Чарльстон , Южная Каролина, был городом-крепостью с 1690-х по 1720-е годы. Часть стены, называемая Half Moon Battery, все еще видна в подземелье Provost Dungeon в старом здании биржи.
Сент-Огастин, Флорида , начиная с 1704 года, испанцы построили линию Кубо , присоединенную к Кастильо-де-Сан-Маркос и окружавшую город. Карты 18-го века подробно описывают стены, окружающие весь Сент-Огастин [7]
Новый Орлеан, Луизиана , был запланирован в 1718 году как город-крепость. Стена присутствовала во время битвы за Новый Орлеан , но была обнаружена в таком беспорядке, что ее нельзя было использовать. [8] [9]
Пекин , см. Городская стена Пекина . Многие части стен Пекина были снесены в 1960-х годах, чтобы открыть большие улицы вокруг города. Линия метро также проходит по месту расположения бывших городских стен.
Сиань – В городе Сиань хорошо сохранились стены со рвом, заполненным водой, которые являются туристической достопримечательностью, включая небольшие парки, окружающие оживленный и современный район города.
Пакуан Паджаджаран , столица королевства Сунда , была окружена оборонительными рвами и стенами. Теперь эта территория является частью современного города Богор.
Стена XVIII века, построенная Хаменгкубувоно 1-м из королевства Нгайогьякарта Хадининграт для защиты внутренней столицы от голландцев и других врагов в период королевства Матарам. Сегодня 96% стены все еще существуют и являются местной достопримечательностью.
17 февраля 1745 года королевство Суракарта переехало в новый открытый лес под названием Деревня Сала и построило свой Королевский резиденционный дворец и городскую зону с 15-километровой стеной «Бетенг Кратон» или Дворцовой стеной вокруг него. По состоянию на 2022 год сохранилось 90% городских стен.
Хорошо известен как столица королевства Бантен . Стена была разрушена голландцами во время колониального периода, чтобы положить конец правлению Бантена. Оставшаяся городская стена составляет всего около 10% от настоящего вида.
Тровулан был столицей бывшей империи Маджапахит . В период своего расцвета столица была первым европейским систематизированным древним городом (с системой городских каналов для транспортировки, а также большим проходом и дорогой для основных перевозок) в Индонезии, потому что Тровулан был разработан в период расцвета Маджапахит в 13-15 веках. Стена защищала внутренний «Кратон» или королевский дворец и некоторые важные места. Сегодня стену нельзя увидеть в ее первоначальном виде.
Акко – современное османское укрепление XVIII века, способное выдержать артиллерийский обстрел. Стена была восстановлена и теперь включает в себя вал для туристов.
Библ : старый город окружен средневековыми стенами, на южном краю которых стоит замок.
Сидон : сегодня мало что осталось от средневековых укреплений города, за исключением замка Святого Людовика .
Малакка — построен португальцами после оккупации города в 1511 году и снесен англичанами в 1806 году. Местные жители называют его А Фамоса .
Почти каждый старый город в Пакистане имел оборонительную стену. Многие из этих стен были разрушены британцами, чтобы заново укрепить города. Несколько городов, которые были укреплены:
Чиангмай был окружен рвом и городскими стенами, когда он был основан королем Манграем Великим в 1296 году. Они были значительно перестроены в начале 19 века. Большие части городских стен и городских ворот Чиангмая сохранились до наших дней.
Йиглава – Большие части городских стен сохранились на южной, западной и восточной стороне средневекового города. Некоторые фрагменты сохранились на северной стороне. Укрепления также являются хорошим примером Цвингера .
Зноймо — сохранилось более половины стен, сохранились большие части цвингера .
Фредерисия , обширные крепостные валы эпохи Возрождения к северу и западу от города, а также крепостные валы, обращенные к морю.
Копенгаген , обширные крепостные валы эпохи Возрождения на юге и востоке, следы разрушений на севере и западе, красивый форт у входа в гавань, три небольших островных форта за пределами входа в гавань.
Нюборг — среди руин сохранились три бастиона, городские ворота, а старый город по-прежнему в основном окружен рвом, указывающим на местонахождение других (ныне снесенных) бастионов.
Stege , одни из городских ворот, Mølleporten, все еще сохранились. Большая часть земляного вала и сухого рва, окружавшего центр города, все еще сохранилась.
Пярну , к западу от старого города сохранились крепостной вал с двумя бастионами, рвом и городскими воротами. Сейчас он преобразован в парк, парк Валли.
Куси-ле-Шато-Офрик – Большие части стен сохранились, хотя частично в разрушенном состоянии. Остатки включают несколько башен, участки куртины и трое ворот, Порт-де-Лаон, Порт-де-Суассон и Порт-де-Шони.
Лош – большая часть осталась нетронутой. Верхний город и замок Лош построены на холме, который обеспечивает стратегическое положение над окружающей сельской местностью и рекой Эндр . Стены верхнего города остались в значительной степени нетронутыми и включают руины Порт-де-Сен-Урс, хорошо сохранившийся Порт-Рояль, длинные участки куртины и несколько башен и бастионов. Стены нижнего города частично разрушены, но 4 башни, несколько более мелких башен, добавленных позже, длинный участок куртины и хорошо сохранившиеся Порт-де-Корделье и Порт-Пикуа (который теперь служит городской ратушей) все еще остаются нетронутыми.
Сен-Валери-сюр-Сомм – Сохранились большие части, включая Порт-де-Невер, Порт- Жанна д'Арк , участки куртины и несколько башен. Над городом возвышается холм под названием Кап-Орну, который является наиболее вероятным и возможным местом расположения римского саксонского берегового форта и гавани под названием Locus Quartensis sive Hornensis.
В Аахене некоторые части внутренних стен все еще сохранились вдоль Темпельграбен (на углу с Эйльфшорнштайнштрассе и углу с Понтштрассе), а также позади домов вдоль Зайльграбен. Из внешних стен три башни, Длинная башня, Пфаффентурм и Мариентурм, стоят до сих пор. Двое оставшихся городских ворот, Понттор и Марширтор, являются одними из наиболее хорошо сохранившихся ворот в Германии.
Berlin had a defensive wall around the city from about 1250 until the mid-17th century, and a Customs Wall from the mid-18th to the mid-19th centuries. The Berlin Wall that existed from 1961 to 1989 was claimed by the authorities of East Germany to be defensive, but in fact it was rather intended to prevent unauthorized emigration. Parts of Berlin's medieval wall still remain alongside the Littenstraße.
Dresden – Dresden's defensive walls were some of the first in Germany, inspired by the earlier Italian model. The walls surrounded both the ‘Old City’ south of the Elbe, and the ‘New City’ to the north. The walls, gates and moats were largely removed c. 1815, following the Napoleonic Wars, being deemed outmoded for modern warfare. Some small sections have been rediscovered and established as the Museum Festung Dresden https://web.archive.org/web/20160509160153/http://www.festung-dresden.de/de/festung_dresden/museum/ below the more famous Brühl Terrace.
Gardelegen – there are several remains of the old town wall, including the impressive Salzwedeler Tor, the remains of the Stendaler Tor, and some stretches of wall.
Gartz (Oder) – The remains of the walls around the medieval town include some sizable stretches of walls, towers and one town gate, the Stettiner Tor.
Göllheim – two town gates are preserved, the Kerzenheimer Tor and the Dreisener Tor. One tower remains, the Ulrichsturm.
Gräfenberg – the remains include three well-preserved town gates, the Egloffsteiner Tor, the Hiltpoltsteiner Tor and the Gesteiger Tor. Some parts of the walls still remain adjacent to the Gesteiger Tor and at the back of the houses alongside Am Gesteiger and Schulgasse.
Grebenstein – most of the medieval walls are still surrounding the old town. One town gate remains, the Burgtor.
Grimmen one tower still remains, the Wasserturm. All three of the original town gates also remain, the Stralsunder Tor, Greifswalder Tor and the Mühlentor.
Horb am Neckar – large sections of the walls still remain. One town gate, the Ihlinger Tor, still remains, and some towers still remain, most notably the Schurkenturm and the Schütteturm.
Ingelheim am Rhein – sizable remains, including stretches of wall, the Malakoffturm, the Bismarckturm, Ohrenbrückertor, Uffhubtor and the ruined Heidesheimer Tor. The medieval town centre also houses the ruins of the Ingelheimer Kaiserpfalz.
Alt Kaster – The old medieval town of Kaster now forms part of Bedburg. The town walls remain largely intact, including 2 town gates and several towers.
Kemnath – several sections and towers of the walls remain around the medieval town. The eastern town gate was later converted into a church tower.
Kempen – some parts of the walls still remain. They include the Kuhtor, a well-preserved town gate, the Mühlenturm and the remains of another town gate, the Peterstor.
Lauffen am Neckar – the old town consists of three parts. While the town is divided by the river Neckar, the castle stands on a small island circled by the river. On the left bank there is a sizable stretch of wall is located next to the church. On the right bank, some towers, stretches of wall and the Neues Heilbronner Tor still remain.
Maintal – large sections of the walls still remain, notably to the north of the medieval town.
Mainz – the remains include the well-preserved square-shaped citadel, the medieval Alexanderturm, and the remains of a bastion alongside the Augustusstraße.
Malchin two town gates still remain, the Kalensches Tor and the Steintor. Some parts of the walls to the south and east of the town still remain.
Neuburg an der Donau – some parts of the medieval walls still remain, including the Unteres Tor. The trace of the later bastion earthworks, the so-called Untere Schanze, Elias Holl Schanze and Oberer Schanze, is still recognizable in the fields and from the air.
Oppenheim – some stretches of the town walls remain near the ruins of Landskron castle. One town gate and two towers remain, the Gautor, the Ruprechtsturm and the Uhrturm.
Prenzlau there are some good remains of the walls, especially North, East and South of the town. 4 gates still remain, the Steintor, Wasserpforte, Mitteltor and the Blindower Tor. The walls also include 25 towers.
Ravensburg – three town gates still remain, the Frauentor, Obertor and the Untertor. Nine of the original ten wall towers still remain, most notably a tower named Mehlsack.
Recklinghausen two defensive towers and some portions of wall still remain today, north west of the old city.
Rees – large parts of the town walls still remain intact, mainly located at the riverside of the town and in the parks at the north-east and west side of the medieval town.
Schwalmstadt – the remains of a town gate still survive, the medieval Lüdertor. The earthworks are mostly demolished, leaving a moat of which the course indicates the location of four round bastions.
Seehausen – the moat still surrounds most of the medieval town. Fragments of the walls are to be found at the southern side of the old town. One town gate still remains, the Beustertor.
Soest – 2.5 km of the town walls (1180) are still intact, also a town gate ("Osthofentor", with the world largest collection of crossbow bolts) and a defense tower ("Kattenturm").
Treysa – the remains are located mainly South, East and North of the old town.
Trier, portions of the city walls still exist, but the size of the Roman gate, the "Porta Nigra", gives evidence of the importance of the city. Other Roman remains include the baths, the Constantine Basilica, an amphitheater, and a 2nd-century AD Roman bridge.
Werben – one town gate still remains to the north east of the medieval town, the Elbtor. A tower with adjacent portion of the town wall remains to the west of the medieval town.
Drama, Greece – sizable parts of the town walls remain to the north and east side of the old town. Including 2 towers and stretches of wall.
Heraklion Candia Khandak – see Fortifications of Heraklion see siege of Candia – Arab and Byzantine walls still remain, about 20%, Venetian 7.5 km long walls, 95% still remain, 30.000 people live now inside the Venecian walls. Two gates, one castle in the sea (Koules)
Veria (about 170 m of the Byzantine walls survive)
Buda – the Castle Hill is surrounded by preserved medieval and early modern fortifications. Only a short section survived from the walls of the Víziváros neighbourhood.
Pest – segments of the 15th-century city walls are preserved inside the courtyards of later houses.
Eger – some segments preserved, mostly demolished
Győr – the walls were demolished in the 19th century but segments are preserved
Arezzo – Large parts of the town walls still survive, including several stretches of curtain wall, 6 bastions, 4 town gates and the well preserved citadel Fortezza Medicea.
Brescia – the castle hill (called Cidneo Hill) is surrounded by preserved medieval and Renaissance fortifications. Segments of Roman and venetian walls are partially survived
Bressanone – the western gate remains as well as the north side where the houses serves as walls
Brindisi – several parts of the walls are preserved, including 5 bastions and two town gates, the Porta Lecce and the Porta Mesagne.
Brunico – three gates remain, the western, northern and eastern ones.
Guastalla – a star-shaped road around the town indicates the trace of the fortifications. A wall tower still stands at the corner Via Giuseppe Verdi/Via Volturno.
Marostica – The defensive walls around the old town are fully intact. The walls are among the best preserved medieval defensive structures in Italy. Including 3 town gates, 20 towers and two castles, the Castello Superiore and the Castello Inferiore.
Reggio Emilia – very little remains of the medieval town walls. One town gate remains, the impressive Porta Santa Croce. A stretch of wall is located at the Viale Monte Grappa.
Susa – fragmentary remains of Roman walls. The cathedral is built against the side of the Roman town gate Porta Savoia. Several parts of the walls and three lowered towers can be found alongside the Corso Unione Sovietica.
Terra del Sole almost all town walls remain, with four bastion and two gate (Porta Romana and Fiorentina). Ideal-town of renaissance
Torino – the remains include the impressive Roman town gate Porta Palatina and 3 bastions with turrets and curtain walls in the park nearby the Porta Palatina.
Venzone – medieval stone walls surrounding the town, partly rebuilt after the 1976 earthquake
Vicenza large sections of the town walls still remain, mainly alongside the Viale Giuseppe Mazzini, Via Goivanni Cecciarini and the Via Legione Gallieno. Four town gates remain, the Porta San Bortolo, Porta Santa Lucia, Porta Castello and the Porta Santa Croce.
Riga – the best preserved part of the old town walls is the Powder Tower. Just north west of the Powder Tower remains a stretch of wall with a square tower. Foundations of the wall can be seen at Kalēju iela street, and there are fragments of a ruined wall at the site of a demolished building at Minsterejas iela street. The only remains of the earthen ramparts around the old town is a star shaped moat, now transformed into a park.
Brzeg – a star-shaped park around the old town is what remains of the renaissance fortifications. Some parts of the moat still remain. The shape of seven bastions is recognizable from the air.
Kłodzko – the remains include the impressive citadel located on a hill north of the medieval town.
Kołobrzeg – a round basion and a part of the moat still remain.
Kostrzyn – the medieval town was entirely destroyed during World War II, only remaining some ruins of houses, the ruins of a church and the riverside fortified walls. The fortified walls include three bastions and a land gate. The remaining moat of an outer work is located north west of the ruined medieval town.
Malbork – one gate and a round bastion still remain. Stretches of the walls still remain alongside the river in the direction of the famous Malbork Castle
Maszewo – the town walls are nearly complete, apart from two breaches made for the increasing traffic. The two original town gates are demolished, and an adjacent tower of one of the gates still remains.
Nysa – there are large remains of the renaissance fortifications, notably to the east of the old town and to the north of the Nysa Klodzka river. There are several forts around Nysa. The remains of the medieval town walls include two land gates, the remains of a water gate, some towers and stretches of wall.
Kranj – evidence of the 1st-century fortifications and parts of the medieval fortifications, with four of the original eight towers preserved
Ljubljana – In the 1st century AD, a Roman settlement called Emona, on the site of the present-day Ljubljana, was fortified with strong walls. A small section of the southern wall is still preserved to this day. Ljubljana got its medieval walls, like many other towns in Slovenia, in the 13th century
Maribor – Originally 13th-century fortifications, rebuilt several times until the 17th century; some segments, including three towers and two bastions, are still preserved. Withstood sieges by Matthias Corvinus in 1480/1481 and by the Ottoman Empire in 1532.
Burgos – has some sizable remaining parts of the town walls alongside the Paseo Cubos and to the north east of the castle, including 10 wall towers. There are also remaining towers at the Calle Trinidad and the Calle San Lesmes. Five gates still remain intact, the Arco de Santa Maria, the Arco San Martin, the Arco de San Esteban, the Arco de San Gil and the Arco de San Juan
Olivenza – the oldest part of the town, the area adjacent to the medieval castle of Olivenza, still has well-preserved stretches of walls and towers, including two original town gates. Large parts of the later star-shaped Renaissance fortifications are also preserved, including 9 bastions and 1 town gate, the Puerta del Calvario
Santillana del Mar – there are fragmentary remains of the medieval walls, including a stretch of wall alongside a car park southeast of the old town and a tower at the Plaza las Arenas facing to the north
Gothenburg has a part of the western city wall left, the bastionCarolus Rex at Esperantoplatsen (Esperanto square) and most of the city moat is still left.
Halmstad had renaissance ramparts. To the north of the old town a bastion with adjacent town gate remains, the Norre Port. To the south of the old town a bastion with a remnant of the moat remains.
Kalmar substantial remains of the walls. Sizable stretches of walls and a bastion remain to the south of the old town. To the east remain two bastions. To the north remain portions of wall near Fiskaregatan. To the west the shape of two bastions is clearly recognizable, with a ravelin in front of the remaining town gate Westport (Westgate). Two other town gates still remain, an unmanned gate of later date at the Skeppsbrogatan, and a gate at Skeppsbron.
Stockholm has a small remainder of the medieval city wall preserved.
Aarau – the remains of the medieval town walls include two town gates (the Haldertor and the Oberer Turm) and a tower (the Pulverturm) with an adjacent stretch of wall.
Lucerne – the wall on the northern bank of the Reuss is well preserved and among the principal landmarks of the city. It is called Museggmauer and Stadtmauer.
Zug – the only remainder of the inner town walls is the Zeitturm (Clocktower), a medieval town gate. The remains of the outer town walls include four towers (the Kapuzinerturm, Knopfliturm, Huwilerturm and the Pulverturm), and some stretches of wall.
Zürich – the main remains are the Schanzengraben, and the shapes of several bastions are recognizable through the course of the moat. One bastions remains largely intact, and it now houses the Alter Botanischer Garten.
Troy. The ancient city of Troy was famous for its defensive walls. There is archaeological evidence that Troy VII, generally identified as the stage of the legendary Trojan War of Homer's Iliad, usually dated between 1194 BC – 1184 BC, had walls with a carefully built stone base over four meters thick and some nine meters high in places, which was surmounted by a larger superstructure with towers in mudbrick. The walls in Homer's epic are so mighty that the siege of Troy by Achaeans lasts more than nine years, and only could be finished with the trickery of the Trojan Horse. Sections of the stone base of Trojan walls still survive on the archaeological site in present-day Hisarlık, in Çanakkale Province.
Istanbul. The system of walls around (as it was then known) Constantinople built in 412 by the Roman emperor Theodosius II was a complex stone barrier that stretched 6.5 kilometers and is often called the Wall of Theodosius. This barrier stood impregnable for ten centuries and resisted several violent sieges until 1453 when the Ottomans succeeded in breaching the walls. There was a new element in the battlefield: the Ottoman army had powdercannon and the walls offered limited resistance to them.
Diyarbakır. Diyarbakır is surrounded by an almost intact, dramatic set of high walls of black basalt forming a 5.5 km (3.4 mi) circle around the old city. There are four gates into the old city and 82 watch-towers on the walls, which were built in antiquity, restored and extended by the Roman emperor Constantius in 349.
Trabzon. Most of the city walls are still standing and are among the city's oldest buildings. Their oldest part can be dated back to the 1st century AD during the Roman Empire era. Historical sources provide information about older stages of their construction. Xenophon, who visited the city in the 5th century BC also mentioned the existence of city walls
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