
Thrombolysis, also called fibrinolytic therapy, is the breakdown (lysis) of blood clots formed in blood vessels, using medication. It is used in ST elevation myocardial infarction, stroke, and in cases of severe venous thromboembolism (massive pulmonary embolism or extensive deep vein thrombosis).[citation needed]

The main complication is bleeding (which can be dangerous), and in some situations thrombolysis may therefore be unsuitable. Thrombolysis can also play an important part in reperfusion therapy that deals specifically with blocked arteries.

Medical uses

Diseases where thrombolysis is used:

Thrombolysis is usually intravenous. It may also be used directly into the affected blood vessel during an angiogram (intra-arterial thrombolysis), e.g. when patients present with stroke beyond three hours or in severe deep vein thrombosis (catheter-directed thrombolysis).[9]

Thrombolysis is performed by many types of medical specialists, including interventional radiologists, vascular surgeons, cardiologists, interventional neuroradiologists, and neurosurgeons. In some countries such as the United States of America, emergency medical technicians may administer thrombolytics for heart attacks in prehospital settings, by on-line medical direction. In countries with more extensive and independent qualifications, prehospital thrombolysis (fibrinolysis) may be initiated by the emergency care practitioner (ECP). Other countries which employ ECP's include, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand. Prehospital thrombolysis is always the result of a risk-benefit calculation of the heart attack, thrombolysis risks, and primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) availability.[citation needed]


Thrombolysis is not without risks. Therefore, clinicians must select patients who are to be best suited for the procedure, and those who have the least risk of having a fatal complication. An absolute contraindication is in itself enough to avoid thrombolysis, while a relative contraindication needs to be considered in relation to the overall clinical situation.[citation needed]

Myocardial infarction

Absolute contraindications:[10]

Relative contraindications:[10]


Absolute contraindications:[11][12]

Relative contraindications:[13]


Hemorrhagic stroke is a rare but serious complication of thrombolytic therapy. If a patient has had thrombolysis before, an allergy against the thrombolytic drug may have developed (especially after streptokinase). If the symptoms are mild, the infusion is stopped and the patient is commenced on an antihistamine before infusion is recommenced. Anaphylaxis generally requires immediate cessation of thrombolysis.[citation needed]


Thrombolysis therapy uses thrombolytic drugs that dissolve blood clots. Most of these drugs target fibrin (one of the main constituent of blood clots) and are therefore called fibrinolytics. All currently approved thrombolytic drugs are biologics, either derived from Streptococcus species, or, more recently, using recombinant biotechnology whereby tPA is manufactured using cell culture, resulting in a recombinant tissue plasminogen activator or rtPA.[citation needed]

Some fibrinolytics are:

Catheter-directed thrombolysis

A 2023 meta-analysis of 44 studies[17] compared treatments for pulmonary embolism including thrombolytic therapy delivered through a catheter. Catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) methods included fragmentation and ultrasound use. CDT was associated with better outcomes than anticoagulation alone or systemic thrombolysis, but the studies were mostly small and observational.

In people who receive CDT, there is a risk of hemorrhage as a side effect. Scientists have studied whether measuring fibrinogen in blood can be used as a biomarker to predict hemorrhage. As of 2017 it was not known if this works or not.[18]


Researchers showed a 10-fold variation in the proportion of patients who received thrombolysis after stroke in England and Wales, ranging from 1 in 50 (2%) to 1 in 4 (24%). The team also showed that most of the variation was explained by hospital processes (such as how quickly people can have a brain scan) and in doctors’ decision-making (who they think should or should not receive thrombolysis) rather than knowledge of the time of stroke.[19][20]

Prospective, randomized clinical trials to evaluate the utility of catheter-directed thrombolysis in pulmonary embolism include HI-PEITHO (Higher-Risk Pulmonary Embolism Thrombolysis).[21]

See also


  1. ^ "Indications for fibrinolytic therapy in suspected acute myocardial infarction: collaborative overview of early mortality and major morbidity results from all randomised trials of more than 1000 patients. Fibrinolytic Therapy Trialists' (FTT) Collaborative Group". Lancet. 343 (8893): 311–22. 5 February 1994. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(94)91161-4. PMID 7905143.
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  11. ^ Department of Health, Western Australia. "Protocol for Administering Alteplase in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Guidelines" (PDF). Perth: Health Networks Branch, Department of Health, Western Australia. Retrieved 12 June 2013.
  12. ^ "Protocol for Intravenous Thrombolysis in Acute Ischaemic Stroke" (PDF). Department of Health, State of Western Australia. October 2022.
  13. ^ Jason Thurman; Edward C. Jauch (2002). "Acute ischemic stroke: emergent evaluation and management". Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America. 20 (3): 609–630. doi:10.1016/s0733-8627(02)00014-7. PMID 12379964.
  14. ^ a b c "Therapeutic Biologic Applications (BLA) > Difficulties in Obtaining Sufficient Amounts of Urokinase (Abbokinase)". US Food and Drug Administration. 4 October 2016 [11 December 1998]. Archived from the original on 18 January 2017. Retrieved 28 December 2016.
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  17. ^ Planer D, Yanko S, Matok I, Paltiel O, Zmiro R, Rotshild V, Amir O, Elbaz-Greener G, Raccah BH. Catheter-directed thrombolysis compared with systemic thrombolysis and anticoagulation in patients with intermediate- or high-risk pulmonary embolism: systematic review and network meta-analysis. CMAJ. 2023 Jun 19;195(24):E833-E843. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.220960. PMID: 37336568; PMCID: PMC10281204.
  18. ^ Poorthuis, Michiel H. F.; Brand, Eelco C.; Hazenberg, Constantijn E. V. B.; Schutgens, Roger E. G.; Westerink, Jan; Moll, Frans L.; de Borst, Gert J. (5 March 2017). "Plasma fibrinogen level as a potential predictor of hemorrhagic complications after catheter-directed thrombolysis for peripheral arterial occlusions". Journal of Vascular Surgery. 65 (5): 1519–1527.e26. doi:10.1016/j.jvs.2016.11.025. ISSN 1097-6809. PMID 28274749.
  19. ^ Allen, Michael; James, Charlotte; Frost, Julia; Liabo, Kristin; Pearn, Kerry; Monks, Thomas; Zhelev, Zhivko; Logan, Stuart; Everson, Richard; James, Martin; Stein, Ken (21 October 2022). "Using simulation and machine learning to maximise the benefit of intravenous thrombolysis in acute stroke in England and Wales: the SAMueL modelling and qualitative study". Health and Social Care Delivery Research. 10 (31): 1–148. doi:10.3310/GVZL5699. hdl:10871/131624.
  20. ^ "Increasing thrombolysis use after stroke: lessons from machine learning". NIHR Evidence. 5 July 2023. doi:10.3310/nihrevidence_58696.
  21. ^ Klok FA, Piazza G, Sharp ASP, Ní Ainle F, Jaff MR, Chauhan N, Patel B, Barco S, Goldhaber SZ, Kucher N, Lang IM, Schmidtmann I, Sterling KM, Becker D, Martin N, Rosenfield K, Konstantinides SV. Ultrasound-facilitated, catheter-directed thrombolysis vs anticoagulation alone for acute intermediate-high-risk pulmonary embolism: Rationale and design of the HI-PEITHO study. Am Heart J. 2022 Sep;251:43-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2022.05.011. Epub 2022 May 16. PMID: 35588898.