Presiding Bishop (LDS Church)

The Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) is a priesthood calling with church-wide authority. The Presiding Bishop is the highest leadership position within the church's Aaronic priesthood, although most of the work in this area is delegated to the church's Young Men general presidency.


The primary duties[1] of the Presiding Bishopric are to oversee the temporal affairs (buildings, properties, commercial corporations, etc.) of the church and to oversee the bishoprics of congregations throughout the world. Along with the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the Presiding Bishopric is a part of the Council on the Disposition of the Tithes, a group that oversees and authorizes the expenditure of all tithing funds. The Presiding Bishopric is also responsible for overseeing the church's Aaronic priesthood, although most of the work in this area is delegated to the Young Men general presidency.

The Presiding Bishopric holds the power to join with twelve high priests of the church in convening the Common Council of the Church, the only body of the church which may discipline or remove the President of the Church or one of his counselors in the First Presidency. However, the Common Council has only been convened twice in the history of the LDS Church, and only once has it disciplined a First Presidency member, when Sidney Rigdon was excommunicated in absentia, in 1844.


Possible other Presiding Bishop

According to Orson Pratt and John Taylor, Vinson Knight was made the Presiding Bishop, with Samuel H. Smith and Shadrach Roundy as assistants,[2] on January 19, 1841.[3] However, the LDS Church does not include Vinson Knight in its list of presiding bishops but considers Knight the "third general bishop of the Church."[2]

Chronology of the Presiding Bishopric


  1. ^ McMullin, Keith B. "The Presiding Bishopric". The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ensign, July 2005. Retrieved 27 March 2013.
  2. ^ a b Quinn, D. Michael (December 1973), "After Edward Partridge was called to be a bishop there were others who were called to be bishops. Did the Lord call Bishop Partridge to be a presiding bishop?", I Have a Question, Ensign, p. 32
  3. ^ LDS Church, Doctrine and Covenants 124:141, Doctrine and Covenants.
  4. ^ Van Orden, Bruce A. (2003). "Newel K. Whitney". In Winder, Michael K. (ed.). Presiding bishops. Salt Lake City, Utah: Eborn Books. ISBN 1890718106.
  5. ^ George Miller was dropped as "Second Bishop of the Church" prior to 1847 due to apostasy .
  6. ^ Though the new Presiding Bishopric was announced after the October 2015 General Conference (see Mormon Newsroom article "Presiding Bishopric Announced," 9 Oct 2015), it was not specifically ratified by a sustaining vote of the church in the April 2016 conference. The general sustaining of the "other General Authorities, Area Seventies, and general auxiliary presidencies as presently constituted" would have included the Presiding Bishopric (see Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Sustaining of Church Officers," April 2016 General Conference).