Five Points of Calvinism

The Five Points of Calvinism, occasionally known by the mnemonic TULIP, constitute a summary of Reformed soteriology. Named after John Calvin, they largely reflect the teaching of the Canons of Dort. The Five Points of Calvinism assert that God saves every person upon whom he has mercy, and that his efforts are not frustrated by the unrighteousness or inability of humans. They have been summarized under the acrostic TULIP: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints.[1]

The five points are popularly said to summarize the Canons of Dort; however, there is no historical relationship between them, and some scholars argue that their language distorts the meaning of the Canons, Calvin's theology, and the theology of 17th-century Calvinistic orthodoxy, particularly in the language of total depravity and limited atonement.[2] The five points were more recently popularized in the 1963 booklet The Five Points of Calvinism Defined, Defended, Documented by David N. Steele and Curtis C. Thomas. The origins of the five points and the acrostic are uncertain, but they appear to be outlined in the Counter Remonstrance of 1611, a lesser-known Reformed reply to the Arminians, which was written prior to the Canons of Dort.[3] The acrostic was used by Cleland Boyd McAfee as early as circa 1905.[4] An early printed appearance of the acrostic can be found in Loraine Boettner's 1932 book, The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination.[5]

English Reformed Baptist Theologian John Gill (1697-1771) staunchly defended the Five Points in his work The cause of God and truth.[17] The work was a lengthy counter to contemporary Anglican Arminian Priest Daniel Whitby whom had been attacking Calvinist doctrine. Gill goes to great lengths in quoting numerous Church Fathers in an attempt to show that the Five Points and other Calvinistic ideas were held in early Christianity.[18]


  1. ^ Sproul, R. C. (2016). What Is Reformed Theology?: Understanding the Basics. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books. p. 32. ISBN 978-0-8010-1846-6.
  2. ^ Muller, Richard A. (2012). Calvin and the Reformed Tradition (Ebook ed.). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic. pp. 50–51.
  3. ^ Document translated in De Jong, Peter Y. (1968). Crisis In The Reformed Churches: Essays in Commemoration of the Synod of Dort (1618–1619). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Reformed Fellowship, Incorporated. pp. 52–58.
  4. ^ Wail, William H. (1913). The Five Points of Calvinism Historically Considered, The New Outlook. p. 104.
  5. ^ Boettner, Loraine. "The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 May 2014. Retrieved 5 December 2013. The Five Points may be more easily remembered if they are associated with the word T-U-L-I-P; T, Total Inability; U, Unconditional Election; L, Limited Atonement; I, Irresistible (Efficacious) Grace; and P, Perseverance of the Saints.
  6. ^ Sproul, R. C. (March 25, 2017). "TULIP and Reformed Theology: Total Depravity". Ligonier Ministries. Archived from the original on August 5, 2021. Retrieved August 5, 2021. I like to replace the term total depravity with my favorite designation, which is radical corruption. Ironically, the word radical has its roots in the Latin word for "root," which is radix, and it can be translated root or core.
  7. ^ Steele, David; Thomas, Curtis (1963). The Five Points of Calvinism Defined, Defended, Documented. P&R. p. 25. ISBN 978-0-87552-444-3. The adjective 'total' does not mean that each sinner is as totally or completely corrupt in his actions and thoughts as it is possible for him to be. Instead, the word 'total' is used to indicate that the "whole" of man's being has been affected by sin.
  8. ^ Livingstone, Elizabeth A. (2005). "Original sin". The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church (3rd ed.). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-280290-3.
  9. ^ Muller, Richard A. (2012). "Was Calvin a Calvinist?". Calvin and the Reformed Tradition (Ebook ed.). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic. p. 51. ISBN 978-1-4412-4254-9.
  10. ^ Sproul, R. C. (April 1, 2017). "TULIP and Reformed Theology: Unconditional Election". Ligonier Ministries. Archived from the original on August 5, 2021. Retrieved August 5, 2021. Unconditional election is another term that I think can be a bit misleading, so I prefer to use the term sovereign election.
  11. ^ Westminster Confession of Faith . 1646 – via Wikisource.
  12. ^ Sproul, R. C. (April 8, 2017). "TULIP and Reformed Theology: Limited Atonement". Ligonier Ministries. Archived from the original on August 5, 2021. Retrieved August 5, 2021. I prefer not to use the term limited atonement because it is misleading. I rather speak of definite redemption or definite atonement, which communicates that God the Father designed the work of redemption specifically with a view to providing salvation for the elect, and that Christ died for His sheep and laid down His life for those the Father had given to Him.
  13. ^ "The Five Points of Calvinism, TULIP". Archived from the original on 3 March 2020. Retrieved 5 December 2013.
  14. ^ Sproul, R. C. (April 15, 2017). "TULIP and Reformed Theology: Irresistible Grace". Ligonier Ministries. Archived from the original on August 5, 2021. Retrieved August 5, 2021. I have a little bit of a problem using the term irresistible grace, not because I don't believe this classical doctrine, but because it is misleading to many people. Therefore, I prefer the term effectual grace, because the irresistible grace of God effects what God intends it to effect.
  15. ^ Sproul, R. C. (April 22, 2017). "TULIP and Reformed Theology: Perseverance of the Saints". Ligonier Ministries. Archived from the original on August 5, 2021. Retrieved August 5, 2021. I think this little catchphrase, perseverance of the saints, is dangerously misleading. It suggests that the perseverance is something that we do, perhaps in and of ourselves. ... So I prefer the term the preservation of the saints, because the process by which we are kept in a state of grace is something that is accomplished by God.
  16. ^ Boettner, Loraine. "The Perseverance of the Saints". The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination.
  17. ^ " - The cause of God and truth. In four parts. By John Gill, D.D. 1772".
  18. ^ Gill, John. The cause of God and truth. In four parts. 1772. Pages 453-645.