Дана Делани

Дана Уэллс Делани (род. 13 марта 1956 г.) - американская актриса. После появления в небольших ролях в начале своей карьеры, Делани получила свою выдающуюся роль Коллин МакМерфи в телевизионной драме канала ABC «Чайна-Бич» (1988–1991), за которую она получила премию «Эмми» за выдающуюся главную женскую роль в драматическом сериале в 1989 году и 1992. [1] [2] Дальнейшее признание она получила благодаря своим появлениям в фильмах «Чуткий сон» (1992), «Надгробие» (1993), «Выход в Эдем» (1994), «История Маргарет Сэнгер» (1995), «Улетай домой» (1996). , «Настоящие женщины» (1997) и «Пробуждение» (1998). Делани также озвучила Лоис Лейн в фильмах «Супермен: мультсериал» , «Лига справедливости» и «Неограниченная лига справедливости» .

В 2000-х годах Делани появилась в главных ролях в нескольких недолговечных телесериалах, в том числе «Пасадена » (2001), «Пресидио Мед» (2002–2003) и «Похищенные» (2006–2007). С 2007 по 2010 год она снималась в роли Кэтрин Мэйфейр в телесериале ABC «Отчаянные домохозяйки» , за что в 2009 году получила премию «Призма». Затем Делани снялась в роли Меган Хант в медицинской драме ABC « Тело доказательства» (2011–2013). и в роли Кристал Харрис в драматическом сериале Amazon Prime Video «Рука Бога» (2014–2017). [4]

Ранний период жизни

Делани родилась в Нью-Йорке в семье дизайнера интерьеров Мэри Бернетт Уэллс и Джона Джозефа Делани, генерального директора Coyne & Delany Co., крупного производителя сливомеров и сливных клапанов в США. [5] У нее есть сестра Кори и брат Шон. [6] [7] [8] Она была воспитана католичкой . [9] [10] Она заявила, что даже будучи маленькой девочкой, она всегда хотела заняться актерским мастерством. [ нужна цитата ] «Причина, по которой человек впервые начинает заниматься актерским мастерством, заключается в том, что в детстве он хочет внимания со стороны своих родителей», - сказала она репортеру. [11] В детстве она ходила со своей семьей на многие бродвейские шоу и увлекалась фильмами. [11]

Выросшая в Стэмфорде, штат Коннектикут , она посещала Академию Филлипса в Андовере, штат Массачусетс , в последний год обучения и была участницей первого класса совместного обучения в школе. [12] Тогдашняя выпускница Делани написала статью в 1974 году [13] о своем опыте учебы на первом курсе в течение первого года совместного обучения в школе. «Андовер был лучшим временем в моей жизни», вспоминала она. [11] Она сыграла главную роль Нелли Форбуш в школьной весенней музыкальной постановке « Южная часть Тихого океана» вместе с Питером Капетаном в роли Эмиля. [14] Она прокомментировала: «Поначалу было немного неловко быть Нелли, потому что она не решалась выйти замуж за Эмиля, поскольку он когда-то жил с полинезийкой – я не согласен с ее доводами, и это немного усложняло задачу. начало." [15] Она появилась в студенческом видео, снятом одноклассником Джонатаном Митом на уроке кино, который вел Стив Маркс. В 1974 году она окончила учебу с академической почестью и была удостоена звания члена школьного отделения Общества с отличием , которой в том же году удостоились 80 из 378 выпускников. [16]

Она специализировалась на театре в Уэслианском университете , где (среди других постановок) появилась в одном из первых спектаклей феминистской пьесы Марии Ирен Форнес «Фефу и ее друзья» . Делани также работала на летнем производстве скота во время каникул, прежде чем закончить учебу в 1978 году. [11] [17] [18] Позже, в интервью, она сообщила, что в это время ее жизни у нее иногда были расстройства пищевого поведения. [19] Она сказала: «Я переедала… Я голодала… Я была в шаге от анорексии – кусок тоста и яблоко — это все, что я могла бы съесть за день». [19]


1980-е: Сцена, телевидение, Чайна-Бич

После колледжа она нашла актерскую работу в Нью-Йорке в дневных мыльных операх, включая « Любовь к жизни» и «Как вращается мир» , а также зарабатывала на жизнь, снимаясь в рекламе, например, стирального порошка Wisk . Она снялась в бродвейском шоу «Жизнь» и получила признание критиков в 1983 году во внебродвейской « Кровавой луне» Николаса Казана , где The New York Times отметила ее «умелое правдоподобие» в исполнении сложной роли, требующей двух ролей, «и обе они она делает авторитетно». " [20] Делани переехал в Голливуд и в течение следующих нескольких лет нашел работу в качестве гостя, снимаясь в таких телешоу, как «Лунный свет» и «Магнум», «Чайный детектив» и «Тридцать что-то » .

Первое прослушивание Делани на главную роль медсестры Коллин Макмерфи оказалось неудачным. «Они думали, что я недостаточно красива», - сказала она в интервью. В конце концов, она получила роль после того, как пришла на свое следующее прослушивание со своими «длинными локонами, подстриженными в боб» после того, как продюсеры потеряли свой первый выбор (Дилэни постриглась по просьбе режиссера Пола Шредера , который пригласил ее в фильм). Пэтти Херст ). [21] Чайна-Бич выходил в эфир еженедельно с 1988 по 1991 год и привлек к актрисе пристальное внимание средств массовой информации. [22] Эта роль не только получила две премии «Эмми» Primetime , [23] но также две дополнительные номинации на премию «Эмми» [24] и две номинации на премию «Золотой глобус» . [25] [26] Шоу закончилось после четырех сезонов в 1991 году. [22]

1990-е: Кино, телевидение, голос.

Делани на 44-й церемонии вручения премии Primetime Emmy Awards с наградой, которую она выиграла в 1992 году.

In 1991, Delany was chosen by People magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world.[27] In the years following China Beach, Delany worked steadily in television, movies and theater. In addition, she established herself as a significant voice talent.

Delany won leading roles in a string of feature films such as the TV movie A Promise to Keep, Light Sleeper, Housesitter and Fly Away Home as well as appearing in the TV mini-series Wild Palms. She also took on controversial roles, such as Mistress Lisa in Exit to Eden, where one film critic commented "The script was awful—Dana looked great."[28]

On September 21, 1993, the CBS television film Donato and Daughter, directed by Rod Holcomb, premiered. In it Delany is paired with Charles Bronson to play the leads. Delany plays Bronson's daughter, and are both cops assigned to investigate a serial killer. Delany pointed to several reason to why she wanted to do the project. She said the story was appealing because "it was the relationship between the two that interested me. We see so many movies now about serial killers, it's really being overdone, so I wanted to emphasize the relationship between father and daughter." Also she liked that they were no romantic subplot by saying "why is it that in every movie, there has to be a male female thing going on? Why can't it be about a woman and her family and her work? That was the challenge because you want her to be strong and capable, but you also don't want her to be one-dimensional." Another reason she accepted is because she wanted to work with Charles Bronson.[29] In Kay Gardella's review published in The Gazette she says "Delany and Bronson work well together. Bronson shows a warmer, more caring side than his usual tough-guy image allows. And Delany, as attractive as ever, is crisp and efficient as cop."[30]

On December 25, Tombstone premiered in cinemas.[31] She turned in her best known performance of the decade alongside Kurt Russell's Wyatt Earp, playing his love interest and future bride Josephine Marcus.

Now a box office draw in her own right, the stage was set for the success she would encounter later in her career. Live Nude Girls included frank discussion by women of their sexual fantasies at a bachelorette party using a low-budget improvisational comedy format with strong chemistry between the actors.[32] Reviews were mixed: Los Angeles Times critic Richard Natale liked the film but wrote older male film executives believed it to be "uncommercial"; another critic agreed it was "genuine girl talk" but "didn't have a lot of substance" and viewers "don't get to know the characters in the film".[33][34] She also starred as Margaret Sanger in the TV movie Choices of the Heart: The Margaret Sanger Story (1995), about the controversial nurse who crusaded for women's reproductive rights in the early 1900s.[35][36]

In 1995, Delany appeared in the Broadway show Translations and in May 1997, she returned to her alma mater Phillips Academy to work with theater students as an artist-in-residence.[14] She appeared in TV movies such as True Women (1997) and Resurrection (1999).[37] In 1998, Delany reportedly turned down the role of Carrie Bradshaw in the hit TV show Sex and the City.[38] She declined the role partly because of the negative audience reaction she received with a similar film, Exit to Eden, a few years prior. Sex and the City became a successful series, and the role of Carrie made Sarah Jessica Parker world-famous. Delany played a gun-toting mother in an episode of the TV series Family Law (1999) for which she earned a Primetime Emmy Award nomination, but the series was not rerun due to sponsorship withdrawal.[39]

Delany's first voice work was the character Andrea Beaumont in the 1993 animated feature film Batman: Mask of the Phantasm based on the popular TV show Batman: The Animated Series.[40][41] She was also mentioned by name in one variation of the theme song of Animaniacs, another Warner Bros. production.[42] She then voiced Lois Lane in Superman: The Animated Series, reprised her role as Lois Lane for the character's guest appearances in Justice League, Justice League Unlimited. She also voiced the character in The Batman.[citation needed] She returned to the DC Universe in an episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold as Vilsi, an alternate universe variation of Lois Lane. She reprised her role in the 2013 animated movie, Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox.

2000s: Television, movies, stage, Desperate Housewives

Delany, Teri Hatcher, Brenda Strong, and Andrea Bowen at the 20th GLAAD Media Awards in 2009.

Delany continued to find work in a variety of projects, doing pilots, TV series, made-for-TV movies, and feature films. She appeared in the NBC drama Good Guys/Bad Guys (2000), which Newsweek termed a "Sopranos knock-off".[43] She appeared in the short-lived Pasadena (2001), a Fox production which was described as a "twisted rich-family saga" with a "great cast".[44][45][46] Delany commented in an interview: "You can see Pasadena as a black comedy or see it as really tragic. A lot of soaps on television now don't have that layer of tragedy to them."[47] She was an actor and co-executive producer of the film Final Jeopardy (2001).[48] New York Daily News TV critic David Bianculli gave a positive review to both her performance as an actor—"Delany, as always, does pensive and independent better than most actresses"—and as a producer.[49] She played a doctor in the TV series Presidio Med (2002), described as a "conventional but pleasant drama populated by characters dedicated to medicine who also have messy personal lives."[50][51][52] She appeared in TV movies such as A Time to Remember (2003), and Baby for Sale (2004).[53] She appeared in feature films by indie film producers, such as The Outfitters (1999), Mother Ghost (2002), and Spin (2003).[54][55]

Returning to theater, she played an artsy and incompetent woman who questions the "imposed conventions of society" after discovering her husband's affair in the Pulitzer-prize winning Dinner With Friends (2000, New York City, Los Angeles, Boston); her performance earned positive reviews generally.[56][57] She played Beatrice in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing (2003, San Diego); one critic described the "verbal sparring" between Delany and actor Billy Campbell as a "joy".[58]

From 2004 to 2006, Delany played many guest roles on TV shows, such as Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Boston Legal, Kojak, Related, The L Word, and Battlestar Galactica. She also starred in the short-lived TV series Kidnapped (2006).[59][60] One critic wrote "Delany is alternately furious and despondent as Ellie, and she and Hutton (Timothy Hutton) can do more without words than other actors can do with pages of dialogue. They're absolutely convincing as rich, complicated Manhattanites and as parents who come face to face with the scary reality that they can't always protect their kids."[61]

Delany appeared as herself in the TV documentary Vietnam Nurses with Dana Delany which explored their lives and treatment after returning to the United States.[62] Delany has become "something of a heroine to the nurses who served in Vietnam", according to Los Angeles Times writer Susan King, who noted that the actress worked on a nationwide nurse recruitment program in 1990 called the McMurphy project.[63]

In 2007, Delany appeared in the films A Beautiful Life, Camp Hope, and Multiple Sarcasms.[64][65][66]

Delany initially declined the offer to play one of the four Desperate Housewives principal characters, Bree Van De Kamp, saying it was too similar to her role on Pasadena.[67] The show became a popular prime-time soap opera with substantial ratings. But in 2007 she was again offered a role by producer Marc Cherry, this time as a supporting housewife, and she joined the cast of the well-established series for the 2007–08 season.[68][69][70] Reaction to the addition of Delany was positive; one critic wrote "...casting Dana Delany as Katherine Mayfair in Season 4 is one of the smartest things Cherry has ever done. Not many actors can deftly deliver both comedy and drama, but Delany makes it look easy."[71] She commented about playing housewife Katherine Mayfair: "The hardest thing for me was figuring out the tone of the piece because it's such a specific tone – so it was more of an acting challenge than anything else."[72] She commented in 2008: "I hope that she doesn't lose her snarkiness, because that's always fun to play."[73] On May 13, 2008, it was announced that Delany would reprise her role on Desperate Housewives for season five, having been promoted to the sixth lead.[74][75][76]

2010s: Television series and movies

In March 2010, Delany appeared as FBI agent Jordan Shaw in a two-part story on the TV series Castle, which stars Nathan Fillion, who played her character's second husband on Desperate Housewives.[77] Delany also voiced a character Margaret Rosenblatt in the film Firebreather in 2010.[78] Delany left Desperate Housewives to star in the new ABC series Body of Proof originally slated to begin airing in late 2010.[79] In the series, Delany played a brilliant neurosurgeon turned medical examiner after a car accident causes her to lose dexterity in her hands.[80][81][82] Delany in real life had an experience similar to her character of Dr. Megan Hunt. Two weeks before filming the pilot episode, Delany's car was hit by a bus in Santa Monica; two fingers of her hand were broken and her car was totaled.[83] Delany describes her character in Body of Proof as being "complicated, smart, and definitely complex."[83]

In May 2011, Delany was the host of the fourth annual Television Academy Honors.[84] In 2011, Delany came ninth in People magazine's annual 100 Most Beautiful list.[85] Delany appeared in the crime drama Freelancers with director Jessy Terrero. The film also stars Robert De Niro, Forest Whitaker, and 50 Cent. It was released to DVD on August 21, 2012, and had a limited release in theatres in September.[86]

In December 2016, Delany was the primetime guest host on Turner Classic Movies. She appeared in dozens of wraparounds on the channel, filling in for Robert Osborne.[citation needed] Delany was cast for CBS's Drama The Code in August 2018.[87]

Personal and public life

Delany at the 9th Irish Film & Television Awards (2012).

Delany was a member of the Hollywood Women's Political Committee.[88] Since the mid-1990s, Delany has served on the board of the Scleroderma Research Foundation, and with her friend Sharon Monsky, she helped campaign for support in finding a cure for scleroderma.[89] Working with director Bob Saget, she starred in the TV movie For Hope (1996) based on Saget's sister Gay, who had died as a result of the disease.[90] She appeared as a contestant on Celebrity Jeopardy in 2001, 2006 and 2009 to raise money for scleroderma research. Scleroderma "robs these women of not only their own lives in many cases, but robs their families which include countless children," she explained in 2002.[91]

Delany is a board member of the arts advocacy organization Creative Coalition.[92][93] She appeared in June 2009 in an onstage meeting in New York alongside White House social secretary Desiree Rogers to discuss ways to promote American cinematic creativity.[94][95] In August 2009, Delany was named co-president of the Creative Coalition, joining Tim Daly in the leadership of the organization.[96] Delany explained her support for the arts in an interview: "I just think it's so important for children and the future of the country and people's general happiness. I'm one of those people who, whenever I feel cut off spiritually or emotionally, I go to a museum or a play or a movie, and I'm just transported."[97] She participated as a celebrity guest in fundraising events that support the rights of same-sex couples to marry.[98]

In addition, she has supported Planned Parenthood. She attended the organization's 90th birthday celebration in New York City in 2006. Delany said: "It's hard to imagine where we'd be in this country had Margaret Sanger not founded that first clinic here in New York, 90 years ago." She attended events sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.[99][100][101] She is a Democrat who campaigned for Hillary Clinton in 2016.[102]

Delany has never been married nor had any children. She commented about her personal life in an interview in 2006: "I turned 50 and I'm ready to get married... I don't know who he is yet but I'm ready... He has to be smart, funny and kind."[103] She added a year later: "Marriage has never been a big deal for me... But I think I'm ready now... I got to have all the fun in the world, to experience a lot of people and figure out what I really like."[104] Delany (in 1988) said she doesn't find being a celebrity to be that appealing: "I'm not a 'personality'. I am never recognized, which I take as a compliment. I have a love-hate thing with publicity."[11]

Delany, in 2003, tried having an injection of botox in her forehead, but the needle hit a nerve and created a bruise that affected the muscle in her right eye, causing it to droop slightly. In 2010, she vowed she would never have plastic surgery.[19]

In 2010, Delany told Prevention that she prefers eating healthily, including vegetables, tofu, fish, gluten-free pasta, and bread.[105]

In April 2011, Delany came 9th in People magazine's annual 100 Most Beautiful list.[85]

In 2019, Delany commented on her approach to acting:

"The whole non sibi thing really informs my work ... Every role that I choose ... has to give back to the audience or say something about the world that has resonance and is reflective of the times we're in ... It also has to be able to make people think, or look at something differently ... Otherwise, why do it? It can't be about self-gratification. It can't be about ego. It can't be about money or being famous. I really believe that if you do the things that have meaning for you, the rest will come."

— Dana Delany (2019)[106]


Delany at 43rd Primetime Emmy Awards in 1991
Delany in 2010

Awards and nominations

Delany at 41st Primetime Emmy Awards, holding the award she won in 1989.[24]

General source for awards: Family Law:[116] Prism:[117] Screen Actors Guild:[118]


  1. ^ Richard Zoglin (February 20, 1989). "War As Family Entertainment". Time. Archived from the original on December 7, 2008. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  2. ^ Tom O'Neil; The Envelope (June 4, 2008). "Prospects for Emmy acting awards". The Baltimore Sun. Archived from the original on June 4, 2011. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  3. ^ Diane Holloway (July 31, 2007). "Desperate Housewives rolls out the welcome wagon". The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Archived from the original on January 8, 2016. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  4. ^ Lewis, Hilary (October 3, 2014). "Amazon Picks Up Full Series of 'Hand of God' and Steven Soderbergh's 'Red Oaks'". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved October 13, 2014.
  5. ^ "Dana Delany Biography (1956–)". Retrieved October 4, 2014.
  6. ^ "Paid Notice: Deaths Delany, Mary Welles". The New York Times. March 2, 2016. Retrieved July 8, 2017.
  7. ^ "The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York on May 24, 1953 · Page 18". May 24, 1953. Retrieved December 27, 2017 – via
  8. ^ "The Troy Record from Troy, New York on May 30, 1953 · Page 3". May 30, 1953. Retrieved December 27, 2017 – via
  9. ^ "Dana Delany: Dana-matrix". Movieline. August 1, 1994. Archived from the original on July 22, 2011. Retrieved October 8, 2010.
  10. ^ Discussions Magazine: "An EXCLUSIVE interview with DANA DELANY!" April 14, 2014
  11. ^ a b c d e Monika Guttman (July 5, 1988). "A Walk on the 'Beach' for Dana Delany". The Spokesman-Review. Retrieved July 28, 2009.[permanent dead link]
  12. ^ Sloane Citron, Gentry Magazine, Sloane Citron, Retrieved May 8, 2020
  13. ^ "The Phillipian Archives: 1974-05-30" (PDF). May 30, 1974. Retrieved September 23, 2018.
  14. ^ a b Tana Sherman (2009). "Dana Delaney '74: From Jeopardy to final jeopardy". Phillips Academy. [permanent dead link]
  15. ^ Laura Liberman; Jonathan Alter (May 16, 1974). "Behind the Scenes: The Making of 'South Pacific' (page 3)" (PDF). The Phillipian (Andover student newspaper). Retrieved July 28, 2009.
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  17. ^ "Notable Alumni". Wesleyan University. 2009. Retrieved July 24, 2009.
  18. ^ Kehr, Dave (2013). "About This Person". Movies & TV Dept. The New York Times. Archived from the original on October 8, 2013. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  19. ^ a b c Oldenburg, Ann (October 4, 2010). "Dana Delany: Botox caused eye to droop". USA Today. Retrieved October 6, 2010. Seven years ago ... My dermatologist ... injected my forehead, hit a nerve, and created a huge hematoma. The nerve has been dead ever since. It affected the muscle in my right eye, so my eye has started to droop a little bit.
  20. ^ Mel Gussow (January 14, 1993). "Theater: Blood Moon, Of Crime and Revenge". The New York Times. Retrieved July 24, 2009.
  21. ^ "Dana Delany: Actress 35". People. July 18, 1991. Archived from the original on September 10, 2015. Retrieved July 24, 2009.
  22. ^ a b Ken Tucker (1991). "TV Review – China Beach (1988–1991)". Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on May 26, 2014. Retrieved July 22, 2009.
  23. ^ "Dana Delany Emmy Award Winner". Television Academy. Retrieved October 4, 2014.
  24. ^ a b Light, Alan (September 1989). "Dana Delaney 1989 Emmy Awards". Photo by Alan Light. Retrieved July 8, 2017.
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  26. ^ "Northern Exposure Leads Emmy Nominations With 16". The New York Times. July 17, 1992. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  27. ^ "Dana Delany: Actress 35". People. July 18, 1991. Archived from the original on September 10, 2015. Retrieved July 21, 2009.
  28. ^ "Stuck in the '80s". Tampa Bay Times. March 13, 2006. Archived from the original on November 15, 2006. Retrieved July 26, 2009.
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  36. ^ Liza Mundy (March 21, 1999). "The Hillary Dilemma". The Washington Post. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
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  40. ^ Richard Harrington (December 27, 1993). "Batman: Mask of the Phantasm". The Washington Post. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  41. ^ Barry Freiman (June 14, 2005). "Exclusive Interview with Dana Delany". Superman Homepage. Retrieved January 28, 2008.
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  43. ^ Devin Gordon; Seth Stevenson; Marc Peyser (April 3, 2000). "Don't Rip Off The Mob". Newsweek. Retrieved October 14, 2009.
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