Bunny Maloney

Bunny Maloney is an animated television series created by Studio Tanuki and directed by Stéphane Stoll. The series is produced by MoonScoop Group, in co-production with France 2 and Telegael. It was based on an animated pilot called The Attack of the Giant Red Octopus[3] (French: Pinpin le Lapin: L'attaque de rouge geant). The series chronicles the adventures of a pink anthropomorphic rabbit named Bunny Maloney and his friends. The series was canceled after one season, due to low ratings and highly negative criticism over the show's inappropriate themes.


The series stars the titular Bunny Maloney, who is a pink anthropomorphic rabbit, and he is often blundering and over-confident. He lives in an apartment with his friends Candy Bunny (another pink rabbit, and his girlfriend), and Jean-François (a blue dog-like creature). Sometimes, they are accompanied by a badger called Stan Ookie. They live in Bunnyville, a town that is the target of their sworn enemy, the infamous Professor Débilouman, along with his companion, Modchi.

The series also includes elements akin to Japanese culture - it has elements reminiscent of manga and anime in its design, followed by some manga iconography and instances of text being written with the Japanese language. Some episodes also reference popular culture, like the franchise James Bond.


Main characters

Recurring characters



  1. Casanova Clone ("Candy voit double")
  2. Text Message Madness ("Sos SMS")
  3. Atomic Flea ("La puce atomique")
  4. Rabid Rabbit ("Bunny-sitter")
  5. Hasta La Vista, Bunny ("Hasta la vista, Bunny !")
  6. Candy's Birthday Surprise ("Joyeux anniversaire, Candy !")
  7. Noacak Wants You ("En avant, marche !")
  8. A Wrinkle in the ProtecTeam ("Ô ride, ô désespoir")
  9. Polterabbitgeist ("Nos ancêtres les lapins")
  10. Bunny's Fish Go Off ("Mes chers poissons")
  11. Bunny's Big Hit ("Bunny rebondit")
  12. Carrots Are a Girl’s Best Friend ("Les carottes sont éternelles")
  13. Germ-Free ("Ménage de printemps")
  14. Spouse or Louse ("Moitié ou minable")
  15. Dispense Sense 9000 ("L'interprétator 9000")
  16. Dawn of the Shrimp ("La Nuit des Crevettes Zombies")
  17. Jean-François: Super Model ("Jean François top modèle")
  18. Bunnies are from Mars ("Les lapins viennent de Mars")
  19. Community Service ("Travaux d'intérêt général")
  20. Stuck with Me (“Sauve qui peut”)
  21. Free Potchi ("Libérez Potchi")
  22. Stupid ("Stupide Machine")
  23. Oh Busta Para-Dance! ("Le marathon de Java-Danse")
  24. Fishing for Trouble ("En queue de poisson")
  25. Raucous Caucus ("Votez Bunny!")
  26. OnYooo
  27. Bunny Story ("De mémoire de Bunny")
  28. Stan's Perfect Match ("Stan, cœur à prendre")
  29. The Wrong Diagnosis ("Docteur Ookie")
  30. Charity ("Charité bien ordonnée")
  31. Sick Bunny ("Bunny est malade")
  32. Candy, Lost and Found ("Candy tombe des nues")
  33. It's on the Cards ("Mystique en toc")
  34. Heaven Scent ("Bunny au parfum")
  35. Hypochondriac ("Alerte à l'haleine verte")
  36. The Good, the Bad, and the Cookie ("Cookie folies")
  37. Nanny State ("Les carottes, c'est la santé")
  38. Business as Usual ("Sauvetage en promo")
  39. Passport to Bunnyvania ("Viva Bunnyvania")
  40. Cold Turkey ("Pas de burgers pour Bunny")
  41. Think Extinct ("Un problème de taille")
  42. Rabbit vs. Rabbit ("Lapin contre lapin")
  43. The D-Fixitup ("D-Répare-Tout")
  44. We Come in Peace ("Nous arrivons en paix")
  45. Dead Bunny ("Feu Bunny")
  46. Full House ("Gros comme une maison")
  47. Doomsday ("Jugement dernier")
  48. Computers Have Feelings Too ("Mon ordi a du cœur")
  49. Trading Places ("Vis ma vie")
  50. Funny Bunny ("Bunny brûle les planches")
  51. Made for TV ("Echec et audimat")
  52. The Legend of Bag Man ("La légende de Sac Man")


Pinpin le Lapin: L'attaque de rogue geant, an animated pilot originally published on Studio Tanuki's website, was published in the early 2000's. Aimed at an older audience, the pilot parodies anime tropes, has gags based on fighting games, and references specific anime, like Sailor Moon and Doraemon. It was greenlit by MoonScoop for a kids' show, and production started in 2007.[5]

The show was originally intended to air on March 29, 2009, but was cancelled at the last minute, due to the leaders of Canal+ Family finding the show unsuitable to air on Cartoon+ – a block aiming for young audiences.[6] The show was later delayed to a new premiere date at June.[7] The show also planned to air on France 2, but never did; later airing on sister channel France Ô in 2011.[8]

A Microsoft PowerPoint presentation[9] can be found on MoonScoop's official website.[1] The presentation was likely intended to be a pitch bible, as it has several differences compared to the show itself.


Voice cast




In France, Bunny Maloney was broadcast for the first time on June 29, 2009, on the TV channels Canal+ and Canal+ Family during the Canaille+ programming block.[15] An English dub aired on Kabillion in the United States, and Kix in the United Kingdom. However, any trace of the show had been removed later on, likely due to the series' themes, as it is more explicit compared to adult humor in other kids' shows.


  1. ^ a b c TV Distribution - Moonscoop. Archived from the original on 2013-05-12. Retrieved 2023-01-15.
  2. ^ [1]
  3. ^ "The Attack of the Giant Red Octopus". Archived from the original on 2004-04-05. Retrieved 2004-04-05., retrieved September 2, 2017.
  4. ^ "Lexibook Store". 2015-02-03. Archived from the original on 2015-02-03. Retrieved 2024-02-13.
  5. ^ "Animation". Telegael. Retrieved 2022-06-30.
  6. ^ "Animeland - Pas de Bunny sur C+ Family !". 2009-04-05. Archived from the original on 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2022-06-30.
  7. ^ "Animeland - Bunny Maloney enfin sur C+". 2009-07-31. Archived from the original on 2009-07-31. Retrieved 2022-06-30.
  8. ^ "clone-crooner". Retrieved 2024-02-13.
  9. ^ "Bunny Maloney presentation (PDF) - MoonScoop" (PDF). 2013-06-04. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-06-04. Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  10. ^ "17e Anime & Manga GRAND PRIX : les vainqueurs - Articles - Animeland". 2015-05-08. Archived from the original on 2015-05-08. Retrieved 2023-03-14.
  11. ^ ""I gotta have pizza!" - animation reel". 13 August 2014. - mattwilkinson on Vimeo
  12. ^ "Rhubarb". Archived from the original on 2015-11-05. Retrieved 2015-02-05.
  13. ^ "Bunny Maloney – Walter Lewis".
  14. ^ "Phillipa Alexander - Voice Artist". Archived from the original on 2014-12-27. Retrieved 2015-02-05.
  15. ^ "clone-crooner". Retrieved 2024-02-13.