Рекорды и статистика чемпионата Европы УЕФА

Это список рекордов и статистики чемпионата Европы УЕФА .

Общие характеристики

Рейтинг команд по количеству появлений

По состоянию на ЕВРО-2024
  1. ^ Включает результаты Западной Германии в период с 1972 по 1988 год. 
  2. ^ Включает результаты по Советскому Союзу и СНГ в период 1960–1992 гг.  
  3. ^ ab Включает результаты Чехословакии в 1960–1980 гг. 
  4. ^ Включает результаты по Югославии и Союзной Республике Югославии / Сербии и Черногории в период с 1960 по 2000 год.   

Дебют национальных сборных

Всего в финал вышли 42 различных члена УЕФА, 36 команд все еще активны, а 35 субъектов приняли участие напрямую. В каждом финальном турнире как минимум один субъект появлялся впервые.

Общие командные рекорды

По состоянию на ЕВРО-2024

Система, использовавшаяся на чемпионате Европы до 1992 года, была 2 очка за победу, и 3 очка за победу с 1996 года и далее. В этом рейтинге 3 очка присуждаются за победу, 1 за ничью и 0 за поражение. Согласно статистическому соглашению в футболе, матчи, решаемые в дополнительное время, считаются победами и поражениями, в то время как матчи, решаемые в серии пенальти , считаются ничьими. Команды ранжируются по общему количеству очков, затем по разнице забитых и пропущенных мячей, затем по забитым голам. [1]


  1. ^ Включает результаты Западной Германии в период с 1972 по 1988 год. 
  2. ^ ab Включает результаты Чехословакии в 1960–1980 гг. 
  3. ^ Включает результаты по Советскому Союзу и СНГ в период 1960–1992 гг.  
  4. ^ Включает результаты по Югославии и Союзной Республике Югославии / Сербии и Черногории в период с 1960 по 2000 год.   

Бывшие страны

Таблица медалей

Матч за третье место отменен с 1984 года , и с тех пор оба проигравших полуфиналиста считаются обладателями бронзы.

Результаты Чехословакии учитываются как для Чехии, так и для Словакии.

Подробные результаты команд по турнирам


Для каждого турнира указано количество команд в каждом финальном турнире (в скобках) .


  1. Испания отказалась ехать в Советский Союз на отборочный матч, поэтому Советский Союз получил легкую путевку.
  2. ^ Югославия изначально квалифицировалась на Евро-1992 , но позже была дисквалифицирована из-за международных санкций. Это не считается финальным турниром, на который квалифицировалась Югославия.
  3. ^ Греция приняла участие в соревновании 1964 года, но позже снялась, отказавшись играть с Албанией. Это не считается квалификационным турниром, в котором участвовала Греция.


С 1960 по 1976 год хозяин определялся между одним из четырех полуфиналистов. С 1980 года хозяева автоматически квалифицировались, за исключением 2020 года , когда каждая страна должна была пройти квалификацию. Германия принимала финал в 2024 году .


  1. ^ abcdefghijklmnopqrstu vwx Соорганизатор турнира.
  2. Как Западная Германия в 1988 году.
  3. ^ Как Югославия .

Результаты защиты финалистов

Активные последовательные участия

Это список активных последовательных участий национальных сборных в чемпионатах Европы УЕФА.

По состоянию на квалификацию к чемпионату Европы по футболу 2024 года .


  1. Включает пять появлений в составе сборной Западной Германии, а также сборной воссоединённой Германии.


Это список засух, связанных с участием национальных сборных в чемпионатах Европы УЕФА.

Самые продолжительные засухи на чемпионатах Европы УЕФА

Не включает команды, которые еще не дебютировали, или команды, которые больше не существуют.

По состоянию на квалификацию к чемпионату Европы по футболу 2024 года .

Самая продолжительная засуха на чемпионате Европы УЕФА в целом

Включает только периоды засухи, начавшиеся после первого появления команды и до момента, когда команда прекратила свое существование .

По состоянию на квалификацию к чемпионату Европы по футболу 2024 года .


  1. ^ ab ФИФА и УЕФА рассматривают Чешскую Республику и Словакию как одно и то же образование, которое в 1960 , 1976 и 1980 годах выступало под названием Чехословакия .
  2. ^ ФИФА и УЕФА рассматривают Сербию как одно и то же образование, которое в 1960 , 1968 , 1976 и 1984 годах выступало как Югославия , а в 2000 году — как Союзная Республика Югославия/Сербия и Черногория .
  3. ^ ФИФА и УЕФА рассматривают Россию как одно и то же образование, которое в 1960 , 1964 , 1968 , 1972 и 1988 годах выступало как Советский Союз , а в 1992 году — как СНГ .

Страны, которые никогда не проходили квалификацию

Следующие команды являются действующими или бывшими членами УЕФА, которые никогда не квалифицировались на чемпионат Европы. Из них Босния и Герцеговина ( 2014 ) и Израиль ( 1970 ) являются единственными командами, которые квалифицировались на чемпионат мира ФИФА , хотя Израиль сделал это как член Азиатской футбольной конфедерации (АФК). [2]


Для каждого турнира указано количество команд в каждом финальном турнире (в скобках) .


  1. ^ abcdef Не является членом УЕФА
  2. ^ До объединения Германии в 1990 году Восточная Германия принимала участие в восьми отборочных турнирах .
  3. ^ Первоначально Восточная Германия приняла участие в отборочном турнире, но позже вышла из него после воссоединения с Западной Германией, и в итоге в турнире приняла участие воссоединённая Германия.
  4. ^ ab Часть СР Югославии/Сербии и Черногории 

Общая статистика по турнирам

Примечание: Маттиас Заммер стал первым игроком, официально завоевавшим звание MVP турнира.

Забивание голов

Наибольшее количество голов, забитых в турнире
142 гола, 2020 [3]
Наименьшее количество голов, забитых в турнире
7 голов, 1968
Наименьшее количество голов, забитых в турнире (с 1980 года)
27 голов, 1980
Больше всего голов за матч на турнире
4,75 гола за матч, 1976 г.
Наибольшее количество голов за матч в турнире (с 1980 года)
2,78 гола за матч, 2020
Наименьшее количество голов за матч на турнире
1,4 гола за матч, 1968 г.
Наименьшее количество голов за матч в турнире (с 1980 года)
1,93 гола за матч, 1980 г.
Наибольшее количество голов в турнире
85, 2024
Наибольшее количество игроков, забивших не менее двух голов на турнире
30, 2020
Наибольшее количество игроков, забивших не менее трех голов на турнире
13, 2020
Наибольшее количество игроков, забивших не менее четырех голов на турнире
6, 2020
Наибольшее количество игроков, забивших не менее пяти голов на турнире
2, 2000 , 2020


За все время

Больше всего чемпионатов
4, Испания ( 1964 , 2008 , 2012 , 2024 ) 
Больше всего финишей в первых двух местах
6, Западная Германия / Германия ( 1972 , 1976 , 1980 , 1992 , 1996 , 2008 )  
Больше всего финишей в первой четверке
9, Западная Германия / Германия ( 1972 , 1976 , 1980 , 1988 , 1992 , 1996 , 2008 , 2012 , 2016 )  
Больше всего финишей в первой восьмерке
11, Западная Германия / Германия ( 1972 , 1976 , 1980 , 1984 , 1988 , 1992 , 1996 , 2008 , 2012 , 2016 , 2024 )  
Наибольшее количество появлений в финалах чемпионатов Европы
14, ФРГ / Германия (все турниры с 1972 года)  
Подробный список смотрите в Рейтинге команд по количеству появлений.
Больше всего вторых мест
3, Западная Германия / Германия ( 1976 , 1992 , 2008 ), Советский Союз ( 1964 , 1972 , 1988 )   
Больше всего третьих/четвертых мест
5, Нидерланды ( 1976 , 1992 , 2000 , 2004 , 2024 ) 
Больше всего мест с пятого по восьмое
5, Англия ( 1980 , 1988 , 1992 , 2004 , 2012 ) 


Наибольшее количество последовательных чемпионатов
2, Испания (2008–2012) [4] [5] 
Наибольшее количество проигранных финалов подряд
2, Англия (2020–2024) [6] [7] 
Наибольшее количество последовательных финишей в двух лучших
3, Западная Германия (1972–1980) [8] 
Наибольшее количество последовательных финишей в первой четверке
4, Советский Союз (1960–1972) [8] 
Наибольшее количество последовательных финишей в первой восьмерке
7, Западная Германия / Германия (1972–1996) [8]  
Наибольшее количество последовательных финальных турниров
14, Западная Германия / Германия (1972–2024)  


Самый большой разрыв между последовательными титулами
53 года, Италия (1968–2021) 
Самый большой разрыв между последовательными появлениями в двух лучших
32 года, Италия (1968–2000) [8] 
Самый большой разрыв между последовательными появлениями в первой четверке
29 лет, Дания (1992–2021) [9] 
Самый большой разрыв между последовательными появлениями в первой восьмерке
32 года, Бельгия (1984–2016) [8] 
Самый большой перерыв между последовательными выходами в финал
44 года, Венгрия (1972–2016) 

Команда хозяев

Лучший результат команды-хозяина
Чемпионы Испании (1964), Италии (1968, 2020), Франции (1984) [8]   
Худший результат у принимающей команды (24 команды)
17–24 место, Россия (2020), Шотландия (2020), Венгрия (2020)   
Худший результат у принимающей команды (16 команд)
9–16 место, Бельгия (2000), Австрия (2008), Швейцария (2008), Польша (2012), Украина (2012)      
Худший результат у принимающей команды (4 команды)
4-е место, Франция (1960), Югославия (1976)  

Дебютирующие команды

Лучший результат дебютирующей команды
Чемпионы СССР (1960), Испании (1964), Италии (1968), ФРГ (1972) [8]    
Лучший результат дебютировавшей команды (после 1976 года)
Полуфиналы, Португалия (1984), Швеция (1992), Уэльс (2016)   

Команды с наибольшим количеством очков по турнирам

Команды, выделенные жирным шрифтом, выиграли турнир.

Прогресс турнира

Все время

Больше всего раз выходил из группового этапа
9, Западная Германия / Германия (1980, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024), Португалия (1984, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024)   
Больше всего раз выбывал из группового этапа
6, СНГ / Россия (1992, 1996, 2004, 2012, 2016, 2020)  
Больше всего матчей, всегда выходил из группового этапа
9, Португалия (1984, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024) 
Больше всего матчей, ни разу не выходил из группового этапа
4, Шотландия (1992, 1996, 2020, 2024) 


Наибольшее количество последовательных выходов из группового этапа
9, Португалия (1984, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024) 
Наибольшее количество выбываний из группового этапа подряд
4, Шотландия (1992, 1996, 2020, 2024) 

Сыграно матчей/забито голов

За все время

Больше всего сыграно матчей
58, Западная Германия / Германия  
Больше всего побед
30, Западная Германия / Германия  
Больше всего розыгрышей
19, Италия 
Больше всего потерь
18, Дания 
Больше всего матчей без побед
7, Словения 
Больше всего матчей без ничьей
4, Северная Ирландия 
Больше всего матчей до первой победы
8, Румыния , Швейцария   
Самый высокий показатель побед
52,8%, Испания (28 побед в 53 матчах) 
Самый высокий показатель проигрыша
100%, Северная Македония (3 поражения в 3 матчах) 
Самый низкий показатель проигрыша
14.3%,  Slovenia (1 loss in 7 matches)
Most goals scored
89,  West Germany/ Germany
Most goals conceded
59,  West Germany/ Germany
Fewest goals scored
1,  Finland,  Latvia,  Norway
Fewest goals conceded
1,  Norway
Most matches played always conceding a goal
5,  Iceland
Highest average of goals scored per match
1.67,  Netherlands (75 goals in 45 matches)
Lowest average of goals scored per match
0.33,  Finland (1 goal in 3 matches),  Latvia (1 goal in 3 matches),  Norway (1 goal in 3 matches)
Highest average of goals conceded per match
2.67,  North Macedonia (8 goals in 3 matches)
Lowest average of goals conceded per match
0.33,  Norway (1 goal in 3 matches)
Best goal difference
+37,  Spain
Worst goal difference
–18,  FR Yugoslavia/ Serbia and Montenegro/ Serbia
Best average goal difference per match
+0.70,  Spain
Worst average goal difference per match
–2.00,  North Macedonia
Most meetings between two teams
8 times,  Italy vs  Spain (1980, 1988, 2008, 2012 (twice), 2016, 2020, 2024)
Most meetings between two teams, final match
2 times,  Czechoslovakia/ Czech Republic vs  West Germany/ Germany (1976, 1996)
Most tournaments unbeaten
6,  Spain (1964, 1996, 2008, 2012, 2020, 2024)
Most tournaments eliminated without having lost a match
3,  England (1996, 2012, 2020)
Most tournaments eliminated without having won a match (since 1980)
4,  Poland (2008, 2012, 2020, 2024),  Romania (1984, 1996, 2008, 2016)
Most matches played with tournament champion
9,  Soviet Union/ Russia (1964, 1968, 1972, 1988 (twice), 1996, 2004, 2008 (twice))

Single tournament

Most wins
7,  Spain (2024, out of 7)[10]
Winning all matches (since 1980)
 France (1984, 5 matches),  Spain (2024, 7 matches)
Fewest wins, champions (since 1980)
2,  Denmark (1992, out of 5)
Fewest wins in regulation time, champions (since 1980)
1,  Portugal (2016, out of 7)
Most matches not won, champions
4,  Portugal (2016, out of 7)
Most wins by non-champion
5,  France (2016, out of 7),  England (2020, out of 7)
Most matches not won
4,  Czech Republic (1996, out of 6),  Netherlands (2004, out of 5),  Italy (2012, out of 6),  Portugal (2016, out of 7),  Spain (2020, out of 6),  Denmark (2024, out of 4),  Slovenia (2024, out of 4),  France (2024, out of 6),  England (2024, out of 7)
Most draws
4,  Portugal (2016, out of 7),  Spain (2020, out of 6),  Slovenia (2024, out of 4)
Most losses
3,  Yugoslavia (1984),  Denmark (1988),  England (1988),  Romania (1996),  Turkey (1996),  Denmark (2000),  Bulgaria (2004),  Greece (2008),  Netherlands (2012),  Republic of Ireland (2012),  Ukraine (2016),  Northern Ireland (2016),  Turkey (2020),  North Macedonia (2020),  Ukraine (2020),  Denmark (2020)
Most losses, champions
1,  Netherlands (1988),  Denmark (1992),  France (2000),  Greece (2004)
Most goals scored
15,  Spain (2024)
Highest average of goals scored per match
3,  Yugoslavia (1960, 6 in 2 matches),  West Germany (1976, 6 in 2 matches)
Highest average of goals scored per match (since 1980)
2.8,  France (1984, 14 in 5 matches)
Most goals scored, group stage (since 1980)
9,  France (1984),  Netherlands (2008)
Fewest goals scored
0,  Soviet Union (1968),  Turkey (1996),  Denmark (2000),  Ukraine (2016)
Fewest goals conceded (since 1980)
1,  Italy (1980),  Norway (2000),  Spain (2012)
Lowest average of goals conceded per match
0.16,  Spain (2012, 1 in 6 matches)
Most goals conceded
13,  FR Yugoslavia (2000)
Most goals conceded, group stage (since 1980)
10,  Yugoslavia (1984)
Highest average of goals conceded per match
3.5,  Yugoslavia (1976, 7 in 2 matches)
Highest average of goals conceded per match (since 1980)
3.25,  FR Yugoslavia (2000, 13 in 4 matches)
Most minutes without conceding a goal
509,  Spain (2012)
Highest goal difference
+11,  Spain (2012, 2024)
Lowest goal difference
−8,  Yugoslavia (1984),  Denmark (2000),  Bulgaria (2004),  Republic of Ireland (2012)
Lowest goal difference, champions
+2,  Spain (1964),  Italy (1968),  Czechoslovakia (1976),  Denmark (1992)
Highest average goal difference per match (since 1980)
+2,  France (1984)
Most goals scored, champions
15,  Spain (2024)
Fewest goals scored, champions (since 1980)
6,  West Germany (1980),  Denmark (1992)
Fewest goals scored, finalists (since 1980)
4,  Belgium (1980)
Fewest goals conceded, champions (since 1980)
1,  Spain (2012)
Most goals conceded, champions
7,  France (2000)
Lowest average of goals scored per match, champions
1.17,  Greece (2004, 7 in 6 matches)


Biggest margin of victory
5 goals, on five occasions:[11]
 France 5–0  Belgium, 1984
 Denmark 5–0  Yugoslavia, 1984
 Netherlands 6–1  FR Yugoslavia, 2000
 Sweden 5–0  Bulgaria, 2004
 Slovakia 0–5  Spain, 2020
Biggest margin of victory, qualifying match
14 goals:  France 14–0  Gibraltar, 18 November 2023, Group B
Most goals scored in a match, one team
6 goals:  Netherlands 6–1  FR Yugoslavia, 2000
Most goals scored in a match, both teams
9 goals:  France 4–5  Yugoslavia, 1960[12]
Highest scoring draw
3–3, on four occasions:
 Russia vs  Czech Republic, 1996
 FR Yugoslavia vs  Slovenia, 2000
 Hungary vs  Portugal, 2016
 France vs   Switzerland, 2020
Largest deficit overcome in a win
2 goals, on six occasions:
 Yugoslavia, 1960 (coming from 1–3 and 2–4 down to win 5–4 vs  France)
 West Germany, 1976 (coming from 0–2 down to win 4–2 after extra time vs  Yugoslavia)
 Denmark, 1984 (coming from 0–2 down to win 3–2 vs  Belgium)
 Portugal, 2000 (coming from 0–2 down to win 3–2 vs  England)
 Czech Republic, 2004 (coming from 0–2 down to win 3–2 vs  Netherlands)
 Turkey, 2008 (coming from 0–2 down to win 3–2 vs  Czech Republic)
Largest deficit overcome in a draw
3 goals:  FR Yugoslavia, 2000 (coming from 0–3 down to draw 3–3 vs  Slovenia)
Most goals scored in extra time, both teams
3 goals, on two occasions:
 France 3–2  Portugal, 1984
 Italy 2–1  Austria, 2020
Most goals scored in a final, one team
4 goals:  Spain 4–0  Italy, 2012
Most goals scored in a final, both teams
4 goals, on two occasions:
 Czechoslovakia 2–2  West Germany, 1976
 Spain 4–0  Italy, 2012
Fewest goals scored in a final, both teams
1 goal, on three occasions:
 Portugal 0–1  Greece, 2004
 Germany 0–1  Spain, 2008
 Portugal 1–0  France, 2016
Biggest margin of victory in a final
4 goals:  Spain 4–0  Italy, 2012
Largest deficit overcome to win in a final
1 goal, on three occasions:
 Soviet Union, 1960 (coming from 0–1 down to win 2–1 after extra time vs  Yugoslavia)
 Germany, 1996 (coming from 0–1 down to win 2–1 after extra time vs  Czech Republic)
 France, 2000 (coming from 0–1 down to win 2–1 after extra time vs  Italy)
Most individual goalscorers for one team, one match
5 individual goalscorers, on two occasions:
 Croatia vs  Spain, 2020 (Pablo Sarabia, César Azpilicueta, Ferran Torres, Álvaro Morata, Mikel Oyarzabal)
 Germany vs  Scotland, 2024 (Florian Wirtz, Jamal Musiala, Kai Havertz, Niclas Füllkrug, Emre Can)
Most individual goalscorers for one team, one tournament
10 goalscorers:  Spain, 2024 (Álvaro Morata, Fabián Ruiz, Dani Carvajal, Ferran Torres, Rodri, Nico Williams, Dani Olmo, Mikel Merino, Lamine Yamal, Mikel Oyarzabal)
Most individual goalscorers for one team, one tournament, including own goals
11 goalscorers:  Spain, 2024 (Álvaro Morata, Fabián Ruiz, Dani Carvajal, Ferran Torres, Rodri, Nico Williams, Dani Olmo, Mikel Merino, Lamine Yamal, Mikel Oyarzabal and an own goal by  Italy (Riccardo Calafiori))


Italics indicate that the streak is still active.

Most consecutive successful qualification attempts
12,  West Germany/ Germany (1972–2020)[note 2]
Most consecutive failed qualification attempts
16,  Luxembourg (1964–2024)
Most consecutive wins
7,  Spain, from 3–0 vs Croatia (2024) to 2–1 vs England (2024)[13]
Most consecutive wins (qualifying and final tournaments combined)
15,  Italy, from 2–0 vs Finland (23 March 2019) to 2–1 vs Belgium (2 July 2021)[14]
Most consecutive matches without a loss
14,  Spain, from 4–1 vs Russia (2008) to 3–0 vs Turkey (2016)
Most consecutive losses
6,  Yugoslavia, from 0–2 vs Italy (1968) to 2–3 vs France (1984),  Ukraine, from 0–2 vs France (2012) to 2–3 vs Netherlands (2020)
Most consecutive matches without a win
9,  Soviet Union /  CIS /  Russia, from 0–2 vs Netherlands (1988) to 0–2 vs Portugal (2004)
Most consecutive draws
5,  Slovenia, from 0–0 vs Norway (2000) to 0–0 (a.e.t.) vs Portugal (2024)
Most consecutive matches without a draw
17,  Czech Republic, from 1–2 vs Germany (1996) to 0–1 vs Spain (2016)
Most consecutive matches scoring at least one goal
12,  Spain, from 1–1 vs Poland (2020) to 2–1 vs England (2024)
Most consecutive matches scoring at least two goals
9,  France, from 3–0 vs Denmark (2000) to 3–1 vs Switzerland (2004)
Most consecutive matches scoring at least three goals
3,  France, from 5–0 vs Belgium (1984) to 3–2 vs Portugal (1984),  Netherlands, from 3–0 vs Denmark (2000) to 6–1 vs Yugoslavia (2000)
Most consecutive matches scoring at least four goals
2,  Denmark, from 4–1 vs Russia (2020) to 4–0 vs Wales (2020),  Spain, from 5–0 vs Slovakia (2020) to 5–3 vs Croatia (2020)
Most consecutive matches scoring at least five goals
2,  Spain, from 5–0 vs Slovakia (2020) to 5–3 vs Croatia (2020)
Most consecutive matches without scoring a goal
5,  Ukraine, from 0–2 vs France (2012) to 0–1 vs Poland (2016)
Most consecutive matches without conceding a goal (clean sheets)
7,  Spain, from 4–0 vs Republic of Ireland (2012) to 3–0 vs Turkey (2016)
Most consecutive minutes without conceding a goal
734,  Spain (2012–2016)
Most consecutive matches without conceding a goal (including qualifying)
8,  Italy, from 0–0 vs Poland (1975) to 0–0 vs Belgium (1980),  England, from 6–0 vs Bulgaria (2019) to 4–0 vs Ukraine (2020)
Most consecutive minutes without conceding a goal (including qualifying)
784,  Italy (1975–1980)
Most consecutive matches conceding at least one goal
13,  Ukraine, from 2–1 vs Sweden (2012) to 2–1 vs Slovakia (2024)
Most consecutive matches conceding at least two goals
7,  FR Yugoslavia, from 0–2 vs Italy (1968) to 3–3 vs Slovenia (2000)
Most consecutive matches conceding at least three goals
3,  FR Yugoslavia, from 0–5 vs Denmark (1984) to 3–3 vs Slovenia (2000),  Czech Republic, from 1–3 vs Portugal (2008) to 1–4 vs Russia (2012),  Hungary, from 3–3 vs Portugal (2016) to 0–3 vs Portugal (2020)
Most matches played without consecutive losses
48,  Italy, from 0–0 (a.e.t.) vs Soviet Union (1968) to 0–2 vs Switzerland (2024)
Most matches played without consecutive wins
18,  Romania, from 1–1 vs Spain (1984) to 0–3 vs Netherlands (2024)
Most matches played without consecutive draws
34,  Denmark, from 0–3 vs Soviet Union (1964) to 1–1 vs Slovenia (2024)

Penalty shoot-outs

Most shoot-outs, team, all-time
7,  Italy
Most shoot-outs, team, tournament
2,  England, 1996;  France, 1996;  Poland, 2016;   Switzerland, 2020;  Spain, 2020;  Italy, 2020;  Portugal, 2024
Most shoot-outs, all teams, tournament
4, 1996, 2020
Most shoot-out wins, team, all-time
4,  Spain,  Italy
Most wins, team, tournament
2,  Italy, 2020
Most shoot-out losses, team, all-time
4,  England
Most shoot-outs with 100% record (all won)
3,  Czechoslovakia/ Czech Republic
Most shoot-outs with 0% record (all lost)
1,  Croatia,  Sweden,  Slovenia
Most successful kicks, shoot-out, one team
9 (out of 9),  Czechoslovakia, vs  Italy, 1980
Most successful kicks, shoot-out, both teams
17 (out of 18),  Czechoslovakia (9) vs  Italy (8), 1980
Most successful kicks, team, all-time
29 (out of 41),  Italy
Most successful kicks, team, tournament
10,  France, 1996 (in 2 shoot-outs)
Most successful kicks, all teams, tournament
37, 1996 (in 4 shoot-outs)
Most successful kicks, player
4, Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo
Most missed kicks, player
2, Switzerland Manuel Akanji
Most kicks taken, shoot-out, both teams
18,  Czechoslovakia (9) vs  Italy (9), 1980;  Germany (9) vs  Italy (9), 2016
Most kicks taken, team, all-time
41,  Italy (in 7 shoot-outs)
Most kicks taken, team, tournament
11,  France, 1996 (in 2 shoot-outs)
Most kicks taken, all teams, tournament
42, 1996 (in 4 shoot-outs)
Most kicks missed, shoot-out, one team
4,  Italy, vs  Germany, 2016
Most kicks missed, shoot-out, both teams
7,  Germany (3) vs  Italy (4), 2016
Most kicks missed, team, all-time
12,  Italy (in 7 shoot-outs)
Most kicks missed, team, tournament
4,  Italy, 2016 (in 1 shoot-out);  Spain, 2020 (in 2 shoot-outs)
Most kicks missed, all teams, tournament
14, 2020 (in 4 shoot-outs)
Fewest successful kicks, shoot-out, one team
0,  Slovenia, vs  Portugal, 2024
Fewest successful kicks, shoot-out, both teams
3,  Portugal (3) vs  Slovenia (0), 2024
Most saves, all-time
3, Iker Casillas ( Spain, 2008–2012); Gianluigi Buffon ( Italy, 2008–2016); Unai Simón ( Spain, 2020), Gianluigi Donnarumma ( Italy, 2020), Diogo Costa ( Portugal, 2024); Jordan Pickford ( England, 2020–2024)
Most saves, tournament
3, Unai Simón ( Spain, 2020), Gianluigi Donnarumma ( Italy, 2020), Diogo Costa ( Portugal, 2024)
Most saves, shoot-out
3, Diogo Costa ( Portugal) vs  Slovenia, 2024


Most finishes in the top two without ever being champions
2,  Yugoslavia/ Serbia and Montenegro/ Serbia (1960, 1968),  England (2020, 2024)
Most finishes in the top four without ever being champions
4,  England (1968, 1996, 2020, 2024)
Most finishes in the top eight without ever being champions
9,  England (1968, 1980, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2004, 2012, 2020, 2024)
Most appearances in Finals without ever being champions
11,  England (1968, 1980, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024)
Least appearances in Finals with at least one title won
4,  Greece (1980, 1984, 2008, 2012)
Most finishes in the top four without ever finishing in the top two
2,  Hungary (1964, 1972)
Most finishes in the top eight without ever finishing in the top two
3,  Turkey (2000, 2008, 2024)
Most appearances in Finals without ever finishing in the top two
7,  Sweden (1992, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020),  Croatia (1996, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024)
Most finishes in the top eight without ever finishing in the top four
2,  Romania (1984, 2000),  Croatia (1996, 2008),   Switzerland (2020, 2024)
Most appearances in Finals without ever finishing in the top four
7,  Croatia (1996, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024)
Most points in the group stage, yet eliminated
5,  Italy (2004)



Most championships
2, 14 players: Rainer Bonhof ( West Germany, 1972 & 1980); Xabi Alonso, Iker Casillas, Cesc Fàbregas, Andrés Iniesta, Sergio Ramos, David Silva, Fernando Torres, Xavi, Raúl Albiol, Álvaro Arbeloa, Santi Cazorla, Pepe Reina ( Spain, 2008 & 2012); Jesús Navas ( Spain, 2012 & 2024)
Most medals
3, Rainer Bonhof ( West Germany, 1972 (champions), 1976 (runners-up), 1980 (champions))
Most matches won
13, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004–2024)


Most consecutive finals, player or unused substitute
3, Rainer Bonhof ( West Germany, 1972–1980, only played the 1976 final)
Most tournaments in squad
6, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004–2024)
Most tournaments played
6, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004–2024)
Most matches played, final tournament
30, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004–2024)[15]
Most matches played as goalkeeper, final tournament
20, Manuel Neuer ( Germany, 2012–2024)[15]
Most minutes played, final tournament
2,639, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004–2024)[16]
Most appearances in a final
2, Valentin Ivanov, Viktor Ponedelnik, Lev Yashin ( Soviet Union, 1960 & 1964); Franz Beckenbauer, Uli Hoeneß, Sepp Maier, Georg Schwarzenbeck, Herbert Wimmer ( West Germany, 1972 & 1976); Bernard Dietz ( West Germany, 1976 & 1980); Thomas Häßler, Thomas Helmer, Jürgen Klinsmann, Matthias Sammer ( Germany, 1992 & 1996); Xabi Alonso, Iker Casillas, Cesc Fàbregas, Andrés Iniesta, Sergio Ramos, David Silva, Fernando Torres, Xavi ( Spain, 2008 & 2012); Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004 & 2016); Leonardo Bonucci, Giorgio Chiellini ( Italy, 2012 & 2020); Harry Kane, Jordan Pickford, Declan Rice, Bukayo Saka, Luke Shaw, John Stones, Kyle Walker ( England, 2020 & 2024)
Most appearances in Team of the Tournament
3, Paolo Maldini ( Italy, 1988, 1996, 2000); Laurent Blanc ( France, 1992–2000); Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004, 2012, 2016); Pepe ( Portugal, 2008–2016)
Youngest player to appear
16 years, 338 days, Lamine Yamal ( Spain, vs  Croatia, 2024)[17]
Youngest goalkeeper to appear
21 years, 108 days, José Ángel Iribar ( Spain, vs  Hungary, 1964)
Youngest player to appear, knockout stage
16 years, 353 days, Lamine Yamal ( Spain, vs  Georgia, 2024)[18]
Youngest player to appear in a final
17 years, 1 day, Lamine Yamal ( Spain, vs  England, 2024)[19]
Youngest player to appear (qualifying match)
15 years, 300 days, Martin Ødegaard ( Norway, vs  Bulgaria, 2016)[20]
Youngest captain to appear
23 years, 234 days, Dominik Szoboszlai ( Hungary, vs   Switzerland, 2024)[21][22]
Oldest player to appear
41 years, 130 days, Pepe ( Portugal, vs  France, 2024)[23][24]
Oldest goalkeeper to appear
40 years, 86 days, Gábor Király ( Hungary, vs  Belgium, 26 June 2016)[25]
Oldest player to appear in a final
38 years, 232 days, Jens Lehmann ( Germany, vs  Spain, 2008)[25]
Oldest player, winning team
38 years, 236 days, Jesús Navas, ( Spain, vs  England, 2024)[26]
Oldest player to appear in a final winning team
37 years, 23 days, Arnold Mühren ( Netherlands, vs  Soviet Union, 1988)[25]
Oldest captain to appear
39 years, 151 days, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, vs  France, 2024)[27]
Most matches played against the same team
5, Italy Giorgio Chiellini, vs  Spain (2008, 2012 (twice), 2016, 2020)[28]


Most goals scored in final tournaments
14, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal: 2 in 2004, 1 in 2008, 3 in 2012, 3 in 2016, 5 in 2020)
Most goals scored in qualifying
41, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal: 8 in 2008, 7 in 2012, 5 in 2016, 11 in 2020, 10 in 2024)
Most goals scored, including qualifying
55, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal: 2 in 2004, 9 in 2008, 10 in 2012, 8 in 2016, 16 in 2020, 10 in 2024)
Most goals scored in a single qualifying competition
14, Romelu Lukaku ( Belgium, 2024 qualifying)[29]
Most goals scored in a single final tournament
9, Michel Platini ( France, 1984)[30]
Most goals scored in a final tournament match
3, on eight occasions
Most goals scored in a qualifying match
5, on three occasions:
Malcolm Macdonald ( England, 5–0 vs  Cyprus, 16 April 1975)
Tibor Nyilasi ( Hungary, 8–1 vs  Luxembourg, 19 October 1975)
Marco van Basten ( Netherlands, 8–0 vs  Malta, 19 December 1990)
Most goals scored in a final
2, on three occasions:
Gerd Müller ( West Germany vs  Soviet Union, 1972)
Horst Hrubesch ( West Germany vs  Belgium, 1980)
Oliver Bierhoff ( Germany vs  Czech Republic, 1996)[8]
Most matches with at least one goal
10, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004–2020)
Most consecutive matches with at least one goal
5, Michel Platini ( France, 1984)
Most matches with at least two goals
4, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2012–2020)
Most hat-tricks
2, Michel Platini ( France, 1984)[note 3]
Fastest hat-trick
18 minutes, Michel Platini ( France vs  Yugoslavia, 1984)[8]
Most goals scored by a substitute in a final tournament match
3, Dieter Müller ( West Germany vs  Yugoslavia, 1976)
Scoring in every match of the final tournament
Viktor Ponedelnik ( Soviet Union, 2 goals in 2 matches, 1960); Milan Galić ( Yugoslavia, 2 goals in 2 matches, 1960); Chus Pereda ( Spain, 2 goals in 2 matches, 1964); Ferenc Bene ( Hungary, 2 goals in 2 matches, 1964); Gerd Müller ( West Germany, 4 goals in 2 matches, 1972); Dieter Müller ( West Germany, 4 goals in 2 matches, 1976); Michel Platini ( France, 9 goals in 5 matches, 1984)[note 4]
Scoring in every match of one's team in a tournament
Viktor Ponedelnik ( Soviet Union, 2 goals in 2 matches, 1960); Milan Galić ( Yugoslavia, 2 goals in 2 matches, 1960); Chus Pereda ( Spain, 2 goals in 2 matches, 1964); Ferenc Bene ( Hungary, 2 goals in 2 matches, 1964); Gerd Müller ( West Germany, 4 goals in 2 matches, 1972); Dieter Müller ( West Germany, 4 goals in 2 matches, 1976); Michel Platini ( France, 9 goals in 5 matches, 1984); Hristo Stoichkov ( Bulgaria, 3 goals in 3 matches, 1996); Savo Milošević ( Yugoslavia, 4 goals in 4 matches, 2000) [note 5]
Most tournaments with at least one goal
5, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004–2020)
Most tournaments with at least two goals
4, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004, 2012–2020)
Most tournaments with at least three goals
3, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2012–2020)
Youngest goalscorer
16 years, 362 days, Lamine Yamal ( Spain vs  France, 2024)[31]
Youngest goalscorer, debut
19 years, 114 days, Arda Güler ( Turkey vs  Georgia, 2024)[31]
Youngest hat-trick scorer
22 years, 77 days, Dieter Müller ( West Germany vs  Yugoslavia, 1976)
Youngest goalscorer, final
20 years, 64 days, Pietro Anastasi ( Italy vs  Yugoslavia, 1968)
Youngest goalscorer, knockout stage
16 years, 362 days, Lamine Yamal ( Spain vs  France, 2024)[31]
Oldest goalscorer
38 years, 289 days, Luka Modrić ( Croatia vs  Italy, 2024)[32]
Oldest goalscorer, debut
38 years, 257 days, Ivica Vastić ( Austria vs  Poland, 2008)[25]
Oldest hat-trick scorer
28 years, 364 days, Michel Platini ( France vs  Yugoslavia, 1984)
Oldest goalscorer, final
34 years, 71 days, Leonardo Bonucci ( Italy vs  England, 2020)
Oldest goalscorer, knockout stage
34 years, 92 days, Ladislav Pavlovič ( Czechoslovakia vs  France, 1960)[33]
Most penalties scored (excluding penalty shoot-outs)
3, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2020)
Fastest goal
23 seconds, Nedim Bajrami ( Albania vs  Italy, 2024)[34]
Fastest penalty converted
118 seconds, Robbie Brady ( Republic of Ireland vs  France, 2016)[35]
Fastest goal by a substitute
1 minute, Alessandro Altobelli ( Italy vs  Denmark, 1988); Juan Carlos Valerón ( Spain vs  Russia, 2004); Ondrej Duda ( Slovakia vs  Wales, 2016); Ferran Torres ( Spain vs  Slovakia, 2020)
Fastest goal, knockout stage
57 seconds, Merih Demiral ( Turkey vs  Austria, 2024)[36]
Fastest goal in a final
2 minutes, Luke Shaw ( England vs  Italy, 2020)
Fastest goal in the second half
21 seconds, Marcel Coraș ( Romania vs  West Germany, 1984)[37]
Latest goal in regulation time
90+10th minute, Kevin Csoboth ( Hungary vs  Scotland, 2024)[38]
Latest goal from kickoff
120+2nd minute, Semih Şentürk ( Turkey vs  Croatia, 2008)
Latest winning goal from kickoff
120+1st minute, Artem Dovbyk ( Ukraine vs  Sweden, 2020)
Latest goal from kickoff in a final
113th minute, Viktor Ponedelnik ( Soviet Union vs  Yugoslavia, 1960)
Latest goal from kickoff, with no goals scored in between
119th minute, Ivan Klasnić ( Croatia vs  Turkey, 2008)
Latest goal from kickoff in final, with no goals scored in between
109th minute, Eder ( Portugal vs  France, 2016)

Own goals

As of the 2024 tournament, 30 own goals have been scored. France have been the beneficiary of five own goals, while three have been conceded by Portuguese, Slovakian and Turkish players. No player has scored more than one own goal.


Notes: The criteria for an assist to be awarded may vary according to the source, the following stats is based on the assists criteria according to Opta.[39][40] However, according to UEFA's own official list, Cristiano Ronaldo and Karel Poborský share first place with eight official assists each.[41]

Most assists
7, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004–2024)
Most assists in a tournament
4, Ljubinko Drulović ( Yugoslavia, 2000), Eden Hazard ( Belgium, 2016), Aaron Ramsey ( Wales, 2016), Lamine Yamal ( Spain, 2024)
Most tournaments with an assist
5, Cristiano Ronaldo ( Portugal, 2004–2008, 2016–2024)
Most assists provided in final matches
3, Xavi ( Spain, 1 in 2008, 2 in 2012)


Most clean sheets (matches without conceding)
9, Edwin van der Sar ( Netherlands, 1996–2008), Iker Casillas ( Spain, 2004–2012)
Most clean sheets, one tournament
5, Iker Casillas ( Spain, 2012), Jordan Pickford ( England, 2020)
Most consecutive minutes without conceding a goal (finals)
519, Iker Casillas ( Spain, 2012)
Most consecutive minutes without conceding a goal (qualifying)
644, Gianluigi Buffon ( Italy, 2010–2011)[42]
Most consecutive minutes without conceding a goal (including qualifying)
784 (including 8 consecutive clean sheets), Dino Zoff ( Italy, 1975–1980)
Most goals conceded
21, Petr Čech ( Czech Republic, 2004–2016)
Most goals conceded, one tournament
13, Ivica Kralj ( FR Yugoslavia), 2000
Most goals conceded, one match
6, Ivica Kralj ( FR Yugoslavia), 2000 (vs  Netherlands)
Fewest goals conceded, one tournament, champions
1, of 3 matches Dino Zoff ( Italy, 1968); of 6 matches Iker Casillas ( Spain, 2012)
Fewest goals conceded, one tournament
1, of 3 matches Dino Zoff ( Italy, 1968); of 3 matches Thomas Myhre ( Norway, 2000); of 4 matches Gianluigi Buffon ( Italy, 2016); of 6 matches Iker Casillas ( Spain, 2012)



Most matches coached
21, Joachim Löw ( Germany, 2008–2020)
Most matches won
12, Joachim Löw ( Germany, 2008–2020)
Most championships
No coach has won the title on more than one occasion
Foreign championship
Germany Otto Rehhagel ( Greece, 2004)
Most tournaments
4, Lars Lagerbäck ( Sweden, 2000–2008;  Iceland, 2016), Joachim Löw ( Germany, 2008–2020)
Most nations coached
2, Guus Hiddink ( Netherlands, 1996;  Russia, 2008); Giovanni Trapattoni ( Italy, 2004;  Republic of Ireland, 2012); Dick Advocaat ( Netherlands, 2004;  Russia, 2012); Lars Lagerbäck ( Sweden, 2000–2008;  Iceland, 2016); Fernando Santos ( Greece, 2012;  Portugal, 2016–2020); Roberto Martínez ( Belgium, 2020;  Portugal, 2024)
Most consecutive tournaments with same team
4, Joachim Löw ( Germany, 2008–2020)
Most consecutive wins
7, Luis de la Fuente ( Spain, 2024)
Most consecutive matches without a loss
13, Gareth Southgate ( England, 2020–2024)
Youngest coach
36 years, 327 days, Julian Nagelsmann ( Germany vs  Scotland, 2024)[45]
Oldest coach
73 years, 93 days, Giovanni Trapattoni ( Republic of Ireland vs  Italy, 2012)[45]
Most championship wins as player and head coach
2, Berti Vogts,  West Germany/ Germany (1972 as non-playing squad member; 1996 as coach)
Most appearances as player and head coach
30, Didier Deschamps,  France (1992, 1996, 2000 as player; 2016, 2020, 2024 as coach)
Final appearances as both player and head coach
2, Dino Zoff,  Italy (1968 as player, 2000 as coach); Didier Deschamps,  France (2000 as player, 2016 as coach)


Most tournaments
3, Anders Frisk ( Sweden, 1996–2004), Kim Milton Nielsen ( Denmark, 1996–2004), Cüneyt Çakır ( Turkey, 2012–2020), Björn Kuipers ( Netherlands, 2012–2020), Clément Turpin ( France, 2016–2024)
Most matches refereed, overall
9, Cüneyt Çakır ( Turkey, 2012–2020), Björn Kuipers ( Netherlands, 2012–2020)
Most matches refereed, one tournament
5, Felix Brych ( Germany, 2020)


Fastest sending off
20th minute, Antonín Barák,  Czech Republic vs  Turkey, 2024
Latest sending off
120+6th minute, Dani Carvajal,  Spain vs  Germany, 2024
Most sendings off (all-time, player)
2, Radoslav Látal ( Czech Republic, 1996 and 2000)
Most sendings off (tournament)
10 (in 31 matches), 2000
Most sendings off (all-time, team)
5,  Czech Republic
Most sendings off (match, both teams)
3,  Czechoslovakia (1) vs  Netherlands (2), 1976
Sent off in final match
Yvon Le Roux,  France vs  Spain, 1984
Most cards (all-time, player)
8, Giorgos Karagounis ( Greece, 2004–2012)[46][note 6]
Most cautions (tournament)
205 (in 51 matches), 2016
Most cautions (match, both teams)
18,  Czech Republic (7) vs  Turkey (11), 2024
Most cautions (final match, both teams)
10,  Portugal (6) vs  France (4), 2016
Fastest penalty kick conceded
1 minute, Paul Pogba,  France vs  Republic of Ireland, 2016


Highest attendance in a final tournament match & highest attendance in a final
79,115,  Soviet Union vs  Spain, 21 June 1964, Santiago Bernabéu, Madrid, Spain, 1964
Lowest attendance in a Finals match
3,869,  Hungary vs  Denmark, 20 June 1964, Camp Nou, Barcelona, Spain, 1964
Highest average attendance per match
56,656, 1988
Highest total attendance (tournament)
2,681,288, 2024
Lowest average attendance per match
19,740, 1960
Lowest total attendance (tournament)
78,958, 1960

See also


  1. ^ Pan–European edition hosted by 11 countries: Azerbaijan, Denmark, England, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Scotland and Spain.
  2. ^ Excluding automatic qualification as host, as reigning champion, or by invitation.
  3. ^ Platini's two hat-tricks were scored in consecutive matches.
  4. ^ Defined as a player who played all matches for a team that reached the final or the third-place match, meaning their team played the maximum number of matches.
  5. ^ Defined as a player who scored in all the matches his team has played in a tournament, whether it reached the final or not.
  6. ^ All eight were yellow cards.


  1. ^ "EURO » All-time league table". Retrieved 10 July 2024.
  2. ^ "EURO Qualifiers » All-time league table". Retrieved 21 November 2019.
  3. ^ "EURO 2020 smashes finals goal records". Union of European Football Associations. 11 July 2021. Archived from the original on 28 June 2021. Retrieved 11 July 2021.
  4. ^ "Euro 2012 analysis: Sublime Spain sweep aside 'boring' tag". BBC Sport. 2 July 2012. Archived from the original on 31 October 2017. Retrieved 23 June 2016.
  5. ^ Saffer, Paul (4 March 2016). "Spain break curse of the European champions". Union of European Football Associations. Retrieved 12 July 2016.
  6. ^ "History: Italy-England 1-1". UEFA. Retrieved 14 July 2024.
  7. ^ "Spain vs England". Retrieved 14 July 2024.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i Ionescu, Romeo (2008). The Complete Results and Line-ups of the European Football Championships 1958–2008. Cleethorpes: Soccer Books Limited. ISBN 978-1-86223-172-6.
  9. ^ "Facebook". Facebook. Retrieved 2021-11-19.
  10. ^ "Spain vs England Live". UEFA. Retrieved 14 July 2024.
  11. ^ "Biggest wins and winning margins in EURO history". Union of European Football Associations. 1 January 2020. Archived from the original on 17 March 2020. Retrieved 21 March 2020.
  12. ^ "Highest-scoring games in EURO history". Union of European Football Associations. 1 January 2020. Archived from the original on 19 January 2020. Retrieved 21 March 2020.
  13. ^ "Italy set new record for longest EURO winning run". Union of European Football Associations. 6 July 2021. Archived from the original on 2 July 2021. Retrieved 6 July 2021.
  14. ^ "The longest winning runs in EURO history". Union of European Football Associations. 1 July 2016. Retrieved 12 July 2016.
  15. ^ a b "Players - Most matches". Union of European Football Associations. Retrieved 1 July 2024.
  16. ^ "Players - Most minutes played". Union of European Football Associations. Retrieved 1 July 2024.
  17. ^ "Lamine Yamal sets new record as youngest player to feature at a UEFA European Championship". Union of European Football Associations. 15 June 2024. Retrieved 16 June 2024.
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