1st Canadian Parliament

The 1st Canadian Parliament was in session from November 6, 1867, until July 8, 1872. The membership was set by the 1867 federal election from August 7 to September 20, 1867. It was prorogued prior to the 1872 election.

It was controlled by a majority coalition between the Conservative Party and the Liberal-Conservative Party under Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald and the 1st Canadian Ministry. The Official Opposition was the Liberal Party, led by Edward Blake from 1869 to 1871, followed by a vacancy in the Liberal leadership.

The Speaker was James Cockburn. See also List of Canadian electoral districts (1867–1871) for a list of the ridings in this parliament.

Members of Parliament

Following is a full list of members of the first parliament by province. Cabinet members are bolded.

Electoral districts denoted by an asterisk (*) indicates that district was represented by two members.

Nova Scotia


1 – The Anti-Confederate Party dissolved after failing to secure Nova Scotia's secession from Confederation. In 1869 its members joined other parties, or in one case sat as an independent.

New Brunswick


Four Quebec members recontested their seats in byelections, and were re-elected:

2John Rose was reelected in Huntingdon on November 28, 1867, after being named Minister of Finance.

3Barthélemy Pouliot was unseated on petition, but was reelected in L'Islet on July 14, 1869.

4Christopher Dunkin was reelected in Brome on November 29, 1869, after being named Minister of Agriculture.

5John Henry Pope was reelected in Compton on November 11, 1871, after being named Minister of Agriculture following Dunkin's resignation from Parliament.



6 – One Ontario MP, Alexander Morris, recontested his seat in a byelection. He was reelected in Lanark South on November 29, 1869, after being appointed Minister of Inland Revenue.


Manitoba joined Confederation in 1870. Byelections to choose Manitoba's representatives were held on March 2 and March 3, 1871.

British Columbia

British Columbia joined Confederation in 1871. Byelections to choose the province's representatives were held in November and December of that year.

Pre-Confederation predecessors


Throne Speeches

1st Session

On Thursday November 7, 1867. The 1st session of the 1st parliament of the Dominion of Canada opened with a speech from the throne by the governor general, Charles Stanley Monck (The Viscount Monck).

In the speech, the governor general remarks the creation of the Dominion of Canada itself and the future expansion of the country from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. Some notable objectives for this first government would be to determine "Currency, Customs, Excise, and Revenue generally,-for the adoption of a uniform Postal System,-for the proper management and maintenance of the Public Works and Properties of the Dominion,-for the adoption of a well considered scheme of Militia Organization and Defence, for the proper administration of Indian affairs,-for the introduction of uniform Laws respecting Patents of Invention and Discovery,-the naturalization of Aliens,-and :the assimilation of the Criminal Law, and the Laws relating to Bankruptcy and Insolvency." He also notes the imperative immediate construction of the intercolonial railway. As well as the protection and development of Fisheries and Marine Interests. Finally, he speaks on the necessity to establish uniform laws regarding elections.[1]

2nd Session

On Thursday April 15, 1869. The 2nd session of the 1st parliament of the Dominion of Canada opened with a speech from the throne by the governor general, John Young (The Lord Lisgar).

In the speech, the governor general speaks on confederation and the initiatives to bring parts of the Hudson Bay Company (The Northwest Territory) and Newfoundland into the union. He also speaks on the assimilation of provincial criminal laws into federal criminal laws. He also touches on future bills focusing on Elections, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, and Patents of invention and discovery.[2]

3rd Session

On Tuesday February 15, 1870. The 3rd session of the 1st parliament of the Dominion of Canada opened with a speech from the throne by the governor general, John Young (The Lord Lisgar).

In the speech, he remarks the growing economy of the Dominion - specifically noting the fisheries. He also speaks on the difficulties faced in acquiring the Northwest Territory and the desire to go through with the assimilation. He continues in speaking on making the election process uniform among the country. He also notes the necessity to create a Court of Appeal as well as the need to prepare for the upcoming 1871 census.[3]

4th Session

On Wednesday February 15, 1871. The 4th session of the 1st parliament of the Dominion of Canada opened with a speech from the throne by the governor general, John Young (The Lord Lisgar).

In the speech, he highlights the menace of invasion from the United States. He also celebrates the creation of the province of Manitoba and looks forward to the same from British Columbia. On that topic, he speaks on the importance of the interoceanic railway to be created. He encourages more immigration to these new territories. He recommends the swift standardization of currency to not fall into the divisiveness seen in Europe. He says the census will occur on April 3, 1971. He briefly touches on some future bills pertaining to Parliamentary Elections, Weights and Measures, Insurance Companies, Savings Banks, and for the Consolidation and amendment of the Inspection Laws.[4]

5th Session

On Thursday April 11, 1872. The 5th session of the 1st parliament of the Dominion of Canada opened with a speech from the throne by the governor general, John Young (The Lord Lisgar).

In the speech, he highlights the threat of invasion of Manitoba from the United States. He remarks on a conference held in Ottawa in September 1871 on the subject of immigration. He recognizes the adoption of British Columbia into the union and the continuation of the railway project. He encourages the development of canals and a direct water communication between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Bay of Fundy. He notes that the census has taken place. He briefly mentions future bills pertaining to Judges of Superior Courts-to the regulation and management of the Public Lands and Mines of the Dominion in Manitoba and the North West Territories, aid for the amendment of the laws relating to the Public Health.[5]


  1. ^ "Documents. Throne Speech" (PDF). Retrieved 31 May 2023.
  2. ^ "Documents. Throne Speech" (PDF). Retrieved 31 May 2023.
  3. ^ "Documents. Throne Speech" (PDF). Retrieved 31 May 2023.
  4. ^ "Documents. Throne Speech" (PDF). Retrieved 31 May 2023.
  5. ^ "Documents. Throne Speech" (PDF). Retrieved 31 May 2023.

Works cited

External links