The King's Quest Companion

The King's Quest Companion is a book by Peter Spear that serves as both hint book/walkthrough and contained complete novelization of each of the games in the King's Quest series by the original Sierra On-Line company.[1] The first three editions were published by Silicon Valley Books, and fourth edition by Osborne/McGraw-Hill. The novelization for KQ6 was written by a guest writer, Eluki Bes Shahar.

Roberta Williams had some influence (though how much is unknown) and praised the books, as well as supplied to the author about the games stories.[2]

"The King's Quest Companion is an interesting blend of fiction and helpful information for playing my games. Anyone interested in reading the story behind King's Quest or who just needs to be "unstuck" while playing the game will find this book invaluable."[3]


The first edition covered the first four games, and each new edition added the most recent game. The fourth and last edition covered up to the seventh game in the series.

The walkthrough novelizations are written from the point of view of various fictional narrators, such as Derek Karlavaegen, who also was used in manual for King's Quest 6, as well as other characters mentioned in the games or manuals. These characters serve to provide the hints in narrative form. The first two editions also included an encyclopedia, "An Encyclopedia of Daventry" giving expanded details on various subjects related to the games. The idea is that these articles (the "novels") were sent from another universe via a device called the "Eye Between the Worlds".[4]


In The King's Quest Companion, Spear claims that the World of Daventry exists in a different plane of reality. The creatures of magic and mythology withdrew to this other world to protect their existence as science and technology took over in our world.

Spear says he gets his information from Derek Karlavaegen, a scribe from the World of Daventry. After Karlavaegen interviewed Prince Alexander about his escape from the wizard Manannan, he traveled to Llewdor and took up shop in Manannan's house. It was here that he discovered "The Eye Between the Worlds", a device that allows him to communicate to other dimensions. It is through this that he has supposedly sent messages to Spear, including the story versions of King Graham and his family's adventures from the King's Quest games.

Spear even suggests that the Eye can be seen in the actual King's Quest III game, pointing out an object on the bookshelf in Manannan's study that looks like a computer screen.


Other articles

Sierra Involvement

The King's Quest Companion is an official guide created in part through the help and input by many Sierra employees, and as such referenced by some of the later material produced by Sierra.

Roberta Williams is acknowledge for being of help in writing the books.[15] According to Peter Spear, he would call Roberta Williams in order to develop chapters for the book. If she wasn't around or was too busy, he would contact other colleagues working on the games including Jane Jensen.[16] The books were officially endorsed by Roberta Williams and she believed it brought the games to life in an exciting new way. She said it added another fascinating dimension to the entire King's Quest experience. She felt it was a pleasure to read, and a must have for anyone wanting to explore the series in greater depth and detail.[17][18] She provided Peter Spear with encouragement, support, and access to work in progress.[19]

Ken Williams (the former owner of Sierra On-line) supported the book from day one. He and his brother John Willams were extremely helpful and supportive of the book through the years, and without their support the book might not have existed. Peter Spear worked directly with Jane Jensen while editing and writing material for KQ6 portions (the main novelization was written by the professional novelist eluki bes shahar), and he worked with Lorelei Shannon on the material published in the 4th Edition and King's Quest VII: Authorized Guide. Other people at Sierra that assisted with Peter Spear in developing the book through the years include Bill Davis, Dennis Jonathan, Kirk Green, Anita Greene, Liz Jacobs, Mark Seibert, Marc Hudgins, Jonk Meek, Dan Rogers, Jerry Bowerman, and Joe Escalle.

The author directly worked with designers and the game publisher to receive behind the scenes information, and influenced material in the games (About King's Quest I-V), the manuals and even other official Hint Books on occasion (see KQ6 and KQ7 hintbooks by Lorelei Shannon, KQ5 Manual (computer and NES versions), the Guidebook to the Land of the Green Isles, KQ6 itself, and King's Questions (a computer game), and other material in the King's Quest Collection (15th Anniversary Collector's Edition)) (The Royal Scribe). Sierra's Interaction Magazine, and King's Quest Collection reprinted portions of the book on occasion to advertise them, give background story to the King's Quest World, and give hints to players (Sierra Magazine, Autumn 1989, Interaction, Fall 1994). The former article was included in the Inside the Chest archive included in several editions of the King's Quest Collection.


The editors of Computer Gaming World reviewed the book and stated that "A final comment on the book itself must be that The King's Quest Companion is more than a hint book and more than a reference work, it is... well, a companion. We suggest that readers will get even more out of the fine adventure series if they play the games (or replay them) with this book beside them."[20]




  1. ^ The King's Quest Companion, back cover
  2. ^ Acknowledgements page
  3. ^ King's Quest Companion, 1st Edition, back cover.
  4. ^ King's Quest Companion, 3rd Edition, chapter 3
  5. ^ Chapter 3 in the first edition, and chapter 1 in later editions.
  6. ^ Chapter 1 in the first edition, chapter 3 in later editions.
  7. ^ Chapter 5 in all editions
  8. ^ Chapter 7 in all editions
  9. ^ Chapter 9 in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th editions.
  10. ^ Chapter 11 in 3rd and 4th editions
  11. ^ Chapter 13 in the 4th edition
  12. ^ Chapter 9 in the 1st Edition, Chapter 11 in the 2nd Edition, Chapter 13 in the 3rd Edition, and Chapter 15 in the 4th Edition. Additional chapters for each game are covered in chapters 14-19 in 3rd Edition and chapters 15-22 in 4th Edition.
  13. ^ The Final Score was chapter 11 of the 1st Edition and Chapter 13 of the 2nd Edition.
  14. ^ Chapter 10 of the 1st Edition and chapter 12 of the 2nd Edition.
  15. ^ KQC1E, pg
  16. ^ KQC3E, 233
  17. ^ "The King's Quest Companion is an interesting blend of fiction and helpful information for playing my games. Anyone interested in reading the story behind King's Quest or who just needs to be 'unstuck' while playing the game will find this book invaluable."-Roberta Williams, 1st Edition back cover
  18. ^ "...a wonderful blend of fact and fiction that brings my games to life in an exciting new way. It add's another fascinating dimension to the entire King's Quest experience. It is truly a pleasure to read and a must have for anyone hoping to explore the series in greater depth and detail."-Roberta Williams, 3rd Edition back cover
  19. ^ KQC2E, KQC3E, Acknowledgements
  20. ^ "The King's Quest Companion: Excerpts from an Intriguing New Book by Peter Spear". Computer Gaming World. Vol. 1, no. 65. November 1989. pp. 30–31, 84.
  21. ^ "006 Sierra News Magazine Volume 2 Number 2 Autumn 1989".
  22. ^ "Page6 44 Jun90".
  23. ^ "Zero_Issue_32_Jun_92".


External links