
Нумизматический портал

Монета из электрума из Эфеса , 520-500 гг. до н.э. Аверс: Передняя часть оленя . Реверс: Квадратный вдавленный штамп

Нумизматика — это изучение или коллекционирование денежных знаков , включая монеты, жетоны, бумажные деньги, медали и связанные с ними предметы.

Специалисты, известные как нумизматы , часто характеризуются как студенты или коллекционеры монет , но эта дисциплина также включает в себя более широкое изучение денег и других платежных средств, используемых для урегулирования долгов и обмена товарами .

Самые ранние формы денег, используемые людьми, классифицируются коллекционерами как «странные и любопытные», но использование других товаров в бартерном обмене исключается, даже если они использовались в качестве оборотной валюты (например, сигареты или лапша быстрого приготовления в тюрьме). Например, киргизы использовали лошадей в качестве основной денежной единицы и давали мелочь в виде овечьих шкур ; овечьи шкуры могут быть пригодны для нумизматического изучения, но лошади — нет. [ сомнительнообсудить ] Многие предметы использовались на протяжении столетий, например, раковины каури , драгоценные металлы , какао-бобы , крупные камни и драгоценные камни . ( Полная статья... )

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Это избранная статья , которая представляет собой один из лучших материалов английской Википедии.

  • Монета в полдоллара «Музыкальный центр Цинциннати» или « Музыкальный центр Цинциннати»памятная монета достоинством 50 центов, отчеканенная Бюро монетного двора США в 1936 году. Выпущенная с заявленной целью отметить пятидесятую годовщину Цинциннати , штат Огайо , как центра музыки, она была задумана Томасом Г. Мелишом , энтузиастом монет, который контролировал группу, которой было разрешено выкупить весь выпуск у правительства, и который перепродавал монеты по высоким ценам.

    Конгресс одобрил законодательство о монете 31 марта 1936 года, разрешив чеканку 15 000 штук на трех монетных дворах, которые тогда работали. Мелиш нанял скульптора Констанс Ортмайер для разработки дизайна монеты, но Комиссия по изящным искусствам отказалась рекомендовать дизайн. Члены возражали против изображения Стивена Фостера на аверсе , не найдя никакой связи между Фостером, который умер в 1864 году, и предполагаемой годовщиной. Тем не менее, проекты были одобрены Бюро Монетного двора, и 5000 наборов от трех монетных дворов были выпущены и проданы группе Мелиша, единственному уполномоченному покупателю. ( Полная статья... )

  • Монета в полдоллара «Орегонский путь» была пятидесятицентовой монетой, периодически чеканившейся Бюро монетного двора США в период с 1926 по 1939 год. Монета была разработана Лорой Гардин Фрейзер и Джеймсом Эрлом Фрейзером и увековечивает память тех, кто путешествовал по Орегонскому пути и заселил Тихоокеанское побережье Соединенных Штатов в середине 19 века. Выпускавшиеся в течение длительного периода небольшими тиражами в год, многочисленные разновидности стали считаться подделкой коллекционерами монет и привели к прекращению на время серии памятных монет . Эзра Микер,

    родившийся в Огайо, путешествовал по Орегонскому пути со своей семьей в 1852 году и провел последние два десятилетия своей долгой жизни до своей смерти в 1928 году, пропагандируя Орегонский путь, чтобы он не был забыт. В 1926 году, в возрасте 95 лет, он предстал перед комитетом Сената, попросив правительство выпустить памятную монету, которую можно было бы продать, чтобы собрать деньги на маркеры, показывающие, где проходила Тропа. Первоначально эта монета была задумана жителями Айдахо во главе с доктором Минни Говард, стремившимися к дальнейшей работе по сохранению в Форт-Холле ; Микер расширил идею. Конгресс одобрил шесть миллионов монет в полдоллара и не наложил никаких ограничений на то, когда или на каком монетном дворе будут чеканиться монеты. Ассоциация памяти Орегонской тропы Микера (OTMA) отчеканила десятки тысяч монет в 1926 и 1928 годах и не продала их все. Тем не менее, в большинстве лет между 1933 и 1939 годами она чеканила небольшие партии монет в полдоллара, в некоторые годы на всех трех действующих монетных дворах для производства разновидностей с клеймом монетного двора , и значительно подняла цены. ( Полная статья... )

  • The Liberty Head nickel, sometimes referred to as the V nickel because of its reverse (or tails) design, is an American five-cent piece. It was struck for circulation from 1883 until 1912, with at least five pieces being surreptitiously struck dated 1913. The obverse features a left-facing image of the goddess of Liberty.

    The original copper–nickel five-cent piece, the Shield nickel, had longstanding production problems, and in the early 1880s, the United States Mint was looking to replace it. Mint Chief Engraver Charles Barber was instructed to prepare designs for proposed one-, three-, and five-cent pieces, which were to bear similar designs. Only the new five-cent piece was approved, and went into production in 1883. For almost thirty years large quantities of coin of this design were produced to meet commercial demand, especially as coin-operated machines became increasingly popular. (Full article...)

  • The Gobrecht dollar, minted from 1836 to 1839, was the first silver dollar struck for circulation by the United States Mint after production of that denomination had been halted in 1806 (the last previous silver dollars were struck in 1804 but dated 1803). The coin was struck in small numbers to determine whether the reintroduced silver dollar would be well received by the public.

    In 1835, Director of the United States Mint Samuel Moore resigned his post, and Robert M. Patterson assumed the position. Shortly after, Patterson began an attempt to redesign the nation's coinage. After Mint Chief Engraver William Kneass suffered a stroke later that year, Christian Gobrecht was hired as an engraver. On August 1, Patterson wrote a letter to Philadelphia artist Thomas Sully laying out his plans for the dollar coin. He also asked Titian Peale to create a design for the coin. Sully created an obverse design depicting a seated representation of Liberty and Peale a reverse depicting a soaring bald eagle, which were adapted into coin designs by Gobrecht. After the designs were created and trials struck, production of the working dies began in September 1836. (Full article...)

  • Oliver Christian Bosbyshell (January 3, 1839 – August 1, 1921) was Superintendent of the United States Mint at Philadelphia from 1889 to 1894. He also claimed to have been the first Union soldier wounded by enemy action in the Civil War, stating that he received a bruise on the forehead from an object thrown by a Confederate sympathizer while his unit was marching through Baltimore in April 1861.

    Bosbyshell was born in Mississippi. His parents were of old Philadelphia stock, and he was raised in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. After briefly working on the railroad and then studying law, Bosbyshell enlisted in the Union cause on the outbreak of war. Following a brief period of service in the 25th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment, he joined the 48th Pennsylvania, remaining in that regiment for three years. He saw action in such battles as Second Bull Run and Antietam. He rose to the rank of major and led his regiment, but was mustered out upon the expiration of his term of service in October 1864, having been refused a leave of absence. (Full article...)

  • The Stone Mountain Memorial half dollar was an American fifty-cent piece struck in 1925 at the Philadelphia Mint. Its main purpose was to raise money on behalf of the Stone Mountain Confederate Monumental Association for the Stone Mountain Memorial near Atlanta, Georgia. Designed by sculptor Gutzon Borglum, the coin features a depiction of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson on the obverse and the caption: "Memorial to the Valor of the Soldier of the South" on the reverse. The piece was also originally intended to be in memory of the recently deceased president, Warren G. Harding, but no mention of him appears on the coin.

    In the early 20th century, proposals were made to carve a large sculpture in memory of General Lee on Stone Mountain, a huge rock outcropping. The owners of Stone Mountain agreed to transfer title on condition the work was completed within 12 years. Borglum, who was, like others involved, a Ku Klux Klan member, was engaged to design the memorial, and proposed expanding it to include a colossal monument depicting Confederate warriors, with Lee, Jackson, and Confederate President Jefferson Davis leading them. (Full article...)

  • The double florin, or four-shilling piece, was a British coin produced by the Royal Mint between 1887 and 1890. One of the shortest-lived of all British coin denominations, it was struck in only four years. Its obverse, designed by Joseph Boehm and engraved by Leonard Charles Wyon, depicts Queen Victoria, whilst the reverse, featuring national symbols of the United Kingdom, was designed by Wyon based on the coinage of Charles II.

    The double florin was introduced as part of a coinage redesign that took place in 1887, the year of Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee. One purpose of the redesign was to replace portraits of the queen which had changed little since her youth, and which no longer resembled the monarch, who was nearing her seventieth birthday. Mint officials and politicians also sought to reduce dependence on the half sovereign, a gold coin worth ten shillings which was expensive to strike, by issuing the double florin (four shillings) and reintroducing the crown (five shillings) coin. They may also have intended a further decimalisation of the coinage after the introduction of the florin (two shillings, or one-tenth of a pound) in 1849. (Full article...)

  • The Delaware Tercentenary half dollar (also known as the Swedish Delaware half dollar) is a commemorative fifty-cent piece struck by the United States Bureau of the Mint to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the first successful European settlement in Delaware. The reverse features the Swedish ship Kalmar Nyckel, which brought early settlers to Delaware, and the obverse depicts Old Swedes Church, which has been described as being the oldest Protestant church in the United States still used as a place of worship. While the coins are dated "1936" on the obverse and the reverse also has the dual date of "1638" and "1938", the coins were actually struck in 1937.

    Authorizing legislation for the coin passed Congress in early 1936. Although there was no opposition, the legislation was changed to add protections for collectors against abuses, such as low mintages or strikings at multiple mints, which marked some commemorative coins at that time. Once the coin was authorized, the Delaware Swedish Tercentenary Commission (DSTC) held a competition to design the coin, judged by Mint Chief Engraver John R. Sinnock and sculptor Robert Tait McKenzie, which was won by Carl L. Schmitz. (Full article...)

  • The Saint-Gaudens double eagle is a twenty-dollar gold coin, or double eagle, produced by the United States Mint from 1907 to 1933. The coin is named after its designer, the sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, who designed the obverse and reverse. It is considered by many to be the most beautiful of U.S. coins.

    In 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt sought to beautify American coinage, and proposed Saint-Gaudens as an artist capable of the task. Although the sculptor had poor experiences with the Mint and its chief engraver, Charles E. Barber, Saint-Gaudens accepted Roosevelt's call. The work was subject to considerable delays, due to Saint-Gaudens's declining health and difficulties because of the high relief of his design. Saint-Gaudens died in 1907, after designing the eagle and double eagle, but before the designs were finalized for production. (Full article...)

  • The Missouri Centennial half dollar is a commemorative fifty-cent piece struck by the United States Mint in 1921. It was designed by Robert Ingersoll Aitken. The US state of Missouri wanted a commemorative coin to mark its centennial that year. Legislation for such a coin passed through Congress without opposition and was signed by President Warren G. Harding on his inauguration day, March 4, 1921. The federal Commission of Fine Arts hired Aitken to design the coin, which depicted Daniel Boone on both sides. The reverse design, showing Boone with a Native American, has been interpreted as symbolizing the displacement of the Indians by white settlers.

    To increase sales, a portion of the issue was produced with the mark 2★4, symbolic of Missouri being the 24th state. Although admired for the design, the coins did not sell as well as hoped, and almost 60 percent were returned to the Philadelphia Mint for melting. There are fewer coins with 2★4 than without, but they remain near-equal in value. (Full article...)

  • The United States trade dollar was a dollar coin minted by the United States Mint to compete with other large silver trade coins that were already popular in East Asia. The idea first came about in the 1860s, when the price of silver began to decline due to increased mining in the western United States. A bill providing in part for the issuance of the trade dollar was eventually put before Congress, where it was approved, and signed into law as the Coinage Act of 1873. The act made trade dollars legal tender up to five dollars. A number of designs were considered for the trade dollar, and an obverse and reverse created by William Barber were selected.

    The first trade dollars were struck in 1873; the majority of these were sent to China. Eventually, bullion producers began converting large amounts of silver into trade dollars, causing the coins to make their way into American commercial channels. This caused frustration among those to whom they were given in payment, as the coins were largely maligned and traded for less than one dollar each. In response to their wide distribution in American commerce, the coins were officially demonetized in 1876, but continued to circulate. The production of business strikes ended in 1878, though proof coins officially continued to be minted until 1883. The trade dollar was re-monetized when the Coinage Act of 1965 was signed into law. (Full article...)

  • The Buffalo nickel or Indian Head nickel is a copper–nickel five-cent piece that was struck by the United States Mint from 1913 to 1938. It was designed by sculptor James Earle Fraser.

    As part of a drive to beautify the coinage, five denominations of US coins had received new designs between 1907 and 1909. In 1911, Taft administration officials decided to replace Charles E. Barber's Liberty Head design for the nickel, and commissioned Fraser to do the work. They were impressed by Fraser's designs showing a Native American and an American bison. The designs were approved in 1912, but were delayed several months because of objections from the Hobbs Manufacturing Company, which made mechanisms to detect slugs in nickel-operated machines. The company was not satisfied by changes made in the coin by Fraser, and in February 1913, Treasury Secretary Franklin MacVeagh decided to issue the coins despite the objections. (Full article...)

  • The Eisenhower dollar is a one-dollar coin issued by the United States Mint from 1971 to 1978; it was the first coin of that denomination issued by the Mint since the Peace dollar series ended in 1935. The coin depicts President Dwight D. Eisenhower on the obverse, and a stylized image honoring the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon mission on the reverse. Both sides were designed by Frank Gasparro, with the reverse based on the mission patch designed by astronaut Michael Collins. It is the only large-size U.S. dollar coin whose circulation strikes contained no silver.

    In 1965, because of rises in bullion prices, the Mint began to strike copper-nickel clad coins instead of silver. No dollar coins had been issued for thirty years, but, beginning in 1969, legislators sought to reintroduce a dollar coin into commerce. After Eisenhower died that March, there were a number of proposals to honor him with the new coin. While these bills generally commanded wide support, enactment was delayed by a dispute over whether the new dollar coin should be in base metal or 40% silver. In 1970, a compromise was reached to strike the Eisenhower dollar in base metal for circulation, and in 40% silver as a collectible. On December 31, 1970, President Richard Nixon, who had served as vice president under Eisenhower, signed legislation authorizing mintage of the new coin. (Full article...)
  • A gold medallion depicting the bust of a man, as well as a painting
    A 1980 Grant Wood one ounce gold medallion

    American Arts Commemorative Series Medallions are a series of ten gold bullion medallions that were produced by the United States Mint from 1980 to 1984. They were sold to compete with the South African Krugerrand and other bullion coins.

    The series was proposed by North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms after the United States Department of the Treasury began selling portions of the national stockpile of gold. Iowa Representative Jim Leach suggested that the medallions depict notable American artists. President Jimmy Carter signed the bill containing the authorizing legislation into law on November 10, 1978, despite objections from Treasury officials. (Full article...)

  • The New Rochelle 250th Anniversary half dollar is a commemorative coin struck by the United States Bureau of the Mint to mark the 250th anniversary of the settling of New Rochelle in Westchester County, New York. Artist Gertrude K. Lathrop designed the piece; she was chosen after work by Lorrilard Wise was rejected by the federal Commission of Fine Arts (CFA). The coin depicts a fatted calf on one side, being led by John Pell, who sold the land on which New Rochelle now stands; the other shows a fleur de lis, an element of the city seal of New Rochelle and of France's La Rochelle, its eponym. The piece is dated 1938 but was minted the previous year. The New Rochelle piece was the last new-design commemorative struck by the Mint until 1946.

    Aware of the many commemorative issues being authorized by the U.S. Congress in the mid-1930s, members of the Westchester County Coin Club sought a half dollar for the New Rochelle anniversary. They gained the support of members of Congress, who secured the passage of legislation for the half dollar during 1936. After Wise's work was rejected, Lathrop was hired based on her work on the Albany Charter half dollar (1936). She decided to depict the "fatt calfe" which was to be presented annually to Pell if he asked for it, lest New Rochelle's land be forfeited back to him. The CFA approved her work, and the coins were struck at the Philadelphia Mint in 1937. (Full article...)

Избранная статья -показать еще

Гилберт Кеннет Дженкинс (2 июля 1918 г. – 22 мая 2005 г.) был ведущей фигурой в нумизматике 20-го века . Он был самым важным экспертом послевоенного поколения в изучении греческих монет и медалей и стал хранителем монет и медалей в Британском музее в 1965 г.

Дженкинс родился в Бристоле , Англия , и получил образование в школе Блоксхэм и Оксфордском университете . Дженкинс познакомился с нумизматикой во время учебы в Оксфорде, когда изучал классику в Корпус-Кристи в конце 1930-х годов. Он посещал Монетный зал Хебердена в Эшмоловском музее и познакомился с этим предметом под руководством Эдварда Робинсона и Хамфри Сазерленда. Его учеба была прервана Второй мировой войной , во время которой он служил офицером в Королевской артиллерии , с 1944 по 1946 год летая в качестве летчика-разведчика в Юго-Восточной Азии. Он вернулся в Оксфорд, чтобы получить высшее образование в 1946 году, прежде чем начать работать в Британском музее. ( Полная статья... )

Выбранное изображение

Автор: Richardfabi и Sniff

Медаль с изображением папы Климента XI .

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Ньюфаундлендская монета в 2 доллара
Реверс: Ньюфаунленд, два доллара.

Связанные порталы

Выбранная монета -показать еще

Малазийская Kijang Emas — официальная золотая инвестиционная монета Малайзии, чеканится Королевским монетным двором Малайзии. Впервые выпущена 17 июля 2001 года. Малайзия — 12-я страна в мире, выпустившая собственную золотую инвестиционную монету.

Чистота золота Kijang Emas составляет 999,9 тысячных пробы или 24 карата . Монеты выпускаются номиналом RM200, RM100 и RM50, что является номиналом, и весят 1 унцию, ½ унции и ¼ унции соответственно. RM — это обозначение малазийского ринггита . ( Полная статья... )

Выбранное изображение банкноты -показать еще

Кредит: commons:User:Red devil 666.
Лицевая сторона знаменитого серебряного сертификата «Образовательная серия» номиналом 2 доллара 1896 года .

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Ниже приведены изображения из различных статей Википедии, посвященных нумизматике.

Нумизматическая терминология


Нумизматическая тематика

Деньги - Монеты - Банкноты - Электронные деньги - Обменный курс - Законное платежное средство - Клубы - Терминология

Древняя валюта : Азия - Византия - Греция - Первобытные деньги - Римско - индийская чеканка

Современная валюта : Африка - Америка - Азия и Тихоокеанский регион - Европа - Инвестиционные монеты - Монета-выпуск - Памятные монеты - Разменные монеты

Экономика : Банковское дело - Облигации - Чеки - Кредитные карты - Фиатные деньги - Золотой стандарт - Монетные дворы - Валютный союз - Резервная валюта - Акции

Производство : Чеканка (механическая обработка) - Дизайнеры - Изготовление штампов - Монетный двор (монеты)  • Металлы для чеканки : Алюминий - Бронза - Медь - Золото - Платина - Серебро - Олово

Экзонумия - Нотафилия - Скрипофилия

Список статей

Центральные банки  • Валюты  • Валюты в обращении  • Исторические валюты  • Валюты сообщества США  • Валюты сообщества Канады  • Монетные дворы  • Мотивы на банкнотах  • Самые дорогие монеты


Категория головоломка
Категория головоломка
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Наиболее торгуемые валюты


  1. ^ Трехгодичный обзор центральных банков. Валютный оборот в апреле 2022 г. (PDF) (Отчет). Банк международных расчетов . 27 октября 2022 г. стр. 12. Архивировано (PDF) из оригинала 27 октября 2022 г.


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  • Американское нумизматическое общество
  • Британская нумизматическая ассоциация
  • Американская ассоциация вектористов
  • Ассоциация монет Challenge
  • Нумизматический музей Афин, Греция

  • Монетный двор Перта, Австралия
  • Центральный монетный двор Китая
  • Королевский монетный двор
  • Французский монетный двор
  • Монетный двор США
  • Банк России
  • Королевский канадский монетный двор
  • Нумизматическое программное обеспечение Exact Change

  • Европейский центральный банк
  • Всемирный Банк
  • Федеральная резервная система США

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