
Committed identity: 6aa281a40149ba11e2741d98ec007d3d33c40f974ea6d0788fb78e89124871a021306d0ad79f107f993f74decc2b5148e28e3baa5b342379e32373cc01ce1d79 is a SHA-256 commitment to this user's real-life identity.

This user is a
Registered Editor
and is entitled to display this Service Badge.

I have been on Wikipedia since 2007, with most editing coming from the creation and major copy-edit of articles. Number of articles created may appear relatively small, but I like to add as much information to each as can possibly be found, rather than constructing ineffectual 'stubs' and meager 'starts' to the project just for the sake of personal box-ticking statistics. However, when I prefer some light relief, I do edit minor-ish stuff and patrol new and random pages.

Acabashi as a name has no meaning or relevance. I use only this ID on Wikipedia and its associated accounts, and on Flickr.

I live in London, with my immediate and historic family from God's Own County Yorkshire—particularly Hull—on all branches back into the 18th century.

My interests are 18th- and 19th-century Europe, theatre, art, architecture, education, cricket, dogs, and genealogy.

My work in the real world has included design for theatre and music performance; interior design/decoration; illustration; site design for outdoor events; and teacher of art from tertiary to post-graduate level.

My Wikimedia images on the Acabashi media page here, includes an offer to take photos for those who might find it useful. Please make requests on this Wikipedia user talk page. When I'm not over-active here on Pedia... I'm probably Media-ing, or working in the real world.

Some articles with major edits or 235 created

Created places:

Created people:

Major editing, places:

Major editing, people:

User creations tool at toolforge



19 September 2024

Articles to edit and watch



watch and to edit from special and random pages

Wiki articles and guidelines

Essential stuff:

Strong response:


Project pages and guidelines:

Essays and advice:

Maintenance banners

Header article:-

In body sections

In body text:-

Header Talk

Edit summaries links

Helpful wikipedians

Possible helpful editors to consult:

Online links
