Hyperperfect number

In number theory, a k-hyperperfect number is a natural number n for which the equality holds, where σ(n) is the divisor function (i.e., the sum of all positive divisors of n). A hyperperfect number is a k-hyperperfect number for some integer k. Hyperperfect numbers generalize perfect numbers, which are 1-hyperperfect.[1]

The first few numbers in the sequence of k-hyperperfect numbers are 6, 21, 28, 301, 325, 496, 697, ... (sequence A034897 in the OEIS), with the corresponding values of k being 1, 2, 1, 6, 3, 1, 12, ... (sequence A034898 in the OEIS). The first few k-hyperperfect numbers that are not perfect are 21, 301, 325, 697, 1333, ... (sequence A007592 in the OEIS).

List of hyperperfect numbers

The following table lists the first few k-hyperperfect numbers for some values of k, together with the sequence number in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) of the sequence of k-hyperperfect numbers:

It can be shown that if k > 1 is an odd integer and and are prime numbers, then is k-hyperperfect; Judson S. McCranie has conjectured in 2000 that all k-hyperperfect numbers for odd k > 1 are of this form, but the hypothesis has not been proven so far. Furthermore, it can be proven that if pq are odd primes and k is an integer such that then pq is k-hyperperfect.

It is also possible to show that if k > 0 and is prime, then for all i > 1 such that is prime, is k-hyperperfect. The following table lists known values of k and corresponding values of i for which n is k-hyperperfect:

There are some even numbers which are hyperperfect for odd factors i.e., k * (sum of odd factors except 1 and itself) + 1 = number. e.g., the first 5 ones include 1300, 271872, 304640, 953344 and 1027584 for k = 3, 349, 353, 837 and 353. All odd hyperperfect numbers are odd factor hyperperfect numbers as they only have odd factors and have no even factors.

1300 has factors = 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 13, 20, 25, 26, 50, 52, 65, 100, 130, 260, 325, 650, 1300

It has odd factors except 1 and itself = 5, 13, 25, 65, 325

Sum of odd factors except 1 and itself = 5 + 13 + 25 + 65 + 325 = 433

1300 - 1 = 1299 and 1299/433 = 3, an integer [citation needed] [clarification needed]


The newly introduced mathematical concept of hyperdeficiency is related to the hyperperfect numbers.

Definition (Minoli 2010): For any integer n and for integer k > 0, define the k-hyperdeficiency (or simply the hyperdeficiency) for the number n as

A number n is said to be k-hyperdeficient if

Note that for k = 1 one gets which is the standard traditional definition of deficiency.

Lemma: A number n is k-hyperperfect (including k = 1) if and only if the k-hyperdeficiency of n,

Lemma: A number n is k-hyperperfect (including k = 1) if and only if for some k, for at least one j > 0.


  1. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Hyperperfect Number". Retrieved 2020-08-10.

Further reading



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