
Лондон ( / ˈ l ʌ n d ən / LUN -dən ) [6] является столицей и крупнейшим городом [c] как Англии , так и Соединенного Королевства , с населением 8 866 180 человек в 2022 году. [2] Более широкая столичная область является крупнейшей в Западной Европе с населением 14,9 миллиона человек. [7] Лондон стоит на реке Темзе на юго-востоке Англии, во главе 50-мильного (80 км) эстуария вниз к Северному морю , и был крупным поселением на протяжении почти 2000 лет. [8] Его древнее ядро ​​и финансовый центр , Лондонский Сити , был основан римлянами как Лондиниум и сохранил свои средневековые границы. [d] [9] Сити Вестминстер , к западу от Лондонского Сити, на протяжении столетий был местом расположения национального правительства и парламента . Лондон быстро рос в 19 веке , став крупнейшим городом мира в то время . С 19 века [10] [11] название «Лондон» относится к метрополии вокруг лондонского Сити, исторически разделенной между графствами Мидлсекс , Эссекс , Суррей , Кент и Хартфордшир , [12] которая с 1965 года в значительной степени включала административную область Большого Лондона , управляемую 33 местными органами власти и Управлением Большого Лондона . [e] [13]

Будучи одним из крупнейших мировых городов , [14] [15] Лондон оказывает сильное влияние на мировое искусство , развлечения, моду , торговлю, финансы, образование , здравоохранение , СМИ , науку, технологии, туризм , транспорт и коммуникации. [16] [17] Несмотря на массовый уход акций с Лондонской фондовой биржи после Brexit , [18] [19] Лондон остается самым экономически мощным городом Европы [20] и одним из крупнейших финансовых центров мира . Здесь сосредоточено самое большое в Европе количество высших учебных заведений , [21] некоторые из которых являются самыми высоко оцененными академическими учреждениями в мире: Имперский колледж Лондона в области естественных и прикладных наук , Лондонская школа экономики в области социальных наук и всеобъемлющий Университетский колледж Лондона . [22] [23] Это самый посещаемый город в Европе и имеет самую загруженную в мире систему городских аэропортов . [24] Лондонское метро является старейшей в мире системой скоростного транспорта . [25]

Разнообразные культуры Лондона охватывают более 300 языков. [26] Население Большого Лондона в 2023 году составляло чуть менее 10 миллионов человек [27], что сделало его третьим по численности населения городом Европы , [28] составляя 13,4% населения Соединенного Королевства [29] и более 16% населения Англии. Застроенная территория Большого Лондона является четвертой по численности населения в Европе, с примерно 9,8 миллионами жителей по состоянию на 2011 год. [30] [31] Столичная зона Лондона является третьей по численности населения в Европе, с примерно 14 миллионами жителей по состоянию на 2016 год, что делает Лондон мегаполисом . [f] [32] [33]

Четыре объекта всемирного наследия расположены в Лондоне: Королевские ботанические сады Кью ; Тауэр ; место, где находятся Вестминстерский дворец , церковь Святой Маргариты и Вестминстерское аббатство ; и историческое поселение в Гринвиче , где Королевская обсерватория определяет нулевой меридиан (0° долготы ) и среднее время по Гринвичу . [34] Другие достопримечательности включают Букингемский дворец , London Eye , Пикадилли-Серкус , Собор Святого Павла , Тауэрский мост и Трафальгарскую площадь . В городе находится больше всего музеев , художественных галерей, библиотек и культурных заведений в Великобритании, включая Британский музей , Национальную галерею , Музей естественной истории , галерею Тейт Модерн , Британскую библиотеку и многочисленные театры Вест-Энда . [35] Важные спортивные мероприятия, проводимые в Лондоне, включают финал Кубка Англии , Уимблдонский чемпионат по теннису и Лондонский марафон . Он стал первым городом, принявшим три летних Олимпийских игры после проведения летних Олимпийских игр 2012 года . [36]


London — древнее название, засвидетельствованное в первом веке нашей эры, обычно в латинизированной форме Londinium . [37] Современный научный анализ названия должен учитывать происхождение различных форм, встречающихся в ранних источниках: латинских (обычно Londinium ), древнеанглийских (обычно Lunden ) и валлийских (обычно Llundein ), со ссылкой на известные изменения с течением времени звуков в этих разных языках. Принято считать, что название пришло в эти языки из общебриттского ; недавние работы имеют тенденцию восстанавливать утраченную кельтскую форму названия как * Londonjon или что-то подобное. Затем это было адаптировано в латыни как Londinium и заимствовано в древнеанглийском. [38]

До 1889 года название «Лондон» официально применялось только к Лондонскому Сити , но с тех пор оно также стало относиться к графству Лондон и Большому Лондону . [39]



В 1993 году на южном берегу реки Темзы, выше по течению от моста Воксхолл , были найдены остатки моста бронзового века . [40] Две из деревянных конструкций были датированы радиоуглеродным методом 1750–1285 гг. до н. э. [40] В 2010 году на южном берегу Темзы ниже по течению от моста Воксхолл были найдены фундаменты большой деревянной конструкции, датируемой 4800–4500 гг. до н. э. [41] . [42] Оба сооружения находятся на южном берегу Темзы, где в Темзу впадает ныне подземная река Эффра . [42]

Роман Лондон

Несмотря на свидетельства разрозненных бриттских поселений в этом районе, первое крупное поселение было основано римлянами около 47 г. н. э. [1], примерно через четыре года после их вторжения в 43 г. н. э. [43]. Оно просуществовало лишь до 61 г. н. э., когда племя иценов во главе с королевой Боудиккой взяло его штурмом и сожгло дотла. [44]

Следующее запланированное воплощение Лондиниума процветало, заменив Колчестер в качестве главного города римской провинции Британия в 100 году . На пике своего развития во II веке население римского Лондона составляло около 60 000 человек. [45]

Лондон эпохи англосаксов и викингов

С крахом римского правления в начале V века, окруженный стеной город Лондиниум был фактически заброшен, хотя римская цивилизация продолжалась вокруг Святого Мартина-ин-зе-Филдс примерно до 450 года. [46] Примерно с 500 года англосаксонское поселение, известное как Лунденвик, развивалось немного западнее старого римского города. [47] Примерно к 680 году город снова стал крупным портом, но мало что свидетельствует о крупномасштабном производстве. С 820-х годов повторные нападения викингов привели к упадку. Зарегистрировано три; в 851 и 886 годах они были успешными, в то время как последнее, в 994 году, было отбито. [48]

Викинги применили Данелаг на большей части восточной и северной Англии, его граница проходила примерно от Лондона до Честера как область политического и географического контроля, наложенного вторжениями викингов, официально согласованными датским военачальником Гутрумом и западно-саксонским королем Альфредом Великим в 886 году. Англосаксонская хроника сообщает, что Альфред «заново основал» Лондон в 886 году. Археологические исследования показывают, что это включало отказ от Лунденвика и возрождение жизни и торговли в старых римских стенах . Затем Лондон рос медленно, пока не произошел резкий рост примерно в 950 году. [49]

К XI веку Лондон был, несомненно, крупнейшим городом Англии. Вестминстерское аббатство , перестроенное в романском стиле королем Эдуардом Исповедником , было одной из самых величественных церквей в Европе. Винчестер был столицей англосаксонской Англии , но с этого времени Лондон стал главным форумом для иностранных торговцев и базой для обороны во время войны. По мнению Фрэнка Стентона : «Он обладал ресурсами, и он быстро развивал достоинство и политическое самосознание, соответствующие национальной столице ». [50]

Средний возраст

Вестминстерское аббатство , изображенное на этой картине ( Каналетто , 1749), является объектом Всемирного наследия и одним из старейших и важнейших зданий Лондона.

После победы в битве при Гастингсе , Вильгельм, герцог Нормандии, был коронован королем Англии в недавно достроенном Вестминстерском аббатстве на Рождество 1066 года. [51] Вильгельм построил Лондонский Тауэр , первый из многих подобных сооружений в Англии, перестроенных из камня в юго-восточном углу города, чтобы устрашить жителей. [52] В 1097 году Вильгельм II начал строительство Вестминстерского зала , недалеко от аббатства. Он стал основой нового Вестминстерского дворца . [53]

В XII веке институты центрального правительства, которые до сих пор следовали за королевским английским двором по всей стране, выросли в размерах и сложности и стали все больше фиксироваться, для большинства целей в Вестминстере , хотя королевская казна покоилась в Тауэре . В то время как Вестминстер превратился в настоящую правительственную столицу, его отдельный сосед, Лондонский Сити , оставался крупнейшим городом Англии и главным торговым центром и процветал под своим собственным уникальным управлением, Корпорацией Лондона . В 1100 году его население составляло около 18 000 человек; к 1300 году оно выросло почти до 100 000 человек. [54] С Черной смертью в середине XIV века Лондон потерял почти треть своего населения. [55] Лондон был центром Крестьянского восстания в 1381 году. [56]

Лондон был центром еврейского населения Англии до их изгнания Эдуардом I в 1290 году. Насилие против евреев произошло в 1190 году, когда прошел слух, что новый король приказал их убить после того, как они явились на его коронацию. [57] В 1264 году во время Второй баронской войны мятежники Симона де Монфора убили 500 евреев, пытаясь захватить записи о долгах. [58]

Ранний модерн

Осада Лондона Ланкастерами в 1471 году сопровождается вылазкой Йорков .

В период Тюдоров Реформация привела к постепенному переходу к протестантизму . Большая часть лондонской собственности перешла от церкви в частную собственность, что ускорило торговлю и бизнес в городе. [59] В 1475 году Ганзейский союз создал главную торговую базу ( kontor ) Англии в Лондоне, названную Stalhof или Steelyard . Она оставалась таковой до 1853 года, когда ганзейские города Любек , Бремен и Гамбург продали собственность Юго-Восточной железной дороге . [60] Шерстяная ткань отправлялась неокрашенной и невыделанной из Лондона 14-го/15-го века к близлежащим берегам Нидерландов . [ 61]

Тем не менее, английское морское предпринимательство едва ли выходило за пределы морей северо-западной Европы . Торговый путь в Италию и Средиземноморье обычно проходил через Антверпен и через Альпы ; любые суда, проходящие через Гибралтарский пролив в Англию или из Англии, скорее всего, были итальянскими или рагузанскими . Повторное открытие Нидерландов для английского судоходства в январе 1565 года вызвало всплеск коммерческой активности. [62] Была основана Королевская биржа . [63] Меркантилизм рос, и монопольные торговцы, такие как Ост-Индская компания, были основаны по мере расширения торговли в Новый Свет . Лондон стал главным портом Северного моря , куда прибывали мигранты из Англии и из-за рубежа. Население выросло с примерно 50 000 в 1530 году до примерно 225 000 в 1605 году. [59]

Карта Лондона 1593 года. Через Темзу есть только один мост, но части Саутуарка на южном берегу реки были застроены.

В XVI веке Уильям Шекспир и его современники жили в Лондоне во время английского театра эпохи Возрождения . Театр «Глобус» Шекспира был построен в 1599 году в Саутуарке . Сценические представления прекратились в Лондоне, когда пуританские власти закрыли театры в 1640-х годах. [64] Запрет на театр был снят во время Реставрации в 1660 году, и старейший действующий театр Лондона, Друри-Лейн , открылся в 1663 году в том месте, где сейчас находится театральный район Вест-Энд . [65]

К концу периода Тюдоров в 1603 году Лондон все еще был компактным. В Вестминстере было совершено покушение на Якова I в ходе Порохового заговора 5 ноября 1605 года. [66] В 1637 году правительство Карла I попыталось реформировать администрацию в районе Лондона. Это потребовало от Корпорации города распространить свою юрисдикцию и управление на расширяющиеся районы вокруг города. Опасаясь попытки Короны ограничить вольности Лондона , в сочетании с отсутствием интереса к управлению этими дополнительными районами или обеспокоенностью городских гильдий необходимостью делиться властью, Корпорация приняла «Великий отказ», решение, которое в значительной степени продолжает объяснять уникальный правительственный статус Сити . [ 67]

Великий пожар в Лондоне в 1666 году уничтожил многие части города.

В Английской гражданской войне большинство лондонцев поддержали парламентское дело. После первоначального наступления роялистов в 1642 году, завершившегося битвами при Брентфорде и Тернем-Грин , Лондон был окружен оборонительной периметральной стеной, известной как Линии связи . Линии строили до 20 000 человек, и они были завершены менее чем за два месяца. [68] Укрепления не выдержали своего единственного испытания, когда армия Новой модели вошла в Лондон в 1647 году, [69] и они были снесены парламентом в том же году. [70] Лондон был охвачен болезнями в начале 17 века, [71] кульминацией которых стала Великая чума 1665–1666 годов, в результате которой погибло до 100 000 человек, или пятая часть населения. [71] Великий пожар в Лондоне вспыхнул в 1666 году на Пуддинг-лейн в городе и быстро охватил деревянные здания. [72] Восстановление заняло более десяти лет и проходило под руководством эрудита Роберта Гука . [73]

Собор Святого Павла (расписанный Эдвардом Гудоллом в 1850 году) был завершен в 1710 году.

В 1710 году был завершен шедевр Кристофера Рена , Собор Святого Павла , заменив своего средневекового предшественника, который сгорел во время Великого пожара 1666 года. Купол Святого Павла доминировал над лондонским горизонтом на протяжении столетий, вдохновляя произведения искусства и сочинения Уильяма Блейка , в поэме 1789 года « Святой четверг » упоминается «высокий купол Павла». [74] В георгианскую эпоху на западе были сформированы новые районы, такие как Мейфэр ; новые мосты через Темзу способствовали развитию Южного Лондона . На востоке Лондонский порт расширялся вниз по течению. Развитие Лондона как международного финансового центра продолжалось большую часть 18 века. [75]

В 1762 году Георг III приобрел Букингемский дом , который был расширен в течение следующих 75 лет. В течение 18 века Лондон, как говорили, был захвачен преступностью, [76] и Боу-стрит бегуны были созданы в 1750 году как профессиональная полиция. [77] Эпидемии в 1720-х и 30-х годах привели к тому, что большинство детей, рожденных в городе, умирали, не дожив до своего пятого дня рождения. [78]

Кофейни стали популярным местом для обсуждения идей, поскольку рост грамотности и развитие печатного станка сделали новости широко доступными, а Флит-стрит стала центром британской прессы. Вторжение в Амстердам наполеоновских армий заставило многих финансистов переехать в Лондон, и в 1817 году был организован первый лондонский международный выпуск. Примерно в то же время Королевский флот стал ведущим военным флотом мира, выступая в качестве главного сдерживающего фактора для потенциальных экономических противников. После пожара в 1838 году Королевская биржа была перепроектирована Уильямом Тайтом и перестроена в 1844 году. Отмена хлебных законов в 1846 году была специально направлена ​​на ослабление голландской экономической мощи. Затем Лондон обогнал Амстердам и стал ведущим международным финансовым центром. [79]

Поздний модерн и современность

Королевская биржа в 1886 году. Она была основана в 1571 году (нынешнее здание перестроено в 1844 году) как центр торговли лондонского Сити.

С началом промышленной революции в Великобритании произошел беспрецедентный рост урбанизации , и число Хай-стрит (главных улиц розничной торговли в Великобритании) быстро росло. [80] [81] Лондон был крупнейшим городом мира примерно с 1831 по 1925 год с плотностью населения 802 человека на акр (325 человек на гектар). [82] В дополнение к растущему числу магазинов, продающих товары, таких как Harding, Howell & Co. — один из первых универмагов — расположенный на Пэлл-Мэлл , на улицах было множество уличных торговцев . [80] Перенаселенность Лондона привела к эпидемиям холеры , унесшим 14 000 жизней в 1848 году и 6000 в 1866 году. [83] Растущая загруженность дорог привела к созданию Лондонского метрополитена , первой в мире городской железнодорожной сети . [84] Столичный совет по работам курировал расширение инфраструктуры в столице и некоторых близлежащих графствах; он был упразднен в 1889 году, когда из окружавших столицу территорий графств был создан Совет графства Лондон . [85]

С начала 20-го века и далее чайные магазины можно было найти на главных улицах Лондона и остальной части Британии, с Lyons , который открыл первый из своей сети чайных магазинов на Пикадилли в 1894 году, лидируя. [86] Чайные комнаты, такие как Criterion на Пикадилли, стали популярным местом встреч женщин из движения за избирательное право. [87] Город был целью многих атак во время бомбардировок и поджогов суфражисток между 1912 и 1914 годами, в ходе которых были взорваны такие исторические достопримечательности, как Вестминстерское аббатство и собор Святого Павла . [88]

Лондон бомбили немцы во время Первой мировой войны , а во время Второй мировой войны в результате бомбардировок немецкими Люфтваффе погибло более 30 000 лондонцев, были разрушены большие участки жилья и другие здания по всему городу. [89] Могила Неизвестного воина , неопознанного члена британских вооруженных сил, погибшего во время Первой мировой войны, была похоронена в Вестминстерском аббатстве 11 ноября 1920 года. [90] Кенотаф , расположенный в Уайтхолле , был открыт в тот же день и является центром Национальной службы памяти, проводимой ежегодно в Воскресенье памяти , ближайшее воскресенье к 11 ноября. [91]

Летние Олимпийские игры 1948 года проводились на оригинальном стадионе Уэмбли , когда Лондон все еще восстанавливался после войны. [92] С 1940-х годов Лондон стал домом для многих иммигрантов, в основном из стран Содружества , таких как Ямайка, Индия, Бангладеш и Пакистан, [93] что сделало Лондон одним из самых многообразных городов в мире. В 1951 году на Южном берегу прошел Фестиваль Британии . [94] Великий смог 1952 года привел к принятию Закона о чистом воздухе 1956 года , который положил конец « туманам горохового супа », которыми был печально известен Лондон, и заслужил прозвище «Большой дым». [95]

Начиная в основном с середины 1960-х годов, Лондон стал центром мировой молодежной культуры , примером которой является субкультура Swinging London, связанная с King's Road , Chelsea и Carnaby Street . [96] Роль законодателя моды возродилась в эпоху панка . [97] В 1965 году политические границы Лондона были расширены в ответ на рост городской территории, и был создан новый Совет Большого Лондона . [98] Во время Смуты в Северной Ирландии, Лондон с 1973 года подвергался бомбардировкам Временной Ирландской республиканской армии . [99] Эти атаки продолжались в течение двух десятилетий, начиная с бомбардировки Олд-Бейли . [99] Расовое неравенство было подчеркнуто беспорядками в Брикстоне в 1981 году . [100]

Население Большого Лондона сократилось в десятилетия после Второй мировой войны, с предполагаемого пика в 8,6 миллиона в 1939 году до около 6,8 миллиона в 1980-х годах. [101] Основные порты Лондона переместились вниз по течению в Феликстоу и Тилбери , а район лондонских доков стал центром регенерации, включая развитие Кэнэри-Уорф . Это произошло из-за растущей роли Лондона как международного финансового центра в 1980-х годах. [102] Расположенный примерно в 2 милях (3 км) к востоку от центра Лондона, Темзский барьер был завершен в 1980-х годах для защиты Лондона от приливных волн из Северного моря . [103]

Совет Большого Лондона был упразднён в 1986 году, в результате чего Лондон остался без центрального управления до 2000 года и создания Управления Большого Лондона . [104] В ознаменование 21-го века были построены Купол тысячелетия , Лондонский глаз и мост Миллениум . [105] 6 июля 2005 года Лондон был удостоен права проведения летних Олимпийских игр 2012 года как первый город, принявший Олимпийские игры трижды. [36] 7 июля 2005 года три поезда лондонского метро и двухэтажный автобус были взорваны в результате серии террористических атак . [99]

В 2008 году журнал Time назвал Лондон, наряду с Нью-Йорком и Гонконгом, Nylonkong , назвав их тремя самыми влиятельными городами мира . [106] В январе 2015 года население Большого Лондона оценивалось в 8,63 миллиона человек, что является самым высоким показателем с 1939 года. [107] Во время референдума о Brexit в 2016 году Великобритания в целом решила выйти из Европейского союза , но большинство лондонских избирательных округов проголосовали за то, чтобы остаться. [108] Однако выход Великобритании из ЕС в начале 2020 года лишь незначительно ослабил позиции Лондона как международного финансового центра. [109]


Местное самоуправление

Герб Корпорации лондонского Сити [110]

Администрация Лондона состоит из двух уровней: общегородского, стратегического уровня и местного уровня. Общегородское управление координируется Управлением Большого Лондона (GLA), в то время как местное управление осуществляется 33 более мелкими органами власти. [111] GLA состоит из двух выборных компонентов: мэра Лондона , который имеет исполнительные полномочия , и Лондонской ассамблеи , которая проверяет решения мэра и может принимать или отклонять бюджетные предложения мэра каждый год. GLA несет ответственность за большую часть транспортной системы Лондона через свое функциональное подразделение Transport for London (TfL), оно отвечает за надзор за полицией и пожарными службами города, а также за разработку стратегического видения Лондона по ряду вопросов. [112] Штаб-квартира GLA находится в здании мэрии Ньюхэма. Мэром с 2016 года является Садик Хан , первый мусульманский мэр крупной западной столицы. [113] Уставная стратегия планирования мэра опубликована как План Лондона , который был последний раз пересмотрен в 2011 году. [114]

Местные органы власти — это советы 32 районов Лондона и Корпорация лондонского Сити . [115] Они отвечают за большинство местных служб, таких как местное планирование, школы, библиотеки, досуг и отдых, социальные службы , местные дороги и сбор мусора. [116] Некоторые функции, такие как управление отходами , предоставляются посредством совместных соглашений. В 2009–2010 годах совокупные расходы доходов лондонских советов и GLA составили чуть более 22 млрд фунтов стерлингов (14,7 млрд фунтов стерлингов для районов и 7,4 млрд фунтов стерлингов для GLA). [117]

London Fire Brigade — это установленная законом пожарная и спасательная служба Большого Лондона, которой управляет London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority . Это третья по величине пожарная служба в мире. [118] Услуги скорой помощи Национальной службы здравоохранения предоставляются London Ambulance Service (LAS) NHS Trust , крупнейшей бесплатной службой скорой помощи в мире. [119] Благотворительная организация London Air Ambulance работает совместно с LAS, где это необходимо. Береговая охрана Ее Величества и Королевский национальный институт спасательных шлюпок работают на реке Темзе , которая находится под юрисдикцией Port of London Authority от шлюза Теддингтон до моря. [120]

Национальное правительство

Даунинг-стрит, 10 , официальная резиденция премьер-министра

Лондон является резиденцией правительства Соединенного Королевства . Многие правительственные департаменты, а также резиденция премьер-министра на Даунинг-стрит, 10 , расположены недалеко от Вестминстерского дворца , особенно вдоль Уайтхолла . [121] В Лондоне 75 членов парламента (депутатов); по состоянию на июнь 2024 года 59 из них — от Лейбористской партии , 9 — от консерваторов , 6 — от либерал-демократов и один избирательный округ занимает независимый кандидат . [122] Министерская должность министра для Лондона была создана в 1994 году, однако по состоянию на 2024 год эта должность остается вакантной.

Полиция и преступность

Полицейская служба в Большом Лондоне, за исключением Сити , осуществляется Столичной полицией («The Met»), контролируемой мэром через Управление мэрии по вопросам полиции и преступности (MOPAC). [123] Метрополитен также называют Скотленд-Ярдом по месту расположения его первоначальной штаб-квартиры на дороге под названием Грейт-Скотленд-Ярд в Уайтхолле. В Сити есть своя собственная полиция — Полиция Лондонского Сити . [124] Впервые надетый сотрудниками полиции Метрополитен в 1863 году, шлем смотрителя был назван «культурной иконой» и «символом британских правоохранительных органов». [125] Представленная Метрополитен в 1929 году синяя полицейская телефонная будка (основа для ТАРДИС в Докторе Кто ) когда-то была обычным явлением по всему Лондону и региональным городам Великобритании. [126]

Штаб-квартира МИ-6 , внешней разведывательной службы Великобритании, в здании SIS . Здесь снимались сцены с Джеймсом Бондом (вымышленным агентом МИ-6).

Британская транспортная полиция отвечает за полицейские услуги на National Rail , London Underground , Docklands Light Railway и Tramlink . [127] Полиция Министерства обороны — это специальное полицейское подразделение в Лондоне, которое обычно не участвует в охране общественного порядка в отношении широкой общественности. [128] Штаб-квартира внутренней контрразведывательной службы Великобритании ( MI5 ) находится в Thames House на северном берегу реки Темзы, а штаб-квартира внешней разведывательной службы ( MI6 ) — в здании SIS на южном берегу. [129]

Уровень преступности сильно различается в разных районах Лондона. Данные о преступности предоставляются на национальном уровне на уровне местных органов власти и округов . [130] В 2015 году было совершено 118 убийств, что на 25,5% больше, чем в 2014 году. [131] В Лондоне растет количество зарегистрированных преступлений, особенно насильственных преступлений и убийств с применением ножевых ранений и другими способами. С начала 2018 года по середину апреля 2018 года было совершено 50 убийств. Сокращение финансирования полиции в Лондоне, вероятно, способствовало этому, хотя задействованы и другие факторы. [132] Однако в 2022 году количество убийств снизилось: за год было зарегистрировано 109 убийств, а уровень убийств в Лондоне намного ниже, чем в других крупных городах мира. [133]



Лондон, также известный как Большой Лондон , является одним из девяти регионов Англии и главным подразделением, охватывающим большую часть метрополии города. Лондонский Сити в своем ядре когда-то включал в себя все поселение, но по мере роста его городской территории Корпорация Лондона сопротивлялась попыткам объединить город с его пригородами , в результате чего «Лондон» определялся несколькими способами. [134]

Вид Лондона со спутника в июне 2018 г.

Сорок процентов Большого Лондона охвачено почтовым городом Лондона , в котором «Лондон» является частью почтовых адресов. [135] Телефонный код Лондона (020) охватывает большую территорию, схожую по размеру с Большим Лондоном, хотя некоторые внешние районы исключены, а некоторые только за его пределами включены. Граница Большого Лондона была выровнена с автомагистралью М25 в некоторых местах. [136]

Дальнейшее расширение города теперь предотвращается Метрополитенским зеленым поясом , хотя застроенная территория местами выходит за его пределы, создавая отдельно определенную Большую лондонскую городскую зону . За этим находится обширный лондонский пригородный пояс . [137] Большой Лондон разделен для некоторых целей на Внутренний Лондон и Внешний Лондон , [138] а рекой Темзой на Север и Юг , с неофициальной центральной лондонской зоной. Координаты номинального центра Лондона, традиционно первоначального перекрестка Элеоноры на Чаринг-Кросс около перекрестка Трафальгарской площади и Уайтхолла , составляют около 51°30′26″N 00°07′39″W / 51.50722°N 0.12750°W / 51.50722; -0.12750 . [139]


В Лондоне как Сити, так и Сити Вестминстер имеют статус города . Сити Лондон и остальная часть Большого Лондона являются графствами для целей лейтенантских званий . [140] Район Большого Лондона включает районы, которые являются частью исторических графств Мидлсекс , Кент , Суррей , Эссекс и Хартфордшир . [141] Совсем недавно Большой Лондон был определен как регион Англии и в этом контексте известен как Лондон . [142]

Это столица Соединенного Королевства и Англии по соглашению, а не по уставу. Столица Англии была перенесена в Лондон из Винчестера, поскольку Вестминстерский дворец развивался в 12-м и 13-м веках, чтобы стать постоянным местом расположения королевского двора , и, таким образом, политической столицей страны. [143]


Лондон с Примроуз Хилл

Большой Лондон охватывает общую площадь 611 квадратных миль (1583 км 2 ), площадь, в которой в 2001 году проживало 7 172 036 человек, а плотность населения составляла 11 760 человек на квадратную милю (4 542/км 2 ). Расширенная область, известная как Лондонский столичный регион или Лондонская столичная агломерация, охватывает общую площадь 3 236 квадратных миль (8 382 км 2 ), имеет население 13 709 000 человек и плотность населения 3 900 человек на квадратную милю (1 510/км 2 ). [144]

Современный Лондон стоит на Темзе , его главной географической особенности, судоходной реке, которая пересекает город с юго-запада на восток. Долина Темзы представляет собой пойму, окруженную пологими холмами, включая Парламентский холм , Аддингтон-Хиллз и Примроуз-Хилл . Исторически Лондон вырос в самой низкой точке моста на Темзе. Темза когда-то была гораздо более широкой и мелкой рекой с обширными болотами ; во время прилива ее берега достигали пятикратной ширины по сравнению с нынешней. [145]

Со времен Викторианской эпохи Темза была обширно укреплена , и многие ее лондонские притоки теперь текут под землей . Темза — приливная река, и Лондон уязвим для наводнений. [146] Угроза со временем возросла из-за медленного, но непрерывного повышения уровня воды, вызванного изменением климата и медленным «наклоном» Британских островов в результате постледникового подъема . [147]


В Лондоне умеренный океанический климат ( Кеппен : Cfb ). Записи об осадках ведутся в городе по крайней мере с 1697 года, когда записи начались в Кью . В Кью наибольшее количество осадков за один месяц составило 7,4 дюйма (189 мм) в ноябре 1755 года, а наименьшее — 0 дюймов (0 мм) в декабре 1788 года и июле 1800 года. В Майл-Энде также было 0 дюймов (0 мм) в апреле 1893 года. [148] Самым влажным годом за всю историю наблюдений был 1903 год с общим количеством осадков 38,1 дюйма (969 мм), а самым сухим — 1921 год с общим количеством осадков 12,1 дюйма (308 мм). [149] Среднегодовое количество осадков составляет около 600 мм, что составляет половину годового количества осадков Нью-Йорка . [150] Несмотря на относительно низкий годовой уровень осадков, Лондон получает 109,6 дождливых дней на пороге 1,0 мм в год. Лондон уязвим к изменению климата , и среди гидрологических экспертов есть опасения , что домохозяйства могут остаться без воды до 2050 года. [151]

Экстремальные температуры в Лондоне варьируются от 40,2 °C (104,4 °F) в Хитроу 19 июля 2022 года до −17,4 °C (0,7 °F) в Нортхолте 13 декабря 1981 года. [152] [153] Рекорды атмосферного давления ведутся в Лондоне с 1692 года. Самое высокое давление, когда-либо зарегистрированное, составило 1049,8 миллибар (31,00 дюйма рт. ст.) 20 января 2020 года. [154]

Лето обычно теплое, иногда жаркое. Средняя максимальная температура в июле в Лондоне составляет 23,5 °C (74,3 °F). В среднем каждый год в Лондоне бывает 31 день с температурой выше 25 °C (77,0 °F) и 4,2 дня с температурой выше 30,0 °C (86,0 °F). Во время европейской волны тепла 2003 года продолжительная жара привела к сотням смертей, связанных с жарой. [155] Предыдущий период из 15 последовательных дней с температурой выше 32,2 °C (90,0 °F) в Англии в 1976 году также стал причиной многих смертей, связанных с жарой. [156] Предыдущая температура 37,8 °C (100,0 °F) в августе 1911 года на станции Гринвич позже была проигнорирована как нестандартная. [157] Засухи также могут иногда быть проблемой, особенно летом, последний раз летом 2018 года, и с гораздо более сухими, чем обычно, условиями, преобладающими с мая по декабрь. [158] Однако наибольшее количество последовательных дней без дождя было 73 дня весной 1893 года. [159]

Зимы, как правило, прохладные, с небольшими колебаниями температуры. Сильный снегопад случается редко, но снег обычно выпадает по крайней мере один раз за зиму. Весна и осень могут быть приятными. Будучи крупным городом, Лондон имеет значительный эффект городского острова тепла , [160] делая центр Лондона временами на 5 °C (9 °F) теплее, чем пригороды и окраины. [161]

  1. ^ Averages are taken from Heathrow, and extremes are taken from stations across London.


Places within London's vast urban area are identified using area names, such as Mayfair, Southwark, Wembley, and Whitechapel. These are either informal designations, reflect the names of villages that have been absorbed by sprawl, or are superseded administrative units such as parishes or former boroughs.[171]

The West End theatre district in 2016

Such names have remained in use through tradition, each referring to a local area with its own distinctive character, but without official boundaries. Since 1965, Greater London has been divided into 32 London boroughs in addition to the ancient City of London.[172] The City of London is the main financial district,[173] and Canary Wharf has recently developed into a new financial and commercial hub in the Docklands to the east.

The West End is London's main entertainment and shopping district, attracting tourists.[174] West London includes expensive residential areas where properties can sell for tens of millions of pounds.[175] The average price for properties in Kensington and Chelsea is over £2 million with a similarly high outlay in most of central London.[176][177]

The East End is the area closest to the original Port of London, known for its high immigrant population, as well as for being one of the poorest areas in London.[178] The surrounding East London area saw much of London's early industrial development; now, brownfield sites throughout the area are being redeveloped as part of the Thames Gateway including the London Riverside and Lower Lea Valley, which was developed into the Olympic Park for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics.[178]


The Tower of London, a medieval castle, dating in part to 1078

London's buildings are too diverse to be characterised by any particular architectural style, partly because of their varying ages. Many grand houses and public buildings, such as the National Gallery, are constructed from Portland stone. Some areas of the city, particularly those just west of the centre, are characterised by white stucco or whitewashed buildings. Few structures in central London pre-date the Great Fire of 1666, these being a few trace Roman remains, the Tower of London and a few scattered Tudor survivors in the city. Further out is, for example, the Tudor-period Hampton Court Palace.[179]

Part of the varied architectural heritage are the 17th-century churches by Christopher Wren, neoclassical financial institutions such as the Royal Exchange and the Bank of England, to the early 20th century Old Bailey courthouse and the 1960s Barbican Estate. The 1939 Battersea Power Station by the river in the south-west is a local landmark, while some railway termini are excellent examples of Victorian architecture, most notably St. Pancras and Paddington.[180] The density of London varies, with high employment density in the central area and Canary Wharf, high residential densities in inner London, and lower densities in Outer London.

The east wing public façade of Buckingham Palace was built between 1847 and 1850; it was remodelled to its present form in 1913.
Trafalgar Square and its fountains, with Nelson's Column on the right

The Monument in the City of London provides views of the surrounding area while commemorating the Great Fire of London, which originated nearby. Marble Arch and Wellington Arch, at the north and south ends of Park Lane, respectively, have royal connections, as do the Albert Memorial and Royal Albert Hall in Kensington. Nelson's Column (built to commemorate Admiral Horatio Nelson) is a nationally recognised monument in Trafalgar Square, one of the focal points of central London. Older buildings are mainly brick, commonly the yellow London stock brick.[181]

In the dense areas, most of the concentration is via medium- and high-rise buildings. London's skyscrapers, such as 30 St Mary Axe (dubbed "The Gherkin"), Tower 42, the Broadgate Tower and One Canada Square, are mostly in the two financial districts, the City of London and Canary Wharf. High-rise development is restricted at certain sites if it would obstruct protected views of St Paul's Cathedral and other historic buildings.[182] This protective policy, known as 'St Paul's Heights', has been in operation by the City of London since 1937.[182] Nevertheless, there are a number of tall skyscrapers in central London, including the 95-storey Shard London Bridge, the tallest building in the United Kingdom and Western Europe.[183]

Other notable modern buildings include The Scalpel, 20 Fenchurch Street (dubbed "The Walkie-Talkie"), the former City Hall in Southwark, the Art Deco BBC Broadcasting House plus the Postmodernist British Library in Somers Town/Kings Cross and No 1 Poultry by James Stirling. The BT Tower stands at 620 feet (189 m) and has a 360 degree coloured LED screen near the top. What was formerly the Millennium Dome, by the Thames to the east of Canary Wharf, is now an entertainment venue called the O2 Arena.[184]

The Houses of Parliament and Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) on the right foreground, the London Eye on the left foreground and The Shard with Canary Wharf in the background; seen in September 2014

Natural history

The London Natural History Society suggests that London is "one of the World's Greenest Cities" with more than 40 per cent green space or open water. They indicate that 2000 species of flowering plant have been found growing there and that the tidal Thames supports 120 species of fish.[185] They state that over 60 species of bird nest in central London and that their members have recorded 47 species of butterfly, 1173 moths and more than 270 kinds of spider around London. London's wetland areas support nationally important populations of many water birds. London has 38 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), two national nature reserves and 76 local nature reserves.[186]

Amphibians are common in the capital, including smooth newts living by the Tate Modern, and common frogs, common toads, palmate newts and great crested newts. On the other hand, native reptiles such as slowworms, common lizards, barred grass snakes and adders, are mostly only seen in Outer London.[187]

A fox on Ayres Street, Southwark, South London

Among other inhabitants of London are 10,000 red foxes, so that there are now 16 foxes for every square mile (6 per square kilometre) of London. Other mammals found in Greater London are hedgehog, brown rat, mice, rabbit, shrew, vole, and grey squirrel.[188] In wilder areas of Outer London, such as Epping Forest, a wide variety of mammals are found, including European hare, badger, field, bank and water vole, wood mouse, yellow-necked mouse, mole, shrew, and weasel, in addition to red fox, grey squirrel and hedgehog. A dead otter was found at The Highway, in Wapping, about a mile from the Tower Bridge, which would suggest that they have begun to move back after being absent a hundred years from the city.[189] Ten of England's eighteen species of bats have been recorded in Epping Forest: soprano, Nathusius' and common pipistrelles, common noctule, serotine, barbastelle, Daubenton's, brown long-eared, Natterer's and Leisler's.[190]

Herds of red and fallow deer roam freely within much of Richmond and Bushy Park. A cull takes place each November and February to ensure numbers can be sustained.[191] Epping Forest is also known for its fallow deer, which can frequently be seen in herds to the north of the Forest. A rare population of melanistic, black fallow deer is also maintained at the Deer Sanctuary near Theydon Bois. Muntjac deer are also found in the forest. While Londoners are accustomed to wildlife such as birds and foxes sharing the city, more recently urban deer have started becoming a regular feature, and whole herds of fallow deer come into residential areas at night to take advantage of London's green spaces.[192]


Population density map

London's continuous urban area extends beyond Greater London and numbered 9,787,426 people in 2011,[31] while its wider metropolitan area had a population of 12–14 million, depending on the definition used.[194] According to Eurostat, London is the second most populous metropolitan area in Europe. A net 726,000 immigrants arrived there in the period 1991–2001.[195]

The region covers 610 square miles (1,579 km2), giving a population density of 13,410 inhabitants per square mile (5,177/km2)[144] more than ten times that of any other British region.[196] In population terms, London is the 19th largest city and the 18th largest metropolitan region.[197]

In tenure, 23.1% socially rent within London, 46.8% either own their house outright or with a mortgage or loan and 30% privately rent at the 2021 census.[198] Many Londoner's work from home, 42.9% did so at the 2021 census while 20.6% drive a car to work. The biggest decrease in method of transportation was seen within those who take the train and underground, declining from 22.6% in 2011 to 9.6% in 2021.[199] In qualifications, 46.7% of London had census classified Level 4 qualifications or higher, which is predominately university degrees. 16.2% had no qualifications at all.[200]

Age structure and median age

London's median age is one of the youngest regions in the UK. It was recorded in 2018 that London's residents were 36.5 years old, which was younger than the UK median of 40.3.[201]

Children younger than 14 constituted 20.6% of the population in Outer London in 2018, and 18% in Inner London. The 15–24 age group was 11.1% in Outer and 10.2% in Inner London, those aged 25–44 years 30.6% in Outer London and 39.7% in Inner London, those aged 45–64 years 24% and 20.7% in Outer and Inner London respectively. Those aged 65 and over are 13.6% in Outer London, but only 9.3% in Inner London.[201]

Country of birth

The 2021 census recorded that 3,575,739 people or 40.6% of London's population were foreign-born,[202] making it among the cities with the largest immigrant population in terms of absolute numbers and a growth of roughly 3 million since 1971 when the foreign born population was 668,373.[203] 13% of the total population were Asian born (32.1% of the total foreign born population), 7.1% are African born (17.5%), 15.5% are Other European born (38.2%) and 4.2% were born in the Americas and Caribbean (10.3%).[204] The 5 largest single countries of origin were respectively India, Romania, Poland, Bangladesh and Pakistan.[204]

About 56.8% of children born in London in 2021 were born to a mother who was born abroad.[205] This trend has been increasing in the past two decades when foreign born mothers made up 43.3% of births in 2001 in London, becoming the majority in the middle of the 2000s by 2006 comprising 52.5%.[205]

A large degree of the foreign born population who were present at the 2021 census had arrived relatively recently. Of the total population, those that arrived between the years of 2011 and 2021 account for 16.6% of London.[206] Those who arrived between 2001 and 2010 are 10.4%, between 1991 and 2001, 5.7%, and prior to 1990, 7.3%.[206]

Ethnic groups

Maps of Greater London showing percentage distribution of selected ethnic groups according to the 2021 Census

According to the Office for National Statistics, based on the 2021 census, 53.8 per cent of the 8,173,941 inhabitants of London were White, with 36.8% White British, 1.8% White Irish, 0.1% Gypsy/Irish Traveller, 0.4 Roma and 14.7% classified as Other White.[207] Meanwhile, 22.2% of Londoners were of Asian or mixed-Asian descent, with 20.8% being of full Asian descents and 1.4% being of mixed-Asian heritage. Indians accounted for 7.5% of the population, followed by Bangladeshis and Pakistanis at 3.7% and 3.3% respectively. Chinese people accounted for 1.7%, and Arabs for 1.6%. A further 4.6% were classified as "Other Asian".[207] 15.9% of London's population were of Black or mixed-Black descent. 13.5% were of full Black descent, with persons of mixed-Black heritage comprising 2.4%. Black Africans accounted for 7.9% of London's population; 3.9% identified as Black Caribbean, and 1.7% as "Other Black". 5.7% were of mixed race.[207] This ethnic structure has changed considerably since the 1960s. Estimates for 1961 put the total non-White ethnic minority population at 179,109 comprising 2.3% of the population at the time,[208][209] having risen since then to 1,346,119 and 20.2% in 1991[210] and 4,068,553 and 46.2% in 2021.[211] Of those of a White British background, estimates for 1971 put the population at 6,500,000 and 87% of the total population,[212] of since fell to 3,239,281 and 36.8% in 2021.[211]

As of 2021, the majority of London's school pupils come from ethnic minority backgrounds. 23.9% were White British, 14% Other White, 23.2% Asian, 17.9% Black, 11.3% Mixed, 6.3% Other and 2.3% unclassified.[213] Altogether at the 2021 census, of London's 1,695,741 population aged 0 to 15, 42% were White in total, splitting it down into 30.9% who were White British, 0.5% Irish, 10.6% Other White, 23% Asian, 16.4% Black, 12% Mixed and 6.6% another ethnic group.[214]


In January 2005, a survey of London's ethnic and religious diversity claimed that more than 300 languages were spoken in London and more than 50 non-indigenous communities had populations of more than 10,000.[215] At the 2021 census, 78.4% of Londoners spoke English as their first language.[216] The 5 biggest languages outside of English were Romanian, Spanish, Polish, Bengali, and Portuguese.[216]


Religion in London (2021)[217]

  Christianity (40.66%)
  No Religion (27.05%)
  Islam (14.99%)
  Hinduism (5.15%)
  Judaism (1.65%)
  Sikhism (1.64%)
  Buddhism (0.99%)
  Other Religions (0.88%)
  Religion not Stated (7.00%)

According to the 2021 Census, the largest religious groupings were Christians (40.66%), followed by those of no religion (20.7%), Muslims (15%), no response (8.5%), Hindus (5.15%), Jews (1.65%), Sikhs (1.64%), Buddhists (1.0%) and other (0.8%).[217][218]

London has traditionally been Christian, and has a large number of churches, particularly in the City of London. The well-known St Paul's Cathedral in the City and Southwark Cathedral south of the river are Anglican administrative centres,[219] while the Archbishop of Canterbury, principal bishop of the Church of England and worldwide Anglican Communion, has his main residence at Lambeth Palace in the London Borough of Lambeth.[220]

Important national and royal ceremonies are shared between St Paul's and Westminster Abbey.[221] The Abbey is not to be confused with nearby Westminster Cathedral, the largest Roman Catholic cathedral in England and Wales.[222] Despite the prevalence of Anglican churches, observance is low within the denomination. Anglican Church attendance continues a long, steady decline, according to Church of England statistics.[223]

Notable mosques include the East London Mosque in Tower Hamlets, which is allowed to give the Islamic call to prayer through loudspeakers, the London Central Mosque on the edge of Regent's Park[224] and the Baitul Futuh of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. After the oil boom, increasing numbers of wealthy Middle-Eastern Arab Muslims based themselves around Mayfair, Kensington and Knightsbridge in West London.[225][226][227] There are large Bengali Muslim communities in the eastern boroughs of Tower Hamlets and Newham.[228]

Large Hindu communities are found in the north-western boroughs of Harrow and Brent, the latter hosting what was until 2006[229] Europe's largest Hindu temple, Neasden Temple.[230] London is home to 44 Hindu temples, including the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir London. There are Sikh communities in East and West London, particularly in Southall, home to one of the largest Sikh populations and the largest Sikh temple outside India.[231]

The majority of British Jews live in London, with notable Jewish communities in Stamford Hill, Stanmore, Golders Green, Finchley, Hampstead, Hendon, and Edgware, all in North London. Bevis Marks Synagogue in the City of London is affiliated to London's historic Sephardic Jewish community. It is the only synagogue in Europe to have held regular services continually for over 300 years. Stanmore and Canons Park Synagogue has the largest membership of any Orthodox synagogue in Europe.[232] The London Jewish Forum was set up in 2006 in response to the growing significance of devolved London Government.[233]


Traditionally, anyone born within earshot of the bells of St Mary-le-Bow church was considered to be a true Cockney.[234]

Cockney is an accent heard across London, mainly spoken by working-class and lower-middle class Londoners. It is mainly attributed to the East End and wider East London, having originated there in the 18th century, although it has been suggested that the Cockney style of speech is much older.[235] Some features of Cockney include, Th-fronting (pronouncing "th" as "f"), "th" inside a word is pronounced with a "v", H-dropping, and, like most English accents, a Cockney accent drops the "r" after a vowel.[236] John Camden Hotten, in his Slang Dictionary of 1859, makes reference to Cockney "use of a peculiar slang language" (Cockney rhyming slang) when describing the costermongers of the East End. Since the start of the 21st century the extreme form of the Cockney dialect is less common in parts of the East End itself, with modern strongholds including other parts of London and suburbs in the home counties.[237] This is particularly pronounced in areas like Romford (in the London Borough of Havering) and Southend (in Essex) which have received significant inflows of older East End residents in recent decades.[238]

Estuary English is an intermediate accent between Cockney and Received Pronunciation.[239] It is widely spoken by people of all classes.[240]

Multicultural London English (MLE) is a multiethnolect becoming increasingly common in multicultural areas amongst young, working-class people from diverse backgrounds. It is a fusion of an array of ethnic accents, in particular Afro-Caribbean and South Asian, with a significant Cockney influence.[241]

Received Pronunciation (RP) is the accent traditionally regarded as the standard for British English.[242] It has no specific geographical correlate,[243] although it is also traditionally defined as the standard speech used in London and south-eastern England.[244] It is mainly spoken by upper-class and upper-middle class Londoners.[245]


The City of London, one of the largest financial centres in the world

London's gross regional product in 2019 was £503 billion, around a quarter of UK GDP.[246] London has five major business districts: the city, Westminster, Canary Wharf, Camden & Islington, and Lambeth & Southwark. One way to get an idea of their relative importance is to look at relative amounts of office space: Greater London had 27 million m2 of office space in 2001, and the City contains the most space, with 8 million m2 of office space. London has some of the highest real estate prices in the world.[247]

City of London

London's finance industry is based in the City of London and Canary Wharf, the two major business districts. London took over as a major financial centre shortly after 1795 when the Dutch Republic collapsed before the Napoleonic armies. This caused many bankers established in Amsterdam (e.g. Hope, Baring I'm), to move to London. Also, London's market-centred system (as opposed to the bank-centred one in Amsterdam) grew more dominant in the 18th century.[75] The London financial elite was strengthened by a strong Jewish community from all over Europe capable of mastering the most sophisticated financial tools of the time.[79] This economic strength of the city was attributed to its diversity.[248][249]

The London Stock Exchange at Paternoster Square and Temple Bar
The Bank of England, established in 1694, is the model on which most modern central banks are based.[250]

By the mid-19th century, London was the leading financial centre, and at the end of the century over half the world's trade was financed in British currency.[251] As of 2023, London ranks second in the world rankings on the Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI),[252] and it ranked second in A.T. Kearney's 2018 Global Cities Index.[253]

London's largest industry is finance, and its financial exports make it a large contributor to the UK's balance of payments. Notwithstanding a post-Brexit exodus of stock listings from the London Stock Exchange,[18][19] London is still one of Europe's most economically powerful cities,[20] and it remains one of the major financial centres of the world. It is the world's biggest currency trading centre, accounting for some 37 per cent of the $5.1 trillion average daily volume, according to the BIS.[254] Over 85 per cent (3.2 million) of the employed population of greater London works in the services industries. Because of its prominent global role, London's economy had been affected by the financial crisis of 2007–2008. However, by 2010 the city had recovered, put in place new regulatory powers, proceeded to regain lost ground and re-established London's economic dominance.[255] Along with professional services headquarters, the City of London is home to the Bank of England, London Stock Exchange, and Lloyd's of London insurance market.[256] Founded in 1690, Barclays, whose branch in Enfield, north London installed the first cash machine (ATM) in 1967, is one of the oldest banks in continuous operation.[257]

Over half the UK's top 100 listed companies (the FTSE 100) and over 100 of Europe's 500 largest companies have their headquarters in central London. Over 70 per cent of the FTSE 100 are within London's metropolitan area, and 75 per cent of Fortune 500 companies have offices in London.[258] In a 1992 report commissioned by the London Stock Exchange, Sir Adrian Cadbury, chairman of his family's confectionery company Cadbury, produced the Cadbury Report, a code of best practice which served as a basis for reform of corporate governance around the world.[259]

Media and technology

Broadcasting House, headquarters of the BBC

Media companies are concentrated in London, and the media distribution industry is London's second most competitive sector.[260] The BBC, the world's oldest national broadcaster, is a significant employer, while other broadcasters, including ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, and Sky, also have headquarters around the city. Many national newspapers, including The Times, founded in 1785, are edited in London; the term Fleet Street (where most national newspapers operated) remains a metonym for the British national press.[261] The communications company WPP is the world's largest advertising agency.[262]

A large number of technology companies are based in London, notably in East London Tech City, also known as Silicon Roundabout. In 2014 the city was among the first to receive a geoTLD.[263] In February 2014 London was ranked as the European City of the Future in the 2014/15 list by fDi Intelligence.[264] A museum in Bletchley Park, where Alan Turing was based during World War II, is in Bletchley, 40 miles (64 km) north of central London, as is The National Museum of Computing.[265]

The gas and electricity distribution networks that manage and operate the towers, cables and pressure systems that deliver energy to consumers across the city are managed by National Grid plc, SGN[266] and UK Power Networks.[267]


London is one of the leading tourist destinations in the world. It is also the top city in the world by visitor cross-border spending, estimated at US$20.23 billion in 2015.[268] Tourism is one of London's prime industries, employing 700,000 full-time workers in 2016, and contributes £36 billion a year to the economy.[269] The city accounts for 54% of all inbound visitor spending in the UK.[270]

In 2015, the top ten most-visited attractions in the UK were all in London (shown with visits per venue):[271]

  1. British Museum: 6,820,686
  2. National Gallery: 5,908,254
  3. Natural History Museum (South Kensington): 5,284,023
  4. Southbank Centre: 5,102,883
  5. Tate Modern: 4,712,581
  6. Victoria and Albert Museum (South Kensington): 3,432,325
  7. Science Museum: 3,356,212
  8. Somerset House: 3,235,104
  9. Tower of London: 2,785,249
  10. National Portrait Gallery: 2,145,486

The number of hotel rooms in London in 2023 stood at 155,700 and is expected to grow to 183,600 rooms, the most of any city outside China.[272] Luxury hotels in London include the Savoy (opened in 1889), Claridge's (opened in 1812 and rebuilt in 1898), the Ritz (opened in 1906) and the Dorchester (opened in 1931), while budget hotel chains include Premier Inn and Travelodge.[273]


Transport is one of the four main areas of policy administered by the Mayor of London,[274] but the mayor's financial control does not extend to the longer-distance rail network that enters London. In 2007, the Mayor of London assumed responsibility for some local lines, which now form the London Overground network, adding to the existing responsibility for the London Underground, trams and buses. The public transport network is administered by Transport for London (TfL).[112]

The lines that formed the London Underground, as well as trams and buses, became part of an integrated transport system in 1933 when the London Passenger Transport Board or London Transport was created. Transport for London is now the statutory corporation responsible for most aspects of the transport system in Greater London, and is run by a board and a commissioner appointed by the Mayor of London.[275]


Heathrow Airport is the busiest airport in Europe as well as the second busiest in the world for international passenger traffic (Terminal 5C is pictured).

London is a major international air transport hub with the busiest city airspace in the world.[24] Eight airports use the word London in their name, but most traffic passes through six of these. Additionally, various other airports also serve London, catering primarily to general aviation flights.


Underground and DLR

Opened in 1863, the London Underground, commonly referred to as the Tube or just the Underground, is the oldest and third longest metro system in the world.[284][285] The system serves 272 stations, and was formed from several private companies, including the world's first underground electric line, the City and South London Railway, which opened in 1890.[286]

Over four million journeys are made every day on the Underground network, over 1 billion each year.[287] An investment programme is attempting to reduce congestion and improve reliability, including £6.5 billion (€7.7 billion) spent before the 2012 Summer Olympics.[288] The Docklands Light Railway (DLR), which opened in 1987, is a second, more local metro system using smaller and lighter tram-type vehicles that serve the Docklands, Greenwich and Lewisham.[289]


There are 368 railway stations in the London Travelcard Zones on an extensive above-ground suburban railway network. South London, particularly, has a high concentration of railways as it has fewer Underground lines. Most rail lines terminate around the centre of London, running into eighteen terminal stations, with the exception of the Thameslink trains connecting Bedford in the north and Brighton in the south via Luton and Gatwick airports.[290] London has Britain's busiest station by number of passengers—Waterloo, with over 184 million people using the interchange station complex (which includes Waterloo East station) each year.[291] Clapham Junction is one of Europe's busiest rail interchanges.[292]

With the need for more rail capacity, the Elizabeth Line (also known as Crossrail) opened in May 2022.[293] It is a new railway line running east to west through London and into the Home Counties with a branch to Heathrow Airport.[294] It was Europe's biggest construction project, with a £15 billion projected cost.[295]

Inter-city and international

St Pancras International is the main terminal for high-speed Eurostar and High Speed 1 services, as well as commuter suburban Thameslink and inter-city East Midlands Railway services.

London is the centre of the National Rail network, with 70 per cent of rail journeys starting or ending in London.[296] King's Cross station and Euston station, both in London, are the starting points of the East Coast Main Line and the West Coast Main Line – the two main railway lines in Britain. Like suburban rail services, regional and inter-city trains depart from several termini around the city centre, directly linking London with most of Great Britain's major cities and towns.[297] The Flying Scotsman is an express passenger train service that has operated between London and Edinburgh since 1862; the world famous steam locomotive named after this service, Flying Scotsman, was the first locomotive to reach the officially authenticated speed of 100 miles per hour (161 km/h) in 1934.[298]

Some international railway services to Continental Europe were operated during the 20th century as boat trains. The opening of the Channel Tunnel in 1994 connected London directly to the continental rail network, allowing Eurostar services to begin. Since 2007, high-speed trains link St. Pancras International with Lille, Calais, Paris, Disneyland Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and other European tourist destinations via the High Speed 1 rail link and the Channel Tunnel.[299] The first high-speed domestic trains started in June 2009, linking Kent to London.[300] There are plans for a second high speed line linking London to the Midlands, North West England, and Yorkshire.[301]

Buses, coaches and trams

The New Routemaster (left) replaced the AEC Routemaster (right) in 2012. First appearing in 1947, the red double-decker bus is an emblematic symbol of London.

London's bus network runs 24 hours a day with about 9,300 vehicles, over 675 bus routes and about 19,000 bus stops.[302] In 2019 the network had over 2 billion commuter trips per year.[303] Since 2010 an average of £1.2 billion is taken in revenue each year.[304] London has one of the largest wheelchair-accessible networks in the world[305] and from the third quarter of 2007, became more accessible to hearing and visually impaired passengers as audio-visual announcements were introduced.[306]

An emblem of London, the red double-decker bus first appeared in the city in 1947 with the AEC Regent III RT (predecessor to the AEC Routemaster).[307] London's coach hub is Victoria Coach Station, opened in 1932. Nationalised in 1970 and then purchased by London Transport (now Transport for London), Victoria Coach Station has over 14 million passengers a year and provides services across the UK and continental Europe.[308]

London has a modern tram network, known as Tramlink. It has 39 stops and four routes, and carried 28 million people in 2013.[309] Since June 2008, Transport for London has completely owned and operated Tramlink.[310]

Cable car

London's first and to date only cable car is the London Cable Car, which opened in June 2012. The cable car crosses the Thames and links Greenwich Peninsula with the Royal Docks in the east of the city. It is able to carry up to 2,500 passengers per hour in each direction at peak times.[311]


Santander Cycle Hire, near Victoria in Central London

In the Greater London Area, around 670,000 people use a bike every day,[312] meaning around 7% of the total population of around 8.8 million use a bike on an average day.[313] Cycling has become an increasingly popular way to get around London. The launch of a bicycle hire scheme in July 2010 was successful and generally well received.[314]

Port and river boats

The Port of London, once the largest in the world, is now only the second-largest in the United Kingdom, handling 45 million tonnes of cargo each year as of 2009.[315] Most of this cargo passes through the Port of Tilbury, outside the boundary of Greater London.[315]

London has river boat services on the Thames known as Thames Clippers, which offer both commuter and tourist boat services.[316] At major piers including Canary Wharf, London Bridge City, Battersea Power Station and London Eye (Waterloo), services depart at least every 20 minutes during commuter times.[317] The Woolwich Ferry, with 2.5 million passengers every year, is a frequent service linking the North and South Circular Roads.[318]


Although the majority of journeys in central London are made by public transport, car travel is common in the suburbs. The inner ring road (around the city centre), the North and South Circular roads (just within the suburbs), and the outer orbital motorway (the M25, just outside the built-up area in most places) encircle the city and are intersected by a number of busy radial routes—but very few motorways penetrate into inner London. The M25 is the second-longest ring-road motorway in Europe at 117 miles (188 km) long.[319] The A1 and M1 connect London to Leeds, and Newcastle and Edinburgh.[320]

The hackney carriage (black cab) is a common sight on London streets. Black has been its standard colour since the Austin FX3 model in 1948.

The Austin Motor Company began making hackney carriages (London taxis) in 1929, and models include Austin FX3 from 1948, Austin FX4 from 1958, with more recent models TXII and TX4 manufactured by London Taxis International. The BBC states, "ubiquitous black cabs and red double-decker buses all have long and tangled stories that are deeply embedded in London's traditions".[321]Although traditionally black, some are painted in other colours or bear advertising.[322]

London is notorious for its traffic congestion; in 2009, the average speed of a car in the rush hour was recorded at 10.6 mph (17.1 km/h).[323] In 2003, a congestion charge was introduced to reduce traffic volumes in the city centre. With a few exceptions, motorists are required to pay to drive within a defined zone encompassing much of central London.[324] Motorists who are residents of the defined zone can buy a greatly reduced season pass.[325] Over the course of several years, the average number of cars entering the centre of London on a weekday was reduced from 195,000 to 125,000.[326]

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTN) were widely introduced in London, but in 2023 the Department for Transport stopped funding them, even though the benefits outweighed the costs by approximately 100 times in the first 20 years and the difference is growing over time.[327]


Tertiary education

University College London (UCL), established by Royal Charter in 1836, is one of the founding colleges of the University of London.
Imperial College London, a technical research university focusing on science, engineering, medicine and business, in South Kensington
The London School of Economics (Centre Building pictured) was established in 1895

London is a major global centre of higher education teaching and research and has the largest concentration of higher education institutes in Europe.[21] According to the QS World University Rankings 2015/16, London has the greatest concentration of top class universities in the world[328] and its international student population of around 110,000 is larger than any other city in the world.[329] A 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers report termed London the global capital of higher education.[330]A number of world-leading education institutions are based in London. In the 2022 QS World University Rankings, Imperial College London is ranked No. 6 in the world, University College London (UCL) is ranked 8th, and King's College London (KCL) is ranked 37th.[331] All are regularly ranked highly, with Imperial College being the UK's leading university in the Research Excellence Framework ranking 2021.[332] The London School of Economics (LSE) has been described as the world's leading social science institution for both teaching and research.[333] The London Business School is considered one of the world's leading business schools and in 2015 its MBA programme was ranked second-best in the world by the Financial Times.[334] The city is also home to three of the world's top ten performing arts schools (as ranked by the 2020 QS World University Rankings[335]): the Royal College of Music (ranking 2nd in the world), the Royal Academy of Music (ranking 4th) and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (ranking 6th).[336]

With students in London and around 48,000 in University of London Worldwide,[337] the federal University of London is the largest contact teaching university in the UK.[338] It includes five multi-faculty universities – City, King's College London, Queen Mary, Royal Holloway and UCL – and a number of smaller and more specialised institutions including Birkbeck, the Courtauld Institute of Art, Goldsmiths, the London Business School, the London School of Economics, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the Royal Academy of Music, the Central School of Speech and Drama, the Royal Veterinary College and the School of Oriental and African Studies.[339]

Universities in London outside the University of London system include Brunel University, Imperial College London,[g] Kingston University, London Metropolitan University, University of East London, University of West London, University of Westminster, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, and University of the Arts London (the largest university of art, design, fashion, communication and the performing arts in Europe).[340] In addition, there are three international universities – Regent's University London, Richmond, The American International University in London and Schiller International University.

King's College London's Guy's Campus, home to the university's Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine

London is home to five major medical schools – Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry (part of Queen Mary), King's College London School of Medicine (the largest medical school in Europe), Imperial College School of Medicine, UCL Medical School and St George's, University of London – and has many affiliated teaching hospitals. It is also a major centre for biomedical research, and three of the UK's eight academic health science centres are based in the city – Imperial College Healthcare, King's Health Partners and UCL Partners (the largest such centre in Europe).[341] Additionally, many biomedical and biotechnology spin out companies from these research institutions are based around the city, most prominently in White City. Founded by pioneering nurse Florence Nightingale at St Thomas' Hospital in 1860, the first nursing school is now part of King's College London.[342] It was at King's in 1952 where a team led by Rosalind Franklin captured Photo 51, the critical evidence in identifying the structure of DNA.[343] There are a number of business schools in London, including the London School of Business and Finance, Cass Business School (part of City University London), Hult International Business School, ESCP Europe, European Business School London, Imperial College Business School, the London Business School and the UCL School of Management.

Opened in 1904, RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) is a member of the UK's Federation of Drama Schools.

London is also home to many specialist arts education institutions, including esteemed drama schools such as RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art), the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA), Drama Studio London, Sylvia Young Theatre School, the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, as well as the London College of Contemporary Arts (LCCA), Central School of Ballet, London Contemporary Dance School, National Centre for Circus Arts, Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance, the Royal College of Art, and Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. The BRIT School in the London borough of Croydon provides training for the performing arts and technologies.[344]

Primary and secondary education

The majority of primary and secondary schools and further-education colleges in London are controlled by the London boroughs or otherwise state-funded; leading examples include Ashbourne College, Bethnal Green Academy, Brampton Manor Academy, City and Islington College, City of Westminster College, David Game College, Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College, Leyton Sixth Form College, London Academy of Excellence, Tower Hamlets College, and Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre. There are also a number of private schools and colleges in London, some old and famous, such as City of London School, Harrow (alumni includes seven former British prime ministers), St Paul's School, Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School, University College School, The John Lyon School, Highgate School and Westminster School.[345]

Royal Observatory, Greenwich and learned societies

Tourists queuing to take pictures on the line of the historic prime meridian at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

Founded in 1675, the Royal Observatory in Greenwich was established to address the problem of calculating longitude for navigational purposes. This pioneering work in solving longitude featured in astronomer royal Nevil Maskelyne's Nautical Almanac which made the Greenwich meridian the universal reference point, and helped lead to the international adoption of Greenwich as the prime meridian (0° longitude) in 1884.[346]

Important scientific learned societies based in London include the Royal Society—the UK's national academy of sciences and the oldest national scientific institution in the world—founded in 1660,[347] and the Royal Institution, founded in 1799. Since 1825, the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures have presented scientific subjects to a general audience, and speakers have included physicist and inventor Michael Faraday, aerospace engineer Frank Whittle, naturalist David Attenborough and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins.[348]


Leisure and entertainment

Leisure is a major part of the London economy. A 2003 report attributed a quarter of the entire UK leisure economy to London[349] at 25.6 events per 1000 people.[350] The city is one of the four fashion capitals of the world, and, according to official statistics, is the world's third-busiest film production centre, presents more live comedy than any other city,[351] and has the biggest theatre audience of any city in the world.[352]

Harrods department store in Knightsbridge

Within the City of Westminster, the entertainment district of the West End has its focus around Leicester Square, where London and world film premieres are held, and Piccadilly Circus, with its giant electronic advertisements.[353] London's theatre district is here, as are many cinemas, bars, clubs, and restaurants, including the city's Chinatown district (in Soho), and just to the east is Covent Garden, an area housing speciality shops. In 1881, the West End's Savoy Theatre, which was built to showcase the plays of Gilbert and Sullivan, was fitted with the incandescent light bulb developed by Sir Joseph Swan to become the first public building in the world to be lit entirely by electricity.[354] The city is the home of Andrew Lloyd Webber, whose musicals have dominated West End theatre since the late 20th century.[355] Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap, the world's longest-running play, has been performed in the West End since 1952.[356] The Laurence Olivier Awards–named after Laurence Olivier–are given annually by the Society of London Theatre. The Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, Royal Opera, and English National Opera are based in London and perform at the Royal Opera House, the London Coliseum, Sadler's Wells Theatre, and the Royal Albert Hall, as well as touring the country.[357]

Islington's 1 mile (1.6 km) long Upper Street, extending northwards from Angel, has more bars and restaurants than any other street in the UK.[358] Europe's busiest shopping area is Oxford Street, a shopping street nearly 1 mile (1.6 km) long, making it the longest shopping street in the UK. It is home to vast numbers of retailers and department stores, including Selfridges flagship store.[359] Knightsbridge, home to the equally renowned Harrods department store, lies to the south-west. One of the world's largest retail destinations, London frequently ranks at or near the top of retail sales of any city.[360][361] Opened in 1760 with its flagship store on Regent Street since 1881, Hamleys is the oldest toy store in the world.[362] Madame Tussauds wax museum opened in Baker Street in 1835, an era viewed as being when London's tourism industry began.[363]

Scene of the annual Notting Hill Carnival, 2014

London is home to designers John Galliano, Stella McCartney, Manolo Blahnik, and Jimmy Choo, among others; its renowned art and fashion schools make it one of the four international centres of fashion. Mary Quant designed the miniskirt in her King's Road boutique in Swinging Sixties London.[364] In 2017, London was ranked the top city for luxury store openings.[365] London Fashion Week takes place twice a year, in February and September; Londoners on the catwalk have included Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne.[366]

London offers a great variety of cuisine as a result of its ethnically diverse population. Gastronomic centres include the Bangladeshi restaurants of Brick Lane and the Chinese restaurants of Chinatown.[367] There are Chinese takeaways throughout London, as are Indian restaurants which provide Indian and Anglo-Indian cuisine.[368] Around 1860, the first fish and chips shop in London was opened by Joseph Malin, a Jewish immigrant, in Bow.[321] The full English breakfast dates from the Victorian era, and many cafes in London serve a full English throughout the day.[369] London has five 3-Michelin star restaurants, including Restaurant Gordon Ramsay in Chelsea.[370] Many hotels in London provide a traditional afternoon tea service, such as the Oscar Wilde Lounge at the Hotel Café Royal in Piccadilly, and a themed tea service is also available, for example an Alice in Wonderland themed afternoon tea served at the Egerton House Hotel, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed afternoon tea at One Aldwych in Covent Garden.[371][372] The nation's most popular biscuit to dunk in tea, chocolate digestives have been manufactured by McVitie's at their Harlesden factory in north-west London since 1925.[373]

Shakespeare's Globe is a modern reconstruction of the Globe Theatre on the south bank of the Thames.

There is a variety of annual events, beginning with the relatively new New Year's Day Parade, a fireworks display at the London Eye; the world's second largest street party, the Notting Hill Carnival, is held on the late August Bank Holiday each year. Traditional parades include November's Lord Mayor's Show, a centuries-old event celebrating the annual appointment of a new Lord Mayor of the City of London with a procession along the streets of the city, and June's Trooping the Colour, a formal military pageant performed by regiments of the Commonwealth and British armies to celebrate the King's Official Birthday.[374] The Boishakhi Mela is a Bengali New Year festival celebrated by the British Bangladeshi community. It is the largest open-air Asian festival in Europe. After the Notting Hill Carnival, it is the second-largest street festival in the United Kingdom attracting over 80,000 visitors.[375] First held in 1862, the RHS Chelsea Flower Show (run by the Royal Horticultural Society) takes place in May every year.[376]

LGBT scene

The first gay bar in London in the modern sense was The Cave of the Golden Calf, established as a night club in an underground location at 9 Heddon Street, just off Regent Street, in 1912 and "which developed a reputation for sexual freedom and tolerance of same-sex relations."[377]

Comptons of Soho during London Pride in 2010

While London has been an LGBT tourism destination, after homosexuality was decriminalised in England in 1967 gay bar culture became more visible, and from the early 1970s Soho (and in particular Old Compton Street) became the centre of the London LGBT community.[378] G-A-Y, previously based at the Astoria, and now Heaven, is a long-running night club.[379]

Wider British cultural movements have influenced LGBT culture: for example, the emergence of glam rock in the UK in the early 1970s, via Marc Bolan and David Bowie, saw a generation of teenagers begin playing with the idea of androgyny, and the West End musical The Rocky Horror Show, which debuted in London in 1973, is also widely said to have been an influence on countercultural and sexual liberation movements.[380] The Blitz Kids (which included Boy George) frequented the Tuesday club-night at Blitz in Covent Garden, helping launch the New Romantic subcultural movement in the late 1970s.[381] Today, the annual London Pride Parade and the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival are held in the city.[378]

Literature, film and television

Sherlock Holmes Museum in Baker Street, bearing the number 221B

London has been the setting for many works of literature. The pilgrims in Geoffrey Chaucer's late 14th-century Canterbury Tales set out for Canterbury from London. William Shakespeare spent a large part of his life living and working in London; his contemporary Ben Jonson was also based there, and some of his work, most notably his play The Alchemist, was set in the city.[382] A Journal of the Plague Year (1722) by Daniel Defoe is a fictionalisation of the events of the 1665 Great Plague.[382]

The literary centres of London have traditionally been hilly Hampstead and (since the early 20th century) Bloomsbury. Writers closely associated with the city are the diarist Samuel Pepys, noted for his eyewitness account of the Great Fire; Charles Dickens, whose representation of a foggy, snowy, grimy London of street sweepers and pickpockets has influenced people's vision of early Victorian London; and Virginia Woolf, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the 20th century.[382] Later important depictions of London from the 19th and early 20th centuries are Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories.[382] Robert Louis Stevenson mixed in London literary circles, and in 1886 he wrote the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, a gothic novella set in Victorian London.[383] In 1898, H. G. Wells' sci-fi novel The War of the Worlds sees London (and southern England) invaded by Martians.[384] Letitia Elizabeth Landon wrote Calendar of the London Seasons in 1834. Modern writers influenced by the city include Peter Ackroyd, author of London: The Biography, and Iain Sinclair, who writes in the genre of psychogeography. In the 1940s, George Orwell wrote essays in the London Evening Standard, including "A Nice Cup of Tea" (method for making tea) and "The Moon Under Water" (an ideal pub).[385] The WWII evacuation of children from London is depicted in C. S. Lewis' first Narnia book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950). On Christmas Eve 1925, Winnie-the-Pooh debuted in London's Evening News, with the character based on a stuffed toy A. A. Milne bought for his son Christopher Robin in Harrods.[386] In 1958, author Michael Bond created Paddington Bear, a refugee found in Paddington station. A screen adaptation, Paddington (2014), features the calypso song "London is the Place for Me".[387] Buckingham Palace features in Roald Dahl's 1982 novel The BFG.[388]

Opened in 1937, the Odeon cinema in Leicester Square hosts numerous European and world film premieres.

London has played a significant role in the film industry. Major studios within or bordering London include Pinewood, Elstree, Ealing, Shepperton, Twickenham, and Leavesden, with the James Bond and Harry Potter series among many notable films produced here.[389][390] Working Title Films has its headquarters in London. A post-production community is centred in Soho, and London houses six of the world's largest visual effects companies, such as Framestore.[391] The Imaginarium, a digital performance-capture studio, was founded by Andy Serkis.[392] London has been the setting for films including Oliver Twist (1948), Scrooge (1951), Peter Pan (1953), One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961), My Fair Lady (1964), Mary Poppins (1964), Blowup (1966), A Clockwork Orange (1971), The Long Good Friday (1980), The Great Mouse Detective (1986), Notting Hill (1999), Love Actually (2003), V for Vendetta (2005), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2008) and The King's Speech (2010). Notable actors and filmmakers from London include Charlie Chaplin, Alfred Hitchcock, Michael Caine, Julie Andrews, Peter Sellers, David Lean, Julie Christie, Gary Oldman, Emma Thompson, Guy Ritchie, Christopher Nolan, Alan Rickman, Jude Law, Helena Bonham Carter, Idris Elba, Tom Hardy, Daniel Radcliffe, Keira Knightley, Riz Ahmed, Dev Patel, Daniel Kaluuya, Tom Holland and Daniel Day-Lewis. Post-war Ealing comedies featured Alec Guinness, from the 1950s Hammer Horrors starred Christopher Lee, films directed by Michael Powell included the London-set early slasher Peeping Tom (1960), the 1970s comedy troupe Monty Python had film editing suites in Covent Garden, while since the 1990s Richard Curtis's rom-coms have featured Hugh Grant. The largest cinema chain in the country, Odeon Cinemas was founded in London in 1928 by Oscar Deutsch.[393] The BFI IMAX on the South Bank is the largest cinema screen in the UK.[394] The British Academy Film Awards (BAFTAs) have been held in London since 1949, with the BAFTA Fellowship the Academy's highest accolade.[395] Founded in 1957, the BFI London Film Festival takes place over two weeks every October.[396]

London is a major centre for television production, with studios including Television Centre, ITV Studios, Sky Campus and Fountain Studios; the latter hosted the original talent shows, Pop Idol, The X Factor, and Britain's Got Talent (the latter two created by TV personality Simon Cowell who starred as a judge in all three shows), before each format was exported around the world.[397][398] Formerly a franchise of ITV, Thames Television featured comedians such as Benny Hill and Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean was first screened by Thames), while Talkback produced Da Ali G Show which featured Sacha Baron Cohen as Ali G.[399] Many television shows have been set in London, including the popular television soap opera EastEnders.[400]

Museums, art galleries and libraries

Aerial view of Albertopolis. The Albert Memorial, Royal Albert Hall, Royal Geographical Society, and Royal College of Art are visible near the top; Victoria and Albert Museum and Natural History Museum at the lower end; Imperial College, Royal College of Music, and Science Museum lying in between.

London is home to many museums, galleries, and other institutions, many of which are free of admission charges and are major tourist attractions as well as playing a research role. The first of these to be established was the British Museum in Bloomsbury, in 1753.[401] Originally containing antiquities, natural history specimens, and the national library, the museum now has 7 million artefacts from around the globe. In 1824, the National Gallery was founded to house the British national collection of Western paintings; this now occupies a prominent position in Trafalgar Square.[402]

The British Library is the second largest library in the world, and the national library of the United Kingdom.[403] There are many other research libraries, including the Wellcome Library and Dana Centre, as well as university libraries, including the British Library of Political and Economic Science at LSE, the Abdus Salam Library at Imperial, the Maughan Library at King's, and the Senate House Libraries at the University of London.[404]

In the latter half of the 19th century the locale of South Kensington was developed as "Albertopolis", a cultural and scientific quarter. Three major national museums are there: the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Natural History Museum, and the Science Museum. The National Portrait Gallery was founded in 1856 to house depictions of figures from British history; its holdings now comprise the world's most extensive collection of portraits.[405] The national gallery of British art is at Tate Britain, originally established as an annexe of the National Gallery in 1897. The Tate Gallery, as it was formerly known, also became a major centre for modern art. In 2000, this collection moved to Tate Modern, a new gallery housed in the former Bankside Power Station which is accessed by pedestrians north of the Thames via the Millennium Bridge.[406]


The Royal Albert Hall hosts concerts and musical events, including the classical music festival The Proms which are held every summer, as well as cinema screenings of films accompanied with live orchestral music.

London is one of the major classical and popular music capitals of the world and hosts major music corporations, such as Universal Music Group International and Warner Music Group, and countless bands, musicians and industry professionals. The city is also home to many orchestras and concert halls, such as the Barbican Arts Centre (principal base of the London Symphony Orchestra and the London Symphony Chorus), the Southbank Centre (London Philharmonic Orchestra and the Philharmonia Orchestra), Cadogan Hall (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) and the Royal Albert Hall (The Proms).[357] The Proms, an eight-week summer season of daily orchestral classical music first held in 1895, ends with the Last Night of the Proms. London's two main opera houses are the Royal Opera House and the London Coliseum (home to the English National Opera).[357] The UK's largest pipe organ is at the Royal Albert Hall. Other significant instruments are in cathedrals and major churches—the church bells of St Clement Danes feature in the 1744 nursery rhyme "Oranges and Lemons".[407] Several conservatoires are within the city: Royal Academy of Music, Royal College of Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Trinity Laban. The record label EMI was formed in the city in 1931, and an early employee for the company, Alan Blumlein, created stereo sound that year.[408] Guitar amp engineer Jim Marshall founded Marshall Amplification in London in 1962.[409]

Abbey Road Studios in Abbey Road

London has numerous venues for rock and pop concerts, including the world's busiest indoor venue, the O2 Arena,[410] and Wembley Arena, as well as many mid-sized venues, such as Brixton Academy, the Hammersmith Apollo and the Shepherd's Bush Empire.[357] Several music festivals, including the Wireless Festival, Lovebox and Hyde Park's British Summer Time, are held in London.[411]

The city is home to the original Hard Rock Cafe and the Abbey Road Studios, where the Beatles recorded many of their hits. In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, musicians and groups like Elton John, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, the Rolling Stones, Queen, Eric Clapton, the Who, the Kinks, Cliff Richard, Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple, T. Rex, the Police, Elvis Costello, Dire Straits, Cat Stevens, Fleetwood Mac, the Cure, Madness, Culture Club, Dusty Springfield, Phil Collins, Rod Stewart, Status Quo and Sade, derived their sound from the streets and rhythms of London.[412][413]

London was instrumental in the development of punk music, with groups such as the Sex Pistols, the Clash and fashion designer Vivienne Westwood all based in the city.[414] Other artists to emerge from the London music scene include George Michael, Kate Bush, Seal, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bush, the Spice Girls, Jamiroquai, Blur, the Prodigy, Gorillaz, Mumford & Sons, Coldplay, Dido, Amy Winehouse, Adele, Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran, Leona Lewis, Ellie Goulding, Dua Lipa and Florence and the Machine.[415] Artists from London played a prominent role in the development of synth-pop, including Gary Numan, Depeche Mode, the Pet Shop Boys and Eurythmics; the latter's "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" was recorded in the attic of their north London home, heralding a trend for home recording methods.[416] Artists from London with a Caribbean influence include Hot Chocolate, Billy Ocean, Soul II Soul and Eddy Grant, with the latter fusing reggae, soul and samba with rock and pop.[417] London is also a centre for urban music. In particular the genres UK garage, drum and bass, dubstep and grime evolved in the city from the foreign genres of house, hip hop, and reggae, alongside local drum and bass. Urban acts from London include Stormzy, M.I.A., Jay Sean and Rita Ora. Music station BBC Radio 1Xtra was set up to support the rise of local urban contemporary music both in London and in the rest of the United Kingdom. The British Phonographic Industry's annual popular music awards, the Brit Awards, are held in London.[418]


Parks and open spaces

Hyde Park (with Kensington Gardens in the foreground) has been a popular public space since it opened in 1637.

A 2013 report by the City of London Corporation said that London is the "greenest city" in Europe with 35,000 acres (14,164 hectares) of public parks, woodlands and gardens.[419] The largest parks in the central area of London are three of the eight Royal Parks, namely Hyde Park and its neighbour Kensington Gardens in the west, and Regent's Park to the north.[420] Hyde Park in particular is popular for sports and sometimes hosts open-air concerts. Regent's Park contains London Zoo, the world's oldest scientific zoo, and is near Madame Tussauds wax museum.[421] Primrose Hill is a popular spot from which to view the city skyline.[422]

Close to Hyde Park are smaller Royal Parks, Green Park and St. James's Park.[423] A number of large parks lie outside the city centre, including Hampstead Heath and the remaining Royal Parks of Greenwich Park to the southeast, and Bushy Park and Richmond Park (the largest) to the southwest. Hampton Court Park is also a royal park, but, because it contains a palace, it is administered by the Historic Royal Palaces, unlike the eight Royal Parks.[424]

Close to Richmond Park is Kew Gardens, which has the world's largest collection of living plants. In 2003, the gardens were put on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.[425] There are also parks administered by London's borough Councils, including Victoria Park in the East End and Battersea Park in the centre. Some more informal, semi-natural open spaces also exist, including Hampstead Heath and Epping Forest,[426] both controlled by the City of London Corporation.[427] Hampstead Heath incorporates Kenwood House, a former stately home and a popular location in the summer months when classical musical concerts are held by the lake.[428] Epping Forest is a popular venue for various outdoor activities, including mountain biking, walking, horse riding, golf, angling, and orienteering.[426] Three of the UK's most-visited theme parks, Thorpe Park near Staines-upon-Thames, Chessington World of Adventures in Chessington and Legoland Windsor, are located within 20 miles (32 km) of London.[429]


The Horse Ride is a tree tunnel (route overhung by trees) on the western side of Wimbledon Common.

Walking is a popular recreational activity in London. Areas that provide for walks include Wimbledon Common, Epping Forest, Hampton Court Park, Hampstead Heath, the eight Royal Parks, Regents Canal Walk, canals and disused railway tracks.[430] Access to canals and rivers has improved recently, including the creation of the Thames Path, some 28 miles (45 km) of which is within Greater London, and The Wandle Trail along the River Wandle.[431]

Other long-distance paths, linking green spaces, have also been created, including the Capital Ring, the Green Chain Walk, London Outer Orbital Path ("Loop"), Jubilee Walkway, Lea Valley Walk, and the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Walk.[430]


London has hosted the Summer Olympics three times: in 1908, 1948, and 2012, making it the first city to host the modern Games three times.[36] The city was also the host of the British Empire Games in 1934.[433] In 2017, London hosted the World Championships in Athletics for the first time.[434]

London's most popular sport is football, and it has seven clubs in the Premier League in the 2023–24 season: Arsenal, Brentford, Chelsea, Crystal Palace, Fulham, Tottenham Hotspur, and West Ham United.[435] Other professional men's teams in London are AFC Wimbledon, Barnet, Bromley, Charlton Athletic, Dagenham & Redbridge, Leyton Orient, Millwall, Queens Park Rangers and Sutton United. Four London-based teams are in the Women's Super League: Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham and West Ham United.

Two Premiership Rugby union teams are based in Greater London: Harlequins and Saracens.[436] Ealing Trailfinders and London Scottish play in the RFU Championship; other rugby union clubs in the city include Richmond, Rosslyn Park, Westcombe Park and Blackheath. Twickenham Stadium in south-west London hosts home matches for the England national rugby union team.[437] While rugby league is more popular in the north of England, the sport has one professional club in London – the London Broncos who play in the Super League.

One of London's best-known annual sports competitions is the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, held at the All England Club in the south-western suburb of Wimbledon since 1877.[438] Played in late June to early July, it is the oldest tennis tournament in the world and widely considered the most prestigious.[439][440]

London has two Test cricket grounds which host the England cricket team, Lord's (home of Middlesex C.C.C.) and the Oval (home of Surrey C.C.C.). Lord's has hosted four finals of the Cricket World Cup and is known as the Home of Cricket.[441] In golf, the Wentworth Club is located in Virginia Water, Surrey on the south-west fringes of London, while the closest venue to London that is used as one of the courses for the Open Championship, the oldest major and tournament in golf, is Royal St George's in Sandwich, Kent.[442] Alexandra Palace in north London hosts the PDC World Darts Championship and the Masters snooker tournament. Other key annual events are the mass-participation London Marathon[443] and the University Boat Race on the Thames contested between Oxford and Cambridge.[444]

Notable people

See also


  1. ^ London region
  2. ^ London metropolitan area
  3. ^ London is not a city in the usual UK sense of having city status granted by the Crown.
  4. ^ See also: Independent city § National capitals
  5. ^ The Greater London Authority consists of the Mayor of London and the London Assembly. The London Mayor is distinguished from the Lord Mayor of London, who heads the City of London Corporation running the City of London.
  6. ^ According to the European Statistical Agency (Eurostat), London had the largest Larger Urban Zone in the EU. Eurostat uses the sum of the populations of the contiguous urban core and the surrounding commuting zone as its definition.
  7. ^ Imperial College London was a constituent college of the University of London between 1908 and 2007. Degrees during this time were awarded by the federal university; however, the college now issues its own degrees.


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