Countably compact space

In mathematics a topological space is called countably compact if every countable open cover has a finite subcover.

Equivalent definitions

A topological space X is called countably compact if it satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:[1][2]

(1) Every countable open cover of X has a finite subcover.
(2) Every infinite set A in X has an ω-accumulation point in X.
(3) Every sequence in X has an accumulation point in X.
(4) Every countable family of closed subsets of X with an empty intersection has a finite subfamily with an empty intersection.



See also


  1. ^ Steen & Seebach, p. 19
  2. ^ "General topology - Does sequential compactness imply countable compactness?".
  3. ^ Steen & Seebach 1995, example 42, p. 68.
  4. ^ Steen & Seebach, p. 20
  5. ^ Steen & Seebach, Example 105, p, 125
  6. ^ Willard, problem 17G, p. 125
  7. ^ Kremsater, Terry Philip (1972), Sequential space methods (Thesis), University of British Columbia, doi:10.14288/1.0080490, Theorem 1.20
  8. ^ Willard, problem 17F, p. 125
  9. ^ Willard, problem 17F, p. 125
  10. ^ Engelking 1989, Theorem 3.10.3(ii).
  11. ^ a b "Countably compact paracompact space is compact".
  12. ^ Engelking 1989, Theorem 5.1.20.
  13. ^ Engelking 1989, Theorem 5.3.2.
  14. ^ Steen & Seebach, Figure 7, p. 25
  15. ^ "Prove that a countably compact, first countable T2 space is regular".
  16. ^ Willard, problem 17F, p. 125
  17. ^ "Is the Product of a Compact Space and a Countably Compact Space Countably Compact?".
  18. ^ Engelking, example 3.10.19
