List of Remarkable Gardens of France

Gardens of the Palace of Versailles, Île-de-France (Parterre du Midi)
Gardens of the Château de Villandry, Indre-et-Loire (Salon de Musique)
Manoir of Eyrignac, Dordogne
Gardens of the Château de Vendeuvre, Calvados
Claude Monet's house and garden in Giverny
Gardens of the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild, Alpes-Maritimes
Château de la Napoule, Alpes-Maritimes
Parc du Mugel, La Ciotat, Bouches-du-Rhône
Cubist Garden of the Villa Noailles, Parc Saint-Bernard, Hyères, Var
Botanical garden of Upper Brittany

The Remarkable Gardens of France is intended to be a list and description, by region, of the more than three hundred gardens classified as "Jardins remarquables" by the Ministry of Culture and the Comité des Parcs et Jardins de France.[1]

Gardens of Alsace


View of the Château de Kintzheim and of Haut-Kœnigsbourg from the road between Châtenois and Kintzheim


Gardens of Aquitaine


Manoir d'Eyrignac (Dordogne)
Rose Garden, Château de Losse (Dordogne)

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Gardens of Marqueyssac (Dordogne)


Château de Malle gardens

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Villa Arnaga gardens

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Gardens of the Auvergne


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Château de Cordès Puy-de-Dôme

Issoire – The Gardens of the Château d'Hauterive were originally part of the domaine of the Abbey of Issoire, founded in the 10th century. The present buildings date to the late 17th century; documents and old watercolors show that the gardens existed in 1680–1691, with much the same plan as today. The gardens are a classical composition of lawns, avenues, eight parterres around a central basin, hedges, and small groves of trees. Flowers include peonies, irises, lilies, delphiniums, sage, lupins and dahlias. The gardens were badly damaged in the storm of December 1999, when 500 to 700 trees were uprooted or broken. The gardens are being restored. (see photos)

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Gardens of Burgundy

Côte d'Or

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Château de Barbirey gardens

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Garden of the Château de Talmay


A pastoral garden created in the mid-19th century, around a small château and a hamlet of farm buildings. The garden features many trees planted in 1850, including a double alley of giant sequoias; a grove of Cedar of Lebanon; Copper beeches, ash trees and tulip trees; as well as beds of wisterias, roses, hortensias, alleys of pink peonies and blue irises; lavender; a medicinal herb garden; magnolias, rhododendrons, and a carpet of heather. (See photos)

An English landscape park, a classic French garden, and a modern garden of fountains and basins are placed between a medieval château and a busy canal. The garden has an orangerie with rows of fruit trees and hedges beside the canal; a traditional kitchen garden; and boxwood hedges sculpted into shapes like flocks of sheep. (see photos)

A site of an old iron forge, dating from 1660 and 1820, beside the river Nièvre, restored in 1981–1990 and turned into gardens. They feature an English landscape garden, a kitchen garden, flower beds, and many monumental old trees, including a two hundred and fifty year old plane tree.

The original gardens had been completely abandoned, and were recreated beginning in 1994 following the inspiration of the 17th-century and 18th-century gardens of the school of Le Nôtre. The garden is laid out in three terraces; the first terrace contains two lawns with sculpted yew trees at the angles; the second has a secret garden, with boxwood hedges, old roses, and a palisaded fig tree; and the third is divided into flower beds and lawns separated by palisades and rows of fruit trees.


A private garden of one hectare in the English and contemporary styles, created beginning in 2000 by a couple passionate about gardening, which takes perfect advantage of its hilly site. The wooded portions contain twenty varieties of maple, 10 varieties of birch, and oak, conifers, beech, and hornbeam. Bushes and flowers include hydrangeas, dogwood, dahlias and three hundred varieties of roses. (see photos)

Château de Drée

The château was built in the 17th century, rebuilt in the 19th century, then restored in the 20th century to the way it looked in the 18th century. The gardens, in the French style, feature squares of white and pink roses and lavender; large terraces of flower beds; a fountain with statues by Jean de Bologne from the fountain of Neptune in Florence; a long perspective; a folly called "The Tower of the Demoiselles"; and an elliptical rose garden, with over 1300 rosebushes in pastel colors around a basin.

The present château and gardens in the French style were created in the 18th century, and restored in the 20th century. Parts of château date to the 16th century. The principal feature of the garden is a grand avenue from the gate to the château lined by yew trees shaped into cones, alternating with statues and vases. There are two secondary avenues of double rows of linden trees. The gardens also feature a large rectangle of chestnut trees providing shade, and avenues of hornbeam hedges 350 metres long on the west and south.

Potager at Château de Digoine

The 18th-century château is set in a French garden and a 35-hectare English landscape park, designed by the architect Veringuet. A notable feature is the neo-classical greenhouse, built in the 1830s. The French garden has boxed palm trees and orange trees carved into the shape of half-domes and colombiers, copying the shape of the domes of the château. The English landscape park has four km of avenues, a variety of forest trees and exotic ornamental trees, a lake, a river and a grotto. The flower garden next to the greenhouse was redesigned in the 1920s by landscape architect Achille Duchêne, and the kitchen garden occupies the place of the former cemetery of the convent of the Brothers of Picpus, from the 18th century.

The château and gardens date to the 18th and 19th centuries, and combine elements of an English park forested avenues and giant sequoias, with a classical 18th-century French garden (a kitchen garden, fruit trees, a grand avenue leading to the house, an ornamental forecourt and flower beds.)

A contemporary botanical garden with five themes; an ethnobotanic garden, with historical plants useful to mankind; the Garden of Charlemagne, with plants which the Emperor Charlemagne decreed be planted at every monastery in the Empire, as well as plants imported from the Americas (corn, tomatoes, potatoes); The garden of acclimatization, with new, unusual and forgotten kinds of plants; the garden of scents, with wide variety of aromatic plants, and a tunnel of roses, jasmine and clematis; and an aquatic garden, with both local aquatic plants and exotic water plants, such as water lilies, lotus and papyrus of the Nile.


The park was originally the domaine of the Jean-Baptiste Lambert, the treasurer of the superintendent of finances of Louis XIV, who built a château there around 1641, and who commissioned Le Nôtre to design the gardens. The château was destroyed during the French Revolution of 1789. The park was purchased in 1843 by Pierre Carlier, the Chief of the French Police from 1849 to 1851, who helped organize the coup d'état of Louis Napoléon Bonaparte in 1852. He re-created the garden as it is today, with canals, a stream and cascade, hedges, roses, plane trees, fruit trees and flower beds.

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Gardens of Brittany


Garden of the Château de la Roche-Jagu, Côtes d'Armor

A contemporary garden, inspired by medieval gardens, overlooking the estuary of the Trieux River. The centerpiece is a great oak, 350 years old, in the courtyard of the château. The garden features a medieval kitchen garden; a medicinal garden, a medieval flower garden; an avenue of camellias, with one thousand plants of 350 varieties; palm trees; a rose garden; jasmine, wisterias, grapevines, and an alley of pergolas with honeysuckle. (see photos)

A romantic English garden and botanical garden, created in 1965. It includes basins, cascades and a water staircase; Italian terraces; and a fine collection of magnolias, camellias, rhododendrons, and plants of Australia, New Zealand and the Mediterranean.(see photos)


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Château de Trevarez

The château is best known for its flower gardens, on the esplanade by the château and the stables. It also has an English-style park, fountains, sculpture and a cascade, all recently restored. (see photos)


Garden of the Château de la Ballue

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Botanical garden of Upper Brittany

The botanical park is made up of 24 gardens and three parts : the Arcadia' gardens that refer to classical antiquity and recall the youth, the romantic gardens represent maturity and plenitude, the twilight' gardens offer a timeless composition which represents the old age. The gardens have over seven thousand varieties of plants, particularly those that grow well in an acid soil, including camellias, magnolias, rhododendrons and hydrangeas. The four hundred camellias reach their peak around 20 March, while the azaleas flower in April. (see photos) |Parc Botanique de Haute-Bretagne


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Gardens of the Centre-Val de Loire


Gardens of the Château d'Ainay-le-Vieil



The Château de Bouges

The château has a park of eighty hectares, which include a landscape garden, an arboretum, large greenhouses, and a formal French garden. The château and the park were used as sets for scenes of the film Colonel Chabert with Gérard Depardieu and Fanny Ardant(see photos)


Aerial view of Château de Chenonceau and its gardens
Château du Rivau
Château de Villandry gardens

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Kitchen garden at Talcy


Fountains of the Parc Floral de la Source

Gardens of Champagne-Ardenne


Garden of the Château de Barbery


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Gardens of Franche-Comté


The Château d'Arlay

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Gardens of the Île-de-France

Garden of the Palais-Royal, Paris



Château de Champs-sur-Marne gardens
Gardens of the Château de Fontainebleau

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Garden of Vaux-le-Vicomte today

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Park of the Château de Breteuil

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Aerial view of the Gardens of Versailles

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Château de Courances

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Val d'Oise

Gardens of the Château d'Ambleville

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Gardens of Languedoc-Roussillon


Le Jardin de la Fontaine, Nîmes.


Château de Margon, Hérault

(photos and more information)

Gardens of Limousin


Arboretum of the Château de Neuvic d'Ussel



Gardens of Lorraine

Jardins de Callunes, specializing in heather





Gardens of the Midi-Pyrénées

Parc aux Bambous
The Royal Garden of Toulouse





The Jardins de Coursiana




Gardens of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais


Parc Arboretum du Manoir aux Loups


Gardens of Lower Normandy

Château de Vendeuvre



Park Emmanuel Liais


Gardens of Upper Normandy


Garden of Claude Monet at Giverny


Gardens of the Pays de la Loire

Jardin des plantes de Nantes





Château du Lude and gardens


Gardens of Picardy

Gardens of Valloires (Somme)



Gardens of the Château de Chantilly.


Gardens of Poitou-Charentes

Château de La Roche-Courbon
Château de Beaulon garden





Gardens of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Jardins de Salagon




The Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild


Parc du Mugel, La Ciotat


Edith Wharton's Garden, Castel Sainte-Claire, Hyères
Cubist garden of the Villa Noailles, Hyères


A contemporary garden à la française in Provence: the Pavillon de Galon in Cucuron
Château du Touvet at Le Touvet
Parc de la Tête d'Or in Lyon
The botanical garden of Jaÿsinia in Samoëns

Gardens of the Rhône-Alpes







Gardens of DOM-TOM



See also


Notes and citations

  1. ^ The complete list of gardens can be found on: site of the Comité des Parcs et Jardins.
  2. ^ Michel Racine, Jardins en France, p. 42
  3. ^ "Le Domaine d'Émeraude – Parc naturel régional de la Martinique". Parc naturel régional de la Martinique (in French). Retrieved 27 November 2015.

External links