
Sugars (clockwise from top-left): white refined, unrefined, unprocessed cane, brown

Sugar is the generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. Simple sugars, also called monosaccharides, include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Compound sugars, also called disaccharides or double sugars, are molecules made of two bonded monosaccharides; common examples are sucrose (glucose + fructose), lactose (glucose + galactose), and maltose (two molecules of glucose). White sugar is a refined form of sucrose. In the body, compound sugars are hydrolysed into simple sugars.

Longer chains of monosaccharides (>2) are not regarded as sugars and are called oligosaccharides or polysaccharides. Starch is a glucose polymer found in plants, the most abundant source of energy in human food. Some other chemical substances, such as ethylene glycol, glycerol and sugar alcohols, may have a sweet taste but are not classified as sugar.

Sugars are found in the tissues of most plants. Honey and fruits are abundant natural sources of simple sugars. Sucrose is especially concentrated in sugarcane and sugar beet, making them ideal for efficient commercial extraction to make refined sugar. In 2016, the combined world production of those two crops was about two billion tonnes. Maltose may be produced by malting grain. Lactose is the only sugar that cannot be extracted from plants. It can only be found in milk, including human breast milk, and in some dairy products. A cheap source of sugar is corn syrup, industrially produced by converting corn starch into sugars, such as maltose, fructose and glucose.

Sucrose is used in prepared foods (e.g. cookies and cakes), is sometimes added to commercially available ultra-processed food and beverages, and may be used by people as a sweetener for foods (e.g. toast and cereal) and beverages (e.g. coffee and tea). The average person consumes about 24 kilograms (53 pounds) of sugar each year, with North and South Americans consuming up to 50 kg (110 lb) and Africans consuming under 20 kg (44 lb).[1]

Поскольку потребление свободного сахара росло во второй половине 20-го века, исследователи начали изучать, наносит ли диета с высоким содержанием свободного сахара, особенно рафинированного сахара, вред здоровью человека . В 2015 году Всемирная организация здравоохранения настоятельно рекомендовала взрослым и детям сократить потребление свободных сахаров до менее 10% от общего потребления энергии и призвала сократить его до менее 5%. [2] В целом, высокое потребление сахара наносит больше вреда здоровью человека, чем приносит пищевую пользу, и связано с риском кардиометаболических и других нарушений здоровья. [3]


Этимология отражает распространение товара. От санскрита ( śarkarā ), что означает «молотый или засахаренный сахар», произошло персидское shakar и арабское sukkar . Арабское слово было заимствовано в средневековой латыни как succarum , откуда в 12 веке произошло французское sucre и английское sugar . Сахар был завезен в Европу арабами из Сицилии и Испании. [4]

Английское слово jaggery , грубый коричневый сахар, изготавливаемый из сока финиковой пальмы или сока сахарного тростника , имеет схожее этимологическое происхождение: португальское jágara от малаяламского cakkarā , которое, в свою очередь, происходит от санскритского śarkarā . [5]


Древний мир до эпохи Возрождения

Плантация сахарного тростника


Сахар производился на индийском субконтиненте [6] с древних времен [ когда? ] , и его выращивание распространилось оттуда на территорию современного Афганистана через Хайберский проход . [7] В ранние времена он был не в изобилии и не был дешевым, и в большинстве частей мира для подслащивания чаще использовали мед . [8] Первоначально люди жевали сырой сахарный тростник, чтобы извлечь его сладость. Даже после того, как очищенный сахарный тростник стал более доступным в европейскую колониальную эпоху, [9] пальмовый сахар предпочитали на Яве и в других сахаропроизводящих частях Юго-Восточной Азии, и наряду с кокосовым сахаром , он до сих пор используется на местном уровне для приготовления десертов. [10] [11]

Sugarcane is native of tropical areas such as the Indian subcontinent (South Asia) and Southeast Asia.[6][12] Different species seem to have originated from different locations with Saccharum barberi originating in India and S. edule and S. officinarum coming from New Guinea.[12][13] One of the earliest historical references to sugarcane is in Chinese manuscripts dating to 8th century BCE, which state that the use of sugarcane originated in India.[14]

In the tradition of Indian medicine (āyurveda), the sugarcane is known by the name Ikṣu and the sugarcane juice is known as Phāṇita. Its varieties, synonyms and characteristics are defined in nighaṇṭus such as the Bhāvaprakāśa (1.6.23, group of sugarcanes).[15]

Sugar remained relatively unimportant until the Indians discovered methods of turning sugarcane juice into granulated crystals that were easier to store and to transport.[16] A process the Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides attested to in his 1st century CE medical treatise De Materia Medica:

There is a kind of coalesced honey called sakcharon [i.e. sugar] found in reeds in India and Eudaimon Arabia similar in consistency to salt and brittle enough to be broken between the teeth like salt,

— Pedanius Dioscorides, Materia Medica, Book II[17][18]

In the local Indian language, these crystals were called khanda (Devanagari: खण्ड, Khaṇḍa), which is the source of the word candy.[19] Indian sailors, who carried clarified butter and sugar as supplies, introduced knowledge of sugar along the various trade routes they travelled.[16] Traveling Buddhist monks took sugar crystallization methods to China.[20] During the reign of Harsha (r. 606–647) in North India, Indian envoys in Tang China taught methods of cultivating sugarcane after Emperor Taizong of Tang (r. 626–649) made known his interest in sugar. China established its first sugarcane plantations in the seventh century.[21] Chinese documents confirm at least two missions to India, initiated in 647 CE, to obtain technology for sugar refining.[22] In the Indian subcontinent,[6] the Middle East and China, sugar became a staple of cooking and desserts.


Two elaborate sugar triomfi of goddesses for a dinner given by the Earl of Castlemaine, British Ambassador in Rome, 1687

Неарх , адмирал Александра Македонского , знал о сахаре в 325 году до нашей эры, благодаря своему участию в походе в Индию под предводительством Александра ( Арриан , Анабасис ). [23] [24] Помимо греческого врача Педания Диоскорида , римлянин Плиний Старший также описывал сахар в своей « Естественной истории» в I веке н. э.: « Сахар также производится в Аравии, но индийский сахар лучше. Это вид меда, который содержится в тростнике, белый, как камедь, и он хрустит на зубах. Он поставляется в кусках размером с лесной орех. Сахар используется только в медицинских целях » . [25] Крестоносцы привезли сахар обратно в Европу после своих походов в Святую землю , где они столкнулись с караванами, перевозившими «сладкую соль». В начале XII века Венеция приобрела несколько деревень около Тира и основала поместья для производства сахара для экспорта в Европу. Он дополнял использование меда, который ранее был единственным доступным подсластителем. [26] Летописец крестового похода Вильгельм Тирский , писавший в конце XII века, описывал сахар как «весьма необходимый для использования и здоровья человечества». [27] В XV веке Венеция была главным центром переработки и распределения сахара в Европе. [14]

Произошли радикальные изменения в середине 15 века, когда Мадейра и Канарские острова были заселены европейцами и туда был завезен сахар. [28] [29] После этого «всепоглощающая страсть к сахару... охватила общество», поскольку он стал гораздо более доступным, хотя изначально все еще очень дорогим. [30] К 1492 году Мадейра производила более 1 400 000 килограммов (3 000 000 фунтов) сахара ежегодно. [31] Генуя , один из центров распространения, стала известна засахаренными фруктами, в то время как Венеция специализировалась на выпечке, сладостях (конфетах) и сахарных скульптурах . Сахар считался обладающим «ценными лечебными свойствами» как «теплая» пища в преобладающих категориях, будучи «полезным для желудка, для лечения простудных заболеваний и для облегчения заболеваний легких». [32]

Пир, устроенный в Туре в 1457 году Гастоном де Фуа , который является «вероятно лучшим и наиболее полным описанием позднесредневекового банкета», включает первое упоминание о сахарных скульптурах, поскольку последней принесенной едой был «геральдический зверинец, вылепленный из сахара: львы, олени, обезьяны... каждый из которых держал в лапе или клюве герб венгерского короля». [33] Другие зарегистрированные грандиозные пиры в последующие десятилетия включали похожие изделия. [34] Первоначально скульптуры, по-видимому, съедались во время еды, но позже они стали просто украшениями стола, самые сложные из которых назывались trionfi . Известно, что их создавали несколько значительных скульпторов; в некоторых случаях сохранились их предварительные рисунки. Ранние были из коричневого сахара, частично отлитые в формах, с вырезанными последними штрихами. Их продолжали использовать, по крайней мере, до коронационного банкета Эдуарда VII Соединенного Королевства в 1903 году; среди других скульптур каждому гостю вручали сахарную корону на вынос. [35]

Современная история

Немецкие химики Андреас Сигизмунд Маргграф (слева) и Франц Карл Ахард (справа) заложили основу современной сахарной промышленности.

В августе 1492 года Христофор Колумб собрал образцы сахарного тростника в Ла-Гомере на Канарских островах и привез его в Новый Свет. [36] Черенки были посажены, и первый урожай сахарного тростника на Эспаньоле состоялся в 1501 году . К 1520-м годам на Кубе и Ямайке было построено множество сахарных заводов. [37] Португальцы привезли сахарный тростник в Бразилию. К 1540 году на острове Санта-Катарина было 800 сахарных заводов и еще 2000 на северном побережье Бразилии, в Демараре и Суринаме . Только к 1600 году производство сахара в Бразилии превысило производство в Сан-Томе , который был главным центром производства сахара в шестнадцатом веке. [29]

Сахар был роскошью в Европе до начала 19 века, когда он стал более доступным из-за роста производства свекловичного сахара в Пруссии , а затем во Франции при Наполеоне . [38] Свекловичный сахар был немецким изобретением, поскольку в 1747 году Андреас Сигизмунд Маргграф объявил об открытии сахара в свекле и разработал метод его извлечения с использованием спирта. [39] Ученик Маргграфа, Франц Карл Ахард , разработал экономичный промышленный метод извлечения сахара в чистом виде в конце 18 века. [40] [41] Ахард впервые произвел свекловичный сахар в 1783 году в Каульсдорфе , а в 1801 году в Кунерне , Силезия (тогда часть Пруссии, ныне Польша ), было основано первое в мире предприятие по производству свекловичного сахара . [42] Работы Маргграфа и Ахарда стали отправной точкой для сахарной промышленности в Европе, [43] и для современной сахарной промышленности в целом, поскольку сахар больше не был предметом роскоши и продуктом, который производился практически только в более теплом климате. [44]

Сахар стал очень популярным и к 19 веку был в каждом доме. Эта эволюция вкуса и спроса на сахар как на основной пищевой ингредиент привела к крупным экономическим и социальным изменениям. [45] Спрос отчасти привел к колонизации тропических островов и районов, где трудоемкие плантации сахарного тростника и предприятия по производству сахара могли быть успешными. [45] Мировое потребление увеличилось более чем в 100 раз с 1850 по 2000 год, во главе с Великобританией, где оно увеличилось с примерно 2 фунтов на душу населения в год в 1650 году до 90 фунтов к началу 20 века. В конце 18 века Великобритания потребляла около половины сахара, который достигал Европы. [46]

После отмены рабства спрос на рабочих в европейских колониях на Карибах был удовлетворен за счет наемных рабочих с Индийского субконтинента . [47] [48] [49] Миллионы рабов или наемных рабочих были привезены в различные европейские колонии в Америке, Африке и Азии (в результате спроса в Европе, среди прочего, на сахар), что повлияло на этническую смесь многочисленных стран по всему миру. [50] [51] [52]

Sugar also led to some industrialization of areas where sugar cane was grown. For example, in the 1790s Lieutenant J. Paterson, of the Bengal Presidency promoted to the British parliament the idea that sugar cane could grow in British India, where it had started, with many advantages and at less expense than in the West Indies. As a result, sugar factories were established in Bihar in eastern India.[53][54]During the Napoleonic Wars, sugar-beet production increased in continental Europe because of the difficulty of importing sugar when shipping was subject to blockade. By 1880 the sugar beet was the main source of sugar in Europe. It was also cultivated in Lincolnshire and other parts of England, although the United Kingdom continued to import the main part of its sugar from its colonies.[55]

Until the late nineteenth century, sugar was purchased in loaves, which had to be cut using implements called sugar nips.[56] In later years, granulated sugar was more usually sold in bags. Sugar cubes were produced in the nineteenth century. The first inventor of a process to produce sugar in cube form was Jakob Christof Rad, director of a sugar refinery in Dačice. In 1841, he produced the first sugar cube in the world.[57] He began sugar-cube production after being granted a five-year patent for the process on 23 January 1843. Henry Tate of Tate & Lyle was another early manufacturer of sugar cubes at his refineries in Liverpool and London. Tate purchased a patent for sugar-cube manufacture from German Eugen Langen, who in 1872 had invented a different method of processing of sugar cubes.[58]

Sugar was rationed during World War I, though it was said that "No previous war in history has been fought so largely on sugar and so little on alcohol",[59] and more sharply during World War II.[60][61][62][63][64] Rationing led to the development and use of various artificial sweeteners.[60][65]


Sucrose: a disaccharide of glucose (left) and fructose (right), important molecules in the body.

Scientifically, sugar loosely refers to a number of carbohydrates, such as monosaccharides, disaccharides, or oligosaccharides. Monosaccharides are also called "simple sugars", the most important being glucose. Most monosaccharides have a formula that conforms to C
with n between 3 and 7 (deoxyribose being an exception). Glucose has the molecular formula C
. The names of typical sugars end with -ose, as in "glucose" and "fructose". Sometimes such words may also refer to any types of carbohydrates soluble in water. The acyclic mono- and disaccharides contain either aldehyde groups or ketone groups. These carbon-oxygen double bonds (C=O) are the reactive centers. All saccharides with more than one ring in their structure result from two or more monosaccharides joined by glycosidic bonds with the resultant loss of a molecule of water (H
) per bond.[66]

Monosaccharides in a closed-chain form can form glycosidic bonds with other monosaccharides, creating disaccharides (such as sucrose) and polysaccharides (such as starch or cellulose). Enzymes must hydrolyze or otherwise break these glycosidic bonds before such compounds become metabolized. After digestion and absorption the principal monosaccharides present in the blood and internal tissues include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Many pentoses and hexoses can form ring structures. In these closed-chain forms, the aldehyde or ketone group remains non-free, so many of the reactions typical of these groups cannot occur. Glucose in solution exists mostly in the ring form at equilibrium, with less than 0.1% of the molecules in the open-chain form.[66]

Natural polymers

Biopolymers of sugars are common in nature. Through photosynthesis, plants produce glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P), a phosphated 3-carbon sugar that is used by the cell to make monosaccharides such as glucose (C
) or (as in cane and beet) sucrose (C
). Monosaccharides may be further converted into structural polysaccharides such as cellulose and pectin for cell wall construction or into energy reserves in the form of storage polysaccharides such as starch or inulin. Starch, consisting of two different polymers of glucose, is a readily degradable form of chemical energy stored by cells, and can be converted to other types of energy.[66] Another polymer of glucose is cellulose, which is a linear chain composed of several hundred or thousand glucose units. It is used by plants as a structural component in their cell walls. Humans can digest cellulose only to a very limited extent, though ruminants can do so with the help of symbiotic bacteria in their gut.[67] DNA and RNA are built up of the monosaccharides deoxyribose and ribose, respectively. Deoxyribose has the formula C
and ribose the formula C

Flammability and heat response

Magnification of grains of refined sucrose, the most common free sugar

Because sugars burn easily when exposed to flame, the handling of sugars risks dust explosion. The risk of explosion is higher when the sugar has been milled to superfine texture, such as for use in chewing gum.[69] The 2008 Georgia sugar refinery explosion, which killed 14 people and injured 36, and destroyed most of the refinery, was caused by the ignition of sugar dust.[70]

In its culinary use, exposing sugar to heat causes caramelization. As the process occurs, volatile chemicals such as diacetyl are released, producing the characteristic caramel flavor.[71]



Fructose, galactose, and glucose are all simple sugars, monosaccharides, with the general formula C6H12O6. They have five hydroxyl groups (−OH) and a carbonyl group (C=O) and are cyclic when dissolved in water. They each exist as several isomers with dextro- and laevo-rotatory forms that cause polarized light to diverge to the right or the left.[72]


Lactose, maltose, and sucrose are all compound sugars, disaccharides, with the general formula C12H22O11. They are formed by the combination of two monosaccharide molecules with the exclusion of a molecule of water.[72]


The sugar contents of common fruits and vegetables are presented in Table 1.

^A The carbohydrate figure is calculated in the USDA database and does not always correspond to the sum of the sugars, the starch, and the dietary fiber.[why?]
^B The fructose to fructose plus glucose ratio is calculated by including the fructose and glucose coming from the sucrose.


Due to rising demand, sugar production in general increased some 14% over the period 2009 to 2018.[83] The largest importers were China, Indonesia, and the United States.[83]


Sugar cane accounted for around 21% of the global crop production over the 2000–2021 period. The Americas was the leading region in the production of sugar cane (52% of the world total).[85]

Global production of sugarcane in 2020 was 1.9 billion tonnes, with Brazil producing 40% of the world total and India 20% (table).

Sugarcane refers to any of several species, or their hybrids, of giant grasses in the genus Saccharum in the family Poaceae. They have been cultivated in tropical climates in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia over centuries for the sucrose found in their stems.[6] A great expansion in sugarcane production took place in the 18th century with the establishment of slave plantations in the Americas. The use of slavery for the labor-intensive process resulted in sugar production, enabling prices cheap enough for most people to buy. Mechanization reduced some labor needs, but in the 21st century, cultivation and production relied on low-wage laborers.

World production of raw sugar, main producers[86]

Sugar cane requires a frost-free climate with sufficient rainfall during the growing season to make full use of the plant's substantial growth potential. The crop is harvested mechanically or by hand, chopped into lengths and conveyed rapidly to the processing plant (commonly known as a sugar mill) where it is either milled and the juice extracted with water or extracted by diffusion.[87] The juice is clarified with lime and heated to destroy enzymes. The resulting thin syrup is concentrated in a series of evaporators, after which further water is removed. The resulting supersaturated solution is seeded with sugar crystals, facilitating crystal formation and drying.[87] Molasses is a by-product of the process and the fiber from the stems, known as bagasse,[87] is burned to provide energy for the sugar extraction process. The crystals of raw sugar have a sticky brown coating and either can be used as they are, can be bleached by sulfur dioxide, or can be treated in a carbonatation process to produce a whiter product.[87] About 2,500 litres (660 US gal) of irrigation water is needed for every one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of sugar produced.[88]

Sugar beet

In 2020, global production of sugar beets was 253 million tonnes, led by Russia with 13% of the world total (table).

The sugar beet became a major source of sugar in the 19th century when methods for extracting the sugar became available. It is a biennial plant,[90] a cultivated variety of Beta vulgaris in the family Amaranthaceae, the tuberous root of which contains a high proportion of sucrose. It is cultivated as a root crop in temperate regions with adequate rainfall and requires a fertile soil. The crop is harvested mechanically in the autumn and the crown of leaves and excess soil removed. The roots do not deteriorate rapidly and may be left in the field for some weeks before being transported to the processing plant where the crop is washed and sliced, and the sugar extracted by diffusion.[91] Milk of lime is added to the raw juice with calcium carbonate. After water is evaporated by boiling the syrup under a vacuum, the syrup is cooled and seeded with sugar crystals. The white sugar that crystallizes can be separated in a centrifuge and dried, requiring no further refining.[91]


Refined sugar is made from raw sugar that has undergone a refining process to remove the molasses.[92][93] Raw sugar is sucrose which is extracted from sugarcane or sugar beet. While raw sugar can be consumed, the refining process removes unwanted tastes and results in refined sugar or white sugar.[94][95]

The sugar may be transported in bulk to the country where it will be used and the refining process often takes place there. The first stage is known as affination and involves immersing the sugar crystals in a concentrated syrup that softens and removes the sticky brown coating without dissolving them. The crystals are then separated from the liquor and dissolved in water. The resulting syrup is treated either by a carbonatation or by a phosphatation process. Both involve the precipitation of a fine solid in the syrup and when this is filtered out, many of the impurities are removed at the same time. Removal of color is achieved by using either a granular activated carbon or an ion-exchange resin. The sugar syrup is concentrated by boiling and then cooled and seeded with sugar crystals, causing the sugar to crystallize out. The liquor is spun off in a centrifuge and the white crystals are dried in hot air and ready to be packaged or used. The surplus liquor is made into refiners' molasses.[96]

The International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis sets standards for the measurement of the purity of refined sugar, known as ICUMSA numbers; lower numbers indicate a higher level of purity in the refined sugar.[97]

Refined sugar is widely used for industrial needs for higher quality. Refined sugar is purer (ICUMSA below 300) than raw sugar (ICUMSA over 1,500).[98] The level of purity associated with the colors of sugar, expressed by standard number ICUMSA, the smaller ICUMSA numbers indicate the higher purity of sugar.[98]

Forms and uses

Crystal size


Sugar cubes

Brown sugars

Brown sugar examples: Muscovado (top), dark brown (left), light brown (right).

Brown sugars are granulated sugars, either containing residual molasses, or with the grains deliberately coated with molasses to produce a light- or dark-colored sugar. They are used in baked goods, confectionery, and toffees.[101] Their darkness is due to the amount of molasses they contain. They may be classified based on their darkness or country of origin. For instance:[99]

Liquid sugars

A jar of honey with a dipper and a biscuit

Other sweeteners


Worldwide sugar provides 10% of the daily calories (based on a 2000 kcal diet).[105] In 1750, the average Briton got 72 calories a day from sugar. In 1913, this had risen to 395. In 2015, sugar still provided around 14% of the calories in British diets.[106] According to one source, per capita consumption of sugar in 2016 was highest in the United States, followed by Germany and the Netherlands.[107]

Nutrition and flavor

Коричневый и белый гранулированный сахар на 97% и почти на 100% состоят из углеводов, соответственно, с менее чем 2% воды и без пищевых волокон, белков или жиров (таблица). Коричневый сахар содержит умеренное количество железа (15% от рекомендуемой суточной дозы в 100 граммах, см. таблицу), но типичная порция в 4 грамма (одна чайная ложка) обеспечит 15 калорий и незначительное количество железа или любого другого питательного вещества. [110] Поскольку коричневый сахар содержит 5–10% патоки , повторно вводимой во время обработки, его ценность для некоторых потребителей заключается в более насыщенном вкусе, чем белый сахар. [111]

Влияние на здоровье


Высокое потребление сахара наносит больше вреда здоровью человека, чем приносит питательную пользу, и, в частности, связано с риском кардиометаболических нарушений здоровья. [3]

Финансирование сахарной промышленности и информация о здоровье

Производители сахара и сладких продуктов питания и напитков пытались повлиять на медицинские исследования и рекомендации в области общественного здравоохранения , [112] [113] при этом были задокументированы значительные и в основном тайные расходы с 1960-х по 2016 год. [114] [115] [116] [117] Результаты исследований воздействия сладких продуктов питания и напитков на здоровье значительно различаются в зависимости от того, имеет ли исследователь финансовые связи с пищевой и питейной промышленностью. [118] [119] [120] Медицинский обзор 2013 года пришел к выводу, что «нездоровые отрасли производства товаров не должны играть никакой роли в формировании национальной или международной политики в области НИЗ [ неинфекционных заболеваний ]». [121]

Аналогичные попытки предпринимались для управления освещением информации о здоровье, связанной с сахаром, в популярных средствах массовой информации, включая новостные СМИ и социальные сети. [122] [123] [124]

Ожирение и метаболический синдром

Технический отчет Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) за 2003 год содержит доказательства того, что чрезмерное потребление сладких напитков (включая фруктовый сок ) увеличивает риск ожирения за счет увеличения общего потребления энергии . [125] Сам по себе сахар не является фактором, вызывающим ожирение и метаболический синдром , но, скорее, при чрезмерном потреблении является компонентом нездорового пищевого поведения. [125] [ требуется обновление ] Метаанализы показали, что чрезмерное потребление сладких напитков увеличивает риск развития диабета 2 типа и метаболического синдрома , включая увеличение веса [126] и ожирение, у взрослых и детей. [127] [128]


Sugar consumption does not cause cancer.[129][130][131] Cancer Council Australia have stated that "there is no evidence that consuming sugar makes cancer cells grow faster or cause cancer".[129] There is an indirect relationship between sugar consumption and obesity-related cancers through increased risk of excess body weight.[131][129][132]

The American Institute for Cancer Research and World Cancer Research Fund recommend that people limit sugar consumption.[133][134]

There is a popular misconception that cancer can be treated by reducing sugar and carbohydrate intake to supposedly "starve" tumours. In reality, the health of people with cancer is best served by maintaining a healthy diet.[135]


Despite some studies suggesting that sugar consumption causes hyperactivity, the quality of evidence is low[136] and it is generally accepted within the scientific community that the notion of children's 'sugar rush' is a myth.[137][138] A 2019 meta-analysis found that sugar consumption does not improve mood, but can lower alertness and increase fatigue within an hour of consumption.[139] One review of low-quality studies of children consuming high amounts of energy drinks showed association with higher rates of unhealthy behaviors, including smoking and excessive alcohol use, and with hyperactivity and insomnia, although such effects could not be specifically attributed to sugar over other components of those drinks such as caffeine.[140]

Tooth decay

The WHO, Action on Sugar and the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) consider free sugars an essential dietary factor in the development of dental caries.[141][142][143] WHO have stated that "dental caries can be prevented by avoiding dietary free sugars".[141]

A review of human studies showed that the incidence of caries is lower when sugar intake is less than 10% of total energy consumed.[144] Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption is associated with an increased risk of tooth decay.[145]

Nutritional displacement

The "empty calories" argument states that a diet high in added (or 'free') sugars will reduce consumption of foods that contain essential nutrients.[146] This nutrient displacement occurs if sugar makes up more than 25% of daily energy intake,[147] a proportion associated with poor diet quality and risk of obesity.[148] Displacement may occur at lower levels of consumption.[147]

Recommended dietary intake

The WHO recommends that both adults and children reduce the intake of free sugars to less than 10% of total energy intake, and suggests a reduction to below 5%. "Free sugars" include monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods, and sugars found in fruit juice and concentrates, as well as in honey and syrups. According to the WHO, "[t]hese recommendations were based on the totality of available evidence reviewed regarding the relationship between free sugars intake and body weight (low and moderate quality evidence) and dental caries (very low and moderate quality evidence)."[2]

On 20 May 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced changes to the Nutrition Facts panel displayed on all foods, to be effective by July 2018. New to the panel is a requirement to list "added sugars" by weight and as a percent of Daily Value (DV). For vitamins and minerals, the intent of DVs is to indicate how much should be consumed. For added sugars, the guidance is that 100% DV should not be exceeded. 100% DV is defined as 50 grams. For a person consuming 2000 calories a day, 50 grams is equal to 200 calories and thus 10% of total calories—the same guidance as the WHO.[149] To put this in context, most 12-US-fluid-ounce (355 ml) cans of soda contain 39 grams of sugar. In the United States, a government survey on food consumption in 2013–2014 reported that, for men and women aged 20 and older, the average total sugar intakes—naturally occurring in foods and added—were, respectively, 125 and 99 g/day.[150]


Various culinary sugars have different densities due to differences in particle size and inclusion of moisture.

Domino Sugar gives the following weight to volume conversions (in United States customary units):[151]

The "Engineering Resources – Bulk Density Chart" published in Powder and Bulk gives different values for the bulk densities:[152]

Society and culture

Manufacturers of sugary products, such as soft drinks and candy, and the Sugar Research Foundation have been accused of trying to influence consumers and medical associations in the 1960s and 1970s by creating doubt about the potential health hazards of sucrose overconsumption, while promoting saturated fat as the main dietary risk factor in cardiovascular diseases.[114] In 2016, the criticism led to recommendations that diet policymakers emphasize the need for high-quality research that accounts for multiple biomarkers on development of cardiovascular diseases.[114]


See also


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