Звездные войны: Рыцари Старой Республики

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic ( KOTOR ) — медиафраншиза ролевых видеоигр в жанре космической оперы, созданная и разработанная BioWare , которая вышла на оригинальном Xbox , Xbox 360 , Microsoft Windows , OS X , Xbox One , Xbox Series X/S , IOS , Android и Nintendo Switch . Действие франшизы происходит в вымышленной вселенной « Звёздных войн» Джорджа Лукаса .

Первая игра и последующая серия многопользовательских ролевых игр были разработаны BioWare, а вторая — Obsidian Entertainment по просьбе LucasArts. [3] Все они были опубликованы LucasArts . Серия видеоигр основана на более ранней серии комиксов; франшиза включает в себя последующую новую серию комиксов. Обе серии комиксов были опубликованы Dark Horse Comics и являются приквелами к видеоиграм.


Система игры основана на ролевой игре Star Wars от Wizards of the Coast , которая основана на системе ролевой игры d20 , полученной из правил третьего издания Dungeons & Dragons . Бой основан на раундах; время разделено на отдельные раунды, и бойцы атакуют и реагируют одновременно. Однако количество действий, которые может выполнить боец ​​в каждом раунде, ограничено. Хотя продолжительность каждого раунда — это фиксированный короткий интервал реального времени, игрок может настроить боевую систему на паузу при определенных событиях или в конце каждого раунда. [ необходима цитата ]

Система выравнивания

Система выравнивания отслеживает действия и речь — от простого выбора слов до основных сюжетных решений — чтобы определить, поддерживает ли персонаж игрока светлую или темную сторону Силы . В первой игре речь и действия игрока не оказывают никакого влияния на его товарищей по команде. Однако в The Sith Lords игрок имеет влияние на своих товарищей , действия игрока определяют не только сторону игрока, но и его товарищей по команде. Влияние игрока на другого персонажа может быть незначительным, от обращения персонажа с темной стороны на светлую, до чего-то столь же важного, как обучение их путям самих джедаев . Однако влияние может быть потеряно, если игрок совершает действие, несовместимое с прошлыми решениями, заставляя игрока уделять очень пристальное внимание, прежде чем как-либо отреагировать. [4] [5] [6] В серию входят « Серые джедаи », которые, как правило, следуют своему собственному пути в том, что касается Силы, а не подчиняются светлой или темной стороне. [7] [8]

Световые мечи

Серия включает в себя высокий уровень настройки световых мечей , включая цвета кристаллов и стили клинков. [9] [10] Разработчики серии «боролись» за расширение количества цветов световых мечей. [11] Игра включает в себя вездесущие цвета синий и зеленый [12], а также такие цвета, как оранжевый и желтый. [13] [14] Дэнни Паез из Inverse прокомментировал, что « спектр кристаллов световых мечей KOTOR привел к тому, что геймеры стали одержимы идеей собрать их все, чтобы создать световой меч своей мечты. Это привело к тому, что фанаты изо всех сил пытались исследовать каждый уголок и щель игры». [15]



За четыре тысячи лет до фильмов «Звездные войны» [примечание 1] Дарт Малак — ученик Дарта Ревана — развязал армаду ситхов против Республики . Многие джедаи , разбросанные и оставшиеся уязвимыми из-за агрессии Малака, погибают в битве, в то время как другие клянутся в верности и преданности Малаку. Игра начинается с того, что персонаж игрока просыпается на борту обреченного республиканского корабля , не помня своего прошлого. После побега с корабля и аварийной посадки на Тарисе игрок постепенно собирает товарищей и по кусочкам собирает свое прошлое, пытаясь остановить силы Малака. Чтобы достичь этого, главный герой и его товарищи ищут Звездные карты, которые вместе раскрывают местоположение Звездной кузницы, древней космической станции, которая создает огромное количество материала для Малака.

Действия и речь главного героя влияют на то, будет ли он привержен светлой или темной стороне Силы . В зависимости от приверженности персонажа, он в конечном итоге достигает Звездной кузницы, чтобы победить ситхов (путь светлой стороны) или узурпировать контроль над ситхами у Малака (путь темной стороны). Персонаж, приверженный светлой стороне, и его спутники приветствуются как спасители и герои; персонаж темной стороны предстает перед оставшимися силами ситхов как новый лорд ситхов.

Sith Lords происходит через пять лет после событий Knights of the Old Republic , в то время, когда джедаи были почти истреблены ситхами. Персонаж игрока — бывший рыцарь-джедай, изгнанный из Ордена джедаев, которого называли «Изгнанником» или «Джедай-изгнанником». Во время Мандалорских войн Изгнанник служил под началом Ревана, который приказал активировать разрушительное гравитационное супероружие — Генератор Массовой Тени — которое вызвало столько смертей, что они бессознательно лишили себя всех связей с Силой, чтобы спасти себя, и были исключены из Ордена джедаев. На протяжении всей игры персонаж игрока восстанавливает связь с Силой, одновременно с помощью своих новых товарищей пытаясь остановить ситхов. В отличие от предыдущей игры, где ваши действия влияют на судьбу галактики, здесь ваши действия влияют только на планеты, которые вы посещаете. Вы можете либо помочь, либо помешать попытке Республики восстановить эти планеты. В конце концов, если персонаж светлый, активируется Массовый Генератор Тени и уничтожает Малакор V, а Изгнанник отправляется в неизвестное пространство, чтобы найти Ревана. Однако, персонаж темного направления захватывает академию ситхов на Малакоре V, и Массовый Генератор Тени уничтожается.

События Old Republic происходят через 300 лет после предыдущих двух игр, вскоре после установления хрупкого мира между возрождающейся Империей ситхов и Галактической Республикой. Джедаи несут ответственность за успех ситхов и решили перебраться с Корусанта на Тайтон , где изначально был основан Орден джедаев, чтобы искать руководства у Силы. Ситхи контролируют Коррибан, где они восстановили Академию ситхов. Игра начинается с возникновения новых конфликтов. [19]



Несколько новых планет появляются в серии в качестве основных локаций. К ним относятся, например, Дантуин и Коррибан , локации для Академии джедаев и Академии ситхов соответственно; борт космической станции Star Forge, где происходит финальная битва между мастером и учеником в KotOR; и разоренный войной Телос и его орбитальная станция Citadel. Путешествие между локациями происходит на борту грузового судна Ebon Hawk , которое также является игровым местом, хотя на борту не происходит никаких сражений, за исключением трех случаев в KotOR 2, где вам нужно отбиваться от атакующих ситхов, персонажа Визас Марр и членов работорговцев Красного затмения. Космическая станция около Явина также является игровым местом в ПК-версии KotOR и доступна игрокам Xbox через загрузку из Xbox Live . В The Old Republic игрокам доступно еще больше планет, таких как Орд-Мантелл, Нал-Хатта, Балморра, Альдераан , Татуин , Дромунд-Каас, Тарис, Белсавис, Восс, Хот , Кореллия, Илум и Квеш, а также луна Нар-Шаддаа.


Original series

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) is the first installment in the Knights of the Old Republic series. KotOR is the first role-playing video game set in the Star Wars universe. The game was released on the Xbox on July 15, 2003, in North America and on September 12, 2003, in Europe. The PC version was released on November 19, 2003, in North America and on December 5, 2003, in Europe. The iOS version was released on May 30, 2013, and an Android release followed on December 28, 2014. The Nintendo Switch version was released on November 11, 2021.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (KotOR II) is the second installment in the video game franchise. The game was released on the Xbox in North America on December 6, 2004, in Europe on February 11, 2005, and in Australia on February 15, 2005. The PC version was released in North America on February 8, 2005, and in Europe on February 11, 2005. Per request as to have time to deal with other matters, BioWare, the original developer, handed over the job to Obsidian Entertainment.[3]

In addition to technical changes – such as more combat animation and interface scaling – The Sith Lords includes several drastic changes from the original game's features.[20] As mentioned earlier in the gameplay section, the player's actions now affect not only the player themselves but their teammates as well. The player can also teach some teammates the ways of the Jedi. The player also has more diversity when upgrading items, and can even create certain items, such as computer spikes and explosives, themselves.

In a similar way the player's actions and alignment with the light or dark side affects their teammates (both a teammate's alignment and who teams with the player in the first place), gender is also a factor when it comes to companionships and gameplay in general. In addition the appearance (due to choices) also affects your teammates. For example, choosing a female character teams the player with Mical the Disciple, while being male teams the player with Brianna the Handmaiden.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III (cancelled)

In 2003, LucasArts cancelled the Proteus console MMOG project during its design phase. The game was intended to be an in-house sibling to Star Wars Galaxies.[21] Upon its cancellation, the Proteus project's team and elements of its designs were applied to developing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3. According to designer John Stafford, the team "wrote a story, designed most of the environments/worlds, and many of the quests, characters, and items."[22] The game was cancelled as part of cuts initiated in 2004 aimed at positioning LucasArts for future success.[23] Concept art from the cancelled Knights of the Old Republic 3 project was published in the book Rogue Leaders: The Story of LucasArts (2008); the artwork includes depictions of Taloraan, Rodia, and a Mandalorian city, as well as a Coruscant vehicle and a new character named Naresha.[24]

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic (also known as SWTOR) was released for the Microsoft Windows platform on December 13, 2011, in North America and Europe, and released in Australia on March 1, 2012. It was first confirmed by Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello at E3 2008. The game was developed by BioWare, who developed the first Knights of the Old Republic game. It takes place 300 years after the first two installments, as new conflicts arise between the Republic and the Sith Empire. Players participate in a period of time known as the Cold War in the galaxy, after the First Great Galactic War, which leads into events in the Second Great Galactic War.

The game has received six storyline expansions and two smaller add-ons focusing on new gameplay mechanics.


In September 2021, Knights of the Old Republic — Remake, a graphically updated remake of the original game, was announced as in development by Aspyr in collaboration with Sony Interactive Entertainment, for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 5. It will be a timed console exclusive for PlayStation 5 before releasing on other platforms.[25][26][27] On the remake's development, lead producer Ryan Treadwell wrote: "We’re rebuilding it from the ground up with the latest tech to match the groundbreaking standard of innovation established by the original, all while staying true to its revered story".[25] Several individuals who worked on the original game are returning for the remake, such as former BioWare developers and Jennifer Hale (reprising her role of Bastila).[28][29] However, certain original cast members have since been deceased or will not be returning, such as Tom Kane who has retired for medical reasons.[30] Little information was otherwise revealed about the project.[25]

In July 2022, Bloomberg reported that the remake has been "delayed indefinitely" after Aspyr "abruptly fired the game's art director and design director".[31] Bloomberg stated that this occurred after the vertical slice demo was shown to production partners Sony and Lucasfilm[31][32] – Aspyr's studio heads put the project on hold as the demo gameplay "wasn't where they wanted it to be [...], according to two people who were in the meeting".[31] The remake may not be released until 2025,[33] per Bloomberg's sources, instead of its intended 2022 release.[31] In August 2022, Aspyr was reportedly removed from the project and replaced by Saber Interactive, which along with Aspyr is owned by Embracer Group.[34] In September 2023, Kotaku reported that 2021 teaser trailer for the remake has been "hidden" on the "official YouTube channel" and the majority of social media posts "from the original 2021 PlayStation Showcase had also been deleted" which sparked speculation on the status of the remake.[35] In response, Sony stated that the delisting occurred because the music license expired.[35] By February 2024, Embracer Group planned to sell off Saber in a US$500 million deal. Saber is anticipated to continue developing Knights of the Old Republic - Remake as a privately owned firm.[36]

Other games

Select characters from the series have also made a non-canon appearance in the mobile turn-based role-playing game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, released on iOS and Android in November 2015, also published by Electronic Arts. While most of the game's playable characters come from the 2012 mainstream Star Wars continuity that Lucasfilm established under The Walt Disney Company, several characters from the Knights of the Old Republic series are also included, mostly due to Electronic Arts being responsible for both Heroes and Knights. All new players are given a Jedi Consular who wields a green lightsaber and has the ability to heal.


The first issue of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2006) new comic book series based on the game

The original Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (and specifically Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Knights of the Old Republic) comic book series preceded these games, first published in 1993 by Dark Horse Comics. They formed the basis for the game setting, as well as inspiration for the game characters and story.[37]

The second comic series, titled Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, takes places around 3964 BBY, approximately eight years prior to the story of the video game series, and focuses on Zayne Carrick, a Padawan framed for the murder of his fellow Padawans by his masters, who are members of a mysterious Jedi Covenant. The series was written by John Jackson Miller with art by Brian Ching. And published monthly from March 1, 2006, to February 17, 2010, by Mike Richardson and Dark Horse Comics.

An webcomic series, titled Star Wars: The Old Republic: Threat of Peace, was written by game developer Robert Chestney with art by Alex Sanchez. The story spans ten years from the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant to the events that start the game. The comic was produced by Dark Horse and released bi-monthly from February 27, 2009, to March 2010. It is separated into three acts titled Act 1: Treaty of Coruscant, Act 2: New Galactic Order and Act 3: Uncertain Surrender.

A second webcomic series, titled The Old Republic: Blood of the Empire, was written by Alexander Freed, with art by David Ross, and follows the story of a Sith apprentice on a dangerous secret mission set 25 years before the Treaty of Coruscant. The comic was produced by Dark Horse and released weekly from April 23, 2010, to August 13, 2010. It is separated into three acts titled, Act 1: Shades of the Sith, Act 2: The Broken World and Act 3: Burn the Future.

Threat of Peace and Blood of the Empire were published in printed format from July 7 to December 2, 2010. A third series by Alexander Freed and David Ross, titled Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Lost Suns, was released, in printed form, monthly from June 8 to October 12, 2011, by Dark Horse. It follows Satele Shan's son Theron Shan.


A 256-page novel called Star Wars: The Old Republic: Deceived was released by Del Rey on March 22, 2011. Written by Paul S. Kemp, it tells of Darth Malgus, the Sith Lord responsible for the sacking of Coruscant. Another novel written by Sean Williams called Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance was published on July 21, 2010. Drew Karpyshyn wrote a novel titled Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan, published on November 15, 2011. It features Revan, revealing his fate after the Knights of the Old Republic game. Karpyshyn wrote another novel, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation, that was released on November 13, 2012.


Cinematic trailers

Bioware released six short films as cinematic trailers for The Old Republic and its expansion packs.

Film adaptation

In April 2019, Kathleen Kennedy was asked by MTV News about a potential Knights of the Old Republic adaptation and stated, "Yes, we are developing something to look at. Right now, I have no idea where things might fall".[38] The following month, BuzzFeed News reported that Laeta Kalogridis had been hired in the spring of 2018 to write a film based on the 2003 video game, and that she was close to completing the first script of a potential trilogy.[39] Representatives refused to comment,[39] and nothing has been reported since.


The general critical response of Knights of the Old Republic was overwhelmingly positive. KotOR won numerous awards, including Game Developers Choice Awards' game of the year, BAFTA Games Awards' best Xbox game of the year, and Interactive Achievement Awards for best console RPG and best computer RPG.[40] KotOR has seen success as the game of the year from many sources including IGN, GameSpot, Computer Gaming World, PC Gamer, GMR Magazine, The Game Developers Choice Awards, Xbox Magazine, and G4TV.[40]Interactive Achievement Awards awarded it for best story and best character development.[40] IGN gave KotOR additional awards in Best Sound (Xbox category), Best Story (PC category), Xbox RPG Game of the Year 2003, PC RPG Game of the Year 2003, Xbox Game of the Year 2003, PC Game of the Year 2003, and Overall Game of the Year 2003 across all platforms. G4TV's game review show X-Play picked KotOR as the second "best game ever" since the show began.[citation needed] The game is also part of the Xbox Platinum Series/Classics for sales in excess of one million units.[citation needed] In 2007, a story twist within the game was ranked number two in Game Informer's list of the top ten video game twists of all time.[41]

The Sith Lords was generally well received by fans and critics alike. Mirroring the success of the first game, The Sith Lords has garnered over thirty-five "Game of the Year" awards.[42] The game received high marks from major reviewers - 8.5/10 from GameSpot, 4.5/5 from Gamespy and 93% from IGN. Based on 30 professional reviews, Metacritic gave the game an average rating of 85 out of 100,[43] compared 93 for Knights of the Old Republic.[44] The game was however criticized for being incomplete due to a rushed deadline.[45]

The Old Republic has received generally positive reviews from critics, with a score of 85 on Metacritic[46] and an 83.87% on GameRankings.[47] G4TV gave a review of 5/5 and praised the game for "Top notch music and voice acting" and "hundreds of hours of content."[48] PC Gamer gave a 93/100, praising the story, voice acting, and the amount of content available.[49] Gamespy gave a review of 4/5, praising the story lines and companion system but criticising the "standard kill and fetch" quests.[50] GameSpot gave the game 8.0/10, saying "[The Old Republic] isn't the next step in online role-playing games. Instead, it's a highly entertaining refinement of what has come before it."[51] GamesRadar gave the game 8/10 calling it "an extremely satisfying experience that sets the stage for a bright future".[52] The game has received a 9.0/10 "Amazing" rating from IGN.[53]


  1. ^ KOTOR I is set in 3956 BBY (3956 years before the Battle of Yavin in which the first Death Star was destroyed.)[16] KOTOR II: The Sith Lords is set 5 years later.[3] The Old Republic is set 300 years after KOTOR I & II.[17] The comic series starts 8 years before the games.[18]


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  40. ^ a b c "Critical Acclaim". BioWare. Archived from the original on January 1, 2007. Retrieved March 30, 2007.
  41. ^ Game Informer Issue #168 April 2007
  42. ^ "Obsidian game information". Obsidian Entertainment Inc. Archived from the original on October 25, 2007. Retrieved October 28, 2007.
  43. ^ "Overview over Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (PC) ratings". Metacritic. Archived from the original on May 11, 2010. Retrieved June 29, 2007.
  44. ^ "Overview over Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC) ratings". Metacritic. Archived from the original on March 12, 2010. Retrieved June 29, 2007.
  45. ^ Dixon, Craig (March 4, 2005). "KOTOR2: The Incompletion Controversy". TheForce.Net. Retrieved September 7, 2007.
  46. ^ "Star Wars: The Old Republic". Metacritic. Retrieved July 1, 2012.
  47. ^ "Star Wars: The Old Republic". Retrieved March 13, 2012.
  48. ^ Keil, Matt (December 21, 2011). "Star Wars: The Old Republic Review - PC". Retrieved December 27, 2011.
  49. ^ Augustine, Josh (December 22, 2011). "Star Wars: The Old Republic review". PC Gamer. Retrieved December 27, 2011.
  50. ^ "GameSpy: Star Wars: The Old Republic Review - Page 1". Retrieved February 9, 2012.
  51. ^ "Star Wars: The Old Republic Review -". December 15, 2011. Archived from the original on March 22, 2012. Retrieved February 9, 2012.
  52. ^ Cooper, Hollander (January 10, 2012). "Star Wars: The Old Republic Review". GamesRadar.
  53. ^ Nick Kolan. "Star Wars: The Old Republic Review - PC Review at IGN". Archived from the original on January 8, 2012. Retrieved February 9, 2012.

Further reading

External links