Kretshnif (Hasidic dynasty)

Kretshnif (Yiddish: קרעטשניף; also transliterated Kretshniv, Kretchinev, Kretchniv, or Kretshniff) is a dynasty in Hasidic Judaism that comes from the Nadvorna dynasty, named for Crăciunești in present-day Romania. The founding rebbe (hereditary rabbinical dynastic leader) was Meir Rosenbaum, a son of Mordechai, rebbe of Nadvorna.[1] His sons and successors included Eliezer Zev in Kretshnif and Sighit, and Issamar of Nadvorna (d. 1973) in Chernowitz. The descendant rabbis of this dynasty are mainly in Israel, New York City, England, and Canada.



  1. ^ "Me’ir of Premishlan (Peremysh’lany; 1780–1850), known as a miracle worker whose court attracted admirers seeking his blessing for welfare and livelihood. His descendants headed the dynasties of Nadvorne and Kretshniv (Rom., Crăciuneşti)."
  2. ^ Tannenbaum, Rabbi Gershon (Mar 23, 2011). "Tosher Chassunah". The Jewish Press. Archived from the original on September 15, 2011. Retrieved July 18, 2011.

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