
Политика портала

Политика (от древнегреческого πολιτικά ( politiká )  «дела городов») — это совокупность видов деятельности, связанных с принятием решений в группах или другими формами властных отношений между людьми, такими как распределение статуса или ресурсов . Раздел социальной науки , изучающий политику и управление, называется политической наукой .

Политика может использоваться в позитивном смысле в контексте «политического решения», которое является компромиссным и ненасильственным, или описательно как «искусство или наука управления», но это слово часто также несет в себе негативную коннотацию. Понятие было определено по-разному, и разные подходы имеют принципиально разные взгляды на то, следует ли его использовать широко или ограниченно, эмпирически или нормативно, и на то, что для него более существенно — конфликт или сотрудничество.

В политике используются различные методы, в том числе продвижение собственных политических взглядов среди людей, переговоры с другими политическими субъектами, принятие законов и применение внутренней и внешней силы , включая войну против противников. Политика осуществляется на самых разных социальных уровнях: от кланов и племен традиционных обществ, через современные местные органы власти , компании и институты до суверенных государств и международного уровня .

В современных национальных государствах люди часто формируют политические партии для представления своих идей. Члены партии часто соглашаются занимать одну и ту же позицию по многим вопросам и соглашаются поддерживать одни и те же изменения в законах и одних и тех же лидеров. Выборы обычно представляют собой соревнование между разными партиями.

Политическая система — это структура, определяющая приемлемые политические методы в обществе. Историю политической мысли можно проследить до ранней античности, с такими основополагающими работами, как «Государство » Платона , « Политика » Аристотеля , политические рукописи Конфуция и «Артхашастра » Чанакьи . ( Полная статья... )

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Валашская копия Regulamentul Organic 1832 года (напечатана РEГUЛAMENTUЛ ORGANIK на румынском переходном алфавите )

Regulamentul Organic (румын. [reɡulaˈmentul orˈɡanik , англ.Organic Regulation;фр.Règlement Organique;русский:Органический регламент, романизированный Organichesky reglament ) былквазиконституционным органическим законом,принятым в 1831–1832 годахимперскими российскимивластями вМолдавиииВалахии(двухдунайских княжествах, которые должны были стать основой современногорумынского государства). Документ частично подтвердил традиционное правительство, включая правление господарей , и установил общий российскийпротекторат, который просуществовал до 1854 года.СамРегламентКонсервативныйпо своему охвату, он также породил период беспрецедентных реформ, которые обеспечили условия длявестернизацииместного общества.Регламентпредложил двум княжествам их первую общую систему управления.

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Дилма Русеф была 36-м президентом Бразилии с 2011 года до своего импичмента в 2016 году . Это ее официальная фотография при вступлении в должность президента.

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Избранные списки были определены сообществом Википедии как лучшие списки в английской Википедии.

  • Всего в Верховном суде Соединенных Штатов , высшем судебном органе в Соединенных Штатах , служили 116 человек с момента его основания в 1789 году. Судьи Верховного суда имеют пожизненный срок полномочий , что означает, что они служат до своей смерти, отставки, выхода на пенсию или импичмента и отстранения от должности. Для 107 не действующих судей средняя продолжительность службы составила 6203 дня (16 лет, 359 дней). Дольше всех прослужил судья Уильям О. Дуглас со сроком полномочий 13358 дней (36 лет, 209 дней). Дольше всех на посту главного судьи был Джон Маршалл , срок его полномочий составил 12 570 дней (34 года, 152 дня). Джон Ратледж , который дважды служил в суде, был и самым недолго проработавшим членом суда , со сроком полномочий 383 дня (1 год, 18 дней) и самый короткий срок полномочий главного судьи — 138 дней (4 месяца 16 дней). Среди нынешних членов суда срок полномочий Кларенса Томаса12,051 дней (32 года, 363 дня) является самым длинным, в то время как Кетанджи Браун Джексон843 дня (2 года, 112 дней) является самым коротким.

    В таблице ниже все судьи Верховного суда США ранжируются по времени пребывания в должности . Для пяти лиц, утвержденных на должность ассоциированного судьи, и которые позже занимали должность главного судьи — Чарльза Эванса Хьюза , Уильяма Ренквиста , Джона Ратледжа, Харлана Ф. Стоуна и Эдварда Дугласа Уайта — измеряется их совокупная продолжительность службы в суде. Основой рейтинга является разница между датами; если подсчитывать по количеству календарных дней, все цифры будут на один больше, за исключением Чарльза Эванса Хьюза и Джона Ратледжа, которые получили бы по два дня, поскольку каждый из них служил в суде дважды (их служба в качестве ассоциированного судьи и главного судьи была разделена периодом лет вне суда). Начальная дата, указанная для каждого судьи, — это день, когда они приняли предписанную присягу , а конечная дата — дата смерти, отставки или выхода на пенсию судьи. Выделенная строка указывает судью, в настоящее время работающего в суде. ( Полная статья... )

  • The prime minister of the United Kingdom is the principal minister of the crown of His Majesty's Government, and the head of the British Cabinet.

    There is no specific date for when the office of prime minister first appeared, as the role was not created but rather evolved over time through a merger of duties. The term was regularly, if informally, used by Robert Walpole by the 1730s. It was used in the House of Commons as early as 1805, and it was certainly in parliamentary use by the 1880s, although did not become the official title until 1905, when Arthur Balfour was prime minister. (Full article...)
  • There are 23 counties in the U.S. state of Wyoming. There were originally five counties in the Wyoming Territory: Laramie and Carter, established in 1867; Carbon and Albany established in 1868; and Uinta, and annexed portion of Utah and Idaho, extending from Montana (including Yellowstone Park) to the Wyoming–Utah boundary. On July 10, 1890, Wyoming was admitted to the Union with thirteen counties in it. Ten more counties were created after statehood.

    Two counties were renamed after their creation. Carter County was renamed Sweetwater County on December 1, 1869. Pease County, formed in 1875, was renamed Johnson County in 1879. (Full article...)
  • Half-length portrait of an older man. He is wearing a black jacket with the white collar of his shirt showing.
    Priestley, painted late in life by Rembrandt Peale (c. 1800)

    Joseph Priestley (1733–1804) was a British natural philosopher, Dissenting clergyman, political theorist, theologian, and educator. He is best known for his discovery, simultaneously with Antoine Lavoisier, of oxygen gas.

    A member of marginalized religious groups throughout his life and a proponent of what was called "rational Dissent," Priestley advocated religious toleration and equal rights for Dissenters. He argued for extensive civil rights in works such as the important Essay on the First Principles of Government, believing that individuals could bring about progress and eventually the Millennium; he was the foremost British expounder of providentialism. Priestley also made significant contributions to education, publishing, among other things, The Rudiments of English Grammar, a seminal work on English grammar. In his most lasting contributions to education, he argued for the benefits of a liberal arts education and of the value of the study of modern history. In his metaphysical works, Priestley "attempt[ed] to combine theism, materialism, and determinism," a project that has been called "audacious and original." (Full article...)

  • The chancellor of Austria is the head of government of Austria, appointed by the president and viewed as the country's de facto chief executive. The chancellor chairs and leads the Cabinet, which also includes the vice-chancellor and the ministers.

    Following World War I, the office was established by the Provisional National Assembly on 30 October 1918 and named state chancellor of the Republic of German-Austria, and its first holder, Karl Renner, was appointed by the State Council. After the Allied powers denied German-Austria to merge with the Weimar Republic, the country formed the federal First Austrian Republic and the office was renamed from state chancellor to federal chancellor. The first federal chancellor was Michael Mayr. There have been ten chancellors who served under the First Republic until Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss created the authoritarian and dictatorial Federal State of Austria. Following Dollfuss's assassination by Austrian National Socialists, Kurt Schuschnigg succeeded him as chancellor and upheld the dictatorship. Schuschnigg was replaced by Arthur Seyss-Inquart, a Nazi caretaker who held the office for two days, until Austria was annexed into Nazi Germany. (Full article...)

  • There are 120 counties in the U.S. Commonwealth of Kentucky. Despite ranking 37th in size by area, Kentucky has 120 counties, fourth among states (including Virginia's independent cities). The original motivation for having so many counties was to ensure that residents in the days of poor roads and horseback travel could make a round trip from their home to the county seat in a single day, as well as being able to travel from one county seat to the next in the same fashion. Later, however, politics began to play a part, with citizens who disagreed with their county government petitioning the state to create a new county. Today, 22 of the 120 counties have fewer than 10,000 residents, and half have fewer than 20,000. The 20 largest counties by population all have populations of 49,000 or higher, and just 7 of the 120 have a population of 100,000 or higher. The average county population, based on the estimated 2023 state population of 4.526 million, was 37,718.

    Following concerns of too many counties, the 1891 Kentucky Constitution placed stricter limits on county creation, stipulating that a new county:
    • must have a land area of at least 400 square miles (1,036 km2);
    • must have a population of at least 12,000 people;
    • must not by its creation reduce the land area of an existing county to less than 400 square miles;
    • must not by its creation reduce the population of an existing county to fewer than 12,000 people;
    • must not create a county boundary line that passes within 10 miles (16 kilometers) of an existing county seat.

    These regulations have reined in the proliferation of counties in Kentucky. Since the 1891 Constitution, only McCreary County has been legally created, in 1912. The General Assembly's creation of Beckham County in 1904 was ruled unconstitutional. Because today's largest county by area, Pike County, is 788 square miles (2,041 km2), it is only still possible to form a new county from portions of more than one existing county; McCreary County was formed in this manner, from parts of Wayne, Pulaski and Whitley counties. (Full article...)

  • Sultanate flag

    The sultans of Zanzibar (Arabic: سلاطين زنجبار) were the rulers of the Sultanate of Zanzibar, which was created on 19 October 1856 after the death of Said bin Sultan. He had ruled Oman and Zanzibar as the sultan of Oman since 1804. The sultans of Zanzibar were of a cadet branch of the Al Said Dynasty of Oman.

    In 1698, Zanzibar became part of the overseas holdings of Oman, falling under the control of the sultan of Oman. Omani and other Arab traders had already been prominent in trade with the island for hundreds of years. It was also visited by traders from Persia and India, who arrived with the seasonal musim (west wind). Months later they could return east with a change in the wind. (Full article...)
  • Map of the European Union with Lithuania highlighted in green
    Location of Lithuania in the European Union

    Lithuania is divided into three levels of administrative divisions. The first-level division consists of 10 counties (Lithuanian: singular – apskritis, plural – apskritys). These are sub-divided into 60 municipalities (Lithuanian: plural – savivaldybės, singular – savivaldybė), which in turn are further sub-divided into over 500 smaller groups, known as elderships (Lithuanian: plural – seniūnijos, singular – seniūnija).

    At the end of its tenure as a Soviet Socialist Republic, Lithuania's administrative divisions consisted of 44 regions, 12 cities, 80 towns, 19 settlements, and 426 rural districts. The reform of this system was an immediate concern for the new government. The Constitution of Lithuania, ratified in 1992, delegated the power of establishing future administrative units to the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas). Accordingly, the Seimas passed two fundamental laws: a 1993 law on government representation and a 1994 law specifying the territorial-administrative units and their boundaries. The current system of a set of municipalities under 10 counties was codified by 1995. Several changes were made in 2000, resulting in 60 municipalities. (Full article...)
  • A total of 41 counties (Romanian: județe), along with the municipality of Bucharest, constitute the official administrative divisions of Romania. They represent the country's NUTS-3 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics – Level 3) statistical subdivisions within the European Union and each of them serves as the local level of government within its borders. Most counties are named after a major river, while some are named after notable cities within them, such as the county seat.

    The earliest organization into județe of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia (where they were termed ținuturi) dates back to at least the late 14th century. For most of the time since modern Romania was formed in 1859, the administrative division system has been similar to that of the French departments. The system has since changed several times and the number of counties has varied over time, from the 71 județe that existed before World War II to only 39 after 1968. The current format has largely been in place since 1968 as only small changes have been made since then, the last of which was in 1997. (Full article...)
  • A map of Florida's counties with counties labeled. Florida is shaped liked an "L" rotated 180 degrees. Many of the county borders follow the winding courses of river, some are straight. Some of larger counties tend to be in the center of the State.
    Florida counties (clickable map)

    There are 67 counties in the U.S. state of Florida, which became a territory of the U.S. in 1821 with two counties complementing the provincial divisions retained as a Spanish territory, Escambia to the west and St. Johns to the east. The two counties were divided by the Suwannee River. All of the other counties were created later from these two original counties. Florida became the 27th U.S. state in 1845, and its last county was created in 1925 with the formation of Gilchrist County from a segment of Alachua County. Florida's counties are subdivisions of the state government. Florida's most populous county is Miami-Dade County, the seventh most populous county in the nation, with a population of 2,701,767 as of the 2020 census.

    In 1968, counties gained the power to develop their own charters. All but two of Florida's county seats are incorporated municipalities: the exceptions are Crawfordville, county seat of rural Wakulla County, and East Naples, located outside Naples city limits in Collier County. (Full article...)

  • The Cabinet of the United States, which is the principal advisory body to the President of the United States, has had 65 female members altogether, with seven of them serving in multiple positions for a total of 72 cabinet appointments. Of that number, 38 different women held a total of 41 permanent cabinet posts, having served as the Vice President or heads of the federal executive departments; 31 more women held cabinet-level positions, which can differ under each president; and four officeholders served in both cabinet and cabinet-rank roles. No woman held a presidential cabinet position before the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which prohibits the federal government or any state from denying citizens the right to vote on the basis of sex.

    Frances Perkins became the first woman to serve in a president's cabinet when she was appointed Secretary of Labor by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. Patricia Roberts Harris was the first African-American woman and the first woman of color to serve in a presidential cabinet when she was named Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by President Jimmy Carter in 1977. Two years later, Carter tapped her for Secretary of Health and Human Services, therefore making her the first woman to hold two different cabinet positions. Madeleine Albright, who was born in Czechoslovakia, became the first foreign-born woman to serve in a president's cabinet when she was picked by President Bill Clinton for United States Ambassador to the United Nations, a cabinet-rank position, in 1993. She was elevated to Secretary of State four years later, during Clinton's second term, thus becoming the highest-ranking woman in the federal government's history at the time. (Full article...)
  • Map of the counties of colonial Connecticut, 1766.

    There are eight counties in the U.S. state of Connecticut.

    Four of the counties – Fairfield, Hartford, New Haven and New London – were created in 1666, shortly after the Connecticut Colony and the New Haven Colony combined. Windham and Litchfield counties were created later in the colonial era, while Middlesex and Tolland counties were created after American independence (both in 1785). Six of the counties are named for locations in England, where many early Connecticut settlers originated; Fairfield County was named after the salt marshes that bordered the coast, while New Haven County was named for the New Haven Colony. (Full article...)
  • The Norwegian Nobel Institute assists the Norwegian Nobel Committee in selecting recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize and in organising the annual award in Oslo.

    The Norwegian Nobel Committee awards the Nobel Peace Prize annually "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." As dictated by Alfred Nobel's will, the award is administered by the Norwegian Nobel Committee and awarded by a committee of five people elected by the Parliament of Norway.

    Each recipient receives a medal, a diploma, and a monetary award prize (that has varied throughout the years). It is one of the five prizes established by the 1895 will of Alfred Nobel (who died in 1896), awarded for outstanding contributions in chemistry, physics, literature, physiology or medicine. (Full article...)
  • There are 23 counties and one independent city in the U.S. state of Maryland. Though formally an independent city rather than a county, the City of Baltimore is considered the equal of a county for most purposes and is functionally a county-equivalent in most respects. Many of the counties in Maryland were named for relatives of the Barons Baltimore, who were the proprietors of the Maryland colony from its founding in 1634 through 1771. The Barons Baltimore were Catholic, and George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore, originally intended that the colony be a haven for English Catholics, though for most of its history Maryland has had a majority of Protestants. (Full article...)

  • Districts (Sinhala: දිස්ත්‍රි‌ක්‌ක, romanized: Distrikka, Tamil: மாவட்டம், romanized: Māvaṭṭam) are the second level administrative divisions of Sri Lanka, preceded by provinces. Sri Lanka has 25 districts organized into 9 provinces. Districts are further divided into a number of divisional secretariats (commonly known as D.S. divisions), which are in turn subdivided into 14,022 grama niladhari divisions. There are 331 DS divisions in Sri Lanka.

    Each district is administered under a district secretary, who is appointed by the central government. The main tasks of the district secretariat involve coordinating communications and activities of the central government and divisional secretariats. The district secretariat is also responsible for implementing and monitoring development projects at the district level and assisting lower-level subdivisions in their activities, as well as revenue collection and coordination of elections in the district. (Full article...)

Выбранная цитата

Избранная биография

Ясир Арафат в 1999 году

Ясир Арафат (1929–2004) был палестинским боевиком и политиком. Будучи председателем Организации освобождения Палестины и президентом Палестинской национальной администрации , Арафат постоянно боролся против израильских сил во имя палестинского самоопределения. Арафат постоянно был окружен противоречиями, как в конце 1960-х и начале 1970-х годов, когда ФАТХ столкнулся с Иорданией в гражданской войне. Вытесненные из Иордании в Ливан, Арафат и ФАТХ стали целями вторжений Израиля в эту страну в 1978 и 1982 годах. Говорят, что Арафат был ключевым организатором убийства организацией «Черный сентябрь » одиннадцати израильских спортсменов на летних Олимпийских играх 1972 года . Большинство палестинского народа — независимо от политической идеологии или фракции — считали его героическим борцом за свободу и мучеником , который символизировал национальные устремления своего народа. Однако многие израильтяне описывали его как нераскаявшегося террориста. В 1994 году Арафат получил Нобелевскую премию мира вместе с Ицхаком Рабином и Шимоном Пересом за переговоры по соглашениям в Осло . В конце 2004 года, после того как израильские силы обороны фактически заперли его в Рамалле более чем на два года, Арафат заболел и впал в кому, а затем умер.

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Викиновости о политике и конфликтах
  • 11 августа : 4 района местного самоуправления в Новом Южном Уэльсе, Австралия, закрыты из-за случая COVID-19
  • 11 августа : Австралия: Правительство Виктории расширило доступ к вакцине AstraZeneca
  • 1 августа : Австралия: снят карантин в Виктории
  • 29 июля : президент Туниса отправляет в отставку премьер-министра, приостанавливает работу парламента
  • 25 июля : Австралия: Wikinews берет интервью у Рега Кидда, мэра города Ориндж, о карантине из-за COVID-19 и местном самоуправлении
  • 23 июля : Южная Австралия вводит недельный карантин для сдерживания распространения дельта-варианта COVID-19
  • 21 июля : старший преподаватель Дублинского технологического университета доктор Лоркан Сирр рассказывает Викиновостям о рынке жилья в Ирландии
  • 21 июля : три сельских совета в Новом Южном Уэльсе, Австралия, вводят 7-дневный карантин.
  • 21 июля : Австралия: карантин в Виктории продлен на неделю, зарегистрировано 85 активных случаев
  • 15 июля : губернатор Калифорнии подписывает новый бюджет штата, калифорнийцы, имеющие на это право, получат стимулирующие выплаты

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