
Портал Украина - Портал України

Украина ( / juː ˈ k r n / йу- КРАЙН ; Украинский:Україна,латинизированный: Украина,произносится [ʊkrɐˈjinɐ] ) — страна вВосточной Европе. Этовторая по величине европейская странапослеРоссии, котораяграничитс ней на востоке и северо-востоке. Он также граничитс Беларусьюна севере; Польша,СловакияиВенгрияна западе; иРумынияиМолдована юго-западе; с береговой линией вдольЧерногоиАзовского морейна юге и юго-востоке. Киевкрупнейшим городомстраны, за ним следуютХарьков,ДнеприОдесса. Официальным языкомУкраиныявляетсяукраинский; Русскийтакже широко распространен, особенно навостокеиюге.

В средние века Украина была местом ранней славянской экспансии, а позже эта территория стала ключевым центром восточнославянской культуры в государстве Киевская Русь , возникшем в 9 веке. Государство в конечном итоге распалось на конкурирующие региональные державы и в конечном итоге было разрушено монгольскими нашествиями в 13 веке. Затем эта территория оспаривалась, была разделена и управлялась множеством внешних держав в течение следующих 600 лет, включая Речь Посполитую , Австрийскую империю , Османскую империю и Российское царство . Казацкое Гетманство возникло в центральной Украине в 17 веке и было отмечено на картах как «Украина, земля казачества», но было разделено между Россией и Польшей и в конечном итоге поглощено Российской империей . Украинский национализм развивался, и после русской революции 1917 года была образована недолговечная Украинская Народная Республика . Большевики укрепили контроль над большей частью бывшей империи и основали Украинскую Советскую Социалистическую Республику , которая стала республикой Советского Союза после ее образования в 1922 году. В начале 1930-х годов миллионы украинцев погибли в результате Голодомора , человеческой трагедии. устроил голод . Немецкая оккупация во время Второй мировой войны в Украине была разрушительной: 7 миллионов украинских мирных жителей были убиты, включая большинство украинских евреев .

Украина получила независимость в 1991 году, когда распался Советский Союз , и объявила себя нейтральной . Новая конституция была принята в 1996 году. Серия массовых демонстраций, известных как Евромайдан , привела к созданию нового правительства в 2014 году после революции . Затем Россия в одностороннем порядке аннексировала украинский Крымский полуостров , и пророссийские беспорядки завершились войной на Донбассе между поддерживаемыми Россией сепаратистами и правительственными силами на востоке Украины. С момента начала войны с Россией Украина продолжала стремиться к более тесным связям с Соединенными Штатами , Европейским Союзом и НАТО . Россия начала полномасштабное вторжение в Украину в 2022 году.

Украина – унитарное государство , а ее система правленияполупрезидентская республика . Развивающаяся страна , это самая бедная страна в Европе по номинальному ВВП на душу населения, и коррупция остается серьезной проблемой. Однако благодаря своим обширным плодородным землям довоенная Украина была одним из крупнейших экспортеров зерна в мире . Она является одним из основателей Организации Объединенных Наций , а также членом Совета Европы , Всемирной торговой организации и ОБСЕ . Страна находится в процессе вступления в Европейский Союз и подала заявку на вступление в НАТО. ( Полная статья... )

В новостях

3 февраля 2024 г. – вторжение России в Украину.
Нападения в России во время вторжения России в Украину
Нефтеперерабатывающий завод « Лукойл» в Волгоградской области , Россия , атакован украинскими дронами дальнего действия, что привело к сильному пожару и срыву операций. Волгоградский губернатор Андрей Бочаров сообщил, что атака была отражена средствами ПВО . (Киевская почта)
Кампания на Восточной Украине
По данным назначенных Россией местных чиновников, в результате украинского обстрела в оккупированном Россией Лисичанске Луганской области погибли по меньшей мере 28 мирных жителей . Еще десять человек спасены после того, как оказались в ловушке под завалами. (АП)
1 февраля 2024 г. – вторжение России в Украину.
Крым атакует
Украинские беспилотные надводные корабли потопили ракетный корвет РФС " Ивановец " класса "Тарантул" в бухте Донузлав . (Новости BBC)
Кампания на юге Украины
Двое французских гуманитарных работников погибли в результате удара российского беспилотника возле Берислава в Херсонской области , Украина . В результате забастовки также пострадали четыре человека. (Новости BBC)
1 февраля 2024 г. - Гуманитарная помощь Украине во время российско-украинской войны , отношения Украины и Европейского Союза.
Европейский Союз официально утвердил пакет финансовой поддержки Украины на сумму 50 миллиардов евро после того, как Венгрия сняла свое вето . Ожидается, что этот пакет поможет украинскому правительству покрыть некоторые расходы на пенсии и зарплаты в течение следующих четырех лет, причем первые средства будут выделены в марте. (Новости BBC) (Экономист)
31 января 2024 г. – вторжение России в Украину.
Крым атакует

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Записи здесь состоят из хороших и избранных статей, которые соответствуют основному набору высоких редакционных стандартов.

  • Русь под стенами Константинополя .

    Осада Константинополя 860 г. была единственной крупной военной экспедицией Русского каганата ( средневековый греческий : Ῥῶς), зафиксированной в византийских и западноевропейских источниках. Поводом для войны стало строительство византийскими инженерами крепости Саркел , ограничившей торговый путь русов по реке Дон в пользу хазар . [ нужна цитация ] Отчеты различаются, есть расхождения между современными и более поздними источниками, а результат в деталях неизвестен.

    Из византийских источников известно, что русы застали Константинополь врасплох; озабоченная продолжающимися арабо-византийскими войнами , империя не смогла, по крайней мере на начальном этапе, дать эффективный ответ на нападение. Разграбив пригороды византийской столицы, русы отступили днем ​​и продолжили осаду ночью, истощив византийские войска и вызвав дезорганизацию. Это событие породило более позднюю православную христианскую традицию, которая приписывала освобождение Константинополя чудесному вмешательству Богородицы . ( Полная статья... )

  • Йовович в 2019 году

    Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich (/ˈjvəvɪ/ YOH-və-vitch; born December 17, 1975), known professionally as Milla Jovovich (MEE-lə), is an American actress and model. Her starring roles in numerous science-fiction and action films led the music channel VH1 to deem her the "reigning queen of kick-butt" in 2006. In 2004, Forbes determined that she was the highest-paid model in the world.

    Born in Kiev and raised in Los Angeles, Jovovich began modeling when Herb Ritts photographed her for the cover of the Italian magazine Lei in 1987. Richard Avedon featured her in Revlon's "Most Unforgettable Women in the World" advertisements. In 1988, Jovovich made her screen debut in the television film The Night Train to Kathmandu and appeared in her first feature film, Two Moon Junction. (Full article...)

  • The central hall is covered with mosaic decorated arcs reminiscent of ancient Rus' temple architecture.

    Zoloti Vorota (Ukrainian: Золоті́ воро́та, ) is a station on the Kyiv Metro system that serves Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine. The station was opened as part of the first segment of the Syretsko-Pecherska Line on 31 December 1989. It serves as a transfer station to the Teatralna station of the Sviatoshynsko-Brovarska Line. It is located near the city's Golden Gate, from which the station takes its name.

    The original design plans for the station called for a clean utilitarian structure typical of metro stations of that period. Due to the efforts of the city's chief architect Mykola Zharikov, the design was scrapped in favor of one that resembles an ancient Kievan Rus' temple by Borys Zhezherin, Vadym Zhezherin, and Zharikov himself. Such a design was a particularly risky feat, since Ukraine was a part of the secular Soviet Union at the time of the station's construction. Vadym Zhezherin and Mykola Zharikov, among the other artists and architects of the station, were bestowed the State Prize of Ukraine in the Field of Architecture for their work in 1991. (Full article...)

  • DeepStateMap.Live is an open-source intelligence interactive online map of the military operations of the Russian and Ukrainian armies during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The map was created on 24 February 2022, the day of the invasion, by the non-governmental and volunteer-led organization Deep State UA. It is updated regularly to reflect the current situation on the frontline, in military formations, and other major events of the war such as the sinking of the Moskva.

    Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Deep State UA originally focused on posting content related to global news and politics on the messaging app Telegram, where they would create their first updating online map of a global conflict during the Taliban offensive in 2021. After the Russian invasion, DeepStateMap.Live would separate itself from similar online war maps of Ukraine after moving away from using a generic Google Maps background after a dispute with Google, allowing them to start focusing on creating their own background and interactive map features. The map is currently sourced using a blend of both visual information and confirmations by trusted Ukrainian sources. (Full article...)

  • The Dvorichna settlement hromada (Ukrainian: Дворічанська селищна громада, romanizedDvorichanska selyshchna hromada, Russian: Дворичанская поселковая община) is a hromada in the Kupiansk Raion, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine. The hromada was created on 12 June 2020, and is centrally administered by the urban-type settlement of Dvorichna, being the local government for 55 settlements. The pre-war population of the hromada was small, and the economy was largely agriculture-based with little industry. , the hromada remains about half occupied by Russian forces as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and has been severely depopulated because of a mandatory evacuation that has been issued for all civilians in recaptured areas. (Full article...)
  • Maximilian Presnyakov: "Lada" ("Slav cycle"), 1998.

    Lada and Lado are alleged Slavic deities. Lada was first mentioned around 1405-1412 in the sermons of Lucas of Wielki Koźmin, which warned against worshipping Lada and other gods during spring ceremonies and folk performances. They owe their popularity to Jan Długosz, who in one of his sources recognized Lada as a goddess and in another as a god of war, the Polish equivalent of the Roman god Mars, to Aleksandr Faminstyn, who recognized the word Lada in Russian songs as the goddess of marriage, and to scholar Boris Rybakov, who insisted on recognizing her historicity. However, the vast majority of religious scholars and Slavists reject the historicity of these deities, believing that they owe their divine status to a misunderstanding of the song refrains by medieval scribes.

    By some scholars of Baltic mythology, Lada was also worshipped by the Balts, but this view is also considered controversial. (Full article...)

  • The Taras Shevchenko Memorial is a bronze statue and stone relief-adorned wall located on the 2200 block of P Street NW in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C., United States. It is one of many monuments in Washington, D.C. that honor foreign heroes who symbolize freedom in their native countries. Sculpted by Leo Mol, the memorial honors Taras Shevchenko (1814–1861), a Ukrainian poet and artist who influenced the development of modern Ukrainian literature.

    The committee to build the memorial included former U.S. President Harry S. Truman as the honorary head. Opposition to the memorial's installation was led by The Washington Post. It was dedicated in 1964, the 150th anniversary of Shevchenko's birth. Dignitaries at the dedication ceremony included prominent Ukrainian Americans, former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, members of the U.S. Congress, and Hollywood actors. (Full article...)

  • A national school of opera in Ukraine first emerged during the last third of the 19th century, and was based on the traditions of European theatre and Ukrainian folk music. The first opera by a Ukrainian composer was Maxim Berezovsky's Demofont, based on an Italian libretto, which premiered in 1773. The oldest opera in the Ukrainian musical repertoire, A Zaporozhye Cossack on the Danube by Semen Hulak-Artemovsky, was written in 1863. The composer Mykola Lysenko, the founder of Ukrainian opera, composed a number of works, including Natalka Poltavka, Taras Bulba, Nocturne, and two operas for children, Koza-dereza and Mr Kotsky.

    Ukrainian opera flourished and developed after the creation of the first professional opera houses in the 1920s, with Borys Lyatoshynsky's The Golden Ring (1929) being one of the most notable works produced there during the first half of the 20th century. From 1930 until the dissolution of the Soviet Union at the end of the 1980s, operatic performances and the creation of new works occurred under the dominance of Soviet socialist realism. During this period, Ukrainian opera was modelled on such works as The Young Guard by Yuliy Meitus, premiered in 1947. Ukrainian opera was able to develop once more during the Khrushchev Thaw from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s. Works by Vitaly Kyreiko (Forest Song (1957)), Vitaliy Hubarenko (Love Letters (1971)), or Yevhen Stankovych's folk opera When the Fern Blooms (1979) adopted more modern themes and musical expressions that were used during the Stalinist period. Of works written during the 21st century, Moses by Myroslav Skoryk is alone in retaining its place in the local repertoire. (Full article...)

  • A bowl of borscht garnished with sour cream and dill

    Borscht (English: /ˈbɔːrʃ, ˈbɔːrʃt/ ) is a sour soup, made with meat stock, vegetables and seasonings, common in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. In English, the word "borscht" is most often associated with the soup's variant of Ukrainian origin, made with red beetroots as one of the main ingredients, which give the dish its distinctive red color. The same name, however, is also used for a wide selection of sour-tasting soups without beetroots, such as sorrel-based green borscht, rye-based white borscht, and cabbage borscht.

    Borscht derives from an ancient soup originally cooked from pickled stems, leaves and umbels of common hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium), an herbaceous plant growing in damp meadows, which lent the dish its Slavic name. With time, it evolved into a diverse array of tart soups, among which the Ukrainian beet-based red borscht has become the most popular. It is typically made by combining meat or bone stock with sautéed vegetables, which – as well as beetroots – usually include cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, and tomatoes. Depending on the recipe, borscht may include meat or fish, or be purely vegetarian; it may be served either hot or cold, and it may range from a hearty one-pot meal to a clear broth or a smooth drink. It is often served with smetana or sour cream, hard-boiled eggs or potatoes, but there exists an ample choice of more involved garnishes and side dishes, such as uszka or pampushky, that can be served with the soup. (Full article...)

  • Seven of the castle's original twelve towers dominate over the surrounding Smotrych River canyon landscape.

    Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle (Ukrainian: Кам'янець-Подільська фортеця; Polish: twierdza w Kamieńcu Podolskim; Lithuanian: Podolės Kameneco tvirtovė) is a former Ruthenian-Lithuanian castle and a later three-part Polish fortress located in the historic city of Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, in the historic region of Podolia in the western part of the country. Its name is attributed to the root word 'kamin', from the Slavic word for 'stone'.

    Historical accounts date Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle to the early 14th century, although recent archaeological evidence has proved human existence in the area back to the 12th or 13th century. Initially built to protect the bridge connecting the city with the mainland, the castle sits on top of a peninsula carved out by the winding Smotrych River, forming a natural defense system for Kamianets-Podilskyi's historic Old Town neighborhood. (Full article...)

  • Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria

    The Diet of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, and of the Grand Duchy of Cracow was the regional assembly of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, a crown land of the Austrian Empire, and later Austria-Hungary. In the history of the Polish parliaments, it is considered the successor of the former sejm walny, or general sejm of the Kingdom of Poland and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, and also of the sejmik, or local councils, in the territories of the Austrian Partition. It existed from 1861 until the dissolution of Austria-Hungary in 1918. (Full article...)

  • Khrushchev in 1961

    Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev (15 April [O.S. 3 April] 1894 – 11 September 1971) was the first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, and Chairman of the Council of Ministers (premier) from 1958 to 1964. During his rule, Khrushchev stunned the communist world with his denunciation of his predecessor Joseph Stalin's crimes and embarked on a policy of de-Stalinization with his key ally Anastas Mikoyan. He sponsored the early Soviet space program and the enactment of moderate reforms in domestic policy. After some false starts, and a narrowly avoided nuclear war over Cuba, he conducted successful negotiations with the United States to reduce Cold War tensions. In 1964, the Kremlin leadership stripped him of power, replacing him with Leonid Brezhnev as First Secretary and Alexei Kosygin as Premier.

    Khrushchev was born in 1894 in a village in western Russia. He was employed as a metal worker during his youth, and he was a political commissar during the Russian Civil War. Under the sponsorship of Lazar Kaganovich, he worked his way up the Soviet hierarchy. He supported Joseph Stalin's purges and approved thousands of arrests. In 1938, Stalin sent him to govern the Ukrainian SSR, and he continued the purges there. During what was known in the Soviet Union as the Great Patriotic War, Khrushchev was again a commissar, serving as an intermediary between Stalin and his generals. Khrushchev was present at the defense of Stalingrad, a fact he took great pride in throughout his life. After the war, he returned to Ukraine before being recalled to Moscow as one of Stalin's close advisers. (Full article...)

  • Seal of Andrew II, 1224

    Andrew II (Hungarian: II. András, Croatian: Andrija II., Slovak: Ondrej II., Ukrainian: Андрій II; c. 1177 – 21 September 1235), also known as Andrew of Jerusalem, was King of Hungary and Croatia between 1205 and 1235. He ruled the Principality of Halych from 1188 until 1189/1190, and again between 1208/1209 and 1210. He was the younger son of Béla III of Hungary, who entrusted him with the administration of the newly conquered Principality of Halych in 1188. Andrew's rule was unpopular, and the boyars (or noblemen) expelled him. Béla III willed property and money to Andrew, obliging him to lead a crusade to the Holy Land. Instead, Andrew forced his elder brother, King Emeric of Hungary, to cede Croatia and Dalmatia as an appanage to him in 1197. The following year, Andrew occupied Hum.

    Despite the fact that Andrew did not stop conspiring against Emeric, the dying king made Andrew guardian of his son, Ladislaus III, in 1204. After the premature death of Ladislaus, Andrew ascended the throne in 1205. According to historian László Kontler, "[i]t was amidst the socio-political turmoil during [Andrew's] reign that the relations, arrangements, institutional framework and social categories that arose under Stephen I, started to disintegrate in the higher echelons of society" in Hungary. Andrew introduced a new grants policy, the so-called "new institutions", giving away money and royal estates to his partisans despite the loss of royal revenues. He was the first Hungarian monarch to adopt the title of "King of Halych and Lodomeria". He waged at least a dozen wars to seize the two Rus' principalities, but was repelled by the local boyars and neighboring princes. He participated in the Fifth Crusade to the Holy Land in 1217–1218, but the crusade was a failure. (Full article...)

  • Russian military build-up around Ukraine as of 3 December 2021

    In March and April 2021, prior to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces began massing thousands of personnel and military equipment near Russia's border with Ukraine and in Crimea, representing the largest mobilisation since the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014. This precipitated an international crisis due to concerns over a potential invasion. Satellite imagery showed movements of armour, missiles, and heavy weaponry towards the border. The troops were partially withdrawn by June 2021, though the infrastructure was left in place. A second build-up began in October 2021, this time with more soldiers and with deployments on new fronts; by December over 100,000 Russian troops were massed around Ukraine on three sides, including Belarus from the north and Crimea from the south. Despite the Russian military build-ups, Russian officials from November 2021 to 20 February 2022 repeatedly denied that Russia had plans to invade Ukraine.

    The crisis was related to the War in Donbas, itself part of the Russo-Ukrainian War, ongoing since February 2014. Intercepted phone conversations of Sergey Glazyev, a top advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, disclosed the specifics of the project Novorossiya to take over not just Crimea, but also the Donbas, Kharkiv, Odesa, and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine, which Russia apparently aimed to annex following Crimea. The plan involved fomenting widespread unrest using pro-Russian agents on the ground, and then orchestrating uprisings that would announce rigged referendums about joining Russia, similar to the one that took place in Crimea on 16 March 2014. In December 2021, Russia advanced two draft treaties that contained requests for what it referred to as "security guarantees", including a legally binding promise that Ukraine would not join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and a reduction in NATO troops and materiel stationed in Eastern Europe, threatening unspecified military response if those demands were not met in full. NATO rejected these requests, and the United States warned Russia of "swift and severe" economic sanctions should it further invade Ukraine. The crisis was described by many commentators as one of the most intense in Europe since the Cold War. (Full article...)

  • Polish Legionnaires at Kostiuchnówka

    The Battle of Kostiuchnówka was a World War I battle that took place July 4–6, 1916, near the village of Kostiuchnówka (Kostyukhnivka) and the Styr River in the Volhynia region of modern Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire. It was a major clash between the Russian Army and the Polish Legions (part of the Austro-Hungarian Army) during the opening phase of the Brusilov Offensive.

    Polish forces, numbering 5,500–7,300, faced Russian forces numbering over half of the 46th Corps of 26,000. The Polish forces were eventually forced to retreat, but delayed the Russians long enough for the other Austro-Hungarian units in the area to retreat in an organized manner. Polish casualties were approximately 2,000 fatalities and wounded. The battle is considered one of the largest and most vicious of those involving the Polish Legions in World War I. (Full article...)

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Эмблема ВМС Украины.

Военно -морской флот Украины ( украинский : Військо́во-морські си́ли Збро́йних сил Украї́ни, ВМС ЗСУ , латинизированныйViiskovo–morski syly Зброиных сыл Украины, ВМС ЗСУ , букв. «Военно-морские силы Вооружённых Сил Украины») — морские силы Украины . и один из пяти видов Вооружённых Сил Украины .

Военно-морские силы состоят из пяти компонентов — надводных сил, подводных сил, морской авиации , береговой ракетной артиллерии и морской пехоты . В 2022 году ВМС Украины насчитывали 15 тысяч личного состава, в том числе 6 тысяч морской пехоты . ( Полная статья... )

В новостях

3 февраля 2024 г. – вторжение России в Украину.
Нападения в России во время вторжения России в Украину
Нефтеперерабатывающий завод « Лукойл» в Волгоградской области , Россия , атакован украинскими дронами дальнего действия, что привело к сильному пожару и срыву операций. Волгоградский губернатор Андрей Бочаров сообщил, что атака была отражена средствами ПВО . (Киевская почта)
Кампания на Восточной Украине
По данным назначенных Россией местных чиновников, в результате украинского обстрела в оккупированном Россией Лисичанске Луганской области погибли по меньшей мере 28 мирных жителей . Еще десять человек спасены после того, как оказались в ловушке под завалами. (АП)
1 февраля 2024 г. – вторжение России в Украину.
Крым атакует
Украинские беспилотные надводные корабли потопили ракетный корвет РФС " Ивановец " класса "Тарантул" в бухте Донузлав . (Новости BBC)
Кампания на юге Украины
Двое французских гуманитарных работников погибли в результате удара российского беспилотника возле Берислава в Херсонской области , Украина . В результате забастовки также пострадали четыре человека. (Новости BBC)
1 февраля 2024 г. - Гуманитарная помощь Украине во время российско-украинской войны , отношения Украины и Европейского Союза.
Европейский Союз официально утвердил пакет финансовой поддержки Украины на сумму 50 миллиардов евро после того, как Венгрия сняла свое вето . Ожидается, что этот пакет поможет украинскому правительству покрыть некоторые расходы на пенсии и зарплаты в течение следующих четырех лет, причем первые средства будут выделены в марте. (Новости BBC) (Экономист)
31 января 2024 г. – вторжение России в Украину.
Крым атакует

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