Портал:Открытый космос

Портал в открытый космос


Нижняя половина показывает голубую планету с пятнистыми белыми облаками. Верхняя половина имеет человека в белом скафандре и маневренный блок на черном фоне.
Из-за опасностей, связанных с вакуумом, астронавтам приходится носить герметичный скафандр вне Земли и за пределами своего космического корабля.
  • П:ОС

Космическое пространство (или просто космос ) — это пространство, которое существует за пределами атмосферы Земли и между небесными телами . Оно содержит сверхнизкие уровни плотности частиц , образуя почти идеальный вакуум преимущественно водородной и гелиевой плазмы , пронизанный электромагнитным излучением , космическими лучами , нейтрино , магнитными полями и пылью . Базовая температура космического пространства, установленная фоновым излучением от Большого взрыва , составляет 2,7 кельвина (−270 °C; −455 °F).

Считается, что плазма между галактиками составляет около половины барионной ( обычной) материи во Вселенной, имея плотность менее одного атома водорода на кубический метр и кинетическую температуру в миллионы кельвинов . Локальные концентрации материи сконденсировались в звезды и галактики . Межгалактическое пространство занимает большую часть объема Вселенной , но даже галактики и звездные системы состоят почти полностью из пустого пространства. Большая часть оставшейся массы-энергии в наблюдаемой Вселенной состоит из неизвестной формы, называемой темной материей и темной энергией .

Космическое пространство не начинается на определенной высоте над поверхностью Земли. Линия Кармана , высота 100 км (62 мили) над уровнем моря , традиционно используется в качестве начала космического пространства в космических договорах и для ведения аэрокосмических записей. Определенные части верхней стратосферы и мезосферы иногда называют «ближним космосом». Рамки международного космического права были установлены Договором о космосе , который вступил в силу 10 октября 1967 года. Этот договор исключает любые претензии на национальный суверенитет и позволяет всем государствам свободно исследовать космическое пространство . Несмотря на разработку резолюций ООН о мирном использовании космического пространства, противоспутниковое оружие было испытано на околоземной орбите .

Концепция о том, что пространство между Землей и Луной должно быть вакуумом, была впервые предложена в 17 веке после того, как ученые обнаружили, что давление воздуха уменьшается с высотой. Огромные масштабы космического пространства были осознаны в 20 веке, когда впервые было измерено расстояние до галактики Андромеды . Люди начали физическое исследование космоса позже в том же веке с появлением полетов на высотных воздушных шарах . За этим последовали полеты на ракетах с экипажем , а затем и на околоземную орбиту с экипажем, впервые достигнутую Юрием Гагариным из Советского Союза в 1961 году. Экономическая стоимость вывода объектов, включая людей, в космос очень высока, что ограничивает человеческие космические полеты низкой околоземной орбитой и Луной . С другой стороны, беспилотные космические аппараты достигли всех известных планет Солнечной системы . Космос представляет собой сложную среду для исследования человеком из-за опасностей вакуума и радиации . Микрогравитация оказывает негативное влияние на физиологию человека , вызывая как атрофию мышц , так и потерю костной массы . ( Полная статья... )

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Транзит Венеры 2004 года

Прохождение Венеры через Солнце происходит, когда планета Венера проходит прямо между Солнцем и Землей , становясь видимой на фоне солнечного диска. Во время прохождения Венеру можно увидеть с Земли как небольшой черный диск, медленно движущийся по диску Солнца. Прохождение похоже на солнечное затмение Луной , но хотя диаметр Венеры более чем в три раза больше диаметра Луны, она находится намного дальше от Земли и поэтому кажется меньше и обычно занимает больше времени (до восьми часов), чтобы пройти через солнечный диск. Прохождения Венеры являются одними из самых редких предсказуемых астрономических явлений — они происходят по схеме, которая повторяется каждые 243 года, с парами прохождений, разделенных восемью годами, большими промежутками в 121,5 года и 105,5 лет. Последнее прохождение Венеры было 5 и 6 июня 2012 года ; следующее будет 10–11 декабря 2117 года. Исторически транзиты Венеры имели большое научное значение, поскольку они использовались для получения первых реалистичных оценок размера Солнечной системы . Транзит 2012 года предоставил ученым ряд других возможностей для исследований, в частности, в совершенствовании методов, которые будут использоваться при поиске экзопланет .

Выбранная фотография

  • Изображение 1 Юпитер Кредит изображения: NASA Анимированное изображение приближения Вояджера I к Юпитеру. Один кадр этого изображения был сделан каждые юпитерианский день (приблизительно 10 часов) между 6 января и 9 февраля 1979 года, когда космический зонд пролетал на расстоянии от 58 миллионов до 31 миллиона километров от Юпитера в течение этого времени. Маленькие, круглые, темные пятна, появляющиеся на некоторых кадрах, — это тени, отбрасываемые лунами, проходящими между Юпитером и Солнцем, в то время как маленькие белые вспышки вокруг планеты — это сами луны. Другие избранные фотографии
    Изображение предоставлено: НАСА
    Анимированное изображение приближения Вояджера I к Юпитеру . Один кадр этого изображения был сделан каждые юпитерские сутки (приблизительно 10 часов) между 6 января и 9 февраля 1979 года, когда космический зонд пролетал в это время на расстоянии от 58 миллионов до 31 миллиона километров от Юпитера. Маленькие круглые темные пятна, появляющиеся на некоторых кадрах, — это тени, отбрасываемые лунами, проходящими между Юпитером и Солнцем , в то время как маленькие белые вспышки вокруг планеты — это сами луны.
  • Изображение 2 Геология Венеры Кредит изображения: NASA Радиолокационное изображение поверхности Венеры, центрированное на 180 градусах восточной долготы. Это составное изображение было создано на основе картографирования зондом Magellan, дополненного данными, собранными орбитальным аппаратом Pioneer, с имитацией оттенков на основе цветных изображений, полученных Venera 13 и 14. Ни один зонд не смог продержаться больше нескольких часов на поверхности Венеры, которая полностью скрыта облаками, поскольку атмосферное давление примерно в 90 раз превышает земное, а температура поверхности составляет около 450 °C (842 °F). Другие избранные изображения
    Изображение предоставлено: НАСА
    Радиолокационное изображение поверхности Венеры , центрированное на 180 градусах восточной долготы. Это составное изображение было создано на основе картографирования зондом Magellan , дополненного данными, собранными орбитальным аппаратом Pioneer , с имитацией оттенков на основе цветных изображений, полученных Venera 13 и 14. Ни один зонд не смог продержаться больше нескольких часов на поверхности Венеры , которая полностью скрыта облаками, поскольку атмосферное давление примерно в 90 раз превышает земное, а температура поверхности составляет около 450 °C (842 °F).
  • Image 3 Tvashtar Paterae Photo credit: New Horizons probe An animation of an eruption by the Tvashtar Paterae volcanic region on the innermost of Jupiter's Galilean moons, Io. The ejecta plume is 330 km (205 mi) high, though only its uppermost half is visible in this image, as its source lies over the moon's limb on its far side. This animation consists of a sequence of five images taken by NASA's New Horizons probe on March 1, 2007, over the course of eight minutes from 23:50 UTC. More selected pictures
    Фото предоставлено: зонд New Horizons.
    Анимация извержения вулканического региона Тваштар Патеры на самом внутреннем из галилеевых спутников Юпитера , Ио . Высота выброса составляет 330 км (205 миль), хотя на этом изображении видна только его верхняя половина, поскольку его источник находится над лимбом луны на ее дальней стороне. Эта анимация состоит из последовательности из пяти изображений, полученных зондом НАСА « Новые горизонты » 1 марта 2007 года в течение восьми минут с 23:50 UTC .
  • Color-composite image of the Pleiades from the Digitized Sky Survey
    Color-composite image of the Pleiades from the Digitized Sky Survey
    Credit: NASA, ESA, AURA/Caltech, Palomar Observatory
    The Pleiades (also known as M45 or the Seven Sisters) is an open cluster in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest to the Earth of all open clusters, probably the best known and certainly the most striking to the naked eye.

  • Image 5 Uranus Photo: NASA/JPL/Voyager 2 mission Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and the fourth most massive in the Solar System. In this photograph from 1986 the planet appears almost featureless, but recent terrestrial observations have found seasonal changes to be occurring. More selected pictures
    Photo: NASA/JPL/Voyager 2 mission
    Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and the fourth most massive in the Solar System. In this photograph from 1986 the planet appears almost featureless, but recent terrestrial observations have found seasonal changes to be occurring.
  • TRACE image of sunspots
    TRACE image of sunspots
    Credit: NASA/TRACE
    A TRACE image of sunspots on the surface, or photosphere, of the sun from September 2002, is taken in the far ultraviolet on a relatively quiet day for solar activity. However, the image still shows a large sunspot group visible as a bright area near the horizon. Although sunspots are relatively cool regions on the surface of the sun, the bright glowing gas flowing around the sunspots have a temperature of over one million °C (1.8 million °F). The high temperatures are thought to be related to the rapidly changing magnetic field loops that channel solar plasma.
  • Kepler's Supernova
    Kepler's Supernova
    Credit: NASA
    This Supernova remnant of Kepler's Supernova (SN 1604) is made up of the materials left behind by the gigantic explosion of a star. There are two possible routes to this end: either a massive star may cease to generate fusion energy in its core, and collapse inward under the force of its own gravity, or a white dwarf star may accumulate material from a companion star until it reaches a critical mass and undergoes a similar collapse. In either case, the resulting supernova explosion expels much or all of the stellar material with great force.

  • Image 8 Needle Galaxy Photograph: Ken Crawford NGC 4565 (also known as the Needle Galaxy) is an edge-on spiral galaxy about 30 to 50 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices. NGC 4565 is a giant spiral galaxy more luminous than the Andromeda Galaxy, and has a population of roughly 240 globular clusters, more than the Milky Way. More selected pictures
    NGC 4565 (also known as the Needle Galaxy) is an edge-on spiral galaxy about 30 to 50 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices. NGC 4565 is a giant spiral galaxy more luminous than the Andromeda Galaxy, and has a population of roughly 240 globular clusters, more than the Milky Way.
  • Astronaut Steve Robinson on a spacewalk, August 2005
    Astronaut Steve Robinson on a spacewalk, August 2005
    Extra-vehicular activity (EVA) is work done by an astronaut away from the Earth and outside of his or her spacecraft. EVAs may be made outside a craft orbiting Earth (a spacewalk) or on the surface of the Moon (a moonwalk). Shown here is Steve Robinson on the first EVA to perform an in-flight repair of the Space Shuttle (August 3 2005).
  • Image 10 STS-116 Photo credit: NASA NASA astronaut Robert Curbeam (left) and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Christer Fuglesang participate in STS-116's first of three planned sessions of extra-vehicular activity (EVA) as construction resumes on the International Space Station. The landmasses depicted in the background are the South Island (left) and North Island (right) of New Zealand. More selected pictures
    Photo credit: NASA
    NASA astronaut Robert Curbeam (left) and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Christer Fuglesang participate in STS-116's first of three planned sessions of extra-vehicular activity (EVA) as construction resumes on the International Space Station. The landmasses depicted in the background are the South Island (left) and North Island (right) of New Zealand.
  • Image 11 Pillars of Creation Photograph: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team The Pillars of Creation, a series of elephant trunks of interstellar gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula, are the subject of a famous Hubble Space Telescope photograph taken in 1995. They are so named because the depicted gas and dust, while being eroded by the light from nearby stars, are in the process of creating new stars. Shown here is a 2014 rephotograph, which was unveiled in 2015 as part of the telescope's 25th anniversary celebrations. More selected pictures
    Photograph: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team
    The Pillars of Creation, a series of elephant trunks of interstellar gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula, are the subject of a famous Hubble Space Telescope photograph taken in 1995. They are so named because the depicted gas and dust, while being eroded by the light from nearby stars, are in the process of creating new stars. Shown here is a 2014 rephotograph, which was unveiled in 2015 as part of the telescope's 25th anniversary celebrations.
  • Image 12 Europa (moon) Photo credit: NASA/JPL Realistic-color mosaic of images of Jupiter's moon Europa taken by NASA's Jupiter orbiter Galileo in 1995 and 1998. This view of the moon's anti-Jovian hemisphere shows numerous lineae, linear features created via a tectonic process in which crustal plates of water ice floating on a subsurface ocean (kept warm by tidal flexing) shift in relative position. Reddish regions are areas where the ice has a higher mineral content. The north polar region is at right. (Geologic features are annotated in Commons.) More selected pictures
    Photo credit: NASA/JPL
    Realistic-color mosaic of images of Jupiter's moon Europa taken by NASA's Jupiter orbiter Galileo in 1995 and 1998. This view of the moon's anti-Jovian hemisphere shows numerous lineae, linear features created via a tectonic process in which crustal plates of water ice floating on a subsurface ocean (kept warm by tidal flexing) shift in relative position. Reddish regions are areas where the ice has a higher mineral content. The north polar region is at right. (Geologic features are annotated in Commons.)
  • Image 13 Neptune Photograph credit: NASA / JPL Neptune is the eighth and farthest known planet from the Sun in the Solar System. In the Solar System, it is the fourth-largest planet by diameter, the third-most-massive planet and the densest giant planet. Neptune is 17 times the mass of Earth, slightly more massive than its near-twin Uranus. Neptune is denser and physically smaller than Uranus because its greater mass causes more gravitational compression of its atmosphere. Neptune orbits the Sun once every 164.8 years at an average distance of 30.1 au (4.5 billion km; 2.8 billion mi). It is named after the Roman god of the sea and has the astronomical symbol ♆, a stylised version of the god Neptune's trident. This picture of Neptune was taken by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1989, at a range of 4.4 million miles (7.1 million kilometres) from the planet, approximately four days before closest approach. The photograph shows the Great Dark Spot, a storm about the size of Earth, in the centre, while the fast-moving bright feature nicknamed the "Scooter" and the Small Dark Spot can be seen on the western limb. These clouds were seen to persist for as long as the spacecraft's cameras could resolve them. More selected pictures
    Photograph credit: NASA / JPL
    Neptune is the eighth and farthest known planet from the Sun in the Solar System. In the Solar System, it is the fourth-largest planet by diameter, the third-most-massive planet and the densest giant planet. Neptune is 17 times the mass of Earth, slightly more massive than its near-twin Uranus. Neptune is denser and physically smaller than Uranus because its greater mass causes more gravitational compression of its atmosphere. Neptune orbits the Sun once every 164.8 years at an average distance of 30.1 au (4.5 billion km; 2.8 billion mi). It is named after the Roman god of the sea and has the astronomical symbol ♆, a stylised version of the god Neptune's trident.

    This picture of Neptune was taken by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1989, at a range of 4.4 million miles (7.1 million kilometres) from the planet, approximately four days before closest approach. The photograph shows the Great Dark Spot, a storm about the size of Earth, in the centre, while the fast-moving bright feature nicknamed the "Scooter" and the Small Dark Spot can be seen on the western limb. These clouds were seen to persist for as long as the spacecraft's cameras could resolve them.
  • Image 14 Lunar phase Image: Tom Ruen An animation of the phases of the Moon. As the Moon revolves around the Earth, the Sun lights the Moon from a different side, creating the different phases. In the image, the Moon appears to get bigger as well as "wobble" slightly. Tidal locking synchronizes the Moon's rotation period on its axis to match its orbital period around the earth. These two periods nearly cancel each other out, except that the Moon's orbit is elliptical. This causes its orbital motion to speed up when closer to the Earth, and slow down when farther away, causing the Moon's apparent diameter to change, as well as the wobbling motion observed. More selected pictures
    An animation of the phases of the Moon. As the Moon revolves around the Earth, the Sun lights the Moon from a different side, creating the different phases. In the image, the Moon appears to get bigger as well as "wobble" slightly. Tidal locking synchronizes the Moon's rotation period on its axis to match its orbital period around the earth. These two periods nearly cancel each other out, except that the Moon's orbit is elliptical. This causes its orbital motion to speed up when closer to the Earth, and slow down when farther away, causing the Moon's apparent diameter to change, as well as the wobbling motion observed.
  • Image 15 Andromeda Galaxy Photo: Adam Evans The Andromeda Galaxy is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years away. The image, created using a hydrogen-alpha filter, also shows Messier objects 32 and 110, as well as NGC 206 and the star Nu Andromedae. On December 15, 1612, German astronomer Simon Marius became the first person to describe the galaxy using a telescope. More selected pictures
    Photo: Adam Evans
    The Andromeda Galaxy is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years away. The image, created using a hydrogen-alpha filter, also shows Messier objects 32 and 110, as well as NGC 206 and the star Nu Andromedae. On December 15, 1612, German astronomer Simon Marius became the first person to describe the galaxy using a telescope.
  • Earthrise, as seen by Apollo 8
    Earthrise, as seen by Apollo 8
    "Earthrise," the first occasion in which humans saw the Earth seemingly rising above the surface of the Moon, taken during the Apollo 8 mission on December 24, 1968. This view was seen by the crew at the beginning of its fourth orbit around the Moon, although the very first photograph taken was in black-and-white. Note that the Earth is in shadow here. A photo of a fully lit Earth would not be taken until the Apollo 17 mission.

  • Image 17 Geostationary orbit Animation credit: Cmglee This is an animation showing geocentric satellite orbits, to scale with the Earth, at 3,600 times actual speed. The second-outermost (shown in grey) is a geostationary orbit, 35,786 kilometres (22,236 miles) above Earth's equator and following the direction of Earth's rotation, with an orbital period matching the planet's rotation period (a geosynchronous orbit). An object in such an orbit will appear to occupy a fixed position in the sky. Some 300 kilometres (190 miles) farther away is the graveyard orbit (brown), used for satellites at the end of their operational lives. Nearer to the Earth are the orbits of navigational satellites, such as Galileo (turquoise), BeiDou (beige), GPS (blue) and GLONASS (red), in medium Earth orbits. Much closer to the planet, and within the inner Van Allen belt, are satellites in low Earth orbit, such as the Iridium satellite constellation (purple), the Hubble Space Telescope (green) and the International Space Station (magenta). More selected pictures
    Animation credit: Cmglee
    This is an animation showing geocentric satellite orbits, to scale with the Earth, at 3,600 times actual speed. The second-outermost (shown in grey) is a geostationary orbit, 35,786 kilometres (22,236 miles) above Earth's equator and following the direction of Earth's rotation, with an orbital period matching the planet's rotation period (a geosynchronous orbit). An object in such an orbit will appear to occupy a fixed position in the sky. Some 300 kilometres (190 miles) farther away is the graveyard orbit (brown), used for satellites at the end of their operational lives. Nearer to the Earth are the orbits of navigational satellites, such as Galileo (turquoise), BeiDou (beige), GPS (blue) and GLONASS (red), in medium Earth orbits. Much closer to the planet, and within the inner Van Allen belt, are satellites in low Earth orbit, such as the Iridium satellite constellation (purple), the Hubble Space Telescope (green) and the International Space Station (magenta).
  • 433 Eros asteroid
    433 Eros asteroid
    Credit: NASA
    The asteroid 433 Eros was named after the Greek god of love Eros. This S-type asteroid is the second-largest near-Earth asteroid. This image shows the view looking from one end of the asteroid across the gouge on its underside and toward the opposite end.
  • The Pioneer plaque, which was included on both Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 unmanned spacecraft, the first man-made objects to leave the Solar System. Made from gold-anodised aluminium, the plaque shows the figures of a man and a woman along with several symbols that are designed to provide information about the origin of the spacecraft. However, the mean time for the spacecraft to come within 30 astronomical units of a star is longer than the current age of our galaxy.
  • Image 20 NGC 6357 Photograph credit: NASA NGC 6357 is a diffuse nebula in the constellation Scorpius. This composite image of the nebula contains X-ray data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the ROSAT telescope (purple), infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope (orange), and optical data from the SuperCosmos Sky Survey (blue). Radiation from hot, young stars is energizing the cooler gas in the clouds that surround them. Often known as the Lobster Nebula, the astronomical object has also been termed the Madokami Nebula by fans of the anime Madoka Magica due to its supposed resemblance to the main character. Scientists at the Midcourse Space Experiment prefer the name War and Peace Nebula, because the bright, western part resembles a dove, while the eastern part looks like a skull in infrared images. More selected pictures
    Photograph credit: NASA
    NGC 6357 is a diffuse nebula in the constellation Scorpius. This composite image of the nebula contains X-ray data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the ROSAT telescope (purple), infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope (orange), and optical data from the SuperCosmos Sky Survey (blue). Radiation from hot, young stars is energizing the cooler gas in the clouds that surround them. Often known as the Lobster Nebula, the astronomical object has also been termed the Madokami Nebula by fans of the anime Madoka Magica due to its supposed resemblance to the main character. Scientists at the Midcourse Space Experiment prefer the name War and Peace Nebula, because the bright, western part resembles a dove, while the eastern part looks like a skull in infrared images.
  • Image 21 Order of magnitude Image credit: Dave Jarvis An illustration of relative astronomical orders of magnitude, starting with the terrestrial planets of the Solar System in image 1 (top left) and ending with the largest known star, VY Canis Majoris, at the bottom right. The biggest celestial body in each image is shown on the left of the next frame. More selected pictures
    An illustration of relative astronomical orders of magnitude, starting with the terrestrial planets of the Solar System in image 1 (top left) and ending with the largest known star, VY Canis Majoris, at the bottom right. The biggest celestial body in each image is shown on the left of the next frame.
  • Image 22 Eagle Nebula Photo credit: NASA The Eagle Nebula (also known as Messier Object 16, M16 or NGC 6611) is a young open cluster of stars. The nebula is an active region of star formation. Light from the bright, hot, young stars near the centre of the cluster illuminate the clouds of hydrogen gas and dust still collapsing to form new stars. As projected on the sky, the Eagle Nebula lies in the constellation of Serpens Cauda. In three dimensions, it is relatively close to the Solar System being some 7,000 light years away on the edge of the Sagittarius Arm, the next nearest spiral arm towards the centre of the Milky Way. In fact, when the picture is not coloured, is only red colored, the "Eagle" can be seen as a dark spot in the center of the nebula. More selected pictures
    Photo credit: NASA
    The Eagle Nebula (also known as Messier Object 16, M16 or NGC 6611) is a young open cluster of stars. The nebula is an active region of star formation. Light from the bright, hot, young stars near the centre of the cluster illuminate the clouds of hydrogen gas and dust still collapsing to form new stars.

    As projected on the sky, the Eagle Nebula lies in the constellation of Serpens Cauda. In three dimensions, it is relatively close to the Solar System being some 7,000 light years away on the edge of the Sagittarius Arm, the next nearest spiral arm towards the centre of the Milky Way.

    In fact, when the picture is not coloured, is only red colored, the "Eagle" can be seen as a dark spot in the center of the nebula.

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