Библиография русской революции и гражданской войны

Это избранная библиография книг на английском языке после Второй мировой войны (включая переводы) и журнальных статей о революционной и гражданской войнах в истории России (Советского Союза). Разделы «Общие обзоры» и «Биографии» содержат книги; другие разделы содержат как книги, так и журнальные статьи. Записи о книгах могут содержать ссылки на обзоры, опубликованные в англоязычных академических журналах или крупных газетах, когда они могут быть сочтены полезными. Дополнительные библиографии можно найти во многих работах, длиною в книгу, перечисленных ниже; см. раздел «Дополнительная литература» для нескольких библиографий, длиною в книгу и главу. Раздел «Внешние ссылки» содержит записи об общедоступных избранных библиографиях из университетов.

Критерии включения

Охватываемый период 1904–1923 гг., начинается примерно с русской революции 1905 г. и заканчивается примерно со смертью Ленина . Работы о революции и гражданской войне в Российской империи охватывают период до 1926 г. [1]

Охваченные темы включают Русскую революцию (1905) , Февральскую и Октябрьскую революции 1917 года и Гражданскую войну в России , а также тесно связанные с ними события и биографии выдающихся личностей, участвовавших в Революции и Гражданской войне. Включено ограниченное количество английских переводов важных первоисточников вместе со ссылками на более крупные архивные коллекции. Эта библиография не включает газетные статьи (кроме первоисточников и ссылок), художественную литературу или фотоколлекции, созданные во время или о Революции или Гражданской войне.

Работы по русско-японской войне см. в разделе «Библиография русско-японской войны» ; работы по участию России в Первой мировой войне см . в разделе «Библиография России во время Первой мировой войны» .

Работы, включенные ниже, упоминаются в примечаниях или библиографиях научных вторичных источников или журналов. Включенные работы должны: быть опубликованы независимым академическим или известным неправительственным издателем; быть автором независимого и известного эксперта по предметной области; или иметь значительные независимые обзоры в научных журналах. Работы, опубликованные неакадемическими государственными организациями, исключаются.

Эта библиография ограничена историей. [a]

Стиль цитирования В этой библиографии используются цитаты в стиле APA . Записи не используют шаблоны. Ссылки на обзоры и примечания к записям используют шаблоны цитирования. Если перечислены книги, которые лишь частично связаны с украинской историей, названия глав или разделов должны быть указаны, если это возможно, осмысленно и не чрезмерно.

Если произведение переведено на английский язык, необходимо указать переводчика и включить сноску с соответствующей библиографической информацией для версии на оригинальном языке.

При перечислении работ с заголовками или именами, опубликованными с альтернативным английским написанием, следует использовать форму, использованную в последней опубликованной версии, а также указывать версию и соответствующую библиографическую информацию, если она ранее публиковалась или рецензировалась под другим названием.

Обзоры истории России

Общие труды по истории России, имеющие существенное содержание, касающееся временных рамок данной библиографии.

Общие очерки советской истории

Эти работы содержат важные обзоры эпохи Революции и Гражданской войны.

Периодические обследования

Социальная история


Солдаты и матросы


Женщины и семьи




Революция 1905 года

Февральская и Октябрьская революции



Насилие и террор


Внешняя политика и внешние связи

Идеология, философия и пропаганда


Небольшевистские политические партии

Гражданская война в России

Красная Армия

Белые армии

Революция и Гражданская война в Российской империи (1904–1926)


Прибалтика, Финляндия и Сибирь

Закавказье и Ближний Восток

Восточная Европа, Турция и Балканы

Польско-советская война

Центральная Азия

Международное участие в революции и гражданской войне

Соединенные Штаты

Русско-японская война

Россия и Первая мировая война


Царь Николай II

Николай II, царь России.

Владимир Ленин

Это список работ о Владимире Ленине. Библиографию работ Ленина см. в разделе Библиография Владимира Ленина .

Выступление Ленина в 1919 году.

Лев Троцкий

Лев Троцкий.

Это список работ о Льве Троцком. Библиографию работ Троцкого см. в Библиография Льва Троцкого .

Иосиф Сталин

Работы, включенные сюда, имеют фокус или значительный материал о Сталине в революционный период. Смотрите основную статью для получения дополнительных работ.

Другие биографии


Исследования памяти

Справочные работы

Другие исследования

Переводы первоисточников на английский язык

Владимир Ленин

Собрание сочинений

Основные индивидуальные работы, связанные с революцией и гражданской войной


Лев Троцкий

Собрание сочинений

Основные индивидуальные работы, связанные с революцией и гражданской войной


Другие работы

Собрание сочинений

Отдельные работы, связанные с революцией и гражданской войной

Часть 1: 14 (2), 93–108.
Часть 2: 14 (3), 184–200.
Часть 3: 14 (4), 301–321.
Часть 4: 15 (1), 37–48.


Смотрите также


  1. ^ В раздел включены мемуары и дневники, имеющие очевидную историческую значимость, о чем свидетельствуют научные цитаты и публикации.
  2. Кембриджская история России : Том 1, От Древней Руси до 1689 года; Том 2, Императорская Россия, 1689–1917; Том 3, Двадцатый век.
  3. ^ Содержит 60-страничную научную библиографию работ, относящихся к истории Советского Союза.
  4. ^ Очень краткий (107 стр.) обзор русской революции. Охватывает очень мало Гражданской войны или периода с 1921 по 1927 год. Содержит превосходную библиографию из 14 избранных работ на английском языке.
  5. ^ Содержит обширную библиографию из 46 английских и неанглийских работ о «русских» гражданских войнах.
  6. ^ Охватывает период от Октябрьской революции до сталинских 1930-х годов.
  7. ^ См . Продразвёрстка .
  8. См. также Большевики у власти: первый год советской власти в Петрограде в разделе «Начало формирования советского государства».
  9. См . Царицынское сражение .
  10. См . Яков Свердлов .
  11. ^ Хотя в первую очередь это биография Сталина, она содержит значительную информацию о раннем формировании советского государства.
  12. См . Башкирская Автономная Советская Социалистическая Республика .
  13. ^ abcd см. Карл Каутский .
  14. ^ Примечания в конце каждого эссе (главы) включают существенные библиографические записи.
  15. ^ ab См. Георгий Плеханов .
  16. См . Царицынское сражение .
  17. Подробнее об Антоновском движении см. Тамбовское восстание.
  18. См . Терская Советская Республика .
  19. ^ О Литве и Беларуси см. главы 2–3; об Украине см. главы 6–7; материалы о Польше посвящены Второй мировой войне.
  20. См. главы 3 («Маленькие революции в России») и 6 («История Сибири»).
  21. См. Юзеф Пилсудский .
  22. См . Конгресс народов Востока и Протоколы Конгресса народов Востока. Баку, сентябрь 1920 г.
  23. ^ ab См . Джадид .
  24. ^ См. Басмаческое движение .
  25. Первоначально опубликовано в трех томах издательством Оксфордского университета (1954, 1959, 1963).
  26. См. Петр Врангель .
  27. См . Николай Суханов .
  28. См . Александр Гучков .
  29. ^ Содержит текст телеграмм на русском языке с переводом на английский язык.
  30. ^ см . Российская социал-демократическая рабочая партия
  31. ^ см . Второй Всероссийский съезд Советов рабочих и солдатских депутатов
  32. Декларация о взятии власти на Втором Всероссийском съезде Советов рабочих и солдатских депутатов .
  33. ^ см. VII съезд Российской коммунистической партии (большевиков)
  34. ^ см . Всероссийский съезд Советов
  35. ^ см. VIII съезд Российской коммунистической партии (большевиков)
  36. ^ см . X съезд Российской коммунистической партии (большевиков)
  37. ^ см. XI съезд Российской коммунистической партии (большевиков)
  38. Оригинальная работа переведена на английский язык Максом Истменом и опубликована издательством Simon and Schuster в 1932 году.
  39. Оригинальная работа опубликована на английском языке в 1925 году Марксистским образовательным обществом Детройта.
  40. Оригинальная работа опубликована на английском языке издательством Boni & Liveright в 1919 году; второе издание, опубликованное в 1922 году, содержит введение Владимира Ленина.
  41. Английский перевод Джоэла Кармайкла для Princeton University Press, 1984.
  42. ^ см. Николай Суханов
  43. Отрывок из неопубликованных мемуаров Церетели .
  44. Первоначально опубликовано: Берлин, 1928 на русском и немецком языках.
  45. См . Григорий Зиновьев.


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  40. ^ Смит, Марк Б. (2011). «Обзор A Companion to Russian History Глисона, Эбботта». The Slavonic and East European Review . 89 (2): 352–353. doi :10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.89.2.0352. JSTOR  10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.89.2.0352.
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  44. ^ Рязановский, Николас В.; Пайпс, Ричард (1976). «Обзор России при старом режиме». The Russian Review . 35 (1): 103–104. doi :10.2307/127659. JSTOR  127659.
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  46. ^ Пайпс, Ричард; Аткинсон, Дороти (1976). «Обзор России при старом режиме». The American Historical Review . 81 (2): 423–424. doi :10.2307/1851283. JSTOR  1851283.
  47. ^ Баев, Павел (2004). «Обзор русского момента в мировой истории Маршалла Т. По». Журнал исследований мира . 41 (5): 644–645. JSTOR  4149637.
  48. ^ Брауэр, Дэниел Р. (2004). «Обзор русского момента в мировой истории Маршалла Т. По». Журнал всемирной истории . 15 (3): 389–391. doi :10.1353/jwh.2004.0030. JSTOR  20079279.
  49. ^ Кристиан, Дэвид (2004). «Обзор русского момента в мировой истории Маршалла Т. По». Slavic Review . 63 (4): 880–881. doi :10.2307/1520452. JSTOR  1520452.
  50. ^ Перри, Морин (2004). «Обзор русского момента в мировой истории Маршалла Т. По». European History Quarterly . 34 (4): 553–555. doi :10.1177/0265691404046547.
  51. ^ Флоринский, Майкл Т.; Рязановский, Николас В. (1963). «Обзор истории России». Slavic Review . 22 (4): 753–754. doi :10.2307/2492572. JSTOR  2492572.
  52. ^ Мейер, Альфред Г.; Хеллер, Михаил; Некрич, Александр; Карлос, Филлис Б. (1988). «Утопия у власти: история Советского Союза с 1917 года по настоящее время» . Russian Review . 47 (3): 344. doi :10.2307/130610. JSTOR  130610.
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  59. ^ Грегори, Пол (2005). "Обзорная работа: Советский век, Моше Левин" . Журнал экономической истории . 65 (3): 864–867. JSTOR  3875024.
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  61. ^ Котсонис, Янни (1999). «Идеология Мартина Малии» . The Russian Review . 58 (1): 124–130. doi :10.1111/0036-0341.611999061. JSTOR  2679709.
  62. ^ Кларк, Уильям А. (1993). «Рецензируемая работа: Советская политика 1917-1991, Мэри Маколи». История России . 20 (1/4): 374–375. doi :10.1163/187633193X00829. JSTOR  24657364.
  63. ^ Хорнсби, Роберт (2008). «Рецензируемая работа: Взлет и падение Советского Союза, Мартин Макколи» . Исследования Европы и Азии . 60 (5): 863–864. JSTOR  20451552.
  64. ^ Роузфилд, Стивен (2008). «Рецензируемая работа: Взлет и падение Советского Союза, Мартин Макколи» . The Russian Review . 67 (2): 355–356. JSTOR  20620785.
  65. ^ Смит, Марк Б. (2009). «Рецензируемая работа: Кембриджская история России. Том 3: Двадцатый век, Рональд Григор Суни». The Slavonic and East European Review . 87 (3): 564–567. doi :10.1353/see.2009.0090. JSTOR  40650434. S2CID  247619693.
  66. ^ Натанс, Бенджамин (2009). «Кембриджская история России. Том 3, Двадцатый век. Под редакцией Рональда Григора Суни. Кембридж: Издательство Кембриджского университета, 2007» . Журнал современной истории . 81 (3): 756–758. doi :10.1086/649129.
  67. ^ Баберовски, Йорг (2006). «Обзор структуры советской истории. Очерки и документы» . Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas . 54 (4): 630. JSTOR  41051798 . Проверено 14 января 2021 г.
  68. ^ Легволд, Роберт (2017). «Обзор России в революции: империя в кризисе, 1890–1928; застрявшая в революции; была ли революция неизбежной? Поворотные моменты русской революции» . Foreign Affairs . 96 (5): 187–188. JSTOR  44821910. Получено 21 января 2021 г.
  69. ^ Легволд, Р. (1997). «Обзор: История Советской России Эдварда Халлета Карра». Foreign Affairs . 76 (5): 230. doi :10.2307/20048246. JSTOR  20048246.
  70. ^ Кларксон, Дж. Д. (1952). «Обзор: История Советской России Эдварда Халлета Карра» . Журнал современной истории . 24 (3). Издательство Чикагского университета: 318–319. doi :10.1086/237532. JSTOR  1875495.
  71. ^ Энгерман, DC (1999). «Обзор: Уильям Генри Чемберлин и восстание России против западной цивилизации». История России . 26 (1): 45–64. doi :10.1163/187633199X00030. JSTOR  24659246.
  72. ^ Элвуд, RC (1973). "Обзор: Русская революция Роберта В. Дэниелса" . The Russian Review . 32 (3). Wiley: 330–331. doi :10.2307/128269. JSTOR  128269.
  73. ^ Лофланд, ДА (1983). «Обзорные работы: Революционная Россия, 1917 Джон М. Томпсон; Русская революция Роберт В. Дэниелс». Русская история . 10 (1). Brill: 117–118. JSTOR  24652804.
  74. ^ Лор, Эрик (2012). «Россия в 1913 году. Уэйн Доулер. Де Калб : Northern Illinois University Press, 2010. С. X+351. 38,00 долл. США». Журнал современной истории . 84 (2): 535–536. doi :10.1086/664691.
  75. ^ Годен, Корин (2011). «Рецензируемая работа: Россия в 1913 году, Уэйн Доулер». Russian Review . 70 (4): 700–701. JSTOR  41290056.
  76. ^ Орловский, Д. (2017). «Обзорное эссе: Русская революция в 100 лет». Slavic Review . 76 (3): 763–771. doi :10.1017/slr.2017.184.
  77. ^ Коробейников, А. (2019). «Обзор: Россия в огне. Война, революция, гражданская война, 1914–1921». Европейско-азиатские исследования . 71 (9). doi :10.1080/09668136.2019.1674531. S2CID  211342100.
  78. ^ Suny, RG (1999). "Reviewed Work: A People's Tragedy: A History of the Russian Revolution. by Orlando Figes" . Журнал современной истории . 71 (1). Издательство Чикагского университета: 263–266. doi : 10.1086/235245. JSTOR  10.1086/235245. S2CID  152001885.
  79. ^ Zelnik, R. E. (1999). "Reviewed Work: A People's Tragedy: A History of the Russian Revolution. by Orlando Figes". Slavic Review. 57 (2). Cambridge University Press: 453–455. doi:10.2307/2501883. JSTOR 2501883. S2CID 164368871.
  80. ^ Wildman, A. (1984). "The Russian Revolution. By Sheila Fitzpatrick". Slavic Review. 43 (2): 309–311. doi:10.2307/2497861. JSTOR 2497861. S2CID 164767438.
  81. ^ Koenker, D. (1986). "Reviewed Work: The Russian Revolution by Sheila Fitzpatrick". The Journal of Modern History. 58 (4): 1000–1001. doi:10.1086/243141. JSTOR 1880165.
  82. ^ Suny, R. G. (1983). "Reviewed Work: The Russian Revolution by Sheila Fitzpatrick". The Russian Review. 42 (4): 417–418. doi:10.2307/129491. JSTOR 129491. S2CID 44654989.
  83. ^ Shmelev, A. (1999). "Review: The Revolution Turns Eighty: New Literature on the Russian Revolution and Its Aftermath". Contemporary European History. 8 (1): 127–139. doi:10.1017/S0960777399000168. JSTOR 20081693.
  84. ^ Thatcher, I. D. (1998). "Reviewed Works: Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution 1914-1921 by Edward Acton, Vladimir Iu. Cherniaev, William G. Rosenberg; The Russian Revolution 1917-1921 by Ronald Kowalski". The Slavonic and East European Review. 76 (4): 746–749. JSTOR 4212759.
  85. ^ Page, S. W. (1969). "Reviewed Works: Lenin's Last Struggle by Moshe Lewin, A. M. Sheridan Smith; Encounters with Lenin by Nikolay (N. V. Volsky), Paul Rosta, Brian Pearce". The American Historical Review. 74 (5): 1668–1669. doi:10.2307/1841410. JSTOR 1841410.
  86. ^ Sanborn, J. (2016). "Reviewed Work: Towards the Flame: Empire, War, and the End of Tsarist Russia by Lieven, Dominic". The Slavonic and East European Review. 94 (4): 752–754. doi:10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.94.4.0752. JSTOR 10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.94.4.0752.
  87. ^ Legvold, R. (2015). "Reviewed Work: The End of Tsarist Russia: The March to World War I and Revolution". Foreign Affairs. 94 (5): 193. JSTOR 24483773.
  88. ^ Häfner, L. (1987). "Reviewed Work: Passage through Armageddon. The Russians in War and Revolution 1914–1918 by Bruce W. Lincoln". PVS-Literatur. 28 (1): 74–75. JSTOR 24208542.
  89. ^ a b Katkov, George (1972). "Prelude to Revolution: The Petrograd Bolsheviks and the July 1917 Uprising. By Alexander Rabinowitch. Indiana University International Studies. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press, 1968". Slavic Review. 31 (4): 896–897. doi:10.2307/2493788. JSTOR 2493788.
  90. ^ a b Corney, Frederick C. (2009). "Reviewed work: The Bolsheviks in Power: The First Year of Soviet Rule in Petrograd, Alexander Rabinowitch". The Russian Review. 68 (1): 159–160. JSTOR 20620964.
  91. ^ a b c Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi (2010). "The Bolsheviks in Power: The First Year of Soviet Rule in Petrograd. By Alexander Rabinowitch. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007". The Journal of Modern History. 82: 247–249. doi:10.1086/649489.
  92. ^ Oppenheim, Samuel A. (1978). "The Bolsheviks Come to Power: The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd. By Alexander Rabinowitch. New York: W. W. Norton, 1976". Slavic Review. 37 (4): 669–670. doi:10.2307/2496133. JSTOR 2496133. S2CID 164573917.
  93. ^ Hosking, G. (1997). "Reviewed Works: A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution 1891-1924 by Orlando Figes; From Tsar to Soviets: The Russian People and Their Revolution, 1917-21 by Christopher Read". The Slavonic and East European Review. 75 (3): 553–559. JSTOR 4212457.
  94. ^ Raleigh, D. J. (2014). "Reviewed Work: War and Revolution in Russia, 1914–22: The Collapse of Tsarism and the Establishment of Soviet Power by Read, Christopher". The Slavonic and East European Review. 96 (1): 163–165. doi:10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.92.1.0163. JSTOR 10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.92.1.0163.
  95. ^ Campbell, John C.; Schapiro, Leonard (1984). "The Russian Revolutions of 1917: The Origins of Modern Communism". Foreign Affairs. 62 (5): 1258. doi:10.2307/20042043. JSTOR 20042043.
  96. ^ a b Legvold, Robert (2017). "Review: Russia in Revolution: An Empire in Crisis, 1890 to 1928; Caught in the Revolution; Was Revolution Inevitable? Turning Points of the Russian Revolution". Foreign Affairs. 96 (September/October 2017). Retrieved 2 February 2020.
  97. ^ a b Fedyashin, A. (2017). "Review: S. A. Smith, Russia in Revolution: An Empire in Crisis, 1890 to 1928". European History Quarterly. 47 (4): 787–789. doi:10.1177/0265691417729639as. S2CID 148995760.
  98. ^ Lohr, E. (2017). "Book Review: The "Russian" Civil Wars, 1916–1926: Ten Years that Shook the World. By Jonathan D. Smele". Slavic Review. 74 (4): 1123–1124. doi:10.1017/slr.2017.321. S2CID 165406152.
  99. ^ Wade, Rex A. (2016). "Reviewed Work: The 'Russian' Civil Wars, 1916–1926: Ten Years That Shook the World by Smele, Jonathan D.". The Slavonic and East European Review. 94 (4): 760–762. doi:10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.94.4.0760. JSTOR 10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.94.4.0760.
  100. ^ Kroner, Anthony (2017). "Book Review: The 'Russian' Civil Wars 1916–1926: Ten Years That Shook the World". Revolutionary Russia. 30 (1): 142–145. doi:10.1080/09546545.2017.1305540. S2CID 219715426.
  101. ^ Daniels, Robert V.; Ulam, Adam B. (1966). "The Bolsheviks: The Intellectual and Political History of the Triumph of Communism in Russia". Russian Review. 25 (3): 303. doi:10.2307/126959. JSTOR 126959.
  102. ^ Randall, Francis B. (1967). "Reviewed work: The Bolsheviks: The Intellectual and Political History of the Triumph of Communism in Russia, Adam B. Ulam". The Journal of Modern History. 39 (2): 204–205. doi:10.1086/240068. JSTOR 1877505.
  103. ^ Radkey, Oliver H.; Wade, Rex A. (1970). "The Russian Search for Peace. February-October 1917". Russian Review. 29 (4): 464. doi:10.2307/127302. JSTOR 127302.
  104. ^ Pethybridge, Roger (1973). "Reviewed work: The Russian Search for Peace: February-October, 1917, R. A. Wade". The Slavonic and East European Review. 51 (123): 332. JSTOR 4206738.
  105. ^ Fedyashin, A. (2022). "Review of Late Tsarist Russia, 1881–1913". The Russian Review. 81 (3): 566–598. doi:10.1111/russ.12378. S2CID 248954384.
  106. ^ Thompson, J. M. (1999). "Reviewed Work: A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution, 1891-1924 by Orlando Figes". The American Historical Review. 104 (2). Oxford University Press: 681–682. doi:10.2307/2650549. JSTOR 2650549.
  107. ^ McNeal, Robert H. (1976). "Reviewed work: The Soviets: The Russian Workers, Peasants and Soldiers Councils, 1905-1921, OSKAR ANWEILER, Ruth Hein". Canadian Slavonic Papers. 18 (1): 96–98. JSTOR 40867045.
  108. ^ Lieberstein, Samuel (1976). "Reviewed work: The Soviets: The Russian Workers, Peasants, and Soldiers Councils, 1905-1921, Oskar Anweiler, Ruth Hein". Russian History. 3 (1): 112. JSTOR 24649639.
  109. ^ Thatcher, I. D. (2009). "Reviewed Work: Politics and the People in Revolutionary Russia: A Provincial History. New Studies in European History by Sarah Badcock". The Slavonic and East European Review. 87 (1): 772–774. doi:10.1353/see.2009.0021. JSTOR 40650874. S2CID 247620802.
  110. ^ Hayward, Oliver (1977). "Reviewed work: Class Struggles in the U.S.S.R.: First Period, 1917-1923, Charles Bettelheim, Brian Pearce". The Journal of Economic History. 37 (3): 773–775. doi:10.1017/S0022050700095553. JSTOR 2119612. S2CID 154902092.
  111. ^ Fitzpatrick, Sheila (1978). "Class Struggles in the Ussr: First Period 1917-1923. By Charles Bettelheim. Translated by Brian Pearce. New York and London: Monthly Review Press, 1976". Slavic Review. 37 (4): 675–676. doi:10.2307/2496140. JSTOR 2496140.
  112. ^ Zukin, Sharon (1977). "Reviewed work: Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution: Early Industrial Capitalism in Three English Towns, John Foster; Class Struggles in the USSR; First Period: 1917-1923, Charles Bettelheim, Brian Pearce". Theory and Society. 4 (3): 452–453. JSTOR 656729.
  113. ^ Smele, Jonathan D. (2004). "Hungry Moscow: Scarcity and Urban Society in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1921. By Mauricio Borrero. Studies in Modern European History, vol. 41. New York: Peter Lang, 2003". Slavic Review. 63 (3): 656–657. doi:10.2307/1520379. JSTOR 1520379. S2CID 164905902.
  114. ^ Raleigh, Donald J. (1998). "The Bolsheviks in Russian Society: The Revolution and the Civil Wars. Ed. Vladimir N. Brovkin. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997". Slavic Review. 57: 202–203. doi:10.2307/2502081. JSTOR 2502081. S2CID 164606532.
  115. ^ Mawdsley, Evan (1999). "Reviewed work: The Bolsheviks in Russian Society: The Revolution and the Civil Wars, Vladimir N. Brovkin". The Russian Review. 58 (1): 154–155. JSTOR 2679731.
  116. ^ Holquist, Peter (1999). "Book Reviews The Bolsheviks in Russian Society: The Revolution and the Civil Wars.Edited by Vladimir N. Brovkin. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1997". The Journal of Modern History. 71: 259–261. doi:10.1086/235243. S2CID 151727705.
  117. ^ Graham, Loren R.; Fitzpatrick, Sheila (1973). "The Commissariat of Enlightenment: Soviet Organization of Education and the Arts under Lunacharsky, October 1917-1921". Political Science Quarterly. 88: 137. doi:10.2307/2148675. JSTOR 2148675.
  118. ^ Tomiak, J. J. (1972). "Reviewed work: The Commissariat of Enlightenment: Soviet Organization of Education and the Arts under Lunacharsky, October 1917-1921, Sheila Fitzpatrick". The Slavonic and East European Review. 50 (120): 472–473. JSTOR 4206593.
  119. ^ Kelly, Catriona (1994). "Reviewed work: The Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia, Sheila Fitzpatrick". The Slavonic and East European Review. 72 (2): 355–357. JSTOR 4211523.
  120. ^ Rowney, Don K. (1995). "Reviewed work: The Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia, Sheila Fitzpatrick". The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 25 (4): 713–715. doi:10.2307/205823. JSTOR 205823.
  121. ^ Kotkin, Stephen (1995). "Reviewed work: The Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia., Sheila Fitzpatrick". Slavic Review. 54 (2): 475–476. doi:10.2307/2501665. JSTOR 2501665. S2CID 164917634.
  122. ^ a b Munting, R. (1993). "Reviewed Work: Russia in the Era of NEP: Explorations in Soviet Society and Culture. by Sheila Fitzpatrick, Alexander Rabinowitch, Richard Stites". The Economic History Review. 46 (2): 420. doi:10.2307/2598039. JSTOR 2598039.
  123. ^ a b Mally, L. (1993). "Reviewed Work: Russia in the Era of NEP: Explorations in Soviet Society and Culture by Sheila Fitzpatrick, Alexander Rabinowitch, Richard Stites". The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 24 (1): 150–151. doi:10.2307/205121. JSTOR 205121.
  124. ^ a b Orlovsky, D. (1993). "Reviewed Work: Russia in the Era of NEP: Explorations in Soviet Society and Culture. by Sheila Fitzpatrick, Alexander Rabinowitch, Richard Stites". Slavic Review. 52 (3): 598–599. doi:10.2307/2499733. JSTOR 2499733. S2CID 163878478.
  125. ^ a b Brower, D. (1991). "Reviewed Work: Russia in the Era of NEP: Explorations in Soviet Society and Culture by Sheila Fitzpatrick, Alexander Rabinowitch, Richard Stites". Russian History. 18 (2): 241–243. JSTOR 24657248.
  126. ^ Hickey, M. C. (2016). "Russian Culture in War and Revolution, 1914–1922". Revolutionary Russia. 29 (1): 92–100. doi:10.1080/09546545.2016.1169000. S2CID 148317180.
  127. ^ Suny, Ronald Grigor (1988). "Reviewed work: Bolshevik Culture: Experiment and Order in the Russian Revolution, Abbot Gleason, Peter Kenez, Richard Stites". International Labor and Working-Class History (34): 134–136. doi:10.1017/S0147547900005238. JSTOR 27671790. S2CID 143583581.
  128. ^ Kolchevska, Natasha; Gleason, Abbott; Kenez, Peter; Stites, Richard (1987). "Bolshevik Culture: Experiment and Order in the Russian Revolution". The Slavic and East European Journal. 31: 102. doi:10.2307/307020. JSTOR 307020.
  129. ^ Starks, Tricia; Galmarini-Kabala, Maria Cristina (2018). "Reviewed work: The Right to be Helped: Deviance, Entitlement, and the Soviet Moral Order, Galmarini-KabalaMaria Cristina". Slavic Review. 77 (1): 267–269. doi:10.1017/slr.2018.56. JSTOR 26565395. S2CID 165620006.
  130. ^ Kazemzadeh, Firuz (1978). "The Russian Revolution: A Study in Mass Mobilization. By John L. H. Keep. Revolutions in the Modern World series. New York: W. W. Norton, 1976". Slavic Review. 37 (4): 668–669. doi:10.2307/2496132. JSTOR 2496132. S2CID 165077772.
  131. ^ Skocpol, Theda (1978). "Reviewed work: The Russian Revolution: A Study in Mass Mobilization., John L. H. Keep". American Journal of Sociology. 84 (1): 194–198. doi:10.1086/226752. JSTOR 2777990.
  132. ^ Ulam, Adam B. (1978). "Reviewed work: The Russian Revolution: A Study in Mass Mobilization, John L. H. Keep". Soviet Studies. 30 (1): 117–118. doi:10.1080/09668137808411172. JSTOR 150080.
  133. ^ Figes, O. (1991). "Reviewed Work: Party, State, and Society in the Russian Civil War: Explorations in Social History by Diane P. Koenker, William G. Rosenberg, Ronald Grigor Suny". The Slavonic and East European Review. 69 (1): 165–166. JSTOR 4210557.
  134. ^ Borrero, M. (1994). "Reviewed Work: Bread and Authority in Russia, 1914-1921. by Lars T. Lih". Slavic Review. 53 (4): 1169–1171. doi:10.2307/2500893. JSTOR 2500893. S2CID 164437640.
  135. ^ Patenaude, B. M. (1992). "Reviewed Work: Bread and Authority in Russia, 1914-1921 by Lars T. Lih, Victoria E. Bonnell, Lynn Hunt". The Journal of Modern History. 64 (3): 633–635. doi:10.1086/244544. JSTOR 2124627.
  136. ^ Thompson, Warren S. (1947). "Reviewed work: The Population of the Soviet Union: History and Prospects., Frank Lorimer". American Sociological Review. 12 (1): 127–128. doi:10.2307/2086507. JSTOR 2086507.
  137. ^ "Reviewed work: The Population of the Soviet Union: History and Prospects, Frank Lorimer". Geographical Review. 37 (4): 679–680. 1947. doi:10.2307/211194. JSTOR 211194.
  138. ^ Gill, Graeme (2001). "The Soviet Elite from Lenin to Gorbachev: The Central Committee and Its Members, 1917-1991. By Evan Mawdsley and Stephen White. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000". Slavic Review. 60 (3): 652–653. doi:10.2307/2696866. JSTOR 2696866. S2CID 164706770.
  139. ^ Carley, Michael Jabara (2003). "Reviewed work: The Soviet Elite from Lenin to Gorbachev: The Central Committee and Its Members, 1917-1991, Evan Mawdsley, Stephen White". Europe-Asia Studies. 55 (2): 311–313. JSTOR 3594530.
  140. ^ Yellen, E. (2005). "Reviewed Work: Social Identities in Revolutionary Russia by Madhavan K. Palat". The Slavic and East European Journal. 49 (4): 710–712. doi:10.2307/20058383. JSTOR 20058383.
  141. ^ Beecher, J. (1991). "Reviewed Work: Revolutionary Dreams. Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution by Richard Stites". Utopian Studies. 2 (1/2). Penn State University Press: 253–255. JSTOR 20719073.
  142. ^ a b Clements, B. E. (1985). "Reviewed Work: Bolshevik Visions: First Phase of the Cultural Revolution in Soviet Russia. by William G. Rosenberg". Slavic Review. 44 (4): 720–721. doi:10.2307/2498551. JSTOR 2498551. S2CID 164662130.
  143. ^ Gleason, William (1993). "Reviewed work: Society and Politics in the Russian Revolution, Robert Service". Russian History. 20 (1/4): 336–337. doi:10.1163/187633193X00586. JSTOR 24657340.
  144. ^ Rosenberg, William G. (1993). "Reviewed work: Society and Politics in the Russian Revolution, Robert Service". Europe-Asia Studies. 45 (5): 943–944. JSTOR 153075.
  145. ^ Saunders, David (1993). "Reviewed work: Society and Politics in the Russian Revolution, Robert Service". The Slavonic and East European Review. 71 (2): 340–341. JSTOR 4211251.
  146. ^ Read, C. (1993). "Reviewed Work: Soviet State and Society between Revolutions 1918-1929 by Lewis Siegelbaum". The Slavonic and East European Review. 71 (3): 556–558. JSTOR 4211344.
  147. ^ Goldman, W. (1993). "Reviewed Work: Soviet State and Society between Revolutions, 1918-1929. by Lewis H. Siegelbaum". Slavic Review. 52 (2): 369–370. doi:10.2307/2499940. JSTOR 2499940. S2CID 165110866.
  148. ^ Steinberg, Mark D. (1995). "Reviewed work: Russian Popular Culture: Entertainment and Society since 1900, Richard Stites, Mary McAuley". The Journal of Modern History. 67 (1): 251–253. doi:10.1086/245089. JSTOR 2125055.
  149. ^ Nesbet, Anne; Stites, Richard (1994). "Russian Popular Culture: Entertainment and Society since 1900". Russian Review. 53 (3): 461. doi:10.2307/131226. JSTOR 131226.
  150. ^ Legvold, R (2013). "Reviewed Work: Former People: The Final Days of the Russian Aristocracy by DOUGLAS SMITH". Foreign Affairs. 92 (2): 198–199. JSTOR 23527493.
  151. ^ Figes, O. (2004). "Reviewed Work: Proletarian Imagination: Self, Modernity, and the Sacred in Russia, 1910-1925 by Mark D. Steinberg". Slavic Review. 63 (3): 654. doi:10.2307/1520377. JSTOR 1520377. S2CID 165085724.
  152. ^ Remington, T. F. (1990). "Reviewed Work: Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution by Richard Stites". Journal of Ritual Studies. 4 (2): 384–387. JSTOR 44368492.
  153. ^ Clements, B. E. (1990). "Reviewed Work: Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution by Richard Stites". The American Historical Review. 95 (4): 1251–1252. doi:10.2307/2163634. JSTOR 2163634. S2CID 162252269.
  154. ^ Hickey, Michael C.; Aves, Jonathan (1997). "Workers against Lenin: Labour Protest and the Bolshevik Dictatorship". Russian Review. 56 (4): 605. doi:10.2307/131582. JSTOR 131582.
  155. ^ Holquist, Peter (1997). "Reviewed work: Workers against Lenin: Labour Protest and the Bolshevik Dictatorship, Jonathan Aves". Europe-Asia Studies. 49 (6): 1122–1123. JSTOR 153361.
  156. ^ Wynn, Charters (1998). "Workers against Lenin: Labour Protest and the Bolshevik Dictatorship. By Jonathan Aves. International Library of Historical Studies. London: I. B. Tauris Publishers, 1996". Slavic Review. 57: 204–205. doi:10.2307/2502082. JSTOR 2502082. S2CID 164544674.
  157. ^ Engman, Max (1978). "Reviewed work: St Petersburg. Industrialization and Change, James H. Bater". Social History. 3 (3): 395–397. JSTOR 4284833.
  158. ^ Carstensen, Fred V.; Bater, James H. (1979). "St. Petersburg: Industrialization and Change". Social Science History. 3 (2): 228. doi:10.2307/1171203. JSTOR 1171203.
  159. ^ Crisp, Olga; Bater, James H. (1977). "St Petersburg: Industrialization and Change". The Economic History Review. 30 (4): 714. doi:10.2307/2596036. JSTOR 2596036.
  160. ^ a b Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi (1981). "Reviewed work: The Petrograd Armed Workers Movement in the February Revolution (February-July, 1917): A Study in the Radicalization of the Petrograd Proletariat, Michael M. Boll". Canadian Slavonic Papers. 23 (1): 89–90. doi:10.1080/00085006.1981.11091658. JSTOR 40867837.
  161. ^ a b Wade, Rex A.; Boll, Michael M. (1982). "The Petrograd Armed Workers Movement in the February Revolution (February-July 1917): A Study in the Radicalization of the Petrograd Proletariat". Russian Review. 41: 78. doi:10.2307/129574. JSTOR 129574.
  162. ^ Chase, William J. (1990). Workers, society, and the Soviet state: labor and life in Moscow, 1918-1929. The Working class in European history (Illini books ed.). Urbana: University of Illinois Press. ISBN 978-0-252-06129-5.
  163. ^ Mandel, David (1988). "Reviewed work: The Workers' Revolution in Russia, 1917: The View from Below, Daniel H. Kaiser". Canadian Slavonic Papers. 30 (2): 269–270. JSTOR 40868904.
  164. ^ Kenez, Peter (1988). "The Workers' Revolution in Russia, 1917: The View from Below. Edited by Daniel H. Kaiser. Cambridge; New York; New Rochelle, N.Y.; Melbourne; and Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1987". Slavic Review. 47 (4): 738. doi:10.2307/2498200. JSTOR 2498200. S2CID 164993157.
  165. ^ Bater, James H. (1982). "Moscow Workers and the 1917 Revolution. By Diane Koenker. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. Xv, 420 pp". Slavic Review. 41 (4): 709–711. doi:10.2307/2496881. JSTOR 2496881. S2CID 164935503.
  166. ^ Heer, Nancy Whittier; Koenker, Diane (1983). "Moscow Workers and the 1917 Revolution". Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 13 (3): 560. doi:10.2307/202968. JSTOR 202968.
  167. ^ Fitzpatrick, Sheila (1984). "Reviewed work: Moscow Workers and the 1917 Revolution, Diane Koenker". The Journal of Modern History. 56 (1): 194–195. doi:10.1086/242663. JSTOR 1878224.
  168. ^ a b Häfner, Lutz (1987). "Reviewed work: The Petrograd Workers and the Fall of the Old Regime. From the February Revolution to the July Days, 1917 (Studies in Soviet History and Society), David Mandel". Osteuropa. 37 (9): 719–720. JSTOR 44913900.
  169. ^ Matthews, Owen (February 24, 2017). "In a New History, Russia's Revolution Through Expat Eyes". The New York Times.
  170. ^ a b Lane, D. S. (1968). "Reviewed work: The Russian Revolution of 1905. The Workers' Movement and the Formation of Bolshevism and Menshevism, Solomon M. Schwarz, Gertrude Vakar". The Slavonic and East European Review. 46 (107): 532–534. JSTOR 4206020.
  171. ^ Husband, W. B. (1994). "Reviewed Work: Labor in the Russian Revolution: Factory Committees and Trade Unions. 1917- 1918. by Gennady Shkliarevsky". Slavic Review. 53 (1): 252. doi:10.2307/2500354. JSTOR 2500354. S2CID 164936156.
  172. ^ Melancon, M. (1994). "Reviewed Work: Labor in the Russian Revolution: Factory Committees and Trade Unions, 1917-1918 by Gennady Shkliarevsky". Russian History. 21 (3): 355–356. JSTOR 24657407.
  173. ^ Wood, Alan (1985). "Reviewed work: The Politics of Industrial Mobilization in Russia, 1914-17: A Study of the War-Industries Committees, Lewis H. Siegelbaum". The Slavonic and East European Review. 63 (3): 461–462. JSTOR 4209151.
  174. ^ Duggan, William L.; Siegelbaum, Lewis H. (1985). "The Politics of Industrial Mobilization in Russia, 1914-1917: A Study of the War-Industries Committees". Russian Review. 44 (4): 425. doi:10.2307/129807. JSTOR 129807.
  175. ^ Hogan, Heather (1984). "Reviewed work: Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories, 1917-1918, S. A. Smith". The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 15 (2): 347–348. doi:10.2307/204902. JSTOR 204902.
  176. ^ Rabinowitch, Alexander (1985). "Reviewed work: Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories, 1917-1918, S. A. Smith". The American Historical Review. 90 (4): 983–984. doi:10.2307/1858961. JSTOR 1858961.
  177. ^ Bater, James H.; Smith, S. A. (1984). "Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories, 1917-1918". The Economic History Review. 37 (2): 304. doi:10.2307/2596922. JSTOR 2596922.
  178. ^ Hogan, Heather; Smith, S. A. (1984). "Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories, 1917-1918". Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 15 (2): 347. doi:10.2307/204902. JSTOR 204902.
  179. ^ Waters, Elizabeth; Smith, S. A. (1987). "Red Petrograd. Revolution in the factories 1917-18". Labour History (52): 124. doi:10.2307/27508842. JSTOR 27508842.
  180. ^ Manning, Roberta T. (1986). "Reviewed work: Red Guards and Workers' Militias in the Russian Revolution, Rex A. Wade". The Journal of Modern History. 58 (4): 1001–1003. doi:10.1086/243142. JSTOR 1880166.
  181. ^ Koenker, Diane; Wade, Rex A. (1985). "Red Guards and Workers' Militias in the Russian Revolution". Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 16 (2): 336. doi:10.2307/204198. JSTOR 204198.
  182. ^ Ward, Chris (1990). Russia's cotton workers and the new economic policy: shop-floor culture and state policy 1921-1929. Soviet and East-European studies. Cambridge New York Port Chester [etc.]: Cambridge university press. ISBN 978-0-521-34580-4.
  183. ^ Rabinowitch, Alexander (1971). "Reviewed work: Kronstadt 1921, Paul Avrich". The Journal of Modern History. 43 (2): 343–344. doi:10.1086/240643. JSTOR 1876572.
  184. ^ Avrich, Paul (1984). "Reviewed work: Kronstadt 1917-1921: The Fate of a Soviet Democracy, Israel Getzler". Soviet Studies. 36 (1): 139–140. doi:10.1080/09668138408411518. JSTOR 151861.
  185. ^ Wildman, Allan K. (1984). "Reviewed work: Kronstadt, 1917-1921: The Fate of a Soviet Democracy, Israel Getzler". The American Historical Review. 89 (2): 492–493. doi:10.2307/1862680. JSTOR 1862680.
  186. ^ Kenez, Peter; Getzler, Israel (1984). "Kronstadt 1917-1921: The Fate of a Soviet Democracy". Russian Review. 43: 80. doi:10.2307/129723. JSTOR 129723.
  187. ^ Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi (1981). "The Russian Revolution and the Baltic Fleet: War and Politics, February 1917 April 1918. By Evan Mawdsley. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1978". Slavic Review. 40 (2): 286–287. doi:10.2307/2496962. JSTOR 2496962. S2CID 157962077.
  188. ^ Westwood, J. N. (1979). "Reviewed work: The Russian Revolution and the Baltic Fleet, Evan Mawdsley". The Slavonic and East European Review. 57 (4): 610–611. JSTOR 4207938.
  189. ^ Reese, R. R. (2003). "Review of Drafting the Russian Nation: Military Conscription, Total War, and Mass Politics, 1905-1925". The Journal of Military History. 67 (3): 964–965. doi:10.1353/jmh.2003.0247. S2CID 159643784.
  190. ^ Avrich, Paul; Saul, Norman E. (1978). "Sailors in Revolt: The Russian Baltic Fleet in 1917". Russian Review. 37 (4): 463. doi:10.2307/128520. JSTOR 128520.
  191. ^ Wildman, Allan (1992). "Reviewed work: Soldiers in the Proletarian Dictatorship: The Red Army and the Soviet Socialist State, 1917-1930, Mark von Hagen". The Journal of Modern History. 64 (1): 188–190. doi:10.1086/244477. JSTOR 2124751.
  192. ^ Wirtschafter, Elise Kimerling; von Hagen, Mark (1991). "Soldiers in the Proletarian Dictatorship: The Red Army and the Soviet Socialist State, 1917-1930". Russian Review. 50 (3): 363. doi:10.2307/131089. JSTOR 131089.
  193. ^ Hudson, Hugh D.; Baker, Mark R. (2017). "Reviewed work: Peasants, Power, and Place: Revolution in the Village of Kharkiv Province, 1914–1921, BakerMark R". Slavic Review. 76 (2): 528–529. doi:10.1017/slr.2017.109. JSTOR 26565112. S2CID 165087282.
  194. ^ Perrie, M. (1991). "Reviewed Work: Land Commune and Peasant Community in Russia. Communal Forms in Imperial and Early Soviet Society by Roger Bartlett". The Slavonic and East European Review. 69 (3): 561–562. JSTOR 4210712.
  195. ^ Lih, L. T. (1990). "Reviewed Work: Peasant Russia, Civil War: The Volga Countryside in Revolution, 1917-1921 by Orlando Figes". Russian History. 17 (4). Brill: 453–456. doi:10.1163/187633190X00147. JSTOR 24656404.
  196. ^ Viola, L. (1992). "Reviewed Work: Peasant Russia, Civil War: The Volga Countryside in Revolution, 1917-1921 by Orlando Figes". The Journal of Modern History. 64 (1). University of Chicago Press: 187–188. doi:10.1086/244476. JSTOR 2124750.
  197. ^ Wilson, A. C. (1989–1990). "Reviewed Work: Rural Russia under the New Regime by V.P. Danilov, Orlando Figes". New Zealand Slavonic Journal: 207–210. JSTOR 40921350.
  198. ^ Wade, Rex A.; Gill, Graeme J. (1980). "Peasants and Government in the Russian Revolution". Russian Review. 39 (2): 253. doi:10.2307/128706. JSTOR 128706.
  199. ^ Raleigh, Donald J. (1980). "Reviewed work: Peasants and Government in the Russian Revolution, Graeme J. Gill". Russian History. 7 (3): 389–390. JSTOR 24652449.
  200. ^ Birch, J. (1998). "Reviewed work: The Great Soviet Peasant War: Bolsheviks and Peasants 1917-1933, Andrea Graziozi; the Military Tradition in Ukrainian History: Its Role in the Construction of Ukraine's Armed Forces". The Slavonic and East European Review. 76 (4): 755–758. JSTOR 4212763.
  201. ^ Worobec, C. D. (2015). "Reviewed Work: Rural Unrest during the First Russian Revolution: Kursk Province, 1905–1906 by Burton Richard Miller". Slavic Review. 74 (3): 650–652. doi:10.5612/slavicreview.74.3.650. JSTOR 10.5612/slavicreview.74.3.650.
  202. ^ Moon, David (2000). "Reviewed work: Land Reform in Russia, 1906–1917. Peasant Responses to Stolypin's Project of Rural Transformation, Judith Pallot". The Agricultural History Review. 48 (1): 135–136. JSTOR 40275644.
  203. ^ Simms, James Y. (2001). "Land Reform in Russia, 1906-1917: Peasant Responses to Stolypin's Project of Rural Transformation. By Judith Pallot. Oxford, Eng.: Clarendon Press, 1999. Xv, 255 pp". Slavic Review. 60 (2): 434–435. doi:10.2307/2697316. JSTOR 2697316. S2CID 164059737.
  204. ^ Pipes, Richard; Radkey, Oliver H. (1959). "The Agrarian Foes of Bolshevism". Russian Review. 18 (4): 339. doi:10.2307/126176. JSTOR 126176.
  205. ^ Bushnell, John; Raleigh, Donald J. (1987). "Revolution on the Volga. 1917 in Saratov". Russian Review. 46 (3): 335. doi:10.2307/130572. JSTOR 130572.
  206. ^ Long, John W. (1989). "Reviewed work: Revolution on the Volga: 1917 in Saratov, Donald J. Raleigh". Russian History. 16 (1): 90–91. JSTOR 24657678.
  207. ^ a b O'Keeffe, B. (2011). "Reviewed Work: Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War: Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914––1922 by Retish, Aaron B.". The Slavonic and East European Review. 89 (4): 763–764. doi:10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.89.4.0763. JSTOR 10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.89.4.0763.
  208. ^ a b Lévesque, J (2010). "Reviewed Work: Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War: Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914–1922 by Aaron B. Retish". The Journal of Modern History. 82 (3): 764–765. doi:10.1086/653198. JSTOR 10.1086/653198.
  209. ^ a b Worobec, C. D. (2010). "Reviewed Work: Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War: Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914-1922 by Aaron B. Retish". The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 40 (3): 612–613. doi:10.1162/jinh.2010.40.4.612. JSTOR 20685571. S2CID 142595829.
  210. ^ a b Mawdsley, E. (2010). "Reviewed Work: Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War: Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914-1922 by Aaron B. Retish". Slavic Review. 69 (1): 255–256. doi:10.1017/S003767790001723X. JSTOR 25621782.
  211. ^ a b Badcock, S. (2010). "Reviewed Work: Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War. Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914–1922 by Aaron B. Retish". International Review of Social History. 55 (1): 141–143. doi:10.1017/S0020859010000118. JSTOR 44583157.
  212. ^ "Reviewed work: Russian Teachers and Peasant Revolution: The Politics of Education in 1905, Scott J. Seregny". Studies in East European Thought. 47 (1/2): 122–126. 1995. JSTOR 20099564.
  213. ^ Eklof, Ben (1990). "Reviewed work: Russian Teachers and Peasant Revolution: The Politics of Education in 1905, Scott J. Seregny". Russian History. 17 (1): 93–95. doi:10.1163/187633190X01128. JSTOR 24656366.
  214. ^ Brooks, Jeffrey (1991). "Reviewed work: Russian Teachers and Peasant Revolution: The Politics of Education in 1905, Scott J. Seregny; 1905 in St. Petersburgh: Labor, Society, and Revolution, Gerald D. Surh". The Journal of Modern History. 63 (3): 618–619. doi:10.1086/244382. JSTOR 2938657.
  215. ^ McCauley, Martin (1973). "Reviewed work: The Awkward Class: Political Sociology of Peasantry in a Developing Society: Russia 1910-1925, Teodor Shanin". The Slavonic and East European Review. 51 (123): 305–306. JSTOR 4206719.
  216. ^ Pethybridge, Roger (1976). "Reviews : Teodor Shanin, the Awkward Class Political Sociology of Peasantry in a Developing Society. Russia 1910-1925, Oxford, Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, 1972. Xviii+ 253 £4.50". European Studies Review. 6 (2): 269–271. doi:10.1177/026569147600600211. S2CID 144838555.
  217. ^ Andrle, Vladimir (1989). "Reviewed work: The Best Sons of the Fatherland: Workers in the Vanguard of Soviet Collectivization, Lynne Viola; Women in the Soviet Countryside: Women's Roles in Rural Development in the Soviet Union, Susan Bridger". Social History. 14 (3): 409–412. JSTOR 4285803.
  218. ^ Mally, Lynn (1990). "Reviewed work: Women in the Soviet Countryside: Women's Roles in Rural Development in the Soviet Union, Susan Bridger". Agricultural History. 64 (3): 98–99. JSTOR 3743646.
  219. ^ Dunn, Ethel (1989). "Reviewed work: Women in the Soviet Countryside: Women's Roles in Rural Development in the Soviet Union., Susan Bridger". Slavic Review. 48 (1): 122. doi:10.2307/2498705. JSTOR 2498705. S2CID 164481037.
  220. ^ Edmondson, L. (1998). "Reviewed Work: Bolshevik Women by Barbara Evans Clements". The Slavonic and East European Review. 76 (4): 745–746. JSTOR 4212758.
  221. ^ DenBeste-Barnett, M. (1998). "Reviewed Work: Bolshevik Women by Barbara Evans Clements". The Slavic and East European Journal. 42 (4): 783–785. doi:10.2307/309816. JSTOR 309816.
  222. ^ Goldman, W. (1998). "Reviewed Work: Bolshevik Women. by Barbara Evans Clements". Slavic Review. 57 (4): 919–921. doi:10.2307/2501084. JSTOR 2501084. S2CID 164647490.
  223. ^ a b c d e "Book Reviews". The Russian Review. 81 (2): 363–398. 2022-04-01. doi:10.1111/russ.12367. ISSN 0036-0341.
  224. ^ Worobec, Christine D. (1995). "Reviewed work: Women, the State and Revolution: Soviet Family Policy and Social Life, 1917-1936, Wendy Z. Goldman". Journal of Social History. 28 (4): 937–940. doi:10.1353/jsh/28.4.937. JSTOR 3788619.
  225. ^ Ohr, Nellie Hauke (1996). "Reviewed work: Women, the State, and Revolution: Soviet Family Policy and Social Life, 1917-1936, Wendy Z. Goldman, Judy Barr; Inessa Armand: Revolutionary and Feminist, R. C. Elwood". The Journal of Modern History. 68 (1): 258–262. doi:10.1086/245339. JSTOR 2124386.
  226. ^ Engelstein, Laura (1995). "Reviewed work: Women, the State and Revolution: Soviet Family Policy and Social Life, 1917-1936, Wendy Z. Goldman". The American Historical Review. 100 (2): 557. doi:10.2307/2169117. JSTOR 2169117.
  227. ^ Huber, Joan; Lapidus, Gail Warshofsky (1979). "Women in Soviet Society: Equality, Development, and Social Change". Social Forces. 57 (4): 1428. doi:10.2307/2577299. JSTOR 2577299.
  228. ^ Jancar, Barbara W. (1979). "Reviewed work: Women in Soviet Society: Equality, Development and Social Change, Gail Warshofsky Lapidus". Soviet Studies. 31 (4): 603–605. JSTOR 150925.
  229. ^ a b Williamson, N. E. (1975). "Reviewed Work: The Surrogate Proletariat: Moslem Women and Revolutionary Strategies in Soviet Central Asia, 1919–1929. by Gregory J. Massell". American Journal of Sociology. 81 (1): 216–218. doi:10.1086/226063. JSTOR 2777083.
  230. ^ Starr, S. F. (1975). "Reviewed Work: The Surrogate Proletariat: Moslem Women and Revolutionary Strategies in Soviet Central Asia, 1919-1929 by Gregory K. Massell". The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 6 (2): 355–356. doi:10.2307/202258. JSTOR 202258.
  231. ^ Lazzerini, E. J. (1975). "Reviewed Work: The Surrogate Proletariat: Moslem Women and Revolutionary Strategies in Soviet Central Asia, 1919-1929. by Gregory J. Massell". Slavic Review. 34 (2): 398–399. doi:10.2307/2495208. JSTOR 2495208. S2CID 164295237.
  232. ^ Newman, Barbara Evans (2011). "Reviewed work: Equality and Revolution: Women's Rights in the Russian Empire, 1905-1917, Rochelle Goldberg Ruthchild". Russian Review. 70 (2): 346–347. JSTOR 41061873.
  233. ^ Rosneck, Karen (2012). "Reviewed work: Equality and Revolution: Women's Rights in the Russian Empire, 1905–1917, Rochelle Goldberg Ruthchild". The Slavic and East European Journal. 56 (4): 659–661. JSTOR 24392638.
  234. ^ Edmondson, Linda (1993). "Reviewed work: The Women's Liberation Movement in Russia. Feminism, Nihilism, and Bolshevism, 1860-1930, Richard Stites". The Slavonic and East European Review. 71 (2): 346–347. JSTOR 4211256.
  235. ^ Ransel, David L. (1978). "The Women's Liberation Movement in Russia: Feminism, Nihilism, and Bolshevism, 1860-1930. By Richard Stites. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978". Slavic Review. 37 (3): 498–500. doi:10.2307/2497695. JSTOR 2497695. S2CID 164613202.
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  238. ^ Yekelchyk, Serhy (2000). "Reviewed work: A Prayer for the Government: Ukrainians and Jews in Revolutionary Times, 1917-1920, Henry Abramson". The Russian Review. 59 (4): 650–651. JSTOR 2679295.
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  245. ^ Маклеллан, Д.Т. (1996). «Рецензируемая работа: Партия неверия: религиозная политика большевистской партии, 1917-1929, Арто Луукканен». The Slavonic and East European Review . 74 (2): 337. JSTOR  4212099.
  246. ^ Rees, EA (1996). "Рецензируемая работа: Партия неверия: религиозная политика большевистской партии 1917-1929, Арто Луукканен" . Исследования Европы и Азии . 48 (4): 691–692. JSTOR  153160.
  247. ^ Петерсен, Эсбен (2018). «Рецензируемая работа: Русское православие и русско-японская война, Бетси К. Перабо». Японский журнал религиоведения . 45 (1): 204–206. doi : 10.18874/jjrs.45.1.2018.204-206 . JSTOR  26854477.
  248. ^ Орбах, Александр (1991). «Рецензируемая работа: Евреи Советского Союза: История национального меньшинства, Бенджамин Пинкус; Евреи в Советском Союзе с 1917 года: Парадокс выживания, Нора Левин». Журнал современной истории . 63 (1): 206–209. doi :10.1086/244311. JSTOR  2938578.
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  258. ^ Уолтерс, Филип М. (2004). «Рецензируемая работа: Красные священники: обновленчество, русское православие и революция, 1905-1946, Эдвард Э. Рослоф». The Slavonic and East European Review . 82 (3): 765–767. doi :10.1353/see.2004.0155. JSTOR  4213981. S2CID  247622515.
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  309. ^ Кац, Марк Н. (1994). «Черная Земля, Красная Звезда: История Советской Политики Безопасности, 1917-1991. Р. Крейг Нейшн. Итака: Издательство Корнеллского Университета, 1991» . Slavic Review . 53 (2): 610. doi :10.2307/2501355. JSTOR  2501355. S2CID  164502675.
  310. ^ Кауфман, Стюарт (1993). «Рецензируемая работа: Black Earth, Red Star: A History of Soviet Security Policy, 1917-1991, R. Craig Nation». Russian History . 20 (1/4): 377–378. doi :10.1163/187633193X00847. JSTOR  24657366.
  311. ^ Сенезе, Д. (1993). «Рецензируемая работа: Борис Савинков: Портрет террориста Кароля Ведзягольского, Тадеуша Свентоховского, Маргарет Патовски». Russian History . 20 (1/4): 329–330. doi :10.1163/187633193X00531. JSTOR  24657335.
  312. ^ Пирс, Ричард А. (1968). «Рецензируемая работа: Протектораты России в Центральной Азии: Бухара и Хива, 1865-1924, Сеймур Беккер» . Middle East Journal . 22 (3): 366–367. JSTOR  4324314.
  313. ^ Mačiuika, Benedict V. (1995). "Рецензируемая работа: Колдун как ученик: Сталин как комиссар национальностей, 1917-1924, Стивен Бланк" . Журнал балтийских исследований . 26 (1): 73–74. JSTOR  43211935.
  314. ^ Олкотт, Марта Брилл; Бланк, Стивен (1998). «Волшебник как ученик: Сталин как комиссар по делам национальностей, 1917-1924» . The American Historical Review . 103 : 236. doi :10.2307/2650892. JSTOR  2650892.
  315. ^ Смит, Майкл Г. (1996). «Колдун как ученик: Сталин как комиссар национальностей, 1917-1924. Стивен Бланк. Вклад в военные исследования, № 145. Вестпорт: Greenwood Press, 1994. 295 стр.» . Slavic Review . 55 : 185–186. doi :10.2307/2500997. JSTOR  2500997. S2CID  164241917.
  316. ^ Накаи, Казуо (1981). «Рецензируемая работа: Советизация Украины, 1917-1923: коммунистическая доктрина и практика национального самоопределения. Пересмотренное издание, Юрий Борис». Harvard Ukrainian Studies . 5 (2): 278–279. JSTOR  41035914.
  317. ^ Häfner, L. (1988). «Обзорная работа: Рождение пропагандистского государства. Советские методы массовой мобилизации, 1917-1929 Питера Кенеза». Osteuropa . 38 (11): 1054–1055. JSTOR  44913998.
  318. ^ Кэмпбелл, Дж. К. (1986). «Обзорная работа: Рождение пропагандистского государства: советские методы массовой мобилизации, 1917–1929 Питера Кенеза» . Foreign Affairs . 64 (4): 885. doi :10.2307/20042739. JSTOR  20042739.
  319. ^ hagen, M. (1986). "Reviewed Work: The Birth of the Propaganda State: Soviet Methods of Mass Mobilization 1917-1929. by Peter Kenez". Slavic Review. 45 (4): 741–743. doi:10.2307/2498352. JSTOR 2498352. S2CID 164945725.
  320. ^ Mcclelland, J. C (1988). "Reviewed Work: The Birth of the Propaganda State: Soviet Methods of Mass Mobilization, 1917-1929 by Peter Kenez". The American Historical Review. 93 (2): 467–468. doi:10.2307/1860024. JSTOR 1860024.
  321. ^ Venturi, A. (1984). "Reviewed Work: The Cheka: Lenin's Political Police by George Leggett". The Journal of Modern History. 56 (4): 767–768. doi:10.1086/242774. JSTOR 1880364.
  322. ^ Squire, P. S. (1982). "Reviewed Work: The Cheka: Lenin's Political Police by George Leggett". The Slavonic and East European Review. 60 (1): 132–133. JSTOR 4208468.
  323. ^ Thurston, R. W. (1982). "Reviewed Work: The Cheka: Lenin's Political Police. The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counterrevolution and Sabotage (December 1917 to February 1922). by George Leggett". Slavic Review. 41 (3): 549–551. doi:10.2307/2497034. JSTOR 2497034. S2CID 157933756.
  324. ^ Dallin, A. (1982). "Reviewed Work: The Cheka: Lenin's Political Police; The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage (December 1917 to February 1922) by George Leggett". The American Historical Review. 87 (4): 1136–1137. doi:10.2307/1858027. JSTOR 1858027.
  325. ^ Daniels, Robert V. (1980). "Lenin's Government: Sovnarkom 1917-1922. By T. H. Rigby. New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 1979". Slavic Review. 39 (2): 308–309. doi:10.2307/2496801. JSTOR 2496801. S2CID 164690316.
  326. ^ Rees, E. A. (1980). "Reviewed work: Lenin's Government: Sovnarkom 1917-1922, T. H. Rigby". Soviet Studies. 32 (4): 598–600. JSTOR 151293.
  327. ^ Rees, E. A. (1980). "Reviewed work: Lenin's Government: Sovnarkom 1917-1922, T. H. Rigby". Soviet Studies. 32 (4): 598–600. JSTOR 151293.
  328. ^ Rosenberg, William G. (1980). "Reviewed work: Lenin's Government: Sovnarkom 1917-1922, T. H. Rigby; the Bolshevik Party in Revolution: A Study in Organizational Change 1917-1923, Robert Service". The Russian Review. 39 (1): 84–86. doi:10.2307/128566. JSTOR 128566.
  329. ^ Verhoeven, Claudia (2013). "Lenin's Terror: The Ideological Origins of Early Soviet State Violence. By James Ryan. Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series. London: Routledge, 2012. Xii, 260 pp". Slavic Review. 72 (4): 899–900. doi:10.5612/slavicreview.72.4.0899. S2CID 165029747.
  330. ^ Kreindler, I. (2000). "Reviewed Work: The Bolsheviks and the National Question, 1917-1923 by Jeremy Smith". Slavic Review. 59 (2): 462–463. doi:10.2307/2697091. JSTOR 2697091. S2CID 164982249.
  331. ^ Shore, Marci (August 18, 2017). "The Russian Revolution Recast as an Epic Family Tragedy". The New York Times. Retrieved September 2, 2020.
  332. ^ Owen Hatherley (December 15, 2017). "The House of Government by Yuri Slezkine review – the Russian Revolution told through one building". The Guardian. Retrieved September 2, 2020.
  333. ^ Rose Deller (February 26, 2018). "Book Review: The House of Government: A Saga of the Russian Revolution by Yuri Slezkine". The London School of Economics. Retrieved September 2, 2020.
  334. ^ Sorenson, Jay B.; Schapiro, Leonard (1957). "The Origin of the Communist Autocracy, Political Opposition in the Soviet State, First Phase: 1917-1922". American Slavic and East European Review. 16: 84. doi:10.2307/3001342. JSTOR 3001342.
  335. ^ Hendel, Samuel; Schapiro, Leonard (1956). "The Origin of the Communist Autocracy: Political Opposition in the Soviet State, First Phase, 1917-1922". Political Science Quarterly. 71 (2): 296. doi:10.2307/2145036. JSTOR 2145036.
  336. ^ Hunczak, Taras (2012). "State Building in Revolutionary Ukraine: A Comparative Study of Governments and Bureaucrats, 1917-1922. By Stephen Velychenko. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011. Xvi, 434 pp". Slavic Review. 71 (3): 698–699. doi:10.5612/slavicreview.71.3.0698. S2CID 164485800.
  337. ^ Smith, Scott (2013). "State Building in Revolutionary Ukraine: A Comparative Study of Governments and Bureaucrats, 1917–1922. By Stephen Velychenko.Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011". The Journal of Modern History. 85 (2): 482–483. doi:10.1086/669805.
  338. ^ a b Barry, D. D. (1982). "Reviewed Work: Diplomacy and Ideology: The Origins of Soviet Foreign Relations, 1917-1930 (Sage Studies in 20th Century History, Volume 9) by Teddy J. Uldricks". Russian History. 9 (1): 132. JSTOR 24652837.
  339. ^ a b Hanak, H. (1981). "Reviewed Work: Diplomacy and Ideology: The Origins of Soviet Foreign Relations, 1917-1930 by Teddy J. Uldricks". The Slavonic and East European Review. 59 (3): 461. JSTOR 4208358.
  340. ^ Uldricks, Teddy J. (1990). "Reviewed work: The Origins of Detente: The Genoa Conference and Soviet-Western Relations, 1921-1922, Stephen White". Soviet Studies. 42 (1): 162–163. JSTOR 152180.
  341. ^ Gorodetsky, Gabriel (1991). "Reviewed work: The Origins of Detente: The Genoa Conference and Soviet-Western Relations, 1921-1922, Stephen White". The American Historical Review. 96 (2): 498–499. doi:10.2307/2163256. JSTOR 2163256.
  342. ^ Lodder, Christina (1998). "Reviewed Work: Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin. by Victoria E. Bonnell". Slavic Review. 57 (4): 922–923. doi:10.2307/2501086. JSTOR 2501086. S2CID 157255472.
  343. ^ Stites, Richard (1999). "Reviewed Work: Iconography of Power: Soviet Political Posters under Lenin and Stalin. by Victoria E.Bonnell". American Journal of Sociology. 104 (5): 1589–1591. doi:10.1086/210214. JSTOR 10.1086/210214. S2CID 151656737.
  344. ^ Joll, J. (1987). "Reviewed Work: War, Peace and Revolution: International Socialism at the Crossroads 1914-1918 by David Kirby". The Slavonic and East European Review. 65 (2): 296–297. JSTOR 4209512.
  345. ^ Wohl, R. (1989). "Reviewed Work: War, Peace, and Revolution: International Socialism at the Crossroads, 1914-1918 by David Kirby". The Journal of Modern History. 61 (1): 142–144. doi:10.1086/468201. JSTOR 1880977.
  346. ^ Long, J. W. (1975). "The "Red Years": European Socialism versus Bolshevism, 1919–1921". History: Reviews of New Books. 3 (6): 154. doi:10.1080/03612759.1975.9946948.
  347. ^ Fiddick, T. (1991). "Reviewed Work: Lenin and the Myth of World Revolution: Ideology and Reasons of State, 1917-1920. by Piero Melograni". Slavic Review. 50 (2): 441–442. doi:10.2307/2500225. JSTOR 2500225. S2CID 164785073.
  348. ^ Tucker, Robert C.; Meyer, Alfred G. (1959). "Leninism". The Slavic and East European Journal. 3 (3): 299. doi:10.2307/305030. JSTOR 305030.
  349. ^ Low, Alfred D.; Meyer, Alfred G. (1959). "Leninism". Russian Review. 18 (3): 241. doi:10.2307/126303. JSTOR 126303.
  350. ^ a b Scheibert, P. (1974). "Reviewed Work: Lenin: Genesis and Development of a Revolutionary. by Rolf H. W. Theen, Walter Kaufmann". Slavic Review. 33 (2): 349–350. doi:10.2307/2495806. JSTOR 2495806. S2CID 164594402.
  351. ^ Campbell, J. C. (1980). "Reviewed Work: Diplomacy and Ideology: The Origins of Soviet Foreign Relations, 1917-1930 by Teddy J. Uldricks". Foreign Affairs. 58 (5): 1199–1200. doi:10.2307/20040627. JSTOR 20040627.
  352. ^ Wortman, Richard; Rogger, Hans (1985). "Russia in the Age of Modernisation and Revolution, 1881-1917". Russian Review. 44 (3): 299. doi:10.2307/129309. JSTOR 129309.
  353. ^ Ascher, Abraham (1984). "Reviewed work: Russia in the Age of Modernisation and Revolution 1881-1917, Hans Rogger". Russian History. 11 (4): 452–454. JSTOR 24652691.
  354. ^ Elkin, B. (1961). "Roots of Revolution: A History of Populist and Socialist Movements in Nineteenth Century Russia". International Affairs. 37 (2): 209–210. doi:10.2307/2611838. JSTOR 2611838.
  355. ^ Basil, John (1977). "Reviewed work: The Mensheviks in the Russian Revolution, Abraham Ascher". Russian History. 4 (1): 90–91. JSTOR 24649578.
  356. ^ Sapir, Boris (1977). "Reviewed work: The Mensheviks in the Russian Revolution, Abraham Ascher". The Slavonic and East European Review. 55 (1): 123–124. JSTOR 4207413.
  357. ^ Ellison, Herbert J. (1962). "Robert V. Daniels, the Conscience of the Revolution: Communist Opposition in Soviet Russia. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1960". Slavic Review. 21: 162–163. doi:10.2307/3000554. JSTOR 3000554. S2CID 164654258.
  358. ^ Barghoorn, F. C. (1961). "Reviewed work: The Conscience of the Revolution: Communist Opposition in Soviet Russia, Robert Vincent Daniels". The Journal of Modern History. 33 (4): 466–467. doi:10.1086/238969. JSTOR 1877273.
  359. ^ Husband, W. B. (1994). "Reviewed Work: The Bolshevik Party in Conflict: The Left Communist Opposition of 1918 by Ronald I. Kowalski". Russian History. 21 (1): 91–92. JSTOR 24657268.
  360. ^ Melancon, M. (1993). "Reviewed Work: The Bolshevik Party in Conflict: The Left Communist Opposition of 1918. by Ronald I. Kowalski". Slavic Review. 52 (2): 368–369. doi:10.2307/2499939. JSTOR 2499939. S2CID 164411133.
  361. ^ Pereira, N. G. O. (2010). "Reviewed Work: The Lost Opportunity: Attempts at Unification of the Anti-Bolsheviks, 1917-1919. Moscow, Kiev, Jassy, Odessa by Christopher Lazarski". Slavic Review. 69 (1): 254. doi:10.1017/S0037677900017228. JSTOR 25621781. S2CID 164606141.
  362. ^ Dixon, S. (1997). "Reviewed Work: The Origins of the Russian Civil War by Geoffrey Swain". The Slavonic and East European Review. 75 (4): 753–754. JSTOR 4212527.
  363. ^ Aldridge, Jack H.; Erickson, John (1963). "The Soviet High Command". Russian Review. 22 (2): 192. doi:10.2307/126325. JSTOR 126325. S2CID 147650335.
  364. ^ Kenez, Peter (1991). "Reviewed work: Claws of the Bear: The History of the Red Army from the Revolution to the Present, Brian Moynahan". Naval War College Review. 44 (4): 143–144. JSTOR 44638587.
  365. ^ Steinberg, John W. (2001). "Reviewed work: The Soviet Military Experience: A History of the Soviet Army, 1917–1991, Roger R. Reese". The Russian Review. 60 (1): 128–129. JSTOR 2679340.
  366. ^ Stone, David R. (2001). "The Soviet Military Experience: A History of the Soviet Army, 1917–1991. By Roger R. Reese. Warfare and History. New York: Routledge, 2000". Slavic Review. 60 (3): 653–654. doi:10.2307/2696867. JSTOR 2696867. S2CID 164555269.
  367. ^ Debo, Richard K. (1991). "Reviewed work: The Bolsheviks and the Red Army, 1918–1921, Francesco Benvenuti; Soldiers in the Proletarian Dictatorship: The Red Army and the Soviet Socialist State, 1917–1930, Mark von Hagen". The International History Review. 13 (2): 401–404. JSTOR 40106401.
  368. ^ Wright, Alistair S. (2019). "Review: An Anti-Bolshevik Alternative: The White Movement and the Civil War in the Russian North". Revolutionary Russia. 32 (2): 308–310. doi:10.1080/09546545.2019.1670440. S2CID 210584819.
  369. ^ Channon, John (1992). "Reviewed work: Stalin, Siberia and the Crisis of the New Economic Policy, James Hughes". The Slavonic and East European Review. 70 (4): 770–772. JSTOR 4211126.
  370. ^ Munting, Roger (1993). "Reviewed work: The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800–1917., Thomas C. Owen; Stalin, Siberia and the Crisis of the New Economic Policy., James Hughes". The Economic History Review. 46 (1): 206–207. doi:10.2307/2597700. JSTOR 2597700.
  371. ^ Murton, Galen (2016). "Reviewed Work: The Struggle for the Eurasian Borderlands: From the Rise of Early Modern Empires to the End of the First World War by Alfred J. Rieber". Inner Asia. 18 (1): 173–175. doi:10.1163/22105018-12340061. JSTOR 44645093.
  372. ^ Gagiano, Annie (2016). "The struggle for the Eurasian borderlands: from the rise of early modern empires to the end of the First World War". Journal of Postcolonial Writing. 52 (2): 375–376. doi:10.1080/17449855.2016.1158900. S2CID 164044895.
  373. ^ Weeks, T. R. (2022). "Review of The Tsar, the Empire, and the Nation: Dilemmas of Nationalization in Russia's Western Borderlands, 1905–1915". The Russian Review. 81 (3): 566–598. doi:10.1111/russ.12378. S2CID 248954384.
  374. ^ Gilley, C. R. (2011). "Reviewed Work: Western Ukraine in Conflict with Poland and Bolshevism, 1918––1923 by Kuchabsky, Vasyl., Gus Fagan". The Slavonic and East European Review. 89 (4): 766–768. doi:10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.89.4.0766. JSTOR 10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.89.4.0766.
  375. ^ Prusin, A. (2009). "Reviewed Work: Western Ukraine in Conflict with Poland and Bolshevism, 1918–1923 by Vasyl' Kuchabsky". The Polish Review. 54 (3): 372–375. JSTOR 25779827.
  376. ^ Thompson, J. M. (1998). "Reviewed Work: Civil War in Siberia: The Anti-Bolshevik Government of Admiral Kolchak, 1918–1920. by Jonathan D. Smele". Slavic Review. 57 (2): 457–458. doi:10.2307/2501886. JSTOR 2501886. S2CID 164817556.
  377. ^ Allison, W. (1998). "Reviewed Work: Civil War in Siberia: The Anti-Bolshevik Government of Admiral Kolchak, 1918–1920 by Jonathan D. Smele". The Slavic and East European Journal. 43 (3): 564–565. doi:10.2307/309709. JSTOR 309709.
  378. ^ Landis, E. C. (1998). "Reviewed Work: Civil War in Siberia: The Anti-Bolshevik Government of Admiral Kolchak, 1918–1920 by Jonathan D. Smele". The Slavonic and East European Review. 76 (2): 355–356. JSTOR 4212653.
  379. ^ Lundin, C. L. (1961). "Reviewed Work: Finland and the Russian Revolution, 1917–1922 by C. Jay Smith, Jr". The Slavic and East European Journal. 5 (2): 179–180. doi:10.2307/304482. JSTOR 304482.
  380. ^ Mazour, A. G. (1964). "Reviewed Work: Finland and the Russian Revolution, 1917–1922 by C. Jay Smith, Jr". The Journal of Modern History. 36 (4): 492. doi:10.1086/239560. JSTOR 1875316.
  381. ^ DeHaan, Heather D. (2019). "Book Review: The Sovietization of Azerbaijan: The South Caucasus in the Triangle of Russia, Turkey, and Iran, 1920–1922". Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association. 6 (2): 180–182. doi:10.2979/jottturstuass.6.2.14. S2CID 258158743. Retrieved 4 February 2020.
  382. ^ Tabak, Hüsrev (2019). "Reviewed Work: The Sovietization of Azerbaijan: The South Caucasus in the Triangle of Russia, Turkey and Iran, 1920–1922 by Jamil Hasanli". Insight Turkey. 21 (4): 234–236. JSTOR 26842789.
  383. ^ Arslanian, Artin H. (1989). "Reviewed work: Russian Azerbaijan, 1905–1920: The Shaping of National Identity in a Muslim Community, Tadeusz Swietochowski". Russian History. 16 (1): 87–89. JSTOR 24657676.
  384. ^ Altstadt, Audrey L. (1987). "Reviewed work: Russian Azerbaijan, 1905–1920: The Shaping of National Identity in a Muslim Community, Tadeusz Swietochowski". The American Historical Review. 92 (2): 460–461. doi:10.2307/1866737. JSTOR 1866737.
  385. ^ Hitchens, K. (1986). "Reviewed Work: Russian Azerbaijan, 1905–1920: The Shaping of National Identity in a Muslim Community. by Tadeusz Swietochowski". Slavic Review. 45 (1): 137–138. doi:10.2307/2497958. JSTOR 2497958. S2CID 164492178.
  386. ^ Arslanian, A. H. (1989). "Reviewed Work: Russian Azerbaijan, 1905–1920: The Shaping of National Identity in a Muslim Community by Tadeusz Swietochowski". Russian History. 16 (1): 87–89. JSTOR 24657676.
  387. ^ Deringil, S. (1994). "Reviewed Work: The Green Crescent under the Red Star: Enver Pasha in Soviet Russia, 1919–1922 by Masayuki Yamauchi". Journal of the American Oriental Society. 114 (4): 689–690. doi:10.2307/606207. JSTOR 606207.
  388. ^ a b "Book reviews". The Russian Review. 80 (4): 711–750. September 3, 2021. doi:10.1111/russ.12342. S2CID 239134609.
  389. ^ Norris, H. T. (2000). "Reviewed Work: The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jadidism in Central Asia by Adeeb Khalid". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. 63 (3). Cambridge University Press: 441–443. doi:10.1017/S0041977X00008648. JSTOR 1559512. S2CID 154146552.
  390. ^ Akiner, S. (2001). "Reviewed Work: The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jadidism in Central Asia by Adeeb Khalid". The American Historical Review. 106 (2): 552. doi:10.2307/2651645. JSTOR 2651645.
  391. ^ Yapp, M. E. (1999). "Reviewed Work: The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jadidism in Central Asia by Adeeb Khalid". The Slavonic and East European Review. 77 (4): 770–771. JSTOR 4212987.
  392. ^ Becker, S. (2000). "Reviewed Work: The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jadidism in Central Asia by Adeeb Khalid". Slavic Review. 59 (1): 210–211. doi:10.2307/2696933. JSTOR 2696933. S2CID 158037828.
  393. ^ Reid, Patryk (2018). "Review: Making Uzbekistan: Nation, Empire, and Revolution in the Early USSR". Revolutionary Russia. 31 (1): 133–134. doi:10.1080/09546545.2018.1470795. S2CID 150101381.
  394. ^ Conermann, S. (2017). "Book Review: Making Uzbekistan: Nation, Empire, and Revolution in the Early USSR". Slavic Review. 76 (2): 501–503. doi:10.1017/slr.2017.91. S2CID 164732966.
  395. ^ Starr, S. F. (1975). "Reviewed Work: The Surrogate Proletariat: Moslem Women and Revolutionary Strategies in Soviet Central Asia, 1919–1929 by Gregory K. Massell". The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 6 (2): 355–356. doi:10.2307/202258. JSTOR 202258.
  396. ^ Lazzerini, E. J. (1975). "Reviewed Work: The Surrogate Proletariat: Moslem Women and Revolutionary Strategies in Soviet Central Asia, 1919–1929. by Gregory J. Massell". Slavic Review. 34 (2): 398–399. doi:10.2307/2495208. JSTOR 2495208. S2CID 164295237.
  397. ^ Roberts, H. L. (October 1, 1957). "Bolshevism in Turkestan, 1917–1927". Foreign Affairs. 36 (October 1957). Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  398. ^ Ruotsila, Markku (2009). "Reviewed work: The King of Karelia: Col P. J. Woods and the British Intervention in North Russia 1918–1919: A History and Memoir, Nick Baron". The Slavonic and East European Review. 87 (3): 571–572. doi:10.1353/see.2009.0036. JSTOR 40650437. S2CID 247619609.
  399. ^ Weller, Grant T. (2009). "Reviewed work: The King of Karelia: Col P.J. Woods and the British Intervention in North Russia 1918–1919, a History and Memoir, Nick Baron". Europe-Asia Studies. 61 (4): 725–726. JSTOR 27752287.
  400. ^ Feldman, Robert S. (1968). "Reviewed work: The Volunteer Army and Allied Intervention in South Russia, 1917–1921, George A. Brinkley; Allied Intervention in Russia 1918–1919: And the Part Played by Canada, John Swettenham". Soviet Studies. 20 (2): 265–267. JSTOR 150039.
  401. ^ White, W. J. (1967). "Reviewed work: The Volunteer Army and Allied Intervention in South Russia, 1917–1921, George A. Brinkley". Naval War College Review. 19 (8): 115–116. JSTOR 44640948.
  402. ^ Wightman, G. (1971). "Reviewed work: Allied Intervention in Russia, 1917–1920, John Bradley". Soviet Studies. 23 (1): 157–159. JSTOR 149731.
  403. ^ Ulman, Richard H. (1970). "Reviewed work: Allied Intervention in Russia, 1917–1920, John Bradley". The Journal of Modern History. 42 (1): 125–126. doi:10.1086/240533. JSTOR 1905999.
  404. ^ Wade, Rex A. (1985). "Revolution and Intervention: The French Government and the Russian Civil War 1917–1919. By Michael Jabara Carley. Kingston and Montreal: Mc Gill-Queen's University Press, 1983". Slavic Review. 44: 120–121. doi:10.2307/2498262. JSTOR 2498262. S2CID 164832089.
  405. ^ Long, John W. (1989). "Reviewed work: Revolution and Intervention: The French Government and the Russian Civil War, 1917–1919, Michael Jabara Carley". Russian History. 16 (1): 99–100. JSTOR 24657685.
  406. ^ Coffman, E. M. (1987). "Review: The Day They Almost Bombed Moscow: The Allied War in Russia 1918–1920. By Christopher Dobson and John Miller". Journal of American History. 74 (1). Oxford Academic: 208–209. doi:10.2307/1908593. JSTOR 1908593.
  407. ^ Kane, Robert G. (2012). "Reviewed work: Japan's Siberian Intervention, 1918–1922: "A Great Disobedience against the People", Paul E. Dunscomb". The Journal of Japanese Studies. 38 (2): 403–406. doi:10.1353/jjs.2012.0047. JSTOR 24242556. S2CID 143534968.
  408. ^ Grunden, Walter E. (2013). "Reviewed work: Japan's Siberian Intervention, 1918—1922: "A Great Disobedience against the People.", Paul E. Dunscomb". The Journal of Asian Studies. 72 (1): 200–202. doi:10.1017/S0021911812002033. JSTOR 23357532. S2CID 161066568.
  409. ^ Carley, Michael Jabara (2011). "Reviewed work: From Victoria to Vladivostok: Canada's Siberian Expedition, 1917–19. Studies in Canadian Military History, Benjamin Isitt". Canadian Slavonic Papers. 53 (1): 148–150. JSTOR 25822327.
  410. ^ "Reviewed work: Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin, George F. Kennan". Naval War College Review. 14 (3): 40–41. 1961. JSTOR 45236496.
  411. ^ Raleigh, Donald J. (1979). "Reviewed work: Civil War in South Russia, 1918–1920: The Defeat of the Whites, PETER KENEZ". Canadian Slavonic Papers. 21 (1): 111–112. JSTOR 40867422.
  412. ^ Wade, Rex A.; Kettle, Michael (1982). "Russia and the Allies, 1917–1920. Volume 1. The Allies and the Russian Collapse, March 1917–March 1918". The American Historical Review. 87 (2): 505. doi:10.2307/1870243. JSTOR 1870243.
  413. ^ Neilson, Keith (1994). "Reviewed work: Russia and the Allies, 1917–1920: Volume 3: Churchill and the Archangel Fiasco, November 1918–July 1919, Michael Kettle". The International History Review. 16 (2): 385–387. JSTOR 40107205.
  414. ^ Ullman, Richard H. (1990). "The Road to Intervention: March–November 1918. Vol. 2 of Russia and the Allies, 1917–1920. By Michael Kettle. New York and London: Routledge, 1988". Slavic Review. 49 (2): 288. doi:10.2307/2499492. JSTOR 2499492. S2CID 164158733.
  415. ^ Saul, Norman (1982). "The Allies and the Russian Collapse: March 1917–March 1918. Russia and the Allies 1917–1920, vol. 1. By Michael Kettle. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1981". Slavic Review. 41 (3): 548–549. doi:10.2307/2497033. JSTOR 2497033. S2CID 163432974.
  416. ^ Sly, John (2008). "Reviewed work: CHURCHIll's CRUSADE: THE BRITISH INVASION OF RUSSIA, 1918–1920, Clifford Kinvig". Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. 86 (347): 265–266. JSTOR 44232788.
  417. ^ Smith, C. Jay (1972). "The Russian Revolution in Switzerland,1914–1917. By Alfred Erich Senn. Madison, Milwaukee, London: University of Wisconsin Press, 1971". Slavic Review. 31: 164–165. doi:10.2307/2494165. JSTOR 2494165. S2CID 164784289.
  418. ^ Wade, Rex A. (1973). "Reviewed work: The Russian Revolution in Switzerland, 1914–1917, Alfred Erich Senn". The Journal of Modern History. 45 (1): 166–167. doi:10.1086/240941. JSTOR 1877644.
  419. ^ Graubard, Stephen R.; Ullman, Richard H. (1968). "Anglo–Soviet Relations, 1917–1921". The American Historical Review. 74 (2): 585. doi:10.2307/1853730. JSTOR 1853730.
  420. ^ Seton-Watson, R. W. (1939). "Reviewed work: Brest Litovsk: The Forgotten Peace (March 1918), John W. Wheeler-Bennett". The Slavonic and East European Review. 17 (50): 479–481. JSTOR 4203504.
  421. ^ Winter, J. M. (1982). "Reviewed work: Britain and the Bolshevik Revolution, Stephen White". The English Historical Review. 97 (383): 472–473. JSTOR 568226.
  422. ^ Millman, Richard (1981). "Reviewed work: Britain and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Study in the Politics of Diplomacy, 1920–1924, Stephen White". The Journal of Modern History. 53 (4): 724–725. doi:10.1086/242390. JSTOR 1880467.
  423. ^ Rhodes, Benjamin D. (2001). "Reviewed work: Reconstructing Russia: US Policy in Revolutionary Russia, 1917–1922, Leo J. Bacino". The International History Review. 23 (1): 184–185. JSTOR 40108637.
  424. ^ McFadden, David W.; Bacino, Leo J. (2001). "Reconstructing Russia: U.S. Policy in Revolutionary Russia, 1917–1922". The Journal of American History. 88 (3): 1121. doi:10.2307/2700495. JSTOR 2700495.
  425. ^ Reid, Brian Holden (2006). "Reviewed work: The USA in the Making of the USSR: The Washington Conference, 1921–1922, and 'Uninvited Russia', Paul Dukes". The Slavonic and East European Review. 84 (2): 354–355. doi:10.1353/see.2006.0066. JSTOR 4214295. S2CID 247623074.
  426. ^ White, Christine A. (1997). "America's Secret War against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917–1920. By David S. Foglesong. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995". Slavic Review. 56: 146–147. doi:10.2307/2500678. JSTOR 2500678. S2CID 164849743.
  427. ^ O'Connor, Timothy E. (1999). "Reviewed work: America's Secret War against Bolshevism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1917–1920, David S. Foglesong". The Russian Review. 58 (1): 156–157. JSTOR 2679733.
  428. ^ Wurzer, Georg (2018). "Reviewed work: Wolfhounds and Polar Bears. The American Expeditionary Force in Siberia, 1918–1920, John M. House". Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas. 66 (2): 337–339. JSTOR 44968777.
  429. ^ Weiss, JAN (1976). "Reviewed work: Flight of Eagles: The Story of the American Kościuszko Squadṛon in the Polish–Russian War 1919–1920, Robert F. Karolevitz, Ross S. Fenn". The Polish Review. 21 (3): 262–264. JSTOR 25777423.
  430. ^ Farrow, Lee A. (2004). "Reviewed work: The Big Show in Bololand: The American Relief Expedition to Soviet Russia in the Famine of 1921, Bertrand M. Patenaude". Canadian Slavonic Papers. 46 (3/4): 529–530. JSTOR 40860077.
  431. ^ Lih, Lars T. (2004). "The Big Show in Bololand: The American Relief Expedition to Soviet Russia in the Famine of 1921. By Bertrand M. Patenaude. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2002". The Journal of Modern History. 76 (4): 1009–1011. doi:10.1086/427612.
  432. ^ Schild, Georg (2013). "Reviewed work: When the United States Invaded Russia: Woodrow Wilson's Siberian Disaster, Carl J. Richard". The Journal of American History. 100 (3): 864. doi:10.1093/jahist/jat387. JSTOR 44308849.
  433. ^ Elwood, Carter (2002). "Reviewed work: War and Revolution: The United States and Russia, 1914–1921, Norman E. Saul". Europe–Asia Studies. 54 (8): 1353–1355. JSTOR 826393.
  434. ^ Engerman, D. C. (2006). "Friends or Foes? The United States and Soviet Russia, 1921–1941". Journal of American History. 93 (3): 918. doi:10.2307/4486521. JSTOR 4486521.
  435. ^ Patenaude, Bertrand M. (2008). "Friends or Foes? The United States and Soviet Russia, 1921–1941. By Norman E. Saul. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2006". The Journal of Modern History. 80: 215–217. doi:10.1086/586810.
  436. ^ Kilcoyne, Martin (1962). "Noble Frankland, Imperial Tragedy: Nicholas II, Last of the Tsars. New York". Slavic Review. 21: 161. doi:10.2307/3000552. JSTOR 3000552. S2CID 164705316.
  437. ^ McDonald, David Maclaren (1994). "Reviewed work: Nicholas II: Last of the Tsars, Marc Ferro". Russian History. 21 (4): 477–478. JSTOR 24658501.
  438. ^ Perrie, Maureen (1996). "Reviewed work: Nicholas II. Emperor of All the Russias, Dominic Lieven". The English Historical Review. 111 (440): 249–250. doi:10.1093/ehr/CXI.440.249. JSTOR 577996.
  439. ^ Pearson, Raymond (1995). "Reviewed work: Nicholas II: Emperor of All the Russias, Dominic Lieven". The Slavonic and East European Review. 73 (1): 143–144. JSTOR 4211738.
  440. ^ Legvold, Robert (2016). "Reviewed work: The Romanovs: 1613–1918, Simon Sebag Montefiore". Foreign Affairs. 95 (5): 179. JSTOR 43946996.
  441. ^ Jena, Detlef (2001). "Reviewed work: The Flight of the Romanovs. A Family Saga, Curtis Perry, Constantine Pleshakov". Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas. 49 (2): 302. JSTOR 41053046.
  442. ^ Kulikowski, Mark (1993). "Reviewed work: The Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II, Edvard Radzinsky, Marian Schwartz". Russian History. 20 (1/4): 320–322. doi:10.1163/187633193X00478. JSTOR 24657329.
  443. ^ Lewin, Moshe (1974). "Reviewed work: Leon Trotsky and the Politics of Economic Isolation, Richard B. Day". The Journal of Economic History. 34 (4): 1031–1032. doi:10.1017/S0022050700089488. JSTOR 2116627. S2CID 153422854.
  444. ^ Mulholland, Daniel (1975). "Reviewed work: Soviet Economists of the Twenties: Names to be Remembered, Naum Jasny; Leon Trotsky and the Politics of Economic Isolation, Richard B. Day". The American Historical Review. 80 (1): 145–146. doi:10.2307/1859159. JSTOR 1859159.
  445. ^ Rubenstein, Joshua (2014). "Reviewed work: Trotsky in Norway: Exile, 1935–1937, Oddvar K. Høidal". The Russian Review. 73 (3): 487–488. JSTOR 43662106.
  446. ^ Zubok, Vladislav (2016). "Book Review: Stalin, Vol. I: Paradoxes of Power, 1878–1928". Cold War History. 16 (2): 231–233. doi:10.1080/14682745.2016.1153851. S2CID 156644120.
  447. ^ Siegelbaum, L. (2015). "Stalin. Volume 1, Paradoxes of Power, 1878–1928". Slavic Review. 74 (3): 604–606. doi:10.5612/slavicreview.74.3.604. S2CID 164564763.
  448. ^ Folly, Martin H. (2016). "Book Review: Stalin: Volume 1, Paradoxes of Power, 1878–1928". The Historian. 74 (4): 813–815. doi:10.1111/hisn.12396. S2CID 152066357.
  449. ^ Tismaneanu, V. (2015). "Book Review: Stalin: Volume 1: The Paradoxes of Power, 1878–1928". Perspectives on Politics. 13 (2): 567–569. doi:10.1017/S1537592715000936. S2CID 151500856.
  450. ^ Mcdermott, K. (2008). "Young Stalin By Simon Sebag Montefiore". History. 93 (310): 300–301. doi:10.1111/j.1468-229X.2008.423_46.x.
  451. ^ Graeme, Gill (2007). "Reviewed Works: Stalin: A Biography by Robert Service". The Journal of Modern History. 79 (3): 723–725. doi:10.1086/523254. JSTOR 10.1086/523254.
  452. ^ Ronald Grigor Suny (September 28, 2020). "Koba: An Excerpt from Ronald Grigor Suny's "Stalin: Passage to Revolution"". Los Angeles Review of Books. Retrieved October 5, 2020.
  453. ^ McDermott, Kevin (2013). Smith, Stephen A (ed.). "The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism". Oxford Handbooks Online. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199602056.013.007. ISBN 978-0-19-960205-6. Retrieved 7 February 2020.
  454. ^ Morgan, Kevin (2016). "Review: The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism". The Slavonic and East European Review. 94 (4): 756. doi:10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.94.4.0756.
  455. ^ Becker, Seymour (2002). "Reviewed work: P. A. Stolypin: The Search for Stability in Late Imperial Russia, Abraham Ascher". The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 33 (2): 302–303. doi:10.1162/00221950260208913. JSTOR 3656611. S2CID 142251595.
  456. ^ Bradley, Joseph (2003). "P. A. Stolypin: The Search for Stability in Late Imperial Russia. By Abraham Ascher. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2001". The Journal of Modern History. 75 (2): 477–479. doi:10.1086/380186.
  457. ^ Ascher, Abraham (1968). "Paul Avrich, the Russian Anarchists. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967. "Studies of the Russian Institute, Columbia University."". Slavic Review. 27: 137. doi:10.2307/2493925. JSTOR 2493925. S2CID 164964266.
  458. ^ Walaszek, A. (2006). "Reviewed work: Homelands: War, Population and Statehood in Eastern Europe and Russia 1918–1924, Nick Baron, Peter Gatrell". The Slavonic and East European Review. 84 (3): 562–563. doi:10.1353/see.2006.0046. JSTOR 4214339. S2CID 247622597.
  459. ^ Lohr, Eric (2006). "Homelands: War, Population, and Statehood in Eastern Europe and Russia, 1918–1924. Edited by Nick Baron and Peter Gatrell. Anthem Studies in Population Displacement and Political Space. London: Anthem Press, 2004". The Journal of Modern History. 78 (3): 782–783. doi:10.1086/509204.
  460. ^ Mawdsley, Evan (2013). "Reviewed work: Fascination and Enmity: Russia and Germany as Entangled Histories, 1914–1945, Michael David-Fox, Peter Holquist, Alexander M. Martin". The Russian Review. 72 (3): 524–525. JSTOR 43661889.
  461. ^ Suny, Ronald Grigor (2013). "Reviewed work: Fascination and Enmity: Russia and Germany as Entangled Histories, 1914–1945, Michael David-Fox, Peter Holquist, Alexander M. Martin". German Studies Review. 36 (3): 709–711. doi:10.1353/gsr.2013.0110. JSTOR 43555167. S2CID 161705546.
  462. ^ Nicole Eaton (2016). "Reviewed work: Fascination and Enmity: Russia and Germany as Entangled Histories, 1914–1945". The Slavonic and East European Review. 94 (4): 754. doi:10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.94.4.0754.
  463. ^ Wynn, C. (2002). "Reviewed Work: Interpreting the Russian Revolution: The Language and Symbols of 1917 by Orlando Figes, Boris Kolonitskii". The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 579: 280–281. JSTOR 1049802.
  464. ^ Read, C. (2000). "Reviewed Work: Interpreting the Russian Revolution: The Language and Symbols of 1917 by Orlando Figes, Boris Kolonitskii". The Slavonic and East European Review. 78 (4): 778–780. JSTOR 4213141.
  465. ^ Hornsby, Robert (2010). "Reviewed work: On the Ideological Front: The Russian Intelligentsia and the Making of the Soviet Public Sphere, Stuart Finkel". Europe–Asia Studies. 62 (3): 523–524. doi:10.1080/09668131003647861. JSTOR 27808715. S2CID 217511934.
  466. ^ Clark, Charles E. (2009). "Reviewed work: On the Ideological Front: The Russian Intelligentsia and the Making of the Soviet Public Sphere, Stuart Finkel". Slavic Review. 68 (1): 178–179. doi:10.2307/20453301. JSTOR 20453301.
  467. ^ Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi (2004). "Nikolai Sukhanov: Chronicler of the Russian Revolution. By Israel Getzler. St. Antony's Series. Edited by, Richard Clogg. Houndsmills: Palgrave, 2002". The Journal of Modern History. 76: 241–244. doi:10.1086/421229.
  468. ^ Owen, Thomas C. (1984). "Alexander Guchkov and the End of the Russian Empire. By William Gleason. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 73, part 3, 1983. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1983". Slavic Review. 43 (2): 305. doi:10.2307/2497856. JSTOR 2497856. S2CID 161989803.
  469. ^ Yekelchyk, Serhy (2005). "Reviewed work: Making War, Forging Revolution: Russia's Continuum of Crisis, 1914–1921, Peter Holquist". Social History. 30 (1): 91–93. JSTOR 4287164.
  470. ^ Chmielewski, Edward (1974). "Reviewed work: The Russian Constitutional Experiment: Government and Duma, 1907–1914, Geoffrey A. Hosking". The American Journal of Legal History. 18 (3): 249–252. doi:10.2307/845090. JSTOR 845090.
  471. ^ "Book Reviews". The Russian Review. 80: 138–170. 2021. doi:10.1111/russ.12303. S2CID 235366440.
  472. ^ Slatter, John (1996). "Reviewed work: The Bolsheviks' 'German Gold' Revisited: An Inquiry into the 1917 Accusations, Semion Lyandres". Europe–Asia Studies. 48 (3): 503. JSTOR 152749.
  473. ^ Wade, Rex A. (1996). "The Bolsheviks' "German Gold" Revisited: An Inquiry into the 1917 Accusations. By Semion Lyandres. The Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies, no. 1106. Pittsburgh: Center for Russian and East European Studies, 1995". Slavic Review. 55 (2): 486–487. doi:10.2307/2501966. JSTOR 2501966. S2CID 163194338.
  474. ^ McDermott, Kevin (1991). "Reviewed work: War on War. Lenin, the Zimmerwald Left, and the Origins of Communist Internationalism, R. Craig Nation". The Slavonic and East European Review. 69 (3): 560–561. JSTOR 4210711.
  475. ^ "Reviewed work: War on War: Lenin, the Zimmerwald Left, and the Origins of Communist Internationalism, R. Craig Nation". Studies in East European Thought. 47 (1/2): 119–122. 1995. JSTOR 20099563.
  476. ^ Bolsover, G. H. (1974). "Revolution and Politics in Russia: Essays in Memory of B. I. Nicolaevsky. Edited by Alexander and Janet Rabinowitch with Ladis K. D. Kristof. Russian and East European Series, no. 41. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press, for the International Affairs Center, 1972". Slavic Review. 33: 142–143. doi:10.2307/2495347. JSTOR 2495347.
  477. ^ Fisher, Harold H.; Rabinowitch, Alexander; Rabinowitch, Janet; Kristof, Ladis K. D.; Nicolaevsky, B. I. (1975). "Revolution and Politics in Russia: Essays in Memory of B. I. Nicolaevsky". Russian Review. 34: 96. doi:10.2307/127766. JSTOR 127766.
  478. ^ Pethybridge, R. (1974). "Reviewed work: Revolution and Politics in Russia: Essays in Memory of B. I. Nicolaevsky, J. Rabinowitch, L. K. D. Kristoff". The Slavonic and East European Review. 52 (127): 303–304. JSTOR 4206887.
  479. ^ Senn, Alfred Erich (1991). "Reviewed work: Russia Abroad: A Cultural History of the Russian Emigration, 1919–1939, Marc Raeff". The American Historical Review. 96 (5): 1586. doi:10.2307/2165396. JSTOR 2165396.
  480. ^ Richardson, William (1991). "Reviewed work: Russia Abroad: A Cultural History of the Russian Emigration, 1919–1939, Marc Raeff". The Historian. 54 (1): 136–137. JSTOR 24447964.
  481. ^ Burbank, Jane (1994). "Reviewed work: Russia Abroad: A Cultural History of the Russian Emigration, 1919–1939, Marc Raeff". The Journal of Modern History. 66 (3): 667–669. doi:10.1086/244935. JSTOR 2124534.
  482. ^ Wolfe, Bertram D. (1966). "Z. A. B. Zeman and W. B. Scharlau, the Merchant of Revolution: The Life of Alexander Israel Helphand (Parvus), 1867–1924. London, New York, and Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1965". Slavic Review. 25 (4): 697–699. doi:10.2307/2492836. JSTOR 2492836. S2CID 164406605.
  483. ^ Shukman, Harold (1967). "Reviewed work: The Merchant of Revolution. The Life of Alexander Israel Helphand (Parvus), 1867–1924, Z. A. B. Zeman, W. B. Scharlau". The Slavonic and East European Review. 45 (104): 254–256. JSTOR 4205858.
  484. ^ Wraga, Richard; Zeman, Z. A. B.; Scharlau, W. B. (1966). "The Merchant of Revolution. The Life of Alexander Israel Helphand (Parvus). 1867–1924". Russian Review. 25 (2): 192. doi:10.2307/127335. JSTOR 127335.
  485. ^ Fisher, Ralph T. (1980). "Reviewed work: The Bolshevik Party in Revolution 1917–1923: A Study in Organizational Change, Robert Service". Russian History. 7 (3): 392–393. JSTOR 24652451.
  486. ^ Jones, S. F. (1989). "Reviewed work: Stalin in October: The Man Who Missed the Revolution, Robert M. Slusser". The Slavonic and East European Review. 67 (2): 316–317. JSTOR 4210004.
  487. ^ Pomper, Philip; Slusser, Robert (1989). "Stalin in October. The Man Who Missed the Revolution". Russian Review. 48 (4): 423. doi:10.2307/130400. JSTOR 130400.
  488. ^ Conroy, Mary Schaeffer (1999). "Between Two Revolutions: Stolypin and the Politics of Renewal in Russia. By Peter Waldron. De Kalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1998". Slavic Review. 58: 231–232. doi:10.2307/2673031. JSTOR 2673031. S2CID 157414352.
  489. ^ Wcislo, Francis (1999). "Book Reviews Between Two Revolutions: Stolypin and the Politics of Renewal in Russia. By Peter Waldron Russian Studies Series. De Kalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1998". The Journal of Modern History. 71 (4): 1022–1023. doi:10.1086/235420. S2CID 151312455.
  490. ^ Keep, John (1989). "Reviewed work: The Other Bolsheviks: Lenin and His Critics, 1904–1914, Robert C. Williams". The Journal of Modern History. 61 (2): 438–439. doi:10.1086/468286. JSTOR 1880912.
  491. ^ Jones, S. J. (1988). "Reviewed work: The Other Bolsheviks: Lenin and His Critics, 1904–1914, Robert C. Williams". The Slavonic and East European Review. 66 (2): 299–300. JSTOR 4209776.
  492. ^ Evans, Alfred B. (1987). "Rereading Lenin's State and Revolution". Slavic Review. 46 (1): 1–19. doi:10.2307/2498617. JSTOR 2498617. S2CID 163968035.
  493. ^ Peeling, Siobhan. "Decree on Peace". 1914-1918 Online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Retrieved 8 February 2020.

Further reading


Bibliographies contain English and non-English language entries unless noted otherwise. This bibliography does not include bibliographies which do not contain English language entries.

Bibliographies of the Revolution and Civil War

Bibliographies of Russian history including significant material on the Revolution and Civil War

Bibliographies of the Soviet-Polish War

Bibliographies of primary source documents


The list below contains journals frequently referenced in this bibliography.

External links

This section is for links to Bibliographies about the Russian Revolution and Civil War and Russian History from English language universities.

Bibliography of the Russian Revolution and Civil War

Bibliography of Russian history