Commutative ring spectrum

In algebraic topology, a commutative ring spectrum, roughly equivalent to a -ring spectrum, is a commutative monoid in a good[1] category of spectra.

The category of commutative ring spectra over the field of rational numbers is Quillen equivalent to the category of differential graded algebras over .

Example: The Witten genus may be realized as a morphism of commutative ring spectra MString →tmf.

See also: simplicial commutative ring, highly structured ring spectrum and derived scheme.


Almost all reasonable categories of commutative ring spectra can be shown to be Quillen equivalent to each other.[citation needed] Thus, from the point view of the stable homotopy theory, the term "commutative ring spectrum" may be used as a synonymous to an -ring spectrum.


  1. ^ symmetric monoidal with respect to smash product and perhaps some other conditions; one choice is the category of symmetric spectra
