Список суверенных государств по дате образования

Ниже приведен список суверенных государств с указанием дат их образования (даты независимости или конституции), отсортированных по континентам.

В этот список входят 195 государств , которые в настоящее время являются государствами-членами Организации Объединенных Наций или государствами-наблюдателями, не являющимися членами Генеральной Ассамблеи Организации Объединенных Наций . Сюда не входят вымершие государства , но есть несколько государств с ограниченным признанием . [примечание 1]

Информацию о предлагаемых государствах или различных коренных народах, которые считают себя все еще находящимися под оккупацией, см. в списке активных автономистских и сепаратистских движений .

Формирование нации — длительный эволюционный процесс, и в большинстве случаев дату «формирования» страны невозможно определить объективно; например, тот факт, что Англия и Франция были суверенными королевствами на равных основаниях в средневековый период, не наносит ущерба тому факту, что Англия сейчас не является суверенным государством (передав суверенитет Великобритании в 1707 году), тогда как Франция является республикой, основанной в 1870 году. (хотя термин «Франция» обычно относится к нынешнему правительству Пятой французской республики , сформированному в 1958 году).

Однозначным показателем является дата национальных конституций ; но поскольку конституции представляют собой почти полностью современную концепцию, все даты формирования по этому критерию являются современными или ранними современными (самой старой из существующих конституций является конституция Сан-Марино , датируемая 1600 годом).

Страны по дате принятия национальной конституции

К датам независимости широко признанных государств ранее 1919 года следует относиться с осторожностью, поскольку до основания Лиги Наций не существовало международного органа, признававшего государственность, а независимость не имела никакого значения, кроме взаимного признания де-факто суверенов (роль Лиги Наций фактически перешла к Организации Объединенных Наций после Второй мировой войны). См. также: спорные территории .

Многие страны имеют некую далекую (или фантастически далекую) символическую дату основания как часть своей национальной мифологии , иногда искусственно раздувая «возраст» страны по причинам национализма , иногда просто указывая на долгий и постепенный процесс формализации национальной идентичности . Такие даты не отражают образования государства ( независимого политического образования). [ нужна цитата ]

В следующем списке приведены даты образования стран с кратким описанием событий формирования. Более подробное описание формирования и истории страны можно найти в основной статье об этой стране.




Примечания к таблице
  1. ^ Тайвань: Некоторые разъяснения и более подробную информацию, включая статус суверенитета Китайской Республики , см. в следующих статьях: Отношения между двумя сторонами пролива , Политика одного Китая и Политический статус Тайваня .
  2. ^ Палестинская национальная администрация: некоторые разъяснения и подробности см. в «Истории Государства Палестина» .
  3. ^ Филиппины: Для некоторых разъяснений и более подробной информации см. Хронологию суверенитета Филиппин и Суверенитета Филиппин .


Примечания к таблице
  1. ^ abc Дата образования нынешних государств Эстонии, Латвии и Литвы является предметом международного спора. Эстония, Латвия и Литва утверждают, что они были незаконно оккупированы Советским Союзом и что нынешние государства являются прямым продолжением государств до Второй мировой войны, которые продолжали существовать через правительства в изгнании . Россия утверждает, что нынешние три государства являются юридически отдельными образованиями, вновь созданными после распада Советского Союза . Все три государства были приняты в ООН как независимые государства, а не государства-правопреемники СССР. Для получения дополнительной информации см. Государственная непрерывность стран Балтии .


Трансконтинентальные государства

Сортируемый список

В этом списке «дата последнего подчинения» относится к последней дате контроля со стороны внешнего правительства. В списке показаны большие группы, связанные с датами независимости от деколонизации (например, 41 нынешнее государство получило контроль над суверенитетом от Соединенного Королевства и Франции в период с 1956 по 1966 год) или роспуска политического союза (например, 18 нынешних государств получили контроль над суверенитетом от Советский Союз и Югославия в период с 1990 по 1992 год). В других случаях суверенное государство подчинялось иностранной военной оккупации или политическому подчинению в течение определенного периода времени, а затем восстанавливало свою независимость (например, 6 нынешних государств получили контроль над суверенитетом от нацистской Германии в период с 1944 по 1945 год).

Даты относятся к фактическому правлению или оккупации основной территории, независимо от того, узаконены они международным признанием или нет.

В таком союзе, как Чехословакия, Советский Союз или Кальмарский союз, один из его участников может считаться доминирующей державой – обычно там, где располагалась резиденция правительства. Великобритания представляет собой особенно сложный случай. Если рассматривать Англию как доминирующего члена, то историю можно проследить от римского завоевания, саксонских вторжений, объединения 10-го века и нормандского завоевания 1066 года до объединения Англии и Шотландии в 1707 году. Однако, если рассматривать с шотландской точки зрения, непрерывную историю суверенитета можно проследить от объединения в 843 г. до союза с Англией в 1707 г. (с краткой аннексией Англией с 1657 по 1660 г.). Некоторые шотландцы рассматривают унию 1707 года как уступку суверенитета Англии. [50]

Бывают случаи, когда государство полностью прекращает свое существование или упраздняется без каких-либо государств-преемников. Подобные случаи происходят, например, когда одно государство аннексировано или завоевано другим и перестает существовать даже в номинальной форме (т.е. не создается даже «правительство в изгнании»). Самый последний случай в истории человечества — это Германская Демократическая Республика ( Восточная Германия ), которая была полностью упразднена после воссоединения Германии . Современная Германия является продолжением Федеративной Республики Германия ( Западная Германия ), а не государством-правопреемником.

Современные историки считают Священную Римскую империю не государством, а политическим образованием, объединяющим несколько суверенных государств в конфедерацию.

Понятие суверенного государства не следует путать с понятием нации (например, существуют даже нации без гражданства ). В этом списке указаны даты создания нынешних суверенных государств, но не наций. Историография некоторых народов, таких как болгары, даже разделяет разные государства, основанные этими народами (например, Первое, Второе и Третье Болгарское государство ).

See also


  1. ^ Listed are the six UN member states with limited recognition: China (Bhutan neither recognizes PRC nor ROC; the ROC was recognized as a sovereign country by just 13 countries and Vatican City/Holy See as of April 2022,[1] Israel (not recognized by 32 members), North and South Korea (no mutual recognition), Armenia (not recognized by Pakistan) and Cyprus (not recognized by Turkey).
  2. ^ Since the beginning of the Second Libyan Civil War in 2014, various areas of Libya are under the control of competing groups. These include domestic groups such as New General National Congress and local Tuareg groups, and foreign groups such as ISIL.
  3. ^ With the ongoing Somali Civil War, significant areas remain outside federal control.
  4. ^ A new constitution was approved in 2013, but most changes will not enter effect for another decade.
  5. ^ In the Dominican Republic, every constitutional amendment is considered a new constitution. The most recent amendment was the 2010 constitution.
  6. ^ a b Following the Northern Iraq offensive in June 2014, large areas of Iraq are de facto under the control of Iraqi Kurds or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
  7. ^ This constitution cut North Korean ties with the Soviet Union. Several new constitutions and amendments have followed (most recently in 2013), creating new titles for the national leader such as Eternal President and Chairman of the National Defence Commission. However, power has remained with the Kim dynasty since 1948.
  8. ^ See the Declaration of independence article: "... the state from which the territory wishes to secede may regard the declaration as rebellion, which may lead to a war of independence or a constitutional settlement to resolve the crisis."
  9. ^ See also Sovereignty of the Philippines § Peace protocol, U.S. military government, Treaty of Paris, and other points in that article for clarification.
  10. ^ a b Due to the ongoing Syrian Civil War, large areas of Syria are de facto under the control of other parties such as the Syrian opposition and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
  11. ^ a b c d e According to the Badinter Arbitration Committee, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was dissolved into five states. This is the result when the Serb-dominated Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) was formed on 27 April 1992 as a rump state, consisting only of the former Socialist Republics of Serbia and Montenegro. Its government claimed continuity to the former country, however, the international community refused to recognize it as such. The stance of the international community was that Yugoslavia had dissolved into its separate states. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was prevented by a UN resolution on 22 September 1992 from continuing to occupy the United Nations seat as successor state to SFRY. This question was important for claims on SFRY's international assets, including embassies in many countries. Only in 1996 had the FRY abandoned its claim to continuity from the SFRY. The FRY was dominated by Slobodan Milošević and his political allies. This was reaffirmed in the Succession Agreement signed in June 2001.
  12. ^ The Faroe Islands and Greenland were administered by Denmark until 24 March 1948 and 1 May 1979 respectively. They are now autonomous countries with home rule, but remain part of the Kingdom of Denmark.
  13. ^ a b c The annexation of the Baltic states in 1940 is considered an illegal occupation by the current governments of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and by a number of Western countries, including the United States and the European Union, who assert that the states were independent countries occupied by the Soviet Union. The three corresponding Soviet republics were officially sovereign entities in a federation, according to Article 76 of the Constitution of the Soviet Union. However, the Soviet Union was heavily centralized and was de facto a single federal state and the three states consider the corresponding Soviet republics to have been illegitimate entities.
  14. ^ The breaking-through of the Channel Tunnel on 31 October 1990 created a new land border between the UK and France.[29] However, the Channel Tunnel runs underwater and did not change the above-ground territory of either nation.
  15. ^ France swapped a small area of land with Andorra in 2001 to allow Andorra to construct the Envalira Tunnel access bridge.
  16. ^ Prior to 1999, the Constitution of Ireland claimed that "The national territory consists of the whole island of Ireland", but that its laws were only valid in the counties of the Republic.
  17. ^ East Timor had been under Indonesian occupation since 1975, but this occupation was not recognized by the wider global community.
  18. ^ The breaking-through of the Channel Tunnel on 31 October 1990 created a new land border between the UK and France.[29] However, the Channel Tunnel runs underwater and did not change the above-ground territory of either nation.
  19. ^ France swapped a small area of land with Andorra in 2001 to allow Andorra to construct the Envalira Tunnel access bridge.
  20. ^ Baikonur is treated as a federal subject of Russia, but its exact status is a topic of dispute between the two countries.[49]
  21. ^ Full sovereignty. Adoption of the Statute of Westminster 1931
  22. ^ Austrians date their national identity back to the establishment of the Duchy of Austria (later the Archduchy of Austria) in the Middle Ages (a state of the Holy Roman Empire that only had full sovereignty after the dissolution of the Empire in the 19th century). Another important states in the identity of the Austrian nation is the Austrian Empire, Cisleithania, Republic of German-Austria, the First Austrian Republic, Federal State of Austria (this later annexed by Nazi Germany). As an independent and sovereign state the current Austrian state dates back to 1945, when the country seceded from Nazi Germany after the end of World War II. However the Moscow Conference of 1943 declared the German annexation of Austria in 1938 null and void
  23. ^ The medieval Principality of Polotsk became an extinct state after its dissolution. Modern state of Belarus dates from 1991
  24. ^ Full sovereignty. Adoption of the Statute of Westminster 1931. Canada becomes completely sovereign, having consulates and embassies in other countries
  25. ^ The Kingdom of Chile (Patria Vieja) became an extinct state after its reconquest by Spain. Modern state of Chile dates from 1818
  26. ^ People's Republic of China consider itself the successor state of the Republic of China, the latter considers itself the successor state of the Qing Empire, and through the mandate of heaven all Chinese imperial states considered themselves successors to previous dynasties, with the Shang dynasty being historically the first non-legendary dynasty of that country.
  27. ^ The Republic of Spanish Haiti became an extinct state after its reconquest by Haiti. Modern state of Dominican Republic dates from 1844
  28. ^ Egypt is one of the oldest nations in the world, its national identity dating back to the First Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. But it is important to stress the difference between state and nation. As a state the nation lost its sovereignty and was conquered by other states several times in History. The current Egyptian state, as an independent sovereign state, dates from 1922
  29. ^ Zagwe was one of the kingdoms that emerged from the collapse of the Kingdom of Aksum, that became an extinct or abolished state in 960 AD. It is the direct historical predecessor of the Ethiopian Empire, regardless of the Solomonic dynasty of the ancient Kingdom of Aksum having overthrown the Zagwe dynasty in 1270 and assumed their throne. Dynastic lineages are irrelevant to current international law, mainly because of the fact of the majority of the states in the current world scenario are republics.
  30. ^ Some historians refer to the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire as 800, with the crowning of Frankish king Charlemagne considered as the first Holy Roman Emperor. Others refer to the beginning as the coronation of Otto I in 962.
  31. ^ Iran is one of the oldest nations in the world, its national identity dating back to the Median Empire and the Achaemenid Empire. But it is important to stress the difference between state and nation. As a state the nation lost its sovereignty and was conquered by other states several times in History. The current Iranian state, as an independent state in a contiguous way, dates from 1501
  32. ^ Adoption of the Statute of Westminster 1931. Internationally recognized independence, by nations that aren't members of the Commonwealth of Nations
  33. ^ Beginning of the reign of the first Japanese emperor proven to have existed historically
  34. ^ Montenegrins date their national identity to the founding of Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro in 1516. However, the Montenegrin state became an extinct state at the time of the Podgorica Assembly, which led to the annexation and extinction of the Kingdom of Montenegro by the Kingdom of Serbia. The current Montenegrin state emerged in 2006 after separating from Serbia.
  35. ^ Adoption of the Statute of Westminster 1931
  36. ^ The region was conquered by Portuguese forces under the command of Afonso de Albuquerque in 1507, and remained under Portuguese control until they were expelled by the Ya'rubids.
  37. ^ The First Philippine Republic was an unrecognized state and became an extinct state after being terminated by the United States. Modern state of Philippines dates from 1946. However, Filipinos celebrate their independence date on June 12 (the date of establishment of the First Philippine Republic) in order to avoid celebrating their national date on the same day that their former colonizers (the USA) celebrate their national date (July 4).
  38. ^ Independence recognized via the Treaty of Manila (1946).
  39. ^ Russia dates its national identity back to the Kievan Rus, medieval state that was extinguished when it was conquered by the Mongols of the Golden Horde. A new Russian state arose and existed continuously and without loss of sovereignty from 1480 until 1922, when of its own accord it ceased to be a sovereign state and became a subnational unit of the Soviet Union. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the nation again had a sovereign state, with the current Russian sovereign state dating back to 1991. The Russian Federation is regarded as the successor state to the former Soviet Union, inheriting its seat as a UN member state, after a letter by president Boris Yeltsin was received by the secretary-general Javier Pérez de Cuéllar.
  40. ^ Saudi Arabia dates its national identity from the establishment of the Emirate of Diriya (First Saudi State), however this state later became extinct, as did the Emirate of Nejd (the Second Saudi State). The current and Third Saudi State came into being in 1903 when it separated from the Emirate of Jabal Shammar. Through wars of conquest it conquered other states and made a real union with Hejaz before adopting the current name Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932
  41. ^ Serbia consider itself as the successor state of Yugoslavia. The current Serbian state emerged in 1878, after independence de jure from the Ottoman Empire. Other Serbian states existed before this date, but ceased to exist due to the conquest of other states. It is important not to confuse the concept of state with that of the nation, as a nation the Serbian people have existed since the Middle Ages, and just like other ethnic groups (such as the Greeks, Jews, Egyptians, etc.) it went through periods of its history in which it was a Stateless nation
  42. ^ Adoption of the Statute of Westminster 1931
  43. ^ During the Visigoth kingdom of Toledo, the names of the Visigoth kingdom (Regnum Gothorum) and Spain (Hispaniae or Spaniae) were used more and more frequently as synonymous terms, beginning to have not only a geographical meaning, but also a political one (especially since the year 624, when Swinthila finally defeated the Byzantines and the Visigoths dominated the entire Iberian Peninsula). Historiographers of the time such as Isidore of Seville, Julian of Toledo, John of Biclaro, as well as from abroad, the Franks Gregory of Tours, Fredegar, or Pope Leo II, referred to the Visigoth kingdom or its kings, as Hispania or kings of Hispania. On the other hand, there was an adoption by the Visigoths of the Hispano-Roman culture, with a progressive intention to merge the Gothic and Hispano-Roman societies into a common one, politically (kingdom administered from the capital of Toledo, and in accordance with Roman ecclesiastical power through the Councils of Toledo), religiously (Reccared I converted from Arianism to Chalcedonian Christianity in 589), common legislation (Code of Leovigild, and later Visigothic Code), militarily (army composed of Hispano-Romans and Visigoths), with a monetary unit (Visigothic royal currency from 580 to 710), and linguistically (Visigoths spoke Latin), taking advantage of the pre-existing cohesion left by the Hispania of the Roman Empire.[109] Spain is a unitary state that emerged from the political union by incorporating union of different states throughout history. Using the modern criteria of the United Nations, which considers the date of admission of other states that emerged from political unions (such as Tanzania, Malaysia and Yemen) as the date of the oldest predecessor state to be admitted, it will soon be seen that the oldest state that merged to form modern Spain is the Kingdom of León, one of the states in personal union that integrated the Crown of Castile, with such state dating its origins directly from the Kingdom of Asturias. Spain was until 1715 a composite monarchy, i.e. several small states in personal union, only passing through a political union in 1715 with the Nueva Planta decrees
  44. ^ During Napoleon's invasion of Spain, Spain was a governorship of France. In fear of invasion, the King of Portugal went to Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil.
  45. ^ Sudan dates its national identity to the Kingdom of Kerma, Kingdom of Kush and other ancient kingdoms that existed in its territory, i.e Nubia (mentioned in ancient Egyptian texts). However, as an independent sovereign state, the current Sudanese state dates back to 1956.
  46. ^ By uniting with Egypt to form the United Arab Republic into a political union, the Second Syrian Republic ceased to exist as a sovereign state and became an extinct state, with Syria becoming a subnational unit of the United Arab Republic. The current Syrian state emerged as a new state when it broke up politically in 1961. However, Syrians celebrate April 17 as their independence day, as it was on April 17, 1946 that the nation ceased to be a colony of France.
  47. ^ The Republic of Turkey is the successor state of the Ottoman Empire. Despite being known in English as the Turkish War of Independence, Turks call it in their language Kurtuluş Savaşı (lit. Liberation War). "War of Independence" in Turkish is "bağımsızlık savaşı". The country's national date is the Republic Day (Cumhuriyet Bayramı), which commemorates the change of government regime from a monarchy to a republic.
  48. ^ Ukraine dates its national identity back to the Kievan Rus, however this state became an extinct state when it was conquered by the Mongols of the Golden Horde. Another state with historical importance for Ukrainians in their national identity is the medieval Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia, which however also became an extinct state. In the 17th century the Ukrainian nation established another Ukrainian state, the Cossack Hetmanate, however this state became extinct upon being conquered by the Russian Empire. Between 1917 and 1919, two new Ukrainian states was established, being unified in 1919 but again lost its sovereignty by becoming a subnational unit of the Soviet Union. The current Ukrainian sovereign state dates from 1991, emerging after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
  49. ^ The United Kingdom is a unitary state that emerged from the political union by incorporating union of different states throughout history. Northern Ireland has been part of this political union since 1922, when the rest of Ireland separated from the United Kingdom. Ireland had united with Great Britain in 1800 to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Kingdom of Great Britain itself emerged from the political union between the Kingdom of England (which had already conquered and annexed the Principality of Wales centuries before) and the Kingdom of Scotland. Using the modern criteria of the United Nations, which considers the date of admission of other states that emerged from political unions (such as Tanzania, Malaysia and Yemen) as the date of the oldest predecessor state to be admitted, it will soon be seen that of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom (today subnational units and not sovereign countries) the oldest is Scotland (unified in 843), which dates its origin to the Dál Riata, which conquered the existing small Pictish states in future Scotland to form the Kingdom of Scotland, which existed until 1707 when it merged with England (originated in 927, when the various Anglo-Saxon kings swore their allegiance to Æthelstan of Wessex (r. 924–939), unifying most of modern England under a single king


  1. ^ "Countries That Recognize Taiwan 2022". Countries that Recognize Taiwan as a Sovereign Country – 2021. Retrieved May 1, 2022.)
  2. ^ Country Profile: Cuba, September 2006, U.S. Library of Congress – Federal Research Division.
  3. ^ "19 de abril de 1810". Venezuela Tuya.
  4. ^ "Armenia - The Artaxiads". Retrieved 2024-04-14.
  5. ^ "Cambodia - Khmer Empire, Angkor, Temples". Retrieved 2024-04-11.
  6. ^ Gavlak, Dale (12 June 2011). "Jordan's King Abdullah vows to allow elected cabinets". BBC News. Archived from the original on 13 June 2011.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j The Republics of the Soviet Union were officially sovereign entities in a federation, according to Article 76 of the Constitution of the Soviet Union. However, the Soviet Union was heavily centralized and was de facto a single federal state.
  8. ^ a b c Malaysia Act 1963
  9. ^ United Nations Member States
  10. ^ a b Federation of Malaya Independence Act 1957
  11. ^ a b c d Agreement relating to the separation of Singapore from Malaysia as an independent and sovereign state
  12. ^ a b Agreement relating to the separation of Singapore from Malaysia as an independent and sovereign state/proclamation of singapore
  13. ^ a b c Singapore Act 1966
  14. ^ a b Agreement relating to Malaysia between United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore
  15. ^ "Myanmar - Pyu State, Ancient Cities, Irrigation | The kingdom of Pagan (849–c. 1300)". Retrieved 2024-04-04.
  16. ^ "Philippines". The World Factbook. CIA. Archived from the original on July 26, 2009.
  17. ^ "Country Profile: Philippines" (PDF). Federal Research Division of the U.S. Library of Congress. March 2006. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 10, 2012. said: "The Philippines attained independence from Spain on 12 June 1898, and from the United States on 4 July 1946.". Other sources (e.g. The CIA Factbook ) say that the Philippine Islands were ceded to the US by Spain in 1898 following the Spanish–American War.
  18. ^ Republic of the Philippines[permanent dead link], Philippine Government website.
  19. ^ Bautista, Lowell B. (3 September 2009). "The Historical Context and Legal Basis of the Philippine Treaty Limits" (PDF). Aegean Review of the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law. 1: 3. doi:10.1007/s12180-009-0003-5. ISSN 1864-9610. S2CID 153653227. Archived from the original (PDF) on 11 October 2010. The sovereignty of a State is co-extensive with its territorial limits.
  20. ^ a b "UN approves PH territorial claim to Benham Rise". 28 April 2012. Retrieved 28 April 2012.
  21. ^ Bautista 2009: "Although by today's standards the 1898 annexation of the Philippines by the U.S. was unlawful, it does not follow that the U.S. claims of sovereignty are unfounded. Under the doctrine of intertemporal law, 'a juridical fact must be appreciated in light of the law contemporary with it, and not the law in force at the time when a dispute in regard to it arises or falls to be settled.' Thus, the legality of any act should be determined in accordance with the law of the time the act was committed, and not by reference to law as it might have become at a later date.'"
  22. ^ Deeley, Furness, and Schofield (2001) The International Boundaries of East Timor p. 8
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