Index of Renaissance articles

This is an alphabetical index of articles related to the Renaissance.


1400s in art =1500 in art


Académie de musique et de poésie -Accademia degli Infiammati -Accademia Filarmonica di Verona -Accademia Fiorentina -Age of Discovery -Air de cour -Aldine Press -Allegory in Renaissance literature -Allemande -Almain rivet -Andalusian cadence -Antwerp Mannerism -Antwerp school -Arquebus -Ars historica -Art patronage of Julius II -Artists of the Tudor court


Ballo -Baluster -Bardini Gardens -Basse danse -Bastion fort -Bicinium -Bolognese School -Bolognese Swordsmanship -Bonfire of the vanities -Brancacci Chapel -Branchwork -Brick Renaissance -Broken consort -Brussels tapestry -Burgonet -Burgundian School


Camera degli Sposi -Canary dance -Cangiante -Cantore al liuto -Capriccio (art) -Carmen figuratum -Carnival song -Carracks black sword -Catherine de' Medici's building projects -Catherine de' Medici's court festivals -Catherine de' Medici's patronage of the arts -Centrifugal pump -Certosina -Chamber of rhetoric -Chariot clock -Châteaux of the Loire Valley -Chiaroscuro -Chinese porcelain in European painting -Christian Humanism -Cinquecento -Cinquedea -The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy -Classical republicanism -Colascione -Commesso -Consort of instruments -Consort song -Continuity thesis -Copernican heliocentrism -Copernican Revolution -Cordial (medicine) -Cornamuse -Corseque -Cortile del Belvedere -Courante -Court painter -Cresset -Cross-strung harp -Crumhorn -Cultural references to Leonardo da Vinci -Culverin -Cutwork -Cyclic mass -Czech Renaissance architecture


Dancing mania -Danube school -Dardanelles Gun -David (Donatello) -De pictura -De re aedificatoria -Demi-culverin -Desco da parto -Diamond vault -Donor portrait -Drawing room -Dutch and Flemish Renaissance painting -Dutch gable -Dutch Renaissance and Golden Age literature


Early Netherlandish painting -Elizabethan and Jacobean furniture -Elizabethan architecture -Elizabethan era -Elizabethan leisure -Elizabethan literature -English Madrigal School -English Renaissance -English Renaissance theatre -Estoc -Europa regina -European colonization of the Americas -Evolutionary ideas of the Renaissance and Enlightenment


Fall of Constantinople -Figura serpentinata -Flame-bladed sword -Flemish painting -Florence -Florentine Camerata -Florentine citron -Florentine painting -Florin -Folly (allegory) -Forlivese school of art -Franco-Flemish School -French Renaissance -French Renaissance architecture -French Renaissance literature -Fresco -Frottola


Gallery of Sistine Chapel ceiling -Galliard -Gardens of the French Renaissance -Gavotte -Geohumoral theory -German Renaissance -Ghent-Bruges school -Ghisi Shield -Giant order -Gnome -Gobelins Manufactory -Gothic boxwood miniature -Grand manner -Grands rhétoriqueurs -Greek scholars in the Renaissance -Greenwich armour -Guldengroschen


Halberd -Hand cannon -Harpsichord -Harpsichord-viola -Hedge maze -Henry II style -Herrerian style -High Renaissance -Hispano-Flemish style -Hispano-Moresque ware -History of Italian Renaissance domes -History of science in the Renaissance -Holbein carpet -Hours of James IV of Scotland -Hours of Lorenzo de' Medici -House of Borgia -House of Medici -House of Sforza -Humanism in France -The Hunt of the Unicorn


I quattro libri dell'architettura -Ideal city -Ideal town -Illusionism (art) -Illusionistic ceiling painting -Imprimatura -Incunable -Intercolumniation -Intermedio -Isenheim Altarpiece -Italian city-states -Italian Renaissance -Italian Renaissance garden -Italian Renaissance interior design -Italian Renaissance painting -Italian Wars


Jacobean architecture -Jewel of Vicenza - Jig -Jousting


Katzbalger -Kepler's laws of planetary motion -Knot garden -Koncerz


Landsknecht -Lantern shield -The Last Judgment -The Last Supper -Laurentian Library -Legal humanists -Leonardeschi -Leonardo da Vinci -Leonardo's robot -Libro de' Disegni -Limoges enamel -Lira da braccio -Little Masters -Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects -Lochaber axe -Lombard (gun) -Long gallery -Longsword -Lotto carpet -Lublin Renaissance -Lucan portrait of Leonardo da VinciLucerne hammer -Lute song


Madia (furniture) -Madrigal -Madrigal comedy -Madrigale spirituale -Maiolica -Mannerism -Mannerist architecture and sculpture in Poland -Mariner's astrolabe - Mascherata -Maximilian armour -Medical Renaissance -Mensural notation -Messer (weapon) -Michelangelo -Michelangelo and the Medici -Millefleur -Monster of Ravenna -Moresca -Moresche -Moresque -Motet -Motet-chanson -Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci -Music in the Elizabethan era -Musica reservata -Musique mesurée -Musket


Natural magic -Neostoicism -New Learning -Northern Mannerism -Northern Renaissance


Oil painting -Oriental carpets in Renaissance painting -Ostrich Egg Globe -Overdoor -Ovetari Chapel


Palazzo Chiericati -Palladian architecture -Palladian villas of the Veneto -Palmanova -Paragone -Paraphrase mass -Paris in the 16th century -Parody mass -Pastel -Pastiglia -Pastrana Tapestries -Pavane -Pazzi conspiracy -Period eye -Personal life of Leonardo da Vinci -Perspective -Petrarchan sonnet -Piano nobile -Picaresque novel -Pietra dura -Pietra serena -Pike (weapon) -Pinxit -Piva (dance) -Plackart -Plaquette -Plate armour -Plateresque -Platonic Academy (Florence) -Platonism in the Renaissance -Pléiade -Poignard -Polymath -Polyphony -Polyptych -Ponte Vecchio, Bassano -Portrait painting in Scotland -Portuguese Renaissance -Prestezza -Primavera (Botticelli) -Printing press -Prodigy house -Pseudo-Kufic -Purism (Spanish architecture) -Putto


Quattrocento -


Rackett -Raphael -Raphael Cartoons -Raphael Rooms -Rebec -Recitative -Reichsthaler -Rapier -Relazione -Renaissance -Renaissance architecture -Renaissance architecture in Central and Eastern Europe -Renaissance architecture in Portugal -Renaissance architecture of Toulouse -Renaissance art -Renaissance castle in Galanta -Renaissance dance -Renaissance humanism -Renaissance humanism in Northern Europe -Renaissance in Croatia -Renaissance in Poland -Renaissance in Scotland -Renaissance in the Low Countries -Renaissance Latin -Renaissance literature -Renaissance magic -Renaissance music -Renaissance Papacy -Renaissance philosophy -Renaissance reenactment -Renaissance Revival architecture -Renaissance Studies -Renaissance technology -Ribauldequin -Ricercar -Road of Weser Renaissance -Rodeleros -Roman Renaissance -Roman School -Romanism (painting) -Rondel dagger -Roof lantern -Rustication (architecture)


Sackbut -Sacra conversazione -Saint-Porchaire ware -Sala dei Cento Giorni -Saltarello -San Giorgio Maggiore (church), Venice -Sassetti Chapel -Schlüsselfelder Ship -The School of Athens -School of Ferrara -School of Fontainebleau -The School of Night -Science and inventions of Leonardo da Vinci -Scientific Revolution -Scottish Renaissance painted ceilings -Scottish Royal tapestry collection - Sculpture in the Renaissance Period -Scythe sword -Sforza Hours -Sforzinda -Sfumato -Sgabello -Sgraffito -William Shakespeare -Shakespearean comedy -Shakespearean dance -Shakespearean history -Shakespeare's plays -Shakespearean tragedy -Sienese School -Signoria -Signoria of Florence -Signoria of Venice -Sinopia -Sistine Chapel -Sistine Chapel ceiling -Snaplock -Soggetto cavato -Souterliedekens -Spada da lato -Spalliera -Spanish Golden Age -Spanish Renaissance -Spanish Renaissance architecture -Spanish Renaissance literature -St. Peter's Basilica -Stiletto -Stipo a bambocci -Strapwork -Strolling players -Studiolo of the Palazzo Belfiore -Summa de arithmetica -Swedish Reformation and Renaissance literature -Swiss dagger -Swiss degen -Swiss Guard -Swiss mercenaries


Tapestry -Tarot -Teatro Olimpico -Tercio -Text declamation -Theatrum Orbis Terrarum -Themes in Italian Renaissance painting -Tiento -Tondo (art) -Tornabuoni Chapel -Tourdion -Transition from Renaissance to Baroque in instrumental music -Trattato della pittura -Trecento -The Triumph of Fame -Tudor architecture - Tudor period -Tuileries Garden -Tuileries Palace -Tuscan order


Underdrawing -Underpainting -Unione


Valois Tapestries -Vatican loggias -Venetian painting -Venetian Patent Statute -Venetian polychoral style -Venetian red -Venetian Renaissance -Venetian Renaissance architecture -Venetian School (music) -Venetian window -Vihuela -Villa Capra "La Rotonda" -Villa Cornaro -Villa d'Este -Villancico -Villanella - Viol -Viola organista -Virelai -Virginals -Vitruvian Man -Volta (dance)


Waddesdon Bequest -Wars of the Roses -Wernigerode Armorial -Weser Renaissance -Wet-on-wet -William Shakespeare -Word painting






Commentators on Aristotle -Composers -English Renaissance composers -English Renaissance theatres -Figures -Humanists -Structures -Works by Leonardo da Vinci

See also