
Архитектурный портал

  • П:АРКА
Вид на Флоренцию с куполом, который доминирует над всем вокруг. Он восьмиугольный в плане и яйцевидный в сечении. У него широкие ребра, поднимающиеся к вершине, с красной плиткой между ними и мраморным фонарем наверху.
Пристроив купол к Флорентийскому собору ( Италия ) в начале 15 века, архитектор Филиппо Брунеллески не только изменил здание и город, но также роль и статус архитектора .

Архитектура – ​​это искусство и техника проектирования и строительства, в отличие от навыков, связанных со строительством. Это одновременно процесс и результат создания эскизов, замысла, планирования , проектирования и строительства зданий или других сооружений . Этот термин происходит от латинского зодчества ; от древнегреческого ἀρχιτέκτων ( архитектон )  «архитектор»; от ἀρχι- ( архи- )  «начальник» и τέκτων ( тектон )  «создатель». Архитектурные произведения в материальной форме зданий часто воспринимаются как культурные символы и произведения искусства . Исторические цивилизации часто отождествляют с сохранившимися архитектурными достижениями.

Архитектура начиналась как сельская, устная народная архитектура , которая развивалась методом проб и ошибок к успешному воспроизведению. Древняя городская архитектура была занята строительством религиозных сооружений и зданий, символизирующих политическую власть правителей, пока греческая и римская архитектура не сместила акцент на гражданские добродетели. Индийская и китайская архитектура оказала влияние на формы по всей Азии, а буддийская архитектура , в частности, приняла разнообразные местные особенности. В средние века возникли панъевропейские стили романских и готических соборов и аббатств, в то время как эпоха Возрождения отдавала предпочтение классическим формам, реализованным архитекторами , известными по имени. Позже роли архитекторов и инженеров разделились.

Современная архитектура зародилась после Первой мировой войны как авангардное движение, стремившееся разработать совершенно новый стиль, соответствующий новому послевоенному социальному и экономическому порядку, ориентированному на удовлетворение потребностей среднего и рабочего классов. Особое внимание было уделено современным технологиям, материалам и упрощенным геометрическим формам, что открыло путь к высотным надстройкам. Многие архитекторы разочаровались в модернизме, который они воспринимали как антиисторический и антиэстетический, и развивалась постмодернистская и современная архитектура . С годами сфера архитектурного строительства расширилась и включила в себя все: от проектирования кораблей до внутренней отделки. ( Полная статья... )

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Осколок в апреле 2015 года

The Shard , также называемый Shard London Bridge и ранее называвшийся London Bridge Tower , представляет собой 72-этажный сверхвысокий небоскреб смешанного назначения в форме пирамиды, спроектированный итальянским архитектором Ренцо Пиано в Саутварке , Лондон , который является частью The Shard. Квартал развития. Осколок высотой 309,6 метра (1016 футов) является самым высоким зданием в Соединенном Королевстве и седьмым по высоте зданием в Европе, вторым по высоте за пределами России, всего на 40 см ниже, чем башня Варсо в Варшаве . Это также второе по высоте отдельно стоящее сооружение в Соединенном Королевстве после бетонной башни передающей станции Эмли Мур . The Shard заменил Southwark Towers , 24-этажное офисное здание, построенное на этом месте в 1975 году.

Строительство «Осколка» началось в марте 2009 года; ее завершение было завершено 30 марта 2012 года и торжественно открыто 5 июля 2012 года. Практическое завершение было завершено в ноябре 2012 года. Частная смотровая площадка башни « Вид из осколка » была открыта для публики 1 февраля 2013 года. Пирамидальная башня имеет 72 жилых этажа, со смотровой галереей и смотровой площадкой под открытым небом на 72 этаже, на высоте 244 метра (801 фут). Shard был разработан Sellar Property Group от имени LBQ Ltd и находится в совместной собственности Sellar Property (5%) и Государства Катар (95%). ( Полная статья... )

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  • Южный вход незадолго до сноса

    University Mall , первоначально The Mall — несуществующий торговый центр в Литл-Роке, штат Арканзас , который работал около 40 лет, с 1967 по 2007 год. На момент закрытия University Mall был старейшим закрытым торговым центром в столичном районе Литл-Рока . Расположенный в центральной части Литл-Рока, участок расположен вдоль авеню Южного Университета, к северу от Университета Арканзаса в Литл-Роке и межштатной автомагистрали 630 . Торговым центром управляла компания Simon Property Group из Индианаполиса . Первоначально торговый центр имел успех, но его популярность снизилась, поскольку новые торговые точки в Литл-Роке привлекли клиентов. Из-за ухода основных магазинов, начавшегося с банкротством Montgomery Ward в 2001 году, более половины торгового центра осталось пустым. На протяжении 1990-х годов торговый центр неуклонно приходил в упадок по мере ухода розничных продавцов и покупателей. Из-за снижения популярности и судебных разбирательств, связанных с ухудшением состояния здания, торговый центр был продан в 2007 году компании Strode Property Company, а оставшимся арендаторам было приказано покинуть его. Снос основного строения начался в начале 2008 года. До этого, начиная с декабря 2007 года, были снесены сопутствующие здания, начиная с бывшего автоцентра Montgomery Ward , а также бывшего автоцентра JCPenney , который несколько лет использовался в качестве автомобильного завода. объект технического обслуживания города Литл-Рок. ( Полная статья... )

  • 5th Avenue Theatre marquee, Holiday 2016

    The 5th Avenue Theatre is a landmark theatre located in the Skinner Building, in the downtown core of Seattle, Washington, United States. It has hosted a variety of theatre productions and motion pictures since it opened in 1926. The building and land are owned by the University of Washington and were once part of the original campus. The theatre operates as a venue for nationally touring Broadway and original shows by the non-profit 5th Avenue Theatre Association.

    The 2,130-seat theatre is the resident home to the 5th Avenue Musical Theatre Company, and employs over 600 actors, musicians, directors, choreographers, designers, technicians, stage hands, box office staff, and administrators, making it the largest theatre employer in the Puget Sound region. A non-profit, the theatre company is supported by individual and corporate donations, government sources, and box office ticket sales. (Full article...)

  • The William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum is the presidential library of Bill Clinton, who served as the 42nd president of the United States from 1993 to 2001. It is located in Little Rock, Arkansas and includes the Clinton Presidential Library, the offices of the Clinton Foundation, and the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service. It is the thirteenth presidential library to have been completed in the United States, the eleventh to be operated by the National Archives and Records Administration, and the third to comply with the Presidential Records Act of 1978.

    It is situated on 17 acres (69,000 m2) of land located next to the Arkansas River and Interstate 30 and was designed by architectural firm Polshek Partnership, LLP with exhibition design by Ralph Appelbaum Associates. Polk Stanley Wilcox Architects also contributed. The main building cantilevers over the Arkansas River, echoing Clinton's campaign promise of "building a bridge to the 21st century". With a 68,698-square-foot (6,382.3 m2) floor plan, the library itself is the largest presidential library in terms of physical area, although the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library has the greatest space overall, due to its addition of the 90,000 square feet (8,400 m2) Air Force One Pavilion in 2005. The archives are the largest as well, containing 2 million photographs, 80 million pages of documents, 21 million e-mail messages, and 79,000 artifacts from the Clinton presidency. The Clinton Library is also the most expensive, with all funding coming from 112,000 private donations. (Full article...)

  • Klis Fortress and the city of Split in the background.

    The Klis Fortress (Croatian: Tvrđava Klis) is a medieval fortress situated above a village bearing the same name, near Split, Croatia. From its origin as a small stronghold built by the ancient Illyrian tribe Dalmatae, becoming a royal castle that was the seat of many Croatian kings, to its final development as a large fortress during the Ottoman wars in Europe, Klis Fortress has guarded the frontier, being lost and re-conquered several times throughout its more-than-two-thousand-year-long history. Due to its location on a pass that separates the mountains Mosor and Kozjak, the fortress served as a major source of defense in Dalmatia, especially against the Ottoman advance, and has been a key crossroad between the Mediterranean belt and the Balkan rear. (Full article...)

  • Linton Park house from the south

    Linton Park, formerly Linton Place or Linton Hall, is a large 18th-century country house in Linton, Kent, England. Built by Robert Mann in 1730 to replace a much earlier building called 'Capell's Court', the estate passed through the ownership of several members of Mann's family before coming into the Cornwallis family. The house was enlarged to its current size in 1825.

    The house sits in a prominent location, part way down a south-facing slope which provides excellent views of the grounds and the Weald beyond. Gardens close to the house contain formal walks laid out in 1825 with specimen trees planted then and later. (Full article...)

  • A view of the castle's massive defensive wall
    and the original gateway (right)

    Conwy Castle (Welsh: Castell Conwy; Welsh pronunciation: [kastɛɬ 'kɔnwɨ̞]) is a fortification in Conwy, located in North Wales. It was built by Edward I, during his conquest of Wales, between 1283 and 1287. Constructed as part of a wider project to create the walled town of Conwy, the combined defences cost around £15,000, a massive sum for the period. Over the next few centuries, the castle played an important part in several wars. It withstood the siege of Madog ap Llywelyn in the winter of 1294–95, acted as a temporary haven for Richard II in 1399 and was held for several months by forces loyal to Owain Glyndŵr in 1401.

    Following the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642, the castle was held by forces loyal to Charles I, holding out until 1646 when it surrendered to the Parliamentary armies. In the aftermath, the castle was partially slighted by Parliament to prevent it being used in any further revolt, and was finally completely ruined in 1665 when its remaining iron and lead was stripped and sold off. Conwy Castle became an attractive destination for painters in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Visitor numbers grew and initial restoration work was carried out in the second half of the 19th century. In the 21st century, the ruined castle is managed by Cadw as a tourist attraction. (Full article...)

  • The chapel in 2017

    The Upper Brook Street Chapel, also known as the Islamic Academy, the Unitarian Chapel and the Welsh Baptist Chapel, is a former chapel with an attached Sunday School on the east side of Upper Brook Street, Chorlton-on-Medlock, Greater Manchester, England. It is said to be the first neogothic Nonconformist chapel, having been constructed for the British Unitarians between 1837 and 1839, at the very beginning of the reign of Queen Victoria. It was designed by Sir Charles Barry, later architect of the Palace of Westminster.

    A listed building since 3 October 1974 (currently Grade II*), it is owned by Manchester City Council and was on the Buildings at Risk Register, rated as "very bad". It was partially demolished in 2006. The Victorian Society placed the building on a list of ten most threatened buildings in England and Wales. It was restored and converted to student accommodation in 2017 by Buttress Architects. (Full article...)

  • St George's Tower, Oxford Castle, viewed from the Castle Mill Stream

    Oxford Castle is a large, partly ruined medieval castle on the western side of central Oxford in Oxfordshire, England. Most of the original moated, wooden motte and bailey castle was replaced in stone in the late 12th or early 13th century and the castle played an important role in the conflict of the Anarchy. In the 14th century the military value of the castle diminished and the site became used primarily for county administration and as a prison. The surviving rectangular St George's Tower is now believed to pre-date the remainder of the castle and be a watch tower associated with the original Saxon west gate of the city.

    Most of the castle was destroyed in the English Civil War and by the 18th century the remaining buildings had become Oxford's local prison. A new prison complex was built on the site from 1785 onwards and expanded in 1876; this became HM Prison Oxford. (Full article...)
  • A winter view showing Durham Cathedral with three large towers looming high on a craggy cliff above a river bordered with snow-covered trees, a weir and a house.
    Durham Cathedral, above the River Wear.

    The medieval cathedrals of England, which date from between approximately 1040 and 1540, are a group of twenty-six buildings that constitute a major aspect of the country's artistic heritage and are among the most significant material symbols of Christianity. Though diverse in style, they are united by a common function. As cathedrals, each of these buildings serves as central church for an administrative region (or diocese) and houses the throne of a bishop (Late Latin ecclēsia cathedrālis, from the Greek, καθέδρα). Each cathedral also serves as a regional centre and a focus of regional pride and affection.

    Only sixteen of these buildings had been cathedrals at the time of the Reformation: eight that were served by secular canons, and eight that were monastic. A further five cathedrals are former abbey churches which were reconstituted with secular canons as cathedrals of new dioceses by Henry VIII following the dissolution of the monasteries and which comprise, together with the former monastic cathedrals, the "Cathedrals of the New Foundation". Two further pre-Reformation monastic churches, which had survived as ordinary parish churches for 350 years, became cathedrals in the 19th and 20th centuries, as did the three medieval collegiate churches that retained their foundations for choral worship. (Full article...)

  • Aerial view over northern Bath from a hot air balloon. The famous Royal Crescent is in the centre.

    The buildings and architecture of Bath, a city in Somerset in the south west of England, reveal significant examples of the architecture of England, from the Roman Baths (including their significant Celtic presence), to the present day. The city became a World Heritage Site in 1987, largely because of its architectural history and the way in which the city landscape draws together public and private buildings and spaces. The many examples of Palladian architecture are purposefully integrated with the urban spaces to provide "picturesque aestheticism". In 2021, the city was added to a second World Heritage Site, a group of historic spa towns across Europe known as the "Great Spas of Europe". Bath is the only entire city in Britain to achieve World Heritage status, and is a popular tourist destination.

    Important buildings include the Roman Baths; neoclassical architect Robert Adam's Pulteney Bridge, based on an unused design for the Rialto Bridge in Venice; and Bath Abbey in the city centre, founded in 1499 on the site of an 8th-century church. Of equal importance are the residential buildings designed and built into boulevards and crescents by the Georgian architects John Wood, the Elder and his son John Wood, the Younger – well-known examples being the Royal Crescent, built around 1770, and The Circus, built around 1760, where each of the three curved segments faces one of the entrances, ensuring that there is always a classical facade facing the entering visitor. (Full article...)

  • The Louvre Museum

    The Louvre (English: /ˈlv(rə)/ LOOV(-rə)), or the Louvre Museum (French: Musée du Louvre [myze dy luvʁ] ), is a national art museum in Paris, France. It is located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the city's 1st arrondissement (district or ward) and home to some of the most canonical works of Western art, including the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace, originally built in the late 12th to 13th century under Philip II. Remnants of the Medieval Louvre fortress are visible in the basement of the museum. Due to urban expansion, the fortress eventually lost its defensive function, and in 1546 Francis I converted it into the primary residence of the French Kings.

    The building was extended many times to form the present Louvre Palace. In 1682, Louis XIV chose the Palace of Versailles for his household, leaving the Louvre primarily as a place to display the royal collection, including, from 1692, a collection of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture. In 1692, the building was occupied by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres and the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, which in 1699 held the first of a series of salons. The Académie remained at the Louvre for 100 years. During the French Revolution, the National Assembly decreed that the Louvre should be used as a museum to display the nation's masterpieces. (Full article...)

  • The lone sandstone wall, all that remains of Caludon Castle. Photographed in 2012.

    Caludon Castle is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and Grade I listed building in Coventry, in the West Midlands of England. A second moated site 190 metres (620 ft) to the south is a Scheduled Ancient Monument in its own right. The castle is now a ruin, and all that remains is a large fragment of sandstone wall. What remains of the estate is now an urban park, owned and run by Coventry City Council, but much of it was sold and developed into housing estates in the early 20th century.

    The site has been occupied since at least the 11th century CE. The original building, pre-dating the Norman conquest of England, was a large house, which became the property of the Earl of Chester after the conquest. The house was given to the Segrave family in the 13th century, and was first described as a manor in 1239. A licence for crenellation was granted in 1305, at which point the house is thought to have been re-styled as a castle. Another licence was received in 1354, and the property was again rebuilt. In the 14th century, it came into the possession of Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk, who was banished in 1398, after which the castle fell into disrepair. Mowbray's son, John, inherited the building, and it remained in the Mowbray family until 1481, when it passed to William de Berkeley, 1st Marquess of Berkeley. It was rebuilt again circa 1580, this time as a mansion, having lain derelict since Mowbray's banishment. The castle was all but destroyed in 1662, and remained in ruins until 1800, when the remains were used in the construction of a farmhouse on the site. (Full article...)

  • Swaminarayan Akshardham in Delhi, India

    Swaminarayan Akshardham is a Hindu temple, and spiritual-cultural campus in Delhi, India. The temple is close to the border with Noida. Also referred to as Akshardham Temple or Akshardham Delhi, the complex displays millennia of traditional and modern Hindu culture, spirituality, and architecture. Inspired by Yogiji Maharaj and created by Pramukh Swami Maharaj, it was constructed by BAPS. It is the world's second-largest BAPS Hindu temple, following Akshardham, New Jersey, in the U.S.

    The temple was officially opened on 6 November 2005 by Pramukh Swami Maharaj in the presence of A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Manmohan Singh, L.K Advani and B.L Joshi. The temple, at the centre of the complex, was built according to the Vastu shastra and Pancharatra shastra. (Full article...)

  • St Briavels Castle.

    St Briavels Castle is a moated Norman castle at St Briavels in the English county of Gloucestershire. The castle is noted for its huge Edwardian gatehouse that guards the entrance.

    St Briavels Castle was originally built between 1075 and 1129 as a royal administrative centre for the Forest of Dean. During the 13th century the castle became first a favourite hunting lodge of King John, and then the primary centre in England for the manufacture of arrows for use with the longbow, the predominant missile weapon of the English in the later medieval period, and quarrels, large numbers of which were required for crossbows in medieval warfare. (Full article...)
  • Two-story brick house with peaked roof and simple second-floor covered veranda supported by four equidistant pillars
    Typical brick houses with columns and west-facing veranda, near Antananarivo

    The architecture of Madagascar is unique in Africa, bearing strong resemblance to the construction norms and methods of Southern Borneo from which the earliest inhabitants of Madagascar are believed to have immigrated. Throughout Madagascar, the Kalimantan region of Borneo and Oceania, most traditional houses follow a rectangular rather than round form, and feature a steeply sloped, peaked roof supported by a central pillar.

    Differences in the predominant traditional construction materials used serve as the basis for much of the diversity in Malagasy architecture. Locally available plant materials were the earliest materials used and remain the most common among traditional communities. In intermediary zones between the central highlands and humid coastal areas, hybrid variations have developed that use cob and sticks. Wood construction, once common across the island, declined as a growing human population destroyed greater swaths of virgin rainforest for slash and burn agriculture and zebu cattle pasture. The Zafimaniry communities of the central highland montane forests are the only Malagasy ethnic group who have preserved the island's original wooden architectural traditions; their craft was added to the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003. (Full article...)

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  • ... что жилой проект Twin Parks в Нью-Йорке, на месте пожара в январе 2022 года, в результате которого погибло семнадцать человек, получил архитектурные награды после того, как был построен в начале 1970-х годов?
  • ... что, будучи первым лицензированным архитектором в Оклахоме, Леон Б. Сентер имел «Лицензию номер 1» в течение сорока лет, с 1925 года до своей смерти?
  • ... что бывшая первая леди Нью-Джерси Люсинда Флорио восстановила итальянские сады в Драмтвакете ?
  • ... что архитектурные проекты Чарльза Таддеуса Рассела помогли создать «Черную Уолл-стрит Америки»?
  • ... что в отличие от других оружейных складов Нью-Йорка, Оружейная палата 69-го полка была спроектирована в стиле изящных искусств, потому что ее архитектор не хотел, чтобы она выглядела как «средневековый замок»?
  • ... что Леона Стинена называют одним из величайших архитекторов Бельгии ХХ века?

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