Pierre Klossowski

Pierre Klossowski (/kləˈsɒfski/; French: [klɔˈsɔfski]; 9 August 1905 – 12 August 2001) was a French writer, translator and artist. He was the eldest son of the artists Erich Klossowski and Baladine Klossowska, and his younger brother was the painter Balthus.


Born in Paris, Pierre Klossowski was the older brother of the artist Balthazar Klossowski, better known as Balthus. Their parents were the art historian Erich Klossowski and the painter Baladine Klossowska. His German-educated father came from a family supposedly belonging to the former Polish petty nobility (drobna szlachta) and bearing the Rola coat of arms. His mother, Baladine Klossowska, was born as Elisabeth Dorothea Spiro in Breslau, Prussia (now Wrocław, Poland). When he was 18, Pierre was André Gide's secretary and worked on the drafts of Les faux-monnayeurs for him. Klossowski was responsible for a new publication of The 120 Days of Sodom & Other Writings by the Marquis de Sade in 1964.


Klossowski wrote full length volumes on the Marquis de Sade and Friedrich Nietzsche, a number of essays on literary and philosophical figures, and five novels. Roberte Ce Soir(Roberte in the Evening) provoked controversy due to its graphic depiction of sexuality.[1] He translated several important texts (by Virgil, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Hölderlin, Franz Kafka, Nietzsche, and Walter Benjamin) into French, worked on films and was also an artist, illustrating many of the scenes from his novels. Klossowski participated in most issues of George Bataille's review, Acéphale, in the late 1930s.

His 1969 book, Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle, greatly influenced French philosophers such as Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, and Jean-François Lyotard.[2]


Клоссовский также появился в фильме Робера Брессона « Асард Бальтазар» в роли скупого мельника, желающего Мари, персонажа, которого играет Энн Вяземски .

Он участвовал в:

Его текст о де Саде упоминается в библиографии в начале романа Пьера Паоло Пазолини «Сало, или 120 дней Содома» и несколько раз цитируется в фильме.


Выставка рисунков Клоссовского и скульптур в натуральную величину, созданных по ним со скульптором Жаном-Полем Рети , проходила с 20 сентября по 19 октября 2006 года в Художественной галерее Уайтчепел , Музее Людвига в Кельне и Национальном музее современного искусства в Париже вместе с ретроспектива фильма.



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  1. ^ Алекс Хьюз, «Эротическое письмо» в книге Хьюза и Кейта Ридера, Энциклопедии современной французской культуры (стр. 187–88). Лондон, Рутледж, 1998, ISBN 0-415-13186-3 
  2. ^ Смит, Дэниел В.; Клоссовский, Пьер (1997). Ницше и порочный круг . Чикаго: Издательство Чикагского университета. стр. VII–VIII. ISBN 0-226-44387-6.

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