Война с террором

Война с террором , официально Глобальная война с терроризмом ( GWOT ), [3] является глобальной контртеррористической военной кампанией, инициированной Соединенными Штатами после атак 11 сентября 2001 года, и является самым последним глобальным конфликтом, охватывающим несколько войн . Некоторые исследователи и политологи утверждают, что она заменила Холодную войну . [4] [5]

Основными целями кампании являются воинствующие исламистские движения, такие как «Аль-Каида» , «Талибан» и их союзники. Другими основными целями были баасистский режим в Ираке , который был свергнут в результате вторжения в 2003 году , и различные воинствующие группировки, которые сражались во время последовавшего мятежа . После территориальной экспансии в 2014 году ополчение «Исламского государства» также стало ключевым противником Соединенных Штатов. Что касается «Аль-Каиды» в ее нынешнем статусе, бывший госсекретарь Майк Помпео 12 января 2021 года опубликовал официальное заявление, в котором говорилось: «У «Аль-Каиды» появилась новая база операций: это Исламская Республика Иран». [6] Фактический лидер «Аль-Каиды » Сейф аль-Адель в настоящее время, как полагают, проживает в Иране . [7] В период с конца 2023 по 2024 год, после распространения войны между Израилем и ХАМАСом и последующего кризиса в Красном море , хуситы были повторно обозначены как особо обозначенные глобальные террористы . [8] Агрессия хуситов в Красном море , как утверждается, представляет собой самую серьезную угрозу судоходству и торговле за последние десятилетия. [9] [10] [11]

«Война с террором» использует войну как метафору для описания различных действий, которые выходят за рамки традиционного определения войны. Президент США Джордж Буш-младший впервые использовал термин «война с терроризмом» 16 сентября 2001 года, [12] [13] а затем «война с террором» несколько дней спустя в официальной речи в Конгрессе . [14] [15] Буш указал на врага войны с террором как на «радикальную сеть террористов и каждое правительство, которое их поддерживает». [15] [16] Первоначальный конфликт был направлен против «Аль-Каиды», с главным театром действий в Афганистане и Пакистане , регионе, который позже будет называться « АфПак ». [17] Термин «война с террором» был немедленно раскритикован отдельными лицами, включая Ричарда Майерса , тогдашнего председателя Объединенного комитета начальников штабов , и в конечном итоге администрация Буша стала использовать более тонкие термины для определения кампании. [18] Хотя «война с террором» никогда не использовалась в качестве официального обозначения операций США, [19] медаль « За службу в глобальной войне с терроризмом» выдавалась и выдается Вооруженными силами США .

По состоянию на 2023 год продолжаются различные глобальные операции в рамках кампании, включая военное вмешательство США в Сомали. [20] [21] Хотя крупные войны в Афганистане и Ираке закончились, нападение ХАМАС на Израиль в 2023 году , продолжающаяся война Израиля и ХАМАС , продолжающийся кризис в Красном море и статус Ирана как государства-спонсора терроризма вновь подняли вопросы о новой главе войны с террором. [22] [23] Некоторые отметили, что эти войны возродили риторику войны с террором таким образом, какого не было с 2000-х годов. [24]

Согласно проекту Costs of War Project , войны кампании после 11 сентября привели к перемещению 38 миллионов человек, что является вторым по величине числом вынужденных перемещений среди всех конфликтов с 1900 года [25] и стали причиной более 4,5 миллионов смертей (прямых и косвенных) в Афганистане, Ираке, Ливии, Филиппинах, Пакистане, Сомали, Сирии и Йемене. Они также подсчитали, что это обошлось казне США более чем в 8 триллионов долларов. [26] [27] [28] [2]

Хотя поддержка «войны с террором» была высока среди американской общественности в первые годы, к концу 2000-х годов она стала крайне непопулярной. [29] [30] Споры по поводу войны были сосредоточены на ее морали, жертвах и преемственности, при этом критики подвергали сомнению меры правительства, которые нарушали гражданские свободы и права человека. [31] Критики, в частности, описали Закон о патриотизме как « оруэлловский » из-за его существенного расширения полномочий федерального правительства по наблюдению. [32] [33] Спорные практики коалиционных сил были осуждены, включая войну с использованием беспилотников , наблюдение, пытки, чрезвычайную выдачу и различные военные преступления. [34] [35] [36] Участвующие правительства подверглись критике за реализацию авторитарных мер, подавление меньшинств, [37] [38] разжигание исламофобии во всем мире, [39] и оказание негативного воздействия на здоровье и окружающую среду. [40] [41] [42] Аналитики по вопросам безопасности утверждают, что военного решения конфликта не существует, указывая на то, что терроризм не является идентифицируемым врагом, и подчеркивают важность переговоров и политических решений для устранения глубинных причин кризисов. [43]


Фраза « война с террором» использовалась для обозначения именно военной кампании, проводимой Соединенными Штатами, Соединенным Королевством и союзными странами против организаций и режимов, которые они считали террористическими, и обычно исключает другие независимые контртеррористические операции и кампании, такие как операции России и Индии. Конфликт также назывался другими именами, нежели «война с террором». Он также был известен как:

Использование фразы и ее развитие

Фраза «война против терроризма» существовала в североамериканской массовой культуре и политическом жаргоне США до войны с террором. [53] [54] Но только после атак 11 сентября она стала всемирно узнаваемой фразой и частью повседневного лексикона. Том Брокау , только что ставший свидетелем крушения одной из башен Всемирного торгового центра , заявил: «Террористы объявили войну [Америке]». [55] 16 сентября 2001 года в Кэмп-Дэвиде президент США Джордж Буш-младший использовал фразу « война против терроризма » в якобы незапланированном комментарии, отвечая на вопрос журналиста о влиянии расширенных полномочий правоохранительных органов, предоставленных американским агентствам по наблюдению, на гражданские свободы американцев:

«Это новый вид — новый вид зла. И мы понимаем. И американский народ начинает понимать. Этот крестовый поход , эта война с терроризмом займёт некоторое время. И американский народ должен быть терпеливым. Я буду терпеливым». [12] [56]

Ссылка на крестовые походы стала предметом жесткой критики из-за ее противоречивых коннотаций в мусульманском мире и исторических мусульманско-христианских отношениях . [57] 20 сентября 2001 года во время телевизионного обращения к совместному заседанию Конгресса Джордж Буш сказал: «Наша война с террором начинается с Аль-Каиды, но она не заканчивается на ней. Она не закончится, пока каждая террористическая группа глобального масштаба не будет найдена, остановлена ​​и разгромлена». [58] [15] Как сам термин, так и политика, которую он обозначает, стали источником постоянных споров, поскольку различные критики и организации, такие как Amnesty International, утверждали, что он использовался для оправдания односторонней превентивной войны , нарушений прав человека и других нарушений международного права. [59] [60]

Политический теоретик Ричард Джексон утверждал, что «война с терроризмом» [...] одновременно является набором реальных практик — войн, тайных операций, агентств и институтов — и сопутствующей серией предположений, убеждений, оправданий и нарративов — это целый язык или дискурс». [61] Джексон приводит, среди многих примеров, заявление Джона Эшкрофта о том, что «атаки 11 сентября провели яркую линию разграничения между гражданским и диким ». [62]

Чиновники администрации также описывали «террористов» как ненавистных, коварных, варварских, безумных, извращенных, безверных, паразитических , бесчеловечных и, чаще всего, злых. [63] Американцы, напротив, описывались как храбрые, любящие, щедрые, сильные, находчивые, героические и уважающие права человека. [64] Осуждая высказывания Джорджа Буша-младшего , Усама бен Ладен заявил во время интервью 21 октября 2001 года:

«События показали масштаб терроризма , который Америка осуществляет в мире. Буш заявил, что мир должен быть разделен на две части: Буш и его сторонники, и любая страна, которая не участвует в мировом крестовом походе, находится на стороне террористов. Какой терроризм очевиднее этого? Многие правительства были вынуждены поддержать этот «новый терроризм». [65]

Сокращение использования фразы правительством США

В апреле 2007 года британское правительство публично объявило, что отказывается от использования фразы «война с террором», поскольку сочло ее бесполезной. [66] Это было недавно объяснено леди Элизой Мэннингем-Буллер . В своей лекции 2011 года в Рейте бывший глава МИ5 заявила, что атаки 11 сентября были «преступлением, а не актом войны. Поэтому я никогда не считала полезным ссылаться на войну с террором». [67]

Письмо Барака Обамы, в котором говорится о выделении конгрессом средств на «зарубежные чрезвычайные операции/глобальную войну с терроризмом»

Президент США Барак Обама редко использовал этот термин, но в своей инаугурационной речи 20 января 2009 года он заявил: «Наша страна находится в состоянии войны против широко распространенной сети насилия и ненависти». [68] В марте 2009 года Министерство обороны официально изменило название операций с «Глобальная война с террором» на «Зарубежная операция по чрезвычайным ситуациям» (OCO). [69] В марте 2009 года администрация Обамы попросила сотрудников Пентагона избегать использования этого термина и вместо этого использовать «Зарубежная операция по чрезвычайным ситуациям». [69] Основные цели «войны с террором» администрации Буша, такие как борьба с «Аль-Каидой» и создание международных контртеррористических альянсов, остаются в силе. [70] [71]

Отказ от фразы

В мае 2010 года администрация Обамы опубликовала отчет, в котором излагается ее Стратегия национальной безопасности . В документе были исключены фраза эпохи Буша «глобальная война с террором» и ссылка на «исламский экстремизм», а также заявлено: «Это не глобальная война против тактики — терроризма или религии — ислама. Мы ведем войну с определенной сетью, Аль-Каидой, и ее террористическими филиалами, которые поддерживают попытки атаковать Соединенные Штаты, наших союзников и партнеров». [72]

Использование термина «война с терроризмом» было первоначально прекращено в мае 2010 года [72] и снова в мае 2013 года . [73] 23 мая 2013 года президент США Барак Обама объявил, что «война с терроризмом» окончена, [74] [75] заявив, что США не будут вести войну против тактики, а вместо этого сосредоточатся на конкретной группе террористических сетей. [76] [77] Другие американские военные кампании в 2010-х годах также считались частью «войны с терроризмом» отдельными лицами и средствами массовой информации. [78] Рост Исламского государства в Ираке и Сирии в 2014–2015 годах привел к глобальной операции «Непоколебимая решимость » и международной кампании по уничтожению террористической организации. Это считалось еще одной кампанией «войны с терроризмом». [78]

В декабре 2012 года Джей Джонсон , генеральный юрисконсульт Министерства обороны , выступая в Оксфордском университете , заявил, что война против «Аль-Каиды» закончится, когда террористическая группировка будет ослаблена настолько, что больше не сможет проводить «стратегические атаки» и будет «фактически уничтожена». В этот момент война перестанет быть вооруженным конфликтом в соответствии с международным правом , [79] и военная борьба может быть заменена операцией по поддержанию правопорядка . [80]

В мае 2013 года, через два года после убийства Усамы бен Ладена , Барак Обама выступил с речью, в которой использовал термин «глобальная война с террором» в кавычках (как официально расшифровал Белый дом): «Сейчас, не заблуждайтесь, террористы все еще угрожают нашей стране. ... В Афганистане мы завершим передачу афганцам ответственности за безопасность этой страны. ... За пределами Афганистана мы должны определить наши усилия не как безграничную «глобальную войну с террором», а скорее как серию постоянных, целенаправленных усилий по ликвидации конкретных сетей воинствующих экстремистов, которые угрожают Америке. Во многих случаях это будет включать партнерство с другими странами». Тем не менее, в той же речи, стремясь подчеркнуть законность военных действий, предпринятых США, отметив, что Конгресс санкционировал применение силы, он продолжил: «Согласно внутреннему законодательству и международному праву, Соединенные Штаты находятся в состоянии войны с «Аль-Каидой», «Талибаном» и связанными с ними силами. Мы находимся в состоянии войны с организацией, которая прямо сейчас убила бы столько американцев, сколько могла бы, если бы мы не остановили их первыми. Так что это справедливая война — война, которая ведется пропорционально, в крайнем случае и в целях самообороны». [73] [81]

Тем не менее, использование фразы «война с террором» сохраняется в политике США. Например, в 2017 году вице-президент США Майк Пенс назвал бомбардировку казарм в Бейруте в 1983 году «открытием войны, которую мы ведем с тех пор — глобальной войны с террором». [82]


Предшественник терактов 11 сентября

В мае 1996 года группа Всемирный исламский фронт джихада против евреев и крестоносцев (WIFJAJC), спонсируемая Усамой бен Ладеном (и позже преобразованная в Аль-Каиду ), [83] [84] начала формировать большую базу операций в Афганистане , где исламистский экстремистский режим Талибана захватил власть в начале года. [85] В августе 1996 года бен Ладен объявил джихад Соединенным Штатам. [86] В феврале 1998 года Усама бен Ладен подписал фетву , как глава Аль-Каиды, объявив войну Западу и Израилю; [87] [88] в мае Аль-Каида выпустила видео, объявляющее войну США и Западу. [89] [90]

7 августа 1998 года Аль-Каида нанесла удары по посольствам США в Кении и Танзании , в результате чего погибло 224 человека, включая 12 американцев. [91] В ответ президент США Билл Клинтон начал операцию Infinite Reach , бомбардировочную кампанию в Судане и Афганистане против целей, которые, по утверждениям США, были связаны с WIFJAJC, [92] [93] хотя другие сомневаются, использовался ли фармацевтический завод в Судане в качестве объекта по производству химического оружия. Завод производил большую часть противомалярийных препаратов региона [94] и около 50% фармацевтических потребностей Судана. [95] В результате ударов не были убиты ни один лидер WIFJAJC или Талибана. [94]

Затем последовали заговоры о нападении на миллениум 2000 года , включавшие попытку бомбардировки международного аэропорта Лос-Анджелеса . 12 октября 2000 года произошел взрыв USS Cole недалеко от порта Йемена, в результате чего погибло 17 моряков ВМС США . [96]

Теракты 11 сентября

Утром 11 сентября 2001 года девятнадцать человек захватили четыре реактивных авиалайнера , все они направлялись в Калифорнию. Как только угонщики взяли под контроль реактивные авиалайнеры, они сказали пассажирам, что у них на борту бомба и что они пощадят жизни пассажиров и членов экипажа, как только их требования будут выполнены — ни один пассажир и члены экипажа на самом деле не подозревали, что они будут использовать реактивные авиалайнеры в качестве оружия самоубийства, поскольку этого никогда не случалось раньше в истории, и многие предыдущие попытки угона были разрешены тем, что пассажиры и члены экипажа спасались невредимыми после того, как подчинились угонщикам. [97] [98] Угонщики — члены гамбургской ячейки Аль-Каиды [99] — намеренно врезали два реактивных авиалайнера в башни-близнецы Всемирного торгового центра в Нью-Йорке. Оба здания рухнули в течение двух часов от пожара, связанного с крушениями, уничтожив близлежащие здания и повредив другие. Угонщики врезались третьим реактивным авиалайнером в Пентагон в округе Арлингтон, штат Вирджиния , недалеко от Вашингтона, округ Колумбия. Четвертый реактивный авиалайнер врезался в поле недалеко от Шанксвилла , штат Пенсильвания, после того, как некоторые из его пассажиров и экипажа попытались вернуть себе управление реактивными авиалайнерами, которые угонщики перенаправили в Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, чтобы нацелиться на Белый дом или Капитолий США . Ни в одном из рейсов не было выживших. Всего в результате атак погибло 2977 жертв и 19 угонщиков. [100] Пятнадцать из девятнадцати были гражданами Саудовской Аравии , а остальные были из Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов (2), Египта и Ливана . [101]

13 сентября НАТО впервые применило статью 5 Североатлантического договора , которая обязывает каждое государство-член рассматривать вооруженное нападение на одно государство-член как вооруженное нападение на них всех. [102] Применение статьи 5 привело к операциям Eagle Assist и Active Endeavour . 18 сентября 2001 года президент Буш подписал Разрешение на использование военной силы против террористов, принятое Конгрессом за несколько дней до этого; разрешение действует по сей день и использовалось для оправдания многочисленных военных действий.

Цели США

  Крупные военные операции (по состоянию на 2011 год) ( АфганистанПакистан • Ирак • СомалиЙемен )
  Другие союзники, участвующие в крупных операциях
Крупные террористические атаки Аль-Каиды и связанных с ней групп: (по состоянию на 2011 год) 1. Взрывы посольства США в 1998 году • 2. Теракты 11 сентября • 3. Теракты на Бали в 2002 году • 4. Теракты в Мадриде в 2004 году • 5. Теракты в Лондоне в 2005 году • 6. Теракты в Мумбаи в 2008 году

Разрешение на использование военной силы против террористов или «AUMF» было принято законом 14 сентября 2001 года, чтобы разрешить использование Вооруженных сил США против лиц, ответственных за атаки 11 сентября. Оно уполномочило президента использовать всю необходимую и соответствующую силу против тех стран, организаций или лиц, которые, по его мнению, планировали, санкционировали, совершили или помогали террористическим атакам, произошедшим 11 сентября 2001 года, или укрывали такие организации или лиц, для предотвращения любых будущих актов международного терроризма против Соединенных Штатов со стороны таких стран, организаций или лиц. Конгресс заявляет, что это призвано представлять собой конкретное законодательное разрешение в значении раздела 5(b) Резолюции о военных полномочиях 1973 года.

Администрация Джорджа Буша-младшего определила следующие цели в войне с террором: [103]

  1. Победить террористов, таких как Усама бен Ладен , Абу Мусаб аль-Заркави и уничтожить их организации
  2. Выявить, обнаружить и уничтожить террористов и их организации
  3. Отказаться от спонсорства, поддержки и убежища террористам
    1. Положить конец государственному спонсированию терроризма
    2. Установить и поддерживать международный стандарт ответственности в отношении борьбы с терроризмом
    3. Укреплять и поддерживать международные усилия по борьбе с терроризмом
    4. Функция с готовыми и способными состояниями
    5. Включить слабые состояния
    6. Убедить нежелающие государства
    7. Принуждать нежелающие государства
    8. Вмешаться и ликвидировать материальную поддержку террористов
    9. Ликвидировать убежища и убежища террористов
  4. Уменьшить глубинные условия, которые террористы стремятся использовать
    1. Установить партнерские отношения с международным сообществом для укрепления слабых государств и предотвращения (возвращения) терроризма
    2. Выиграйте войну идеалов
  5. Защищать граждан и интересы США внутри страны и за рубежом
    1. Интеграция Национальной стратегии внутренней безопасности
    2. Достичь осведомленности о домене
    3. Усилить меры по обеспечению целостности, надежности и доступности критически важных физических и информационных инфраструктур в стране и за рубежом.
    4. Принять меры по защите граждан США за рубежом
    5. Обеспечить интегрированную возможность управления инцидентами

AUMF 2001 года уполномочил президента США начинать военные операции по всему миру без какого-либо надзора или прозрачности со стороны Конгресса. Только в период с 2018 по 2020 год американские войска инициировали то, что они назвали «контртеррористическими» мероприятиями в 85 странах. Из них AUMF 2001 года использовался для запуска секретных военных кампаний по крайней мере в 22 странах. [104] [105] AUMF 2001 года широко воспринимался как законопроект, который предоставляет президенту полномочия в одностороннем порядке вести вечные «мировые войны». [106]


Операция «Несокрушимая свобода»

Вымпел кампании, врученный подразделениям, участвовавшим в операции «Несокрушимая свобода»

Операция «Несокрушимая свобода» — официальное название, используемое администрацией Буша для войны в Афганистане , вместе с тремя меньшими военными операциями, под эгидой глобальной войны с террором. Эти глобальные операции направлены на поиск и уничтожение любых боевиков «Аль-Каиды» или ее филиалов. Первоначально кампания называлась «Вечная справедливость», но из-за широких споров и осуждения в мусульманском мире формулировка была изменена на «Несокрушимая свобода». [57]


20 сентября 2001 года, после атак 11 сентября , Джордж Буш-младший предъявил ультиматум правительству Талибана в Афганистане, Исламскому Эмирату Афганистан , с требованием выдать Усаму бен Ладена и лидеров Аль-Каиды, действующих в стране, в противном случае они будут атакованы. [15] Талибы потребовали доказательств связи бен Ладена с атаками 11 сентября, и, если такие доказательства потребуют судебного разбирательства, они предложили провести такое судебное разбирательство в Исламском суде. [107]

Солдат армии США из 10-й горной дивизии в провинции Нуристан, июнь 2007 г.
Американский солдат в афганской провинции Хост

Впоследствии, в октябре 2001 года, американские войска (совместно с Великобританией и союзниками по коалиции) вторглись в Афганистан, чтобы свергнуть режим Талибана. 7 октября 2001 года официальное вторжение началось с проведения британскими и американскими войсками авиаударов по вражеским целям. Вскоре после этого Буш отклонил предложение Талибана выдать бен Ладена при условии прекращения бомбардировок, [108] и к середине ноября Кабул, столица Афганистана, пал . Оставшиеся остатки Аль-Каиды и Талибана отступили в труднопроходимые горы восточного Афганистана, в основном Тора-Бора. В декабре коалиционные силы (США и их союзники) воевали в этом регионе . Считается, что Усама бен Ладен скрылся в Пакистане во время боя. [109] [110]

В марте 2002 года США и другие силы НАТО и не-НАТО начали операцию «Анаконда» с целью уничтожения любых оставшихся сил «Аль-Каиды» и Талибана в долине Шах-и-Кот и горах Арма в Афганистане. Талибы понесли тяжелые потери и эвакуировались из региона. [111]

Талибы перегруппировались в западном Пакистане и начали развязывать наступление в повстанческом стиле против сил коалиции в конце 2002 года. [112] По всему южному и восточному Афганистану вспыхнули перестрелки между набирающими силу талибами и силами коалиции. Силы коалиции ответили серией военных наступлений и увеличением численности войск в Афганистане. В феврале 2010 года силы коалиции начали операцию «Моштарак» на юге Афганистана вместе с другими военными наступлениями в надежде, что они уничтожат мятеж талибов раз и навсегда. [113] Также велись мирные переговоры между боевиками, связанными с талибами, и силами коалиции. [114]

В сентябре 2014 года Афганистан и США подписали соглашение о безопасности, которое позволило силам США и НАТО оставаться в Афганистане как минимум до 2024 года. [115] Однако 29 февраля 2020 года США и Талибан подписали в Дохе условное мирное соглашение , которое требовало, чтобы войска США были выведены из Афганистана в течение 14 месяцев, при условии, что Талибан будет выполнять условия соглашения, согласно которым «не разрешалось никому из его членов, другим лицам или группам, включая Аль-Каиду, использовать территорию Афганистана для создания угрозы безопасности Соединенных Штатов и их союзников». [116] [117] Афганское правительство не было участником соглашения и отклонило его условия относительно освобождения заключенных. [118] После того, как Джо Байден стал президентом, он перенес целевую дату вывода на 31 августа 2021 года. [119] 15 августа 2021 года афганская столица Кабул пала под удивительно эффективным наступлением Талибана , положив конец войне в Афганистане . Военные США и войска НАТО взяли под контроль международный аэропорт имени Хамида Карзая в Кабуле для использования в операции «Убежище союзников» и крупномасштабной эвакуации иностранных граждан и некоторых уязвимых афганцев , проведенной в сотрудничестве с Талибаном. [120] [121] [122] [123] [124]

30 августа 2021 года Соединенные Штаты завершили поспешный вывод своих войск из Афганистана . Вывод подвергся резкой критике как внутри страны, так и за рубежом за хаотичность и бессистемность, [125] [126] , а также за придание большего импульса наступлению Талибана . [127] Однако многие европейские страны последовали их примеру, включая Великобританию, Германию, Италию и Польшу. [128] [129] Несмотря на эвакуацию более 120 000 человек, масштабная эвакуация также подверглась критике за то, что остались сотни американских граждан, жителей и членов семей. [130]

Международные силы содействия безопасности

Министр обороны США Дональд Рамсфелд с председателем Объединенного комитета начальников штабов генералом Ричардом Б. Майерсом и при участии военных представителей 29 стран всемирной коалиции по борьбе с терроризмом в Пентагоне , 11 марта 2002 г.
Карта стран, предоставляющих войска в состав МССБ по состоянию на 5 марта 2010 года. Основные страны-участницы (более 1000 военнослужащих) обозначены темно-зеленым цветом, другие страны-участницы — светло-зеленым, а бывшие страны-участницы — пурпурным цветом.

Международные силы содействия безопасности (ISAF) под руководством НАТО были созданы в декабре 2001 года для оказания помощи Переходной администрации Афганистана и первому избранному правительству после Талибана. С возобновлением мятежа Талибана в 2006 году было объявлено, что ISAF заменит американские войска в провинции в рамках операции «Несокрушимая свобода».

Британская 16-я воздушно-штурмовая бригада (позже усиленная Королевской морской пехотой ) сформировала ядро ​​сил на юге Афганистана, вместе с войсками и вертолетами из Австралии, Канады и Нидерландов. Первоначальные силы состояли примерно из 3300 британцев, 2000 канадцев, 1400 из Нидерландов и 240 из Австралии, а также спецназа из Дании и Эстонии и небольших контингентов из других стран. Ежемесячные поставки грузовых контейнеров по пакистанскому маршруту для ISAF в Афганистане составляют более 4000, что составляет около 12 миллиардов пакистанских рупий. [131] [132] [133] [134] [135]


Солдаты спецназа США и пехотинцы филиппинской армии

В январе 2002 года Командование специальных операций США в Тихом океане было развернуто на Филиппинах для консультирования и оказания помощи Вооруженным силам Филиппин в борьбе с филиппинскими исламистскими группировками. [136] Операции были в основном сосредоточены на вытеснении группировки Абу Сайяф и Джемаа Исламия (ДИ) из их оплота на острове Басилан . [ требуется цитата ] Вторая часть операции проводилась в качестве гуманитарной программы под названием «Операция Улыбки». Целью программы было предоставление медицинской помощи и услуг в регионе Басилан в рамках программы «Сердца и Умы». [137]

Объединенная оперативная группа специальных операций – Филиппины была расформирована в июне 2014 года, [138] завершив успешную 12-летнюю миссию. [139] После того, как JSOTF-P была расформирована, вплоть до ноября 2014 года, американские войска продолжали действовать на Филиппинах под названием «Группа усиления PACOM» до 24 февраля 2015 года. [140] [141] 1 сентября 2017 года министр обороны США Джим Мэттис обозначил операцию «Тихоокеанский орел – Филиппины » (OPE-P) как операцию на случай непредвиденных обстоятельств для поддержки филиппинского правительства и военных в их усилиях по изоляции, ослаблению и разгрому филиалов ИГИЛ (совместно именуемых ИГИЛ-Филиппины или ИГИЛ-П) и других террористических организаций на Филиппинах. [142] К 2018 году в американских операциях на Филиппинах против террористических группировок участвовало до 300 советников. [143]

Транссахара (Северная Африка)

Карта конфликта на севере Мали

Операция «Несокрушимая свобода – Транс-Сахара» (OEF-TS), ныне операция «Щит можжевельника», — название военной операции, проводимой США и странами-партнерами в регионе Сахара/Сахель в Африке, включающей борьбу с терроризмом и пресечение незаконного оборота оружия и наркотиков по всей Центральной Африке.

Конфликт на севере Мали начался в январе 2012 года, когда радикальные исламисты (связанные с Аль-Каидой) вторглись в северную часть Мали. Малийскому правительству было трудно удерживать полный контроль над своей страной. Новое правительство обратилось за поддержкой к международному сообществу в борьбе с исламскими боевиками. В январе 2013 года Франция вмешалась от имени правительства Мали и развернула войска в регионе. Они начали операцию «Серваль» 11 января 2013 года, надеясь вытеснить связанные с Аль-Каидой группы из северной части Мали. [144]

Африканский Рог и Красное море

Операция «Несокрушимая свобода – Африканский Рог» является продолжением операции «Несокрушимая свобода». В отличие от других операций, включенных в операцию «Несокрушимая свобода», OEF-HOA не имеет конкретной организации в качестве цели. Вместо этого OEF-HOA сосредотачивает свои усилия на пресечении и обнаружении деятельности боевиков в регионе и на работе с готовыми правительствами для предотвращения повторного появления ячеек боевиков и их деятельности. [145]

В октябре 2002 года в Джибути в лагере Лемонье была создана Объединенная оперативная группа – Африканский Рог (CJTF-HOA) . [146] В ее состав входят около 2000 человек, включая военнослужащих США, силы специальных операций (SOF) и членов коалиционных сил, Объединенная оперативная группа 150 (CTF-150).

Task Force 150 состоит из кораблей из меняющейся группы стран, включая Австралию, Канаду, Францию, Германию, Италию, Нидерланды, Пакистан, Новую Зеландию и Соединенное Королевство. Основная цель коалиционных сил — контролировать, досматривать, высаживать и останавливать подозрительные грузы, поступающие в регион Африканского Рога и влияющие на операцию США «Иракская свобода» .

В операцию включена подготовка отдельных подразделений вооруженных сил стран Джибути, Кении и Эфиопии по тактике борьбы с терроризмом и повстанцами . Гуманитарные усилия, предпринимаемые CJTF-HOA, включают восстановление школ и медицинских клиник, а также предоставление медицинских услуг тем странам, чьи силы проходят подготовку.

Программа расширяется в рамках Транссахарской инициативы по борьбе с терроризмом , поскольку персонал CJTF также помогает в обучении вооруженных сил Чада , Нигера, Мавритании и Мали . Однако война с терроризмом не охватывает Судан, где в продолжающейся гражданской войне погибло более 400 000 человек.

1 июля 2006 года в Интернете появилось сообщение, якобы написанное Усамой бен Ладеном, в котором он призвал сомалийцев построить исламское государство в стране и предупредил западные правительства о том, что сеть «Аль-Каиды» будет бороться против них, если они вмешаются. [147]

Премьер-министр Сомали заявил, что трое «подозреваемых в терроризме» из числа подозреваемых в организации взрывов посольства США в 1998 году укрываются в Кисмайо. [148] 30 декабря 2006 года заместитель лидера «Аль-Каиды» Айман аль-Завахири призвал мусульман всего мира бороться против Эфиопии и переходного федерального правительства в Сомали. [149]

8 января 2007 года США начали битву за Рас-Камбони , начав бомбардировку Рас-Камбони с использованием боевых вертолетов AC-130 . [150]

On 14 September 2009, U.S. Special Forces killed two men and wounded and captured two others near the Somali village of Baarawe. Witnesses claim that helicopters used for the operation launched from French-flagged warships, but that could not be confirmed. A Somali-based al-Qaida affiliated group, the Al-Shabaab, has verified the death of "sheik commander" Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan along with an unspecified number of militants.[151] Nabhan, a Kenyan, was wanted in connection with the 2002 Mombasa attacks.[152]

Iraq War

2002 State of the Union Address

During his 2002 State of the Union Address, George W. Bush accused North Korea, Iran and Iraq of propping up state-sponsored terrorism and pursuing Weapons of Mass Destruction. These countries were portrayed as a global threat and categorised under the terminology referred to as "Axis of evil".[153] Regarding Iraq, Bush alleged:

"Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax and nerve gas and nuclear weapons for over a decade. This is a regime that has already used poison gas to murder thousands of its own citizens, leaving the bodies of mothers huddled over their dead children. This is a regime that agreed to international inspections, then kicked out the inspectors. This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world."[154]


In October 2002, United States Congress passed the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002", which empowered the U.S. president to order military attack against Iraq.[155][156] On 5 February 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell made a presentation before the UN Security Council which claimed to implicate Iraq in building a secret WMD program and having ties to Al-Qaeda.[157]

On 17 March 2003, Bush issued an ultimatum to Saddam Hussein and his two sons to flee Iraq within a 48-hour deadline or else face "military conflict".[158] Justifying his policy Bush declared:

"Terrorists and terror states do not reveal these threats with fair notice, in formal declarations—and responding to such enemies only after they have struck first is not self-defense, it is suicide. The security of the world requires disarming Saddam Hussein now."[158]

Invasion of Iraq

A British C-130J Hercules aircraft launches flare countermeasures before being the first coalition aircraft to land on the newly reopened military runway at Baghdad International Airport.

The Iraq War began in March 2003 with an air campaign, which was immediately followed by a U.S.-led ground invasion.[159][160] The Bush administration cited UNSC Resolution 1441, which warned of "serious consequences" for violations such as Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction. The Bush administration also stated the Iraq War was part of the war on terror, a claim later questioned and contested. Iraq had been listed as a state sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. since 1990,[161] when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.

The first ground attack came at the Battle of Umm Qasr on 21 March 2003, when a combined force of British, U.S. and Polish forces seized control of the port city of Umm Qasr.[162] Baghdad, Iraq's capital city, fell to U.S. troops in April 2003 and Saddam Hussein's government quickly dissolved.[163] On 1 May 2003, Bush announced that major combat operations in Iraq had ended.[164]

Iraqi Insurgency (2003–11)

However, an insurgency arose against the U.S.-led coalition and the newly developing Iraqi military and post-Saddam government. The rebellion, which included al-Qaeda-affiliated groups, led to many coalition casualties. Other elements of the insurgency were led by fugitive members of President Hussein's Ba'ath regime, which included Iraqi nationalists and pan-Arabists. Many insurgency leaders were Islamists and claimed to be fighting a religious war to reestablish the Islamic Caliphate of centuries past.[165] Saddam Hussein was captured by U.S. forces in December 2003 and was executed in 2006.

In 2004, the insurgent forces grew stronger. The U.S. launched offensives on insurgent strongholds in cities like Najaf and Fallujah.

In January 2007, President Bush presented a new strategy for Operation Iraqi Freedom based upon counter-insurgency theories and tactics developed by General David Petraeus. The Iraq War troop surge of 2007 was part of this "new way forward", which along with U.S. backing of Sunni groups it had previously sought to defeat has been credited with a widely recognized dramatic decrease in violence by up to 80%.[citation needed]

The war entered a new phase on 1 September 2010,[166] with the official end of U.S. combat operations.

War in Iraq (2013–17)

President Obama ordered the withdrawal of most troops in 2011, but began redeploying forces in 2014 to fight the Islamic State group.[167] As of July 2021, there were approximately 2,500 U.S. troops in Iraq, who continue to assist in the mission to combat the remnants of IS.[168]


Following the 11 September attacks, former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf sided with the U.S. against the Taliban government in Afghanistan after an ultimatum by then U.S. President George W. Bush. Musharraf agreed to give the U.S. the use of three airbases for Operation Enduring Freedom. United States Secretary of State Colin Powell and other U.S. administration officials met with Musharraf. On 19 September 2001, Musharraf addressed the people of Pakistan and stated that, while he opposed military tactics against the Taliban, Pakistan risked being endangered by an alliance of India and the U.S. if it did not cooperate. In 2006, Musharraf testified that this stance was pressured by threats from the U.S., and revealed in his memoirs that he had "war-gamed" the United States as an adversary and decided that it would end in a loss for Pakistan.[169]

On 12 January 2002, Musharraf gave a speech against Islamic extremism. He unequivocally condemned all acts of terrorism and pledged to combat Islamic extremism and lawlessness within Pakistan itself. He stated that his government was committed to rooting out extremism and made it clear that the banned militant organizations would not be allowed to resurface under any new name. He said, "the recent decision to ban extremist groups promoting militancy was taken in the national interest after thorough consultations. It was not taken under any foreign influence".[170]

In 2002, the Musharraf-led government took a firm stand against the jihadi organizations and groups promoting extremism, and arrested Maulana Masood Azhar, head of the Jaish-e-Mohammed, and Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, chief of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, and took dozens of activists into custody. An official ban was imposed on the groups on 12 January.[171] Later that year, the Saudi born Zayn al-Abidn Muhammed Hasayn Abu Zubaydah was arrested by Pakistani officials during a series of joint U.S.–Pakistan raids. Zubaydah is said to have been a high-ranking al-Qaeda official with the title of operations chief and in charge of running al-Qaeda training camps.[172] Other prominent al-Qaeda members were arrested in the following two years, namely Ramzi bin al-Shibh, who is known to have been a financial backer of al-Qaeda operations, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who at the time of his capture was the third highest-ranking official in al-Qaeda and had been directly in charge of the planning for the 11 September attacks.

In 2004, the Pakistan Army launched a campaign in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan's Waziristan region, sending in 80,000 troops. The goal of the conflict was to remove the al-Qaeda and Taliban forces in the area.

After the fall of the Taliban regime, many members of the Taliban resistance fled to the Northern border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan where the Pakistani army had previously little control. With the logistics and air support of the United States, the Pakistani Army captured or killed numerous al-Qaeda operatives such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, wanted for his involvement in the USS Cole bombing, the Bojinka plot, and the killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

The United States has carried out a campaign of drone attacks on targets all over the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. However, the Pakistani Taliban still operates there. To this day it is estimated that 15 U.S. soldiers were killed while fighting al-Qaeda and Taliban remnants in Pakistan since the war on terror began.[173]

Osama bin Laden, his wife, and son, were all killed on 2 May 2011, during a raid conducted by the United States special operations forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan.[174]

The use of drones by the Central Intelligence Agency in Pakistan to carry out operations associated with the global war on terror sparks debate over sovereignty and the laws of war. The U.S. Government uses the CIA rather than the U.S. Air Force for strikes in Pakistan to avoid breaching sovereignty through military invasion. The United States was criticized by[according to whom?] a report on drone warfare and aerial sovereignty for abusing the term 'global war on terror' to carry out military operations through government agencies without formally declaring war.

After the 11 September attacks, U.S. economic and security aid to Pakistan spiked considerably. With the authorization of the Enhanced Partnership for Pakistan Act, Pakistan was granted US$7.5 billion over five years from FY2010–FY2014.[175]


The United States has also conducted a series of military strikes on al-Qaeda militants in Yemen since the war on terror began.[176] Yemen has a weak central government and a powerful tribal system that leaves large lawless areas open for militant training and operations. Al-Qaeda has a strong presence in the country.[177] On 31 March 2011, AQAP declared the Al-Qaeda Emirate in Yemen after its captured most of Abyan Governorate.[178]

The U.S., in an effort to support Yemeni counter-terrorism efforts, has increased their military aid package to Yemen from less than $11 million in 2006 to more than $70 million in 2009, as well as providing up to $121 million for development over the next three years.[179]

In 2024, the U.S. has re-designated the Houthis as Specially Designated Global Terrorists in the context of the Red Sea crisis, Operation Prosperity Guardian and Operation Poseidon Archer. The military campaign is still ongoing.[180] It has been argued that the Houthis have team up with Al-Qaeda since 2023.[181] Since then, this alliance remains ongoing under the context of the Red Sea crisis.[182]

Other military operations

Operation Inherent Resolve (Syria and Iraq)

U.S. soldiers in Syria during Operation Inherent Resolve

The Obama administration began to re-engage in Iraq with a series of airstrikes aimed at ISIL starting on 10 August 2014.[183] On 9 September 2014, President Obama said that he had the authority he needed to take action to destroy the militant group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, citing the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Terrorists, and thus did not require additional approval from Congress.[184] The following day on 10 September 2014 President Barack Obama made a televised speech about ISIL, which he stated: "Our objective is clear: We will degrade, and ultimately destroy, ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy".[185] Obama has authorized the deployment of additional U.S. Forces into Iraq, as well as authorizing direct military operations against ISIL within Syria.[185] On the night of 21/22 September the United States, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE, Jordan and Qatar started air attacks against ISIL in Syria.[186]

In October 2014, it was reported that the U.S. Department of Defense considers military operations against ISIL as being under Operation Enduring Freedom in regards to campaign medal awarding.[187] On 15 October, the military intervention became known as "Operation Inherent Resolve".[188]

Islamic State of Lanao and the Battle of Marawi

With the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), jihadist offshoots sprung up in regions around the world, including the Philippines. The Maute group, composed of former Moro Islamic Liberation Front guerrillas and foreign fighters led by Omar Maute, the alleged founder of a Dawlah Islamiya, declared loyalty to ISIL and began clashing with Philippine security forces and staging bombings. On 23 May 2017, the group attacked the city of Marawi, resulting in the bloody Battle of Marawi that lasted 5 months. After the decisive battle, remnants of the group were reportedly still recruiting in 2017 and 2018.[189][190]

Libyan War

An AV-8B Harrier takes off from the flight deck of USS Wasp during Operation Odyssey Lightning, 8 August 2016.

NBC News reported that in mid-2014, ISIL had about 1,000 fighters in Libya. Taking advantage of a power vacuum in the center of the country, far from the major cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, ISIL expanded rapidly over the next 18 months. Local militants were joined by jihadists from the rest of North Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Caucasus. The force absorbed or defeated other Islamist groups inside Libya and the central ISIL leadership in Raqqa, Syria, began urging foreign recruits to head for Libya instead of Syria. ISIL seized control of the coastal city of Sirte in early 2015 and then began to expand to the east and south. By the beginning of 2016, it had effective control of 120 to 150 miles of coastline and portions of the interior and had reached Eastern Libya's major population center, Benghazi. In spring 2016, AFRICOM estimated that ISIL had about 5,000 fighters in its stronghold of Sirte.[191]

However, the indigenous rebel groups who had staked their claims to Libya and turned their weapons on ISIL—with the help of airstrikes by Western forces, including U.S. drones, the Libyan population resented the outsiders who wanted to establish a fundamentalist regime on their soil. Militias loyal to the new Libyan unity government, plus a separate and rival force loyal to a former officer in the Gaddafi regime, launched an assault on ISIL outposts in Sirte and the surrounding areas that lasted for months. According to U.S. military estimates, ISIL ranks shrank to somewhere between a few hundred and 2,000 fighters. In August 2016, the U.S. military began airstrikes that, along with continued pressure on the ground from the Libyan militias, pushed the remaining ISIL fighters back into Sirte. In all, U.S. drones and planes hit ISIL nearly 590 times, the Libyan militias reclaimed the city in mid-December.[191] On 18 January 2017, ABC News reported that two USAF B-2 bombers struck two ISIL camps 28 miles (45 km) south of Sirte, the airstrikes targeted between 80 and 100 ISIL fighters in multiple camps, an unmanned aircraft also participated in the airstrikes. NBC News reported that as many as 90 ISIL fighters were killed in the strike, a U.S. defense official said that "This was the largest remaining ISIL presence in Libya," and that "They have been largely marginalized, but I am hesitant to say they have been eliminated in Libya."[191]

American military intervention in Cameroon

In October 2015, the U.S. began deploying 300 soldiers[192] to Cameroon, with the invitation of the Cameroonian government, to support African forces in a non-combat role in their fight against ISIL insurgency in that country. The troops' primary missions will revolve around providing intelligence support to local forces as well as conducting reconnaissance flights.[193]

Operation Active Endeavour

Operation Active Endeavour was a naval operation of NATO started in October 2001 in response to the 11 September attacks. It operated in the Mediterranean and was designed to prevent the movement of militants or weapons of mass destruction and to enhance the security of shipping in general.[194]

Fighting in Kashmir

Political map: the Kashmir region districts

In a 'Letter to American People' written by Osama bin Laden in 2002, he stated that one of the reasons he was fighting America is because of its support of India on the Kashmir issue.[195][196] Indian sources claimed that in 2006, al-Qaeda claimed they had established a wing in Kashmir; this worried the Indian government.[197] India also argued that al-Qaeda has strong ties with the Kashmir militant groups Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed in Pakistan.[198] While on a visit to Pakistan in January 2010, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates stated that al-Qaeda was seeking to destabilize the region and planning to provoke a nuclear war between India and Pakistan.[199]

In September 2009, a U.S. drone strike reportedly killed Ilyas Kashmiri, who was the chief of Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, a Kashmiri militant group associated with al-Qaeda.[200][201] Kashmiri was described by Bruce Riedel as a 'prominent' al-Qaeda member,[202] while others described him as the head of military operations for al-Qaeda.[203] Waziristan had now become the new battlefield for Kashmiri militants, who were now fighting NATO in support of al-Qaeda.[204]On 8 July 2012, Al-Badar Mujahideen, a breakaway faction of Kashmir centric terror group Hizbul Mujahideen, on the conclusion of their two-day Shuhada Conference called for a mobilization of resources for continuation of jihad in Kashmir.[205] In June 2021, an air force station in Jammu (in India-administered Kashmir) was attacked by drone. Investigators were uncertain whether a state or non-state actor initiated the attack.[206][207]

Anti-terror campaigns by other powers

For decades, Israel, a key ally of the United States in the region of the Middle East, has engaged in its own war on terror against Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Iranian-backed insurgent groups. Although Israel did not directly participate in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, it reportedly urged the U.S. not to delay an attack on Saddam Hussein.[208] Before the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, Israeli intelligence reportedly provided information to Washington.[209] Israel launched a 34-day military conflict against Hezbollah in Lebanon, northern Israel and the Golan Heights during mid-2006.[210] Following the October 7 attack, Israel declared the still ongoing Israel-Hamas War, leading to a ground invasion on October 27 with the stated goals of destroying Hamas and freeing hostages.[211][212]

Colombia has also engaged on its own War on Terror,[213][214] as terrorism by both guerrillas and paramilitaries remains a major concern in the country since the escalation of armed violence in the 2000s in the context of the Colombian conflict.[215] Álvaro Uribe's Presidency, in particular, was marked by a significant focus on counter-terrorism and counterinsurgency. The counterterrorism measures of Plan Colombia acquired further expansion during the presidency of George W. Bush and an important focus on national security after the events of 9/11, as the threat of global terrorism received greater attention.[216]

In the 2010s, China has also been engaged in its own war on terror, predominantly a domestic campaign in response to violent actions by Uyghur separatist movements in the Xinjiang conflict.[217] This campaign was widely criticized in international media due to the perception that it unfairly targets and persecutes Chinese Muslims,[218] potentially resulting in a negative backlash from China's predominantly Muslim Uighur population. Xi Jinping's government has imprisoned up to two million Uyghurs and other Muslim ethnic minorities in Xinjiang re-education camps, where they are reportedly subject to abuse and torture.[219][220]

Russia has also been engaged on its own, also largely internally focused, counter-terrorism campaign often termed a war on terror, during the Second Chechen War, the Insurgency in the North Caucasus, and the Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War.[221] Like China's war on terror, Russia has also been focused on separatist and Islamist movements that use political violence to achieve their ends.[222] However, Putin's Russia's disinformation and actions, as well as its inaction towards groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban, have raised doubts about its commitment to the war on terror.[223]

International military support

The United Kingdom was the second-largest contributor of troops in Afghanistan.

The invasion of Afghanistan is seen to have been the first action of this war, and initially involved forces from the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Afghan Northern Alliance. Since the initial invasion period, these forces were augmented by troops and aircraft from Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand and Norway among others. In 2006, there were about 33,000 troops in Afghanistan.

On 12 September 2001, less than 24 hours after the 11 September attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., NATO invoked Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty and declared the attacks to be an attack against all 19 NATO member countries. Australian Prime Minister John Howard also stated that Australia would invoke the ANZUS Treaty along similar lines.[224]

In the following months, NATO took a broad range of measures to respond to the threat of terrorism. On 22 November 2002, the member states of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) decided on a Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism, which explicitly states, "[The] EAPC States are committed to the protection and promotion of fundamental freedoms and human rights, as well as the rule of law, in combating terrorism."[225] NATO started naval operations in the Mediterranean Sea designed to prevent the movement of terrorists or weapons of mass destruction as well as to enhance the security of shipping in general called Operation Active Endeavour.

Support for the U.S. cooled when America made clear its determination to invade Iraq in late 2002. Still, many of the "coalition of the willing" countries that unconditionally supported the U.S.-led military action have sent troops to Afghanistan, particular neighboring Pakistan, which has disowned its earlier support for the Taliban and contributed tens of thousands of soldiers to the conflict. Pakistan was also engaged in the Insurgency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (a.k.a. Waziristan War or North-West Pakistan War). Supported by U.S. intelligence, Pakistan attempted to remove the Taliban insurgency and al-Qaeda element from the northern tribal areas.[226]

Post–9/11 events inside the United States

A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement helicopter patrols the airspace over New York City.

In addition to military efforts abroad, in the aftermath of 9/11, the Bush Administration increased domestic efforts to prevent future attacks. Various government bureaucracies that handled security and military functions were reorganized. A new cabinet-level agency called the United States Department of Homeland Security was created in November 2002 to lead and coordinate the largest reorganization of the U.S. federal government since the consolidation of the armed forces into the Department of Defense.[citation needed]

The Justice Department launched the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System for certain male non-citizens in the U.S., requiring them to register in person at offices of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

The USA PATRIOT Act of October 2001 dramatically reduces restrictions on law enforcement agencies' ability to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records; eases restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States; expands the Secretary of the Treasury's authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and broadens the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Act's expanded law enforcement powers could be applied. A new Terrorist Finance Tracking Program monitored the movements of terrorists' financial resources (discontinued after being revealed by The New York Times). Global telecommunication usage, including those with no links to terrorism,[227] is being collected and monitored through the NSA electronic surveillance program. The Patriot Act is still in effect.

Political interest groups have stated that these laws remove important restrictions on governmental authority, and are a dangerous encroachment on civil liberties, possible unconstitutional violations of the Fourth Amendment. On 30 July 2003, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed the first legal challenge against Section 215 of the Patriot Act, claiming that it allows the FBI to violate a citizen's First Amendment rights, Fourth Amendment rights, and right to due process, by granting the government the right to search a person's business, bookstore, and library records in a terrorist investigation, without disclosing to the individual that records were being searched.[228] Also, governing bodies in many communities have passed symbolic resolutions against the act.

John Walker Lindh was captured as an enemy combatant during the United States' 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.

In a speech on 9 June 2005, Bush said that the USA PATRIOT Act had been used to bring charges against more than 400 suspects, more than half of whom had been convicted. Meanwhile, the ACLU quoted Justice Department figures showing that 7,000 people have complained of abuse of the Act.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) began an initiative in early 2002 with the creation of the Total Information Awareness program, designed to promote information technologies that could be used in counter-terrorism. This program, facing criticism, has since been defunded by Congress.

By 2003, 12 major conventions and protocols were designed to combat terrorism. These were adopted and ratified by many states. These conventions require states to co-operate on principal issues regarding unlawful seizure of aircraft, the physical protection of nuclear materials, and the freezing of assets of militant networks.[229]

In 2005, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1624 concerning incitement to commit acts of terrorism and the obligations of countries to comply with international human rights laws.[230] Although both resolutions require mandatory annual reports on counter-terrorism activities by adopting nations, the United States and Israel have both declined to submit reports. In the same year, the United States Department of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a planning document, by the name "National Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism", which stated that it constituted the "comprehensive military plan to prosecute the Global War on Terror for the Armed Forces of the United States...including the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission and a rigorous examination with the Department of Defense".

On 9 January 2007, the House of Representatives passed a bill, by a vote of 299–128, enacting many of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission The bill passed in the U.S. Senate,[231] by a vote of 60–38, on 13 March 2007 and it was signed into law on 3 August 2007 by President Bush. It became Public Law 110–53. In July 2012, U.S. Senate passed a resolution urging that the Haqqani Network be designated a foreign terrorist organization.[232]

The Office of Strategic Influence was secretly created after 9/11 for the purpose of coordinating propaganda efforts but was closed soon after being discovered. The Bush administration implemented the Continuity of Operations Plan (or Continuity of Government) to ensure that U.S. government would be able to continue in catastrophic circumstances.

Since 9/11, extremists made various attempts to attack the United States, with varying levels of organization and skill. For example, vigilant passengers aboard a transatlantic flight prevented Richard Reid, in 2001, and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, in 2009, from detonating an explosive device.

Other terrorist plots have been stopped by federal agencies using new legal powers and investigative tools, sometimes in cooperation with foreign governments.[citation needed]

Such thwarted attacks include:

The Obama administration promised the closing of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, increased the number of troops in Afghanistan, and promised the withdrawal of its forces from Iraq.

Transnational actions

"Extraordinary rendition"

Alleged "extraordinary rendition" illegal flights of the CIA, as reported by Rzeczpospolita[233]
CIA's Extraordinary Rendition and Detention Program – countries involved in the Program, according to the 2013 Open Society Foundations' report on torture[234][235]

After the 11 September attacks, the United States government commenced a program of illegal "extraordinary rendition", sometimes referred to as "irregular rendition" or "forced rendition", the government-sponsored abduction and extrajudicial transfer of a person from one country to transferee countries, with the consent of transferee countries.[236][237][238] The aim of extraordinary rendition is often conducting torture on the detainee that would be difficult to conduct in the U.S. legal environment, a practice known as torture by proxy. Starting in 2002, U.S. government rendered hundreds of illegal combatants for U.S. detention, and transported detainees to U.S. controlled sites as part of an extensive interrogation program that included torture.[239] Extraordinary rendition continued under the Obama administration, with targets being interrogated and subsequently taken to the US for trial.[240]

The United Nations considers one nation abducting the citizens of another a crime against humanity.[241] In July 2014 the European Court of Human Rights condemned the government of Poland for participating in CIA extraordinary rendition, ordering Poland to pay restitution to men who had been abducted, taken to a CIA black site in Poland, and tortured.[242][243][244]

Rendition to "Black Sites"

In 2005, The Washington Post and Human Rights Watch (HRW) published revelations concerning kidnapping of detainees by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and their transport to "black sites", covert prisons operated by the CIA whose existence is denied by the US government. The European Parliament published a report connecting use of such secret detention Black Sites for detainees kidnapped as part of extraordinary rendition (See the European Parliament's investigation and report). Although some Black Sites have been known to exist inside European Union states, these detention centers violate the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the UN Convention Against Torture, treaties that all EU member states are bound to follow.[245][246][247] The U.S. had ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture in 1994.[248]

According to ABC News two such facilities, in countries mentioned by Human Rights Watch, have been closed following the recent publicity with the CIA relocating the detainees. Almost all of these detainees were tortured as part of the "enhanced interrogation techniques" of the CIA.[249] Despite the closure of these sites, their legacies in certain countries continue to live on and haunt domestic politics.[250]

Criticism of U.S. media's withholding of coverage

Major American newspapers, such as The Washington Post, have been criticized for deliberately withholding publication of articles reporting locations of Black Sites. The Post defended its decision to suppress this news on the ground that such revelations "could open the U.S. government to legal challenges, particularly in foreign courts, and increase the risk of political condemnation at home and abroad." However, according to Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting "the possibility that illegal, unpopular government actions might be disrupted is not a consequence to be feared, however—it's the whole point of the U.S. First Amendment. ... Without the basic fact of where these prisons are, it's difficult if not impossible for 'legal challenges' or 'political condemnation' to force them to close." FAIR argued that the damage done to the global reputation of the United States by the continued existence of black-site prisons was more dangerous than any threat caused by the exposure of their locations.[251]

The complex at Stare Kiejkuty, a Soviet-era compound once used by German intelligence in World War II, is best known as having been the only Russian intelligence training school to operate outside the Soviet Union. Its prominence in the Soviet era suggests that it may have been the facility first identified—but never named—when the Washington Post's Dana Priest revealed the existence of the CIA's secret prison network in November 2005.[252]

The journalists who exposed this provided their sources and this information and documents were provided to The Washington Post in 2005. In addition, they also identified such Black Sites are concealed:

Former European and US intelligence officials indicate that the secret prisons across the European Union, first identified by the Washington Post, are likely not permanent locations, making them difficult to identify and locate. What some believe was a network of secret prisons was most probably a series of facilities used temporarily by the United States when needed, officials say. Interim "black sites"—secret facilities used for covert activities—can be as small as a room in a government building, which only becomes a black site when a prisoner is brought in for short-term detainment and interrogation.

The journalists went on to explain that "Such a site, sources say, would have to be near an airport." The airport in question is the Szczytno-Szymany International Airport.

In response to these allegations, former Polish intelligence chief, Zbigniew Siemiatkowski, embarked on a media blitz and claimed that the allegations were "... part of the domestic political battle in the US over who is to succeed current Republican President George W Bush," according to the German news agency Deutsche Presse Agentur.[253]

Prison ships

The United States has also been accused of operating "floating prisons" to house and transport those arrested in its War on Terror, according to human rights lawyers. They have claimed that the US has tried to conceal the numbers and whereabouts of detainees. Although no credible information to support these assertions has ever come to light, the alleged justification for prison ships is primarily to remove the ability for jihadists to target a fixed location to facilitate the escape of high value targets, commanders, operations chiefs etc.[254]

Guantanamo Bay detention camp

Detainees upon arrival at Camp X-Ray, January 2002

The U.S. government set up the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in 2002, a United States military prison located in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.[255] President Bush declared that the Geneva Convention, which protects prisoners of war, would not apply to Taliban and al-Qaeda detainees captured in Afghanistan.[256] Since inmates were detained indefinitely without trial and several detainees have allegedly been tortured, this camp is considered to be a major breach of human rights by Amnesty International.[257] The detention camp was set up by the U.S. government on Guantanamo Bay since the military base is not legally domestic US territory and thus was a "legal black hole."[258][259] Most prisoners of Guantanamo were eventually freed without ever being charged with any crime, and were transferred to other countries.[260] As of July 2021, 40 men remain in the prison and almost three-quarters of them have never been criminally charged. They're known as "forever prisoners" and are being detained indefinitely.[261]

Major terrorist attacks and plots since 9/11

Following the launch of "war on terror" by the United States, several Islamist militant groups as well as militant individuals have launched attacks against the assets of US-led coalition, including in Western countries where active warfare is not taking place.

Attacks by Al-Qaeda

Islamic State

Attacks by other Islamist militant groups and individuals

Alleged plots and unsuccessful attacks

There have also been reports of alleged plots and other planned attacks that were not successful.


There is no widely agreed on figure for the number of people that have been killed so far in the war on terror as the Bush Administration has defined it to include the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, and operations elsewhere. According to Joshua Goldstein, an international relations professor at the American University, The global war on terror has seen fewer war deaths than any other decade in the past century.[270]

A 2015 report by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and the Physicians for Social Responsibility and Physicians for Global Survival estimated between 1.3 million to 2 million casualties from the war on terror.[271] A report from September 2021 by Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs "Costs of War" project puts the total number of casualties of the war on terror in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan at between 518,000 and 549,000. This number increases to between 897,000 and 929,000 when the wars in Syria, Yemen, and other countries are included. The report estimated that many more may have died from indirect effects of war such as water loss and disease.[272][273][26] They also estimated that over 38 million people have been displaced by the post-9/11 wars participated in by the United States in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and the Philippines; 26.7 million people have returned home following displacement.[274][27] The conflict has caused the largest number of forced displacements by any single war since 1900, with the exception of World War II.[274]

In a 2023 report, the "Costs of War" project estimated that, as the result of the destruction of infrastructure, economies, public services and the environment, there have been between 3.6 and 3.7 million indirect deaths in the post-9/11 war zones, with the total death toll being 4.5 to 4.6 million and rising.[275] The report defined post-9/11 war zones as conflicts that included significant United States counter-terrorism operations since 9/11, which in addition to the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, also includes the civil wars in Syria, Yemen, Libya and Somalia. The report derived its estimate of indirect deaths using a calculation from the Geneva Declaration of Secretariat which estimates that for every person directly killed by war, four more die from the indirect consequences of war. The report's author Stephanie Savell stated that in an ideal scenario, the preferable way of quantifying the total death toll would have been by studying excess mortality, or by using on-the-ground researchers in the affected countries.[2]

An estimated 7,052 US military combatants, over 8,100 US military contractors and more than 14,800 US-allied coalition troops are estimated to have been killed in the wars as of 2023.[276]

The total number of insurgent deaths since the commencement of the war on terror in 2001 is generally estimated as being well into the hundreds of thousands, with hundreds of thousands of others captured or arrested. Some estimates for regional conflicts include the following:


Footage of leaked Apache gunship strike in Baghdad, July 2007

In Iraq, some 26,544 insurgents were killed by the American-led coalition and the Iraqi Security Forces from 2003 to 2011.[277] 119,752 suspected insurgents were arrested in Iraq from 2003 to 2007 alone, at which point 18,832 suspected insurgents had been reported killed;[278] applying this same arrested-to-captured ratio to the total number of insurgents killed would equate to approximately 26,500 insurgents killed and 168,000 arrested from 2003 to 2011. At least 4,000 foreign fighters (generally estimated at 10–20% of the insurgency at that point) had been killed by September 2006, according to an official statement from al-Qaeda in Iraq.[279] Insurgent casualties in the 2011–2013 phase of the Iraqi conflict numbered 916 killed, with 3,504 more arrested.

From 2014 to the end of 2017, the United States government stated that over 80,000 Islamic State insurgents had been killed by American and allied airstrikes from 2014 to the end of 2017, in both Iraq and Syria. The majority of these strikes occurred within Iraq.[280] ISIL deaths caused by the Iraqi Security Forces in this time are uncertain, but were probably significant. Over 26,000 ISF members were killed fighting ISIL from 2013 to the end of 2017,[281] with ISIL losses likely being of a similar scale.

Total casualties in Iraq range from 62,570 to 1,124,000:

  • Iraq Body Count project documented 185,044 to 207,979 dead from 2003 to 2020 with 288,000 violent deaths including combatants in total.
  • 110,600 deaths in total according to the Associated Press from March 2003 to April 2009.[282]
  • 151,000 deaths in total according to the Iraq Family Health Survey.[283]
  • Opinion Research Business (ORB) poll conducted 12–19 August 2007 estimated 1,033,000 violent deaths due to the Iraq War. The range given was 946,000 to 1,120,000 deaths. A nationally representative sample of approximately 2,000 Iraqi adults answered whether any members of their household (living under their roof) were killed due to the Iraq War. 22% of the respondents had lost one or more household members. ORB reported that "48% died from a gunshot wound, 20% from the impact of a car bomb, 9% from aerial bombardment, 6% as a result of an accident and 6% from another blast/ordnance."[284][285][286]
  • Between 392,979 and 942,636 estimated Iraqi (655,000 with a confidence interval of 95%), civilian and combatant, according to the second Lancet survey of mortality.
  • A minimum of 62,570 civilian deaths reported in the mass media up to 28 April 2007 according to Iraq Body Count project.[287]
  • 4,431 U.S. Department of Defense dead (941 non-hostile deaths), and 31,994 wounded in action during Operation Iraqi Freedom. 74 U.S. Military Dead (36 non-hostile deaths), and 298 wounded in action during Operation New Dawn as of 4 May 2020[288]


Insurgent and terrorist deaths in Afghanistan are hard to estimate. Afghan Taliban losses are most likely of a similar scale to Afghan National Army and Police losses; that is around 62,000 from 2001 to the end of 2018.[289] In addition, al-Qaeda's main branch and ISIL's Afghanistan branch are each thought to have lost several thousand killed there since 2001.[290][291]

Total casualties in Afghanistan range from 10,960 and 249,000:[292]

  • 16,725–19,013 civilians killed according to Cost of War project from 2001 to 2013[293]
  • According to Marc W. Herold's extensive database,[294] between 3,100 and 3,600 civilians were directly killed by U.S. Operation Enduring Freedom bombing and Special Forces attacks between 7 October 2001 and 3 June 2003. This estimate counts only "impact deaths"—deaths that occurred in the immediate aftermath of an explosion or shooting—and does not count deaths that occurred later as a result of injuries sustained, or deaths that occurred as an indirect consequence of the U.S. airstrikes and invasion.
  • In an opinion article published in August 2002 in the magazine The Weekly Standard, Joshua Muravchik of the American Enterprise Institute,[295] questioned Professor Herold's study entirely by one single incident that involved 25–93 deaths. He did not provide any estimate his own.[296]
  • In a pair of January 2002 studies, Carl Conetta of the Project on Defense Alternatives estimates that "at least" 4,200–4,500 civilians were killed by mid-January 2002 as a result of the war and Coalition airstrikes, both directly as casualties of the aerial bombing campaign, and indirectly in the resulting humanitarian crisis.
  • His first study, "Operation Enduring Freedom: Why a Higher Rate of Civilian Bombing Casualties?",[297] released 18 January 2002, estimates that, at the low end, "at least" 1,000–1,300 civilians were directly killed in the aerial bombing campaign in just the three months between 7 October 2001 to 1 January 2002. The author found it impossible to provide an upper-end estimate to direct civilian casualties from the Operation Enduring Freedom bombing campaign that he noted as having an increased use of cluster bombs.[298] In this lower-end estimate, only Western press sources were used for hard numbers, while heavy "reduction factors" were applied to Afghan government reports so that their estimates were reduced by as much as 75%.[299]
  • In his companion study, "Strange Victory: A critical appraisal of Operation Enduring Freedom and the Afghanistan war",[300] released 30 January 2002, Conetta estimates that "at least" 3,200 more Afghans died by mid-January 2002, of "starvation, exposure, associated illnesses, or injury sustained while in flight from war zones", as a result of the war and Coalition airstrikes.
  • In similar numbers, a Los Angeles Times review of U.S., British, and Pakistani newspapers and international wire services found that between 1,067 and 1,201 direct civilian deaths were reported by those news organizations during the five months from 7 October 2001 to 28 February 2002. This review excluded all civilian deaths in Afghanistan that did not get reported by U.S., British, or Pakistani news, excluded 497 deaths that did get reported in U.S., British, and Pakistani news but that were not specifically identified as civilian or military, and excluded 754 civilian deaths that were reported by the Taliban but not independently confirmed.[301]
  • According to Jonathan Steele of The Guardian between 20,000 and 49,600 people may have died of the consequences of the invasion by the spring of 2002.[302]
  • 2,046 U.S. military dead (339 non-hostile deaths), and 18,201 wounded in action.[303]
  • A report titled Body Count put together by Physicians for Social Responsibility, Physicians for Global Survival, and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) concluded that between 185,000 and 249,000 people had been killed as a result of the fighting in Afghanistan.[292]

Deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan

This table shows a comparison of total casualties between the two main theaters of the war on terror—Iraq (since 2003) and Afghanistan (since 2001)—up until August 2021, as conducted by Brown University.[304]


1,467 and 2,334 people were killed in U.S. drone attacks as of 6 May 2011. Tens of thousands have been killed by terrorist attacks and millions have been displaced.

The War in Northwest Pakistan resulted in the deaths of 28,900+ militants from 2004 to 2018, with an unknown number captured, per the Pakistani government.[305][306] The majority of these were killed in engagements with the Pakistan Armed Forces. However, thousands were also killed in American drone strikes.


There have been 7,000+ casualties in Somalia.

The December 2006 to January 2009 Ethiopian-led intervention in Somalia resulted in the deaths of 6,000 to 8,000 Islamist insurgents, according to the Ethiopian government.[307][308] The Kenyan Defence Forces claimed another 700+ insurgents killed in their own intervention of October 2011 to May 2012.[309] American drone strikes, air strikes, and special forces ground raids in Somalia killed between 1,220 and 1,366 militants up to July 2019, according to the New American Foundation.[310]

  • In December 2007, The Elman Peace and Human Rights Organization said it had verified 6,500 civilian deaths, 8,516 people wounded, and 1.5 million displaced from homes in Mogadishu alone during the year 2007.[311]


American forces (mostly via drone strikes) killed between 846 and 1,609 terrorists in Yemen (mostly AQAP members) up to June 2019, according to a variety of media organizations including the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the New America Foundation.[312] An Emirati spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition intervening in Yemen claimed that they had killed 1,000 al-Qaeda linked militants and captured 1,500 up to August 2018.[313]

Philippines and North Caucasus

Over 1,600 Islamic State fighters (Abu Sayyaf having sworn allegiance to ISIL in 2014) were killed by government forces in the Philippines from 2014 to 2017 alone.[314]

From April 2009 to March 2019, Russian military and police (primarily in the North Caucasus) killed 2,329 and captured 2,744 insurgents of the Caucasus Emirate and related groups.[315]

United States

  • 1 June 2009, Pvt. William Andrew Long was shot and killed by Abdulhakim Muhammad, while outside a recruiting facility in Little Rock, Arkansas.[316][317]
  • On 5 November 2009, Nidal Hasan shot and killed 13 people and wounded more than 30 others at Fort Hood, Texas.[318]

(this includes fighting throughout the world):[319][320][321][322][323]

During Operation Inherent Resolve, 95 troops were killed and 227 wounded in action as of 6 May 2020[324]

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs has diagnosed more than 200,000 American veterans with PTSD since 2001.[325]

Total civilian estimates

Children wounded by American airstrikes in Afghanistan's Surkh-Rōd District in 2001

Between 363,939 and 387,072 civilians were killed in post–9/11 wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and other war zones, according to a 2021 report by the Costs of War Project at Brown University's Watson Institute. Many more may have died due to related effects, including water loss and disease.[273]


The war on terror, spanning decades, is a multitrillion-dollar war that cost much more than originally estimated.

According to the Costs of War Project at Brown University's Watson Institute, the war on terror will have cost $8 trillion for operations between 2001 and 2022 plus $2.2 trillion in future costs of veterans' care over the next 30 years.[326] Out of this number, $2.313 trillion is for Afghanistan, $2.058 trillion for Iraq and Syria, and $355 billion was spent on other warzones. The remainder was for DHS ($1.1 trillion).

According to the Soufan Group in July 2015, the U.S. government was spending $9.4 million per day in operations against ISIL in Syria and Iraq.[327]

A March 2011 Congressional report[328] estimated war spending through the fiscal year 2011 at $1.2 trillion, and future spending through 2021 (assuming a reduction to 45,000 troops) at $1.8 trillion. A June 2011 academic report[328] covering additional areas of war spending estimated it through 2011 at $2.7 trillion, and long-term spending at $5.4 trillion including interest.[note 5]

In direct spending, the United States Department of Defense reports spending $1.547 trillion from 2001 to February 2020 in war costs in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.[329]

Adversary groups have taken an interest in agricultural bioterrorism and this is a continuing concern as of 2022.[330] The US government takes steps to prepare for threats from agricultural pathogens.[330] The National Plant Disease Diagnostic Network (NPDN) coordinates efforts to combat agrowarfare against the US.[330]


Participants in a rally, dressed as hooded detainees

Criticism of the war on terror addresses the issues, morality, efficiency, economics, and other questions surrounding the war on terror and made against the phrase itself, calling it a misnomer. The notion of a "war" against "terrorism" has proven highly contentious, with critics charging that it has been exploited by participating governments to pursue long-standing policy/military objectives, including structural Islamophobia,[335][336] reduce civil liberties,[337] and infringe upon human rights. It is argued that the term war is not appropriate in this context (as in the "war on drugs") since there is no identifiable enemy and that it is unlikely international terrorism can be brought to an end by military means.[43]

Other critics, such as Francis Fukuyama, state that "terrorism" is not an enemy but a tactic, and calling it a "war on terror" obscures differences between conflicts such as anti-occupation insurgents and international mujahideen. With a military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan and its associated collateral damage, Shirley Williams posits that this increases resentment and terrorist threats against the West.[338] There is also perceived U.S. hypocrisy,[339][340] media-induced hysteria,[341][342] and that differences in foreign and security policy have damaged America's reputation internationally.[343] The campaign has also been rebuked for being a perpetual war with no end-goal and for normalising permanent violence as the status-quo.[344]

In addition, Professor Richard Jackson notes how countries like Russia, India, Israel and China adopted the language of the war on terror to describe their own fight against domestic insurgents and dissidents. He argues that "Linking rebels and dissidents at home to the global 'war on terrorism' gives these governments both the freedom to crack down on them without fear of international condemnation, and in some cases, direct military assistance from America".[345]

Professor of Law Antony Anghie has asserted that "war on terror" is essentially an imperialist project that constitutes a breach of International law and the United Nations Charter.[160] There has also been systematic cover-ups of war crimes by military officers participating in campaign operations across the world. A public enquiry in UK published in July 2023 reported that 3 British SAS units were involved in the summary executions of at least 80 civilians during 2010–2013, accompanied by a decades-long coverup at the highest echelons of British special forces.[346][347][348]

US occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq became heavily unpopular among the American public by the late 2000s.[29][30] Numerous US military veterans have handed back their service medals—including the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal—in fierce protest rallies denouncing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, with many condemning the military campaigns as "illegal occupation" of other countries.[349][350]

Criticism of the war on terror has focused on its morality, efficiency, and cost. The notion of a "war on terror" remain contentious, with critics charging that it has been used to reduce civil liberties and infringe upon human rights,[31] such as controversial actions by the U.S. including surveillance, torture, and extraordinary rendition, and drone strikes that resulted in the deaths of alleged terrorists but also civilians.[34][35][36] Many of the U.S.' actions were supported by other countries, including the 54 countries that were involved with CIA black sites,[351] or those that assisted with drone strikes.[352]

Forced Displacement

According to a 2021 study by the Costs of War Project, the several post-9/11 wars participated in by the United States in its war against terror have caused the displacement, conservatively calculated, of 38 million people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Philippines and Pakistan; 11.3 million remain displaced. This makes it the war that has caused the largest number of forced displacements since 1900, with the exception of World War II.[274] Another report by the Costs of War Project in 2023 estimates that the wars in these countries have caused a total number of 4.5–4.6 million deaths, including 3.6 million indirect deaths and 906,000–937,000 direct killings. Rather than basing this estimate on detailed data of the concerned countries, the Cost of War report simply multiplied the tallied violent death toll of 906,000–937,000 by four, "by applying the Geneva Declaration Secretariat’s average ratio of four indirect for every one direct death."[353][354] Of the approximately 925,000 violent deaths estimated by the Cost of War project, 542,000 were combatants and 387,000 were civilians.[355] The war costs have risen over $8 trillion for the US Treasury.[e] Critics accuse participating governments of using the "war on terror" to repress minorities or sideline domestic opponents,[37][38] of fomenting Islamophobia globally,[357] and have criticized negative impacts to health and the environment resulting from it.[40][41][42] Critics assert that the term "war" is not appropriate in this context (much like the term "war on drugs") since terror is not an identifiable enemy and it is unlikely that international terrorism can be brought to an end by military means.[43]

See also


  1. ^ The war on terror was also officially declared over in May 2010 and again in May 2013
  2. ^ Origins date back to the 1980s.
  3. ^ The Costs of War Project report defined post-9/11 war zones as conflicts that included significant United States counter-terrorism operations since 9/11, which in addition to the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, also includes the civil wars in Syria, Yemen, Libya and Somalia. The report derived their estimate of indirect deaths using a calculation from the Geneva Declaration of Secretariat which estimates that for every person directly killed by war, four more die from the indirect consequences of war. The report's author Stephanie Savell stated that in an ideal scenario, the preferable way of quantifying the total death toll would have been by studying excess mortality, or by using on-the-ground researchers in the affected countries.[2]
  4. ^ The definition of "indirect" is paraphrased by the Washington Post as "caused by the deterioration of economic, environmental, psychological and health conditions." Savell says it includes "mounting poverty, food insecurity, environmental contamination, the ongoing trauma of violence, and the destruction of health and public infrastructure, along with private property and means of livelihood."[2]
  5. ^ Among costs not covered by these figures are off-DoD spending beyond 2012, economic opportunity costs, state and local expenses not reimbursed by the federal government, nor reimbursements made to foreign coalition allies for their expenses.
  1. ^
    • Daniel, DePetris. "The US war on terror continues. We just don't talk about it". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 9 May 2023.
    • John, Haltiwanger (10 December 2023). "Graphic Truth: The US's "Global War on Terror" never ended". Costs of War. GZERO.
  2. ^
    • "Human Cost of Post-9/11 Wars: Direct War Deaths in Major War Zones, Afghanistan & Pakistan (Oct. 2001 – Aug. 2021); Iraq (March 2003 – Aug. 2021); Syria (Sept. 2014 – May 2021); Yemen (Oct. 2002–Aug. 2021) and Other Post-9/11 War Zones". The Costs of War. Retrieved 10 September 2021.
    • Berger, Miriam (15 May 2023). "Post-9/11 wars have contributed to some 4.5 million deaths, report suggests". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 29 May 2023.
    • Savell, Stephanie (15 May 2023). "How Death Outlives War: The Reverberating Impact of the Post-9/11 Wars on Human Health" (PDF). Costs of War. Watson Institute of International & Public Affairs. Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 June 2023.
  3. ^
    • "Human Cost of Post-9/11 Wars: Direct War Deaths in Major War Zones, Afghanistan & Pakistan (Oct. 2001 – Aug. 2021); Iraq (March 2003 – Aug. 2021); Syria (Sept. 2014 – May 2021); Yemen (Oct. 2002–Aug. 2021) and Other Post-9/11 War Zones". The Costs of War. Retrieved 10 September 2021.
    • Berger, Miriam (15 May 2023). "Post-9/11 wars have contributed to some 4.5 million deaths, report suggests". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 29 May 2023.
    • Savell, Stephanie (15 May 2023). "How Death Outlives War: The Reverberating Impact of the Post-9/11 Wars on Human Health" (PDF). Costs of War. Watson Institute of International & Public Affairs. Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 June 2023.
  4. ^
    • "Human Cost of Post-9/11 Wars: Direct War Deaths in Major War Zones, Afghanistan & Pakistan (Oct. 2001 – Aug. 2021); Iraq (March 2003 – Aug. 2021); Syria (Sept. 2014 – May 2021); Yemen (Oct. 2002–Aug. 2021) and Other Post-9/11 War Zones". The Costs of War. Retrieved 10 September 2021.
    • Berger, Miriam (15 May 2023). "Post-9/11 wars have contributed to some 4.5 million deaths, report suggests". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 29 May 2023.
    • Savell, Stephanie (15 May 2023). "How Death Outlives War: The Reverberating Impact of the Post-9/11 Wars on Human Health" (PDF). Costs of War. Watson Institute of International & Public Affairs. Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 June 2023.
  5. ^ Sources on the casualties:
    • [26]
    • [356]
    • [28]
    • [2]


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Further reading

External links