Пандемия COVID-19 в Шотландии

Пандемия COVID-19 в Шотландии является частью пандемии COVID-19 коронавирусного заболевания-2019 , вызванного вирусом SARS-CoV-2 . Первый случай COVID-19 был подтвержден в Шотландии 1 марта 2020 года. [1] Впервые передача инфекции в сообществе была зарегистрирована 11 марта 2020 года, а первая подтвержденная смерть — 13 марта 2020 года.

COVID-19 стал подлежащим регистрации заболеванием в Шотландии 22 февраля 2020 года. Первые случаи заболевания были обнаружены в Шотландии в последующие недели. К 16 марта и после вспышки в Италии [6] [7] и на основе прогнозов эпидемиологов Имперского колледжа Лондона [8]шотландское правительство рекомендовало населению избегать всех «несущественных» поездок и контактов с другими людьми, а также по возможности работать удаленно . Людям с симптомами и их семьям было предложено самоизолироваться . Беременным женщинам, людям старше 70 лет и лицам с определенными заболеваниями было предложено самоизолироваться на более длительный срок. [6] 20 марта 2020 года школам было приказано закрыться, а также пабы, кафе и кинотеатры. 23 марта 2020 года был объявлен приказ «Оставайтесь дома» ; это стало известно как локдаун в Великобритании [9]

Политика в отношении COVID-19 в Шотландии начала расходиться с политикой в ​​других частях Великобритании, поскольку первая блокировка была снята в апреле 2020 года. Шотландское правительство придерживалось стратегии нулевого COVID , направленной на полную ликвидацию вируса в 2020 году, отменяло правила блокировки более постепенно, чем в остальной части страны, и расширяло возможности тестирования . [10] [11] Поставки средств индивидуальной защиты и руководство были основными проблемами на раннем этапе вспышки. Четырехуровневая система ограничений, которая применялась к различным регионам Шотландии, вступила в силу позднее в 2020 году, а блокировка, применяемая ко всей стране, применялась с начала 2021 года, поскольку вариант Альфа распространялся из других частей Великобритании. Программа вакцинации началась в декабре 2020 года. Поскольку многие ограничения были сняты позднее в 2021 году, варианты Дельта и Омикрон с тех пор создали дополнительные проблемы и побудили Шотландию принять меры реагирования.

В ответ на вспышку заболевания [12] возможности шотландской системы здравоохранения были существенно реорганизованы , а в стране также были проведены клинические исследования COVID-19.

Пандемия оказала серьезное влияние на шотландское общество. Дома престарелых и здравоохранение были напрямую затронуты распространением болезни. Кроме того, она вызвала серьезные сбои в образовании , правоохранительных органах и экономической деятельности .


12 января Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) подтвердила, что новый коронавирус стал причиной респираторного заболевания у группы людей в городе Ухань, провинция Хубэй, Китай, которые впервые попали в поле зрения ВОЗ 31 декабря 2019 года. [13] 11 марта 2020 года вспышка была объявлена ​​пандемией . [ 14] [15] [16]

В отличие от вспышки атипичной пневмонии 2003 года , коэффициент летальности при COVID-19 [17] [18] был намного ниже, но передача была значительно выше, со значительным общим числом смертей. [19] [17]

24 января первые тесты на COVID-19 дали отрицательный результат, а тогдашний главный врач доктор Кэтрин Колдервуд заявила, что риск для шотландского населения низкий, хотя и признала, что в какой-то момент появятся новые случаи заболевания. [20] Первый случай был выявлен 1 марта, а к 23 марта в стране был введен карантин.


Январь–март 2020 г.

В результате панической скупки в супермаркете в Морнингсайде , Эдинбург , были распроданы рулоны кухонной и туалетной бумаги .

Апрель-июнь 2020 г.

Глазго . Улица Аргайл во время карантина из-за COVID-19, одна из главных торговых улиц в центре города. 7 апреля 2020 г.

Июль-сентябрь 2020 г.

Октябрь-декабрь 2020 г.

Январь-июнь 2021 г.

Июль 2021 г. — настоящее время

План реагирования правительства

Ключевые государственные должностные лица

Основными координирующими органами, ответственными за ответ Шотландии на COVID-19, являются Scottish Government Resilience Division и COVID Health Response Directorate of the Health and Social Care Directorates . 25 марта 2020 года шотландское правительство создало экспертную консультативную группу для разработки и улучшения своего плана реагирования на COVID-19. [131]

Доктор Кэтрин Колдервуд была главным врачом до своей отставки с этого поста 5 апреля 2020 года. Никола Стерджен приняла ее отставку и заменила Колдервуд на временной основе заместителем главного врача доктором Грегором Смитом. Джин Фримен занимала пост министра здравоохранения до своей отставки в мае 2021 года. По состоянию на 26 мая [ когда? ] ключевыми должностными лицами шотландского правительства в Шотландии, возглавляющими ответ на вспышку, являются:

Меры сдерживания

9 марта 2020 года были опубликованы рекомендации по гигиене на рабочем месте, включавшие в себя регулярную генеральную уборку в часто используемых точках соприкосновения, таких как телефоны, карточные автоматы или дверные ручки. [132] Позднее, 12 марта, первый министр Никола Стерджен объявила о запрете на массовые собрания (500 и более человек), запрет вступил в силу 16 марта. [133] Ряд школ были закрыты из-за зарегистрированных симптомов и прошли генеральную уборку. [134] 18 марта было объявлено, что школы в Шотландии будут закрыты с 20 марта. [135]

В отличие от остальной части Великобритании, Шотландия придерживалась стратегии Zero-COVID после того, как был снят первый общенациональный карантин. [10]

Министерство здравоохранения Шотландии

1 апреля 2020 года шотландское правительство запустило новое агентство общественного здравоохранения Шотландии (PHS) в результате трехстороннего слияния между NHS Health Scotland и Information Services Division (ISD) и Health Protection Scotland (HPS) секциями общественного здравоохранения и разведки (PHI) (которые сами по себе были стратегическим подразделением NHS National Services Scotland (NSS)). [136] Согласно отчету Press and Journal от 6 мая 2020 года , в PHS работают 1100 сотрудников, а бюджет в этом году составляет 71 миллион фунтов стерлингов, и оно совместно подотчетно шотландскому правительству и Конвенции шотландских местных органов власти (Cosla). [137]

Отправленная по почте информация о COVID-19 от первого министра

Кампания «Шотландия заботится»

Новая кампания «Scotland Cares» была запущена 30 марта 2020 года, чтобы побудить людей стать волонтерами во время пандемии COVID-19. Более 21 000 человек зарегистрировались в первый день. К 4 апреля количество зарегистрированных волонтеров достигло 50 330. Секретарь кабинета министров по вопросам социального обеспечения и пожилых людей Ширли-Энн Сомервилль сказала: «Отклик на кампанию Scotland Cares был выдающимся, и я хочу поблагодарить каждого человека, который зарегистрировался в качестве волонтера во время вспышки COVID-19. Ваша поддержка в это критическое время бесценна и будет иметь огромное значение в ближайшие недели и месяцы». [138] [139] Кроме того, здоровые люди, не входящие в группу риска, могут стать волонтерами через веб-сайт Ready Scotland. [140]

Уязвимые группы

С 3 апреля 2020 года уязвимые группы могли зарегистрироваться для получения продуктов питания и лекарств. В их число вошли около 120 000 человек в Шотландии, которым было рекомендовано защищать себя [141] дома (12 недель самоизоляции ), люди с подавленной или ослабленной иммунной системой и люди с сопутствующими заболеваниями. Правительство Шотландии разослало информацию о самоизоляции в случае появления симптомов у члена семьи и о мерах защиты во время пандемии. [142]

Система уровней

Октябрь 2020 г.

С 23 октября шотландское правительство ввело новую 5-уровневую систему, похожую на ту, что действует в Англии. Уровни варьировались от 0 до 4 (включительно). Меры социального дистанцирования применялись на всех уровнях, а некоторые меры, такие как поощрение активного передвижения, присутствовали на всех уровнях.

February 2021

Revised Levels were published in February 2021.[148]

Testing and contact tracing

Testing capacity

NHS Scotland's testing capacity for COVID-19 increased from around 750 a day in early March[154] to about 1,900 a day in early April.[155]

By 15 March, COVID-19 testing was extended into Scotland's communities but there would be no routine testing of people with minor symptoms.[156]

NHS Scotland plans to reach a testing capacity of around 3,500 a day by the end of April.[157][158]

Glasgow University is to launch a major COVID-19 testing facility in mid-April, staffed 24/7 by more than 500 volunteers including molecular scientists, technicians and bioinformaticians.

Aberdeen University has provided three machines to NHS Grampian to speed up COVID-19 testing.[159]

By 2 April 2020, around 3,500 tests have been conducted on NHS workers and family members in Scotland. It was also reported in that week that around 6pc of Scotland's frontline NHS staff are not currently working, either because they have COVID-19 symptoms or live with someone who has.[160] A COVID-19 testing facility for NHS staff was opened at Glasgow Airport car park on 5 April.[161]

Chief Medical Officer for Scotland Catherine Calderwood described mass testing as a distraction that will not slow down the spread of the virus. She said: "I have been saying and advising the First Minister and the Cabinet Secretary for several weeks now about the distraction that I think the focus on testing may become. The testing is extremely useful but it is only going to be positive within a short window of perhaps 48 to 72 hours while somebody has symptoms, because there needs to be an amount of virus in that person to be able for that to be detected. But the thought that the testing in some way slows the virus or is a part of our strategy to prevent transmission is a fallacy, I'm afraid. The testing gives us more information but the social distancing and all of these stringent measures are what we actually need to prevent spread and prevent serious illnesses and death."[162][160]

Cam Donaldson, a health economist and Pro Vice Chancellor Research, Glasgow Caledonian University has written of his scepticism of a "mass testing" strategy.[163]

Derek Gatherer a leading Scottish virologist has warned plans to test, trace and isolate everyone infected with the COVID-19 after lockdown will not slow its spread.[164]

Experts who have advocated a mass or large scale testing approach include Harry Burns former Scotland Chief Medical Officer[165] and Allan Wilson President of the Institute of Biomedical Science[166]

Professor Hugh Pennington, a leading bacteriologist, said laboratory testing could have been easily scaled up ten-fold and criticised former chief medical officer Catherine Calderwood for dismissing testing as a 'distraction' that would not help to contain the virus. Pennington believed a failure to increase testing to adequate levels will prove to be an enormous embarrassment to the UK and Scottish governments. He said: "You test, so you can trace then take appropriate action, it's basic shoe leather epidemiology," adding he would not be surprised if the lack of testing had cost lives, particularly in care homes. "We know [care homes] are hotbeds of infection, vulnerable in annual flu outbreaks and that you have to look after them by stopping the virus getting in. Much of that comes back to testing, tracing and isolating."[citation needed]

Former Scottish health secretary Alex Neil agreed, "the countries that have done this since day one are those with the lowest death and infection rates and mass testing allows you to identify a second wave of infection if it appears."[167]

Professor of Immunology Denis Kinane said Scotland would need to conduct at least 15,000 tests a day to get on top of the disease.[citation needed]

Research carried out by scientific online publication Our World In Data on COVID-19 test rates across EU member states ranked Scotland at 19 out of 25 countries that publish such data.[167]

As of 11 May 2020,[56] a total of 74,063 people in Scotland had been tested for COVID-19 in NHS labs. Of these, 13,627 tests were confirmed positive, 60,436 tests were confirmed negative and 1,862 patients who tested positive have died. A total of 101,122 COVID-19 tests had been carried out by NHS Scotland labs in hospitals, care homes or the community. In addition there were a total of 27,647 drive through and mobile tests carried out by Regional Testing Centres in Scotland.

In November two further 'mega labs' were announced as due to open early in 2021, one of which was to be at 'an unconfirmed site in Scotland'.[168] The Scottish 'mega lab' has been subject to delays and in January its construction was halted. The UK government was reported to be assessing "the long-term demand" for the laboratory.[169] Meanwhile, new regional COVID-19 laboratories were opened in Glasgow and Aberdeen during December 2020, but another planned for Edinburgh has not yet opened.[170]

Contact tracing system

Ciaran Jenkins of Channel 4 News contrasted the differing approaches on contact-tracing strategy between the Republic of Ireland and the health authorities in the UK including Scotland's.[171][172]

Public health expert Prof Allyson Pollock has argued that a bespoke test-trace-isolate approach could work well in Scottish island communities.[173]

Public healthcare infrastructure

Primary care network

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said in a statement in the Scottish Parliament a network of COVID-19 local assessment centres was to be set up across Scotland with 50 planned in the first wave.[174][175][176][177]A network of "humanitarian assistance centres" is also to be set up, working with GPs and other local partners to arrange delivery of medicine, care services and grocery delivery.[178]

Hospital capacity

Scotland has an estimated 3,000 hospital beds expected to be available for COVID-19 patients in hospitals across Scotland.[155]

ICU capacity across Scotland has doubled to 360 beds since the emergency began, 250 of which will be for the exclusive use of COVID-19 patients, with that number expected to increase to more than 500 in the first week of April as preparations continue towards eventually quadrupling the number to more than 700 ICU beds.[155][needs update]

The NHS Louisa Jordan emergency COVID-19 hospital facility at the SEC Centre will initially have capacity for 300 patients, which could be expanded in the future to more than 1,000.[155]

Scottish hospitals plan to have around 1,000 ventilators by the summer for COVID-19 patients.[179]

By 1 April 2020, NHS clinical and technical staff have converted over 200 anaesthetic machines into ventilators to increase ICU bed availability to more than 500, tripling the usual capacity.[180]

By 24 March more than 3,000 retired Scottish nurses, doctors and other medical workers have volunteered to return to work as part of efforts to help the NHS cope. As well as using retired workers, all final year nursing and midwifery students will also be given paid work placements on wards during the final six months of their degree programmes.[181]

On 30 March, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced the suspension of several non-COVID-19 screens (such as diabetic eye screening) to help free up NHS staff and reduce the risk of virus exposure to patients. All elective and non-urgent surgeries had already been cancelled across Scotland to free up hospital beds.[182]

On 27 April 121 junior doctors have started their careers early to support NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Scotland's largest health board in its COVID-19 response. A new post, foundation intermediate year, was created to allow them to start earlier instead of August and they would be placed at Glasgow Royal Infirmary; Queen Elizabeth University Hospital; Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley; and Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock.[183]

As of 11 May 2020,[56] 3,114 inpatients have been discharged from Scottish hospitals since 5 March 2020, who had been tested positive for COVID-19. 632 people are in delayed discharge in Scottish hospitals. This is 980 less than the baseline period (04/03 weekly return). A total of 6,227 staff (or around 3.8%) of the NHS Scotland workforce, are reporting as absent due to a range of COVID-19 related reasons.

Hospital-acquired infection

On the issue of hospital-acquired infections, Michael Griffin, president of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh warned COVID-19 may be spreading in hospitals at twice the rate of its transmission in communities.[184] He said "we have to make our hospital environment as safe as possible. In the general population, the rate of reproduction of COVID-19 is less than one but in hospitals it is estimated at something like two."

The number of people attending Accident and Emergency departments in Scotland has fallen by more than 55% compared with 2019. NHS Scotland statistics reveal 11,881 people attended A&E in the second week of April 2020, down from 26,674 patients in 2019 and 25,067 in 2018.[184]

NHS staffing levels

As of 2 April, more than 14% of NHS Scotland staff were off work, according to Scottish government data and about 41% of those absences (equating to 9,719 people) were related to COVID-19. NHS Scotland's total workforce is about 166,000 people.[185]

As of 11 May 2020,[56] a total of 6,227 staff (or around 3.8%) of the NHS Scotland workforce, are reporting as absent due to a range of COVID-19 related reasons.

Personal protective equipment

On 2 April, new guidance on appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare hospital, general practice, ambulance and social care workers responding to COVID-19 has been issued by officials.[186]

On 26 April 2020, in response to a Sunday Times story that claimed the Scottish government failed to accept offers from six Scottish firms offering to supply PPE, a spokeswoman for the Scottish government said it had received 1,600 offers of help from Scottish businesses and individuals to supply or manufacture PPE and that a dedicated team and mailbox had been set up to focus on offers from local and global suppliers. The spokeswoman added: "We understand that potential suppliers will desire prompt decisions but our priority focus is to quickly identify those offers that can supply the largest volumes at the correct quality specifications and timescales necessary to meet the requirements of frontline services".[187]

Health secretary Jeane Freeman announced that PPE would be available to social care providers through a national network of hubs from 27 April 2020.[167]

Also in April 2020 whistle-blowers in the NHS came forward to reveal that staff were being made to reuse dirty personal protective equipment (PPE) while at work. One nurse told STV, "[When we hear the government say supplies are fine] it's not frustrating, it's crushing. It is absolutely crushing. We feel we are being lied to."[188] Sturgeon told the Scottish Parliament in July, "At no point within this crisis has Scotland run out of any aspect of PPE. We have worked hard to make sure that supplies are there, we've worked hard overcoming challenges that we have faced along the way."[189]

A fundraising drive to buy PPE for frontline workers under the name of 'Masks for Scotland' was spearheaded by Dundee University Professor of vascular medicine Jill Belch.[190]

Clinical research

Organisations in Scotland involved in COVID-19 related clinical research studies[191] include the Chief Scientist Office's Rapid Research in COVID-19 programme (RARC-19 programme),[192] Health Science Scotland, NHS Research Scotland,[193] Glasgow University,[194] Dundee University,[195][196][197] and Edinburgh University.[198]

Chief medical officer Dr Gregor Smith said[when?] nearly 800 patients have so far taken part in at least 10 clinical studies to develop COVID-19 treatments, with another four being set up in hospitals, intensive care units and primary care facilities. One study is looking at whether existing HIV drugs including Lopinavir and Ritonavir could be used with results available in three months. Another study led by Dr Kenneth Baillie of Edinburgh University looks at the genetics of patients susceptible to severe illness by comparing patients' DNA with that of healthy people who show no or mild symptoms.[citation needed]

Dundee University is to lead a trial into brensocatib (formerly known as INS1007) a drug for lung inflammation (acute respiratory distress syndrome) to treat the worst symptoms of COVID-19 and prevent the need for ventilation. Up to 20% of COVID-19 patients develop lung inflammation which can require them to be ventilated. The inflammatory response to the virus causes lung damage that can lead to respiratory failure and death in severe cases. It is hoped the treatment will also lead to patients spending fewer days dependent on oxygen and shorter periods of time in hospital, reducing the burden on healthcare systems. Funding and drug supply for the STOP-COVID19 (Superiority Trial of Protease Inhibition in COVID-19) trial is being provided by biopharmaceutical company Insmed Incorporated. The trial is to start in May[when?] and researchers plan to recruit 300 volunteers from 10 hospitals. The project is led by James Chalmers, professor of respiratory research at Dundee University and consultant respiratory physician at Ninewells Hospital, one of the trial sites. NHS Tayside research and development director Professor Jacob George is the study investigator.[citation needed]. Research led by Edinburgh University in collaboration with Imperial College London and University College London identified that COVID-19 vaccination did not lead to either an increase in miscarriages or reduction in live births.[199]



Care homes

The Guardian reported that extra supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) would be delivered directly to more than 1,000 care homes in Scotland.[when?]

Before the pandemic the care sector usually sourced its own PPE, but as extreme pressure was put on supply chains concerns grew that PPE manufacturers did not have capacity to deliver to Scotland in adequate quantities.

The Scottish government announced on 17/18 April that the NHS National Services Scotland would prioritise the delivery of stock directly to care homes where the virus is known to be present, although stock would still be provided to local hubs which supply PPE to other social care workers.[200]

During the early stages of the pandemic 1,300 elderly hospital patients were transferred into care homes without receiving a negative COVID-19 test result.[201] Many had been infected with the virus and ended up passing it on to other care home residents.[202] Over three thousand care home residents died from COVID-19 and Gary Smith, Scotland Secretary of the GMB, said the policy had turned "care homes into morgues".[203] When asked by the BBC if the policy had been a mistake, Sturgeon said: "Looking back on that now, with the knowledge we have now and with the benefit of hindsight, yes."[204]

Two of the worst suspected outbreaks in care homes occurred at Elderslie care home in Paisley, Renfrewshire and at Berelands House Care in Prestwick, Ayrshire.[205]

Thirteen residents at the Glasgow-based Burlington Care Home died in one week following a suspected outbreak of COVID-19. The Care Inspectorate has been made aware of the deaths and are in contact with the care service, as well as the local health and social care partnership.[206]

As of 10 May 2020,[56] 474 (44% of all) adult care homes had a current suspected COVID-19 case. This is a care home where at least one care home resident has exhibited symptoms during the last 14 days. 609 (or 56% of all) adult care homes in Scotland had reported at least one notification for suspected COVID-19 to the Care Inspectorate. 434 of these care homes have reported more than one case of suspected COVID-19. There have been 4,503 cumulative cases of suspected COVID-19 in care homes. This is an increase of 58 suspected cases on the previous day. 3,672 staff were reported as absent in adult care homes due to COVID-19, based on returns received from 822 (76%) adult care homes as of 5 May. This represents 8.5% of all adult care home staff (43,403) for whom a return was provided.

Effect of Lockdown on NHS services

An assessment of the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on motor neuron disease services and mortality in Scotland has shown that there has been no early increase in mortality but that there is a need for vigilance as key services were shown to be impacted upon.[207]

Medicolegal impact of COVID-19 on healthcare professionals

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on pre-existing issues in the legal framework in the UK that surround healthcare professionals and patients, encouraging action to be taken now.[208] During the COVID-19 pandemic, many doctors and other healthcare professionals have worked in unfamiliar surroundings and been assigned to new clinical areas, while balancing an unprecedented workload and addressing an overall lack of knowledge about the virus itself. This has led to concerns that there may be an increase in complaints about treatment provided in these circumstances, and competing arguments on how these should be handled within the criminal, civil and regulatory system.[209]


As of 19 March 2020, the Robert Gordon University, Edinburgh Napier University, the University of Dundee, the University of Glasgow, University of the West of Scotland, Glasgow Caledonian University, the University of Aberdeen, Edinburgh University, Heriot-Watt University, University of Stirling and University of Strathclyde had cancelled or suspended face-to-face classes. Scottish political parties (Green, Conservatives, SNP) also cancelled their spring conferences.[210]


In early March, with Rangers vs Leverkusen being the last game played in Scotland on 12 March, football matches in the Scottish Professional Football League were cancelled until further notice, alongside a Six Nations game between Wales and Scotland. Radio 1's Big Weekend, which was due to take place in Dundee in May 2020 was cancelled in response to the outbreak.[210]

On 7 May, The Royal National Mòd Inverness, scheduled for October was postponed to 2021. The next three Mods were also to the subsequent year.[211]

Police, court and prison systems

Scottish Police Federation (SPF) said new PPE for officers would not provide any "meaningful protection", after Police Scotland announced staff would be given surgical face masks to wear when adhering to social distancing measures was not possible. But the SPF said that its new expert pandemic response panel refused to endorse the type two masks.[200]

From 27 March to 24 April 2020, police officers have made 78 arrests and issued 1,637 fixed penalty notices in Scotland related to lockdown violations.[212]

On 2 April 2020, BBC Scotland said it found almost a quarter of Scottish Prison Service staff are absent from work amid the COVID-19 outbreak. The SPS said 110 prisoners over 11 sites were self-isolating. At that time, two had tested positive for COVID-19.[213]

The first recorded COVID-19-related death of a Scottish prison officer was announced on 22 April. SPS spokesman Tom Fox confirmed where appropriate all prison officers are provided with PPE. It is not believed that the officer caught the virus while at work.[citation needed]

As of 23 April 2020, 94 people in custody across nine sites were self-isolating, 12 people had tested positive and staff absences were at 19.7% of the workforce.[citation needed]

The Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service consolidated its work into 10 hub sheriff courts with as much work as possible done remotely.

It is estimated[by whom?] 300 to 450 prisoners will be released in phases starting at the end of April, and around 1,600 trials could be delayed if lockdown restrictions continue into the summer.

Deputy chief constable Will Kerr said[when?] the number of people in police custody has been significantly down during the pandemic and said changes during the lockdown such as virtual courts and digital evidence have helped minimise contact and time spent in custody and could be retained once the pandemic is over.[citation needed]



The Scottish Government's Chief Economist Gary Gillespie said[when?] Scotland's GDP could fall by as much as 33% from the lockdown crisis.[citation needed]

Social Security

During March and early April 2020, there were around 110,000 Universal Credit claims in Scotland, up from an average of 20,000 a month in 2019.[citation needed]

Citizens Advice Scotland provides help to those who experience difficulties navigating the complex welfare system.

Transport Industry

Glasgow Taxi Owners' Association urged taxi drivers to be careful during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, after hearing reports of drivers falling ill.[214] Chief Nursing Officer Fiona McQueen said good hand hygiene is vital along with physical distancing and wearing face coverings when in enclosed spaces such as shops and public transport.[215][216]

Retail Industry

Retail sales in Scotland for March 2020 declined 13% in comparison to March 2019 Scottish Retail Consortium-KPMG Scottish Retail Monitor. Pre-lockdown the monitor recorded a 9% growth in the first three weeks of March but this was followed by a 44% decline in the last two weeks of that period. Total food sales were up 12.1% against the previous year while total non-food sales were down 33.6%. Adjusted for the estimated effect of online sales, total non-food sales decreased by 27.9%.[217]

Construction Industry

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) said its headline statistic for workloads in Scotland fell into negative territory for the first time in four years, dropping by 4% in the first three months of 2020. Its quarterly survey of members found confidence fell sharply when the lockdown measures were introduced.

In Scotland, work was ordered to be suspended on all non-essential construction projects from 6 April.[218] By 17 April 79% of all housebuilding schemes had been suspended (according to a Glenigan survey of projects with a construction value of more than £250,000).[219]


Total cases and deaths

Total number of laboratory confirmed cases and deaths recorded 28 days after a positive lab test result.

New cases

Number of people who have had a lab-confirmed positive test result.

New cases per week

New cases per day


Number of deaths

Number of people who die within 28 days of a positive lab test result.

New deaths per week

New deaths per day


See also


  1. ^ Beyond these 3 types of establishments, also told to close were:
    • Nightclubs and other drinking establishments
    • Cinemas, theatres and bingo halls and concert halls
    • Spas, wellness centres and massage parlours
    • Casinos and betting shops
    • Indoor leisure facilities such as gyms and swimming pools
  2. ^ Deaths in Scotland with COVID-19 mentioned as a cause:
    • 910 in hospitals (57%)
    • 537 in care homes (33%)
    • 168 in homes and other settings (10%)


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