Yunus ministry

An Interim Government led by the Muhammad Yunus ministry was formed on 8 August 2024 in Bangladesh, following the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on 5 August 2024 amid nationwide student and public protests against the government. Following the dissolution of the 12th Jatiya Sangsad on 6 August 2024, the interim cabinet will remain in office until a new Prime Minister is appointed after a snap general election. The government, like the previous non-caretaker government interim administrations (in 1975 and 1990), is extra-constitutional. However, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh affirmed the legality of the stopgap government on 9 August 2024, citing the urgent need to manage state affairs and address the constitutional vacuum,[1][2][3] as has been the case in the past too.

President Mohammed Shahabuddin administered the oath of office to Yunus and his council of advisers at Bangabhaban on 8 August 2024.[4] The cabinet currently consists of 1 chief adviser, 19 advisers and 2 special assistants to the chief adviser. The Jamuna State Guest House is serving as the official residence of the Chief Adviser.[5]


On 5 August 2024, Bangladesh's longterm Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled to India following the non-cooperation movement. It was a pro-democratic disinvestment movement and mass uprising which's sole demand was the resignation of Sheikh Hasina and her cabinet, initiated within the framework of the monthlong quota reform movement, which resulted mass killings. Soon after, the Chief of Army Staff Gen. Waker-uz-Zaman and President Mohammed Shahabuddin announced the formation of an interim government. President immediately started the process of meeting with political leaders from around the country to discuss the formation of an interim government. President also dissolved the parliament on 6 August 2024. Anti-discrimination Students Movement, the principle organisation that led the movement, proposed the name of Muhammad Yunus for the head of government. Yunus, residing in Paris, agreed to held the position. The formation of the interim government was finalised on 7 August 2024.

List of advisers

The following lists the advisers of the interim government:[6][7][8][9][10]

Timeline and ministry distribution

8 August 2024

9 August 2024

11 August 2024

13 August 2024

16 August 2024

22 August 2024

27 August 2024

28 August 2024

4 September 2024

Constitutional legality

The Jamuna State Guest House is currently being used as the office and official residence of the Chief Adviser of the interim government.

In spite of the existence of interim administrations in the 1975–78 (Sayem ministry) and 1990–91 (Shahabuddin Ahmed ministry) periods of Bangladeshi political history, there were significant concerns regarding the legality of an interim government, considering that the Constitution of Bangladesh does not allow for it to exist. The Constitution also forbids ouster clauses, following the doctrine of basic constitutional structure.

The only form of interim government that has been constitutional in the past under the country's law was the CtG system introduced in 1996 through the 13th Amendment but this was overturned by the Awami League regime in 2011 through the 15th Amendment, which repealed the former.[40] With the Awami League President and former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigning and fleeing the country amid protests,[41][42] this creates an impossible situation for the Bangladeshi legal system because it can no longer account for transfers of power. That being said, the Appellate Division of the Bangladeshi Supreme Court has acknowledged the necessity of the Yunus government and ruled in favour of what essentially amounts to the wording of the 13th Amendment prior to its suspension: “The Appellate Division opined that in accordance with Article 106 of the Constitution, an interim government can be formed with a chief advisor and a few other advisors in the absence of parliament” as per Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan.[43] Hassan himself a staunch supporter of the ousted Awami League, has since resigned as Chief Justice.[44]

Hence, despite the lack of constitutional legality for an interim government, due to extremely broad popular support and the need to ensure that a military junta takeover like in 1975 is prevented, Yunus was sworn in on the night of August 8, 2024.[45][46] Yunus' government enjoys broad international support and is seen as legitimate by the international community, with many heads of state and Ministers of Foreign Affairs of other nations having congratulated Yunus upon having been sworn in as the new Chief Adviser of the interim government of Bangladesh.[47][48][49]






See also


  1. ^ Special assistant to the Chief Adviser with the status of a secretary on a contractual basis
  2. ^ equivalent to adviser
  3. ^ Title given as "Attached to the Chief Adviser's Office" in Bangladesh Government's official website
  4. ^ Assists the Chief Adviser in matters related to defense and national integrity development
  5. ^ গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশের অন্তর্বর্তীকালীন সরকারের প্রধান উপদেষ্টা লেফটেন্যান্ট জেনারেল (অব:) আব্দুল হাফিজ-কে প্রধান উপদেষ্টার বিশেষ সহকারী হিসেবে নিয়োগদান করেছেন। (transl. The Chief Adviser of the interim government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh has appointed Lt. Gen. (retd.) Abdul Hafiz as Special Assistant to the Chief Adviser)[13]
  6. ^ ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূসের নেতৃত্বে যে সরকার গঠিত হয়েছে তাতে আমাদের ব্যবসায়ীদের সমর্থন রয়েছে। আমরা আশা করব ভেঙে পড়া আইনশৃঙ্খলা পরিস্থিতি দ্রুত সময়ের মধ্যে ফিরিয়ে আনা হবে। যে সকল ছাত্র-জনতাকে হত্যা করা হয়েছে বিশেষ তদন্ত কমিটি ও বিশেষ আদালতের মাধ্যমে তার বিচারের ব্যবস্থা করবে।[53]
  7. ^ অন্তর্বর্তীকালীন সরকারের প্রাথমিক ও প্রধান কাজ হিসাবে অনতিবিলম্বে দেশে আইনশৃঙ্খলা পুনঃপ্রতিষ্ঠা করার মধ্য দিয়ে জনগণের জানমালের নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করে জনজীবনে স্বাভাবিকতা ও শান্তি ফিরিয়ে আনতে কার্যকর পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণ করতে হবে। অন্তর্বর্তীকালীন সরকার দায়িত্ব গ্রহণ করার পর দেশে আর একটিও প্রাণহানি, হামলা ও সম্পদ ধ্বংসের ঘটনা যেন না ঘটে তা নিশ্চিত হবে।[54]


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