Francesca Vendrell i Gallostra

Francesca Vendrell i Gallostra (1902, in Barcelona – 1994, in Barcelona) was a Medieval historian and Professor of Latin, Spanish and Literature.[1]

She studied humanities in Barcelona and got her degree in 1921. She completed her PhD in 1931 with the thesis La corte literaria de Alfonso V de Aragón y tres poetas de la misma (1933). In 1984 she became a member of the Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona, where she read her acceptance speech Margarida de Prades en el regnat de Ferran d'Antequera.[2]

She started her career in 1922 as a volunteer assistant in the Balmes High School (Barcelona), and she became a permanent teacher in 1928. She worked for three months in Manresa in the academic year 1934–1935. She married the Jewish historian Josep Maria Millàs i Vallicrosa [Wikidata] in 1935 and took leave until January 1938, when she started to work in a high school in Vilafranca del Penedès. She went back to work in the Balmes High School after the Civil War, and she published several academic papers on Medieval history.[3]


Vendrell published her studies in several scientific journals such as Sefarad. Her research focused mainly on the reign of Ferdinand I and the role of Jews and converts in the Crown of Aragon during the 15th cent.


  1. ^ 1898, entre la crisi d'identitat i la modernització : actes del congrés internacional, celebrat a Barcelona, 20–24 d'abril de 1998 (1st ed.). Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat. 2000. ISBN 9788484152064. OCLC 47295962.
  2. ^ "Francesca Vendrell i Gallostra". L'Enciclopè Barcelona: Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana. [Consulta: 25 octubre 2015].
  3. ^ "Els mestres de la República a Manresa. Trajectòries, pedagogies i depuracions. Vendrell i Galostra, Francesca". Memò [Consulta: 25 octubre 2015].

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