Modulus Guitars

Modulus Graphite (formerly, Modulus Guitars) is an American manufacturer of musical instruments best known for building bass guitars with carbon fiber necks. The company, originally called Modulus Graphite, was founded in part by Geoff Gould, a bassist who also worked for an aerospace company in Palo Alto, California, and coworker Jerry Dorsch. When they split, Jerry started Graphite Guitar Systems in Washington state.


The name is a reference to Young's modulus, a measure of the stiffness of an elastic material, used in the field of solid mechanics. Carbon fiber has an exceptionally high modulus.

Traditionally, electric guitar and bass necks are made from hardwoods (such as maple or mahogany) reinforced with an adjustable steel "truss rod." Wood, being a naturally occurring material, is prone to variations in density and flexibility. This, coupled with the high stresses created by stretching steel strings across them lengthwise, makes wood necks prone to certain unpredictable and undesirable qualities. Among these are twisting, incorrect "bowing" (either too pronounced or too subtle), and "dead spots," or areas on the neck where notes are quieter or more indistinct compared to other areas. Non-traditional neck materials such as carbon fiber and aluminum are attempts to correct these issues by replacing wood with lighter, stiffer and more uniform components.

Gould was inspired to experiment with non-traditional materials after attending a 1974 Grateful Dead concert, at which he marveled at the size and complexity of Phil Lesh's heavily modified bass (customized by Alembic) and began to consider the possibilities of lighter, stronger materials. After being passed over by his employers in the aerospace industry, the project of creating hollow, carbon fiber bass necks was brought to fruition by Gould and Alembic, who built a bass with a prototype neck and displayed it at a trade show in 1977. Immediately after the trade show, the bass was purchased by Fleetwood Mac bassist John McVie.

Гулд и некоторые его коллеги из аэрокосмической отрасли основали компанию Modulus Graphite и начали изготавливать грифы для Alembic и других компаний, а затем перешли к производству целых инструментов. Джефф Гулд покинул компанию в 1996 году, чтобы основать G. Gould Instruments.

20 декабря 2013 г. ООО «Модуль Гитарс» было переведено на добровольное соглашение Главы 7. [1]

6-струнная бас-гитара Modulus Sweetspot



Известные игроки

Музыканты, играющие/игравшие на инструментах Modulus:

Блоха из Red Hot Chili Peppers с его Modulus Funk Unlimited


  1. ^ «Информация о банкротстве компании Modulus Guitars, LLC» . . Проверено 11 июля 2015 г.

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