Wikipedia:Read before commenting

Discussions on Wikipedia are a collaborative process, and it works better when editors build off of each other's ideas rather than just jumping in with their initial thoughts. When joining a discussion, it is always best practice to read through the prior comments and familiarize yourself with the context before contributing your own thoughts.

Why you should read first

If one gives answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.

Proverbs 18:13

If you don't feel like reading a long discussion, that's alright. But in that case, it's often better not to comment at all than to comment while uninformed. Trust that those who do decide to engage will work things out for the best, and feel good knowing that you've done your small part to help keep the discussion from becoming even more unwieldy.



This essay should not be interpreted to mean that an editor who bludgeons a conversation with long rambling comments can force you to read them before you're able to participate. Everyone should aspire to write concisely, and those who fail to do so forfeit the right to others' attention.

As a matter of practicality, there are also some discussions that are just too long to read through. For these, skimming can still help, and acknowledging that you haven't fully caught yourself up can help others help you if there's anything you missed. If you do go the extra mile and read the whole thing, consider measures that could help others joining after you, such as putting together a summary, closing resolved portions, or collapsing off-topic tangents. And feel extra-good about yourself.


Please be careful about linking to this essay in discussions. Don't assume that an editor has not read your comments just because they do not agree with them. They might just be stubborn, or (gasp) you might not be as persuasive as you think.

See also