Canadian honorifics

Honorifics in Canada are accorded to various office holders in government—in the federal, provincial, and municipal jurisdictions—as well as judges, members of the armed forces, and religious figures. Two styles—the Right Honourable and Honourable—are considered formal, while others, such as Your Excellency, are regarded as honorific and complimentary to the formal styles.[1] Honours stem from the Canadian Crown.

Royal and governmental honorifics


Military honorifics

Officers and non-commission members within the Canadian Armed Forces use ranks in accordance with the ranks and insignia of the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army, or the Royal Canadian Air Force, depending on which element they are a part of.[5][6] Although all of the rank structures of the separate services were abolished with the unification of all three into one Canadian Forces in 1964, distinctive uniforms, insignia, and rank names have been gradually restored since then. Former members who were honourably released after serving a minimum of 10 years may continue to use the rank title held at the time of release with the word "(Retired)" or abbreviation "(Ret'd)".[7] Similarly, members of the Supplementary Reserve sub-component of the Reserve Force may use their rank in the same manner as former members, unless on duty or engaged in military activities.[8]

Religious honorifics

Religions are free to use their own titles and honorifics, provided they do not contradict those used elsewhere in Canada. This is seen in the use of the style His Excellency by Roman Catholic archbishops and bishops, which is not recognized by Canadian civil authorities.[9]

See also


  1. ^ Government of Canada (16 October 2017), Styles of address, King's Printer for Canada, retrieved 20 August 2023
  2. ^ Heritage, Canadian (2017-10-16). "Table of titles to be used in Canada". aem. Retrieved 2020-10-25.
  3. ^ Heritage, Canadian (2017-10-16). "Styles of address". aem. Retrieved 2020-10-25.
  4. ^ a b c d e "Titles", The Canadian Encyclopedia, Historica Canada, retrieved 20 August 2023
  5. ^ Defence, National (2014-08-08). "QR&O: Volume I - Chapter 3 Rank, Seniority, Command and Precedence". aem. Retrieved 2020-10-25.
  6. ^ Heritage, Canadian (2017-10-16). "Styles of address". aem. Retrieved 2020-10-25.
  7. ^ Defence, National (2014-08-08). "QR&O: Volume I - Chapter 15 Release". aem. Retrieved 2020-10-25.
  8. ^ Defence, National (2014-08-08). "QR&O: Volume I - Chapter 15 Release". aem. Retrieved 2020-10-25.
  9. ^ "Styles of address » Religious dignitaries". Government of Canada. 16 October 2017. Retrieved 2021-02-23.

External links