Stair-single (hieroglyph)

Relief with offerings to Sobek, showing Stair-Double; (See in Budge, Rdu, the Stairs of Sobek).[1] (The offering relief is by Scribe Aa-mer-R-u(coil)-t, (Aa-mer-r-u-t); a meteor (hieroglyph) unlisted replaces the incense-pot.)
The ancient Egyptian Single-Stair hieroglyph, Gardiner sign listed no. O40 is a single staircase in the Gardiner subset for "buildings, parts of buildings, etc." A second full double-staircase is no. O41,[2]

In the Egyptian language, the single stair hieroglyph is used as a determinative.

See also


  1. ^ Budge, 1978, (1920). An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, p.436B.
  2. ^ Betrò, 1995. Hieroglyphics: The Writings of Ancient Egypt, Double stair, p. 186.