
Манхэттен ( / m æ n ˈ h æ t ən , m ə n - / ) является самым густонаселенным и географически самым маленьким изпяти районов-Йорка. Совпадающий сокругом Нью-Йорк, Манхэттен является самым маленьким округом по географической площади вамериканском штатеНью-Йорк.Расположенный почти полностью на острове Манхэттен около южной оконечности штата, Манхэттен представляет собой центр северо-восточного мегаполисаи городское ядро ​​столичногорайона Нью-Йорка.[6]экономическимиадминистративнымНью-Йоркаи был описан как культурная, финансовая,медийнаяиразвлекательнаястолица мира.[7][8][9][10]

Современный Манхэттен изначально был частью территории ленапе . [11] Европейское поселение началось с создания голландскими колонистами торгового поста в 1624 году на южном острове Манхэттен; пост был назван Новым Амстердамом в 1626 году. Территория и ее окрестности перешли под контроль англичан в 1664 году и были переименованы в Нью-Йорк после того, как король Англии Карл II подарил земли своему брату, герцогу Йоркскому . [12] Нью-Йорк, расположенный в современном Нижнем Манхэттене , служил столицей Соединенных Штатов с 1785 по 1790 год. [13] Статуя Свободы в гавани Нью-Йорка приветствовала миллионы прибывающих иммигрантов в конце 19 века и является мировым символом Соединенных Штатов и их идеалов. [14] Манхэттен стал районом во время объединения Нью-Йорка в 1898 году и в нем находится Нью-Йоркская ратуша , резиденция правительства города . [15] Гостиница «Стоунволл Инн» в Гринвич-Виллидж , часть Национального памятника «Стоунволл» , считается местом зарождения современного движения за права геев , закрепившим центральную роль Манхэттена в культуре ЛГБТ . [16] [17] Здесь также находился Всемирный торговый центр , разрушенный во время террористических атак 11 сентября .

Расположенный в одной из крупнейших в мире естественных гаваней , округ ограничен реками Гудзон , Ист и Гарлем и включает в себя несколько небольших прилегающих островов , включая острова Рузвельта , У Тана и Рэндаллс и Уордс . Он также включает в себя небольшой район Марбл-Хилл, который сейчас находится на материковой части США . Остров Манхэттен разделен на три неформально ограниченных компонента, каждый из которых пересекает длинную ось округа: Нижний Манхэттен, Мидтаун и Верхний Манхэттен . Манхэттен является одним из самых густонаселенных мест в мире, с населением 1 694 250 человек по переписи 2020 года , проживающим на территории площадью 22,66 квадратных миль (58,69 км2 ) , [3] [18] или 72 918 жителей на квадратную милю (28 154 жителей/км2 ) , и совпадающим по протяженности с округом Нью-Йорк, его жилая недвижимость имеет самую высокую цену продажи за квадратный фут в Соединенных Штатах. [19]

Манхэттен является домом для Уолл-стрит, а также двух крупнейших в мире фондовых бирж по общей рыночной капитализации , Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржи и Nasdaq . [20] Многие многонациональные медиаконгломераты базируются в Манхэттене, как и многочисленные колледжи и университеты, такие как Колумбийский университет и Нью-Йоркский университет . Штаб-квартира Организации Объединенных Наций находится в районе Turtle Bay в Мидтауне на Манхэттене. На Манхэттене находятся три из 10 самых посещаемых туристических достопримечательностей мира: Таймс-сквер , Центральный парк и Центральный вокзал . [21] Пенсильванский вокзал является самым загруженным транспортным узлом в Западном полушарии . [22] Чайнатаун ​​включает в себя самую высокую концентрацию китайцев в Западном полушарии. [23] Пятая авеню является самой дорогой торговой улицей в мире. [24] В округе находится множество известных мостов и туннелей , а также небоскребов, включая Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг , Крайслер-билдинг и Всемирный торговый центр . [25] Здесь также базируются «Нью-Йорк Никс» из Национальной баскетбольной ассоциации и « Нью-Йорк Рейнджерс» из Национальной хоккейной лиги .


поселение ленапе

Манхэттен исторически был частью территории ленапехокинг, населенной племенами манси , ленапе [ 26] и ваппингер . [27] В этом районе было несколько поселений ленапе, включая Сапоханикан , Нехтанк и Конаанде Конг , которые были связаны между собой серией троп. Основная тропа на острове, которая позже стала Бродвеем , проходила от того, что сейчас называется Инвуд на севере, до Бэттери-парка на юге. [28] По всему Манхэттену были созданы различные места для рыбалки и посадки растений ленапе. [11] Название Манхэттен произошло от языка ленапе, манси , manaháhtaan ( где manah- означает «собирать», -aht- означает « лук », а -aan — абстрактный элемент, используемый для образования основ глаголов ). Слово ленапе переводится как «место, где мы получаем луки» или «место для сбора (дерева для изготовления) луков». Согласно традиции манси, записанной Альбертом Секаккиндом Энтони в 19 веке, остров был назван так из-за рощи деревьев гикори на его южном конце, которая считалась идеальной для изготовления луков. [29]

Колониальная эпоха

В апреле 1524 года флорентийский исследователь Джованни да Верраццано , плававший на службе у Франциска I Французского , стал первым документально подтвержденным европейцем, посетившим территорию, которая впоследствии стала Нью-Йорком. [30] Верраццано вошел в приливный пролив, ныне известный как Нэрроус , и назвал землю вокруг Верхней гавани Нью-Йорка Новым Ангулемом , в честь фамилии короля Франциска I; он заплыл достаточно далеко в гавань, чтобы увидеть реку Гудзон , и назвал залив Санта-Маргарита — то, что сейчас является Верхним заливом Нью-Йорка — в честь Маргариты Наваррской , старшей сестры короля. [31] [32]

Манхэттен был впервые нанесен на карту во время путешествия Генри Гудзона в 1609 году . [33] Гудзон наткнулся на остров Манхэттен и местных жителей, живущих там, и продолжил путь вверх по реке, которая позже будет носить его имя, река Гудзон . [34] Манхэттен был впервые письменно зафиксирован как Манна-хата в бортовом журнале Роберта Джуэта, офицера во время путешествия. [35]

Постоянное европейское присутствие в Новых Нидерландах началось в 1624 году с основанием голландского поселения для торговли пушниной на острове Говернорс . [36] В 1625 году началось строительство цитадели Форта Амстердам на острове Манхэттен, позже названной Новым Амстердамом ( Nieuw Amsterdam ), в том месте, где сейчас находится Нижний Манхэттен. [37] [38] Создание Форта Амстердам считается рождением Нью-Йорка. [39] В 1647 году Питер Стайвесант был назначен последним голландским генеральным директором колонии. [40] Новый Амстердам был официально включен в качестве города 2 февраля 1653 года . [41] В 1664 году английские войска завоевали Новые Нидерланды и переименовали его в «Нью-Йорк» в честь английского герцога Йоркского и Олбани , будущего короля Якова II. [42] В августе 1673 года голландцы отвоевали колонию, переименовав ее в «Новый Оранж», но в следующем году окончательно передали ее Англии по условиям Вестминстерского договора , положившего конец Третьей англо-голландской войне . [43] [44]

Американская революция

Статуя Джорджа Вашингтона перед Федеральным залом на Уолл-стрит , где в 1789 году он был приведен к присяге в качестве первого президента США . [45]

Манхэттен был в центре Нью-Йоркской кампании , серии крупных сражений на ранних этапах Американской войны за независимость . Континентальная армия была вынуждена покинуть Манхэттен после битвы при форте Вашингтон 16 ноября 1776 года. [46] Город, сильно пострадавший от Великого пожара Нью-Йорка во время кампании, стал британским военным и политическим центром операций в Северной Америке на оставшуюся часть войны. [47] Британская оккупация продолжалась до 25 ноября 1783 года, когда Джордж Вашингтон вернулся в Манхэттен, день, отмечаемый как День эвакуации , ознаменовывающий, когда последние британские войска покинули город. [48]

С 11 января 1785 года по 1789 год Нью-Йорк был пятой из пяти столиц Соединенных Штатов в соответствии со Статьями Конфедерации , при этом Континентальный конгресс заседал в здании мэрии Нью-Йорка (затем в таверне Fraunces Tavern ). [49] Нью-Йорк был первой столицей в соответствии с недавно принятой Конституцией Соединенных Штатов , с 4 марта 1789 года по 12 августа 1790 года в Федеральном зале . [50] Федеральный зал был местом, где Верховный суд Соединенных Штатов впервые собрался, [51] был разработан и ратифицирован Билль о правах Соединенных Штатов , [ 52] и где был принят Северо-Западный ордонанс , устанавливающий меры по приему в Союз новых штатов. [53]

19 век

Нью-Йорк вырос как экономический центр, в первую очередь в результате политики и практики Александра Гамильтона , как первого министра финансов, по расширению роли города как центра торговли и промышленности. [54] К 1810 году Нью-Йорк, тогда ограниченный Манхэттеном, превзошел Филадельфию как самый густонаселенный город в Соединенных Штатах. [55] План комиссаров 1811 года разместил остров Манхэттен в его привычном сеточном плане . [56] Роль города как экономического центра выросла с открытием канала Эри в 1825 году, сократив транспортные расходы на 90% по сравнению с автомобильным транспортом и соединив атлантический порт с обширными сельскохозяйственными рынками Среднего Запада Соединенных Штатов и Канады . [57] [58] [59]

Таммани-холл , политическая машина Демократической партии , начал расти во влиянии при поддержке многих иммигрантов -ирландцев , что привело к избранию первого мэра Таммани, Фернандо Вуда , в 1854 году. [60] Центральный парк , занимающий площадь 840 акров (340 га) в центре острова , который открыл свои первые части для публики в 1858 году, стал первым благоустроенным общественным парком в американском городе. [61] [62] [63] [64]

«Санитарно-топографическая карта города и острова Нью-Йорк», широко известная как карта Виле, разработанная Эгбертом Людовикусом Виле в 1865 году.

Нью-Йорк сыграл сложную роль в Гражданской войне в США . Город имел прочные коммерческие связи с Югом , но гнев по поводу призыва на военную службу , негодование по поводу военной политики Линкольна и паранойя по поводу того, что свободные чернокожие отнимают рабочие места у бедных иммигрантов [65] достигли кульминации в трехдневных бунтах из-за призыва в Нью-Йорке в июле 1863 года, одном из худших случаев гражданских беспорядков в истории Америки. [66] Уровень иммиграции из Европы резко возрос после Гражданской войны, и Манхэттен стал первой остановкой для миллионов людей, ищущих новую жизнь в Соединенных Штатах, роль которой была признана открытием Статуи Свободы в 1886 году. [67] [68] Эта иммиграция привела к дальнейшим социальным потрясениям. В городе многоквартирных домов, заполненных плохо оплачиваемыми рабочими из десятков стран, город стал рассадником революции (включая анархистов и коммунистов среди прочих), синдикализма , рэкета и профсоюзов . [ необходима ссылка ]

В 1883 году открытие Бруклинского моста через Ист-Ривер установило дорожное сообщение с Бруклином и остальной частью Лонг-Айленда . [69] В 1898 году Нью-Йорк объединился с тремя соседними округами, образовав « Город Большой Нью-Йорк », а Манхэттен был объявлен одним из пяти районов Нью-Йорка . [70] [71] Бронкс оставался частью округа Нью-Йорк до 1914 года, когда был создан округ Бронкс. [72]

20 век

Маленькая Италия на Нижнем Ист-Сайде в Манхэттене , ок.  1900 г.

Строительство нью-йоркского метрополитена , открывшегося в 1904 году, помогло связать воедино новый город, [73] как и завершение строительства моста Уильямсбург (1903) и моста Манхэттен (1909), соединяющего Бруклин, а также моста Куинсборо (1909), соединяющего Квинс. [74] В 1920-х годах Манхэттен пережил массовое прибытие афроамериканцев в рамках Великой миграции с юга Соединенных Штатов и Гарлемского ренессанса , [75] части более масштабного периода бума в эпоху сухого закона , когда за линию горизонта конкурировали новые небоскребы : Вулворт-билдинг (1913), Уолл-стрит, 40 (1930), Крайслер-билдинг (1930) и Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг (1931), которые обогнали друг друга, чтобы занять место самого высокого здания в мире . [76] Большинство белой этнической группы Манхэттена сократилось с 98,7% в 1900 году до 58,3% к 1990 году. [77] 25 марта 1911 года пожар на фабрике Triangle Shirtwaist в Гринвич-Виллидж унес жизни 146 рабочих швейной фабрики , [78] что привело к пересмотру городской пожарной службы, строительных норм и правил безопасности на рабочем месте. [79] В 1912 году около 20 000 рабочих, четверть из которых были женщинами, прошли маршем по парку Вашингтон-сквер , чтобы почтить память жертв пожара. Многие женщины носили приталенные блузки с заправленными спереди рукавами, похожие на те, что выпускала компания, стиль одежды, который стал униформой работающих женщин и символом женского освобождения , отражая союз рабочего и суфражистского движения. [80]

Несмотря на Великую депрессию , некоторые из самых высоких небоскребов в мире были построены на Манхэттене в 1930-х годах, включая многочисленные шедевры ар-деко , которые до сих пор являются частью городского горизонта, среди которых наиболее заметны Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг, Крайслер-билдинг и Рокфеллер-плаза , 30. [81] Послевоенный экономический бум привел к развитию огромных жилых комплексов, ориентированных на вернувшихся ветеранов, крупнейшим из которых стал Стайвесант-Таун–Питер Купер-Виллидж , открывшийся в 1947 году. [82] [83] Организация Объединенных Наций переехала в новую штаб-квартиру , строительство которой было завершено в 1952 году вдоль Ист-Ривер. [84] [85] [86]

Бунты в Стоунволле были серией спонтанных, жестоких протестов членов гей-сообщества против полицейского рейда , который состоялся ранним утром 28 июня 1969 года в гостинице «Стоунволл Инн» в районе Гринвич-Виллидж в Нижнем Манхэттене. Они широко рассматриваются как самое важное событие, приведшее к движению за освобождение геев [87] [88] и современной борьбе за права ЛГБТ . [89] [90]

В 1970-х годах потеря рабочих мест из-за промышленной реструктуризации привела к тому, что Нью-Йорк, включая Манхэттен, страдал от экономических проблем и роста уровня преступности. [91] Хотя возрождение финансовой индустрии значительно улучшило экономическое здоровье города в 1980-х годах, уровень преступности в Нью-Йорке продолжал расти в течение десятилетия и в начале 1990-х годов. [92] В 1980-х годах произошло возрождение Уолл-стрит , и Манхэттен вернул себе роль мирового финансового центра , при этом занятость на Уолл-стрит удвоилась с 1977 по 1987 год. [93] В 1980-х годах Манхэттен также оказался в центре кризиса СПИДа , а Гринвич-Виллидж стал его эпицентром. [94]

В 1970-х годах Таймс-сквер и 42-я улица — с их секс-шопами , пип-шоу и взрослыми театрами, а также с его секс-торговлей , уличной преступностью и общественным употреблением наркотиков — стали символами упадка города, а в 1981 году в журнале Rolling Stone была опубликована статья , в которой участок Западной 42-й улицы между 7-й и 8-й авеню был назван «самым грязным кварталом в Америке». [95] К концу 1990-х годов, благодаря усилиям города и компании Walt Disney Company , этот район возродился как центр туризма до такой степени, что The New York Times описала его как «возможно, самые востребованные 13 акров коммерческой недвижимости в мире». [96]

К 1990-м годам уровень преступности начал резко снижаться [97] [98] , и город снова стал местом назначения иммигрантов со всего мира, что в сочетании с низкими процентными ставками и бонусными выплатами Уолл-стрит способствовало росту рынка недвижимости. [99] В районе Флэтайрон появились новые важные секторы, такие как Кремниевая аллея , закрепив технологии в качестве ключевого компонента экономики Манхэттена. [100]

Взрыв во Всемирном торговом центре в 1993 году , описанный ФБР как «что-то вроде смертоносной генеральной репетиции 11 сентября», был террористическим актом, в результате которого погибли шесть человек, когда на парковке под Северной башней комплекса Всемирного торгового центра был взорван фургон, начиненный взрывчаткой . [101]

21 век

Рейс 175 авиакомпании United Airlines врезается в Южную башню 11 сентября 2001 года.

11 сентября 2001 года башни-близнецы оригинального Всемирного торгового центра были поражены угнанными самолетами и рухнули в результате атак 11 сентября , совершенных террористами «Аль-Каиды» . Обрушение нанесло значительный ущерб окружающим зданиям и небоскребам в Нижнем Манхэттене и привело к гибели 2606 из 17 400 человек, находившихся в зданиях во время удара самолетов, в дополнение к тем, кто находился в самолетах. [102] С 2001 года большая часть Нижнего Манхэттена была восстановлена, хотя вокруг восстановления возникли споры . В 2014 году новый Всемирный торговый центр 1 , высотой 1776 футов (541 м) до вершины шпиля, стал самым высоким зданием в Западном полушарии [103] и является седьмым по высоте зданием в мире (по состоянию на 2023 год) . [104]

Протесты Occupy Wall Street в парке Зукотти в финансовом районе Нижнего Манхэттена начались 17 сентября 2011 года, привлекли внимание всего мира и положили начало движению Occupy, направленному против социального и экономического неравенства во всем мире. [105] [106]

29 и 30 октября 2012 года ураган «Сэнди» вызвал обширные разрушения в районе, опустошив части Нижнего Манхэттена рекордно высоким штормовым нагоном из гавани Нью-Йорка, [107] сильным наводнением и сильным ветром, что привело к отключению электроэнергии для сотен тысяч жителей города [108] и привело к нехватке бензина [109] и нарушению работы систем общественного транспорта . [110] [111] [112] [113] Шторм и его серьезные последствия побудили к обсуждению строительства морских дамб и других прибрежных барьеров вокруг береговых линий района и столичной области, чтобы минимизировать риск разрушительных последствий от другого подобного события в будущем. [114]

31 октября 2017 года террорист въехал на грузовике на велосипедную дорожку вдоль шоссе Вест-Сайд в Нижнем Манхэттене, в результате чего погибло восемь человек. [115]


Спутниковый снимок Манхэттена, ограниченного рекой Гудзон на западе, рекой Гарлем на севере, Ист-Ривер на востоке и Нью-Йоркской гаванью на юге, с отчетливо видимым прямоугольным Центральным парком . Остров Рузвельта на Ист-Ривер принадлежит Манхэттену.

По данным Бюро переписи населения США , округ Нью-Йорк имеет общую площадь 33,6 квадратных миль (87 км 2 ), из которых 22,8 квадратных миль (59 км 2 ) приходится на сушу и 10,8 квадратных миль (28 км 2 ) (32%) — на воду. [1] Северная часть Верхнего Манхэттена представляет собой географический выступ . Остров Манхэттен имеет площадь 22,7 квадратных миль (59 км 2 ), длину 13,4 мили (21,6 км) и ширину 2,3 мили (3,7 км) в самой широкой точке, около 14-й улицы . [116]

Район в основном состоит из острова Манхэттен, а также района Марбл-Хилл и нескольких небольших островов, включая острова Рэндаллс, Уордс и Рузвельт в Ист-Ривер; а также острова Говернорс и Либерти на юге в гавани Нью-Йорка . [117]

Остров Манхэттен

Остров Манхэттен условно делится на центр города ( Нижний Манхэттен ), мидтаун ( Мидтаун Манхэттен ) и аптаун ( Верхний Манхэттен ), а Пятая авеню делит Манхэттен по длине на Ист-Сайд и Вест-Сайд . [118] Остров Манхэттен ограничен рекой Гудзон на западе и Ист-Ривер на востоке. На севере река Гарлем отделяет остров Манхэттен от Бронкса и материковой части Соединенных Штатов. В начале 19 века мелиорация земель использовалась для расширения Нижнего Манхэттена от естественной береговой линии Гудзона на Гринвич-стрит до Вест-стрит . [119] При строительстве Всемирного торгового центра в 1968 году 1,2 миллиона кубических ярдов (920 000 м 3 ) материала, вынутого с участка [120], было использовано для расширения береговой линии Манхэттена через Вест-стрит, создав Бэттери-Парк-Сити . [121] Построенный на пирсах стоимостью 260 миллионов долларов, Little Island открылся на реке Гудзон в мае 2021 года, соединенный с западными концами 13-й и 14-й улиц пешеходными мостами . [ 122]

Мраморный Холм

Марбл-Хилл был частью северной оконечности острова Манхэттен, но судоходный канал реки Гарлем , вырытый в 1895 году для лучшего соединения рек Гарлем и Гудзон , отделил его от остальной части Манхэттена. [123] Перед Первой мировой войной часть первоначального канала реки Гарлем, отделяющего Марбл-Хилл от Бронкса, была засыпана, и Марбл-Хилл стал частью материка. [124] После постановления суда в мае 1984 года о том, что Марбл-Хилл одновременно является частью боро Манхэттен (не боро Бронкс) и частью округа Бронкс (не округа Нью-Йорк), [125] вопрос был окончательно урегулирован позже в том же году, когда Законодательное собрание Нью-Йорка подавляющим большинством голосов приняло закон, объявляющий район частью как округа Нью-Йорк, так и боро Манхэттен. [126] [127]

Меньшие острова

Высокая зеленая статуя на острове в гавани.
Остров Свободы , эксклав Манхэттена, Нью-Йорка и штата Нью-Йорк , окруженный водами Нью-Джерси.

В пределах гавани Нью-Йорка есть три небольших острова:

Другие более мелкие острова в Ист-Ривер включают (с севера на юг):


Коренная порода, лежащая в основе большей части Манхэттена, состоит из трех скальных образований: мрамора Инвуда , гнейса Фордхэма и сланца Манхэттена , и хорошо подходит для фундамента небоскребов Манхэттена . [132] Он является частью физико-географического региона Манхэттенского зубца .

Соседние округа


Центральный парк осенью

Согласно классификации климата Кёппена , Нью-Йорк характеризуется как влажным субтропическим климатом ( Cfa ), так и влажным континентальным климатом ( Dfa ); [133] это самый северный крупный город на североамериканском континенте с влажным субтропическим климатом. В городе в среднем 234 дня с солнечным сиянием в год. [134]

Зимы холодные и влажные, а преобладающие ветры, дующие с берега, смягчают смягчающее воздействие Атлантического океана , однако Атлантика и частичная защита от более холодного воздуха Аппалачами сохраняют город теплее зимой, чем внутренние североамериканские города на схожих или меньших широтах. Среднесуточная температура в январе, самом холодном месяце в этом районе, составляет 32,6 °F (0,3 °C); [135] температура обычно опускается до 10 °F (−12 °C) несколько раз за зиму, [135] [136] и достигает 60 °F (16 °C) несколько дней в самый холодный зимний месяц. [135] Весна и осень непредсказуемы и могут варьироваться от прохладных до теплых, хотя они обычно мягкие с низкой влажностью. Лето обычно теплое или жаркое и влажное, со средней дневной температурой 76,5 °F (24,7 °C) в июле. [135] Ночные условия часто усугубляются явлением городского острова тепла , из-за которого тепло, поглощенное днем, излучается обратно ночью, повышая температуру на целых 7 °F (4 °C) при слабом ветре. [137] Дневные температуры превышают 90 °F (32 °C) в среднем 17 дней каждое лето [138] и в некоторые годы превышают 100 °F (38 °C). Экстремальные температуры варьировались от −15 °F (−26 °C), зафиксированных 9 февраля 1934 года, до 106 °F (41 °C) 9 июля 1936 года. [138] Манхэттен находится в зоне морозостойкости растений USDA 7b (от 5 до 10 °F/от -15 до -12,2 °C). [139]

Манхэттен получает 49,9 дюймов (1270 мм) осадков в год, которые относительно равномерно распределены в течение года. Среднее количество зимних снегопадов между 1981 и 2010 годами составило 25,8 дюймов (66 см); этот показатель значительно варьируется из года в год. [138]


Эмпайр -стейт-билдинг (на переднем плане), вид на юг с вершины Рокфеллеровского центра и Всемирного торгового центра 1 (на заднем плане)

Многие районы Манхэттена не названы в соответствии с какой-либо конкретной конвенцией, и у них нет официальных границ. Некоторые из них являются географическими ( Верхний Ист-Сайд ) или этнически описательными ( Маленькая Италия ). Другие являются аббревиатурами , такими как TriBeCa (для «ТРЕУГОЛЬНИК ПОД КАНАЛ-СТРИТ») или SoHo («К югу от Хьюстона»), NoLIta («К северу от Маленькой Италии») и NoMad («К северу от парка Мэдисон-сквер»). [142] [143] [144] [145] [146] Гарлем — это название из голландской колониальной эпохи в честь Харлема , города в Нидерландах. [147] Некоторые имеют простые фольклорные названия, такие как Адская кухня , наряду с их более официальным, но реже используемым названием (в данном случае Клинтон). [148]

Некоторые районы, такие как Сохо , который является смешанным, известны как высококлассными магазинами , так и жилыми домами. [149] Другие, такие как Гринвич-Виллидж , Нижний Ист-Сайд , Алфабет-Сити и Ист-Виллидж , давно ассоциируются с богемной субкультурой. [150] [151] [152] Челси — один из нескольких районов Манхэттена с большим количеством геев , ставший центром как международной индустрии искусства , так и ночной жизни Нью-Йорка. [153] В Чайнатауне самая высокая концентрация людей китайского происхождения за пределами Азии . [154] [155] Кореатаун ​​примерно сосредоточен на 32-й улице между Пятой и Шестой авеню. [156] В Роуз-Хилле растет число индийских ресторанов и магазинов специй вдоль участка Лексингтон-авеню между 25-й и 30-й улицами, который стал известен как Карри-Хилл . [157] Вашингтон-Хайтс в Аптауне Манхэттена является домом для крупнейшей общины доминиканских иммигрантов в Соединенных Штатах. [158] Гарлем , также в Верхнем Манхэттене, является историческим эпицентром афроамериканской культуры. [159] С 2010 года в Нолите, Нижний Манхэттен, появилась и растет Маленькая Австралия . [160]

Манхэттен имеет два центральных деловых района: Финансовый район на южной оконечности острова и Мидтаун Манхэттен . Термин «аптаун» также относится к северной части Манхэттена выше 72-й улицы и к центру города до южной части ниже 14-й улицы [161] , при этом Мидтаун охватывает территорию между ними, хотя определения могут быть изменчивыми. Пятая авеню примерно делит остров Манхэттен пополам и выступает в качестве демаркационной линии для обозначений восток/запад. [161] [162] К югу от Уэверли-Плейс Пятая авеню заканчивается, а Бродвей становится демаркационной линией восток/запад. [ требуется ссылка ] В Манхэттене «аптаун» означает север, а «даунтаун» означает юг. [163] Это использование отличается от использования в большинстве американских городов, где «даунтаун» относится к центральному деловому району.

Городской пейзаж


Глядя на толпу на Бродвее
Бродвей в Мидтауне на Манхэттене . По данным переписи населения США 2020 года , Манхэттен был самым густонаселенным муниципалитетом в Соединенных Штатах.

По данным переписи 2020 года , население Манхэттена за десятилетие увеличилось на 6,8% и составило 1 694 250 человек, что составляет 19,2% от населения Нью-Йорка, составляющего 8 804 194 человека, и 8,4% от населения штата Нью-Йорк, составляющего 20 201 230 человек. [3] Плотность населения округа Нью-Йорк в 2022 году составляла 70 450,8 человек на квадратную милю (27 201,2/км 2 ), что является самой высокой плотностью населения среди округов США и превышает плотность населения любого отдельного города США . [164] [165] По данным переписи 2010 года , в Манхэттене проживало 1 585 873 человека, что на 3,2% больше, чем 1 537 195 человек, подсчитанных в переписи 2000 года . [166]


In 2010, the largest organized religious group in Manhattan was the Archdiocese of New York, with 323,325 Catholics worshiping at 109 parishes, followed by 64,000 Orthodox Jews with 77 congregations, an estimated 42,545 Muslims with 21 congregations, 42,502 non-denominational adherents with 54 congregations, 26,178 TEC Episcopalians with 46 congregations, 25,048 ABC-USA Baptists with 41 congregations, 24,536 Reform Jews with 10 congregations, 23,982 Mahayana Buddhists with 35 congregations, 10,503 PC-USA Presbyterians with 30 congregations, and 10,268 RCA Presbyterians with 10 congregations. Altogether, 44.0% of the population was claimed as members by religious congregations, although members of historically African-American denominations were underrepresented due to incomplete information.[171] In 2014, Manhattan had 703 religious organizations, the seventeenth most out of all US counties.[172] There is a large Buddhist temple in Manhattan located at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge in Chinatown.[173]


As of 2015, 60.0% (927,650) of Manhattan residents, aged five and older, spoke only English at home, while 22.63% (350,112) spoke Spanish, 5.37% (83,013) Chinese, 2.21% (34,246) French, 0.85% (13,138) Korean, 0.72% (11,135) Russian, and 0.70% (10,766) Japanese. In total, 40.0% of Manhattan's population, aged five and older, spoke a language other than English at home.[174]

Landmarks and architecture

Points of interest on Manhattan Island include the American Museum of Natural History; the Battery; Broadway and the Theater District; Bryant Park; Central Park, Chinatown; the Chrysler Building; The Cloisters; Columbia University; Curry Hill; the Empire State Building; Flatiron Building; the Financial District (including the New York Stock Exchange Building; Wall Street; and the South Street Seaport); Grand Central Terminal; Greenwich Village (including New York University; Washington Square Arch; and Stonewall Inn); Harlem and Spanish Harlem; the High Line; Koreatown; Lincoln Center; Little Australia; Little Italy; Madison Square Garden; Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue (including the Metropolitan Museum of Art); Penn Station, Port Authority Bus Terminal; Rockefeller Center (including Radio City Music Hall); Times Square; and the World Trade Center (including the National September 11 Museum and One World Trade Center).

There are also numerous iconic bridges across rivers that connect to Manhattan Island, as well as an emerging number of supertall skyscrapers. The Statue of Liberty rests on Liberty Island, an exclave of Manhattan, and part of Ellis Island is also an exclave of Manhattan. The borough has many energy-efficient office buildings, such as the Hearst Tower, the rebuilt 7 World Trade Center,[175] and the Bank of America Tower—the first skyscraper designed to attain a Platinum LEED Certification.[176][177]

Many tall buildings have setbacks on their facade due to the 1916 Zoning Resolution, exemplified at Park Avenue and 57th Street in Midtown Manhattan.

The skyscraper, which has shaped Manhattan's distinctive skyline, has been closely associated with New York City's identity since the end of the 19th century.[178] Structures such as the Equitable Building of 1915, which rises vertically forty stories from the sidewalk, prompted the passage of the 1916 Zoning Resolution, requiring new buildings to contain setbacks withdrawing progressively at a defined angle from the street as they rose, in order to preserve a view of the sky at street level.[179] Manhattan's skyline includes several buildings that are symbolic of New York, in particular the Chrysler Building[180]: 14  and the Empire State Building, which sees about 4 million visitors a year.[181]

In 1961, the struggling Pennsylvania Railroad unveiled plans to tear down the old Penn Station and replace it with a new Madison Square Garden and office building complex.[182] Organized protests were aimed at preserving the McKim, Mead & White-designed structure completed in 1910, widely considered a masterpiece of the Beaux-Arts style and one of the architectural jewels of New York City.[183] Despite these efforts, demolition of the structure began in October 1963.[184] The loss of Penn Station led directly to the enactment in 1965 of a local law establishing the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, which is responsible for preserving the "city's historic, aesthetic, and cultural heritage".[185] The historic preservation movement triggered by Penn Station's demise has been credited with the retention of some one million structures nationwide, including over 1,000 in New York City.[186] In 2017, a multibillion-dollar rebuilding plan was unveiled to restore the historic grandeur of Penn Station, in the process of upgrading the landmark's status as a critical transportation hub.[187]

The 700,000 sq ft (65,000 m2) Moynihan Train Hall, developed as a $1.6 billion renovation and expansion of Penn Station into the James A. Farley Building, the city's former main post office building, was opened in January 2021.[188]

National protected areas


Central Park

Parkland covers a total of 2,659 acres (10.76 km2), accounting for 18.2% of the borough's land area; the 840-acre (3.4 km2) Central Park is the borough's largest park, comprising 31.6% of Manhattan's parkland.[189] Designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, the park is anchored by the 12-acre (4.9 ha) Great Lawn[190] and offers extensive walking tracks, two ice-skating rinks, a wildlife sanctuary, and several lawns and sporting areas, as well as 21 playgrounds,[191] and a 6-mile (9.7 km) road from which automobile traffic has been banned since 2018.[192] While much of the park looks natural, it is almost entirely landscaped; the construction of Central Park in the 1850s was one of the era's most massive public works projects, with some 20,000 workers moving 5 million cubic yards (3.8 million cubic meters) of material to shape the topography and create the English-style pastoral landscape that Olmsted and Vaux sought.[193]

The remaining 70% of Manhattan's parkland includes 204 playgrounds, 251 Greenstreets, 371 basketball courts, and many other amenities.[194] The next-largest park in Manhattan, the Hudson River Park, stretches 4.5 miles (7.2 km) along the Hudson River and comprises 550 acres (220 ha).[195] Other major parks include:[189]


The New York Stock Exchange

Manhattan is the economic engine of New York City, with its 2.45 million workers drawn from the entire New York metropolitan area accounting for almost more than half of all jobs in New York City.[196] Manhattan's workforce is overwhelmingly focused on white collar professions. In 2010, Manhattan's daytime population was swelling to 3.94 million, with commuters adding a net 1.48 million people to the population, along with visitors, tourists, and commuting students. The commuter influx of 1.61 million workers coming into Manhattan was the largest of any county or city in the country.[197]

Manhattan had the highest per capita income, at $186,848 in 2022, among United States counties with more than 50,000 residents.[198] Based on census data for New York County for 2018–2022, the median household income was $99,880 and the poverty rate was 17.2%.[3] In the second quarter of 2023, Manhattan had an average weekly wage of $2,590, ranked fourth-highest among the nation's 360 largest counties.[196] Data for 2022 from the Census Bureau showed growing inequality, with those in the top 20% having an average household income of $545,549, more than 50 times higher than the $10,529 average income in the lowest 20% of households, the largest gap of any county in the country and "larger ... than in many developing countries",[199][200] with inequality growing steadily since 2010.[201] As of 2023, Manhattan's cost of living was the highest in the United States.[202]

Financial sector

The Financial District of Lower Manhattan, seen from Brooklyn

Manhattan's most important economic sector lies in its role as the headquarters for the U.S. financial industry, metonymously known as Wall Street. Manhattan is home to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), at 11 Wall Street in Lower Manhattan, and the Nasdaq, now located at 4 Times Square in Midtown Manhattan, representing the world's largest and second-largest stock exchanges, respectively, when measured both by overall share trading value and by total market capitalization of their listed companies in 2023.[20] The NYSE American (formerly the American Stock Exchange, AMEX), New York Board of Trade, and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) are also located downtown.

Corporate sector

New York City is home to the most corporate headquarters of any city in the United States, the overwhelming majority based in Manhattan.[203] Manhattan had more than 520 million square feet (48 million square meters) of office space in 2022,[204] making it the largest office market in the United States; while Midtown Manhattan, with more than 400 million square feet (37 million square meters) is the largest central business district in the world.[205] Lower Manhattan is the third-largest U.S. central business district (following the Chicago Loop).[206][207] New York City's role as the top global center for the advertising industry is metonymously known as "Madison Avenue".[208]

Tech and biotech

The Flatiron District, the birthplace and center of Silicon Alley[209]

Manhattan has driven New York's status as a top-tier global high technology hub.[210][211] Silicon Alley, once a metonym for the sphere encompassing the metropolitan region's high tech industries,[212] is no longer a relevant moniker as the city's tech environment has expanded dramatically both in location and in its scope. New York City's current tech sphere encompasses a universal array of applications involving artificial intelligence, the internet, new media, financial technology (fintech) and cryptocurrency, biotechnology, game design, and other fields within information technology that are supported by its entrepreneurship ecosystem and venture capital investments. As of 2014, New York City hosted 300,000 employees in the tech sector.[213][214] In 2015, Silicon Alley generated over US$7.3 billion in venture capital investment,[215] most based in Manhattan, as well as in Brooklyn, Queens, and elsewhere in the region. High technology startup companies and employment are growing in Manhattan and across New York City, bolstered by the city's emergence as a global node of creativity and entrepreneurship,[215] social tolerance,[216] and environmental sustainability,[217][218] as well as New York's position as the leading Internet hub and telecommunications center in North America, including its vicinity to several transatlantic fiber optic trunk lines, the city's intellectual capital, and its extensive outdoor wireless connectivity.[219] Verizon Communications, headquartered at 140 West Street in Lower Manhattan, was at the final stages in 2014 of completing a US$3 billion fiberoptic telecommunications upgrade throughout New York City.[220]

The biotechnology sector is also growing in Manhattan based upon the city's strength in academic scientific research and public and commercial financial support. By mid-2014, Accelerator, a biotech investment firm, had raised more than US$30 million from investors, including Eli Lilly and Company, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, for initial funding to create biotechnology startups at the Alexandria Center for Life Science, which encompasses more than 700,000 square feet (65,000 m2) on East 29th Street and promotes collaboration among scientists and entrepreneurs at the center and with nearby academic, medical, and research institutions. The New York City Economic Development Corporation's Early Stage Life Sciences Funding Initiative and venture capital partners, including Celgene, General Electric Ventures, and Eli Lilly, committed a minimum of US$100 million to help launch 15 to 20 ventures in life sciences and biotechnology.[221] In 2011, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg had announced his choice of Cornell University and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology to build a US$2 billion graduate school of applied sciences on Roosevelt Island, Manhattan, with the goal of transforming New York City into the world's premier technology capital.[222][223][needs update]


Times Square is the hub of Broadway's theater district and a major Manhattan cultural venue with 50 million tourists annually, making it one of the world's most popular tourist destinations.[21]

Tourism is vital to Manhattan's economy, and the landmarks of Manhattan are the focus of New York City's tourists, with a record 66.6 million visiting the city in 2019, bringing in $47.4 billion in tourism revenue. Visitor numbers dropped by two-thirds in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, climbing back to 63.3 million visitors in 2023.[224][225]

According to The Broadway League, shows on Broadway sold approximately US$1.54 billion worth of tickets in the 2022–2023 and the 2023–2024 seasons with attendance of approximately 12.3 million each.[226]

Real estate

Real estate is a major force driving Manhattan's economy. Manhattan has perennially been home to some of the world's most valuable real estate, including the Time Warner Center, which had the highest-listed market value in the city in 2006 at US$1.1 billion,[227] to be subsequently surpassed in October 2014 by the Waldorf Astoria New York, which became the most expensive hotel ever sold after being purchased by the Anbang Insurance Group, based in China, for US$1.95 billion.[228] When 450 Park Avenue was sold on July 2, 2007, for US$510 million, about US$1,589 per square foot (US$17,104/m²), it broke the barely month-old record for an American office building of US$1,476 per square foot (US$15,887/m²) based on the sale of 660 Madison Avenue.[229] In 2014, Manhattan was home to six of the top ten zip codes in the United States by median housing price.[230] In 2019, the most expensive home sale ever in the United States occurred in Manhattan, at a selling price of US$238 million, for a 24,000-square-foot (2,200 m2) penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park,[231] while Central Park Tower, topped out at 1,550 feet (472 m) in 2019, is the world's tallest residential building, followed globally in height by 111 West 57th Street and 432 Park Avenue, both also located in Midtown Manhattan.


Manhattan has been described as the media capital of the world.[232][233] A significant array of media outlets and their journalists report about international, American, business, entertainment, and New York metropolitan area–related matters from Manhattan.

The headquarters of The New York Times at 620 Eighth Avenue

Manhattan is served by the major New York City daily news publications, including The New York Times, which has won the most Pulitzer Prizes for journalism[234] and is considered the U.S. media's newspaper of record;[235] the New York Daily News; and the New York Post, which are all headquartered in the borough. The nation's largest newspaper by circulation, The Wall Street Journal, is also based in Manhattan.[236] Other daily newspapers include AM New York and The Villager. The New York Amsterdam News, based in Harlem, is one of the leading Black-owned weekly newspapers in the United States. The Village Voice, historically the largest alternative newspaper in the United States, announced in 2017 that it would cease publication of its print edition and convert to a fully digital venture.[237]

The television industry developed in Manhattan and is a significant employer in the borough's economy. The four major American broadcast networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox,[238] as well as Univision, are all headquartered in Manhattan, as are many cable channels, including CNN, MSNBC, MTV, Fox News, HBO, and Comedy Central. In 1971, WLIB became New York City's first Black-owned radio station[239] and began broadcasts geared toward the African-American community in 1949.[240] WQHT, also known as Hot 97, claims to be the premier hip-hop station in the United States.[241] WNYC, broadcasting on both an AM and FM signal, has the largest public radio audience in the nation and is the most-listened to commercial or non-commercial radio station in Manhattan.[242] WBAI, owned by the non-profit Pacifica Foundation, broadcasts eclectic music, as well as political news, talk and opinion from a left-leaning viewpoint.[243]

The oldest public-access television cable TV channel in the United States is the Manhattan Neighborhood Network, founded in 1971, offers eclectic local programming that ranges from a jazz hour to discussions of labor issues to foreign language and religious programming.[244] NY1, Charter Communications's local news channel, is known for its beat coverage of City Hall and state politics.[245]


The notable architectural design of Butler Library at Columbia University, an Ivy League university in Manhattan[246]
Stuyvesant High School in Tribeca[247]
New York Public Library Main Branch at 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue

Education in Manhattan is provided by a vast number of public and private institutions. Non-charter public schools in the borough are operated by the New York City Department of Education,[248] the largest public school system in the United States. Charter schools include Success Academy Harlem 1 through 5, Success Academy Upper West, and Public Prep.

Several notable New York City public high schools are located in Manhattan, including A. Philip Randolph Campus High School, Beacon High School, Stuyvesant High School, Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School, High School of Fashion Industries, Eleanor Roosevelt High School, NYC Lab School, Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics, Hunter College High School, and High School for Math, Science and Engineering at City College. Bard High School Early College, a hybrid school created by Bard College, serves students from around the city.

Many private preparatory schools are also situated in Manhattan, including the Upper East Side's Brearley School, Dalton School, Browning School, Spence School, Chapin School, Nightingale-Bamford School, Convent of the Sacred Heart, Hewitt School, Saint David's School, Loyola School, and Regis High School. The Upper West Side is home to the Collegiate School and Trinity School. The borough is also home to Manhattan Country School, Trevor Day School, Xavier High School and the United Nations International School.

Based on data from the 2011–2015 American Community Survey, 59.9% of Manhattan residents over age 25 have a bachelor's degree.[249] As of 2005, about 60% of residents were college graduates and some 25% had earned advanced degrees, giving Manhattan one of the nation's densest concentrations of highly educated people.[250]

Manhattan has various colleges and universities, including Columbia University (and its affiliate Barnard College), Cooper Union, Marymount Manhattan College, New York Institute of Technology, New York University (NYU), The Juilliard School, Pace University, Berkeley College, The New School, Yeshiva University, and a campus of Fordham University. Other schools include Bank Street College of Education, Boricua College, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Manhattan School of Music, Metropolitan College of New York, Parsons School of Design, School of Visual Arts, Touro College, and Union Theological Seminary. Several other private institutions maintain a Manhattan presence, among them Mercy College, St. John's University, Adelphi University, The King's College, and Pratt Institute. Cornell Tech, part of Cornell University, is developing on Roosevelt Island.

The City University of New York (CUNY), the municipal college system of New York City, is the largest urban university system in the United States, serving more than 226,000 degree students and a roughly equal number of adult, continuing and professional education students.[251] A third of college graduates in New York City graduate from CUNY, with the institution enrolling about half of all college students in New York City. CUNY senior colleges located in Manhattan include: Baruch College, City College of New York, Hunter College, John Jay College of Criminal Justice and William E. Macaulay Honors College; graduate studies and doctorate-granting institutions are Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York, CUNY Graduate Center, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies and CUNY School of Professional Studies.[252][253] The only CUNY community college located in Manhattan is the Borough of Manhattan Community College.[254] The State University of New York is represented by the Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York State College of Optometry, and Stony Brook University – Manhattan.[255]

Manhattan is a world center for training and education in medicine and the life sciences.[256] The city as a whole receives the second-highest amount of annual funding from the National Institutes of Health among all U.S. cities,[257] the bulk of which goes to Manhattan's research institutions, including Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Rockefeller University, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Weill Cornell Medical College, and New York University School of Medicine.

Manhattan is served by the New York Public Library, which has the largest collection of any public library system in the country.[258] The five units of the Central Library—Mid-Manhattan Library, 53rd Street Library, the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library, and the Science, Industry and Business Library—are all located in Manhattan.[259] More than 35 other branch libraries are located in the borough.[260]


The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Manhattan is the borough most closely associated with New York City by non-residents; residents within the New York City metropolitan area, including New York City's boroughs outside Manhattan, will often describe a trip to Manhattan as "going to the City".[261] Poet Walt Whitman characterized the streets of Manhattan as being traversed by "hurrying, feverish, electric crowds".[262]

Manhattan has been the scene of many important global and American cultural movements. The Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s established the African-American literary canon in the United States and introduced writers Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston. Manhattan's visual art scene in the 1950s and 1960s was a center of the pop art movement, which gave birth to such giants as Jasper Johns and Roy Lichtenstein. The downtown pop art movement of the late 1970s included artist Andy Warhol and clubs like Serendipity 3 and Studio 54, where he socialized.

Broadway theatre is considered the highest professional form of theatre in the United States. Plays and musicals are staged in one of the 39 larger professional theatres with at least 500 seats, almost all in and around Times Square. Off-Broadway theatres feature productions in venues with 100–500 seats.[263][264] Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, anchoring Lincoln Square on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, is home to 12 influential arts organizations, including the Metropolitan Opera, New York Philharmonic, and New York City Ballet, as well as the Vivian Beaumont Theater, the Juilliard School, Jazz at Lincoln Center, and Alice Tully Hall. Performance artists displaying diverse skills are ubiquitous on the streets of Manhattan.

Manhattan is also home to some of the most extensive art collections in the world, both contemporary and classical art, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Frick Collection, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Guggenheim Museum. The Upper East Side has many art galleries,[265][266] and the downtown neighborhood of Chelsea is known for its more than 200 art galleries that are home to modern art from both upcoming and established artists.[267][268] Many of the world's most lucrative art auctions are held in Manhattan.[269][270]

Manhattan is the epicenter of LGBT culture and the central node of the LGBTQ+ sociopolitical ecosystem.[273] The borough is widely acclaimed as the cradle of the modern LGBTQ rights movement, with its inception at the 1969 Stonewall Riots.[88][274][275][89][276] Brian Silverman, the author of Frommer's New York City from $90 a Day, wrote the city has "one of the world's largest, loudest, and most powerful LGBT communities", and "Gay and lesbian culture is as much a part of New York's basic identity as yellow cabs, high-rise buildings, and Broadway theatre"—[277] radiating from this central hub, as LGBT travel guide Queer in the World states, "The fabulosity of Gay New York is unrivaled on Earth, and queer culture seeps into every corner of its five boroughs".[278] Multiple gay villages have developed, spanning the length of the borough from the Lower East Side, East Village, and Greenwich Village, through Chelsea and Hell's Kitchen, uptown to Morningside Heights.

The annual NYC Pride March (or gay pride parade) traverses southward down Fifth Avenue and ends at Greenwich Village; the Manhattan parade is the largest pride parade in the world, attracting tens of thousands of participants and millions of sidewalk spectators each June.[271][272] Stonewall 50 – WorldPride NYC 2019 was the largest international Pride celebration in history, produced by Heritage of Pride. The events were in partnership with the I NY program's LGBT division, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, with 150,000 participants and five million spectators attending in Manhattan.[279]

The borough is represented in several prominent idioms. The phrase New York minute is meant to convey an extremely short time such as an instant,[280] sometimes in hyperbolic form, as in "perhaps faster than you would believe is possible," referring to the rapid pace of life in Manhattan.[281][282] The expression "melting pot" was first popularly coined to describe the densely populated immigrant neighborhoods on the Lower East Side in Israel Zangwill's play The Melting Pot, which was an adaptation of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet set in New York City in 1908.[283] The iconic Flatiron Building is said to have been the source of the phrase "23 skidoo" or scram, from what cops would shout at men who tried to get glimpses of women's dresses being blown up by the winds created by the triangular building.[284] The "Big Apple" dates back to the 1920s, when a reporter heard the term used by New Orleans stable-hands to refer to New York City's horse racetracks and named his racing column "Around The Big Apple". Jazz musicians adopted the term to refer to the city as the world's jazz capital, and a 1970s ad campaign by the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau helped popularize the term.[285]

Clockwise, from upper left: the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the world's largest parade;[286] the annual Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village, the world's largest Halloween parade, with millions of spectators annually, and with its roots in New York's queer community;[287] the annual Philippine Independence Day Parade, the largest outside Manila;[288] and the ticker-tape parade for the Apollo 11 astronauts

Manhattan is well known for its street parades, which celebrate a broad array of themes, including holidays, nationalities, human rights, and major league sports team championship victories. The majority of higher profile parades in New York City are held in Manhattan. The primary orientation of the annual street parades is typically from north to south, marching along major avenues. The annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is the world's largest parade,[286] beginning alongside Central Park and processing southward to the flagship Macy's Herald Square store;[289] the parade is viewed on telecasts worldwide and draws millions of spectators in person.[286]

Other notable parades including the world's oldest St. Patrick's Day Parade, held annually in March since 1762,[290][291] the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade in October,[292] and numerous parades commemorating the independence days of many nations.[293] Ticker-tape parades celebrating sporting championships won as well as other national accomplishments march northward on Broadway from Bowling Green to City Hall Park in Lower Manhattan, along the Canyon of Heroes.[294] New York Fashion Week, held at various locations in Manhattan, is a high-profile semiannual event featuring models displaying the latest wardrobes created by prominent fashion designers worldwide in advance of these fashions proceeding to the retail marketplace.


Madison Square Garden, home to the New York Rangers of the National Hockey League and the New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association

Manhattan is home to the NBA's New York Knicks and the NHL's New York Rangers, both of which play their home games at Madison Square Garden, the only major professional sports arena in the borough.[295] The Garden was also home to the WNBA's New York Liberty through the 2017 season, but that team's primary home is now the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The New York Jets proposed a West Side Stadium for their home field, but the proposal was defeated in June 2005, and they now play at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey.[296]

Manhattan does not currently host a professional baseball franchise. The original New York Giants played primarily in the various incarnations of the Polo Grounds from their inception in 1883 until they headed to California with the Brooklyn Dodgers after the 1957 season.[297] The New York Yankees began their franchise as the Highlanders, named for Hilltop Park, where they played from their creation in 1903 until 1912.[298] The team moved to the Polo Grounds with the 1913 season, where they were officially christened the New York Yankees, remaining there until they moved across the Harlem River in 1923 to Yankee Stadium.[299] The New York Mets played in the Polo Grounds in 1962 and 1963, their first two seasons, before Shea Stadium was completed in 1964.[300] After the Mets departed, the Polo Grounds was demolished in April 1964.[301][302]

The first national college-level basketball championship, the National Invitation Tournament, was held in New York in 1938 and remains in the city.[303] The New York Knicks started play in 1946 as one of the National Basketball Association's original teams, playing their first home games at the 69th Regiment Armory, before making Madison Square Garden their permanent home.[304] The New York Liberty of the WNBA shared the Garden with the Knicks from their creation in 1997 as one of the league's original eight teams through the 2017 season,[305] after which the team moved nearly all of its home schedule to White Plains, New York.[306] Rucker Park in Harlem is a playground court, famed for its streetball style of play, where many NBA athletes have played in the summer league.[307]

Although both of New York City's football teams play today in MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, both teams started out playing in the Polo Grounds. The New York Giants played side-by-side with their baseball namesakes from the time they entered the National Football League in 1925, until crossing over to Yankee Stadium in 1956.[308] The New York Jets, originally known as the Titans of New York, started out in 1960 at the Polo Grounds, before joining the Mets in Queens at Shea Stadium in 1964.[309]

The New York Rangers of the National Hockey League have played in the various locations of Madison Square Garden since the team's founding in the 1926–1927 season. The Rangers were predated by the New York Americans, who started play in the Garden the previous season, lasting until the team folded after the 1941–1942 NHL season, a season it played in the Garden as the Brooklyn Americans.[310]

The New York Cosmos of the North American Soccer League played their home games at Downing Stadium for two seasons, starting in 1974. The playing pitch and facilities at Downing Stadium were in unsatisfactory condition, however, and as the team's popularity grew they too left for Yankee Stadium, and then Giants Stadium. The stadium was demolished in 2002 to make way for the $45 million, 4,754-seat Icahn Stadium.[311][312]


Manhattan Municipal Building

Since New York City's consolidation in 1898, Manhattan has been governed by the New York City Charter; its 1989 revision provided for a strong mayor–council system.[313] The centralized New York City government is responsible for public education, correctional institutions, libraries, public safety, recreational facilities, sanitation, water supply, and welfare services in Manhattan.

The office of Borough President was created in the consolidation of 1898 to balance centralization with local authority. Each borough president had a powerful administrative role derived from having a vote on the New York City Board of Estimate, which was responsible for creating and approving the city's budget and proposals for land use. In 1989, the US Supreme Court declared the Board of Estimate unconstitutional because Brooklyn, the most populous borough, had no greater effective representation on the Board than Staten Island, the least populous borough, a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.[314] Since 1990, the largely powerless Borough President has acted as an advocate for the borough at the mayoral agencies, the City Council, the New York state government, and corporations.[citation needed] Manhattan's current Borough President is Mark Levine, elected as a Democrat in November 2021.

Alvin Bragg, a Democrat, is the District Attorney of New York County. Manhattan has ten City Council members, the third largest contingent among the five boroughs. It also has twelve administrative districts, each served by a local Community Board. Community Boards are representative bodies that field complaints and serve as advocates for local residents.

As the host of the United Nations, the borough is home to the world's largest international consular corps, comprising 105 consulates, consulates general and honorary consulates.[315] It is also the home of New York City Hall, the seat of New York City government housing the Mayor of New York City and the New York City Council. The mayor's staff and thirteen municipal agencies are located in the nearby Manhattan Municipal Building, completed in 1914, one of the largest governmental buildings in the world.[316]


James A. Farley Post Office

The Democratic Party holds most public offices. Registered Republicans are a minority in the borough, constituting 9.88% of the electorate as of April 2016. Registered Republicans are more than 20% of the electorate only in the neighborhoods of the Upper East Side and the Financial District as of 2016. Democrats accounted for 68.41% of those registered to vote, while 17.94% of voters were unaffiliated.[320][321]

As of 2023, three Democrats represented Manhattan in the United States House of Representatives.[322]

Federal offices

The United States Postal Service operates post offices in Manhattan. The James Farley Post Office in Midtown Manhattan is New York City's main post office.[323] Both the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York and United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit are located in Lower Manhattan's Foley Square, and the U.S. Attorney and other federal offices and agencies maintain locations in that area.

Crime and public safety

Starting in the mid-19th century, the United States became a magnet for immigrants seeking to escape poverty in their home countries. After arriving in New York, many new arrivals ended up living in squalor in the slums of the Five Points neighborhood, an area between Broadway and the Bowery, northeast of New York City Hall. By the 1820s, the area was home to many gambling dens and brothels, and was known as a dangerous place to go. In 1842, Charles Dickens visited the area and was appalled at the horrendous living conditions he had seen.[324] The predominantly Irish Five Points Gang was one of the country's first major organized crime entities.

As Italian immigration grew in the early 20th century many joined ethnic gangs, including Al Capone, who got his start in crime with the Five Points Gang.[325] The Mafia (also known as Cosa Nostra) first developed in the mid-19th century in Sicily and spread to the US East Coast during the late 19th century following waves of Sicilian and Southern Italian emigration. Lucky Luciano established Cosa Nostra in Manhattan, forming alliances with other criminal enterprises, including the Jewish mob, led by Meyer Lansky, the leading Jewish gangster of that period.[326] From 1920 to 1933, Prohibition helped create a thriving black market in liquor, upon which the Mafia was quick to capitalize.[326]

New York City as a whole experienced a sharp increase in crime during the post-war period.[327] The murder rate in Manhattan hit an all-time high of 42 murders per 100,000 residents in 1979.[328] Manhattan retained the highest murder rate in the city until 1985 when it was surpassed by the Bronx.[328] Most serious violent crime has been historically concentrated in Upper Manhattan and the Lower East Side, though robbery in particular was a major quality of life concern throughout the borough. Through the 1990s and 2000s, levels of violent crime in Manhattan plummeted to levels not seen since the 1950s,[329] with murders in Manhattan dropping from 503 in 1990, at the citywide peak, to 78 in 2022, a decline of 84%.[330]

Today crime rates in most of Lower Manhattan, Midtown, the Upper East Side, and the Upper West Side are consistent with other major city centers in the United States. However, crime rates remain high in the Upper Manhattan neighborhoods of East Harlem, Harlem, Washington Heights, Inwood, and New York City Housing Authority developments across the borough, despite significant reductions. After the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, there had been an increase in violent crime, particularly in Upper Manhattan.[331] Mirroring a nationwide trend, rates of shootings and violent crimes in 2023 declined from their peaks during the pandemic.[332][333][334]


Tenement houses in 1936

The rise of immigration near the turn of the 20th century left major portions of Manhattan, especially the Lower East Side, densely packed with recent arrivals, crammed into unhealthy and unsanitary housing. Tenements were usually five stories high, constructed on the then-typical 25 by 100 feet (7.6 by 30.5 m) lots, with "cockroach landlords" exploiting the new immigrants.[335][336] By 1929, a new housing code effectively ended construction of tenements, though some survive today on the East Side of the borough.[336] Conversely, there were also areas with luxury apartment developments, the first of which was the Dakota on the Upper West Side.[337]

Manhattan offers a wide array of private housing, as well as public housing, which is administered by the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA). Affordable rental and co-operative housing units throughout the borough were created under the Mitchell–Lama Housing Program.[338] There were 923,302 housing units in 2022[3] at an average density of 40,745 units per square mile (15,732/km2). As of 2003, only 24.3% of Manhattan residents lived in owner-occupied housing, the second-lowest rate of all counties in the nation, after the Bronx.[339] Public housing administered by NYCHA accounts for nearly 100,000 residents in more than 50,000 units in 2023.[340] Completed in 1935, the First Houses in the East Village were one of the country's first publicly-funded low-income housing projects.[341][342] At $2,024 in 2022, Manhattan has the highest average cost for rent of any county in the US, although a lower percentage of annual income than in several other American cities.[343]

Manhattan's real estate market for luxury housing continues to be among the most expensive in the world,[344] and Manhattan residential property continues to have the highest sale price per square foot in the United States.[19] Manhattan's apartments cost $1,773 per square foot ($19,080/m2), compared to San Francisco housing at $1,185 per square foot ($12,760/m2), Boston housing at $751 per square foot ($8,080/m2), and Los Angeles housing at $451 per square foot ($4,850/m2).[345] As of the fourth quarter of 2021, the median value of homes in Manhattan was $1,306,208, second highest among US counties.[346]



Public transportation

Grand Central Terminal, a National Historic Landmark
Ferries departing Battery Park City Ferry Terminal and helicopters flying above Manhattan
The Staten Island Ferry, seen from the Battery, crosses Upper New York Bay, providing free public transportation between Staten Island and Manhattan.

Manhattan is unique in the U.S. for intense use of public transportation and lack of private car ownership. While 88% of Americans nationwide drive to their jobs, with only 5% using public transport, mass transit is the dominant form of travel for residents of Manhattan, with 72% of borough residents using public transport to get to work, while only 18% drove.[347][348] According to the 2000 United States Census, 77.5% of Manhattan households do not own a car.[349] In 2008, Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed a congestion pricing system to regulate entering Manhattan south of 60th Street, but the state legislature rejected the proposal.[350]

The New York City Subway, the largest subway system in the world by number of stations, is the primary means of travel within the city, linking every borough except Staten Island. There are 151 subway stations in Manhattan, out of the 472 stations.[351] A second subway, the PATH system, connects six stations in Manhattan to northern New Jersey. Passengers pay fares with pay-per-ride MetroCards, which are valid on all city buses and subways, as well as on PATH trains.[352][353] Commuter rail services operating to and from Manhattan are the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR), which connects Manhattan and other New York City boroughs to Long Island; the Metro-North Railroad, which connects Manhattan to Upstate New York and Southwestern Connecticut; and NJ Transit trains, which run to various points in New Jersey.

The US$11.1 billion East Side Access project, which brings LIRR trains to Grand Central Terminal, opened in 2023; this project utilized a pre-existing train tunnel beneath the East River, connecting the East Side of Manhattan with Long Island City, Queens.[354][355] Four multi-billion-dollar projects were completed in the mid-2010s: the $1.4 billion Fulton Center in November 2014,[356] the $2.4 billion 7 Subway Extension in September 2015,[357] the $4 billion World Trade Center Transportation Hub in March 2016,[358][359] and Phase 1 of the $4.5 billion Second Avenue Subway in January 2017.[360][361]

MTA New York City Transit offers a wide variety of local buses within Manhattan under the brand New York City Bus. An extensive network of express bus routes serves commuters and other travelers heading into Manhattan.[362] The bus system served 784 million passengers citywide in 2011, placing the bus system's ridership as the highest in the nation, and more than double the ridership of the second-place Los Angeles system.[363]

The Roosevelt Island Tramway, one of two commuter cable car systems in North America, takes commuters between Roosevelt Island and Manhattan in less than five minutes, and has been serving the island since 1978.[364][365]

The Staten Island Ferry, which runs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, annually carries over 21 million passengers on the 5.2-mile (8.4 km) run between Manhattan and Staten Island. Each weekday, five vessels transport about 65,000 passengers on 109 boat trips.[366][367] The ferry has been fare-free since 1997.[368] In February 2015, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the city government would begin NYC Ferry to extend ferry transportation to traditionally underserved communities in the city.[369][370] The first routes of NYC Ferry opened in 2017.[371][372] All of the system's routes have termini in Manhattan, and the Lower East Side and Soundview routes also have intermediate stops on the East River.[373]

The Port Authority Bus Terminal, at Eighth Avenue and 42nd Street, is the world's busiest bus station.[374][375]

The metro region's commuter rail lines converge at Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal, on the west and east sides of Midtown Manhattan, respectively. They are the two busiest rail stations in the United States. About one-third of users of mass transit and two-thirds of railway passengers in the country live in New York and its suburbs.[376] Amtrak provides inter-city passenger rail service from Penn Station to Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C.; Upstate New York and New England; cross-Canadian border service to Toronto and Montreal; and destinations in the Southern and Midwestern United States.

The Port Authority Bus Terminal is the city's main intercity bus terminal and the world's busiest bus station. It serves 250,000 passengers on 7,000 buses each workday in a 1950 building designed to accommodate 60,000 daily passengers. A 2021 plan announced by the Port Authority would spend $10 billion to expand capacity and modernize the facility.[375][377][374] In 2024, the Port Authority announced plans for a new terminal that would be completed by 2032 and include a pair of office buildings to defray the costs of the project.[378]

Major highways

Interstate 95 is the most prominent highway serving Manhattan, known as the Trans-Manhattan Expressway between the George Washington and Alexander Hamilton bridges.


New York's iconic yellow taxicabs, which number 13,087 citywide and must have a medallion authorizing the pickup of street hails, are ubiquitous in the borough.[379] Private vehicle for hire companies provide significant competition for taxicabs.[380]


According to the government of New York City, Manhattan had 19,676 bicycle commuters in 2017, roughly doubling from its total of 9,613 in 2012.[381]

Streets and roads

Tourists observing Manhattanhenge on 42nd Street on July 12, 2016

The Commissioners' Plan of 1811 called for twelve numbered "avenues" running north and south roughly parallel to the Hudson River, each 100 feet (30 m) wide, with First Avenue on the east side and Twelfth Avenue on the west side.[56][382] There are several intermittent avenues east of First Avenue, including four additional lettered avenues running from Avenue A eastward to Avenue D in an area now known as Alphabet City.[383] The numbered streets in Manhattan run east–west, and are generally 60 feet (18 m) wide, with about 200 feet (61 m) between streets.[56] The address algorithm of Manhattan is used to estimate the closest east–west cross street for building numbers on north–south avenues.[384]

According to the original Commissioner's Plan, there were 155 numbered crosstown streets,[385] but later the grid was extended up to the northernmost corner of Manhattan Island, where the last numbered street is 220th Street, though the grid continues to 228th Street in the borough's Marble Hill neighborhood.[386][387] Fifteen crosstown streets were designated as 100 feet (30 m) wide, including 34th, 42nd, 57th and 125th Streets,[388] which became some of the borough's most significant transportation and shopping venues. Broadway, following the route of a Native American trail, is the most notable of many exceptions to the grid, starting at Bowling Green in Lower Manhattan and continuing north for 13 miles (21 km) into the Bronx.[389] In much of Midtown Manhattan, Broadway runs at a diagonal to the grid, creating major named intersections at Union Square, Madison Square, Herald Square, Times Square, and Columbus Circle.[390][391]

"Crosstown streets" refers primarily to major east-west streets connecting Manhattan's East Side and West Side. The trip is notoriously frustrating for drivers because of heavy congestion on narrow local streets; absence of express roads other than the Trans-Manhattan Expressway at the far north end of Manhattan Island; and restricted to very limited crosstown automobile travel within Central Park. Proposals to build highways traversing the island through Manhattan's densest neighborhoods, namely the Mid-Manhattan Expressway across 34th Street and the Lower Manhattan Expressway through SoHo, failed in the 1960s.[392][393] In New York City, all turns at red lights are illegal unless a sign permitting such maneuvers is present, significantly shaping traffic patterns in Manhattan.[394]

Another consequence of the strict grid plan of most of Manhattan, and the grid's skew of approximately 28.9 degrees, is a phenomenon sometimes referred to as Manhattanhenge (by analogy with Stonehenge).[395] On May 28 and July 12, the sunset is aligned with the street grid lines, with the result that the sun is visible at or near the western horizon from street level.[395][396] A similar phenomenon occurs with the sunrise on the eastern horizon on December 5 and January 8.[397]

The FDR Drive and Harlem River Drive, both designed by controversial New York master planner Robert Moses,[398] comprise a single, long limited-access parkway skirting the east side of Manhattan along the East River and Harlem River south of Dyckman Street. The Henry Hudson Parkway is the corresponding parkway on the West Side north of 57th Street.

Bridges, tunnels, and ferries

The Brooklyn Bridge (on right) and Manhattan Bridge (on left), two of three bridges that connect Lower Manhattan with Brooklyn over the East River.

Being primarily an island, Manhattan is linked to New York City's outer boroughs by bridges. Manhattan has fixed highway connections with New Jersey to its west by way of the George Washington Bridge, the Holland Tunnel, and the Lincoln Tunnel, and to three of the four other New York City boroughs—the Bronx to the northeast, and Brooklyn and Queens (both on Long Island) to the east and south. Its only direct connection with the fifth New York City borough, Staten Island, is the free Staten Island Ferry across New York Harbor, located near Battery Park at Manhattan's southern tip. It is also possible to travel on land to Staten Island by way of Brooklyn, via the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge.

The 14-lane George Washington Bridge, the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge,[399][400] connects Washington Heights, in Upper Manhattan to Bergen County in New Jersey.[401] There are numerous bridges to the Bronx across the Harlem River, and five (listed north to south)—the Triborough (known officially as the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge), Ed Koch Queensboro (also known as the 59th Street Bridge), Williamsburg, Manhattan, and Brooklyn Bridges—that cross the East River to connect Manhattan to Long Island.[402]

Several tunnels also link Manhattan Island to New York City's outer boroughs and New Jersey. The Lincoln Tunnel, which carries 120,000 vehicles a day under the Hudson River between New Jersey and Midtown Manhattan, is the busiest vehicular tunnel in the world.[403] The tunnel was built instead of a bridge to allow unfettered passage of large passenger and cargo ships that sail through New York Harbor and up the Hudson River to Manhattan's piers. The Holland Tunnel, connecting Lower Manhattan to Jersey City, New Jersey, was the world's first mechanically ventilated vehicular tunnel.[404] The Queens–Midtown Tunnel, built to relieve congestion on the bridges connecting Manhattan with Queens and Brooklyn, was the largest non-federal project in its time when it was completed in 1940;[405] President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first person to drive through it.[406] The Brooklyn–Battery Tunnel runs underneath Battery Park and connects the Financial District at the southern tip of Manhattan to Red Hook in Brooklyn.

Several ferry services operate between New Jersey and Manhattan.[407] These ferries mainly serve midtown, Battery Park City, and Wall Street.


Manhattan has three public heliports: the East 34th Street Heliport (also known as the Atlantic Metro-port), owned by New York City and run by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC); the Port Authority Downtown Manhattan/Wall Street Heliport, owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and run by the NYCEDC; and the West 30th Street Heliport, owned by the Hudson River Park Trust.[408]


Gas and electric service is provided by Consolidated Edison. Manhattan witnessed the doubling of its natural gas supply when a new gas pipeline opened on November 1, 2013.[409] Con Edison operates the world's largest district steam system, which consists of 105 miles (169 km) of steam pipes, providing steam for heating, hot water, and air conditioning[410] by some 1,800 Manhattan customers.[411] Cable service is provided by Time Warner Cable and telephone service is provided by Verizon Communications, although AT&T is available as well.

The New York City Department of Sanitation is responsible for garbage removal.[412] The bulk of the city's trash is disposed at mega-dumps in Pennsylvania, Virginia, South Carolina, and Ohio (via transfer stations in New Jersey, Brooklyn and Queens) since the 2001 closure of the Fresh Kills Landfill on Staten Island.[413] A small amount of trash processed at transfer sites in New Jersey is sometimes incinerated at waste-to-energy facilities.

New York City has the largest clean-air diesel-hybrid and compressed natural gas bus fleet, which also operates in Manhattan, in the country. It also has some of the first hybrid taxis, most of which operate in Manhattan.[414]

Health care

There are many hospitals in Manhattan, including two of the 25 largest in the United States (as of 2017):[415]

Water purity and availability

New York City is supplied with drinking water by the protected Catskill Mountains watershed.[416] As a result of the watershed's integrity and undisturbed natural water filtration system, New York is one of only four major cities in the US with a majority of drinking water pure enough not to require purification by water treatment plants.[417] The Croton Watershed north of the city is undergoing construction of a US$3.2 billion water purification plant to augment New York City's water supply by an estimated 290 million gallons daily, representing a greater than 20% addition to the city's current availability of water.[418] Water comes to Manhattan through the tunnels 1 and 2, and in the future through Tunnel No. 3, begun in 1970.[419]

See also


  1. ^ Area codes 718, 347, and 929 are used in Marble Hill.
  2. ^ Mean monthly maxima and minima (i.e. the expected highest and lowest temperature readings at any point during the year or given month) calculated based on data at said location from 1991 to 2020.
  3. ^ Official weather observations for Central Park were conducted at the Arsenal at Fifth Avenue and 64th Street from 1869 to 1919, and at Belvedere Castle since 1919.[140]
  4. ^ The presidential election results for the years 1876–1912 are not strictly comparable with the earlier and later ones because New York County included the West Bronx after 1874 and all of what is now the Borough of the Bronx (Bronx County, New York) from 1895 until The Bronx became a separate borough in 1914.



  1. ^ a b 2010 Census Gazetteer Files: New York County Subdivisions Archived June 16, 2019, at the Wayback Machine, United States Census Bureau. Accessed June 19, 2017.
  2. ^ Manhattan High Point
  3. ^ a b c d e f g QuickFacts New York; New York city, New York; New York County, New York, United States Census Bureau. Accessed January 5, 2024.
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  6. ^ "World Urban Areas" (PDF). Demographia. April 2018. Retrieved April 27, 2018.
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  56. ^ a b c The Commissioners' Plan, 1811, Museum of the City of New York. Accessed December 1, 2023. "The avenues are 100 feet wide, the standard cross street is 60 feet, and major cross streets are 100 feet.... The second pattern derives from block dimensions: all blocks are 200 feet north to south, but their dimensions east to west vary, diminishing in width from the center of the island to the shorelines."
  57. ^ Bridges, William (1811). Map of the City of New York and Island of Manhattan with Explanatory Remarks and References.
  58. ^ Lankevich (1998), pp. 67–68.
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  67. ^ Statue of Liberty Archived March 16, 2016, at the Wayback Machine, National Park Service. Accessed May 17, 2007.
  68. ^ "New Jerseyans' Claim To Liberty I. Rejected" Archived March 28, 2019, at the Wayback Machine, The New York Times, October 6, 1987. Accessed June 30, 2009. "The Supreme Court today refused to strip the Statue of Liberty of its status as a New Yorker. The Court, without comment, turned away a move by a two New Jerseyans to claim jurisdiction over the landmark for their state."
  69. ^ Brooklyn Bridge, New York City Department of Transportation. Accessed November 30, 2023. "The Brooklyn Bridge was designed by John A. Roebling. Construction began in 1869 and was completed in 1883.... The Brooklyn Bridge connects the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn by spanning the East River."
  70. ^ Consolidation of the Five-Borough City: 1898, New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission. Accessed November 30, 2023. "On January 1, 1898, the separate jurisdictions of New York (Manhattan), Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island joined together to form a single metropolis: the City of Greater New York. Movements for consolidation had been considered as far back as 1820, but by the end of the 19th century proponents were claiming that a single metropolitan jurisdiction stretching over five boroughs would run more efficiently and cement New York as the economic and cultural capital of the nation."
  71. ^ McFadden, Robert D. "Rockets' Red Glare Marked Birth of Merged City in 1898", The New York Times, January 1, 1973. Accessed November 30, 2023.
  72. ^ "Birth of a Borough", A Walk Through the Bronx. Accessed January 3, 2024. "After consolidation in 1898, the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards became the borough of the Bronx, which with Manhattan remained part of New York County (the other boroughs were already separate counties).... It was not until 1912, however, that the state legislature established the County of the Bronx as the sixty-second county in the state, effective January 1, 1914."
  73. ^ Opening ceremonies, New York subway, Oct. 27, 1904, Library of Congress. Accessed December 1, 2023.
  74. ^ Dim, Joan Marans. "New York's Golden Age of Bridges", Fordham University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-8232-5308-1. Accessed December 4, 2023. "The Williamsburg followed in 1903, the Queensboro (renamed the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge) and the Manhattan in 1909, the George Washington in 1931, the Triborough (renamed the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge) in 1936, the Bronx-Whitestone in 1939, the Throgs Neck in 1961, and the Verrazano-Narrows in 1964."
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  76. ^ Barr, Jason M. "Why Doesn't New York Construct the World's Tallest Building Anymore?", Building the Skyline, December 23, 2020. Accessed December 4, 2023. "Generation II was the twentieth century before World War I. This crop included the Singer Building (1908, 674 feet, 205 meters, 41 stories), the Metropolitan Life Tower (1909, 700 feet, 210 meters, 50 stories), and the Woolworth Building (1913, 792 feet, 241 meters, 55 stories).... Left to Right: Bank of Manhattan Building (1930), Chrysler Building (1930), Empire State Building (1931)."
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  78. ^ The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Accessed December 1, 2023. "One hundred years ago on March 25, fire spread through the cramped Triangle Waist Company garment factory on the 8th, 9th and 10th floors of the Asch Building in lower Manhattan. Workers in the factory, many of whom were young women recently arrived from Europe, had little time or opportunity to escape. The rapidly spreading fire killed 146 workers."
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  388. ^ Remarks of the Commissioners for laying out streets and roads in the City of New York, under the Act of April 3, 1807 Archived June 10, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, Cornell University. Accessed May 2, 2007. "These streets are all sixty feet wide except fifteen, which are one hundred feet wide, viz.: Numbers fourteen, twenty-three, thirty-four, forty-two, fifty-seven, seventy-two, seventy-nine, eighty-six, ninety-six, one hundred and six, one hundred and sixteen, one hundred and twenty-five, one hundred and thirty-five, one hundred and forty-five, and one hundred and fifty-five—the block or space between them being in general about two hundred feet."
  389. ^ Broadway, Society of Architectural Historians. Accessed December 30, 2023. "Broadway is a 13-mile roadway running from the southern tip to the northernmost point of the island of Manhattan.... Predating the Commissioners' Plan of 1811, Broadway was initially a Native American trading trail running the length of Manhattan. Various indigenous peoples living on the island—including Lenni Lenape, Delaware Lenape, and Wickquasgeck—used the route, known as the Wickquasgeck Trail, to exchange goods with each other."
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Further reading

External links

Local government and services
