Leap year starting on Thursday

A leap year starting on Thursday is any year with 366 days (i.e. it includes 29 February) that begins on Thursday 1 January, and ends on Friday 31 December. Its dominical letters hence are DC. The most recent year of such kind was 2004 and the next one will be 2032 in the Gregorian calendar[1] or, likewise, 2016 and 2044 in the obsolete Julian calendar.

This is the only year in which February has five Sundays, as the leap day adds that extra Sunday.

This is the only leap year with three occurrences of Tuesday the 13th: those three in this leap year occur three months (13 weeks) apart: in January, April, and July. Common years starting on Monday share this characteristic, in the months of February, March, and November.

Any leap year that starts on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday has two Friday the 13ths: those two in this leap year occur in February and August.


Applicable years

Gregorian Calendar

Leap years that begin on Thursday, along with those starting on Monday and Saturday, occur least frequently: 13 out of 97 (≈ 13.402%) total leap years in a 400-year cycle of the Gregorian calendar. Their overall occurrence is thus 3.25% (13 out of 400).

For this kind of year, the corresponding ISO year has 53 weeks, and the ISO week 10 (which begins March 1) and all subsequent ISO weeks occur earlier than in all other years, and exactly one week earlier than common years starting on Friday, for example, June 20 falls on week 24 in common years starting on Friday, but on week 25 in leap years starting on Thursday, despite falling on Sunday in both types of year. That means that moveable holidays may occur one calendar week later than otherwise possible, e.g. Gregorian Easter Sunday in week 17 in years when it falls on April 25 and which are also leap years, falling on week 16 in common years.[2]

Julian Calendar

Like all leap year types, the one starting with 1 January on a Thursday occurs exactly once in a 28-year cycle in the Julian calendar, i.e. in 3.57% of years. As the Julian calendar repeats after 28 years that means it will also repeat after 700 years, i.e. 25 cycles. The year's position in the cycle is given by the formula (((year + 8) mod 28) + 1).



Roman Catholic Solemnities

Australia and New Zealand

British Isles


United States


  1. ^ a b Robert van Gent (2017). "The Mathematics of the ISO 8601 Calendar". Utrecht University, Department of Mathematics. Retrieved 20 July 2017.
  2. ^ Leap years when Easter Sunday falls on April 25 are only possible years when Easter Sunday can fall on week 17.