
Нью-Джерси — штат в Среднеатлантическом и Северо -Восточном регионах США. Это самый густонаселенный штат и центр северо-восточного мегаполиса . Нью-Джерси граничит на севере и востоке со штатом Нью-Йорк ; на востоке, юго-востоке и юге — с Атлантическим океаном ; на западе — с рекой Делавэр и Пенсильванией ; на юго-западе — с заливом Делавэр и Делавэром . С площадью 7354 квадратных миль (19 050 км2 ) Нью-Джерси является пятым по величине штатом по площади , но с населением около 9,3 млн человек по данным переписи населения США 2020 года он занимает 11-е место по численности населения . Столица штата — Трентон , а самый густонаселенный город штата — Ньюарк . Нью-Джерси — единственный штат США, в котором Бюро переписи населения США считает каждый округ городским .

Нью-Джерси был впервые заселен палеоиндейцами еще в 13 000 г. до н. э. Ленапе были доминирующей коренной группой , когда европейцы прибыли в начале 17 века, и они были разделены на диалектные группы, такие как манси на севере, а также унами и уналахтиго в других местах. [10] [11] Голландские и шведские колонисты основали первые европейские поселения в штате, [12] а позже британцы захватили контроль над регионом и основали провинцию Нью-Джерси , названную в честь Джерси . [13] [14] Плодородные земли колонии и относительная религиозная терпимость привлекли большое и разнообразное население. Нью-Джерси был среди Тринадцати колоний , которые поддержали Американскую революцию , приняв несколько решающих сражений и военных командований в Американской войне за независимость . Нью-Джерси оставался в Союзе во время Гражданской войны в США и предоставлял войска, ресурсы и военачальников в поддержку армии Союза . После войны штат превратился в крупный производственный центр и ведущее место назначения для иммигрантов, способствуя промышленной революции в США. Нью-Джерси был местом многих промышленных, технологических и коммерческих инноваций . [15] Многие выдающиеся американцы, связанные с Нью-Джерси, оказались влиятельными на национальном и мировом уровне, в том числе в академической среде, адвокатуре, бизнесе, индустрии развлечений, государственном управлении, армии, руководстве некоммерческими организациями и других областях.

Центральное расположение Нью-Джерси в северо-восточном мегаполисе способствовало его быстрому росту и субурбанизации во второй половине 20-го века. С начала 21-го века экономика штата стала высокодиверсифицированной, с основными секторами, включая биотехнологии , фармацевтику , информационные технологии , финансы и туризм , и он стал эпицентром логистики и дистрибуции на Атлантическом побережье . Нью-Джерси остается основным местом назначения для иммигрантов и является домом для одного из самых многокультурных народов в мире . [16] [17] Повторяя исторические тенденции, штат все больше реурбанизируется, причем рост городов опережает рост пригородов с 2008 года. [18]

Нью-Джерси является одним из самых образованных, богатых, здоровых, разнообразных и высокоразвитых штатов в США, занимая высокие позиции по нескольким показателям качества жизни. [19] По состоянию на 2022 год в Нью-Джерси был самый высокий годовой средний доход домохозяйства - 96 346 долларов США из всех 50 штатов. [20] Почти одна десятая всех домохозяйств в штате, или более 323 000, являются миллионерами , что является самым высоким показателем представительства миллионеров среди всех штатов. [21] Система государственных школ Нью-Джерси неизменно занимает одно из первых мест или входит в число лучших среди всех штатов США. [22] [23] [24] [25] В 2024 году Нью-Джерси был признан вторым по уровню здоровья населения в целом. [26] Нью-Джерси был признан четвертым по уровню разнообразия штатом в 2024 году. [27] Нью-Джерси занимает одно из первых мест как по Американскому индексу развития человеческого потенциала , так и по стандартному индексу развития человеческого потенциала . Согласно климатологическим исследованиям Национального управления океанических и атмосферных исследований США , Нью-Джерси стал штатом с самым быстрым потеплением по средней температуре воздуха за 100-летний период, начиная с начала 20-го века, что объясняется потеплением северной части Атлантического океана . [28]


Доисторическая эпоха

Давление столкновения между Северной Америкой и Африкой привело к возникновению Аппалачей . Около 18 000 лет назад ледниковый период привел к появлению ледников , которые достигли Нью-Джерси. Когда ледники отступили, они оставили после себя озеро Пассаик вместе с реками, лугами , болотами и ущельями . [29]

С 6-го тысячелетия до н. э . коренные американцы населяли Нью-Джерси, начиная с племени ленапе . Шейичби — это название земли, которая представляет собой современный Нью-Джерси на языке ленапе . [30] Ленапе были несколькими автономными группами, которые занимались выращиванием кукурузы в дополнение к охоте и собирательству в регионе, окружающем реку Делавэр , нижнюю часть реки Гудзон и западный пролив Лонг-Айленд . Ленапе были разделены на матрилинейные кланы, которые были основаны на общих женских предках. Кланы были организованы в три отдельные фратрии, идентифицируемые по их животному знаку: Черепаха , Индейка и Волк . Они впервые столкнулись с голландцами в начале 17-го века, и их основные отношения с голландцами, а затем и с европейскими поселенцами были через торговлю мехом .

Колониальная эпоха

Карта Новых Нидерландов и Новой Швеции в Нью-Джерси в колониальную эпоху.

Голландцы были первыми европейцами, которые предъявили права на земли в Нью-Джерси. Голландская колония Новые Нидерланды состояла из частей современных Среднеатлантических штатов. Хотя ленапе не признавали европейский принцип землевладения , политика Голландской Вест-Индской компании требовала от ее колонистов покупать земли, на которых они селились. Первым, кто сделал это, был Михил Пау , который основал покровительственное судно под названием Павония в 1630 году вдоль реки Норт , которая в конечном итоге стала Бергеном . Покупка Питером Минуитом земель вдоль реки Делавэр привела к образованию колонии Новая Швеция , которая просуществовала до тех пор, пока голландцы не завоевали ее в 1655 году. Затем весь регион стал территорией Англии 24 июня 1664 года после того, как английский флот под командованием полковника Ричарда Николса вошел в то, что сейчас является гаванью Нью-Йорка , и взял под контроль Форт Амстердам , аннексировав всю провинцию.

Во время гражданской войны в Англии остров Джерси в проливе Нормандия оставался верным британской короне и давал убежище королю . На Королевской площади в Сент - Хелиере Карл II Английский был провозглашен королем в 1649 году после казни своего отца Карла I. Североамериканские земли были разделены Карлом II , который отдал своему брату, герцогу Йоркскому (впоследствии королю Якову II ), регион между Новой Англией и Мэрилендом в качестве собственной колонии (в отличие от королевской колонии ). Затем Яков подарил землю между рекой Гудзон и рекой Делавэр (земля, которая станет Нью-Джерси) двум друзьям, которые оставались верными во время гражданской войны в Англии : сэру Джорджу Картерету и лорду Беркли из Страттона . [31] Эта область была названа провинцией Нью-Джерси .

С момента своего основания Нью-Джерси характеризовался этническим и религиозным разнообразием . Конгрегационалисты Новой Англии селились рядом с шотландскими пресвитерианами и голландскими реформаторами- мигрантами. В то время как большинство жителей жили в городах с индивидуальными земельными владениями в 100 акров (40 га), несколько богатых собственников владели обширными поместьями. Английские квакеры и англикане владели крупными земельными владениями. В отличие от колонии Плимут , Джеймстауна и других колоний, Нью-Джерси был заселен вторичной волной иммигрантов, которые приехали из других колоний, а не теми, кто мигрировал напрямую из Европы. Нью-Джерси оставался аграрным и сельским на протяжении всей колониальной эпохи, и коммерческое земледелие развивалось спорадически. Некоторые поселки, такие как Берлингтон на реке Делавэр и Перт Амбой , стали важными портами для судоходства в Нью-Йорк и Филадельфию. Плодородные земли колонии и терпимая религиозная политика привлекли больше поселенцев, и к 1775 году население Нью-Джерси увеличилось до 120 000 человек.

Заселение в течение первых десяти лет английского правления происходило вдоль реки Хакенсак и Артура Килла . Поселенцы приезжали в основном из Нью-Йорка и Новой Англии. 18 марта 1673 года Беркли продал свою половину колонии квакерам в Англии, которые основали регион долины Делавэра как колонию квакеров, а Уильям Пенн некоторое время выступал в качестве попечителя земель. Нью-Джерси управлялся как две отдельные провинции, Восточный и Западный Джерси , в течение 28 лет между 1674 и 1702 годами, которые были частью Доминиона Новая Англия с 1686 по 1689 год.

В 1702 году две провинции были воссоединены под королевским губернатором, а не под частным . Эдвард Хайд , титулованный лорд Корнбери, стал первым губернатором королевской колонии. Британия считала, что он был неэффективным и коррумпированным правителем, брал взятки и спекулировал землей. В 1708 году он был отозван в Англию. Нью-Джерси тогда управлялся губернаторами Нью-Йорка, но это привело в ярость поселенцев Нью-Джерси, которые обвинили этих губернаторов в фаворитизме по отношению к Нью-Йорку. Судья Льюис Моррис вел дело об отдельном губернаторе и был назначен губернатором королем Георгом II в 1738 году. [32]

Эпоха Войны за независимость

«Вашингтон переправляется через Делавэр» , портрет 1851 года работы Эмануэля Лойце, изображающий скрытую переправу Вашингтона через реку Делавэр из округа Бакс, штат Пенсильвания, в округ Мерсер 25 декабря 1776 года перед битвой при Трентоне.
Вашингтон сплачивает американцев в битве при Принстоне , портрет работы Уильяма Рэнни, изображающий Джорджа Вашингтона, сплачивающего войска Континентальной армии в битве при Принстоне в январе 1777 года.

Нью-Джерси был одной из тринадцати колоний , восставших против британского правления во время Американской революции . Конституция Нью-Джерси 1776 года была принята 2 июля 1776 года, всего за два дня до того, как Второй Континентальный конгресс провозгласил независимость Америки от Великобритании . Это был акт Провинциального конгресса , который превратился в Законодательное собрание штата . Чтобы успокоить нейтральных, он предусматривал, что законодательный орган будет распущен, если Нью-Джерси достигнет примирения с Великобританией. Среди 56 отцов-основателей , подписавших Декларацию независимости , пятеро были представителями Нью-Джерси: Ричард Стоктон , Джон Уизерспун , Фрэнсис Хопкинсон , Джон Харт и Авраам Кларк .

Во время Войны за независимость США британские и американские армии пересекали Нью-Джерси много раз, и в штате произошло несколько решающих сражений. Из-за этого Нью-Джерси сегодня иногда называют «Перекрестком Американской революции». [33] Зимние квартиры Континентальной армии были дважды основаны в Нью-Джерси генералом Джорджем Вашингтоном в Морристауне , который называли «Военной столицей Американской революции». [34]

В ночь с 25 на 26 декабря 1776 года Континентальная армия под командованием Джорджа Вашингтона пересекла реку Делавэр . После переправы они застали врасплох и разгромили гессенские войска в битве при Трентоне . Чуть больше, чем через неделю после победы в Трентоне , силы Континентальной армии одержали важную победу, остановив атаки генерала Корнуоллиса во Второй битве при Трентоне . Уклонившись от армии Корнуоллиса, Континентальная армия смогла совершить внезапную атаку на Принстон и успешно разгромить там британские войска 3 января 1777 года. Картина Эмануэля Лойце « Вашингтон, переправляющийся через Делавэр» стала символом Революции.

Силы Континентальной армии под командованием Вашингтона встретились с британскими войсками под командованием генерала Генри Клинтона в битве при Монмуте в нерешительном сражении в июне 1778 года. Силы Вашингтона попытались застать британскую колонну врасплох. Когда британская армия попыталась обойти американцев с фланга, Континентальная армия отступила в беспорядке. Позже их ряды были реорганизованы и выдержали британские атаки. [35]

Летом 1783 года Континентальный конгресс собрался в Нассау-холле Принстонского университета , сделав Принстон столицей страны на четыре месяца. Именно там Континентальный конгресс узнал о подписании Парижского договора , положившего конец войне.

18 декабря 1787 года Нью-Джерси стал третьим штатом, ратифицировавшим Конституцию Соединенных Штатов , которая была чрезвычайно популярна в Нью-Джерси, поскольку она не позволяла Нью-Йорку и Пенсильвании взимать пошлины на товары, импортируемые из Европы. 20 ноября 1789 года Нью-Джерси стал первым штатом в недавно сформированном Союзе, ратифицировавшим Билль о правах . [36]

Конституция штата Нью-Джерси 1776 года предоставила право голоса всем жителям, имеющим определенный уровень благосостояния. Это включало женщин и чернокожих, но не замужних женщин, поскольку им не разрешалось юридически владеть имуществом отдельно от своих мужей. Обе стороны на нескольких выборах утверждали, что другая сторона заставила голосовать неквалифицированных женщин, и высмеивали их за использование избирателей в юбках, независимо от того, имели ли они право голоса или нет; с другой стороны, обе партии приняли Законы об избирательных правах. В 1807 году законодательный орган принял законопроект, интерпретирующий конституцию как всеобщее избирательное право для белых мужчин , исключая бедняков; сама конституция была актом законодательного органа и не была закреплена в качестве современной конституции. [37]

19 век

Карта канала Морриса длиной 107 миль (172 км) через Северный Джерси

15 февраля 1804 года Нью-Джерси стал последним северным штатом, отменившим новое рабство и принявшим законодательство, которое постепенно отменило существующее рабство. Это привело к постепенному сокращению численности рабов. К концу Гражданской войны в США около дюжины афроамериканцев в Нью-Джерси все еще содержались в рабстве. [38] Избиратели Нью-Джерси в конечном итоге ратифицировали поправки к конституции, запрещающие рабство и предоставляющие права чернокожему населению Соединенных Штатов.

Индустриализация ускорилась в нынешнем регионе Северного Джерси после завершения строительства канала Морриса в 1831 году. Канал позволил транспортировать антрацитовый уголь из долины Лихай на востоке Пенсильвании в растущие промышленные центры Северного Джерси в Патерсоне , Ньюарке и Джерси-Сити .

В 1844 году была ратифицирована и вступила в силу вторая конституция штата . Таким образом, округа стали округами для сената штата, и немедленно последовало некоторое выравнивание границ (включая создание округа Мерсер ). Это положение было сохранено в Конституции 1947 года, но было отменено Верховным судом Соединенных Штатов в 1962 году решением Бейкер против Карра . Хотя губернаторство было сильнее, чем по конституции 1776 года, конституция 1844 года создала много должностей, которые не были ответственны ни перед ним, ни перед народом, и она давала ему трехлетний срок, но он не мог сам стать преемником.

Нью-Джерси был одним из немногих штатов Союза (другие — Делавэр и Кентукки ), который дважды выбирал кандидата, отличного от Авраама Линкольна , на национальных выборах и поддерживал Стивена А. Дугласа (1860) и Джорджа Б. Макклеллана (1864) во время их кампаний. Макклеллан, уроженец Филадельфии, имел связи с Нью-Джерси и в то время официально проживал в Нью-Джерси; позже он стал губернатором Нью-Джерси (1878–1881). (В Нью-Джерси фракции Демократической партии создали эффективную коалицию в 1860 году.) Во время Гражданской войны в США штат сначала возглавлял губернатор-республиканец Чарльз Смит Олден , а затем демократ Джоэл Паркер . В ходе войны в армию Союза было зачислено от 65 000 до 80 000 солдат из штата; в отличие от многих штатов, включая некоторые северные, там не велось никаких сражений. [39]

В период промышленной революции такие города, как Патерсон, росли и процветали. Ранее экономика была в основном аграрной, что было проблематично из-за неурожаев и плохой почвы. Это вызвало переход к более индустриализированной экономике, основанной на промышленных товарах, таких как текстиль и шелк. Изобретатель Томас Эдисон также стал важной фигурой промышленной революции, получив 1093 патента , многие из которых на изобретения, которые он разработал, работая в Нью-Джерси. Объекты Эдисона, сначала в Менло-Парке , а затем в Вест-Ориндже , считаются, возможно, первыми исследовательскими центрами в Соединенных Штатах. Кристи-стрит в Менло-Парке была первой магистралью в мире, на которой появилось электрическое освещение. Транспорт значительно улучшился, когда в Нью-Джерси появились локомотивы и пароходы .

Добыча железа также была ведущей отраслью промышленности в середине и конце 19 века. Болотные железные карьеры в Нью-Джерси Пайн Барренс были одними из первых источников железа для новой нации. [40] Такие шахты, как Маунт-Хоуп, Майн-Хилл и Рокавей-Вэлли-Майнс, создали процветающую промышленность. Добыча полезных ископаемых дала толчок появлению новых городов и была одной из движущих сил необходимости в канале Морриса . Цинковые рудники также были крупной отраслью промышленности, особенно шахта Стерлинг-Хилл .

20 век

Нью-Джерси процветал в « ревущие двадцатые» . Первый конкурс «Мисс Америка» состоялся в 1921 году в Атлантик-Сити ; туннель Холланд, соединяющий Джерси-Сити с Манхэттеном, открылся в 1927 году; а первый автомобильный фильм был показан в 1933 году в Кэмдене . Во время Великой депрессии 1930-х годов штат предлагал лицензии на попрошайничество безработным жителям, [41] дирижабль «Гинденбург» потерпел крушение в огне над Лейкхерстом , а пароход « Морро Касл » выбросился на берег недалеко от парка Эсбери после того, как загорелся в море.

Во время обеих мировых войн Нью-Джерси был центром военного производства, особенно военно-морского строительства. Верфи Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Company в Кирни и Ньюарке и верфь New York Shipbuilding Corporation в Кэмдене производили авианосцы , линкоры, крейсеры и эсминцы. [42] Нью-Джерси производил 6,8 процента от общего объема вооружений Соединенных Штатов, произведенных во время Второй мировой войны , занимая пятое место среди 48 штатов. [43] Кроме того, Форт Дикс (1917) (первоначально называвшийся «Кэмп Дикс»), [44] Кэмп Мерритт (1917), [45] и Кэмп Килмер (1941) [ необходима ссылка ] были построены для размещения и обучения американских солдат во время обеих мировых войн. Нью-Джерси также стал основным местом обороны в Холодную войну . Для обороны районов Нью-Йорка и Филадельфии было построено четырнадцать ракетных станций Nike . PT-109 , моторный торпедный катер под командованием лейтенанта (мл. г.) Джона Ф. Кеннеди во время Второй мировой войны, был построен на верфи Elco Boatworks в Байонне . Авианосец USS Enterprise (CV-6) ненадолго стоял в доке военного океанского терминала в Байонне в 1950-х годах, прежде чем его отправили в Кирни на слом. [46] В 1962 году в Камдене было спущено на воду первое в мире атомное грузовое судно NS Savannah .

В 1951 году открылась New Jersey Turnpike , обеспечивающая эффективное перемещение на легковых и грузовых автомобилях между Северным Джерси и столичным Нью-Йорком , а также Южным Джерси и столичной Филадельфией . [47] Впоследствии, в 1957 году, была завершена Garden State Parkway , которая стала диагональным аналогом Turnpike и открыла движение по шоссе вдоль прибрежного фланга Нью-Джерси между округом Берген на северо-востоке и полуостровом округа Кейп-Мэй на юго-восточной оконечности Нью-Джерси; таким образом, Jersey Shore стала легкодоступной для миллионов жителей столичного региона Нью-Йорка. В 1959 году Командование ПВО разместило ракету класса «земля-воздух» CIM-10 Bomarc на авиабазе Макгуайр . 7 июня 1960 года взрыв в топливном баке ракеты CIM-10 Bomarc привел к аварии и последующему загрязнению плутонием. [48]

В 1960-х годах расовые беспорядки вспыхнули во многих промышленных городах Северного Джерси . Первые расовые беспорядки в Нью-Джерси произошли в Джерси-Сити 2 августа 1964 года. Несколько других последовали в 1967 году в Ньюарке и Плейнфилде . Другие беспорядки последовали за убийством Мартина Лютера Кинга-младшего в апреле 1968 года, как и в остальной части страны. В 1971 году в Кэмдене произошел бунт . В результате распоряжения Верховного суда Нью-Джерси о справедливом финансировании школ законодательный орган Нью-Джерси принял законопроект о подоходном налоге в 1976 году. До этого законопроекта в штате не было подоходного налога. [49]

21 век

В начале 2000-х годов были открыты две системы легкорельсового транспорта : Hudson–Bergen Light Rail в округе Хадсон и River Line между Камденом и Трентоном . Целью этих проектов было поощрение развития, ориентированного на транзит, в Северном Джерси и Южном Джерси соответственно. HBLR приписывают возрождение округа Хадсон и Джерси-Сити . [50] [51] [52] [53] Городское возрождение продолжалось в Северном Джерси в 21 веке. В 2014 году численность населения Джерси-Сити, по оценкам переписи, составляла 262 146 человек, [54] что является самым большим приростом населения среди всех муниципалитетов Нью-Джерси с 2010 года, [55] что на 5,9% больше, чем по данным переписи населения США 2010 года , когда население города составляло 247 597 человек. [56] [57] В период с 2000 по 2010 год в Ньюарке наблюдался первый прирост населения с 1950-х годов, и к 2020 году численность населения восстановилась до 311 549 человек.


Интерактивная карта Нью-Джерси
На вершине Гудзонских палисадов в Энглвуд-Клиффс , округ Берген , с видом на реку Гудзон , мост Джорджа Вашингтона и небоскребы Мидтауна на Манхэттене , Нью-Йорк.
Водохранилище Делавэр-Уотер-Гэп находится на территории округа Уоррен и соседней Пенсильвании .
Река Раритан длиной 69,6 миль (112,0 км) является самой длинной рекой в ​​пределах Нью-Джерси, протекая из долины Раритан около Клинтона (выше), на восток к заливу Раритан и Атлантическому океану .
В 2009 году Грейт-Фолс на реке Пассейик в Патерсоне был признан Национальным историческим парком США .

Нью-Джерси расположен в центре северо-восточного мегаполиса , самой густонаселенной американской городской агломерации . Он граничит на севере и северо-востоке с Нью-Йорком (части которого находятся через реку Гудзон , залив Верхний Нью-Йорк , залив Килл-Ван-Кулл , залив Ньюарк и залив Артур-Килл ); на востоке с Атлантическим океаном; на юго-западе с Делавэром через залив Делавэр ; и на западе с Пенсильванией через реку Делавэр .

Нью-Джерси в целом делится на Северный , Центральный и Южный Джерси географические регионы, хотя некоторые жители не считают Центральный Джерси регионом в своем собственном праве. В регионах есть пять отдельных областей, разделенных естественной географией и концентрацией населения. Северо-восточный Нью-Джерси, часто называемый регионом Ворот , находится ближе всего к Манхэттену в Нью-Йорке, и до миллиона жителей ежедневно ездят в город на работу, многие на общественном транспорте. [68] Джерси -Шор , вдоль Атлантического побережья в Центральном и Южном Джерси, имеет свои собственные уникальные природные, жилые и культурные характеристики благодаря своему расположению у океана. Южный Джерси представляет собой самый южный географический регион северо -востока Соединенных Штатов . Долина Делавэр включает юго-западные округа штата, которые находятся в долине Делавэр, окружающей Филадельфию .

Несмотря на свой сильно урбанизированный характер и долгую историю индустриализации , леса покрывают примерно 45 процентов площади Нью-Джерси, или около 2,1 миллиона акров (8500 км 2 ), занимая 31-е место среди 50 штатов США и шести территорий. [69] Северо-западный Нью-Джерси, часто называемый регионом Skylands , более лесистый, сельский и гористый. Главное дерево северных лесов — дуб . Сосновые пустоши Нью-Джерси расположены в южной части Нью-Джерси и широко покрыты смешанными сосновыми и дубовыми лесами; плотность населения здесь ниже, чем в большинстве штатов.

High Point в городке Монтегю , округ Сассекс, является самой высокой точкой штата, высотой 1803 фута (550 м) над уровнем моря. Самая высокая точка штата — гора Китти-Энн в округе Моррис , возвышающаяся на 892 фута (272 м). Палисады — это линия крутых скал на западной стороне реки Гудзон в округах Берген и Гудзон . Основные реки Нью-Джерси включают реки Гудзон , Делавэр , Раритан , Пассейик , Хакенсак , Рауэй , Масконетконг , Маллика , Ранкокас , Манаскуан , Морис и Томс . Из-за полуостровной географии Нью-Джерси и восход, и закат солнца видны над водой из разных точек побережья Джерси.

Выдающиеся географические особенности

Берег Джерси простирается от Атлантического океана вглубь страны и охватывает многочисленные заливы , включая залив Манаскуан , вид на запад во время заката с пристани в Манаскуане .


Штат состоит из двух климатических зон: самые южные края штата имеют влажный субтропический климат , в то время как остальная часть имеет влажный континентальный климат . [70] Нью-Джерси получает от 2400 до 2800 часов солнечного света в год. [71]

Лето обычно жаркое и влажное, со средними высокими температурами по всему штату 82–87 °F (28–31 °C) и минимальными 60–69 °F (16–21 °C); однако температура превышает 90 °F (32 °C) в среднем 25 дней каждое лето, превышая 100 °F (38 °C) в некоторые годы. Зимы обычно холодные, со средними высокими температурами 34–43 °F (1–6 °C) и минимальными от 16 до 28 °F (от -9 до -2 °C) для большей части штата, но температура может на короткие периоды опускаться ниже 10 °F (-12 °C) и иногда подниматься выше 50 °F (10 °C). Северо-западные части штата имеют значительно более холодные зимы с температурой ниже 0 °F (-18 °C), которая является почти ежегодным явлением. Весной и осенью могут быть большие перепады температур с более низкой влажностью, чем летом. Классификация зон морозостойкости растений Министерства сельского хозяйства США варьируется от  6 на северо-западе штата до 7B около Кейп-Мей. [72] Самые высокие температуры, зафиксированные в Нью-Джерси, включают 110 °F (43 °C) 10 июля 1936 года в Раньоне , округ Мидлсекс, и -34 °F (-37 °C) 5 января 1904 года в Ривер-Вейле , округ Берген. [73]

Среднегодовое количество осадков колеблется от 43 до 51 дюйма (от 1100 до 1300 мм), равномерно распределенных в течение года. Среднее количество снега за зимний сезон колеблется от 10–15 дюймов (25–38 см) на юге и вблизи побережья, 15–30 дюймов (38–76 см) на северо-востоке и в центральной части штата, до около 40–50 дюймов (1,0–1,3 м) в северо-западных высокогорьях, но это часто значительно варьируется из года в год. Осадки выпадают в среднем 120 дней в году, с 25–30 грозами, большинство из которых случаются летом.

Зимой и ранней весной в Нью-Джерси могут быть норд-остеры , которые способны вызывать метели или наводнения по всему северо-востоку США. Ураганы и тропические штормы , торнадо и землетрясения редки; штат пострадал от урагана в 1903 году , тропического шторма Флойд в 1999 году [ 74] и урагана Сэнди в 2012 году , который обрушился на штат с максимальной скоростью ветра 90 миль в час (145 км/ч).

Изменение климата

Изменение климата влияет на Нью-Джерси быстрее, чем на большую часть остальной части Соединенных Штатов. Климатологи из Национального управления океанических и атмосферных исследований США пришли к выводу, что Нью-Джерси стал штатом с самым быстрым потеплением по средней температуре воздуха за 100-летний период, начиная с начала 20-го века. [28]

Административное деление

Бюро переписи населения США делит 21 округ Нью-Джерси на семь городских статистических зон , при этом 20 округов включены либо в Объединенную статистическую зону Нью-Йорка, либо в Филадельфию . Округ Уоррен является частью метрополии Лихай-Вэлли , расположенной в Пенсильвании.


21 округ в Нью-Джерси, перечисленный в порядке численности населения (по данным переписи 2020 года): [75]

  1. Округ Берген : 955 732
  2. Округ Эссекс : 863 728
  3. Округ Мидлсекс : 863 162
  4. Округ Хадсон : 724 854
  5. Округ Монмут : 643 615
  6. Округ Оушен : 637 229
  7. Округ Юнион : 575 345
  8. Округ Пассейик : 524 118
  9. Округ Кэмден : 523 485
  10. Округ Моррис : 509 285
  11. Округ Берлингтон : 461,860
  12. Округ Мерсер : 387 340
  13. Округ Сомерсет : 345 361
  14. Округ Глостер : 302 294
  15. Округ Атлантик : 274,534
  16. Округ Камберленд : 154 152
  17. Округ Сассекс : 144 221
  18. Округ Хантердон : 128 947
  19. Округ Уоррен : 109 632
  20. Округ Кейп-Мэй : 95 263
  21. Округ Сейлем : 64 837


Для своего общего населения и лидирующей в стране плотности населения Нью-Джерси имеет относительно мало классических крупных городов. Этот парадокс наиболее ярко выражен в округе Берген , самом густонаселенном округе штата, 955 732 жителя которого по переписи 2020 года проживали в 70 муниципалитетах, из которых самым густонаселенным является Хакенсак с 46 030 жителями. Многие городские районы простираются далеко за пределы одного крупного города, поскольку муниципалитеты Нью-Джерси, как правило, географически небольшие; три из четырех крупнейших городов в Нью-Джерси по численности населения имеют площадь менее 20 квадратных миль (52 км 2 ), а восемь из десяти крупнейших городов, включая все пять крупнейших городов, имеют площадь менее 30 квадратных миль (78 км 2 ). По данным переписи населения США 2010 года , только в четырех муниципалитетах проживало более 100 000 жителей (хотя Эдисон и Вудбридж Тауншип были очень близки); По данным переписи 2020 года это число возросло до семи.



New Jersey population density as of 2020

Residents of New Jersey are most commonly referred to as New Jerseyans or, less commonly, as New Jerseyites. According to the 2020 U.S. census, the state had a population of 9,288,994, a 5.7% increase since the 2010 U.S. census, which counted 8,791,894 residents.[6] The state ranked eleventh in the country by total population and first in population density, with 1,185 residents per square mile (458 per km2). Historically, New Jersey has experienced one of the fastest growth rates in the country, with its population increasing by double digits almost every decade until 1980; growth has since slowed but remained relatively robust until recently. In 2022, the Census Bureau estimated there were 6,262 fewer residents than in 2020, a decline of 0.3% from 2020, related to the COVID-19 pandemic.[79]

New Jersey is the only state where every county is deemed urban as defined by the Census Bureau.[80] Most residents live in the counties surrounding New York City, the nation's largest city, Philadelphia, the nation's sixth-largest city, or along the eastern Jersey Shore; the extreme southern and northwestern counties are relatively less dense overall. Since the 2000 census, the United States Census Bureau calculated that New Jersey's center of population was located in East Brunswick.[81][82][83] The state is located in the middle of the Northeast megalopolis, which has more than 50 million residents.

As of 2019, New Jersey was the third highest U.S. state measured by median household income, behind Maryland and Massachusetts;[84] the state's median household income was over $85,000 compared to the national average of roughly $65,000.[85] Conversely, New Jersey's poverty rate of 9.4% was slightly lower than the national average of 11.4%,[85] and the sixth lowest of the fifty states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. This is attributed to several factors, including the state's proximity to the major economic centers of New York City and Philadelphia, its hosting the highest number of millionaires both per capita and per square mile in the U.S., and the fact that it has the most scientists and engineers per square mile in the world.[86][87][88]

According to HUD's 2022 Annual Homeless Assessment Report, there were an estimated 8,752 homeless people in New Jersey.[89][90] The top countries of origin for New Jersey's immigrants in 2018 were India, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Ecuador, and the Philippines.[91]

Race and ethnicity

Ethnic origins in New Jersey

New Jersey is one of the most ethnically diverse states in the nation: as of 2022, over one-fifth (21.5%) of its residents are Hispanic or Latino, 15.3% are Black, and one-tenth are Asian. One in four New Jerseyans were born abroad and more than one million (12.1%) are not fully fluent in English. Compared to the U.S. as a whole, the state is more racially and ethnically diverse and has a higher proportion of immigrants.[92]

Map of counties in New Jersey by racial plurality, per the 2020 census
India Square in the Marion Section of Jersey City is home to the highest concentration of Asian Indians in the Western Hemisphere.[98]
Koreatown, Bergen County, across the George Washington Bridge from New York City
Metropolitan statistical areas and divisions of New Jersey; those shaded in blue are part of the New York City Metropolitan Area, including Mercer and Warren counties. Counties shaded in green, including Atlantic, Cape May, and Cumberland counties, belong to the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area.[clarification needed]

New Jersey is home to roughly half a million unauthorized immigrants,[99][100] comprising an estimated 6.2% of the population, which in 2018 was the fifth-highest percentage of any U.S. state.[101] The municipalities of Camden, Jersey City, and Newark are considered sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants.[102]

For further information on various ethnoracial groups and neighborhoods prominently featured within New Jersey, see the following articles:

New Jersey is one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse states in the United States. Nearly one-fourth of New Jerseyans (22.7%) were foreign born, compared to the national average of 13.5%.[85] As of 2011, 56.4% of New Jersey's children under the age of one belonged to racial or ethnic minority groups, meaning that they had at least one parent who was not non-Hispanic white.[103] The 2019 Vintage Year Census estimated that the state's ethnic makeup was as follows: 71.9% White alone, 15.1% Black or African American alone, 10.0% Asian alone, 0.6% American Indian and Alaska Native alone, 0.1% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, and 2.3% Two or more races. Hispanic or Latino accounted for 20.9%, while White alone (non-Hispanic or Latino) accounted for 54.6% of the population.[104] Many of the municipalities in Bergen County, New Jersey, the state's largest county, have a sizeable minority population of Hispanics and Asians.[105]

New Jersey hosts some of the nation's largest communities of religious and ethnic minorities in proportional or absolute terms. It has the second-largest Jewish population by percentage (after New York);[106] the largest Muslim population by percentage;[107] the largest population of Peruvians in the U.S.; the largest population of Cubans outside Florida; the third-highest Asian population by percentage; and the second highest Italian population,[108] according to the 2000 Census. African Americans, Hispanics (Puerto Ricans and Dominicans), West Indians, Arabs, and Brazilian and Portuguese Americans are also high in number. Overall, New Jersey has the third-largest Korean population, with Bergen County home to the highest Korean concentration per capita of any U.S. county[109] (6.9% in 2011). New Jersey also has the fourth-largest Filipino population, and fourth-largest Chinese population, per the 2010 U.S. Census.

New Jersey has the-third highest Indian population of any state by absolute numbers and the highest by percentage,[110][111][112][113] with India Square in Jersey City, Hudson County[98] hosting the highest concentration of Asian Indians in the Western Hemisphere.[114] A study by the Pew Research Center found that in 2013, New Jersey was the only U.S. state in which immigrants born in India constituted the largest foreign-born nationality, representing roughly 10% of all foreign-born residents in the state.[115] Central New Jersey, particularly Edison and surrounding Middlesex County, has the highest concentration of Indians, at nearly 20% in 2020; Little India is the largest and most diverse South Asian cultural hub in the United States.[116][117][118][119] The area includes a sprawling Chinatown and Koreatown running along New Jersey Route 27.[120] Monroe Township in Middlesex County has experienced a particularly rapid growth rate in its Indian American population with an estimated 5,943 (13.6%) as of 2017,[121] which was 23 times the 256 (0.9%) counted at the 2000 Census; Diwali is celebrated by the township as a Hindu holiday. In Middlesex County, election ballots are printed in English, Spanish, Gujarati, Hindi, and Punjabi.[122] Robbinsville, in neighboring Mercer County, hosts the world's largest Hindu temple outside Asia.[123] Carteret's Punjabi Sikh community, variously estimated at upwards of 3,000, is the largest concentration of Sikhs in the state.[124] Bergen County is home to America's largest Malayali community.[125] from New York City (뉴욕), is a growing hub and home to all of the nation's top ten municipalities by percentage of Korean population,[126] led (above) by Palisades Park (벼랑 공원),[127] the municipality with the highest density of ethnic Koreans in the Western Hemisphere. Displaying ubiquitous Hangul (한글) signage and known as the Korean village,[128] Palisades Park uniquely comprises a Korean majority (52% in 2010) of its population,[129][130] with both the highest Korean-American density and percentage of any municipality in the United States. There are also three state-recognized tribes, and in 2020, 51,186 identified as being Native American alone, while 96,691 did in combination with one or more other races.[131]

Birth data


As of 2010, 71.31% (5,830,812) of New Jersey residents age 5 and older spoke English at home as a primary language, while 14.59% (1,193,261) spoke Spanish, 1.23% (100,217) Chinese (which includes Cantonese and Mandarin), 1.06% (86,849) Italian, 1.06% (86,486) Portuguese, 0.96% (78,627) Tagalog, and Korean was spoken as a main language by 0.89% (73,057) of the population over the age of five. In total, 28.69% (2,345,644) of New Jersey's population age 5 and older spoke a mother language other than English.[141]

A diverse collection of languages has since evolved amongst the state's population, given that New Jersey has become cosmopolitan and is home to ethnic enclaves of non-English-speaking communities:[142][143][144][145]

Sexual orientation and gender identity

New Jersey is an LGBTQ+ friendly state and is now home to more gay villages per square mile than any other U.S. state. Same-sex marriage in New Jersey has been legally recognized since October 21, 2013, the effective date of a trial court ruling invalidating New Jersey's restriction of marriage to persons of different sexes at the time. In September 2013, Mary C. Jacobson, Assignment Judge of the Mercer Vicinage of the Superior Court, ruled that as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court's June 2013 decision in United States v. Windsor, the Constitution of New Jersey requires the state to recognize same-sex marriages.[154]

Numerous gayborhoods have emerged in New Jersey, most prominently in Jersey City,[155] Asbury Park, Maplewood,[156] Montclair, and Lambertville.[157] Trenton, the state capital of New Jersey, elected Reed Gusciora, its first openly gay mayor, in 2018,[158] and Jennifer Williams, New Jersey's first openly transgender city councilmember, in 2022.[159] In June 2018, Maplewood, Essex County unveiled permanent rainbow-colored crosswalks to celebrate LGBTQ pride, a feature displayed by only a few other towns in the world,[160] including Rahway, Union County, which unveiled its own rainbow-colored crosswalks in June 2019.[161] In January 2019, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation mandating LGBTQ+ inclusive educational curriculum in schools.[162] In February 2019, New Jersey began allowing a neutral or non-binary gender choice on birth certificates.[163]


By number of adherents, the largest religious traditions in New Jersey, according to the 2010 Association of Religion Data Archives, were the Roman Catholic Church with 3,235,290; Islam with 160,666; and the United Methodist Church with 138,052.[165] The world's largest Hindu temple outside Asia is in Robbinsville, Mercer County.[123] In September 2021, the State of New Jersey aligned with the World Hindu Council to declare October Hindu Heritage Month. In January 2018, Gurbir Grewal became the first Sikh American to serve as state attorney general in the United States.[166] In January 2019, Sadaf Jaffer of Montgomery became the first female Muslim American mayor, first female South Asian mayor, and first female Pakistani-American mayor in the U.S.[167] Large numbers of Orthodox Jews are now migrating to New Jersey from New York, due to the latter's higher cost of living.[168]


Old Queens at Rutgers University, the largest state university system in New Jersey
Nassau Hall at Princeton University, an Ivy League university and one of the world's most prominent research institutions, served briefly as the U.S. Capitol in the 18th century.

As of the 2020–2021 school year, there were 686 operating districts in the state. Of these, 599 were traditional public school districts and 87 were charter school districts.[172][173] The NJDOE reported a total district enrollment of 1,362,400 students, the lowest total enrollment since the early 2000s, though these figures do not consider homeschooled students or those attending out-of-state schools.[174] New Jersey public schools emphasize STEM subjects, and New Jersey is home to more scientists and engineers per square mile than anywhere else in the world.[86][175]

Educational standards

New Jersey is known for the high quality of its education. In 2024, New Jersey spent more per each public school student than any other U.S. state except New York, amounting to $26,600 spent per pupil;[176] Over 50% of the expenditure is allocated to student instruction.[177]

New Jersey is home to private universities including Princeton University in Princeton, Mercer County, one of the world's most prominent research universities, featured at the top of U.S. News & World Report's national university rankings for the ninth consecutive year in 2024 as well as topping comparable lists by Forbes and The Wall Street Journal,[178][179][180] and public universities such as Rutgers University, headquartered in New Brunswick, Middlesex County, the state's flagship institution of higher education.[181]

In 2014, New Jersey's school systems were ranked at the top of all fifty U.S. states by financial website WalletHub.[182] In 2018, New Jersey's overall educational system was ranked second among all states to Massachusetts by U.S. News & World Report.[25] In 2019, 2020, and 2021, Education Week also ranked New Jersey public schools the best of all U.S. states.[183][22]

Nine New Jersey high schools were ranked among the top 25 in the U.S. on the Newsweek "America's Top High Schools 2016" list, more than from any other state.[184]

In November 2023, Governor Phil Murphy signed into law legislation eliminating testing for prospective teachers in reading, writing, and math, replacing it with an alternative certification process.[185]


The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that New Jersey's gross state product in the third quarter of 2022 was $753 billion.[186]


A heat map showing median income distribution in New Jersey by county

New Jersey's per capita gross state product routinely ranks as one of the highest in the United States. In 2020, New Jersey had the highest number of millionaires both per capita and per square mile in the United States, approximately 9.76% of households.[21]

The state is ranked second in the nation by the number of places with per capita incomes above national average with 76.4%. Three of New Jersey's counties are among the 20 highest-income U.S. counties.[187]

Fiscal policy

New Jersey has seven tax brackets that determine state income tax rates, which range from 1.4% (for income below $20,000) to 8.97% (for income above $500,000).[188]

The standard sales tax rate as of January 1, 2018, is 6.625%, applicable to all retail sales unless specifically exempt by law. This rate, which is comparably lower than that of New York City, often attracts numerous shoppers from New York City, often to suburban Paramus, New Jersey, which has five malls, one of which (the Garden State Plaza) has over 2 million square feet (200,000 m2) of retail space. Tax exemptions include most food items for at-home preparation, medications, most clothing, footwear and disposable paper products for use in the home.[189] There are 27 Urban Enterprise Zone statewide, including sections of Paterson, Elizabeth, and Jersey City. In addition to other benefits to encourage employment within the zone, shoppers can take advantage of a reduced 3.3125% sales tax rate (half the rate charged statewide) at eligible merchants.[190][191][192]

New Jersey has the highest cumulative tax rate of all 50 states with residents paying a total of $68 billion in state and local taxes annually with a per capita burden of $7,816 at a rate of 12.9% of income.[193] All real property located in the state is subject to property tax unless specifically exempted by statute. New Jersey does not assess an intangible personal property tax or an estate tax, but it does impose an inheritance tax (which is levied only on heirs who are not direct descendants).[194] In 2023, Governor Phil Murphy signed into law a new tax-relief program known as StayNJ that will provide for an annual property-tax cut of 50% for those aged 65 and over with incomes below $500,000; the cut will go into effect in January 2026 and be capped at $6,500, but with this cap rising as indexed to the increase in New Jersey's overall property taxes.[195][196]

Federal taxation disparity

New Jersey consistently ranks as having one of the highest proportional levels of disparity of any state in the United States, based upon what it receives from the federal government relative to what it gives. In 2015, WalletHub ranked New Jersey the state least dependent upon federal government aid overall and having the fourth lowest return on taxpayer investment from the federal government, at 48 cents per dollar.[197]

New Jersey has one of the highest tax burdens in the nation.[198] Factors for this include the large federal tax liability which is not adjusted for New Jersey's higher cost of living and Medicaid funding formulas.


Cranberry harvest

New Jersey's economy is multifaceted, featuring high levels of both productivity and retail consumption; the Garden State's economy comprises the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, information technology, the financial industry, tourism, filmmaking, telecommunications, gambling, food processing, electrical equipment manufacturing, printing, and publishing. New Jersey's agricultural outputs are nursery stock, horses, vegetables, fruits and nuts, seafood, and dairy products.[199] New Jersey ranks second among states in blueberry production, third in cranberries and spinach, and fourth in bell peppers, peaches, and head lettuce.[200] The state harvests the fourth-largest number of acres planted with asparagus.[201] South Jersey has become an East Coast epicenter for logistics and warehouse construction.[202]

Scientific economy

New Jersey has a strong scientific economy and is home to major pharmaceutical and telecommunications firms, drawing on the state's large and well-educated labor pool, including one of the highest concentrations of engineers and other scientists in the world. There is also a robust service economy in retail sales, education, and real estate, serving residents who work in New York City or Philadelphia. Thomas Edison invented the first electric light bulb at his home in Menlo Park, Edison in 1879. New Jersey is also a key participant in the renewable wind industry. New Jersey has more scientists and engineers per square mile than anywhere in the world,[203] and is a global leader in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, life sciences, and technology.[204][205]

Corporate and retail

New Jersey hosts numerous business headquarters, including twenty-four Fortune 500 companies.[206] Paramus in Bergen County has become the top retail ZIP code (07652) in the United States, with the municipality generating over US$6 billion in annual retail sales.[207] Several New Jersey counties, including Somerset (7), Morris (10), Hunterdon (13), Bergen (21), and Monmouth (42), have been ranked among the highest-income counties in the United States.

Shipping, manufacturing, and logistics

Shipping is a key industry in New Jersey because of the state's strategic geographic location, the Port of New York and New Jersey being the busiest port on the East Coast. The Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal was the world's first container port and today is one of the world's largest. New Jersey's location at the center of the Eastern North American population belt has made the state a prime hub for the logistics, warehousing, and supply chain management industries. The manufacturing economy in New Jersey had declined for several decades in the post-Industrial Revolution era but has since resumed growth.


Sunset on the beach at Atlantic City, an oceanfront resort and the nexus of New Jersey's gambling industry

New Jersey's location at the center of the Northeast megalopolis and its extensive transportation system have put over one-third of all United States residents and many Canadian residents within overnight distance by land. This accessibility to consumer revenue has enabled seaside resorts such as Atlantic City and the remainder of the Jersey Shore, as well as the state's other natural and cultural attractions, to contribute significantly to the record 111 million tourist visits to New Jersey in 2018, providing US$44.7 billion in tourism revenue, directly supporting 333,860 jobs, sustaining more than 531,000 jobs overall including peripheral impacts, and generating US$5 billion in state and local tax revenue.[208]


In 1976, a referendum by Jersey voters approved casino gambling in Atlantic City, where the first legalized casino opened in 1978.[209] At that time, Las Vegas was the only other casino resort in the country.[210] Today, several casinos lie along the Atlantic City Boardwalk, the oldest and longest boardwalk in the world, at 5+12 miles (8.9 km) in length.[211] Atlantic City experienced a dramatic contraction in its stature as a gambling destination after 2010, including the closure of multiple casinos since 2014, spurred by competition from the advent of legalized gambling in other northeastern U.S. states.[212][213]

On February 26, 2013, Governor Chris Christie signed online gambling into law.[214] Sports betting has become a growing source of gambling revenue in New Jersey, with sportsbooks bringing in almost $12 billion in bets, making over $1 billion in revenue in 2023.[215] Since being legalized across the nation by the U.S. Supreme Court on May 14, 2018, New Jersey led all states in sports betting handle until New York passed them.[216][217] In September 2022, the lifetime revenue from online casinos operating in New Jersey for the nine years since the industry's launch had surpassed $5 billion.[218]


New Jersey's telephone area codes
Television and film production

New Jersey is a growing center for filmmaking and television production,[219] with media companies, enticed by its proximity to Manhattan, in conjunction with tax incentives, collectively spending billions of dollars to develop large new studio facilities and sound stage complexes.[220] Motion picture technology was developed by Thomas Edison, with much of his early work done at his West Orange laboratory. Edison's Black Maria was the first motion picture studio. America's first motion picture industry started in 1907 in Fort Lee and the first studio was constructed there in 1909.[221] DuMont Laboratories in Passaic developed early sets and made the first broadcast to the private home.

A number of television shows and films have been filmed in New Jersey. Since 1978, the state has maintained a Motion Picture and Television Commission to encourage filming in-state.[222] New Jersey has long offered tax credits to television producers. Governor Chris Christie suspended the credits in 2010, but the New Jersey State Legislature in 2011 approved the restoration and expansion of the tax credit program. Under bills passed by both the state Senate and Assembly, the program offers 20 percent tax credits (22% in urban enterprise zones) to television and film productions that shoot in the state and meet set standards for hiring and local spending.[223] When Governor Phil Murphy took office, he instated the New Jersey Film & Digital Media Tax Credit Program in 2018 and expanded it in 2020. The benefits include a 30% tax credit on film projects and a 40% subsidy for studio developments.[224]

Radio stations
Television stations

New Jersey has several PBS affiliates: WNET (13) in Newark, WNJN (50) in Montclair, WNJB (58) in New Brunswick, WNJS (23) in Camden and WNJT (52) in Trenton.

There are no standard commercial network affiliates in the state. WMGM-TV (Wildwood) lost its affiliation with NBC in 2014. Viewers in northern New Jersey receive New York City market stations over cable or over the air; southern New Jersey viewers receive Philadelphia market stations over cable or over the air.

WMGM now affiliates with the True Crime Network. WJLP (Middletown) affiliates with the retro network MeTV. There are Telemundo affiliates in Fort Lee, Linden and Mount Laurel, and Univision affiliates in Paterson and Vineland.

Finance as Wall Street West

The Downtown Jersey City waterfront skyline is dubbed Wall Street West.[228]

Jersey City's Hudson River waterfront, from Exchange Place to Newport, is known as Wall Street West[228] and has over 13 million square feet of Class A office space. One third of the private sector jobs in the city are in the financial services sector: more than 60% are in the securities industry, 20% are in banking and 8% in insurance.[229] Jersey City is home to the headquarters of Verisk Analytics and Lord Abbett,[230] a privately held money management firm.[231] Companies such as Computershare, ADP, IPC Systems, and Fidelity Investments also conduct operations in the city.[232] In 2014, Forbes magazine moved its headquarters to the district, having been awarded a $27 million tax grant in exchange for bringing 350 jobs to the city over a ten-year period.[233] By the early 2020s, the construction of residential skyscrapers Downtown made median rental rates in Jersey City amongst the highest of any city in the United States.[234]

Natural resources and energy

Limited mining activity of zinc, iron, and manganese still takes place in the area in and around the Franklin Furnace in Sussex County.

Although New Jersey is home to many energy-intensive industries, its energy consumption is only 2.7% of the U.S. total, and its carbon dioxide emissions are 0.8% of the U.S. total. New Jersey's electricity comes primarily from natural gas and nuclear power.[235] New Jersey is seventh in the nation in solar power installations,[236] enabled by one of the country's most favorable net metering policies and renewable portfolio standard. The state has more than 140,000 solar installations.[237]


Due to past industrial activity, New Jersey has more Superfund toxic waste sites than any other state in the union despite its small geographic size. By 2024, only 35 of New Jersey's Superfund sites (out of about 150 that have been on the EPA's list since the Superfund law was passed in 1980) have actually been cleaned up.[238]

In late 2023, a concern became public about PFAs (so-called "forever chemicals") existing in the state's water supplies.[239]


New Jersey's population density and location at the geographic center of the Northeast Megalopolis have rendered it a vital transportation for hub for both passengers and industry.


Map of New Jersey's major transportation networks and cities
The George Washington Bridge, connecting Fort Lee (foreground) in Bergen County across the Hudson River to New York City (background), is the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge.[240][241]

The New Jersey Turnpike is one of the most prominent and heavily trafficked roadways in the United States. This toll road, which overlaps with Interstate 95 for much of its length, carries traffic between Delaware and New York, and up and down the East Coast in general. Commonly referred to as simply "the Turnpike", it is known for its numerous rest areas named after prominent New Jerseyans.

The Garden State Parkway, or simply "the Parkway", carries relatively more in-state traffic than interstate traffic and runs from New Jersey's northern border to its southernmost tip at Cape May. It is the main route that connects the New York metropolitan area to the Jersey Shore. With a total of fifteen travel and six shoulder lanes, the Driscoll Bridge on the Parkway, spanning the Raritan River in Middlesex County, is the widest motor vehicle bridge in the world by number of lanes as well as one of the busiest.[242]

New Jersey is connected to New York City via various key bridges and tunnels. The double-decked George Washington Bridge carries the heaviest load of motor vehicle traffic of any bridge in the world, at 102 million vehicles per year, across fourteen lanes.[240][241] It connects Fort Lee, New Jersey to the Washington Heights neighborhood of Upper Manhattan, and carries Interstate 95 and U.S. Route 1/9 across the Hudson River. The Lincoln Tunnel connects to Midtown Manhattan carrying New Jersey Route 495, and the Holland Tunnel connects to Lower Manhattan carrying Interstate 78. New Jersey is also connected to Staten Island by three bridges—from north to south, the Bayonne Bridge, the Goethals Bridge, and the Outerbridge Crossing.

New Jersey has interstate compacts with all three of its neighboring states. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the Delaware River Port Authority (with Pennsylvania), the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (with Pennsylvania), and the Delaware River and Bay Authority (with Delaware) operate most of the major transportation routes in and out of the state. Bridge tolls are collected only from traffic exiting the state, with the exception of the private Dingman's Ferry Bridge over the Delaware River, which charges a toll in both directions.

It is unlawful for a customer to serve themselves gasoline in New Jersey. It became the last remaining U.S. state where all gas stations are required to sell full-service gasoline to customers at all times in 2016, after Oregon's introduction of restricted self-service gasoline availability took effect.[243]


A NJ Transit train on the Northeast Corridor in Rahway

Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) is one of the busiest airports in the United States. Operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, it is one of the three main airports serving the New York metropolitan area, along with John F. Kennedy International Airport and LaGuardia Airport, which are both in Queens, New York. United Airlines is the airport's largest tenant, operating an entire terminal (Terminal C) there, which it uses as one of its primary hubs. FedEx Express operates a large cargo terminal at EWR as well. The adjacent Newark Airport railroad station provides access to Amtrak and NJ Transit trains along the Northeast Corridor Line.

Two smaller commercial airports, Atlantic City International Airport and rapidly growing Trenton-Mercer Airport, also operate in other parts of the state. Teterboro Airport in Bergen County and Millville Municipal Airport in Cumberland County are general aviation airports popular with private and corporate aircraft due to their proximity to New York City and the Jersey Shore, respectively.

Rail and bus

Two Hudson–Bergen Light Rail trains in Jersey City
Cape May–Lewes Ferry connects New Jersey and Delaware across Delaware Bay.

NJ Transit operates extensive rail and bus service throughout the state. A state-run corporation, it began with the consolidation of several private bus companies in North Jersey in 1979. In the early 1980s, it acquired Conrail's commuter train operations that connected suburban towns to New York City. NJ Transit has 12 rail lines that run through different parts of the state and 165 stations statewide.[244] Most of the lines end at either Penn Station in New York City or Hoboken Terminal in Hoboken, although some lines serve service to both terminal stations. One line provides service between Atlantic City and Philadelphia.

NJ Transit also operates three light rail systems in the state. The Hudson-Bergen Light Rail connects Bayonne to North Bergen, through Hoboken and Jersey City. The Newark Light Rail is partially underground, and connects downtown Newark with other parts of the city and its suburbs, Belleville and Bloomfield. The River Line connects Trenton, and Camden.

The PATH is a rapid transit system consisting of four lines operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. It links Hoboken, Jersey City, Harrison, and Newark with New York City. The PATCO Speedline is a rapid transit system that links Camden County to Philadelphia. Both the PATCO and the PATH are two of only five rapid transit systems in the United States to operate 24 hours a day.

Amtrak operates numerous long-distance passenger trains in New Jersey, both to and from neighboring states and around the country. In addition to the Newark Airport connection, other major Amtrak railway stations include Trenton Transit Center, Metropark, and the historic Newark Penn Station.

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, or SEPTA, has two commuter rail lines that operate into New Jersey. The Trenton Line terminates at the Trenton Transit Center, and the West Trenton Line terminates at the West Trenton Rail Station in Ewing.

AirTrain Newark is a monorail connecting the Amtrak/NJ Transit station on the Northeast Corridor to the airport's terminals and parking lots.

Some private bus carriers still remain in New Jersey. Most of these carriers operate with state funding to offset losses and state owned buses are provided to these carriers, of which Coach USA companies make up the bulk. Other carriers include private charter and tour bus operators that take gamblers from other parts of New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia, and Delaware to the casino resorts of Atlantic City.


New York Waterway has ferry terminals at Belford, Jersey City, Hoboken, Weehawken, and Edgewater, with service to different parts of Manhattan. Liberty Water Taxi in Jersey City has ferries from Paulus Hook and Liberty State Park to Battery Park City in Manhattan. Statue Cruises offers service from Liberty State Park to the Statue of Liberty National Monument, including Ellis Island. SeaStreak offers services from the Raritan Bayshore to Manhattan, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket.

The Delaware River and Bay Authority operates the Cape May–Lewes Ferry on Delaware Bay, carrying both passengers and vehicles between New Jersey and Delaware as part of US 9. The agency also operates the Forts Ferry Crossing for passengers across the Delaware River. The Delaware River Port Authority operates the RiverLink Ferry between the Camden waterfront and Penn's Landing in Philadelphia.


New Brunswick, nicknamed the Hub city and the Healthcare City, is a focus city for academia, healthcare, and culture in New Jersey.
A 1950s-style diner in Orange


New Jersey has continued to play a prominent role as a U.S. cultural nexus. Like every state, New Jersey has its own cuisine, religious communities, museums, and halls of fame.

New Jersey is the birthplace of many modern inventions, including FM radio, the motion picture camera, the lithium battery, the light bulb, transistors, and the electric train. Other New Jersey creations include: the drive-in movie, the cultivated blueberry, cranberry sauce, the boardwalk, the zipper, the phonograph, saltwater taffy, the dirigible, the seedless watermelon,[245] the first use of a submarine in warfare, and the ice cream cone.[246]

Diners are iconic to New Jersey. The state is home to many diner manufacturers and has over 600 diners, more than any other place in the world.[247]

New Jersey is the only state to have never had a state song;[248] as of 2021, it is one of only two states (the other being Maryland[249]) that are currently without a state song. "I'm From New Jersey" is incorrectly listed on many websites as being the New Jersey state song, but it was not even a contender when the New Jersey Arts Council submitted state song suggestions to the New Jersey Legislature in 1996.[250]

New Jersey is frequently the target of jokes in American culture,[251] especially from New York City-based television shows, such as Saturday Night Live.[252] Academic Michael Aaron Rockland attributes this to New Yorkers' view that New Jersey is the beginning of Middle America. The New Jersey Turnpike, which runs between two major East Coast cities, New York City and Philadelphia, is also cited as a reason, as people who traverse through the state may only see its industrial zones.[253] Reality television shows like Jersey Shore and The Real Housewives of New Jersey have reinforced stereotypical views of New Jersey culture,[254] but Rockland cited The Sopranos and the music of Bruce Springsteen as exporting a more positive image.[253]

The "New" in "New Jersey" is often omitted in casual conversation.[255]


New Jersey is known for several foods developed within the region, including Taylor Ham (also known as pork roll), sloppy joe sandwiches, tomato pies, salt water taffy, and Texas wieners. Just as New York City's cuisine has an influence on North Jersey, Philadelphia's cuisine influences South Jersey.

New Jersey's third-largest industry is food and agriculture just behind pharmaceuticals and tourism. New Jersey is one of the top 10 producers of blueberries, cranberries, peaches, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, apples, spinach, squash, and asparagus in the United States. Many restaurants in the state offer locally grown ingredients because of this.[256]

Campbell's Soup Company has been headquartered in Camden since 1869.[257] Goya Foods, the largest Hispanic-owned food company in the United States, operates a corporate headquarters in Jersey City.[258] Mars Wrigley Confectionery's US headquarters has been based in Hackettstown and Newark since 2007.[259]

Several states with substantial Italian American populations take credit for the development of submarine sandwiches, including New Jersey.[260]


New Jersey has long been an important origin for both rock and rap music. Prominent musicians from or with significant connections to New Jersey include:


MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, one of only two NFL stadiums shared by two teams, is home to the New York Giants and New York Jets.

New Jersey currently has six teams from major professional sports leagues playing in the state, although one Major League Soccer team and two National Football League teams identify themselves as being from the New York metropolitan area.

Professional sports

Prudential Center in Newark, home of the NHL's New Jersey Devils

The National Hockey League's New Jersey Devils, based in Newark at the Prudential Center, is the only major league sports franchise to bear the state's name. Founded in 1974 in Kansas City, Missouri, as the Kansas City Scouts, the team played in Denver, Colorado, as the Colorado Rockies from 1976 until the spring of 1982 when naval architect, businessman, and Jersey City native John J. McMullen purchased, renamed, and moved the franchise to Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford's Meadowlands Sports Complex. While the team was poor to mediocre in Kansas City, Denver, and its first years in New Jersey, qualifying for the playoffs once in the 13 seasons from 1974 to 1987, the Devils ultimately established themselves in late 1980s and early 1990s during the tenure of Hall of Fame president and general manager Lou Lamoriello. As of 2023, the Devils have appeared in 23 postseasons in 40 seasons in New Jersey, reaching five Stanley Cup Finals (most recently in 2012) and winning it in 1995, 2000, and 2003. The organization is the youngest of the nine "Big Four" major league teams based in New York metropolitan area, ultimately establishing its core following throughout the northern and central portions of the state and carving a place in a media market once dominated by the New York Rangers and Islanders which has the distinction of being the only metropolitan area in the country with three major league professional sports teams participating in the same sport.

In 2018, the Philadelphia Flyers renovated and expanded their training facility, the Virtua Center Flyers Skate Zone, in Voorhees Township in the southern portion of the state.[268]

The New York metropolitan area's two National Football League teams, the New York Giants and the New York Jets, play at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford's Meadowlands Sports Complex.[269] Built for about $1.6 billion,[270] the venue is one of the most expensive stadiums ever built.[271] On February 2, 2014, MetLife Stadium hosted Super Bowl XLVIII.

The New York Red Bulls of Major League Soccer play in Red Bull Arena, a soccer-specific stadium in Harrison across the Passaic River from downtown Newark. On July 27, 2011, Red Bull Arena hosted the 2011 MLS All-Star Game.[272] New Jersey hosted matches during the 1994 FIFA World Cup at Giants Stadium and will be one of 16 cities to host matches during the 2026 FIFA World Cup, at MetLife Stadium, which will also host the tournament final.[273]

From 1977 to 2012, New Jersey had a National Basketball Association team, the New Jersey Nets.[274] WNBA's New York Liberty played in New Jersey from 2011 to 2013 while their primary home arena, Madison Square Garden was undergoing renovations.[275] In 2016, the Philadelphia 76ers of the NBA opened their new headquarters and training facility, the Philadelphia 76ers Training Complex, in Camden.[276]

The Meadowlands Sports Complex is home to the Meadowlands Racetrack, one of three major harness racing tracks in the state. The Meadowlands Racetrack and Freehold Raceway in Freehold are two of the major harness racing tracks in North America. Monmouth Park Racetrack in Oceanport is a popular spot for thoroughbred racing in New Jersey and the northeast. It hosted the Breeders' Cup in 2007, and its turf course was renovated in preparation.

Major league sports

Minor league sports

College sports

Major schools

New Jerseyans' collegiate allegiances are predominantly split among the three major NCAA Division I programs in the state: the Rutgers University (New Jersey's flagship state university) Scarlet Knights, members of the Big Ten Conference; the Seton Hall University (the state's largest Catholic university) Pirates, members of the Big East Conference; and the Princeton University (the state's Ivy League university) Tigers.

The intense rivalry between Rutgers and Princeton athletics began with the first intercollegiate football game in 1869. The schools have not met on the football field since 1980, but they continue to play each other annually in all other sports offered by the two universities.

Rutgers, which fields 24 teams in various sports, is nationally known for its football program, with a 6–4 all-time bowl record; and its women's basketball programs, which appeared in a National Final in 2007. In 2008 and 2009, Rutgers expanded their football home, Rutgers Stadium, now called SHI Stadium, on the Busch Campus. The basketball teams play at the Rutgers Athletic Center on Livingston Campus. Both venues and campuses are in Piscataway, across the Raritan River from New Brunswick. The university also fields men's basketball and baseball programs. Rutgers' fans live mostly in the western parts of the state and Middlesex County; its alumni base is the largest in the state.

Rutgers' satellite campuses in Camden and Newark each field their own athletic programs—the Rutgers–Camden Scarlet Raptors and the Rutgers–Newark Scarlet Raiders—which both compete in NCAA Division III.

Seton Hall fields no football team, but its men's basketball team is one of the Big East's storied programs. No New Jersey team has won more games in the NCAA Division I men's basketball tournament, and it is the state's only men's basketball program to reach a modern National Final. The Pirates play their home games at Prudential Center in downtown Newark, about 4 miles (6 km) from the university's South Orange campus. Their fans hail largely from the predominantly Roman Catholic areas of the northern part of the state and the Jersey Shore. The annual inter-conference rivalry game between Seton Hall and Rutgers, whose venue alternates between Newark and Piscataway, the Garden State Hardwood Classic, is planned through 2026.[277]

Other schools

The state's other Division I schools include the Monmouth University Hawks (West Long Branch), the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) Highlanders (Newark), the Rider University Broncs (Lawrenceville), and the Saint Peter's University Peacocks and Peahens (Jersey City).

Fairleigh Dickinson University competes in both Division I and Division III. It has two campuses, each with its own sports teams. The teams at the Metropolitan Campus are known as the FDU Knights, and compete in the Northeast Conference and NCAA Division I. The college at Florham (FDU-Florham) teams are known as the FDU-Florham Devils and compete in the Middle Atlantic Conferences' Freedom Conference and NCAA Division III.

Among the various Division III schools in the state, the Stevens Institute of Technology Ducks have fielded the longest continuously running collegiate men's lacrosse program in the country. 2009 marked the 125th season.

High school

New Jersey high schools are divided into divisions under the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA).[278]'[279]

Stadiums and arenas

Other notable sports venues

Government and politics


The position of Governor of New Jersey is one of the most powerful in the nation. The governor is elected on a ticket with their lieutenant governor as the only statewide elected executive officials in the state; the governor appoints the entire executive cabinet and judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts. Phil Murphy (D) is the governor. The governor's mansion is Drumthwacket, located in Princeton.

Before 2010, New Jersey was one of the few states without a lieutenant governor. Republican Kim Guadagno was elected the first lieutenant governor of New Jersey on the Republican ticket with Governor Chris Christie and took office on January 19, 2010. The position was created as the result of a Constitutional amendment to the New Jersey State Constitution passed by the voters in 2005. Previously a gubernatorial vacancy would be filled by the president of the New Jersey State Senate as acting governor, thus directing half of the legislative and all of the executive process.


The design of the dome-capped New Jersey State House in Trenton differs from most other U.S. state houses in not resembling the U.S. Capitol.

The current version of the New Jersey State Constitution was adopted in 1947. It provides for a bicameral New Jersey Legislature, consisting of an upper house Senate of 40 members and a lower house General Assembly of 80 members. Each of the 40 legislative districts elects one state senator and two Assembly members. Assembly members are elected for a two-year term in all odd-numbered years; state senators are elected in years ending in 1, 3, and 7 and thus serve either four- or two-year terms.

New Jersey is one of only five states that elects its state officials in odd-numbered years (the others are Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Virginia). New Jersey holds elections for these offices every four years, in the year following each federal Presidential election year.


The New Jersey Supreme Court[280] consists of a chief justice and six associate justices. All are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of a majority of the membership of the state senate. Justices serve an initial seven-year term, after which they can be reappointed to serve until age 70.

Most of the day-to-day work in the New Jersey courts is carried out in the Municipal Court, where simple traffic tickets, minor criminal offenses, and small civil matters are heard.

More serious criminal and civil cases are handled by the Superior Court for each county. All Superior Court judges are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of a majority of the membership of the state senate. Each judge serves an initial seven-year term and can be reappointed to serve until age 70. New Jersey's judiciary is unusual in that it still has separate courts of law and equity, like its neighbor Delaware but unlike most other U.S. states. The New Jersey Superior Court is divided into Law and Chancery Divisions at the trial level; the Law Division hears both criminal cases and civil lawsuits where the plaintiff's primary remedy is damages, while the Chancery Division hears family cases, civil suits where the plaintiff's primary remedy is equitable relief, and probate trials.

The Superior Court also has an Appellate Division, which functions as the state's intermediate appellate court. Superior Court judges are assigned to the Appellate Division by the Chief Justice.

There is also a Tax Court, which is a court of limited jurisdiction. Tax Court judges hear appeals of tax decisions made by County Boards of Taxation. They also hear appeals on decisions made by the director of the Division of Taxation on such matters as state income, sales and business taxes, and homestead rebates. Appeals from Tax Court decisions are heard in the Appellate Division of Superior Court. Tax Court judges are appointed by the governor for initial terms of seven years, and upon reappointment are granted tenure until they reach the mandatory retirement age of 70. There are 12 Tax Court judgeships.


New Jersey is divided into 21 counties; 13 date from the colonial era. New Jersey was completely divided into counties by 1692; the present counties were created by dividing the existing ones; most recently Union County in 1857.[281] New Jersey was formerly the only state in the nation where elected county officials were called "freeholders". Elected county officials are now called county commissioners as of bill S855 signed by Governor Murphy on August 8, 2020. The county commissioners govern each county as part of its own Board of Chosen County Commissioners[282] The number of county commissioners in each county is determined by referendum, and must consist of three, five, seven or nine members.

Depending on the county, the executive and legislative functions may be performed by the Board of County Commissioners or split into separate branches of government. In 16 counties, the County Commissioners perform both legislative and executive functions on a commission basis, with each commissioner assigned responsibility for a department or group of departments. In the other five counties (Atlantic, Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Mercer), there is a directly elected County Executive who performs the executive functions while the commissioners retain a legislative and oversight role. In counties without an Executive, a County Administrator (or County Manager) may be hired to perform day-to-day administration of county functions.[283]


New Jersey currently has 564 municipalities; the most recent dissolution of a municipality was when Pine Valley merged into Pine Hill on January 1, 2022. Unlike other states, all New Jersey land is part of a municipality. In 2008, Governor Jon Corzine proposed cutting state aid to all towns under 10,000 people, to encourage mergers to reduce administrative costs.[284] In May 2009, the Local Unit Alignment Reorganization and Consolidation Commission began a study of about 40 small communities in South Jersey to decide which ones might be good candidates for consolidation.[285]

Forms of municipal government

Starting in the 20th century, largely driven by reform-minded goals, a series of six modern forms of government was implemented. This began with the Walsh Act, enacted in 1911 by the New Jersey Legislature, which provided for a three- or five-member commission elected on a non-partisan basis. This was followed by the 1923 Municipal Manager Law, which offered a non-partisan council, provided for a weak mayor elected by and from the members of the council, and introduced a Council-manager government structure with an appointed manager responsible for the day-to-day administration of municipal affairs.

The Faulkner Act, originally enacted in 1950 and substantially amended in 1981, offers four basic plans: Mayor-Council, Council-Manager, Small Municipality, and Mayor-Council-Administrator. The act provides many choices for communities with a preference for a strong executive and professional management of municipal affairs and offers great flexibility in allowing municipalities to select the characteristics of its government: the number of seats on the council; seats selected at-large, by wards, or through a combination of both; staggered or concurrent terms of office; and a mayor chosen by the council or elected directly by voters. Most large municipalities and a majority of New Jersey's residents are governed by municipalities with Faulkner Act charters. Municipalities can also formulate their own unique form of government and operate under a Special Charter with the approval of the New Jersey Legislature.[286]

While municipalities retain their names derived from types of government, they may have changed to one of the modern forms of government, or further in the past to one of the other traditional forms, leading to municipalities with formal names quite baffling to the general public. For example, though there are four municipalities that are officially of the village type, none use the village form of government. Loch Arbour and Ridgefield Park (now with a Walsh Act form), Ridgewood (now with a Faulkner Act Council-Manager charter) and South Orange (now operates under a Special Charter) all migrated to other non-village forms.[287][288]


Social attitudes and issues

Socially, New Jersey is considered one of the more liberal states in the nation. Polls indicate that 60% of the population are self-described as pro-choice, although a majority are opposed to late trimester and intact dilation and extraction and public funding of abortion.[289][290] As of 2022, all aspects of reproductive choice (including abortion) are protected by law.[291]

In a 2009 Quinnipiac University Polling Institute poll, a plurality supported same-sex marriage 49% to 43% opposed.[292] On October 18, 2013, the New Jersey Supreme Court rendered a provisional, unanimous (7–0) order authorizing same-sex marriage in the state, pending a legal appeal by Governor Chris Christie,[293] who then withdrew this appeal hours after the inaugural same-sex marriages took place on October 21, 2013.[294]

New Jersey also has some of the most stringent gun control laws in the U.S. These include bans on "assault firearms", hollow-nose bullets and slingshots. No gun offense in New Jersey is graded less than a felony. BB guns and black-powder guns are all treated as modern firearms. New Jersey does not recognize out-of-state gun licenses and aggressively enforces its own gun laws.[295]

In 2020, the state's voting population passed a public question[296] that amended the state constitution to legalize marijuana and erase past legal convictions for possession. The measure passed by a two-thirds vote. At the time the measure was enacted, about a dozen other U.S. states had also legalized the sale and possession of marijuana. As of 2024, local governments and municipalities are still in the process of regulating marijuana-related businesses within their jurisdictions.


New Jersey is a Democratic stronghold. New Jersey Democrats have majority control of both houses of the New Jersey Legislature (Senate, 24–16, and Assembly, 46–34), 9–3 split of the state's twelve seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, and both U.S. Senate seats. There have been recent Republican governors, however: Christine Todd Whitman won election in 1993 and 1997 and Chris Christie in 2009 and 2013.

In federal elections, the state leans heavily towards the Democratic Party, having last voted for a Republican for president in 1988. New Jersey was a crucial swing state in the elections of 1960, 1968, and 1992. The last elected Republican to hold a Senate seat from New Jersey was Clifford P. Case in 1979. Newark Mayor Cory Booker was elected in October 2013 to join Robert Menendez to make New Jersey the first state with concurrently serving black and Latino U.S. senators.[297]

The state's Democratic strongholds include Camden County, Essex County (the state's most Democratic county—it includes Newark, the state's largest city), Hudson County (the second-strongest Democratic county, including Jersey City, the state's second-largest city); Mercer County (especially around Trenton and Princeton), Middlesex County, and Union County (including Elizabeth, the state's fourth-largest city).[298] Other suburban counties, especially Bergen County and Burlington County, had the majority of votes go to the Democratic Party.

The northwestern and southeastern counties of the state are reliably Republican: Republicans have support along the coast in Ocean County and Cape May County as well as in the mountainous northwestern part of the state, especially in Hunterdon County, Sussex County, and Warren County.

To be eligible to vote in a U.S. election, all New Jerseyans are required to start their residency in the state 30 days prior to an election and register 21 days prior to election day.[299]

Capital punishment

On December 17, 2007, Governor Jon Corzine signed into law a bill that would eliminate the death penalty in New Jersey. New Jersey was the first state to pass such legislation since Iowa and West Virginia eliminated executions in 1965.[300] Corzine also signed a bill that would downgrade the Death Row prisoners' sentences from "Death" to "Life in Prison with No Parole".[301]

Points of interest


People walking along a wide pathway near the ocean on a sunny day
The Atlantic City boardwalk, as seen from Caesars Atlantic City, opened in 1870, as the world's first boardwalk.[302] At 5+12 miles (8.9 km) long, it is also the world's longest and busiest boardwalk.[303] New Jersey is home to the world's highest concentration of boardwalks.

New Jersey is home to the world's highest concentration of boardwalks.[citation needed] Many communities along the Jersey Shore having a boardwalk with various attractions, entertainment, shopping, dining, arcades, water parks, and amusement parks. The Atlantic City boardwalk, opened in 1870, as the world's first boardwalk.[302] At 5+12 miles (8.9 km) long, it is also the world's longest and busiest boardwalk.[211][303]


National Park Service areas

Entertainment and concert venues

Visitors and residents take advantage of and contribute to performances at the numerous music, theater, and dance companies and venues located throughout the state, including:

Theme parks

Skyline of Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, Ocean County, the world's largest theme park as of 2013[305] To the far left is Kingda Ka, the world's tallest roller coaster.[306]

See also


  1. ^ Elevation adjusted to North American Vertical Datum of 1988.
  2. ^ Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin are not distinguished between total and partial ancestry.


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40°00′N 74°30′W / 40.0°N 74.5°W / 40.0; -74.5 (State of New Jersey)