pages I've either created or contributed to significantly:

And in case you were wondering

The greatest living rock and roll drummer is:

The greatest living rock and roll bassist is:

But the guitarist I like most, just because, is: