Энтони Хопкинс

Сэр Филип Энтони Хопкинс CBE (родился 31 декабря 1937 года) — валлийский актёр. [2] Один из самых узнаваемых и плодовитых актёров Великобритании, он известен своими выступлениями на экране и сцене . Хопкинс получил множество наград , включая две премии «Оскар» , четыре премии BAFTA , две премии Primetime Emmy Awards и премию Лоуренса Оливье . Он также получил премию Сесила Б. Демилля в 2005 году и стипендию BAFTA за достижения всей жизни в 2008 году. [3] Он был посвящён в рыцари королевой Елизаветой II за заслуги в драме в 1993 году. [4]

Окончив Королевский Уэльский колледж музыки и драмы в 1957 году, Хопкинс обучался в Королевской академии драматического искусства ( RADA ) в Лондоне. Затем его заметил Лоренс Оливье , который пригласил его в Королевский национальный театр в 1965 году. Среди постановок в Национальном театре были « Король Лир» (его любимая пьеса Шекспира ), «Кориолан» , «Макбет» и «Антоний и Клеопатра» . В 1985 году он получил признание и премию Лоренса Оливье за ​​свою игру в пьесе Дэвида Хэра «Правда» . Его последней театральной постановкой была постановка «М. Баттерфляй » в Вест-Энде в 1989 году.

Hopkins's early film roles include The Lion in Winter (1968), A Bridge Too Far (1977), and The Elephant Man (1980). He won two Academy Awards for Best Actor for playing Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs (1991) and an octogenarian with dementia in The Father (2020), becoming the oldest Best Actor Oscar winner for the latter.[5][6] His other Oscar-nominated films include The Remains of the Day (1993), Nixon (1995), Amistad (1997), and The Two Popes (2019). Other notable films include 84 Charing Cross Road (1987), Howards End (1992), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), Shadowlands (1993), Legends of the Fall (1994), The Mask of Zorro (1998), and the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Thor franchise (2011–2017).

For his work on television, Hopkins received a British Academy Television Award for Best Actor for his performance in War and Peace (1972). He won two Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series for The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case (1976) and The Bunker (1981). Other notable projects include the BBC film The Dresser (2015), PBS's King Lear (2018), and the HBO series Westworld (2016–2018).[7]

Early life and education

Philip Anthony Hopkins was born in the Margam district of Port Talbot, Wales, on 31 December 1937,[8] the son of Annie Muriel (née Yeates) and baker Richard Arthur Hopkins.[9] One of his grandfathers was from Wiltshire, England.[10] He stated his father's working-class values have always underscored his life, "Whenever I get a feeling that I may be special or different, I think of my father and I remember his hands – his hardened, broken hands."[7] His school days were unproductive; he would rather immerse himself in art, such as painting and drawing, or playing the piano than attend to his studies. In 1949, to instil discipline, his parents insisted he attend Jones' West Monmouth Boys' School in Pontypool. He remained there for five terms and was then educated at Cowbridge Grammar School in the Vale of Glamorgan. In an interview in 2002, he stated, "I was a poor learner, which left me open to ridicule and gave me an inferiority complex. I grew up absolutely convinced I was stupid."[11]

Hopkins studied at RADA (the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) in London from 1961 to 1963. In 2005 a new portrait of him featured in their centenary celebrations.[12]

Hopkins was inspired by fellow Welsh actor Richard Burton, whom he met at the age of 15. He later called Burton "very gracious, very nice"[13] but elaborated, "I don't know where everyone gets the idea we were good friends. I suppose it's because we are both Welsh and grew up near the same town. For the record, I didn't really know him at all."[2] He enrolled at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama in Cardiff, from which he graduated in 1957.[14] He next met Burton in 1975 as Burton prepared to take over Hopkins's role as the psychiatrist in Peter Shaffer's Equus, with Hopkins stating, "He was a phenomenal actor. So was Peter O'Toole – they were wonderful, larger-than-life characters."[13] He spent two years doing his national service between 1958 and 1960, which he served in the British Army's Royal Artillery regiment where he was known as "Gunner Hopkins", before moving to London to study at RADA (the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) from where he graduated in 1963.[11]

Acting career

1960–1979: National Theatre and film debut

Hopkins made his first professional stage appearance in the Palace Theatre, Swansea, in 1960 with Swansea Little Theatre's production of Have a Cigarette.[15] In 1965, after several years in repertory, he was spotted by Laurence Olivier, who invited him to join the Royal National Theatre in London.[14] Hopkins became Olivier's understudy, and filled in when Olivier was struck with appendicitis during a 1967 production of August Strindberg's The Dance of Death. Olivier later noted in his memoir, Confessions of an Actor, that, "A new young actor in the company of exceptional promise named Anthony Hopkins was understudying me and walked away with the part of Edgar like a cat with a mouse between its teeth."[16] Up until that night, Hopkins was always nervous prior to going on stage. This has since changed, and Hopkins quoted his mentor as saying: "He [Olivier] said: 'Remember: "nerves" is vanity – you're wondering what people think of you; to hell with them, just jump off the edge'. It was great advice."[7]

Richard Attenborough directed Hopkins in five films, and in the 1970s described him as "unquestionably the greatest actor of his generation".[7]

Он дебютировал на малом экране в 1967 году в передаче BBC «Блоха в ее ухе» . Его первая главная роль в фильме появилась в 1964 году в фильме « Изменения» , короткометражке режиссера Дрю Хенли , написанной и спродюсированной Джеймсом Скоттом , с Жаклин Пирс в главной роли . [17] [18] В 1968 году Хопкинс получил свой прорыв в фильме «Лев зимой», сыграв Ричарда Львиное Сердце , за эту роль он был номинирован на премию BAFTA за лучшую мужскую роль второго плана . [19] Он изобразил Чарльза Диккенса в телевизионном фильме BBC «Великий неподражаемый мистер Диккенс» в 1970 году и Пьера Безухова в мини-сериале BBC « Война и мир» (1972), получив премию Британской академии телевидения за лучшую мужскую роль за свою игру в последнем. [20] Сделав себе имя как киноактёр, он появился в нео-нуарном боевике Фрэнка Пирсона « Война за зеркалом» (1970) и « Когда пробьёт восемь склянок » Этьена Перье ( 1971). Это была первая из пяти совместных работ с режиссёром Ричардом Аттенборо , в 1972 году Хопкинс сыграл британского политика Дэвида Ллойда Джорджа в фильме «Молодой Уинстон» , а в 1977 году он сыграл офицера британской армии Джона Фроста в фильме Аттенборо о Второй мировой войне «Мост слишком далеко» . [7]

In 1973 he again portrayed David Lloyd George in the BBC miniseries The Edwardians which aired in the US in 1974 on Masterpiece Theatre.[21] Hopkins starred in a film adaptation of the Henrik Ibsen play A Doll's House (1973) alongside Claire Bloom, Ralph Richardson, Denholm Elliott, and Edith Evans. He then appeared in the comedy The Girl from Petrovka (1974) with Goldie Hawn and Hal Holbrook and also starred in the Richard Lester suspense film Juggernaut opposite Richard Harris and Omar Sharif. In October 1974, Hopkins played the psychologist Dysart in the original Broadway production of Sir Peter Shaffer's play Equus, starring opposite Peter Firth. For this performance, he received the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Play for the 1974–75 season.[22] In 1978 he starred in the sequel to National Velvet (1944), entitled International Velvet with Tatum O'Neal, Christopher Plummer, which was directed by Bryan Forbes. In 1978 he also starred in Attenborough's psychological horror film Magic about a demonic ventriloquist's puppet with Gene Siskel adding it as one of the best films of the year.[23] In 1979, Hopkins appeared as Prospero in a production of The Tempest held at the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles.[24]

1980–1989: Rise to prominence

Hopkins portrayed Sir Frederick Treves in The Elephant Man (1980).

В 1980 году он снялся в фильме Дэвида Линча « Человек-слон» в роли английского врача сэра Фредерика Тревеса , который лечит Джозефа Меррика (которого сыграл Джон Хёрт ), сильно изуродованного человека в Лондоне XIX века. Фильм получил похвалу и внимание критиков и получил восемь номинаций на премию «Оскар», включая « Лучший фильм» . В том же году он также снялся вместе с Ширли Маклейн в фильме «Смена времён года» и, как известно, не поладил с Маклейн, добавив, что «она была самой отвратительной актрисой, с которой я когда-либо работал». [25] Фильм имел огромные кассовые сборы и провалился у критиков. В 1981 году он снялся в телевизионном фильме CBS «Бункер» , изображая Адольфа Гитлера в течение недель в его подземном бункере в Берлине и вокруг него до и во время битвы за Берлин. Джон О'Коннор похвалил Хопкинса в своем обзоре New York Times : «Портрет становится еще более захватывающим благодаря необычайно мощной игре Энтони Хопкинса. Его Гитлер безумен, часто презрен, но всегда понятен. Часть проблемы, возможно, заключается в том, что монстр становится немного слишком понятным. Он не сделан симпатичным, в точности, но ему приданы определенно жалкие размеры, что делает его еще более приемлемым как драматический и исторический персонаж». [26] За свою игру он получил премию «Эмми» в номинации «Выдающийся актер в мини-сериале или фильме» . В том же году он снялся в роли апостола Павла напротив Роберта Фоксворта в роли Святого Петра в библейской драме и мини-сериале «Петр и Павел» (1981).

В 1983 году Хопкинс также стал членом труппы The Mirror Theater Ltd. В 1984 году он сыграл Дили в пьесе Гарольда Пинтера Old Times в Roundabout Theatre в Нью-Йорке. [27] В 1984 году он снялся вместе с Мелом Гибсоном в фильме « Баунти» в роли Уильяма Блая , капитана корабля Королевского флота HMS  Bounty , в более точном пересказе мятежа на « Баунти» . [28] В следующем году он снялся в роли Квазимодо в телевизионном фильме CBS «Горбун из Нотр-Дама» (1982). В фильме также снимались Дерек Джекоби , Дэвид Суше , Тим Пиготт-Смит , Найджел Хоторн и Джон Гилгуд . Он также снимался в фильмах «Незнакомцы и братья » (1984), «Триумфальная арка » (1984), «Нечистая совесть» (1985), «Муссолини и я» (1985) и «Десятый человек » (1988). В 1985 году Хопкинс снялся вместе с Колином Фёртом в пьесе Артура Шницлера «Одинокая дорога» в лондонском театре Old Vic . В том же году он сыграл Ламбера Ле Ру в постановке Национального театра «Правда» в сатирической пьесе сэра Дэвида Хэра и Говарда Брентона о британской газетной индустрии в эпоху Тэтчер . [29] [30] Получив признание за свою игру, Хопкинс получил премию Лоуренса Оливье за ​​выдающиеся достижения. [31] Фрэнк Рич в своем обзоре New York Times написал: «Г-н Хопкинс создает запоминающийся образ извращенно блестящего современного варвара». [32]

In 1986, he starred in David Hare's production of King Lear, Hopkins's favourite Shakespeare play, at the National Theatre.[13] The next year, he starred as Antony in the National Theatre production of Antony and Cleopatra opposite Judi Dench, and in 1989, Hopkins made his last appearance on stage in a West End production of M. Butterfly. "It was a torment", he claimed in a later interview. Of a matinee where nobody laughed, there was, he said "not a titter". When the lights came up, the cast realised the entire audience was Japanese. "Oh God," he recalled, "You'd go to your dressing room and someone would pop their head round the door and say, 'Coffee? Tea?' And I'd think, 'An open razor, please.'"[33] In 1989 he starred as Abel Magwitch in the miniseries Great Expectations which was broadcast on ITV in the UK and The Disney Channel in the US. The adaptation of the Dickens' novel also starred Jean Simmons and John Rhys-Davies. He received his fourth Primetime Emmy Award nomination, this time for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie.

1990–1998: Stardom and acclaim

Isabella Rossellini and Hopkins in Berlin to shoot scenes for The Innocent (1993)

Hopkins won acclaim among critics and audiences as the cannibalistic serial killer Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs, for which he won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 1991, with Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling, who also won for Best Actress. The film won Best Picture, Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay, and Hopkins also picked up his first BAFTA for Best Actor. Hopkins reprised his role as Lecter twice; in Ridley Scott's Hannibal (2001), and Red Dragon (2002). His original portrayal of the character in The Silence of the Lambs has been labelled by the AFI as the number-one film villain.[34] Director Jonathan Demme wanted a British actor for the role, with Jodie Foster stating, "Lecter is a manipulator and has a way of using language to keep people at bay. You wanted to see that Shakespearean monster."[35] At the time he was offered the role, Hopkins was making a return to the London stage, performing in M. Butterfly. He had come back to Britain after living for a number of years in Hollywood, having all but given up on a career there, saying, "Well that part of my life's over; it's a chapter closed. I suppose I'll just have to settle for being a respectable actor poncing around the West End and doing respectable BBC work for the rest of my life."[16]

Hopkins reprised the role, returning to the iconic villain in adaptations of the first three of the Lecter novels by Thomas Harris. The author was reportedly pleased with Hopkins's portrayal of his antagonist. However, Hopkins stated that Red Dragon (2002) would feature his final performance as the character and that he would not reprise even a narrative role in the latest addition to the series, Hannibal Rising (2007).[36] The following year, After winning the Oscar for Silence of the Lambs, Hopkins was featured in Mark Joffe's film Spotswood and the science fiction film Freejack and also played supporting roles as Charlie Chaplin's biographer in Richard Attenborough's biographical drama Chaplin (1992) and Professor Van Helsing in Francis Ford Coppola's horror adaptation Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992).

In 1992, Hopkins starred in Merchant-Ivory's period film based on the E. M. Forster novel Howards End. Hopkins acted alongside Emma Thompson and Helena Bonham Carter where he played the cold businessman Henry Wilcox. The film received enormous critical acclaim, with critic Leonard Maltin calling it "extraordinarily good on every level."[37][38] The following year, Hopkins reunited with Merchant-Ivory and Emma Thompson in The Remains of the Day (1993), a film set in 1950s post-war Britain based on the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro. David Hunter of The Hollywood Reporter praised Hopkins' performance describing it as "colossal" and a "tour de force".[39] The film was ranked by the British Film Institute as the 64th greatest British film of the 20th century.[40] Starring as the butler Stevens, Hopkins named it among his favourite films.[41] He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance and received the BAFTA Award for Best Actor.[42]

Hopkins portrayed Oxford academic C. S. Lewis in the 1993 British biographical film Shadowlands, for which he was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Actor.[42] Also that year he acted opposite Isabella Rossellini in the drama The Innocent (1993) which was adapted from the Ian McEwan novel of the same name. During this period, Hopkins had the chance to work with Bart the Bear in two films: Legends of the Fall (1994) and The Edge (1997). According to trainer, Lynn Seus, "Tony Hopkins was absolutely brilliant with Bart...He acknowledged and respected him like a fellow actor. He would spend hours just looking at Bart and admiring him. He did so many of his own scenes with Bart."[43] Hopkins was Britain's highest paid performer in 1998, starring in The Mask of Zorro and Meet Joe Black, and also agreed to reprise his role as Dr Hannibal Lecter for a fee of £15 million.[44]

2000–2014: Established actor

Lecter t-shirt worn by Hopkins in Hannibal on display at the London Film Museum

In 2000, Hopkins narrated Ron Howard's live action remake of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. He then reprised the role of Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs (1991) sequel simply entitled Hannibal (2001). Director Ridley Scott and actress Julianne Moore replaced Jonathan Demme and Jodie Foster who declined to participate in the sequel. Hopkins, who previously starred with Moore in Surviving Picasso (1996), agreed to do the role approving of the script. In the book, Lecter uses bandages to disguise himself as a plastic surgery patient. This was left out of the film because Scott and Hopkins agreed to leave the face alone.[45] Hopkins said: "It's as if he's making a statement—'catch me if you can'. With his big hat, he's so obvious that nobody thinks he's Hannibal Lecter. I've always thought he's a very elegant man, a Renaissance man.":[45]

He's still the sort of Robin Hood of killers. He kills the—what do they call them? The terminally rude.

— Hopkins on Hannibal Lecter prior to Ridley Scott's Hannibal.[46]

In the film, Lecter is first seen in Florence "as the classical Lecter, lecturing and being smooth", according to Hopkins.[47] When the film moves to the U.S., Hopkins changed his appearance by building up muscle and cropping his hair short "to make him like a mercenary, that he would be so fit and so strong that he could just snap somebody in two if they got ... in his way".[47] The film broke international box office records receiving $351 million.[48] but received mixed reviews from critics.[49] Hopkins starred in the third film in the series Red Dragon (2002) alongside Ralph Fiennes, Edward Norton, Harvey Keitel, Emily Watson, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. The film received favourable reviews and was a box office hit.

In 2003, Hopkins received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.[50] Hopkins stated that his role as Burt Munro, whom he portrayed in his 2005 film The World's Fastest Indian, was his favourite. He also asserted that Munro was the easiest role that he had played because both men have a similar outlook on life.[51] In 2006, Hopkins was the recipient of the Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievement.[52] In 2008, he received the BAFTA Academy Fellowship Award, the highest award the British Film Academy can bestow.[53] In a 2003 poll conducted by Channel 4 Hopkins was ranked seventh on their list of the 100 Greatest Movie Stars.[54]

Hopkins at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival

On 24 February 2010, it was announced that Hopkins had been cast in The Rite, which was released on 28 January 2011. He played a priest who is "an expert in exorcisms and whose methods are not necessarily traditional".[55] Hopkins, an agnostic who is quoted as saying "I don't know what I believe, myself personally", reportedly wrote a line—"Some days I don't know if I believe in God or Santa Claus or Tinkerbell"—into his character to identify with it.[56] In 2011, Hopkins has said, "what I enjoy is uncertainty. ... I don't know. You don't know."[57] On 21 September 2011, Peter R. de Vries cast Hopkins in the role of the Heineken owner Freddy Heineken, in the film about his kidnapping.[58] Kidnapping Freddy Heineken, was released in 2015.[59]

Hopkins portrayed Odin, the Allfather or "king" of Asgard, in the 2011 film adaptation of Marvel Comics' Thor and would go on to reprise his role as Odin in Thor: The Dark World in 2013, and again in 2017's Thor: Ragnarok.[60] Hopkins portrayed Alfred Hitchcock in Sacha Gervasi's biopic Hitchcock alongside Helen Mirren who played Hitchcock's wife, Alma Reville. The film focuses on the filming of Psycho and that which followed. He starred in the comedy action film Red 2 (2013) as the main antagonist Edward Bailey. In 2014, he portrayed Methuselah in Darren Aronofsky's Noah. Hopkins played Order of the Witwiccans member Sir Edmund Burton in Transformers: The Last Knight which was released in June 2017.[61]

2015–present: Career resurgence

In October 2015, Hopkins appeared as Sir in a BBC Two production of Ronald Harwood's The Dresser, alongside Ian McKellen, Edward Fox and Emily Watson.[62] The Dresser is set in a London theatre during the Blitz, where an aging actor-manager, Sir, prepares for his starring role in King Lear with the help of his devoted dresser, Norman.[62] Hopkins described his role as Sir as "the highlight of my life. It was a chance to work with the actors I had run away from. To play another actor is fun because you know the ins and outs of their thinking – especially with someone like Sir, who is a diabolically insecure, egotistical man."[7] He spoke again on the impact the role had on him in 2018, "When I was at the Royal National Theatre all those years ago, I knew I had something in me, but I didn't have the discipline. I had a Welsh temperament and didn't have that 'fitting in' mechanism. I would fight, I would rebel. I thought, 'Well, I don't belong here.' And for almost 50 years afterwards, I felt that edge of, 'I don't belong anywhere, I'm a loner.' But in The Dresser, when Ian [McKellen] responded, it was wonderful. We got on so well and I suddenly felt at home, as though that lack of belonging was all in my imagination, all in my vanity".[33]

Начиная с октября 2016 года, Хопкинс снимался в роли Роберта Форда в научно-фантастическом сериале HBO «Мир Дикого Запада» , где он получил номинацию на премию «Эмми» за свою игру. Хопкинс снялся в роли Лира в телевизионном фильме 2018 года « Король Лир», играя вместе с Эммой Томпсон , Флоренс Пью и Джимом Бродбентом , который транслировался на BBC Two 28 мая 2018 года. Хопкинс получил номинацию на премию Гильдии киноактеров за свою игру. [63] Vulture заявил, что фильм «захватил сердце классической трагедии Шекспира» и описал игру Хопкинса как «сокрушительную». [64]

В 2019 году Хопкинс изобразил Папу Бенедикта XVI напротив Джонатана Прайса в роли Папы Франциска в фильме Фернанду Мейреллиша « Два папы» . Он заявил: «Великим сокровищем было работать с — помимо [режиссера] Мейреллиша — Прайсом. Мы оба из Уэльса. Он с севера, а я с юга». [65] Действие фильма происходит в Ватикане после скандала с утечками информации из Ватикана и следует за Папой Бенедиктом XVI, когда он пытается убедить кардинала Хорхе Марио Бергольо пересмотреть свое решение уйти в отставку с поста архиепископа, поскольку он признается в своих намерениях отречься от папства . [66] В августе 2019 года фильм был впервые показан на кинофестивале в Теллуриде и получил признание критиков. Фильм начал транслироваться 20 декабря 2019 года на Netflix . Игра Прайса и Хопкинса, а также сценарий МакКартена получили высокую оценку критиков, и все трое мужчин были номинированы за свою работу на премии «Оскар» , «Золотой глобус» и «Британская академия киноискусства». [65]

В 2020 году Хопкинс сыграл человека, борющегося с болезнью Альцгеймера, в фильме «Отец» . Премьера фильма состоялась на кинофестивале «Сандэнс» , где он получил признание критиков, многие критики хвалили игру Хопкинса и называли его выдающимся и фаворитом на премию «Оскар». [67] В фильме также снимается Оливия Колман в роли его дочери. Он основан на номинированной на премию «Тони» пьесе «Le Père» Флориана Целлера , который также был режиссером фильма. «Отец» был выпущен 18 декабря 2020 года компанией Sony Pictures Classics . [68] В ходе сессии вопросов и ответов на кинофестивале в Теллуриде Хопкинс похвалил Колмана и Целлера, сказав, что сравнивая опыт работы, он сказал, что «это могло бы стать самым ярким моментом в моей жизни». Хопкинс упомянул, как ему повезло за последние пять лет работать с Иэном Маккелленом в «Костюмере» , Эммой Томпсон в «Короле Лире» и Джонатаном Прайсом в «Двух папах» . [69] Хопкинс получил премию BAFTA за лучшую мужскую роль в главной роли за свою игру в фильме «Отец» , что сделало его четвертой премией BAFTA и третьей за лучшую мужскую роль. [70] Он также получил вторую премию «Оскар» за лучшую мужскую роль за свою роль, став самым пожилым человеком, получившим актерский «Оскар». [71] Хопкинс не присутствовал на церемонии вручения премии «Оскар», но принял награду в видео, размещенном в социальных сетях из Уэльса на следующий день, сказав: «Вот я на своей родине в Уэльсе. И в 83 года я не ожидал получить эту награду. Я действительно этого не ожидал и очень благодарен Академии и спасибо вам». Он также отдал дань уважения другому номинанту Чедвику Боузману , который умер в предыдущем году. [72] [73]

In 2022, he acted in James Gray's semi-autobiographical coming of age drama Armageddon Time (2023). In an interview with El País he said that his performance was inspired by his grandfather who had encouraged him to become an actor.[74] Hopkins starred alongside Jeremy Strong and Anne Hathaway. Hopkins received positive reviews for his turn as a kindly elderly grandfather. A.O. Scott of The New York Times wrote, "Hopkins finds the essential grit hiding underneath the twinkle".[75] That same year he reunited with Florian Zeller, acting in The Son (2022) alongside Hugh Jackman. In 2023, Hopkins starred as stockbroker and humanitarian Sir Nicholas Winton in the biographical drama film One Life, and also played Sigmund Freud in Freud's Last Session.[76][77] Hopkins also appeared in the Netflix science fiction film Rebel Moon directed by Zack Snyder.[78][79]



Anthony Hopkins Centre at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff

In a 2012 interview, Hopkins stated, "I've been composing music all my life and if I'd been clever enough at school I would like to have gone to music college. As it was I had to settle for being an actor."[2] In 1986, he released a single called "Distant Star", which peaked at No. 75 in the UK Singles Chart.[80] In 2007, he announced he would retire temporarily from the screen to tour around the world.[81] Hopkins has also written music for the concert hall, in collaboration with Stephen Barton as orchestrator. These compositions include The Masque of Time, given its world premiere with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra in October 2008, and Schizoid Salsa.[82]


On 31 October 2011, André Rieu released an album including a waltz which Hopkins had composed in 1964, at the age of 26. Hopkins had never heard his composition, "And the Waltz Goes On", before it was premiered by Rieu's orchestra in Vienna;[83][84] Rieu's album was given the same name as Hopkins's piece.[85]

In January 2012, Hopkins released an album of classical music, entitled Composer, performed by the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, and released on CD via the UK radio station Classic FM.[86] The album consists of nine of his original works and film scores, with one of the pieces titled "Margam" in tribute to his home town near Port Talbot in Wales.[86]


In 1990, Hopkins directed a film about his Welsh compatriot, poet Dylan Thomas, titled Dylan Thomas: Return Journey, which was his directing debut for the screen. In the same year, as part of the restoration process for the Stanley Kubrick film Spartacus, Hopkins was approached to re-record lines from a scene that was being added back to the film; this scene featured Laurence Olivier and Tony Curtis, with Hopkins recommended by Olivier's widow, Joan Plowright to perform her late husband's part thanks to his talent for mimicry.[87]

In 1995, he directed August, an adaptation of Chekhov's Uncle Vanya set in Wales. His first screenplay, an experimental drama called Slipstream, which he also directed and scored, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2007. In 1997, Hopkins narrated the BBC natural documentary series, Killing for a Living, which showed predatory behaviour in nature. He narrated episode 1 through 3 before being replaced by John Shrapnel.

Reception and acting style

Hopkins at the 2009 Tuscan Sun Festival

Hopkins is renowned for his preparation for roles. He indicated in interviews that once he has committed to a project, he will go over his lines as many times as is needed (sometimes upwards of 200) until the lines sound natural to him, so that he can "do it without thinking". This leads to an almost casual style of delivery that belies the amount of groundwork done beforehand. While it can allow for some careful improvisation, it has also brought him into conflict with the occasional director who departs from the script or demands what the actor views as an excessive number of takes. Hopkins has stated that after he is finished with a scene, he simply discards the lines, not remembering them later on. This is unlike others who usually remember their lines from a film, even years later.[88]

In the mid-1970s, he started a collaboration with Richard Attenborough who called him "the greatest actor of his generation". Attenborough, who directed Hopkins on five occasions, found himself going to great lengths during the filming of Shadowlands (1993) to accommodate the differing approaches of his two stars (Hopkins and Debra Winger), who shared many scenes. Whereas Hopkins preferred the spontaneity of a fresh take and liked to keep rehearsals to a minimum, Winger rehearsed continuously. To allow for this, Attenborough stood in for Hopkins during Winger's rehearsals, only bringing him in for the last one before a take. The director praised Hopkins for "this extraordinary ability to make you believe when you hear him that it is the very first time he has ever said that line. It's an incredible gift."[16]

Renowned for his ability to remember lines, Hopkins keeps his memory supple by learning things by heart such as poetry and Shakespeare. In Steven Spielberg's Amistad (1997), Hopkins astounded the crew with his memorisation of a seven-page courtroom speech, delivering it in one go. An overawed Spielberg could not bring himself to call Hopkins "Tony" and insisted on addressing him as Sir Anthony throughout the shoot.[89]

In a 2016 interview with the Radio Times, Hopkins spoke of his ability to frighten people since he was a boy growing up in Port Talbot, Wales. "I don't know why but I've always known what scares people. When I was a kid I'd tell the girls around the street the story about Dracula and I'd go 'th-th-th' (the sucking noise which he reproduced in The Silence of the Lambs). As a result, they'd run away screaming."[90] He recalled going through the script of Silence of the Lambs for the first time with fellow cast members. "I didn't know what they were going to make of it but I'd prepared it—my first line to Jodie Foster was: 'Good morning. You're one of Jack Crawford's aren't you?' Everyone froze. There was a silence. Then one of the producers said, 'Holy crap, don't change a thing'."[90] On Hopkins's approach to playing villains, Miranda Sawyer in The Guardian writes, "When he portrays deliberately scary people, he plays them quietly, emphasising their sinister control."[33]

Speaking on his favourite performances which inspired him in his own approach to acting, Morgan Freeman mentioned Hopkins' portrayal of the butler Stevens in The Remains of the Day.[91] Discussing how he learnt "stillness" from José Ferrer, Freeman continued, "It’s what I learn from the great actors that I work with. Stillness. That’s all and that’s the hardest thing. The other actor still like that is Anthony Hopkins. Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen–that stillness becomes a radiance. It’s all about eloquent stillness. I’ve told Hopkins that that performance was one of the great lessons for me as an actor."[91]

Hopkins is a well-known mimic, adept at turning his native Welsh accent into whatever is required by a character. In the 1991 restoration of Spartacus, he recreated the voice of his late mentor Laurence Olivier in a scene for which the soundtrack had been lost. His interview on the 1998 relaunch edition of the British television talk show Parkinson featured an impersonation of comedian Tommy Cooper. Hopkins has said acting "like a submarine" has helped him to deliver credible performances in his thrillers. He said, "It's very difficult for an actor to avoid, you want to show a bit. But I think the less one shows the better."[92]

Acting credits and accolades

Hopkins was appointed a CBE in 1987 and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for "services to the arts" at Buckingham Palace in 1993.[93][94] In 1988, he was awarded an honorary D.Litt. degree and in 1992 received an honorary fellowship from the University of Wales, Lampeter.[95] He was made a freeman of his home town, Port Talbot, in 1996.[96]

He has received numerous accolades for his performances, including two Academy Awards, four BAFTA Awards, a Critics' Choice Movie Award, two Primetime Emmy Awards and a Laurence Olivier Award as well as nominations for eight Golden Globe Awards and seven Screen Actors Guild Awards. In receiving the Oscar for Best Actor for his role in The Father (2020), he became the oldest nominee and winner of the award.[5][6]

Hopkins has also been honoured with various lifetime achievement awards for his work in film and television. In 2006, Gwyneth Paltrow presented him with the Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award.[52] In 2008, Richard Attenborough presented Hopkins with the BAFTA Fellowship for lifetime achievement from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts.[19] Hopkins has also received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2003.[50]

Personal life

Hopkins resides in Malibu, California.[97] He had moved to the United States once before, during the late 1970s, to pursue his film career, but returned to London in the late 1980s. However, he decided to return to the US following his 1990s success. Retaining his British citizenship, he became a naturalised American citizen on 12 April 2000, with Hopkins stating: "I have dual citizenship; it just so happens I live in America".[98]

Hopkins has been married three times. He was married to actress Petronella Barker from 1966 to 1972, Jennifer Lynton from 1973 to 2002, and Stella Arroyave since 2003. Hopkins met Arroyave, a Colombian-born antiques dealer, in the early 2000s, and he credits her with helping him overcome his feelings of depression at the time.[99] On Christmas Eve 2013, he celebrated his 10th wedding anniversary by having a blessing at a private service at St Davids Cathedral in St Davids.[100] He has a daughter from his first marriage. The two are estranged; when asked if he had any grandchildren, he said, "I don't have any idea. People break up. Families split and, you know, 'Get on with your life.' People make choices. I don't care one way or the other."[101]

Хопкинс ранее страдал от алкоголизма; он оставался трезвым с тех пор, как бросил пить сразу после Рождества 1975 года. [102] [103] Он сказал: «Я совершил этот квантовый скачок, когда попросил о помощи. Я просто нашел что-то, и женщина заговорила со мной и сказала: просто доверьтесь Богу. И я сказал: ну, почему бы и нет?» Когда его спросили: «Вы буквально молились?», Хопкинс ответил: «Нет, не молился. Я думаю, потому что я попросил о помощи, что является формой молитвы». [57] В январе 2020 года, когда его спросили, является ли он по-прежнему агностиком, он ответил: «Агностицизм немного странный. Агностик сомневается, а атеизм отрицает. Я не святой Джо; я просто старый грешник, как и все остальные. Сейчас я верю больше, чем когда-либо, что есть огромная область нашей собственной жизни, о которой мы ничего не знаем. Становясь старше, я могу плакать по любому поводу, потому что прекрасная, ужасная страсть жизни так коротка. Я должен верить, что есть что-то большее, чем я. Я всего лишь микроб. Для меня это самое большое чувство облегчения — признать, что я на самом деле ничто. Я вынужден сказать: кто бы ни управлял шоу, большое спасибо». [65]

Хопкинс бросил курить, используя метод Аллена Карра . [104] В 2008 году он приступил к программе по снижению веса, и к 2010 году он потерял 5 ст 10 фунтов (80 фунтов или 36 кг). [105] В январе 2017 года в интервью The Desert Sun Хопкинс сказал, что три года назад ему поставили диагноз синдром Аспергера , но что он был « высокого уровня ». [106] [107] В 2020 году он сказал, что «это большой подарок, на самом деле». [108]

У него есть домашний кот по имени Нибло, которого он приютил в Будапеште . [109] Хопкинс избегает мяса и предпочитает пескетарианскую диету. [110]

Он является поклонником ситкома BBC «Дуракам везет» и однажды заметил в интервью, как бы он хотел сняться в этом сериале. Писатель Джон Салливан увидел интервью и, имея в виду Хопкинса, создал персонажа Дэнни Дрисколла , местного злодея. Однако съёмки нового сериала совпали со съёмками « Молчания ягнят» , из-за чего Хопкинс был недоступен. Вместо этого роль досталась Рою Марсдену . [111]


Панорама Сноудонии на севере Уэльса, которую Хопкинс описал как «одно из самых красивых мест в мире, а Сноудон — драгоценность, которая находится в его сердце. Ее нужно беречь и защищать». [112]

Хопкинс предложил свою поддержку различным благотворительным организациям и призывам, в частности, став президентом Национального фонда Snowdonia Appeal , собирающего средства для сохранения национального парка Сноудония в северном Уэльсе. В 1998 году он пожертвовал 1 миллион фунтов стерлингов в счет 3 миллионов фунтов стерлингов, необходимых для поддержки усилий фонда по приобретению частей Сноудона . [44] [112] До начала кампании Хопкинс написал книгу Энтони Хопкинса Snowdonia , которая была опубликована в 1995 году. [113] Благодаря его вкладу в Сноудонию, в дополнение к его кинокарьере, в 2004 году Хопкинс был назван одним из 100 валлийских героев в опросе валлийцев. [114]

Хопкинс был покровителем центра YMCA в своем родном городе Порт-Толбот , Южный Уэльс, более 20 лет, впервые присоединившись к YMCA в 1950-х годах. [115] Он поддерживает другие различные филантропические группы. Он был почетным гостем на благотворительном гала-вечере для Women in Recovery, Inc., некоммерческой организации в Венеции, Калифорния , предлагающей реабилитационную помощь женщинам, восстанавливающимся после злоупотребления психоактивными веществами. Он также является добровольным преподавателем в Школе актерского мастерства Раскина в Санта-Монике, Калифорния . Хопкинс был почетным покровителем The New Heritage Theatre Company в Бойсе, штат Айдахо, с 1997 по 2007 год, участвуя в сборе средств и маркетинговых мероприятиях для репертуарного театра. [116]

Хопкинс внес вклад в реконструкцию крыла стоимостью £2,3 млн в своей альма-матер, Королевском Уэльском колледже музыки и драмы в Кардиффе, названном Центром Энтони Хопкинса. Он открылся в 1999 году. [117] [118]

Хопкинс является видным членом группы по защите окружающей среды Greenpeace и в начале 2008 года участвовал в телевизионной рекламной кампании, выражая обеспокоенность по поводу китобойного промысла в Японии . [119] Он также был покровителем RAPt (Rehabilitation for Addicted Prisoners Trust) с первых дней его существования и в 1992 году помог открыть их первое отделение интенсивной реабилитации от наркотической и алкогольной зависимости в Downview (HM Prison) , женской тюрьме в графстве Суррей, Англия. [120]

Хопкинс является поклонником покойного валлийского комика Томми Купера . 23 февраля 2008 года, как покровитель Общества Томми Купера, он открыл памятную статую в родном городе артиста, Кайрфилли . Для церемонии он надел фирменную феску Купера и исполнил комический номер. [121]

Смотрите также


  1. ^ "Sir Anthony, Citizen Hopkins". CBS News. Associated Press. 13 April 2000. Retrieved 11 January 2020.
  2. ^ a b c Crace, John (23 January 2012). "Anthony Hopkins: 'I've never really been close to anyone'". The Guardian. Retrieved 23 January 2015. I don't know where everyone gets the idea we were good friends. I suppose it's because we are both Welsh and grew up near the same town [Port Talbot]. I once went up to his sister's house to ask for his autograph which he gave me and the only other time I met him was in his dressing room in New York when he was performing in Equus.
  3. ^ "AP: Hopkins to Receive Cecil B. DeMille Award". IndieWire. Archived from the original on 28 December 2022. Retrieved 28 December 2022.
  4. ^ "From Lewis Hamilton to Twiggy: All the Celebrities Knighted by the British Royal Family". Vogue. 7 November 2018. Retrieved 28 December 2022.
  5. ^ a b Verhoeven, Beatrice (15 March 2021). "Anthony Hopkins Becomes Oldest Best Actor Nominee at Oscars". The Wrap. Retrieved 15 March 2021.
  6. ^ a b Martinelli, Marissa (26 April 2021). "Anthony Hopkins' Age Isn't the Only Noteworthy Thing About His Oscar Win". Slate. Retrieved 12 May 2021.
  7. ^ a b c d e f "Anthony Hopkins: 'I don't have a single friend who is an actor'". The Telegraph. 27 October 2017. Archived from the original on 10 January 2022.
  8. ^ Turner, Robin (5 January 2013). "Sir Anthony Hopkins offers to buy Welsh childhood home". WalesOnline. Retrieved 2 January 2016.
  9. ^ Stated in interview on Inside the Actors Studio, 2007.
  10. ^ Coyle, Jake (25 October 2022). "Anthony Hopkins feels personal connection to role as Jewish-American grandfather". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 27 October 2022.
  11. ^ a b Lidz, Franz (29 September 2002). "FILM; The Scenery, Though, He Won't Chew". The New York Times. Retrieved 27 October 2017.
  12. ^ Off Stage: 100 Portraits Celebrating the RADA Centenary, by Cambridge Jones. Archived from the original on 19 May 2023. Retrieved 2 March 2024 – via With a foreword by Lord Attenborough, the book includes an introduction by the Observer writer Miranda Sawyer, as well as interviews with all the actors.
  13. ^ a b c "King Lear's Anthony Hopkins on Shakespeare, family break-ups, life … and death". Radio Times. Retrieved 24 March 2020.
  14. ^ a b Sir Anthony Hopkins portrait The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 6 January 2011.
  15. ^ "Sir Anthony Hopkins Biography". Bio. Archived from the original on 6 September 2011. Retrieved 14 November 2011.
  16. ^ a b c Falk, Quentin (2004). Anthony Hopkins: The Biography (4th ed.). Virgin Books. ISBN 0-7535-0999-7.
  17. ^ Falk, Quentin (1994). Anthony Hopkins: The Authorized Biography. Interlink Pub Group Inc. pp. 24–25. ISBN 1566561450.
  18. ^ "Changes (1965)". BFI. Archived from the original on 8 December 2015. Retrieved 1 December 2015.
  19. ^ a b "Sir Anthony Hopkins – Academy Fellow in 2008". Retrieved 25 March 2023.
  20. ^ BFI Screenonline: Sherrin, Ned (1931–2007) Biography. BFI. Retrieved 19 January 2015
  21. ^ Stanton B. Garner (1999). Trevor Griffiths: Politics, Drama, History. University of Michigan Press. p. 105.
  22. ^ "Drama Desk Award". Internet Broadway Database. Retrieved 23 June 2023.
  23. ^ "Magic (1978)". Turner Classic Movies. Retrieved 25 April 2022. Magic was also well received by critics, with Gene Siskel placing the film at number 9 on his list of Top 10 Films of 1978
  24. ^ Eder, Richard (28 May 1979). "Stage: New Approach to the Tempest' on Coast". The New York Times.
  25. ^ Films and filming. Hansom Books. 1989.
  26. ^ O'Connor, John J. (27 January 1981). "TV: 'BUNKER,' ON HITLER'S LAST DAYS". The New York Times. Retrieved 16 June 2021.
  27. ^ Bennetts, Leslie (9 February 1984). "The Clockwork of 'Old Times'". The New York Times.
  28. ^ Stephen Farber (29 April 1984). "Buoyed by Fresh Insight, "The Bounty" Sails Again". The New York Times.
  29. ^ "Pravda's prescience". Evening Standard. Retrieved 23 June 2023.
  30. ^ Gussow, Mel. ""THEATER: MIRROR REP, IN A REVIVAL OF 'RAIN'." The New York Times, 10 March 1984. Web. 10 January 2017.
  31. ^ "Olivier Winners 1985". Society of London Theatre. Archived from the original on 19 November 2018. Retrieved 23 June 2023.
  32. ^ Rich, Frank (20 June 1985). "STAGE: 2 LONDON PLAYS TOUCH ON STALINIZATION". The New York Times. Retrieved 16 June 2021.
  33. ^ a b c Sawyer, Miranda (26 May 2018). "Anthony Hopkins: 'Most of this is nonsense, most of this is a lie'". The Guardian. Retrieved 31 May 2019.
  34. ^ "AFI's 100 Years...100 Heroes & Villains". Archived from the original on 7 May 2007. Retrieved 21 May 2007.
  35. ^ "Robert DeNiro And Al Pacino Were In The Running To Play Hannibal Lecter". Esquire. Retrieved 1 March 2018
  36. ^ "Anthony Hopkins regrets playing Hannibal Lecter thrice. This is why". India Today. 2 March 2018.
  37. ^ Ebert, Roger (5 June 2005). "Howards End (1992)". Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved 1 May 2019.
  38. ^ Martin, Leonard (2015). Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide. Signet Books. p. 653. ISBN 978-0-451-46849-9.
  39. ^ "'The Remains of the Day': THR's 1993 Review". The Hollywood Reporter. 5 November 2019. Retrieved 28 August 2023.
  40. ^ British Film Institute – Top 100 British Films (1999). Retrieved 27 August 2016
  41. ^ "Anthony Hopkins on 'The Dresser,' 'Westworld,' & retirement". Ora TV. 2 December 2017. Archived from the original on 26 March 2023. Retrieved 2 December 2017.
  42. ^ a b "Actor in a Leading Role in 1994". BAFTA. 27 October 2017.
  43. ^ Foy, Paul (19 May 2000). "Bart the Bear, a veteran of several films, dies at 23". The Seattle Times. Retrieved 4 January 2015.
  44. ^ a b "Anthony Hopkins gives pounds 1m to Snowdon", The Independent. Retrieved 19 October 2011.
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