
Телевизионный портал

Телевизоры с плоским экраном, выставленные на продажу в магазине бытовой электроники в 2008 году.

Телевидение ( ТВ ) — это телекоммуникационная среда для передачи движущихся изображений и звука. Кроме того, этот термин может относиться к физическому телевизору, а не к среде передачи . Телевидение — это средство массовой информации для рекламы, развлечений, новостей и спорта. Средство способно на большее, чем « радиовещание », которое относится к аудиосигналу, посылаемому на радиоприемники .

Телевидение стало доступно в грубых экспериментальных формах в 1920-х годах, но только после нескольких лет дальнейшего развития новая технология была представлена ​​потребителям. После Второй мировой войны улучшенная форма черно-белого телевизионного вещания стала популярной в Соединенном Королевстве и Соединенных Штатах, и телевизоры стали обычным явлением в домах, на предприятиях и в учреждениях. В 1950-х годах телевидение было основным средством влияния на общественное мнение . В середине 1960-х годов в США и большинстве других развитых стран было введено цветное вещание.

В 2013 году 79% домохозяйств мира имели телевизор. Замена более ранних экранов с электронно-лучевой трубкой (ЭЛТ) на компактные, энергоэффективные, плоские альтернативные технологии, такие как ЖК-дисплеи (как с флуоресцентной подсветкой, так и со светодиодами ), OLED -дисплеи и плазменные дисплеи , была революцией в оборудовании, которая началась с компьютерных мониторов в конце 1990-х годов. Большинство телевизоров, проданных в 2000-х годах, были плоскими, в основном светодиодными. Основные производители объявили о прекращении производства ЭЛТ, цифровой обработки света (DLP), плазменных и даже ЖК-дисплеев с флуоресцентной подсветкой к середине 2010-х годов. Светодиоды постепенно заменяются OLED. Кроме того, основные производители начали все больше выпускать смарт-телевизоры в середине 2010-х годов. Смарт-телевизоры со встроенными функциями Интернета и Web 2.0 стали доминирующей формой телевидения к концу 2010-х годов. ( Полная статья... )

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Сценарий эпизода написал один из создателей сериала Сет Макфарлейн.
« К северу через Северный Куахог » — первый эпизод четвёртого сезона сериала «Гриффины» , последовавший за возрождением сериала через три года после его отмены в 2002 году. Снятый Питером Шином и написанный создателем сериала Сетом Макфарлейном (на фото) , эпизод впервые вышел в эфир 1 мая 2005 года на канале FOX . В «К северу через Северный Куахог» главные герои сериала Питер и Лоис Гриффин отправляются во второй медовый месяц, чтобы оживить свой брак, но в конечном итоге их преследует Мел Гибсон после того, как Питер крадет продолжение Страстей Христовых из личного гостиничного номера Гибсона. Тем временем их антропоморфная собака Брайан и их маленький сын Стьюи заботятся об их детях-подростках Крисе и Мег . Family Guy был отменен в 2002 году из-за низких рейтингов, но был возрожден FOX после повторных показов на Adult Swim , став самой просматриваемой программой сети, и было продано более трех миллионов DVD-дисков шоу. Большая часть сюжета и многие технические аспекты эпизода, а также название, являются прямыми пародиями на фильм Альфреда Хичкока 1959 года «К северу через северо-запад» . Эпизод посмотрели 12 миллионов зрителей, и он был номинирован на премию «Эмми» в категории «Выдающаяся анимационная программа» (за продолжительность менее одного часа) .

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Телевизионная премия Джейкоба
Телевизионная премия Джейкоба

Премия Jacob's Awards была учреждена в декабре 1962 года как первая ирландская телевизионная премия. Позже она была расширена и включила радио. Премия была названа в честь своего спонсора, производителя печенья W. & R. Jacob & Co. Ltd. , а лауреаты были выбраны критиками национального телевидения и радио Ирландии . Лауреаты премии Jacob's Award выбирались ежегодно до 1993 года, когда состоялось финальное вручение наград.

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  • ...что в финальном эпизоде ​​телесериала 1986 года «Вне закона» были использованы кадры из «Орегонской тропы» , поскольку в обеих программах снимались актеры Род Тейлор и Чарльз Напье ?

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Рудольф Картье (урождённый Рудольф Качер , переименовал себя в Германии в Рудольфа Качера ; 17 апреля 1904 — 7 июня 1994) был австрийским телережиссёром , кинорежиссёром , сценаристом и продюсером, работавшим преимущественно на британском телевидении, исключительно для BBC . Он наиболее известен своим сотрудничеством в 1950-х годах со сценаристом Найджелом Нилом , в частности, сериалами Куотермасса и их адаптацией 1954 года антиутопического романа Джорджа Оруэлла « 1984» .

После изучения архитектуры, а затем драмы, Картье начал свою карьеру в качестве сценариста, а затем кинорежиссера в Берлине , работая на студии UFA . После недолгого пребывания в Соединенных Штатах он переехал в Соединенное Королевство в 1935 году. Поначалу не сумев закрепиться в британской киноиндустрии, он начал работать на BBC Television в конце 1930-х годов (среди других постановок он участвовал в создании Rehearsal for a Drama, BBC 1939). Однако начало войны означало, что его контракт был расторгнут; его телевизионная пьеса The Dead Eye была остановлена ​​на стадии производства. После войны он время от времени работал для британских фильмов, прежде чем его снова наняла BBC в 1952 году. Вскоре он стал одним из ведущих режиссеров общественного вещания и продолжил продюсировать и режиссировать более 120 постановок в течение следующих 24 лет, закончив свою телевизионную карьеру пьесой Loyalties в 1976 году. ( Полная статья... )

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  • Мужчина в коричневом костюме смотрит вверх и влево.
    Джин Родденберри в 1976 году

    Джин Родденберри (19 августа 1921 — 24 октября 1991) — американский сценарист и продюсер нескольких телесериалов, наиболее известный по своей работе над франшизой «Звёздный путь» . До своей карьеры сценариста на телевидении он был пилотом 394-й бомбардировочной эскадрильи 5 -й бомбардировочной группы Тринадцатых воздушных сил во время Второй мировой войны . Во время службы в армии он летал на Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress и был награжден Воздушной медалью и Крестом за выдающиеся летные заслуги . Работая в полицейском управлении Лос-Анджелеса после войны, он начал свою карьеру сценариста на телевидении, но ушел в отставку, чтобы сосредоточиться на написании сценариев. Его первая награда за сценарий была за эпизод Have Gun – Will Travel под названием «Helen of Abajinan», который выиграл премию Гильдии сценаристов Америки за лучшую телесценарию в 1958 году. В 1964 году он зарегистрировал идею в Гильдии сценаристов, которая определила всю его дальнейшую карьеру — Star Trek .

    Большинство наград и номинаций, полученных Родденберри на протяжении всей его карьеры, были связаны со Star Trek . Он был указан за Star Trek: The Original Series (известный в то время просто как Star Trek ) во время номинаций на две премии Эмми и выиграл две премии Хьюго . Одна премия Хьюго была специальной наградой за сериал, а другая — за « The Menagerie », эпизод, в котором использовались кадры из оригинального не показанного пилота Star Trek , « The Cage ». Кроме того, он был награжден премией Brotherhood Award Национальной ассоциацией содействия развитию цветного населения за свою работу по продвижению афроамериканских персонажей на телевидении. ( Полная статья... )

  • The Philo T. Farnsworth Award being accepted by Goddard Space Flight Center engineer Richard Nafzger, actress June Lockhart, and Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin on behalf of NASA in 2009.

    The Philo T. Farnsworth Award (also called the Philo T. Farnsworth Corporate Achievement Award) is a non-competitive award presented by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS) as part of the Primetime Engineering Emmy Awards to "an agency, company or institution whose contributions over time have significantly impacted television technology and engineering". Named for Philo Farnsworth, the inventor of the first fully working all-electronic television system and receiver, the winner is selected by a jury of television engineers from ATAS's Engineering Emmy Awards Committee, who consider "all engineering developments which have proven their efficacy during the awards year and determines which, if any, merit recognition with an Engineering Emmy statuette". The accolade was first awarded in 2003 as a result of about a year of lobbying to ATAS by Farnsworth's wife Pam Farnsworth and Hawaii-based Skinner Entertainment management and production firm owner Georja Skinner.

    At an annual award ceremony held in various locations, the ATAS presents the winner with a copper, gold, nickel and silver statuette of a winged woman holding an atom that was designed by engineer Louis McManus. It was first presented at the 55th Primetime Engineering Emmy Awards ceremony in September 2003. Motion picture equipment company Panavision was selected as the inaugural recipient for its work in developing "specialty camera items, cranes and dollies, Video assists, 35mm optics, cameras, lighting, trucks and grips". Since then, another 16 agencies, companies and institutions have received the award and none have won more than once. No award was given between 2005 and 2007 and in 2020. It has been presented to two separate recipients for different reasons in a calendar year once, in 2010, to the Desilu production company and the Digidesign audio technology firm. As of the 76th Primetime Engineering Emmy Awards, Adobe Inc. is the most recent winner in this category for its work as "a leader in delivering groundbreaking technology that empowers everyone, everywhere to express themselves and bring their stories to life." (Full article...)
  • The fifth season of the One Piece anime series was directed by Kōnosuke Uda and produced by Toei Animation. Like the rest of the series, it follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his Straw Hat Pirates, but instead of adaptating part of Eiichiro Oda's One Piece manga, it features three completely original, self-contained story arcs. The first five episodes, each following their own plots, form the "Dreams!" (ドリームス!) arc. The next three episodes make up the "Shutsugeki! Zenii Kaizoku Dan" (出撃! ゼニィ海賊団, lit. "Sortie! Zenny Pirates") storyline and focus on the Straw Hats meeting an old moneylender. The last five episodes form the "Niji no Kanata e" (虹の彼方へ, lit. "To the Other Side of the Rainbow") arc and deal with the protagonists getting trapped inside a mysterious, rainbow-colored mist.

    The season initially ran from November 3, 2002, through February 2, 2003, on Fuji Television in Japan and was released on DVD in five compilations, each containing one disc with two or three episodes, by Avex Mode between March 3 and July 7, 2004. The season was then licensed for a heavily edited dubbed broadcast in English by 4Kids Entertainment. Their adaptation ran from August 4, 2007, through September 22, 2007, on Cartoon Network and omitted seven of the season's thirteen episodes. It was the last season to be dubbed by 4Kids Entertainment. Starting with the sixth season, Funimation took over dubbing new episodes for broadcast on Cartoon Network. Eventually, they began redubbing the series from the start for uncut release on DVD and released the fifth season, relabeled as "One Piece: Season Two – Seventh Voyage", on May 11, 2010. (Full article...)
  • The fourth season of Family Guy aired on Fox from May 1, 2005, to May 21, 2006, and consists of thirty episodes, making it the longest season to date. The first half of the season is included within the volume 3 DVD box set, which released on November 29, 2005, and the second half within the volume 4 DVD box set, which released on November 14, 2006. Volume 4 is split into seasons 4 and 5 in regions outside the United States, leading to confusion over season numbers between U.S., Australian, and UK consumers. The last three episodes of season 4 are the basis for the movie known as Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story, and are edited for content; Fox does not include these episodes in the official episode count.

    Family Guy had been canceled in 2002 due to low ratings, but was revived by Fox after reruns on Adult Swim became the network's most-watched program, and more than three million DVDs of the show were sold. "North by North Quahog" was the first episode to air following the series' revival. (Full article...)
  • The 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards honored the best in American prime time television programming from June 1, 2020, until May 31, 2021, as chosen by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. The award ceremony was held live on September 19, 2021, at the Event Deck at L.A. Live in Downtown Los Angeles, California, and was preceded by the 73rd Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards on September 11 and 12. During the ceremony, Emmy Awards were handed out in 27 different categories. The ceremony was produced by Reginald Hudlin and Ian Stewart, directed by Hamish Hamilton, and broadcast in the United States by CBS and Paramount+. Cedric the Entertainer served as host for the event.

    At the main ceremony, The Crown became the first drama series to sweep all the major categories, winning all seven awards including Outstanding Drama Series. Ted Lasso led all comedies with four wins, including Outstanding Comedy Series, while Hacks won three awards. Mare of Easttown also won three awards, leading all limited series, but Outstanding Limited or Anthology Series went to The Queen's Gambit. Other winning programs include Halston, Hamilton, I May Destroy You, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, RuPaul's Drag Race, Saturday Night Live, and Stephen Colbert's Election Night 2020. Including Creative Arts Emmys, The Crown and The Queen's Gambit led all programs with 11 wins each; Netflix led all networks and platforms with 44 total wins. (Full article...)

  • Numbers is an American television series produced by brothers Ridley and Tony Scott. It premiered on CBS on Sunday, January 23, 2005, at 10:00 pm with its pilot episode then moved to its Friday slot five days later. It remained in that slot for the rest of its run. The series is set in Los Angeles, California, and follows the stories of a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) team and a mathematics professor, focusing on relationships between FBI Special Agent in Charge Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), his brother Professor Charlie Eppes (David Krumholtz) and their father, Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch), and on the brothers' efforts to fight crime. A typical episode begins with a crime, which is subsequently investigated by Don's team and mathematically described by Charlie. The insights provided by Charlie's mathematics are almost always crucial to solving the crime.

    In total, six complete seasons consisting of 118 episodes were broadcast. The first season, a mid-season replacement for Dr. Vegas, was the shortest of the six, and spanned 13 episodes from January to May 2005. Seasons two and three aired from September to May of the 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 seasons respectively, but season four was cut short by the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike. Twelve episodes were originally produced and aired from September 2007 to January 2008. Six more episodes were aired in April and May 2008 after the strike ended. Season 5 began airing on October 3, 2008, and continued through to May 2009. Season six began in late September 2009 and concluded in March 2010. (Full article...)
  • Degrassi: The Next Generation is a Canadian teen drama television series created by Linda Schuyler and Yan Moore. The series first premiered on CTV on October 14, 2001, and concluded on MTV Canada on August 2, 2015. It is the fourth series set in the fictional Degrassi universe created by Schuyler and Kit Hood in 1979. Like its predecessors, Degrassi: The Next Generation follows a group of students from Degrassi Community School, a fictional school in Toronto, Ontario, and depicts some of the typical and atypical issues and challenges common to teenagers' lives.

    The series produced 366 individual episodes; however, because of differing individual episode lengths, and all syndicated episodes being half-an-hour long, 385 produced episodes have aired. (Full article...)
  • Cooper at the Spain premiere of Silver Linings Playbook in 2013

    Bradley Cooper is an American actor and filmmaker. He began his career by appearing in an episode of the sitcom Sex and the City (1999) and as the host of the tourism show Globe Trekker the following year. He made his screen debut in Wet Hot American Summer (2001) as a gay counselor—a role he later reprised in the web television series Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp (2015). In the action television series Alias (2001–2006), Cooper achieved some success for the supporting role of Will Tippin, although he only played a major role in the series for the first few seasons.

    Cooper's supporting part in the commercially successful comedy Wedding Crashers (2005) improved his career prospects, but also led to him being typecast as the best friend to the main character in such comedies as Failure to Launch (2006), The Rocker (2008), and He's Just Not That Into You (2009). During this period, Cooper also continued starring in television shows, such as the 2005 sitcom Kitchen Confidential, and played a dual role in a 2006 onstage production of Three Days of Rain. However, the former was cancelled after four episodes due to low ratings. His breakthrough came with the role of a reckless teacher in Todd Phillips' comedy The Hangover (2009), which became one of the highest grossing R-rated films of all time. Cooper continued to take on parts in several box office hits, including The A-Team (2010), Limitless, and The Hangover Part II (both in 2011). (Full article...)

  • Part of The Bill's opening sequence

    The Bill is a British police procedural television series that ran from 1984 to 2010. The show, whose name is derived from "old bill"—a British slang term for police officers—was unusual among police dramas in that it focused on the lives and work of one shift of police officers, rather than on any particular aspect of police work. The series originated in 1983 as a one-off drama titled Woodentop (another British slang term for the police, derived from the helmets worn by British police officers), written by Geoff McQueen and produced by Thames Television. ITV were sufficiently impressed with Woodentop that they commissioned a series, which started in 1984 under the title of The Bill. At the time of the series' end in August 2010, The Bill was the United Kingdom's longest-running police drama and was among the longest-running of any British television series, having run for almost 27 years.

    The Bill has earned various awards and nominations during its run, with the nominations in categories ranging from Best Drama to its camera and editing work to the cast's acting performance. It received nominations for eight awards from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, winning Best Video Cameraman in 1990 and Best Continuing Drama in 2009—an award for which it was unsuccessfully nominated in a further three years. In addition, The Bill enjoyed success at the Inside Soap Awards, where it won Best Drama six times, including four consecutive wins, as well as a nomination in 2010—losing to Waterloo Road. Other awards include a Writers' Guild of Great Britain award for Best Soap/Continuing Drama Series in 2008, Best Serial Drama at the Digital Spy Soap Awards of the same year and a nomination for Most Popular Overseas Drama at the 2005 Logie Awards. The Bill has also received multiple nominations at the EMMAs, National Television Awards, where it won Most Popular Drama in 1996 and 2004, and six Royal Television Society award nominations, having won awards in 2006 and 2008. (Full article...)
  • The episodes of the British documentary Meerkat Manor first premiered on Animal Planet International in the United Kingdom on 12 September 2005. The programme was originally created by Caroline Hawkins, executive producer and series editor at Oxford Scientific Films, and commissioned for Animal Planet International by executive producer and commissioning editor Mark Wild.

    The first 13-episode series concluded on 24 October 2005. With the success of the programme in the UK, Animal Planet began broadcasting Meerkat Manor on its national channels in Australia, Canada, and the United States. The programme premiered in the United States on 9 June 2006, with the first series airing through 25 August 2006. The second series aired simultaneously in both the US and the UK, starting 29 September 2006. The third series premiered in the US on 10 August 2007, followed in the UK on 10 September 2007, and in Canada on 3 October 2007. Because each channel had different broadcasting schedules, the UK sequence of new episodes ended well before those in the US and Canada. The fourth series premiered in the United States on 6 June 2008 with the subtitle of The Next Generation. It was originally slated to begin airing in the United Kingdom in February 2009, but the premiere was later moved to April 2009. In 2021, a fifth series with the subtitle Rise of the Dynasty was commissioned by BBC America from Oxford Scientific Films. The 13-part series was shown in the United Kingdom by Channel 5 in December 2021, every weekday in the 6.30pm slot, with the last episode going out on Wednesday 15 December 2021. (Full article...)
  • 24 title card. The television series, created by Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran, first aired on Fox on November 6, 2001.

    24 is an American dramatic action/thriller television series co-created by Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran that premiered on Fox on November 6, 2001. The show centers on the (fictitious) Los Angeles branch of the U.S. government's "Counter Terrorist Unit" (CTU). The series is presented in real time format; each one-hour episode depicts one hour's worth of events, and each season is a 24-hour period in the life of protagonist Jack Bauer (played by Kiefer Sutherland), a CTU agent. The first six seasons of the show are set in Los Angeles and nearby locations – both real and fictional – in California, although other locations have been featured. The television film Redemption is primarily set in the fictional African country, Sangala. The seventh shifts locations to Washington, D.C., and the eighth season is set in New York City. The ninth season Live Another Day takes place in London.

    The first three seasons aired over a complete television season between October and May, taking hiatuses between blocks of episodes. Beginning with the fourth season, Fox scheduled 24 to premiere midseason in January with a two-night four-hour premiere, with new episodes airing every week until a two-hour finale in May. Season seven was due to premiere on January 13, 2008, but was delayed an entire year due to the 2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike. Fox aired a two-hour "prequel" film, 24: Redemption, on November 23, 2008, that bridges the gap between seasons six and seven. Season seven premiered on January 11, 2009, with a four-hour premiere over two consecutive nights. Fox announced that the eighth season would be the final season of 24, with the series finale airing May 24, 2010. With the conclusion of the eighth season, 24 aired a total of 192 episodes and the 2-hour television film, 24: Redemption. In 2013, Fox announced that 24 would return with a ninth season titled 24: Live Another Day containing 12 episodes which debuted on May 5, 2014. (Full article...)
  • The third season of The O.C. commenced airing in the United States on September 8, 2005, concluded on May 18, 2006, and consisted of 25 episodes. The first ten episodes of season three aired Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. ET in the United States on Fox; however, from January 12, 2006, onwards, The O.C. was shifted to a later time of Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. ET.

    The season was released on DVD as a seven disc boxed set under the title The O.C.: The Complete Third Season on October 24, 2006, by Warner Home Video. (Full article...)
  • Hitohira (ひとひら, lit. Petal) is a Japanese animated television series. The episodes are directed by Akira Nishimori and produced by the Japanese animation studio XEBEC M2 and Genco. They are based on the Hitohira manga by Izumi Kirihara, and adapt the source material over twelve episodes. The episodes aired from March 28, 2007, to June 13, 2007, on AT-X, Chiba TV, Sun TV, TV Aichi, TV Kanagawa and TV Saitama.

    Two pieces of theme music are used for the episodes: one opening theme and one ending theme. The opening theme is "Yume, Hitohira" (夢、ひとひら, lit. Dream, Petal) by Yūko Asami, and the ending theme is "Smile" (スマイル, Sumairu) by Mai Mizuhashi. (Full article...)

  • Smallville is an American superhero television series developed by Miles Millar and Alfred Gough for The WB and The CW. The series follows the life of Clark Kent (Tom Welling), beginning when he is a teenager in the town of Smallville, Kansas, and continuing through high school, college, and his start at the Daily Planet before he adopts the "Superman" persona.

    As the series progresses, Clark Kent copes with his emerging superpowers (x-ray vision, super hearing, etc.), exploration of his extraterrestrial origins and discovering his true destiny. The series also deals with the people in Clark Kent's life: his human parents, Jonathan Kent (John Schneider) and Martha Kent (Annette O'Toole); his friends Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack) and Pete Ross (Sam Jones III); his love interest for seven seasons Lana Lang (Kristin Kreuk); Chloe's cousin and Clark's love interest since season eight, Lois Lane (Erica Durance); and his friendship with Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) and how this gradually decays into their mutual enmity of legend. (Full article...)
  • Picture of Beyoncé
    Beyoncé at the Renaissance World Tour in 2023. Performances from this tour were filmed for the self-directed theatrical release Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé (2023).

    American singer and songwriter Beyoncé has appeared in numerous music videos, documentaries and films. She has also directed eight full-length films, including five concert films and two musical films. Her films have grossed over $2.5 billion worldwide at the box office. She first appeared in the 1997 music video for Destiny's Child's "No, No, No", after which she made her film debut as the lead in the direct-to-video musical Carmen: A Hip Hopera (2001). Beyoncé's first solo music video was the soundtrack single "Work It Out" for Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002), which also featured her debut theatrical film role. She released her first music video as a solo artist for "Crazy in Love" from Dangerously in Love (2003).

    In 2006, Beyoncé starred in two films: The Pink Panther, which spawned the single "Check on It" and its pink-themed video, and the musical drama Dreamgirls, which earned her a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress nomination. Her second solo album B'Day (2006) was her first "visual album" project — music videos for thirteen of the album's songs were released via the B'Day Anthology Video Album. Music videos were also released for singles from I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008); the black-and-white video for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" inspired a dance craze. Beyoncé ended the decade with the lead role in the thriller film Obsessed (2009). (Full article...)


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