
Математический портал

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Математика — это наука о представлении и рассуждении об абстрактных объектах (таких как числа , точки , пространства , множества , структуры и игры ). Математика используется во всем мире как важный инструмент во многих областях, включая естественные науки , инженерию , медицину и социальные науки . Прикладная математика , раздел математики, занимающийся применением математических знаний в других областях, вдохновляет и использует новые математические открытия и иногда приводит к развитию совершенно новых математических дисциплин, таких как статистика и теория игр . Математики также занимаются чистой математикой , или математикой ради нее самой, не имея в виду никакого приложения. Не существует четкой границы, разделяющей чистую и прикладную математику, и часто обнаруживаются практические приложения того, что начиналось как чистая математика. ( Полная статья... )

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  Здесь отображаются избранные статьи , представляющие собой лучший контент английской Википедии.

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ASCII-арт-изображение множества Мандельброта с низким разрешением
ASCII-арт-изображение множества Мандельброта с низким разрешением
Это современная репродукция первого опубликованного изображения множества Мандельброта , которое появилось в 1978 году в технической статье о группах Клейна Роберта В. Брукса и Питера Мательски. Множество Мандельброта состоит из точек c на комплексной плоскости , которые генерируют ограниченную последовательность значений, когда рекурсивное соотношение z n +1 = z n 2 + c многократно применяется, начиная с z 0 = 0. Граница множества представляет собой очень сложный фрактал , раскрывающий все более мелкие детали при возрастающем увеличении. Граница также включает в себя меньшие почти копии общей формы, явление, известное как квазисамоподобие . Изображение ASCII-арта , видимое на этом изображении, лишь намекает на сложность границы множества. Достижения в области вычислительной мощности и компьютерной графики в 1980-х годах привели к публикации цветных изображений множества с высоким разрешением (на которых цвета точек вне множества отражают, насколько быстро расходятся соответствующие последовательности комплексных чисел), и сделали множество Мандельброта широко известным широкой публике. Названное математиками Адриеном Дуади и Джоном Х. Хаббардом в честь Бенуа Мандельброта , одного из первых математиков, подробно изучивших множество, множество Мандельброта тесно связано с множеством Жюлиа , которое изучал Гастон Жюлиа с 1910-х годов.

Хорошие статьи –загрузить новую партию

  Это хорошие статьи , которые соответствуют основным высоким редакционным стандартам.

  • Мозаика Пенроуза с ромбами, обладающими пятикратной симметрией

    Плитка Пенроуза является примером апериодической плитки . Здесь плитка представляет собой покрытие плоскости неперекрывающимися многоугольниками или другими фигурами, и плитка является апериодической , если она не содержит произвольно больших периодических областей или участков. Однако, несмотря на отсутствие трансляционной симметрии , плитки Пенроуза могут иметь как симметрию отражения , так и пятикратную вращательную симметрию . Плитки Пенроуза названы в честь математика и физика Роджера Пенроуза , который исследовал их в 1970-х годах.

    Существует несколько вариантов плиток Пенроуза с различными формами плиток. Первоначальная форма плитки Пенроуза использовала плитки четырех различных форм, но позже она была сокращена только до двух форм: либо два различных ромба , либо два различных четырехугольника, называемых воздушными змеями и дротиками. Плитки Пенроуза получаются путем ограничения способов, которыми эти фигуры могут совмещаться таким образом, чтобы избежать периодической плитки. Это можно сделать несколькими способами, включая правила сопоставления, подстановку мозаики или правила конечного подразделения , схемы разрезания и проекции, а также покрытия. Даже ограниченная таким образом, каждая вариация дает бесконечно много различных мозаик Пенроуза. ( Полная статья... )
  • Graph of log2x as a function of a positive real number x

    In mathematics, the binary logarithm (log2n) is the power to which the number 2 must be raised to obtain the value n. That is, for any real number x,
    For example, the binary logarithm of 1 is 0, the binary logarithm of 2 is 1, the binary logarithm of 4 is 2, and the binary logarithm of 32 is 5.

    The binary logarithm is the logarithm to the base 2 and is the inverse function of the power of two function. As well as log2, an alternative notation for the binary logarithm is lb (the notation preferred by ISO 31-11 and ISO 80000-2). (Full article...)
  • A well-covered graph, the intersection graph of the nine diagonals of a hexagon. The three red vertices form one of its 14 equal-sized maximal independent sets, and the six blue vertices form the complementary minimal vertex cover.

    In graph theory, a well-covered graph is an undirected graph in which the minimal vertex covers all have the same size. Here, a vertex cover is a set of vertices that touches all edges, and it is minimal if removing any vertex from it would leave some edge uncovered. Equivalently, well-covered graphs are the graphs in which all maximal independent sets have equal size. Well-covered graphs were defined and first studied by Michael D. Plummer in 1970.

    The well-covered graphs include all complete graphs, balanced complete bipartite graphs, and the rook's graphs whose vertices represent squares of a chessboard and edges represent moves of a chess rook. Known characterizations of the well-covered cubic graphs, well-covered claw-free graphs, and well-covered graphs of high girth allow these graphs to be recognized in polynomial time, but testing whether other kinds of graph are well-covered is a coNP-complete problem. (Full article...)
  • Richard Wesley Hamming (February 11, 1915 – January 7, 1998) was an American mathematician whose work had many implications for computer engineering and telecommunications. His contributions include the Hamming code (which makes use of a Hamming matrix), the Hamming window, Hamming numbers, sphere-packing (or Hamming bound), Hamming graph concepts, and the Hamming distance.

    Born in Chicago, Hamming attended University of Chicago, University of Nebraska and the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, where he wrote his doctoral thesis in mathematics under the supervision of Waldemar Trjitzinsky (1901–1973). In April 1945, he joined the Manhattan Project at the Los Alamos Laboratory, where he programmed the IBM calculating machines that computed the solution to equations provided by the project's physicists. He left to join the Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1946. Over the next fifteen years, he was involved in nearly all of the laboratories' most prominent achievements. For his work, he received the Turing Award in 1968, being its third recipient. (Full article...)
  • 16 polygonalizations of a set of six points

    In computational geometry, a polygonalization of a finite set of points in the Euclidean plane is a simple polygon with the given points as its vertices. A polygonalization may also be called a polygonization, simple polygonalization, Hamiltonian polygon, non-crossing Hamiltonian cycle, or crossing-free straight-edge spanning cycle.

    Every point set that does not lie on a single line has at least one polygonalization, which can be found in polynomial time. For points in convex position, there is only one, but for some other point sets there can be exponentially many. Finding an optimal polygonalization under several natural optimization criteria is a hard problem, including as a special case the travelling salesman problem. The complexity of counting all polygonalizations remains unknown. (Full article...)

  • Escher in 1971

    Maurits Cornelis Escher (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈmʌurɪts kɔrˈneːlɪs ˈɛɕər]; 17 June 1898 – 27 March 1972) was a Dutch graphic artist who made woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints, many of which were inspired by mathematics.
    Despite wide popular interest, for most of his life Escher was neglected in the art world, even in his native Netherlands. He was 70 before a retrospective exhibition was held. In the late twentieth century, he became more widely appreciated, and in the twenty-first century he has been celebrated in exhibitions around the world.

    His work features mathematical objects and operations including impossible objects, explorations of infinity, reflection, symmetry, perspective, truncated and stellated polyhedra, hyperbolic geometry, and tessellations. Although Escher believed he had no mathematical ability, he interacted with the mathematicians George Pólya, Roger Penrose, and Donald Coxeter, and the crystallographer Friedrich Haag, and conducted his own research into tessellation. (Full article...)

  • Equilateral form of the Cairo tiling

    In geometry, a Cairo pentagonal tiling is a tessellation of the Euclidean plane by congruent convex pentagons, formed by overlaying two tessellations of the plane by hexagons and named for its use as a paving design in Cairo. It is also called MacMahon's net after Percy Alexander MacMahon, who depicted it in his 1921 publication New Mathematical Pastimes. John Horton Conway called it a 4-fold pentille.

    Infinitely many different pentagons can form this pattern, belonging to two of the 15 families of convex pentagons that can tile the plane. Their tilings have varying symmetries; all are face-symmetric. One particular form of the tiling, dual to the snub square tiling, has tiles with the minimum possible perimeter among all pentagonal tilings. Another, overlaying two flattened tilings by regular hexagons, is the form used in Cairo and has the property that every edge is collinear with infinitely many other edges. (Full article...)
  • The brute force algorithm finds a 4-clique in this 7-vertex graph (the complement of the 7-vertex path graph) by systematically checking all C(7,4) = 35 4-vertex subgraphs for completeness.

    In computer science, the clique problem is the computational problem of finding cliques (subsets of vertices, all adjacent to each other, also called complete subgraphs) in a graph. It has several different formulations depending on which cliques, and what information about the cliques, should be found. Common formulations of the clique problem include finding a maximum clique (a clique with the largest possible number of vertices), finding a maximum weight clique in a weighted graph, listing all maximal cliques (cliques that cannot be enlarged), and solving the decision problem of testing whether a graph contains a clique larger than a given size.

    The clique problem arises in the following real-world setting. Consider a social network, where the graph's vertices represent people, and the graph's edges represent mutual acquaintance. Then a clique represents a subset of people who all know each other, and algorithms for finding cliques can be used to discover these groups of mutual friends. Along with its applications in social networks, the clique problem also has many applications in bioinformatics, and computational chemistry. (Full article...)
  • Graph of the equation y = 1/x. Here, e is the unique number larger than 1 that makes the shaded area under the curve equal to 1.

    The number e is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828 that is the base of the natural logarithm and exponential function. It is sometimes called Euler's number, after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler, though this can invite confusion with Euler numbers, or with Euler's constant, a different constant typically denoted . Alternatively, e can be called Napier's constant after John Napier. The Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli discovered the constant while studying compound interest.

    The number e is of great importance in mathematics, alongside 0, 1, π, and i. All five appear in one formulation of Euler's identity and play important and recurring roles across mathematics. Like the constant π, e is irrational, meaning that it cannot be represented as a ratio of integers, and moreover it is transcendental, meaning that it is not a root of any non-zero polynomial with rational coefficients. To 30 decimal places, the value of e is: (Full article...)
  • Three of the ordinary lines in a 4 × 4 grid of points

    The Sylvester–Gallai theorem in geometry states that every finite set of points in the Euclidean plane has a line that passes through exactly two of the points or a line that passes through all of them. It is named after James Joseph Sylvester, who posed it as a problem in 1893, and Tibor Gallai, who published one of the first proofs of this theorem in 1944.

    A line that contains exactly two of a set of points is known as an ordinary line. Another way of stating the theorem is that every finite set of points that is not collinear has an ordinary line. According to a strengthening of the theorem, every finite point set (not all on one line) has at least a linear number of ordinary lines. An algorithm can find an ordinary line in a set of points in time . (Full article...)

  • An example of non‑periodicity due to another orientation of one tile out of an infinite number of identical tiles

    A tessellation or tiling is the covering of a surface, often a plane, using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. In mathematics, tessellation can be generalized to higher dimensions and a variety of geometries.

    A periodic tiling has a repeating pattern. Some special kinds include regular tilings with regular polygonal tiles all of the same shape, and semiregular tilings with regular tiles of more than one shape and with every corner identically arranged. The patterns formed by periodic tilings can be categorized into 17 wallpaper groups. A tiling that lacks a repeating pattern is called "non-periodic". An aperiodic tiling uses a small set of tile shapes that cannot form a repeating pattern (an aperiodic set of prototiles). A tessellation of space, also known as a space filling or honeycomb, can be defined in the geometry of higher dimensions. (Full article...)
  • In this graph, an even number of vertices (the four vertices numbered 2, 4, 5, and 6) have odd degrees. The sum of degrees of all six vertices is 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 14, twice the number of edges.

    In graph theory, the handshaking lemma is the statement that, in every finite undirected graph, the number of vertices that touch an odd number of edges is even. For example, if there is a party of people who shake hands, the number of people who shake an odd number of other people's hands is even. The handshaking lemma is a consequence of the degree sum formula, also sometimes called the handshaking lemma, according to which the sum of the degrees (the numbers of times each vertex is touched) equals twice the number of edges in the graph. Both results were proven by Leonhard Euler (1736) in his famous paper on the Seven Bridges of Königsberg that began the study of graph theory.

    Beyond the Seven Bridges of Königsberg Problem, which subsequently formalized Eulerian Tours, other applications of the degree sum formula include proofs of certain combinatorial structures. For example, in the proofs of Sperner's lemma and the mountain climbing problem the geometric properties of the formula commonly arise. The complexity class PPA encapsulates the difficulty of finding a second odd vertex, given one such vertex in a large implicitly-defined graph. (Full article...)

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Алан Матисон Тьюринг , OBE (23 июня 1912 — 7 июня 1954) — английский математик , логик и криптограф .

Тьюринг часто считается отцом современной компьютерной науки . Тьюринг обеспечил влиятельную формализацию концепции алгоритма и вычислений с помощью машины Тьюринга , сформулировав ныне широко принятую «тьюринговскую» версию тезиса Чёрча-Тьюринга , а именно, что любая практическая вычислительная модель имеет либо эквивалент, либо подмножество возможностей машины Тьюринга. С тестом Тьюринга он внес значительный и характерно провокационный вклад в дебаты относительно искусственного интеллекта : можно ли когда-нибудь сказать, что машина обладает сознанием и может мыслить . Позже он работал в Национальной физической лаборатории , создав один из первых проектов компьютера с хранимой программой, хотя он так и не был фактически построен. В 1947 году он переехал в Манчестерский университет , чтобы работать, в основном над программным обеспечением, над Manchester Mark I, который затем стал одним из первых в мире настоящих компьютеров.

Во время Второй мировой войны Тьюринг работал в Блетчли-Парке , британском центре по взлому кодов , и некоторое время возглавлял Hut 8 , секцию, ответственную за криптоанализ немецкого флота. Он разработал ряд методов взлома немецких шифров, включая метод « бомбы» , электромеханической машины, которая могла находить настройки для машины «Энигма» . ( Полная статья... )


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