Antenor (mythology)

In Greek mythology, Antenor (Ancient Greek: Ἀντήνωρ Antḗnōr) was a counselor to King Priam of Troy during the events of the Trojan War.


Antenor was described by the chronicler Malalas in his account of the Chronography as "tall, thin, white, blond, small-eyed, hook-nosed, crafty, cowardly, secure, a story-teller, eloquent".[1] Meanwhile, in the account of Dares the Phrygian, he was illustrated as "... tall, graceful, swift, crafty, and cautious."[2]


Antenor was variously named as the son of the Dardanian noble Aesyetes by Cleomestra[3] or of Hicetaon.[4] He was the husband of Theano,[5] daughter of Cisseus of Thrace, who bore him at least one daughter, Crino,[6] and numerous sons, including Acamas,[7][8] Agenor,[9][10] Antheus,[11] Archelochus,[12][13] Coön,[14] Demoleon,[15] Eurymachus,[16] Glaucus,[17] Helicaon,[18] Iphidamas,[19] Laodamas,[20][21] Laodocus,[22] Medon,[23] Polybus[9][24] and Thersilochus[23] (most of whom perished during the Trojan War).[25] He was also the father of a bastard son, Pedaeus,[26][27] by an unknown woman. According to numerous scholars, Antenor was actually related to Priam.[28]


Antenor was one of the wisest of the Trojan elders and counsellors.[29] In the Homeric account of the Trojan War, Antenor advised the Trojans to return Helen to her husband and otherwise proved sympathetic to a negotiated peace with the Greeks.[30] In later developments of the myths, particularly per Dares and Dictys,[29] Antenor was made an open traitor, unsealing the city gates to the enemy. As payment, his house—marked by a panther skin over the door—was spared during the sack of the city.[30]

His subsequent fate varied across the authors. He was said to have rebuilt a city on the site of Troy; to have settled at Cyrene;[30] the shore of the Tyrrhenian Sea;[31] or to have founded Patavium (modern Padua),[32][33] Korčula,[34] or other cities in eastern Italy.[30]

In literature

In history

Mikhail Lomonosov in his "Ancient Russian History" deduced as a progenitor of the Slavs and Russians: "Cato has the same in mind when the Venetians, as Pliny testifies, are descended from the Trojans tribe. All this the great and authoritative historian Titus Livy shows and carefully explains. "Antenor," he writes, "came after many wanderings to the inner extremity of the Adriatic gulf with a multitude of the Enenites, who had been driven out of Paphlagonia and at Troy had lost their king Pilimenes: to move to that place they sought a leader. After the expulsion of the Euganeans, who lived between the sea and the Alpine mountains, the Henites and Trojans occupied these lands. That is why the name of the settlement was Troy, and the whole nation was called the Venetians".[35]


The minor planet 2207 Antenor, discovered in 1977 by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Stepanovich Chernykh, is named after him.[36]


  1. ^ Malalas, Chronography 5.106
  2. ^ Dares Phrygius, 12
  3. ^ Dictys Cretensis, 4.22
  4. ^ Eustathius on Homer, p. 349; scholia on Iliad 3.201
  5. ^ Apollodorus, Epitome 3.34 ff see Greek version: "Ἀρχέλοχος καὶ Ἀκάμας Ἀντήνορος καὶ Θεανοῦς, Δαρδανίων ἡγούμενοι" is translated as "Archelochus and Acamas, sons of Antenor and Theano, leaders of the Dardanians"
  6. ^ Pausanias, 10.27.4
  7. ^ Homer, Iliad 2.823, 11.60 & 12.100; Apollodorus, Epitome 3.34
  8. ^ Tzetzes, John (2015). Allegories of the Iliad. Translated by Goldwyn, Adam; Kokkini, Dimitra. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library. pp. 61, Prologue 806–807, p. 219, 11.44–46. ISBN 978-0-674-96785-4.
  9. ^ a b Tzetzes, John (2015). Allegories of the Iliad. Translated by Goldwyn, Adam; Kokkini, Dimitra. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library. pp. 219, 11.44–46. ISBN 978-0-674-96785-4.
  10. ^ Homer, Iliad 11.59, 21.545 & 579
  11. ^ Tzetzes on Lycophron, 134
  12. ^ Homer, Iliad 2.823, 12.100 & 14.464; Apollodorus, Epitome 3.34
  13. ^ Tzetzes, John (2015). Allegories of the Iliad. Translated by Goldwyn, Adam; Kokkini, Dimitra. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library. pp. 61, Prologue 806–807. ISBN 978-0-674-96785-4.
  14. ^ Homer, Iliad 11.248 & 256, 19.53
  15. ^ Homer, Iliad 20.395
  16. ^ Pausanias, 10.27.3
  17. ^ Virgil, Aeneid 6.484; Apollodorus, Epitome 5.21; Dictys Cretensis, 4.7; Pausanias, 10.27.3
  18. ^ Homer, Iliad 3.123
  19. ^ Homer, Iliad 11.221 & 261; Pausanias, 4.36.4 & 5.19.4
  20. ^ Homer, Iliad 15.516
  21. ^ Tzetzes, John (2015). Allegories of the Iliad. Translated by Goldwyn, Adam; Kokkini, Dimitra. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library. pp. 283, 15.193. ISBN 978-0-674-96785-4.
  22. ^ Homer, Iliad 4.87
  23. ^ a b Virgil, Aeneid 6.484
  24. ^ Homer, Iliad 11.59
  25. ^ Parada, Carlos. "Antenor(1)". Greek Mythology Link. Archived from the original on 25 April 2021. Retrieved 7 September 2021.
  26. ^ Homer, Iliad 5.69
  27. ^ Tzetzes, John (2015). Allegories of the Iliad. Translated by Goldwyn, Adam; Kokkini, Dimitra. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library. pp. 155, 5.38. ISBN 978-0-674-96785-4.
  28. ^ Lemprière 1822, p. 85.
  29. ^ a b EB 1911.
  30. ^ a b c d EB 1878.
  31. ^ Geoffrey of Monmouth. "Book 1" . Historia Regum Britanniae. Chapters 12–16 – via Wikisource.
  32. ^ Virgil, Aeneid 1.1.242
  33. ^ Livy. History of Rome, Vol. I, Ch. I.
  34. ^ Solarić, Miljenko; Solarić, Nikola (2009). "Lumbarda Psephisma, the Oldest Document about the Division of Land Parcels in Croatia from the Beginning of the 4th or 3rd Century BC". Kartografija I Geoinfomacije. 8 (1): 80. doi:10.32909/kg.
  35. ^ Ломоносов М.В. Древняя российская история. Ч. I. Гл. 3.
  36. ^ Schmadel 2003, p. 293.
