Трамваи в Хельсинки

Трамвай, курсирующий по трамвайной сети Хельсинки, 2015 г.

Трамваи в Хельсинки являются частью системы общественного транспорта , организованной Региональным транспортным управлением Хельсинки и управляемой Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd ( финский : Pääkaupunkiseudun Kaupunkiliikenne Oy , шведский : Huvudstadsregionens Stadstrafik Ab ) в столице Финляндии Хельсинки . Трамваи являются основным видом транспорта в центре города: в 2019 году по системе было совершено 56,8 миллиона поездок. [1] [3] Помимо старой трамвайной сети, в городе открыта единственная линия легкорельсового транспорта. Октябрь 2023 года. Хотя линия легкорельсового транспорта технически совместима с трамвайной сетью, она отделена от трамвайной сети центра города. [4]


Текущая система


Линия легкорельсового транспорта 15 соединяет Кейланиеми в Эспоо и Итякескус в Хельсинки.

По состоянию на 21 октября 2023 года сеть состоит из десяти центральных трамвайных линий с индивидуальными номерами и одной нумерованной линии легкорельсового транспорта. Линии 1 и 8 работают по немного другому маршруту в выходные дни, когда они идут к терминалу Вест-Харбор, обозначенному суффиксом «T» в номере линии, а линия 9N работает по слегка измененному маршруту линии 9 в пятницу и субботу вечером. [5] [6]

  1. ^ a b Weekdays only.
  2. ^ a b Weekends only.
  3. ^ a b Trams on lines 2 and 3 do not turn around at their shared terminus at the Olympia Terminal, but change their line signs.
  4. ^ Ferry arrival and departure times only.
  5. ^ a b Trams on lines 7 and 9 do not turn around at their shared terminus at the West terminal, but change their line signs.
  6. ^ Operates on Friday and Saturday nights only.

In addition, the SpåraKoff pub tram has operated during the summer months since 1995.[7]


The tram network is built almost exclusively on the streets of Helsinki, making it a traditional tram system rather than light rail. The track gauge is one metre. The network consists almost entirely of double track rail. In some parts the tracks are separated from other road traffic; elsewhere they share road space with cars and buses.

The trams are powered with electricity conveyed by 600 V DC overhead wires, although the voltage is planned to be raised to 750 V in 2025.[2] Trams have their own traffic lights, distinguished from normal lights in that they are based on symbols of single colour: an upward-pointing arrow signifies "go", a horizontal line "prepare to go/stop" and the letter S "stop". The traffic lights are synchronised to allow tram and bus traffic to flow relatively smoothly. This system is called HeLMi (Helsinki Public Transport Signal Priority and Passenger Information).[8] Line 15 uses a different system based on inductive loops and requests from the trams themselves. Line 15's traffic lights also have a fourth aspect: a circle above the letter S, which signifies that the traffic light has acknowledged receipt of a request for the tram. On the inner-city network, a small flashing LED is provided with the S aspect.

Rolling stock

Nr I tram on line 7A.
MLNRV I tram on line 4.
SpåraKoff, the so-called "pub tram", departing from Helsinki Railway Square

As of November 2022, HKL has 122 tram units in scheduled passenger service. Additionally, there are trams in reserve and in charter use. The MLNRV I and II series (rebuilt Valmet Nr I and Valmet Nr II units) and Škoda Artic series comprise the city center fleet, and the light rail line 15 uses bidirectional Škoda Artic X54 units.

In 2006–2011, all Valmet Nr II (at that point known as NRV II) vehicles underwent a major modification process in which a 6.5 m (21 ft 4 in) low-floor midsection was added to the tram. The type designation was changed to MLNRV II to reflect the modifications made, and the longer trams were re-introduced in traffic gradually as the modification works were completed. During the process, HKL also rebuilt ten of the older Nr I trams (at that point known as NRV II) in the same way, which brought the total number of MLNRV trams to 52 upon completion in mid-2014.

The fully low-floor Variotram units, acquired in 1998–2003 from Adtranz (later Bombardier) and built by Transtech Oy in Otanmäki, proved to be unreliable, causing a shortage of operable trams. Starting in 2004, HKL purchased ten Duewag series second-hand trams from Mannheim in Germany to cover for the shortage.[9] Eventually arrangements were made with Bombardier to keep a sufficient number of the units in operation. All of the Duewag units were either withdrawn or relegated to charter service by the end of 2014. All Variotrams were taken out of use in 2018 because of the problems.[10][11]

Beginning in 2013, HKL acquired 72 new Artic trams. They have a double-articulated, eight-axle design, are 27.3 m (89 ft 7 in) long and have 74 fixed seats, 14 foldable seats and space for 75 standing passengers.[12] The design has a 100% low floor and conventional, turning bogies designed to run without problems on Helsinki's challenging old-fashioned track network.[13] Two prototype units were delivered in 2013, and each entered passenger service approximately two months after delivery. The first unit of the production series (out of 70), no. 403, arrived in Helsinki in January 2016. In 2018 both prototype units were sold to Schöneiche bei Berlin tramway.[14]

Helsinki City Transport, the predecesor of Metropolitan Area Transport, has ordered 29 Artic X54 units for line 15, of which 15 are in service,[as of?] and 23 for the Crown Bridges light rail lines. The first prototype unit arrived in Helsinki in April 2021.[15][16]

Metropolitan Area Transport announced a tender in October 2023 to acquire new rolling stock to replace the aging MLNRV fleet and to support new services such as the Vantaa light rail. The procurement includes 30 unidirectional and 33 bi-directional units and is estimated to be valued at €1.6 billion.[17]

  1. ^ A replica of Brändö Spårvägs Ab tram number 1 from 1917.
  2. ^ Number 339 is owned by Oy Stadin Ratikat Ab.
  3. ^ Number 175, SpåraKoff, is a mobile bar.


Töölö tram depot.

As of April 2023, there are several tram depots and workshops in Helsinki. The city center tram services currently use Töölö and Koskela and a maintenance facility in Vallila. A new depot for 100 trams and 200 buses is being built in Ruskeasuo and the new depot, combined with a rebuild of the aging Koskela depot, is planned to eventually fully replace the Töölö and Vallila facilities.[19][20][21][22]

Line 15 (Jokeri light rail) has a separate depot in Roihupelto.[23] The Crown Bridges light rail lines will have as separate depot constructed in Yliskylä, originally due to be completed in 2026.[24][25]

Planned extension of the network

See also


  1. ^ a b c "Vuosikertomus 2023" [Annual report 2023] (PDF). Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd (in Finnish). 2023-04-28. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2023-04-30. Retrieved 2023-08-02.
  2. ^ a b Karhu, Otso (2024-01-04). "Raitiokiskoille saapuu viiden miljoonan euron kotimainen "banaani", joka hioo, putsaa ja liikkuu kahteen suuntaan". Yle Uutiset (in Finnish). Retrieved 2024-01-06.
  3. ^ "Matkustajamäärät 1.1.-31.12.2022" [Ridership numbers] (PDF). Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd (in Finnish). 2022-12-31. Retrieved 2023-09-07.
  4. ^ "Päätös antaa pikaratikalle numero 15 kuohuttaa helsinkiläisiä – Näin HSL vastaa". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). 2023-05-24. Retrieved 2023-10-22.
  5. ^ Palkoaho, Milla (2023-08-01). "Osa ratikoista muuttaa jälleen reittiään Helsingissä". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-08-01.
  6. ^ Pietiläinen, Jari (2023-08-01). "Raitiovaunujen kulkuun isoja muutoksia – yöratikka 9N aloittaa kahden viikon päästä". Helsingin Uutiset (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-08-01.
  7. ^ Moilanen, Kaisu (2015-05-07). "Keskiolutta raitiovaunussa! – Spårakoff oli ilmestyessään suuri nähtävyys, jossa on kosittu ja vietetty häitä". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2024-01-01.
  8. ^ Helsinki Urban Traffic Control Centre
  9. ^ Alku, Antero (2007-07-13). "Düwag GT6". Retrieved 2024-01-01.
  10. ^ Nieminen, Tommi (2000-09-02). "Ratikkaliikenne jatkuu Arabianrantaan asti". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2024-01-01.
  11. ^ Salomaa, Marja (2017-08-22). "HKL hankkiutuu eroon vanhoista matalalattiaraitiovaunuista – Bombardier maksaa korvauksia 33 miljoonaa euroa". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  12. ^ "Transtech toimittaa uudet raitiovaunut". Yle Uutiset (in Finnish). 2010-12-02. Retrieved 2024-01-01.
  13. ^ Malmberg, Lari (2016-01-02). "Tervetuloa hiljainen raitiovaunukyyti – ensimmäinen Artic-raitiovaunu saapuu Helsinkiin kahden viikon päästä". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  14. ^ Järvinen, Katariina (2022-06-25). "Berliinin reunamilla voi nähdä yllättävän tutun raitiovaunun – Miksi helsinkiläinen ratikka ajelee pitkin saksalaisen pikkukunnan katuja?". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2024-01-01.
  15. ^ Salomaa, Marja (2021-04-22). "Tältä näyttää tulevaisuuden ratikka, joka kiitää Raide-Jokerin ja Kruunusiltojen kiskoilla". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  16. ^ Heikkonen, Tanja (2021-04-09). "Ensimmäinen pikaratikka matkaa perjantaina Kajaanista Helsinkiin – tulevia käyttökokemuksia hyödynnetään loppujen tuotannossa". Yle Uutiset (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  17. ^ Preston, Robert (2023-10-13). "Helsinki launches €1.6bn tender for 63 new LRVs". International Railway Journal.
  18. ^ "Raitiovaunut tänään (Helsingin seutu)". Suomen Raitiotieseura ry (Finnish Tramway Society) (in Finnish). 2022-11-22. Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  19. ^ Takala, Sami (2022-07-05). "Helsingin Ruskeasuolle rakennetaan jättimäinen raitiovaunujen ja bussien varikko". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-08-01.
  20. ^ Pannanen, Veera (2021-11-16). "Koskelan raitiovaunuvarikon kaarihalliin suunnitellaan "kiertotalouskorttelia"". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-08-01.
  21. ^ Oksanen, Kimmo (2023-04-27). "Keskellä Helsinkiä sijaitsee työpaikka, jota joskus luullaan museoksi – Silti loppu jo häämöttää". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-08-01.
  22. ^ Kirsi, Katri (2020-12-03). "HKL laittaa 360 miljoonaa raitiovaunuvarikoihin – Ylen saama selvitys paljastaa: Varikkotilat silti liian pienet?". Yle Uutiset (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-08-01.
  23. ^ Jahromi, Bijan Rezai (2022-09-09). "Raide-Jokerin varikko valmistui". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-08-01.
  24. ^ Bäckgren, Noona (2020-11-04). "Helsingin kaupunginvaltuusto hyväksyi murskaenemmistöllä Kruunusiltoihin liittyvän Laajasalon hybridivarikon rakentamisen". Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-08-01.
  25. ^ Valtanen, Tero (2021-06-09). "Helsingin Kruunusillat-raitiotiehankkeen hinta tuplaantui 800 miljoonaan euroon, nyt pormestari Vapaavuori vaatii selitystä tilanteelle". Yle Uutiset (in Finnish). Retrieved 2023-08-01.



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